MARCH 2015
H O W T O P R AY • Pray for Boung and Bing, that they would be blessed in their sacrificial love of the children of Potong, and that they would have significant positive influence in the community as a whole. • Pray for the Princes of Peace Football Club as they grow as a team and as young men. Pray that they will find their strenght in God as they learn from the Bible and from rolemodels like Sprite. • Pray for a young boy named If as he learns more about Jesus, spends time with Bing and I, and has significant influence in the lives of his friends. • Pray for grace as I wrap up these last few months before my time in the United States. Cover photo: “Prince Training Center” at soccer camp
Hi Family and Friends, It has been about two months since my last update. I hope you are doing well! I am in a season of really needing to remember that God is in charge. Our team has continued to change since my coming, and these past few months saw one of our Thai staff move on to a new position, and our long-term team leader prepare to move his family back to the States at the end of March. With that, the remaining members of this team are still hopeful as we trust that God knows what he is doing through all these transitions and changes. I pray that no matter what season you may be in, you will know the same: He is in control. It’s crazy that I’ve been here for about a year and ten months! As I approach my two year mark, I’ve begun to think about my first trip home! A lot has changed, and I am looking forward to meeting new babies, newlyweds, and old friends. It’s looking like I will be in California for most of August, then in Hawai`i for September through December. I am grateful for a season of rest and reconnecting with you all, so I hope to see YOU soon! These past few months, I’ve been focusing on the theme of leadership development. This month, I am excited to introduce you to two special people in my life, Bing and Boung. These two have been a key part of my ministry in my community of Potong, and I have invested a lot in them as they have in me. Read on about these sacrificial leaders and ushers of God’s Kingdom in Bangkok. Secondly, I would like to introduce you to the Princes of Peace, the Rachan Santisuk Football Club. This month, we took the boys to soccer camp (see cover photo). Read about our fun and growing experience together. I love you, thank you for your prayerful support, and can’t wait to hug you all (especially since Thais do not hug, and it has been like two years). With all my love and His,
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” ISAIAH 6:8
Thought statistics read that only 1% of Thailand’s population is Christian, the Church here is real and present. However, in Bangkok and throughout many of Thailand’s urban centers, most churches are comprised of middle to upperclass members reaching out to their own communities. But what about the thousands of urban poor communities scattered across the city? Whom will God send? One of the goals of our Servant Partners team in Bangkok is to be a connecting agent between the existing Church and meaningful, empowering work among Bangkok’s urban communities. For the past year, I have had the privilege of working with the youth from a local church near my home community as they experiment, learn, and grow in bridging gaps in order to love their neighbors well and be a part of God’s Kingdom on earth!
Boung is a recent graduate and member of Krungthai Church, an uppermiddle class church located just a 10 minute walk from my community. Several months ago, she began to attend an English club that I hosted for a few other young adults in Potong. At that same time, it became evident that children in our community were having a hard time reading Thai. So we pitched the idea to Boung: how about tutoring in the community? Over the past several months, Boung began tutoring one girl, but that rapidly grew to a small group of kids seeking help with their homework, a little story time, and wanting some straight up positive attention, too. Boung shares about her experience: Two years ago, I wanted to teach in an urban community, but there weren’t any opportunities at the time. Two months ago, I had the chance visit a community, because a young, fifth-grade girl named Nim was having trouble reading Thai and was slow compared to her classmates. This was affecting her other studies as well. I went to visit Nim in her very small house in her community on Nawamin Street. Her aunt and grandmother were home, along with two to three other kids. They were all watching the soap opera airing at the time, and they were fixated on the show. But Nim’s aunt began to complain—all the while watching T.V.—about how Nim was so lazy, stupid, and didn’t like to study. She doesn’t read, she just watches T.V. But when she was done preaching, I asked Nim’s aunt, “But Aunt, what are you doing right now?” She answered, “Well, I’m watching T.V. I just got home, and I’m really tired.” I wasn’t that surprised. Over the past several months, our students have increased to about eight. We need to be louder, because the kids like to fight, tease, and swear at each other. They ask silly questions, but kids will be kids. In truth, they are innocent; they just too often see bad examples around them and don’t yet understand. But our job—our responsibility—is to sow here and there, water now and then, and a great seed will grow in their hearts! Praise God for the desire he has placed in Boung’s heart to cross a very difficult socio-economic barrier in order to bless the children of Potong.
Likewise, Bing is a young recent graduate figuring out what he wants to do with his life, options spanning from entrepreneur to full-time minister. But once Krungthai Church began inviting the children of Potong over to play and learn about Jesus, Bing jumped on board. Even though he travels far from downtown to meet with these children, he is faithful and consistent. In the past months, he has begun coming to our Wednesday night activities in the community to partner with Boung. Though he comes from a well-off background, Bing’s family history has been rough. With it, God has given him a particular compassion for children who come from difficult family backgrounds. With gentleness and the Word of God, he ministers to these children in a unique and powerful way. Praise God for his generous heart, ready to take the hardships from his past and turn them into fuel to love the youth of Potong. Two weeks ago, we were closing up a particularly hectic homework session when Boung and Bing insisted on praying to bless the children. With eyes closed, fans humming, and mosquitoes whizzing around our heads, Bing and Boung prayed that these children would grow in body, mind, and spirit. I witnessed God’s tangible love for Potong that evening.
We here at Servant Partners talk about God’s love for the poor quite a bit. But the truth is that the good news of Jesus has come to people of all cultures and classes. It has come not only to set the poor free from bondage of poverty, but to set the rich free from bondage that can come with wealth and class as well so that we might be free to love God and love our neighbor with everything that we have and all that we are. The same Spirit that called me to make some significant adjustments in my life in order to pursue justice, to live with compassion, and to seek God is calling this young generation here in Bangkok to cross barriers, sacrifice of themselves, and love the least of the city for God’s glory Pray with me for Boung, Bing, and this brave new generation!
Welcome to the training grounds for princes in making! This month, I was one of a four-man team hosting a small soccer camp for the Rachan Santisuk, or the Princes of Peace. This football club is formed of young boys from the communities where we live. Head coached by Sprite, these boys are a part of a team that trains mind, body, and spirit. The three-day camp included sport training under challenging conditions, nutrition instruction, lessons from the life of Daniel, punishments for rule infractions (the most frequent infraction being the use of bad words), and yet a whole lot of fun. The staff team was once again a cross-cultural team with two Thais and two Americans. But praise God that our communication skills and cross-cultural understanding is improving. We were able to have grace with each other, communicate more clearly, and end up with an altogether success camp. Like videos? Check out this one from camp:
USA-BOUND! I’m coming home! In July, I will be flying back to the United States for five months on what is called a Home Assignment. I will have chance to spend time with family, recontact with friends, and pursue other growth opportunities before returning to Bangkok! Looking forward to seeing YOU!
IF If is actually a nickname here, and it belongs to this sweet boy (pictured here and before). He is on the cusp of manhood and needing to decide how he wants his life to turn out, and he has a lot of influence with his friends. He has been learning from the Bible and has seen God answer prayer. Pray for him as he matures in faith.
DISCIPLESHIP GROUP Boung and Bing, joined with Ahn, form a little discipleship group I lead weekly. We encourage each other, learn about significant issues from the Bible, and have great fellowship together. I am grateful for peer friendships and for the awesome way God is working through their lives.
Night markets, the glory of Asia.
KYLE'S CONTACT INFO: Phone: +66-090-979-8187 Email: Blog: Mailing Address: Thai Peace Foundation 3750/9 Ladprao Soi 146/1 Khlongchan, Bangkapi, Bangkok Thailand 10240