Friday, April the 27th, 2012 @Lutetia Hotel #FMKRS
My involvement before, during and after the Think Tank Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
On Facebook As Futuremakers: - I personally posted 17/30 articles on the Futuremakers profile - 30 Likers - Statistics show that people did not really participate on the page, but I’ll know for the future how to involve them !
We could have reached much more people if they were ready to share the page with their friends!
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
On Think Tank Day 3 people liked this post + 1 comment (constructive critic) {Sentence shared by Mr Victor Donnelly during his presentation}
6 people liked this post + 2 comments Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Identified by others …
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
On Twitter As Futuremakers: -
I personally posted 56/66 tweets + retweets 60 followers More interactivity on Twitter than on Facebook
As Cristèle: - It’s on Twitter that I was the most active, because it’s short and easy to use; I am pleased now to use twitter for my personal account after using it professionally for Futuremakers! - Twitter enables us to share insights rapidly and with short text, and this is crucial when evolving in a hospitality environment: the fewer the text the more rapid guests are convinced! Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
My Tweets I was retweeted and mentioned
I wanted to share this great Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Classidea!
People retweeted and even connected directly with M. Donnelly on LinkedIn!
No direct answer from them ď Œ Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Contact with I Retweeted …
And got in touch with them ;-)
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
At least I tried! Still waiting for Steffen’s answer ;-)
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Appnostic retweeted the info that I shared
Part of my activity Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Steffen followed me first!
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
What Jose is saying here is entirely true! Hoteliers should have a strategy even before thinking about launching their app!
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
I think that the most amazing thing I discovered during Think Tank Day was Artistic Google: hoteliers can now incorporate into their social media platforms a special monthly theme about their hotel such as: “Our restaurant behind your eyes” “A hotel room designed by you” “Our staff, doing wonderful work” Guests will then feel free to redecorate the hotel facilities, or even draw funny faces to the staff (caricatures for example!) Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
On Google+ As Futuremakers: -
I personally posted 20/37 articles 39 persons in circles; in the circles of 26 persons; +27 Some comments (max. 10, but better than on Facebook!)
As Cristèle: - Artistic Google discovery was really amazing! Zoé did one about the Lutetia, posted it and Artistic Google answered; as they learned that we were attending the Think Tank, they checked out Futuremakers Google+ page, +1 it and left a comment on the first Animoto we created!
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
I shared a Futuremakers article on my profile in order to expand the page’s visibility (and because I admire Gavarni Hotel’s cause!)
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Spreading the word to my own circles! (and 2 +1) Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Spreading the word (again) to my own circles! (and +1 by Luxury Must)
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
2 +1 + 1 comment
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
I left a comment and +1’d it
I also +1’d Zoé’s post on Near Filed Communication
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Emilie Alba’s presentation on how to see and use Google tools (Google+, Google Places and Google Maps) as real partners was also helpful and clear I strongly advise hoteliers to use these tools, as they are easy to implement and monitor, even for those who only start playing with social medias Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
As I only have 2 followers on my blog, i did not post anything on it!
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
Liz, thank you for giving me the opportunity to join your team for 2 months! This experience + all the things you made us discover at school delighted me a lot and now I know that I really want to work with small and/or independent hotels on their online presence!! Thank you for the the Lutetia, the professionals you invited to the Think Tank, and the Smarties …
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class
s i h t l l A d e n e p p a o h t s k n tha !!!! yo u
Cristèle Juppet - MBA 2 A - Online Marketing Class