1 minute read
Vehicle Emission Inspection
Mass Transit
One way to avoid long commutes is to take advantage of the city’s local transit system, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). Offering both train and bus service, MARTA is a convenient way to travel to downtown or the airport. The fee for traveling one way is $2.50 including transfers, and payment is even easier now with the Breeze limited-use and extendeduse cards. Weekly and monthly passes can be obtained at discounted rates. For fares, schedule and route information call 404848-5000 or visit itsmarta.com.
Vehicles that are 24 model years old and later (except the three years prior to the current year) must be checked yearly for emission standard compliance. Visit a statedesignated inspection station for the service. Call 800-449-2471 or visit cleanairforce.com.
Driving Tips
The Georgia DOT provides daily updates of road work, road closings and traffic delays, which are helpful when commuting. Updates can be obtained by calling (toll free) 877694-2511, by dialing 511 or by visiting dot.ga.gov.

Visit our website at newcomeratlanta.com for a list of private schools in this county.
Amicalola EMC 706-253-5200
Cobb EMC 770-429-2100
Georgia Power 888-891-0938
Sawnee EMC 770-887-2363
Georgia’s natural gas market is deregulated. For a list of providers for this county, visit newcomeratlanta.com.