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A Farranfore midwife played a crucial role in delivering a baby at Luton Airport recently.
| By Sean MoriartyMichelle Skehan was returning from a family trip in London to Kerry Airport when a mother went into to labour in the airport’s departure lounge.
Michelle is the daughter of Mike and Margaret Moriarty of Central Car Sales in the village.
The whole family were in London for a family birthday party and were returning to Kerry Airport when the drama unfolded at Luton.
London Luton Airport staff worked together to provide the warmest of welcomes to a very special ‘airport arrival’, after a pregnant passenger went into labour in the airport departure lounge.
Rushing to the scene, members of the LLA Guest Experience, Security and Fire Service teams moved quickly to make the passenger comfortable and organise privacy screens, before delivering the baby in the departure lounge.
Further support was provided to the LLA team by passenger Michelle, a midwife, who was waiting to board a flight to Kerry.
Michelle was full of praise for the LLA team’s response: “I was pleased to assist in her delivery but a huge amount of credit is due to the staff in the airport. They were so calm and helped maintain the woman's privacy. The teamwork
that I witnessed in the ‘delivery room’ was phenomenal and everyone should be so proud of themselves. It's definitely a birth I will always remember. One that I will surely be retelling for years to come!”
Following the birth, the LLA Guest Expe-
rience team ensured Michelle made it on to her flight just minutes later.
Melanie Horwood, Guest Experience Manager at LLA, led the team’s effort to successfully deliver the baby, following advice provided by Megan Bryne, a call handler with the East of England Ambulance Service. The two were brought together at a ceremony held at the airport to honour those involved.
Melanie, who has worked at LLA for 37 years said: “When I arrived, I could see that the lady was in full labour so we moved quickly to bring in screens and contact the ambulance service who advised me exactly what to do. We were delighted to deliver a beautiful baby girl and there was a feeling of complete elation afterwards as a huge round of applause broke out across the departure lounge for all the LLA staff involved. It just felt wonderful and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!”
Neil Thompson, Operations Director at London Luton Airport, added: “A huge well done to everyone from the LLA team who used all their experience and professionalism to remain calm and provide amazing support to ensure the safe delivery of the baby. Our teams work hard to deliver a simple and friendly passenger experience each day and are always prepared for a wide range of incidents to occur within a busy airport environment. We are immensely proud of the truly exceptional way the team pulled together and we are delighted to say that both mother and baby are doing well.”
Vaping has become an alarming trend among young students across the country recently.
Highlighted on the airwaves this week callers rang into Joe Duffey's Live Line discussing the potential health risks and long-term consequences associated with this habit.
One distressed father called in to the show and told the listeners that his 13-year-old daughter is addicted to vaping and that she has been smoking vapes since primary school.
Local Cllr Niall Kelliher also called into the show to express his shock around the litter issue. Kelliher spoke about how a new solar powered bin which is located in town has been covered with 'hundreds' of stickers which form a part
of the packaging on vaping products. One of the main reasons for the surge in vaping among young people is the misconception that it is less harmful than smoking, but many health professionals warn that the long-term effects of vaping on lung health and overall well-being are still largely unknown.
Marketing tactics of these vape companies have also been called in to question with flavoured e-liquids and sleek, discreet devices making vaping more appealing to young users. The allure of various flavours, ranging from fruit to dessert-inspired options, has made it easier for young people to start and continue vaping. Have you seen a rise in vaping among young students in Killarney? Let us know your story by emailing info@killarneyadvertiser.ie
FRI 12TH JAN ‘24
A Killarney man who raised over €15,000 for Kerry Hospice by running nearly 275 kilometres last November in memory of his sister-in-law, is asking the public to support their local Hospice.
David Looney got to see first-hand the care his sister-in-law Geraldine received during her time in Hospice, witnessing how its work enormously comforted her family.
Seeing this effect alone was powerful enough to spur him out in the November rain.
Now he is asking members of the public to host a coffee morning for Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning Social for Hospice on September 21.
The nationwide event, supported by Bewley’s since 1992, has raised over €43.2million – and there is a €2million fundraising target this year.
David ran almost every day during the month of November to raise funds for those who cared for Geraldine, who passed away in 2021.
"My story is probably common enough, my sister-in-law had four sisters, two brothers, two parents, a partner, and two kids," said David.
“My wife would come home and I could see the comfort in her, knowing that her sister was in the best place she possibly could be at this time in her life with the very best staff around her.
"That made my job of trying to comfort my wife much easier.”
David had been involved with a fundraising run for the Mater Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic, which gave him the idea to undertake something more challenging for Kerry Hospice.
"I had originally committed to running 240 kms , but I thought the more I could
A Beaufort man is heading to Morocco with a van full of aid supplies to help the victims of last weekend’s devastating earthquake.
of the earthquake, and has decided to fill his van with vital equipment and head out there to offer his help and assistance.
do, the more I would raise, and right before the race I changed it to 275 miles,” he said.
"My family thought I was doing too much, but I knew the more I did, the harder the task, the more I would raise because people would appreciate the challenge.”
The end of David's fundraiser came on November 30 last, the first anniversary of Geraldine's death.
"The date was very poignant. I purposely stopped two kilometres short and went to the national park, where Geraldine's two sons, nieces and nephews joined me for the final distance. It was a great way to end the month,” he said.
"My son, who was only seven at the time, also joined me for two kilometres in the middle to give me a boost – it was a lot for him to take on, but he was determined to do it."
Together for Hospice, The National Hospice Movement, represents 26 Hospice and specialist palliative home care providers supporting patients and their families.
Funds raised locally stay local and go back into each Hospice service to innovate, build new facilities, develop new services, and deliver quality improvements and extra benefits for their patients and their family members. Register to host a coffee morning on September 21 - or on a date that suits you – at hospicecoffeemorning.ie or call 0818 995 996.
Mike Shea will leave Killarney on Saturday afternoon with sleeping bags, tents, winter jackets and children’s clothes.
Mike, who is best known as stunt coordinator for Hollywood blockbusters like the latest James Bond movie and Indiana Jones franchise, has spent a lot of time in Morocco.
As a result he has a lot of friends in the Atlas mountains, which bore the brunt
The devastating earthquake has led to over 3,000 deaths. Livestock was also killed in the disaster meaning families –particularly those in rural areas – have no access to food.
He has arranged pick-up points in Mac Eoin Merchants in Dingle and Portwest Killarney.
Donations can be made via:
IBAN: IE72BOFI90570777445112
Mike can be contacted on 087 7202252
Killarney Musical Society will reveal details of its 2024 show in the coming weeks.
The committee has been working behind the scenes to prepare for its new show and an information evening will take place in October ahead of auditions and rehearsals.
“We would like acknowledge Kerry County Council for giving us a grant to-
wards production costs from their Community Enhancement fund. We would like to thank them for their support and ensure them that the money will be put to good use,” said PRO Linda O’Donoghue.
“Our chairperson Brid O’Callaghan has been working tirelessly for the last few months along with all the committee members to ensure we have everything in place for our next production.”
Actor Domhnall Gleeson with Kerry Hospice Foundation Hero David Looney and Kerry Hospice Foundation secretary Mary Shanahan at the launch of Bewley’s Big Coffee Morning Social for Hospice. Photo: Conor McCabe.Kerry International Film Festival (KIFF) has announced a new series of live events as part of the 2023 festival.
This is the first year that KIFF will be hosting a range of exciting live shows across the festival, which will take place across a variety of venues in Killarney, from October 19 – 22.
Celebrating its 24th edition this year, KIFF’s programmer Declan Lynch, has curated a series of film screenings, live acts, and film industry talks, as an integral part of KIFF 2023.
The live shows will add a thrilling new element to an already exciting programme for the upcoming festival this October. Speaking in advance of the
official launch of the KIFF 2023 programme Declan said: "We are pushing beyond screening movies this year and inviting people to take a look behind the movie-making curtain by presenting three unique acts. Score, Sound and Script are our themes.”
SCORE: Singer and songwriter Molly O’ Mahony, will present her musical work in partnership with the students of Kerry Film School, at St. Mary’s Church on October 20, for what promises to be a truly unique and magical live experience.
SOUND: Buster Keaton’s 1924 comedy classic "Sherlock Jr" will be treated to a
very live and very comical soundtrack by Symphonic Sapheads, Little John Nee and Fionn Robinson. Watch this period comedy come to life again on October 21
SCRIPT: A truly spectacular event will be presented by Dream Gun as they present their comedy parody of James Cameron’s ‘Titanic’. Dream Gun’s comedy troupe will reenact the script of the Titanic, as they present a bizarre and hilarious take on the epic tale. This live event will take place in the Plaza Hotel on October 20.
"We are thrilled to present a series of live events as part of KIFF 2023. These will be presented along with our traditional format of film screenings, industry talks, and business networking events. We view this as a great opportunity to engage with local businesses, audiences,
and film fans alike, and we hope that our KIFF friends and supporters will enjoy the full series of exciting events that we look forward to bringing to Killarney this October,” said Festival Manager, Marie Linehan.
The KIFF 2023 full programme will be launched at the end of September and will showcase film and filmmaking talent across 30+ screenings via a truly exciting program that is not to be missed. Tickets to the live events are now on sale and booking early is advisable.
Killarney Camera Club will begin its new autumn season with an open night in The Brehon Hotel on September 28.
This is the first meeting since the club broke up for the summer – new members are invited to attend the open meeting later this month .
“Our final competition of the last season was our Open Print competition in June, and 20 unique and enthralling prints were on display in The Brehon on the night. Well done to everyone who put
in the time, effort and expense to enter the competition. Thanks also to the many members who were involved in the logistics of bringing the season's end competition to fruition.,” said club secretary Deirdre O’Donoghue.
“Throughout the year we hold a series of zoom meetings, fortnightly, and also have many in-house presentations of guest speakers , in their respective areas of photographic expertise , as well as occasional photographic outings throughout the club's calendar year.”
Little John Nee Dream Gun Terry MacSweeney took the top spot in the Killarney Camera Club’s summer competition with this sublime print of St Thomas’ Church, Slovenia, at dawn.Elected members of the Killarney Municipal District were due to meet today (Friday) for the first time since the summer break.
Ahead of the Town Hall meeting, the Killarney Advertiser learned some of the topics that were up for discussion – topics that will shape Killarney and it hinterland over the next few months.
Councilors will hear about the proposed new road layout at the notorious Finnegan's Cross and will consider Kerry County Council’s Chief Executive Report on the Public Consultation in relation to road safety upgrades to the troubled junction. A new Killarney Municipal District representative will be elected to Killarney Sports and Leisure Campus Ltd following the resignation of Cllr. Donal Grady – his son Martin will sit on his first council meeting since taking over the role in June.
Councilors will also consider another report, following a public consultation, on the proposed introduction of a controlled Pedestrian Crossing on N71 Mission Road, near the entrance to Killarney House.
Water supply issues will be one of the main issue up for discussion under the Economic Community Development Di-
rectorate portion of the meeting.
Cllr. John O'Donoghe will ask what was the impact of the overflow from our storm gullies during flooding this year on water quality in the Lakes of Killarney and its surrounding waterways.
Both Cllr. Marie Moloney and Cllr Brendan Cronin will ask if a mains water pipe can be connected in Killarney Burial Ground, Knockeendubh.
O’Donoghue and Cllrs Niall Kelleher will ask if the Council or Uisce Eireann have plans for providing a public sewage system in Dennehy's Boreen.
Both O’Donoghue and Moloney will bring St Finan's Hospital back on the agenda:
“Has the Council received the results of the feasibility study carried out by the LOA on and if so, what were its findings. Moloney will state: “While I appreciate that the St Finian building would be a costly project, the land surrounding it is invaluable for the provision of affordable and social housing. I am asking that Kerry County Council would reconsider its position and make application to the Department for funding. If the Government is serious about reducing the massive list of housing applicants in the Killarney Municipal District, they will consider allocat-
ing the funding.Cllr Grady wants Kerry County Council to provide homeless and emergency accommodation within the Killarney Municipal District.
ROADS TRANSPORTATION, Kelleher will ask that Kerry County Council erect clearly visible signage warning that commercial vehicles and campers should not use Mill Road as it is unsuitable for such traffic.
O'Donoghue will ask that the “Council would provide an update on works carried out to minimise flooding during future periods of heavy rain as was evidenced earlier this year, particularly on Park Road by the Railway Bridge, Castlelough and Poulnamuck on Muckross Road by Hegarty Brothers Spar and the Gleneagle Hotel, and on the Woodlawn Road around the entrance to Dromhall Park,” and “that a that a footpath would be provided from the requested roundabout, out as far as Lissivigeen Roundabout, in particular to facilitate safe passage for school children attending Lissivigeen National School.”
Moloney and Grady will seek updates on traffic management at McDonald’s Restaurant on Park Road.
Cllr Mauran Healy-Rae will raise concerns on lack of parking at Torc Waterfall.
“Kerry County Council, Transport infrastructure Ireland and the National Parks and Wildlife Sercive [must] recognise and act on the serious dangers being posed at Torc Waterfall on the Muckross Road. Due to the inadequate size of the car park and its failure to cater for all the visitors and locals who use this special amenity, cars are being parked on the public road which is limiting the road way for passing vehicles, jarveys, pedestrians and cyclists and therefore, leaving all of them in a perilous situation. Action must be taken ahead of the next tourist season before a fatality occurs. I request an urgent meeting between all stakeholders and the members of Killarney Municipal District.” She will also ask for an update on traffic calming measures in Fossa and Barraduff.
Cllr Kelleher wants an urgent meeting with management of St Oliver’s National School because of traffic congestion in the area. He would also like to see 20 electric car charging points in the town and an update “regarding the community CCTV in Killarney."
Cllr Moloney wants to know how many times the Anam Culture Centre has been used since it opened in 2021 while Cllr Grady would like to see a Minor Accident and Injuries Clinic developed in the Killarney area.
A new initiative from Kilcummin Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in association with Conor Moriarty sees the branch offer group music classes for those interested in traditional playing.
Conor is combining with the branch to gather musicians form beginner to advanced to give the ultimate group music experience.
"Its a great chance for newer players to learn from Conor, who himself is a champion musician but also from the other musicians that will attend the group in what undoubtedly will also offer a social outlet to all involved,” said Derek O Leary, PRO of Kilcummin Comhaltas CCE.
Conor has enormous previous experience. He is one of Irelands leading accordion players starting his playing career at the age seven. In 2009, Conor was crowned All-Ireland Champion on Melodeon at Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann and
followed that up by becoming senior All-Ireland accordion Champion in 2010. He also completed his MA in Irish traditional music performance at University of Limerick that same year. He has worked professionally with many organisations including Siamsa Tire and more recently Gaelic Roots the show. He is also a much sought after music teacher where he has always enjoyed passing on his knowledge to the next generation. The group sessions start on September 27 for an initial five-week term from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm in Kilcummin Rural Development Office.
For further details contact Conor on 087 9698063
Killarney Camogie Club’s Ava Moore played a starring role in Kerry’s victory in the Under 15 National Blitz in Raharney, Westmeath on Saturday last.
Not only did the Killarney star captain the team, she executed decisive scores to ensure The Kingdom’s passage to the final. She scored a late equaliser, against Dublin, to help Kerry top their group and earn a place in the final. The final was a repeat of an earlier fixture against Offaly. It was family affair, Ava’s mom Ceara is
team manager and her granddad is the team’s coach.
“Despite the long journey and the unrelenting heat, the Kerry team battled defiantly to secure the victory to return back to the Kingdom with the cup. Killarney camogie club representatives Ava Moore and Iveragh Holohan were integral to the team throughout the day. Iveragh’s relentless work rate and Ava’s sharp shooting contributed massively to this sides success,” said Ceara who is also a member Killarney Camogie Club
Conor Moriarty is one of Irelands leading accordion players
A young Killarney boxer has come out on top at a prestigious tournament in England.
Pa Casey, 11 , from Hazelwood Drive, won the Barum Box Cup, in Ilfracombe, Devon earlier this week.
The Barum Box Cup is where the best clubs and boxers in the UK and Ireland compete from juniors to elite level.
The sixth class pupil overcame London-based Danny Waller from West Ham boys club London earlier this week to claim the title.
The 11-year old is a member of Sliabh Luachra Boxing Club in Castleisland.
He is a sixth class student at St Oliver’s National School in Ballycasheen.
“Pa then got invited to the Barum Box Cup along with his older brother Jamesie by Kilmyshall Boxing Club, a very good club in Wexford to form part of their strong team. Jamesie couldn’t take part because of his commitments to training with the Irish team in the High performance in Dublin every weekend,” said their father James.
“At the Barum Box cup last weekend Pa boxed Danny Waller, a very good unbeaten south paw kid from another top club from London. Pa put on a fantastic display of boxing and came away with gold.”
Family affair as mom Ceara and granddad Mark celebrate Ava’s success at the Under 15 National Blitz.Models in Recovery at the Kerry Hospice Fashion Show on Tuesday evening at the INEC.
The Killarney branch of Kerry Hospice Foundation was the big winner on Tuesday night as over 1,200 people attended a very special fashion show.
Following an absence of four years the Models in Recovery Fashion Show returned this week. What is unique about this event is that all models are in recovery from different forms of cancer.
“This year’s Fashion Show was a resounding success. It was the largest crowd ever at this unique show. All models in recovery from cancer strutted
the finest of finery from the leading boutiques and shops in Killarney,” said PRO Cathal Walshe
“The organising committee of Killarney branch of Kerry Hospice wish to thank everybody who contributed to the success of what was wonderful night of entertainment, Liam O'Connor and his talented family, MC extraordinaire Noel Cunningham, all who donated prizes, Fiona O'Connor of the INEC, the enthusiastic audience and all behind the scenes who put things together."
For more photos turn to page 38.
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th September
The Brehon Hotel cordially welcomes engaged and to-be-wed couples to join us at our Autumn Wedding Showcase this September. Experience a red carpet arrival and explore the newly renovated Brehon Suite. Meet with our Wedding team & envision your special day at The Brehon.
The office of Public Works is offering free guided tours of Ross Castle in sign language for the heard of hearing.
The Irish Sign Language tour will take place on Saturday and is part of a nationwide programme that is also available at other heritage sites.
Saturday’s tour follows on from a previous event in April.
“April was very well attended and we are hoping to fill the 15 spaces we have on offer,” said Majella Starrett of the OPW’s Heritage Services department.
“The tour will take visitors inside the 15th century fortress where an OPW guide will give you an overview of its history, architecture and furniture.”
The tour will be interpreted by Interna-
The hard work that the Kilcummin Looking Good group do has been rewarded by two separate grants from Kerry County Council.
The grant allocation received through the Community Support Fund was put to good use replacing the old wooden benches that survived for nine years with new recycled plastic benches that will afford all visitors to the park the chance pause and enjoy its surrounds. Further investment was made through
the Community Enhancement Programme with an additional bench and a recycled plastic table.
“Kilcummin Looking Good would like to acknowledge the allocation of financial support of through our local councillors and Kerry County Council. They would also like to thank Kilcummin Rural Development & the local CE Scheme for all their hard work in maintaining the Park and village to such high standards,” said a group statement.
tional Sign Language guide, Heidi Veldheer.
Places are limited - on a first come, first served basis – and priority will be given to hard of hearing visitors, and then to family members if any spaces are left.
To apply email rosscastle@opw.ie giving your name and contact details. We will reserve spaces.
“Please also be aware that access through the castle is by a spiral staircase with worn and uneven steps. There is free car parking close by. A wonderful tour, in any language,” added Starrett.
OPW Guide Marie Long (L) with International Sign Language guide Heidi Veldheer (fourth from right) with some of the attendees at the Ross Castle sign language tour in April.Tickets released on September 8th.
Max two per person.
Tickets for collection only from Muckross Traditional Farms reception.
Open Daily 1.00 to 6.00pm
HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare and Killarney Cycling Club have joined together on an exciting new initiative for residents of Killarney Community Hospital and St Columbanus Home.
‘Killarney Cycling Without Age’ started in May 2023 following postponement of the initiative during the pandemic. This new initiative is aimed at helping older persons and those with mobility issues to regain the experience of being out and about on a bike and to gain better access to explore their local community.
Over the last four months, hospital and care home residents have been enjoying trips through Killarney town and around the jewel in Killarney’s crown - Killarney National Park.
The electric-assisted trishaw was purchased by Killarney Cycling Club with the help of Cork Kerry Community Healthcare and Kerry County Council, it was then donated to Killarney Community Hospitals to ensure residents of the community hospital and care homes could regain the experience of being out on a bike in their local community.
The Trishaw ‘pilots’ are experienced volunteer cyclists largely from Killarney Cycling Club, who take hospital and carehome residents (usually two passengers at a time) on trips when the weather
conditions are suitable.
“Our residents here are really enjoying this new initiative – you can see their delighted smiles as they get to experience being out and about with the wind in their hair. ‘Killarney Cycling Without Age’ has greatly benefitted our residents, playing a pivotal role in keeping them active and socially engaged. We have received very positive feedback from both our residents and their families and look forward to further developing the initiative in the future,” said Breda Delves, Acting Director of Nursing at Killarney Community Hospitals, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare.
Project co-ordinator, Noel O’Connell commented on the success of the initiative, and added:
“The residents love being out on the bike and meeting people. The model of Trishaw we use is called a CHAT and it certainly encourages conversations whenever we are out in the National Park or around the town. Weather can be an issue at times, but the bike has a waterproof blanket cover and canopy to help along the way. Since beginning at
end of May, the initiative has been in use each week and will increase with a number of new volunteer ‘pilots’ who have been trained to cycle around Killarney town and the National Park. The hospital and care-home staff are very supportive of the scheme and residents are always encouraged to give it a try and for the
most part, they can’t wait to go again.”
The trishaw runs from Killarney Community Hospital and St. Columbanus Home, and plans to develop the scheme for other care homes are being researched. This initiative is supported by the HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare and Killarney Cycling Club
The Irish rebel band attracted the largest crowd ever at the Electric Arena at the festival in Co Laois a few weeks ago. Their revival in popularity has become one of the biggest talking points from Stradbally this year as the band belted out several well-known Rebel songs.
Festival goers joined in chanting along with cries of 'Ooh, Ah, Up The Ra.’ The gig has divided opinion, with some in political circles suggesting those singing along are making light of the IRA and the Troubles.
Speaking to RTÉ Radio’s News at One last Thursday the Taoiseach said he believes he will see a United Ireland in his lifetime, but that people need to remember that “a nice song to sing” for some, can be “deeply offensive” to others. The gig and commentary around it have reignited the debate and proves we have a fair bit of road to travel before we can consider a referendum.
The dream of Irish unity has been a long-standing aspiration for many on the island of Ireland. It envisions a single, united Ireland where the historical divide between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is finally bridged. The Northern Ireland Assembly election last May has further ignited conversations around the possibility of unity. For the first time Sinn Féin took over as the
largest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly, pushing the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) into second place. Unionists are fighting for survival at present.
A collapsed assembly and dysfunctional public service must be weighing heavy on the shoulders of DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson. All of the main political party leaders south of the border have put it on record that they believe a referendum will eventually be called on Irish unity with Sinn Fein making it clear they want to push ahead and start meaningful conversations now.
What are some of the main challenges with unification?
The biggest challenge to Irish unity is the deeply entrenched political divide. Northern Ireland's history is marked by sectarianism and decades of violence but since the Good Friday agreement in 1998 the region has enjoyed relative peace. However, the shooting of off-duty PSNI police officer John Caldwell this year and the loyalist bomb threat in March 2022 that forced Minister Simon Coveney to flee from a conference in Belfast shows it is a fragile peace.
The fact of the matter is, Northern Ireland is still polarised along religious and nationalistic lines, with the hardline Unionist community wishing to remain part of the United Kingdom and the nationalist community calling for reunification with the Republic of Ireland. Achieving a political consensus that satisfies both sides will be a formidable task.
The strong performance of the Alliance Party lead by Naoimi Long is notewor-
thy. The party won 17 seats (up 9) in the most recent election and have positioned themselves as an alternative to the nationalist vs loyalist division. They will eventually have to pick a side on this issue but for now they seem content to sit on the fence on the matter, claiming there are more pressing issues to contend with right now such as the cost of living crises.
Economic disparities between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are another significant hurdle. While the Republic has experienced substantial eco-
nomic growth and prosperity, Northern Ireland continues to face economic challenges. While many south of the border like the sound of Irish unity, the economic impact of such a move is unclear. Aligning public services such health and education will be another major challenge, particularly when our own government is struggling to cope with our own health service problems. Any move towards unity would require years of careful planning to ensure that economic disparities are addressed and that all regions benefit from the change. The United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union has
People need to remember that 'a nice song to sing' for some people can be 'deeply offensive' to others
added a layer of complexity to the Irish unity debate. The Republic of Ireland remains an EU member, while Northern Ireland operates under a unique protocol that keeps it closely aligned with the EU to prevent a hard border with the Republic. The post-Brexit landscape and the potential impact on trade and movement of goods and people between Northern Ireland and the Republic is another issue to contend with.
The most sensitive and critical issue at hand is the identity and cultural differences between both divides. Unionists
in Northern Ireland strongly identify as British and are wary of losing their British cultural and political ties. Nationalists on the other hand long for all 32 counties on the island to be united as one country, separate to the United Kingdom. Balancing these identities while fostering a sense of inclusivity is the single biggest challenge that the people on the island will have to confront before we see a vote on unity. Are we looking at a future where rebel songs will be cancelled? And if so, would those of us south of the boarder also be asked to make concessions on symbols of our identity such as our national anthem or tri-colour flag. The decision on Irish unity will be made through a democratic process, involving a referendum in both Northern Ireland and Ireland. Achieving consensus and securing the necessary majorities in these votes will be a formidable challenge which is why meaningful and respectful debate on what a united Ireland would look like must be facilitated. Like the peace process; dialogue, compromise, and a deep commitment to the principles of democracy are key. Join the conversation and let us know your thoughts by emailing info@killarneyadvertiser.ie
The Home International Regatta is the Triple Crown event of rowing, bringing together the rowing federations of Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales for an annual regatta.
The venue for the regatta rotates between the four countries and this year, Ireland played host to the regatta at Lough Rynn in County Leitrim in July.
Daniel Daly, from Mangerton Road in Muckross and son of Sean and Breeda Daly, was selected as one of just four athletes in the Irish Junior Mens sculling group and raced in two categories at the Homes Regatta – the Mens Junior Quadruple Sculls and Junior Double.
Dan secured silver medals in both events ahead of the competition from
Wales and Scotland with the English crews securing gold.
The silver medals topped an already successful year for Daniel, who also raced to silver with the Muckross club at the Irish Rowing Championships also held in July. At the national regatta in Cork, Daniel raced in the Muckross Mens Junior Quad, which finished second – the highest placing for Muckross RC in the J18 Quad Championship event.
Daniel also picked up a bronze medal for the club in the final of the Mens Junior Double.
Caoimhe O’Sullivan, from Headford and daughter of Micheal O’Suilleabhain and Liz Healy, now races with University of Limerick RC following her junior years with the Muckross club.
Caoimhe was selected as part of the Irish Senior Womens squad for the Homes regatta in July. Caoimhe was a silver medallist as part of the Irish Womens
Senior Four crew and third as part of the Womens Eight.
It is not the first green jersey for Caoimhe however, whose Senior selection for Ireland follows her participation as a Junior 19 rower in the 2021 Coupe de la Jeunesse Regatta for European junior rowers. With UL Rowing Club, Caoimhe has also enjoyed a particularly successful year in 2023, winning national titles at the Irish Championships including the Womens Senior Eight, Intermediate Eight and Intermediate Four.
Dan and Caoimhe join a proud list of Muckross rowers who have achieved selection for the national squad. Dan becomes the ninth male member of the club since 1996 to race at the Home Internationals while Caoimhe is the club’s 20th female representative since its first in 1997.
Caoimhe is also just the third female member of the club to have rowed at Senior level at the Home International
Uniquely, Caoimhe becomes the first female Muckross rower to have rowed at both Junior and Senior level in the competition.
Closer to home, Daniel and Caoimhe both also earned gold medals for the club at the historic Killarney Regatta in June – Killarney’s oldest sporting contest which lies at the heart of the town’s rowing tradition.
The Muckross club has built a strong platform for young rowers to reach the national and international stage. Since the mid-1990s, club members have gone on to compete at numerous international events including the Coupe de la Jeunesse, European U23 Championships, World Cup Regattas, Henley Royal Regatta and World Championships. The club is also home to Killarney’s trio of former Olympic rowers – Paul Griffin (2008, 2012), Sean Casey (2012) and Cathal Moynihan (2012).
On Sunday last, members and supporters of Muckross Rowing Club gathered at the club’s boathouse to celebrate and honour the achievements of two club members, Daniel Daly and Caoimhe O’Sullivan, who were both among the Irish squad at this year’s Home International Regatta.
Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Kerry County Council, is to start replacing over 1km of aged water mains in Crohane, Fossa
The works, being carried out by Ward and Burke Construction Ltd, are due to commence in late September and will be completed by the end of November. Once completed customers in this area will enjoy an improved water supply with less disruption due to bursts and leakage. “To facilitate the safe delivery of the works, there will be temporary traffic lights and a short-term local road closure required. The community will be notified of this in advance. Alternative routes will be available, and diversions will be clearly sign-posted. Local and emergency access will be maintained at all times. We would like to thank customers in advance for their cooperation and patience while we complete these essential works,” said Portfolio Delivery Manager at Uisce Éireann, Kevin Murphy.
“These works are part of a significant investment programme by Uisce Éireann to improve the water network across the Kingdom, prioritising investment where it is needed most enabling these communities to thrive.”
Areas of work will be limited to short sec-
tions to minimise impact on customers. Temporary traffic lights will be in place along the R563, at Fossa Rowing Club, and continue onto the N72, just after the Killarney Brewing and Distilling Company.
For the works along the L11012, a road closure will be in place from Monday, 18 September to Friday, 6 October inclusive.
The road will be closed from the crossroads before Fossa Rowing Club (R563), along the road to Gortacollopa, and will end at the crossroads exiting onto the N72.
Local diversions will be in place during this time along the N72 and along the R563.
Mapping South Kerry is a major new book which tells the story of the long history of map-making linked to that part of the county south of the River Maine.
Published by Wordwell book publishers, and authored by the former UCD lecturer Arnold Horner, this book reviews the many hundreds of maps which have been made showing parts of the south Kerry area over a 450-year period from the early 1570s to the present day. Over 400 illustrations complement a detailed text.
The many different types of maps included in the study range from the vast array of maps produced by the Ordnance Survey of Ireland to various less familiar types such as marine charts, maps for new roads and for telecommunications and the hundreds of maps commissioned for the landlords that once owned most of south Kerry. Some of these maps were never printed and exist only as one or two copies, and some are held in places
Councillor Brendan Cronin has welcomed the announcement (see main story) that Uisce Eireann will commence work in the Fossa area later this month.
He has been monitoring the water situation in the area for year with Kerry County Council.
“I am delighted to welcome and finally see this important project going ahead,” he said.
far away from Kerry, in Dublin, Belfast and in England. A feature of the book is that this diversity of maps is now listed for the first time.
The earliest map showing south Kerry in some detail was made by Robert Lythe, an English map-maker, in the early 1570s. He travelled through the area with a special safe conduct pass. As well as working on the land, he mapped from the sea, voyaging around the coast from Dingle and up along the Kenmare River.
The later twentieth century maps shown in the book include a marine chart of the Skelligs coastal area that was used by German submarines during World War 2, and a map of the Cahersiveen/ Valentia Island area that was printed with the Russian Cyrillic script and used by the Soviet Union military during the 1970s. The latter map is so up to date it shows the Valentia bridge opened in 1971.
The landlord maps include a large number of examples from the Lansdowne, Kenmare and Trinity College estates.
The works may involve some short-term water interruptions; however, the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any planned disruption.
The works also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers’ property boundaries and connecting it to the customer’s water supply. Existing lead service connections being replaced too.
Customers can phone Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if they have any questions about the project or check out the Water Supply Updates section of the Uisce Éireann website for regular updates.
“ The constant breaks on this section of pipe has had a serious impact on customers all across the Mid Kerry water supply scheme served by Barleymount reservoir with regular water outages. There will be local road diversions as indicated by Irish Water for the duration of the contract works and I would appeal for the public's cooperation during this work.”
The Coolcorcoran road will remain closed until at least November 30.
The road, which links the main Tralee road with Killcummin village, has been closed since January to facilite essential water and sewage works.
Kerry County Council confirmed this week that the road will remain closed until November after the local authority granted an extension to the road closure order.
T.D Norma Foley welcomes the announcement this week that Astellas Pharma Ireland are to apply for planning permission for a stateof-the-art €330 million facility in Tralee.
This major development will pave the way for an innovative aseptic drugs production facility in Tralee to be built by the pioneering global pharmaceutical
Currently Astellas Pharma employs approximately 400 people in Ireland and plans to construct this new facility at the Kerry Technology Park, Tralee. When constructed, this new plant will provide important investment for Tralee and will in turn bring highly specialized engineering, science and technology jobs to the county and the region. Minister Foley said: “I am so very pleased to welcome the announcement by Astellas Pharma Ireland to develop a stateof-the-art, €330 million facility at Kerry Technology Park, Tralee.
“Today’s announcement will provide investment and employment for Tralee, Kerry and indeed the entire south-west region.
“This development is yet another positive reflection of Astellas’ ongoing commitment to and investment in Kerry.
“I want to thank Astellas for its vision and ambition and for advancing the project to this point. I would also like to acknowledge Kerry County Council, IDA Ireland, the Shannon Group and all involved who worked collaboratively and collectively to advance the project to this exciting stage. I look forward to the facility developing at pace.”
In Germany, a team of researchers are working on in the DELIVER project to develop wood replacement products from microorganisms.
The aim is to create a database of hundreds of materials with a broad range of controllable properties for various applications that can be produced from wood waste.
Preliminary research done at University of Freiburg has already shown that bacteria can be programmed to produce proteins that can in turn be used to produce wood-based materials from wood waste such as sawdust or agricultural residues. The researchers used synthetic biology approaches for this work. The resulting biocomposites are 100 percent natural in origin – i.e. sustainable and recyclable. They also contain biologically harmless degradable adhesives and are materials that can be produced in a controlled manner with the desired properties for various applications.
NASA’s Frank Rubio and two Russian Soyuz spacecraft crewmates on the International Space Station will finally complete their mission on 27th September after a record-breaking year in space. But their yearlong orbital stay came about by accident, as the spacecraft the trio was supposed to return home suddenly sprang a leak last December. Rubio spoke about other challenges of a year in space on NASA Television's media
channel this week.
"Maintaining that mental sharpness," was one of the most difficult things Rubio faced after a year in orbit, he said. "99.9% of the time that we're up here, it's just nominal ops. But trying to maintain that edge, to know that we can respond when we need to if something does go wrong, gets challenging the longer you stay up here. But like I've said, I've had great crew mates who've helped in that endeavour."
The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft launched to
orbit September last year carrying Rubio and Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin, for a planned six-month mission. Halfway through their stay the Soyuz rapidly lost all its coolant to space. Russian officials have said a micrometeoroid strike was the likely cause. Russia's space agency Roscomos, consulting with NASA decided to ship up a replacement Soyuz. The new spacecraft, however, would take some time to arrive in orbit.
The replacement Soyuz (called MS-23) arrived safely in February this year. But a relief crew could not arrive until, yet another Soyuz spacecraft (MS-24) was ready, forcing Rubio and his colleagues to remain on board until the end of this month.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has spotted evidence that an exoplanet some 120 light years away could be covered in a massive ocean possibly harbouring life.
A new draft plan for Dublin city centre has been published which could see cars banned from new areas and road space given over to pedestrians, public transport, and cyclists.
A few of the proposals include making Parliament Street traffic-free, while traffic will also be removed from College Green and Dame Street. A new plaza area would also be considered for Custom House Quay or Beresford Place. Also sections of Bachelor’s Walk and Aston Quay could be reallocated for public transport, pedestrians and cyclists, it says.
New traffic arrangements are also suggested for Westland Row, which would see only public transport and cyclists allowed to turn left onto Pearse Street. A new right turn for general traffic will be introduced at this junction and the section of Pearse Street from Westland Row to Sandwith Street would be made two-way.
Westland Row would no longer be a through route to Pearse Street but would allow access towards the Samuel Beckett Bridge instead. Together this would all allow for space to be reallocated on Pearse Street, Tara Street, Beresford Place and Gardiner Street.
Overall, the draft Dublin City Centre Transport Plan 2023, compiled by Dublin City Council in partnership with the National Transport Authority (NTA), envisages making the city centre area a low-traffic environment taking out two out of every three cars in the centre. This proposal would see traffic management measures put in place to give priority to people on foot, in buses, on the Luas and on bicycles.
The draft proposals are part of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028, included is a target of reducing general traffic by 40% and increasing the numbers of people using public transport, walking and cycling.
The proposals are open for public consultation till 1st December.
The European Central Bank yesterday announced a 10th consecutive hike in its main interest rate in the central bank’s deposit facility from -0.5% in June 2022 to a record 4%.
In a market-moving statement, it also indicated that further hikes may be off the table for now.
“Based on its current assessment, the
Governing Council considers that the key ECB interest rates have reached levels that, maintained for a sufficiently long duration, will make a substantial contribution to the timely return of inflation to the target,” it said.
“The Governing Council’s future decisions will ensure that the key ECB interest rates will be set at sufficiently restrictive levels for as long as necessary.”
The telescope detected a molecule called dimethyl sulphide (DMS), which only living organisms can produce here on Earth, on the planet dubbed K2-18 b. Researchers also identified methane and carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere, indicating it could be a "Hycean" planet, one which is covered in an ocean and has a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. K2-18 b orbits its host star, a cool dwarf in the Leo constellation some 120 light years away. It was first discovered by NASA's K2 mission back in 2015, but only thanks to the James Webb's detailed observations have researchers been able to reveal the presence of these. But it's far too early to conclude that K218 b is teeming with life, and the researchers urgently need more data, which is expected courtesy of the JWST's MIRI
(Mid-Infrared Instrument) spectrograph. ''If confirmed, it would be a huge deal and I feel a responsibility to get this right if we are making such a big claim," team lead Nikku Madhusudhan, professor at the University of Cambridge said in a statement. "Our ultimate goal is the identification of life on a habitable exoplanet, which would transform our understanding of our place in the universe.”
Search teams are continuing to comb streets, flattened buildings and the sea to look for bodies in the coastal Libyan city of Derna where heavy rain resulted in the collapse of two dams which unleashed large flash flooding that killed thousands of people. There are as many as 20,000 people feared dead after Storm Daniel struck the northern coast on Saturday night. Othman Abduljalil, health minister in Libya’s eastern administration, said the situation is catastrophic after his tour of the city.
The Mediterranean city of Derna has struggled to get help after Sunday night’s deluge washed away most access roads. Aid workers who managed to reach the city described devastation in its centre, with thousands still missing and tens of thousands left homeless. “Bodies are everywhere, inside houses, in the streets, at sea. Wherever you go, you find dead men, women, and children,” Emad al-Falah, an aid worker from Benghazi, said over the phone from Derna, adding search teams went through shattered apartment buildings and retrieved the dead floating offshore in the Mediterranean Sea.
What is the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant?
The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant provides funding so you can refurbish vacant and derelict homes. It can also be used to renovate properties that have not been used as residential properties before.
You can get the grant if you are refurbishing the vacant property so you can live there, or so you can rent the property out.
What are the qualifying conditions for the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant?
To qualify for the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant, you must meet the following criteria:
The property must have been vacant for 2 years or more. You will not qualify if the property has been left unreasonably or purposely vacant so you can get the grant.
The property must have been built before 2008. (Before 1 May 2023, only homes built before 1993 qualified.)
You must own the property or be in the process of buying it.
You must live in the property as your principal private residence when the work is completed, or make it available for rent. If you are going to rent the property when the work is done, you must register the tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board.
You must have tax clearance from Revenue and your tax affairs must be in order.
You must have paid your Local Property Tax, if applicable.
You must not be a registered company or developer.
You can only get the grant twice. You can get one grant to refurbish a home to live in, and another for a home you are going to rent out.
How do I prove that the property was vacant?
Utility bills can be used to show that a property has been vacant at a particular time. If you can’t get utility bills for the property, you can provide a signed affidavit stating that the property has been vacant for at least two years. Or, if you have recently bought the property you can get a letter from the seller's solicitor confirming that the property was vacant.
How much is the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant?
You can get up to €50,000 to renovate a vacant property and up to €70,000 if the property is derelict. The grant is inclusive of the VAT cost of the works.
How do I apply for the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant?
You should complete the application form and send it to the local authority. You can download the application form or get one from your local Citizens Information Centre. There is a checklist of supporting documents you will need to send in the application form.
The local authority will review your application and documents. They will arrange for a qualified person to visit the property to check that it is possible to do the work and to assess the cost. The local authority will send you a ‘letter of approval’ if your application is successful. This letter will tell you how much your grant will be. If you haven’t bought the property yet, you will get a ‘letter of approval in principle’ for the grant.
You have 13 months to complete the works once your application has been approved.
What happens if my application is not successful?
If your application is not successful, you can appeal the decision with the local authority. You should write to them within three weeks of the decision, giving the reasons why you are appealing.
Your appeal will be reviewed by someone in the local authority who was not involved in assessing your application. The local authority will contact you with the outcome of this review. This can take up to six weeks.
For anyone needing information, advice or have an advocacy issue, you can call a member of the local Citizens Information team in Kerry on 0818 07 7860, they will be happy to assist and make an appointment if necessary. The offices are staffed from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Alternatively you can email on tralee@citinfo.ie or log on to www.citizensinformation.ie for further information.
This week we sat down with Teresa Randles of Your Career Coach to learn a little about her new business. Teresa was born in Killarney and spent most of her career as the Head of Human Resources in London law firms.
In November 2020, she returned to Killarney, intending to explore new career opportunities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she temporarily paused her professional work but continued to provide ad hoc career coaching.
Maintaining contacts in London during this period, she extended her support to an individual who was grappling with uncertainty regarding their career direction after an extended leave. Over the course of several weeks, Teresa and her client worked together to clarify their career objectives and professional goals.
Teresa reflected, "After leaving my demanding but rewarding job in London and settling in Killarney, I contemplated my next steps. I followed the same advice I give others at a career crossroads: I assessed my hard and soft skills and pinpointed the aspects of my previous role that brought me professional fulfilment. My experience in overseeing the complete employee lifecycle, from recruiting graduates to fostering soft skills, preparing for
promotions, and retirement, led me to believe that I could assist people in a non-HR capacity. I thoroughly enjoyed coaching in my previous roles, helping individuals unlock their potential and advance in their careers. Progress could mean a complete career shift or a role change, depending on the individual's aspirations."
With this newfound clarity and a passion for empowering others, Teresa officially launched "Your Career Coach" in April 2023. She relishes the flexibility of remote work from her scenic Killarney location. While she happily meets local clients in person, she's equally comfortable at connecting with clients worldwide via Zoom. Amid her busy schedule, Teresa makes time for yoga and leisurely walks in the breath-taking Killarney National Park.
To book a coaching session with Teresa and benefit from her expertise in navigating your career journey email teresa@meetyourcareercoach.com or visit her website at www.meetyourcareercoach.com.
Killarney Library Writers’ Group will present an Open Mic Evening on September 22.
The event will take place In Killarney Library from 6 pm to 8 pm and will be one of the many events in town to mark Cul-
ture Night.
“Why not come along and read your original work,” said organiser Liz Ryan. “All genres are welcome poetry, prose, memoir and theatre.Come and join us on Culture Night. You won’t regret it.” Refreshments will be served.
The Irish Road Haulage Association held its 50th anniversary annual conference at the Gleneagle Hotel over the weekend.
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was one of the guests of honour at the event and he gave keynote speech at the Gala Dinner on Saturday night.
Junior Transport Minister, Jack Chambers and local TD Michael Healy-Rae also
addressed the two-day conference. Topics up for discussion included a mass driver shortage and on-going Brexit-related problems.
Ger Hyland was appointed the IRHA president and he succeeded Eugene Drennan.
There was also a massive truck and lorry display on the grounds of the Gleneagle complex over the course of the weekend.
A new initiative by Killarney Valley Classic and Vintage Club resulted in over 80 female car enthusiasts attending their show on Sunday.
The Killarney Racecourse-based event
was billed as ‘Heels N Wheels"’ in an effort to attract more woman car enthusiasts to such events.
There was a massive turnout of cars, jeeps and motorbikes on show – an estimated 300 in total - from all over Mun-
Minister for Education, Norma Foley is considering the introduction of road safety classes to the Leaving Certificate curriculum. The move has been welcomed by her Kerry Fianna Fáil colleague, Councillor Michael Cahill.
The Rossbeigh man has been highlighting the need for this intervention for some time now, to ensure our young drivers are educated on the dangers of the road. “It only makes sense that our young people are educated on road safety in the school environment and at the time that they themselves are anxious to become
drivers. A professional syllabus around the Driver’s Theory Test and Road Safety in general, would be a major step forward in teaching life skills to our population.
To date, too many of us have picked up driving habits from friends etc, and to be honest, such sources can be suspect” said Councillor Cahill.
“A professionally drawn up course of Road Safety, to include the Driver’s Theory Test would ensure bad habits could be avoided. The carnage on our roads is unacceptable and every possible avenue must be explored to put an end to the grief and suffering caused by it.”
ster and beyond.
“Over 80 cars belonged to the Ladies who attended the show and were entered into a raffle for some Great prizes from local businesses,” said club PRO Richard O’Donoghue.
“Couldn't get a better location than Killarney Racecourse, especially with the sunshine we had. There was music, refreshments and lots more which always makes our show a family-friendly event. Thanks as always to our generous sponsors,”
Kelliher’s Garage will return 5 percent of the purchase price to one lucky punter this weekend.
The county’s main Toyota dealer is holding a monster sale of second hand cars from Friday until Sunday. This novel idea of winning cash back would be an extra bonus to already buying a quality used car with huge discounts.
The sale starts on Friday and continues
over the weekend with Saturday and Sunday with the Tralee garage open from 10 am to 4 pm.
There are giveaways on over the weekend with vouchers, free road tax on all cars purchased and the 5% cash back prize.
The sale is across all their quality used Toyota range both cars and commercials as well as non-Toyota models that they have in stock including Ford, Skoda, Lexus, Audi, BMW, Nissan, and Volkswagen.
Commencing: Tuesday October 3rd from 7-9 pm and Wednesday October 4th 10am- 12 noon
‘UNDERSTANDING TEENAGERS’ - 10 week course. Commencing: Wednesday October 4th 7-9pm For further details go to Killarney Mentoring Practice website.
I encounter so many wonderful parents/children/individuals who love and care deeply for their families, yet struggle at times in terms of how they communicate. The courses can be truly beneficial in this regard, as when we understand challenging behaviours rather than judging or punishing children (or indeed ourselves), harmony can be achieved - most of the time!
ONE-TO-ONE MENTORING opportunities are available by appointment for those who wish to reflect on relationship challenges of difficulties experienced in the home, family or work environments or simply want to get a deeper understanding of themselves.
For queries or booking in relation to the above please contact:
Eileen Buckley, Relationship and Parenting Mentor on (087) 4129655 or at eileen2buckley@gmail.com
(This practice is run in association with Dr Tony Humphreys (021) 4642394, email @tonyhumphreys1@eircom.net) Bookings need to be made by Wednesday, September 25th .
Fill in the grid so that every row,every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. No math, nothing has to add up –solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.
A behind-the-scenes tour with conservator Sven Habermann
Friday 22 September at 7.00pm sharp
Places are Limited - Booking is Essential
Email: Library@muckross.ie
The largest home insurer in the US, State Farm, announced that it was stopping offering new cover for home insurance in the state of California.
The insurer cited wildfire risk and inflation of construction costs.
Allstate, the fourth largest Insurer in the state followed suit shortly after. Existing policies remain unaffected, at least for now.
To get a sense of the enormity of these decisions have a look at the insurers business in California for the year 2021.
Allstate had nearly $4.4 billion in written premiums in property and casualty and Statefarm had over $7 billion in written premiums.
AIG, an insurer we are familiar with in this
TO LET: Ensuite room to rent in 2-bedroom apartment, sharing with 1 other female. 10 mins walk to Killarney town centre. Female only. Mature working professional, non-smoker. No parties. Contact 085 1099575 after 6pm, or through email, giving details and contact number at Killarneyapartment700@outlook.ie
TO LET: Large room ensuite in Cahernane Meadows. Long-term. Careful tenants. No pets. Tel: 087 2171038 or 087 6993819.
FOR SALE: SPECIAL OFFER – Firewood for sale, Killarney area. Collection only on Saturday mornings 9am-12.30pm. Loose firewood sold at €50 per loaded bucket and/or net bags, 3 for €10. Location V93 V672.
FOR SALE: Three-piece brown leather suite, good condition, reasonable price. Phone 087 9291941.
WANTED: Hairdresser wanted, full-time or part-time in an established Killarney Salon, with the view to taking over in the Springtime. Call 085 2653110.
WANTED: Apprentice Carpenter Wanted, willing to register and training available for
country, is limiting cover on expensive high net worth properties in California and Farmers Insurance announced it will no longer issue new property insurance in Florida due to “historically high” levels of disaster costs.
Climate change is starting to destabilise the insurance industry across the United States with rising temperatures leading to larger wildfires, floods and storms. In 2022, California had 7,490 wildfires, which collectively destroyed 362,455 acres and killed nine people. As of September this year the state experi-
enced 5280 fires that have burned over 255,468 acres.
California recently enacted a consumer protection law that will shield some homeowners temporarily. After a wildfire, when the governor declares a state of emergency, residents of ZIP codes near or within the fire zone can retain their homeowners insurance. The law places a moratorium on the cancellation or nonrenewal of those policies for one year after the emergency declaration. Thankfully at home we have not witnessed large wildfires but flood exclusions have become the norm in flood prone areas.
The changing nature of our climate is going to pose huge challenges to insurers for the coming years.
TO LET: 4-bedroom house in Barraduff. Also, 4-bedroom house in Currow. Phone 086 8136888.
TO LET: New Luxury 2-bedroom apartment in Park Road area. 2 double bedrooms, 1-bathroom, all mod cons, and private parking. €1600 per month. Contact 087 3101222.
TO LET: 3-bedroom house, semi-detached in Milltown. Fully furnished, within walking distance to all amenities. Available from 8th
the suitable candidate. Call 087 2358101.
WANTED: Part-time cleaner wanted in the Killarney area. Fluent English and own transport are essential. Phone 087 6341637.
AVAILABLE: MUSIC LESSONS - piano, violin, fiddle, guitar, banjo. Garda vetted. Leaving Cert Music grinds and Online Option also available. Tel John: 087-6801392 or Maggie: 087-6961681.
AVAILABLE: SPANISH GRINDS available for Junior Cert up to Leaving Cert students. All grinds are taught online! All aspects will be covered and tailored to the student’s needs. For more information, contact Andrea on 087 1145291.
AVAILABLE: Experienced, highly qualified
October. Phone 086 4055595.
TO LET: Rooms to rent in Tralee town. Contact 087 2944505.
TO LET: Single room to let in Cahernane Meadows. Non-Smoker. Sharing with 3 others. Long-term only. Telephone Dee 086 8451208.
WANTED: Houses and apartments to rent in the Killarney area. Contact 086 8136888.
teacher available for online tutoring. Primary curriculum: English, maths, science, history & geography. Junior cycle: English & history. Email anne@englishtutor.ie
AVAILABLE: Weight management: 1 time, 1 payment. Lots of solutions. Health check, allergy tests and Hypnosis. Forget weekly weigh ins. Introductory offer this September. For updates on safe natural products you can find me on Facebook: Marie Ridouts Remedies or website www.naturalhealthsolutions. info Tel.: Marie on 0851367488.
AVAILABLE: Reliable, caring person available to care for an elderly person. Part-time, help with cooking, cleaning, etc. Garda vetted and highly recommended. Must be within walking distance of town centre. Apply to box No. 3408.
WANTED: 2 female professionals looking for a 2- or 3-bedroom home to rent long term, in or near killarney. We are tidy, low maintenance tenants. our budget is up to € 1250 per month . contact 085 1287622.
WANTED: Landlord who will get into 5–6year lease with Kerry County Council in renting a 2-3 bed apt/house to a HAP tenant. Rent Payment paid directly from Kerry County Council. Female Tenant. 089 271 4990.
AVAILABLE: Experienced Childminder available Monday to Friday. Up to date First Aid. References available on request. Contact 086 3327301.
AVAILABLE: Babysitter available Monday to Friday in minders own home, within easy walking distance of Killarney Town. Telephone 085 7078530.
ANIMALS: HUG: Homes for Unwanted Greyhounds. For further details please contact us on 087 6932090 or email info@homesforunwantedgreyhounds.ie
ANIMALS: KLAWS (Kenmare and Locality Animal Welfare Society) We have several adult cats (all colours) awaiting homes. 087 9729240 or 087 9704480.
• 3 bed semi superbly located within minutes walk of Killarney town centre and all amenities
• Bright spacious living accommodation with three double bedrooms (Master ensuite)
• Private rear yard, not overlooked
• Detached storage/utility building to the rear
• Ideal starter home or investment property.
• 4 Bedroom detached dormer on c.0.54 acre site situated approx. 7km from Killarney town.
• Bright spacious accommodation extending to 2,350 Sq.Ft. approx.
• Located adjacent to the main N22 Cork road enabling an easy commute to Cork City.
• Ideal opportunity to purchase an attractive detached family home in a convenient location.
With holidays behind us, kids back in school and the older ones returning/starting college, our lives kick back into routine again.
With that, the Autumn selling kicks off in earnest.
With life returning to ‘normal’ after the busy summer months, property buyers refocus on their hunt for their perfect home.
September can be a really good time to bring your home to the market. It is a month which allows vendors to show-
case their properties at their very best given the light and colours of the season.
Take full advantage of the September ‘Indian summer’ by taking great photos and videos of your property to help promote and market your property in the best possible light.
On a local level, the number of properties available on the market are scarce and with strong prices and a large number of active buyers in the market (and on our books), this September could be
the optimum time to bring your property to the market for sale.
Dare we say it, Christmas will be fast approaching and active buyers will aim to secure their new home now in time for the festive season.
Take advantage of our award winning (best branch office 2023) DNG office this September and allow us to showcase your property for sale.
Contact us for a free property appraisal on 064 6639000 or email killarney@ dng.ie
Role will suit a person with entry level IT skills, and eye for detail and the ability to work on own initiative. Full manufacture training will be provided.
Key Skills:
• Entry level IT skills.
• Attention to detail.
• General knowledge of office-based machines.
• Day to day running of a Digital Printing Press.
• Production planning jobs.
• Communication with production manager.
• MIS data input.
• Assist in finishing department.
Please send applications to: production@kcprint.ie
The professionals choice
Requirements: MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18. MUST BE FULLY FLEXIBLE (7 days a week, weekends, bank holidays).
Send Applications to KWong@boylesports.com
A Retail Team Member with Boyle Sports is the rst point of contact for our customers in store.
The day to day of the role would be to assist the Shop Manager and team with the running of the branch. You will prepare the shop for the day ahead, hanging papers and stocking coupons, slips and pens, you will ensure high standards are maintained throughout the day all the while taking and paying out bets and delivering excellent customer service. You will be given the tools to expand your knowledge base on all things sport and betting related.
1. Cowboy's rope
1. Continues
2. Wide-awake
3. Radar's kin
4. Anxious uncertainty
5. Poem of praise
6. Horse feed
7. Happiness
8. "____ of the Flies"
9. Browning's "always" 10. Concurred
11. Silent
12. Tightly stretched 13. Shade providers 19. Chef's garment 21. Pedro's "one" 24. Misery 25. Trick
Pedestrian safety barriers were removed from the school exit during recent renovations works.
Cllr Martin Grady says this is not safe. “I’m calling for the safety barriers to be put back in place on New Road, at the Mercy Holy Cross School. Where parents, guardians and pupils gather it’s much safer have these barriers put back in place,” he said.
Killarney Scouts is seeking volunteers to train as leaders for its Scouts, Cubs and Beaver groups.
The 6th Kerry Scout Group is based at Lissivigeen National School and caters for boys and girls from six to 18 years-old. Beavers (aged 6-8) meet on Mondays between 6pm and 7pm, Cubs (9-11) meet
Tuesday between 7pm and 8.30pm and Scouts (12-15) & Ventures (15-18) meet Wednesday between 7pm and 830pm. Training will be provided in outdoor adventure activities and leading children and young people.
For more information contact John at 087 7387406 (Cubs) or Mary at 087 6462353 (Scouts).
Managing Editor & Director: Cormac Casey
Director: Noelle Casey
General Manager: Aidan Quirke
Business Development Manager: Chris Davies
Graphic Designer: Leszek Szeligowski, Sports Journalist: Adam Moynihan, Sean Moriarty
Sports Columnists: Adam Moynihan, Eamonn Fitzgerald, Liam Murphy, Eamonn Keogh
Journalist: Sean Moriarty
Contributing Columnists:
Jill Duggan, Niamh Dwyer, Natalya Krasnenkova
Photographers: Marie Carroll-O'Sullivan, Valerie O’Sullivan, Dylan Clifford, Eamonn Keogh, Don MacMonagle, Sally MacMonagle
In loving memory of Eilish Twomey Inches, Rathmore, Co. Kerry who passed away on 17th September 2022.
The family would like to thank you most sincerely for your kind expression of sympathy, support and compassion on our recent bereavement.
Thanks to the medical professionals and staff in Fr. Corridan Centre, Tearmann Lodge, CUH, UHK, Glebe Lodge, Castleisland, for their care and kindness shown to Eilish.
Grateful appreciation to our neighbours and friends, who helped us in so many ways, during this difficult time.
A special thank you to Sr. Peter for saying the rosary, Monsignor Dan for the beautiful mass.
To Maura and Geraldine for their input in the mass.
As a token of appreciation, the Holy Sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.
In loving memory of Eilish Twomey Inches, Rathmore, Co. Kerry who passed away on 17th September 2022 Age 50. R.I.P.
We sat beside your bedside
Our hearts were crushed and sore We did our best to the end Till we could do no more.
In tears we watched you sinking
We watched you fade away
And though our hearts were breaking
We knew you could not stay.
You left behind some aching hearts
That loved you most sincerely We never shall and never will Forget you Eilish.
Sadly missed and always remembered by your brother Tim, sister Joan, sister-in-law Mag, and nephews Cian and Darren.
Ask St. Claire for 3 favours, one business, two impossible and say nine Hail Mary’s for nine days with lighted candle. Pray whether you believe or not. Publish on ninth day.
Powerful Novena. May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified and loved today and every day throughout the whole world forever Amen. Say six times daily for nine days. Your request will be granted no matter how difficult it may seem. Favour publication must be promised. OB
In loving memory of Kate Murphy
Late of Dunrine, Killarney, Co Kerry whose anniversary occurs on 21st September.
In our Hearts
We thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new We thought about you yesterday And days before that too.
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name
Now all we have is memories
And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake With which we’ll never part God has you in his arms
We have you in our hearts.
Loved and remembered every day by your loving husband Michael, sons Cillian and daughter-in-law Gess, Conor and Luke, daughters Ruth and Debbie, and their partners, and new arrival grandson Robin.
Anniversary Mass on Saturday 23rd September at 7.30pm in Kilcummin Church.
In loving memory of John Moloney Knockeendubh, Tralee Road, Killarney who passed away on 21st September 2021.
A golden heart stopped beating Hard working hands at rest It broke our hearts to see you go God only takes the best.
You can shed tears that he is gone Or you can smile because he has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back Or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him Or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind
Be empty and turn your back Or you can do what he’d want Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
Always in our thoughts and sadly missed every day by his loving wife Eileen, his daughters Catriona, Elaine, Anna and Caragh, sons-in-law John, Paudie and Jer, partner Brian and grandchildren Seán, Brian Abby Jack, Chloe and Jerry.
Anniversary Mass for John is on Saturday 23rd September at 6.15pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral.
In loving memory of Gene Moriarty Lackabane, Fossa.
Margaret, Amy and relatives wish to express our sincere gratitude for the kindness, sympathy and support shown to us through Gene’s funeral and the months since.
Thanks to everyone who came to the funeral home, attended Gene’s requiem mass and burial, those who sent mass cards, messages of condolence, and made donations to Kerry Cork Cancer Link Bus. Thanks especially to those who travelled long distances to be with us.
Thanks to Fr. Niall Geaney and the priests who concelebrated the requiem mass, and to Helen and Morgan Pierce, Mike and Mary Kelliher, and Cian O’Sullivan for the beautiful music.
Thank you to Gene’s beloved Fossa GAA Club for the outpouring of respect and support from it’s members. We were overwhelmed by the goodwill of all people who formed Guards of Honour.
We wish to acknowledge the care and kindness shown to Gene by Dr. Quirke and staff at Deenagh Medical, doctors, nurses, and staff at O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy.
To Mike, Mary and staff at O’Shea’s Funeral Home, and to The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust, who ensured Gene was brought home to us safely and without delay. We will love and remember Gene forever. Rest in Peace Gene.
In loving memory of Elizabeth (Lil) O’Keeffe late of Bounard, Gneeveguilla, Rathmore who passed away on 12th September 2020.
A special Person, a smiling Face
A loving nature, a heart of gold
A memory fond and true
In our hearts you will live forever Because we thought the world of you. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by your husband Mike, sons Sean, Moss and Michael, daughter-in-law Mary, extended family and friends.
Lil’s Anniversary Mass on Sunday 16th September at 9.30am in the Church Of The Holy Rosary, Gneeveguilla. Can be viewed online at http://www.rathmoreparish.ie
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked You for many favours. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favour). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within Your own Heart where Your Father sees it. Then, in His merciful eyes it will become Your favour not mine. Amen. Say for three days, promise publication and favour will be granted. BF
In loving memory of May McElligott whose first anniversary occurs on 17th September 2023.
May is sadly missed by her family Husband Tom, Son David, brother Pat, sister Bridget, brother-in-law Dan Foley extended Family, Friends and Neighbours.
We would like to acknowledge and say a heartfelt thank you to all those who cared for May in her life, especially the doctors, nurses and staff of Our Lady Of Lourdes Nursing home Kilcummin.
To the doctors and nurses of Tralee General Hospital, thank you.
We would like to thank O’Sheas Undertakers, Killarney for all their assistance in arranging May’s Funeral.
You has a smile for everyone
You had a heart of gold
You left so many memories
That we will always hold A special person, a smiling face A loving nature, a heart of gold
A memory fond and true In our hearts you will live forever Because we thought the world of You. Rest in Peace May.
In loving memory of Michael Joseph Tangney (Mikey Joe) Gerahmeen, Beaufort who passed away on 10th September 2022.
As we lovingly remember Michael on his First Anniversary, we his family would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss.
A special thank you to Kenmare Nursing Home and O’Shea’s Funeral home.
Those who think of Mikey today
A little prayer to Jesus say.
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. RF
St. Theresa the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from thy heavenly gardens and send it to me with a message of love. Ask God to please grant me the favour I thee implore and tell him I will love him each day more and more. Amen.
In loving memory of a special mom
In loving memory of Bridie & Denis Horan late of Shinnagh, Rathmore, who died on 16th September 2020 and 27th September 2002.
We had the world when we had you A world of happiness and love too Someone to turn to, kind and true A one in a million, Mom and Dad, that was you.
We love and miss you always.
Always remembered by your loving daughter Breda, son-in-law Denny, grand-children and great-grand-children.
Eileen Harrington late of 39 O’Kellys Villas, Killarney who died on 20th September 2019.
Though your smile is gone forever And your hand I cannot touch I still have lovely memories of the one I loved so much your memories are my keepsake which will always be in my heart and has you in his keeping and I have you in my hear.
Your loving daughter Breda.
Anniversary Mass on Sunday 17th September at 11am in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney.
In loving memory of Bridie & Denis Horan late of Shinnagh, Rathmore, who died on 16th September 2020 and 27th September 2002.
As each day dawns, we think of you As each night falls, we pray for you And throughout our lives, no matter where In our hearts you are always there.
We love and miss you Mum and Dad.
Always remembered by your loving daughter Margie, son-in-law Mike, grand-children and great-grand-children.
In loving memory of a dear father and mother Johnny and Eileen Doyle whose anniversaries occur on 24th August 2001 and 18th September 2020. R.I.P.
Silent memories keep you near As time unfolds another year Out of our lives you may have gone
But in our hearts you still live on.
Loved & remembered always by your son Patrick, Eileen, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Anniversary Mass for Johnny and Eileen on Sunday 17th September at 11.00am in the Sacred Heart Church, Barraduff.
May your
and honoured throughout the whole world now and forever. Repeat this 3 times.
In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother
Eileen Harrington
39 O’ Kelly’s Villas, Killarney who died on 20th September 2019.
God saw you getting tired, a cure was not to be.
So He put his arms around you and He whispered “Come to Me”
With tearful eyes we watched you, all gathered around to say goodbye. Although we loved you dearly, we could not stop you leaving.
Now when days are tough your love and guidance still light our way.
We hear you whisper “Cheer up and Carry on”.
“I am with your Dad. God has the both of us in His tender care”. Take comfort in what I say as we now watch over all of ye each day and night.
Missing you and loving you always your daughter Mary, son-in-law Phil, grandchildren Mary-Ellen and Lukas.
In loving memory of a dear Mother
Eileen (Eily) Harrington late of 39 O’ Kelly’s Villas, Killarney who died on 20th September 2019.
I miss you more than ever Your guidance and your love
But I know you are still watching over me from above.
Your leaving left an empty space
But those we love do not leave us They walk alongside us every day Unseen, unheard, but always near.
Lovingly remembered by your daughter Elaine and her partner John.
In loving memory of Eileen Harrington late of 39 O’Kelllys Villas, Killarney who died on 20th september 2019. There are no words to tell you Mom What losing you has meant. Every day we think of you
And happy years we spent
You would want us to keep smiling
And that’s what we will do
And every time we reminisce
We having loving thoughts of you
You are with us when each day dawns And when we say good night
Our guardian angel here on earth
And heaven’s shining light
You will never be forgotten
And we often shed a tear
But it’s only because we love you
And wish you were still here. Until we meet again some day. Sadly missed but never forgotten by your loving son Niall, daughter-in-law Michelle. ***
Precious nanas are very few
Thats why there was only one of you
God treasure her in your garden of rest Because on earth
You were one of the best.
Always loved and remembered Matthew and Jason. xoxoxo
In loving memory of Eileen Harrington late of 39 O’Kellys Villas, Killarney who died on 20th September 2019.
You gave us all you had to give Gifts both big and small But most of all you gave us love The greatest love of all.
So may the winds of love blow softly And whisper for you to hear That we still love and miss you As it dawns another year.
From your loving son John, daughter-in-law Sinéad, and grandchildren Noel, John (jnr), Conor, Brian and Emma. xxxxx
Oh dear Mother of God, our lady of conception aparecidal, oh Saint Rita of Cassia and saint Jude worker of miracles and helper of impossible causes pray for me. Saint expedite, Saint of Urgent causes pray for me.
Saint Edwiges the saint of the needy, you know how desperate I feel please ask jesus to he me. ( mention your request) May the sacred heart of jesus be adored and glorified for ever. Pray one our Father, one Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and shall be, world without end amen. Pray for three days, publish on the third day, see what will happen on the fourth day. MmC
In loving memory of Patrick John (PJ) O’Halloran Loreto Road, Killarney who passed away on 19th September 2020.
You did so many things for us
Your heart was kind and true
And when we needed someone We could always count on you
These special years will not return When we were all together But with love in our hearts You walk with us forever.
Lovingly remembered by your wife Pauline and family.
Anniversary mass will be held on Saturday 16th September at 6:15pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney.
In Loving Memory of Dominic Kiely late of Faughbawn, Muckross and Rathbane, Limerick who passed away peacefully on 20th September 2019.
“May you continue to inspire us
To enter each day with a generous heart. To serve the call of courage & love Until we see your beautiful face again. In that land where there is no more separation Where all tears will be wiped from our mind and where we will never lose you again”.
John O’Donoghue excerpt from ‘On the Death of the Beloved’.
Dom loved and missed by many.
Anniversary Mass for Dom on Monday 18th September at 6.15 pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney.
MC CARTHY In Loving Memory of Seani McCarthy late of Knockeenduve and Marian Terrace, Killarney who died on 13th September 2015.
Don’t weep at my grave
For I am not there I’ve a date with a butterfly To dance in the air.
I’ll be singing in the sunshine Wild and free Playing tag with the wind While I am waiting for thee.
Forever loved your wife Margaret.
Thinking every day of my dear brother Cornelius Guerin beloved son of the late Cathy and Cornelius Guerin
Irish Cottage, Muckross Road, Killarney who very sadly, and too young, left us on 22nd September 2014.
Benedictus by John O’Donoghue (1956-2008) For Cornelius
On the day when the weight deadens on your shoulders and you stumble, may the clay dance to balance you. And when your eyes freeze behind the grey window and the ghost of loss gets into you.
May a flock of colours, indigo, red, green and azure blue,come to awaken in you a meadow of delight.
When the canvas frays in the currach of thought and a stain of ocean blackens beneath you. May there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home.
May the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours, may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slowwind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life.
From your sisters and brothers Mary, Patrick, Margaret, Timothy, Denis, and their families.
In loving memory of Mick Kearney late of Knocknahoe, Killarney who died on 12th September 2003.
We miss your smile, your joking ways
We miss the things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you most of all.
Always remembered by your loving family.
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles awaited on your word which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought I implore you to obtain for me my request (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even though you are the Saint of Miracles, O gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart was ever full of human sympathy. Whisper my petition into the ear of the sweet infant Jesus who loved to be held in your arms and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Promise publication. MS
In loving memory of Teresa Brosnan (nee O Sullivan) Knockacorrin, Currow, Killarney whose anniversary occurs around this time.
We hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again.
So Rest In Peace, dear loved one And thanks for all you’ve done. We pray that God has given you The crown you’ve truly won.
Always remembered by your loving son Ger, daughter Helen and son-in-law Niall.
*** NANA
You always had a smile to share, A laugh, a joke, a time to care, A loving nature warm & true, These are the memories we have of you.
Fondly remembered by your grandchildren Tracey, Denise & Conor.
In loving memory of William White
8 Marian Tce, Killarney who died on 12th September 1998. We hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again.
So Rest In Peace, dear loved one
And thanks for all you’ve done We pray that God has given you
The crown you’ve truly won.
Dearly loved and missed by your daughters Kay and Vera, sons Billy, Tommy, Philip and Noel, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. BT
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. COS
In loving memory of Patrick Moriarty Laccabane, Fossa and Vancouver, Canada who died on 21st September 2010.
Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech
But not too far though to reach Sweet to remember him once here Who, though absent, is just as dear.
Fondly remembered by your sisters and their families.
O’GRADY In loving memory of Gretta and John O’Grady late of 1 York Terrace, Lewis Road, Killarney Gretta who died on 24th July 2005
John who died on 22nd September 1971.
No words we write can ever say How much we miss you every day
No one knows the grief we bear When the family gather and you’re not there. We laugh, we talk, we play the part But beyond the sorrow is a broken heart The sorrow we feel, we can never explain And the ache in our hearts will always remain.
Sadly missed by your sons Peter and John Joe, daughters-in-law Barbara and Kathy, grandchildren Tara, Keith, Barry, Aisling, and greatgrandson Ryan.
St. Jude come to my assistance in my need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities particularly (mention request) and that I may praise God with you and the elect throughout eternity. I promise you O Blessed Jude to be ever mindful of this great favour and I will never cease to honour you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my powers to encourage devotion to you. Amen. Say for 3 days and publish immediately. Favour granted after 3 days. EC
May you always have an angel by your side,
Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to take you to beautiful places. Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage. And may you always have an angel by your side.
Emilia Larson.O’SULLIVAN
In loving memory of Thomas O’Sullivan, late of Cockhill Kilcummin, Who died on 13th of September 2012 Also a birthday remembrance of our loving mother Norann whose birthday occured on 5th September.
You always had a smile to share, A laugh, a joke, a time to care, Each of us in our own way, Have special thoughts of you both today. Silent memories keep you near As time unfolds another year Out of our lives you may be gone But in our hearts you still live on.
Deeply missed and always remembered by your children Miriam, Brendan, John, Annmaire, Tom, Joanna, Siobhan, Noel, and Liz. xxxx
Love and miss ye Nana & Granda, Amy, Darragh, Kian, Adam, Kerri, Gavin, Robyn, Evan, Chloe, Tyler, Ella, Thomas and Ethan. xxxx
In loving memory of Dermot Kerrisk
Late of High St and Lewis Road, Killarney Who died on 10th September 2000. R.I.P.
Your presence we miss Your memory we treasure Loving you always Forgetting you never.
Loved and remembered always by your children Derry, Annette, Renee, Irene Mary and Pauline, daughters-in-law, and families.
Anniversary Mass on Monday 18th September at 6.15pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney.
This novena never fails. Say it on the hour for 9 hours. Jesus who has said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you. Through the intercession of Mary, the Most Holy Mother, I knock, I ask that my prayer will be granted (Make your request).
Oh Jesus, has said all you ask the Father in my name, he will grant through the intercession of Mary, the Most Holy Mother. I humbly beg and urgently ask the Father in thy Name that my prayer be granted (Make request here) Oh Jesus who has said Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away through the intercession of Mary, the most Holy Mother. I feel confident my prayer shall be answered. (Make request).
This novena is to be said at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours – one day. Promised publication, never fails. SL
• Gardaí investigating incident involving opposing players at Mounthawk Park
• Longford issue statement claiming that incident ‘did not occur’
Kerry FC say the gardaí have been notified of an alleged racial remark made to one of their players in the aftermath of last Friday night’s 0-0 draw with Longford Town. The comment, which was allegedly made by a Longford player, led to a mass confrontation as both squads left the field at Mounthawk Park in Tralee.
Speaking at the post-match press conference, Kerry manager Billy Dennehy said he was “proud” of his players for sticking up for one another. The club subsequently issued the following statement on Saturday:
“Kerry Football Club is aware of an alleged ‘racial’ remark directed at one of our players during last night’s SSE Airtricity Men’s First Division game against Longford Town.
“The club continues to work with the FAI and the League of Ireland to kick ‘racism’ out of the game. Kerry FC stands with the player affected and he is receiving all support available to him at this time.
“We condemn discrimination in football and will not tolerate any form of hate towards any of our players or staff.
“Mounthawk Park and Kerry FC is a community where all people are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, and other diverse backgrounds.
“The matter has been referred to an Garda Síochána. Kerry FC will be making no further comment on the matter at this time as investigations are ongoing.” However, in a surprising move that has
drawn sharp criticism online, Longford Town responded with their own statement on Monday claiming that their player is innocent.
“Longford Town FC is aware of an alleged incident at our recent game against Kerry FC at Mounthawk Park last Friday 8th September.
“After conducting our own investigation and speaking with players and staff, Longford Town FC is extremely confident that the alleged incident did not occur and we are fully behind the individual in question.
“We will work with the relevant authorities to establish the facts of the matter.
Longford Town FC condemns all types of discrimination and racism.
“The club will be making no further comment at this time.”
Speaking to RTÉ Sport, gardaí confirmed that an investigation is underway.
“Gardaí in Tralee are investigating all the circumstances of a public order incident that occurred at a sports ground on Friday evening, 8th September 2023. Investigations are ongoing at this time.
"There is no specific hate crime legislation on the statute books.
"An integral and essential part of every criminal investigation is to determine the motivation of any alleged offence.”
This is the second instance of alleged racial abuse involving Kerry FC players this season. In March the club issued a statement condemning hateful Twitter comments that were posted during their 0-1 defeat to Athlone.
Defending champions East Kerry are on the hunt for their third county title in four years and with a talented squad that’s looking as stacked as ever, only the brave would back against them.
Rathmore’s promotion back to senior level means that Kerry players Shane Ryan and Paul Murphy are missing from last year’s nine-point final victory over Mid Kerry but East Kerry’s strength in depth in all sectors means that no individual player is irreplaceable – excepting the obvious.
David Clifford’s performance for the ages in Fossa’s landmark intermediate semi-final win over Stacks provided a stark reminder of his awe-inspiring talents.
Paudie Clifford was excellent too and this year the Two Mile brothers are joined on the East Kerry panel by four clubmates –another glaring indicator of how far Fossa have come.
James O’Donoghue must be considered an injury doubt after only managing a cameo in Legion’s last outing but his clubmates Brian Kelly, Jonathan Lyne, Darragh Lyne and Cian Gammell are all likely to feature. Current Kerry senior panelists Chris O’Donoghue and Darragh Roche (Glenflesk), Ronan Buckley and Ruairí Murphy (Listry), and Donal O’Sullivan (Kilgarvan) would also be expected to play their part, with plenty of young talent from all seven clubs hoping to break into the starting line-up.
Friday 8pm Na Gaeil v St Brendan’sAustin Stack Park
Saturday 3pm Templenoe v West KerryFitzgerald Stadium
Saturday 5.30pm Rahillys v Shannon RangersAustin Stack Park
Saturday 7.30pm East Kerry v South KerryAustin Stack Park
Sunday1.30pm Rathmore v St Kieran’sFitzgerald Stadium
Sunday 2.15pm Dingle v Dr CrokesAustin Stack Park
Sunday 3.30pm Feale Rangers v KenmareFitzgerald Stadium
Sunday 4.15pm Mid Kerry v Spa Austin Stack Park
Realistically, the holders should navigate Group 1 with little fuss with South Kerry, West Kerry and Templenoe battling it out for second.
Breaking free of East Kerry’s stranglehold will not be easy but crafty Senior Club champions Dingle are surely best placed to wriggle loose. With four in-form Geaneys in the forwards – Paul, Mikey, Conor and Dylan – they have the tools to trouble any defence, and the return of their established AFL player Mark O’Connor adds solidity going the other way. Their Group 4 opponents Dr Crokes will be aiming to better their showing in 2022 when they bowed out at the quarter-final stage. Naturally much will depend on the availability or otherwise of their star players Gavin White and Tony Brosnan. White missed the recent Senior Club semi-final defeat to Kenmare with a hamstring in-
jury. Brosnan, who has been sidelined with a recurrence of a lung problem, was togged for that match but did not play. The Killarney club will be fancied to qualify from their pool alongside Dingle, although St Brendan’s – massively strengthened by the addition of Austin Stacks to their ranks – are an unknown quantity.
In 2022, Spa found the going tough in a Group of Death that included East Kerry and Dingle. The draw has been kinder to them this time around and they would expect to beat Rahillys and Shannon Rangers in Group 3. Mid Kerry, runners-up last season, will obviously provide a sterner test.
East Kerry
South Kerry
West Kerry Templenoe
Kenmare Shamrocks
St Kieran’s Feale Rangers
Mid Kerry Spa
Kerins O’Rahillys
Shannon Rangers
Dr Crokes
St Brendan’s Na Gaeil
Group 2 is difficult to call. Kenmare came mightily close in the Senior Club final and they, along with a resurgent Feale Rangers, might be the favourites to reach the knockout phase. Rathmore are always a tough championship team, however, and St Kieran’s have threatened in the nottoo-distant past – although they lost all three group games (including one against Kenmare) in 2022.
All things considered East Kerry and Dingle appear to be the frontrunners to capture the Bishop Moynihan trophy but there will be plenty of twists and turns along the way.
Fossa 0-21
Austin Stacks 0-21 AET
(Fossa win 3-2 on penalties)
And the Fossa juggernaut rolls on. Would you believe it, I expect Fossa to be in the senior ranks next year, such is their amazing progress from a very small beginning, when they found it hard enough to muster a team.
Many a time the late Fr Galvin, Fossa PP, asked me if there was any promising young fellow around that might join Fossa to make up the numbers. Crowned All-Ireland Junior champions last January, they are now through to the Kerry Intermediate final versus Milltown/Castlemaine.
Charles Kickham published his famous novel ‘Knocknagow’ in the 1870s and the cry went out to all to the downtrodden Irish peasants to do the needful ‘for the love of the parish’. Kickham was the author from Mullinahone and followers of hurling will recall that great Tipperary hurler John Leahy (pronounced Layhee). ‘Do it for the love of the parish’. He did, Mullinahone Abú.
Fossa did it at the Park on Sunday last. Most spectators on the terrace were attired for the strong heat of the past 10 days, but the rain came. It didn’t bother Merry Talbot, Dominic Rintoul and their fellow Fossa supporters. Why?
Right there before us were the Rockies fully intent in returning to former glories in at senior level. They lost in the awful way of penalties but contributed so much to our enjoyment of this thriller, even without some regulars. All that is important, but nothing compares to the Fossa GAA giant wearing the number 13 geansaí. Simply the best. The record books will credit a personal scoring tally of 13 points, unlucky for some - especially on the Top of the Rock. Break that down: three frees and ten points from play. That is some shooting.
On this form he is unmarkable, despite being held, pushed and fouled by Dylan Casey at first, and then by several others. It made no difference. I cite just one point, the last one in extra time. Denis Mannix did well to shoot what appeared to be the winner with just 19 seconds left. Then Sam Buckley sent one last ball in
the direction of David Clifford, who was herded out towards the sideline on the terrace side surrounded by three Stacks defenders. Would he even dare try anything as he was blocked in all directions?
The magic of the swerve, the shimmies, the semi-dance. His strength counted and the way he transferred the ball to his unerring ciotóg and still had to get great elevation to escape a block down.
He kicked the unkickable so high that the umpires had to move well back from the posts. The top golf pros are earning millions because they can play the impossible shot very close to high trees and yet get on the green to the utter disbelief of their stunned opponents. David Clifford doesn’t get a euro for his displays of sheer magic. All for the sake of the parish.
However, I hasten to add this Fossa is no one man band. A real hero in the penalty shootout was goalkeeper Shane O’Sullivan. He made superb penalty saves from Ferdia O’Brien, Michael O’Donnell and Greg Horan. His opposite number Wayne Guthrie (ex-Kerry FC) went into goal for the penalties but couldn’t match O’Sullivan. Other Fossa players who excelled were powerful midfielders Rian Colleran and particularly Matt Rennie. Paudie Clifford (0-5) and teak-tough full back Cian McMcarthy, just like his late uncle Donie for Firies for so many years, was totally committed, brave and unyielding.
Killarney Legion 1-10
Milltown/Castlemaine 1-13
One forward who Jack O’Connor might be considering is Cillian Burke of Milltown/Castlemaine. He is a big, strong man, a fine fielder and goes route one for goal.
Legion found him hard to stop and conceded fouls which Éanna O’Connor (Jack’s son) converted. He is deadly accurate anywhere from the 45 in. However, he is not a candidate for a call-up to his Dad’s Army.
Legion did quite well in the first half and were just three points in arrears at halftime. A great block by Danny Sheahan kept the Legion net intact. Brian Kelly came to their rescue early in the second half but eventually their goal was breached. Full back Pa Wrenn started the move. Cillian Burke went straight though the middle of the Legion defence before passing smartly to Cathal Moriarty and great and all a goalkeeper as Brian Kelly is, he had no chance of saving Moriarty’s shot at such close range.
Indeed, Legion looked to be out of it in that 40th minute trailing 1-10 to 0-7. They fought back bravely and were rewarded in the 44th minute when substitute Ryan O’Grady slotted the penalty awarded for a leg block by Brendan Casey.
James ‘O Donoghue was unable to start due to injury, but when he came on in the 49th minute he made a difference. However, the Milltown/Castlemaine team responded to regain the lead 1-12 to 1-9.
Jameso had the final score, a point, to leave it 1-13 to 1-10.
PEERLESS: David Clifford kicked 13 points for Fossa, including the equaliser right at the end of extra time.Dingle were crowned Kerry Senior Club champions in Austin Stack Park on Saturday night after a fascinating duel with Kenmare Shamrocks that ended on a score of 1-9 to 0-11 points.
It was no more than they deserved; they have been the most consistent senior club in Kerry for many years, yet the championship title eluded them. It’s a similar story now with Kenmare Shamrocks. They have lost several finals. They were very close in this one and were leading by a point, but they couldn’t add to that tally even though Dingle were down to 14 men after a dismissal.
As always Kenmare were too dependent on Seánie O’Shea to deliver the big score. As usual he kicked six points from frees and a total of 0-9. Their only other scorer was Kerry teammate Stephen O’Brien (0-2).
Dingle were without Barry Dan O’Sullivan, their most influential centre fielder (I still wonder how the Kerry selectors never gave him a minute during the championship, especially when Na Gaeil duo of O’Connor and Barry flagged during games.)
A plus for Dingle was the availability of Aussie Rules player Mark O’Connor who had the requisite permission from his Gelong club to play during his time at home. He was most effective in the last quarter, dropping back to the front of the square to blunt the aerial dominance of O’Shea. O’Connor will improve going forward, re-adapting to the GAA ball as distinct from the oval ball he plays with Down Under. Although all players on both sides
had their moments this win can be distilled down to Seánie O’Shea, the Lone Ranger for Kenmare and no sign of Tonto to assist him, versus the Geaneys of Dingle. All four of them in the forwards and three of them scored: Dylan 1-3, Conor 0-3 and Paul 0-3 (Man of the Match). That was the key factor in sending the Michael Coiney O’Connor Cup back west beyond Blennerville. Dingle are always goal getters and they needed Conor Geaney to deliver which he did with the only goal of the game. At half time Dingle led 1-4 to 0-5.
Dingle will be back to Austin Stack Park on Sunday in the first round of the County Championship.
The U13 boys football tournament named for Colm Cooper, who was such a star player with Kerry in the past, continues to attract top class teams each year for this prestigious event. Included in tomorrow's tournament are Nemo Rangers, Castlebar Mitchels, Kilmurray-Ibrickane, Dr Crokes, Milltown/Castlemaine, Ballyboden St Enda’s, St James’ Galway, and Castlehaven.
Organised by Gooch’s club Dr Crokes, it will provide a feast of football in the club grounds with the first game starting at 11.40am. It will be action all the way through until the cup final at 5.40pm.
Colm will be there all day tomorrow to meet, greet and stand for photos with the rising stars from several counties. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Mark O'Connor was most effective in the last quarter, dropping back to the front of the square
Hi Tony. Thanks for speaking to me. No problem, Adam.
Can you tell me about the Kerry Masters’ season to date?
We played six round robin games in the league phase to see which competition we would be in at the end. There are five championships in all with the senior championship being for teams that finish 1st to 4th in the league, the plate for 5th to 8th and so on. There were 23 counties involved in total this year with new entrants like Armagh, Derry and Limerick. We won five of our six league games against Limerick, Cork, Waterford, London and Clare. Unfortunately we were well beaten by Dublin during the league phase but that served us well because we knuckled down to training after that and upped the training to twice a week. We also got a physical trainer on board from Keel, David Clifford, and he has had a huge influence on our development the last couple of months, allied to Adam and Gary O’Reilly from Glenflesk, and Jason Foley from Keel.
We then beat Derry in the All-Ireland quarter-final by a point, setting up a semi-final against Galway in Limerick which we won by 12 points to 7 a couple of weeks back. it That quarter-final win against Derry was our most pleasing win and result of the season because we were down a few bodies.
What’s the standard like?
The standard is actually very good. While we don’t have a lot of former Kerry players with us - aside from William Kirby and Aidan O’Mahony - we do have a very
good calibre of club player with us, the likes of John O’Connor from Kerins O’Rahillys and John Paul Leahy from Ballyduff for example. We’ve come across some big names in some of the games. Limerick had Ciarán Carey, Dublin had Denis Bastick, Cork had Nicholas Murphy and John Miskella, and Derry had Paddy Bradley. The first halves of the games are really competitive with the second halves probably becoming more of a war of attrition.
The key is having depth in your squad and
being able to bring players in and out at the right time as players tire, and I think Adam and his management team have mastered that at this stage.
How are the fitness levels?
Depends on what time of the season you’re talking about! The first few weeks is all about trying to knock off the pounds and get to a certain level of fitness. In fairness to Adam O’Reilly, he places a big focus on the warm-up which is important for players of all ages but especially for
those of us over 40.
Very few of the starting 15 would last the 60 or 65 minutes so it’s important that the replacements coming in can add an impetus and build on what the guys before them have done. Last year our panel was probably a little light but we have added well with the likes of Kevin Lynch (Castleisland Desmonds), Mark Crowley (Kenmare) and James Nagle (Keel) – all strong and very fit guys – coming in.
What’s the most enjoyable part of playing with the Kerry Masters?
A huge part of it, Adam, is playing with guys who you would have tried to knock lumps out of at club level over the years! There’s a big social part to it also with us meeting for a pint or two after games and, as well as that, guys getting back into a dressing room environment and having the craic at training.
For some guys who were never lucky enough to wear the Kerry jersey, there’s a huge sense of pride to put it on at this stage. It’s a real an honour. To be fair to the other teams we played, they have treated us with a lot of respect because they know Kerry teams will play football first and foremost. Also it’s nice to involve our families, kids, partners, and wives and for them to come to the games. We have noticed a lot more people coming to our matches this season.
How would you rate your chances in the final on Saturday? Are you expecting a difficult challenge from Tyrone? Look, it’s going to be very tough. Tyrone have won the last two All-Ireland finals at Masters level and they have the experience, whereas this is our first go, as it were. They have a solid team built with the likes of Seán Cavanagh, Conor Gormley and Stephen O’Neill in their ranks. It will be a tall order for sure but we’ll give it our all and the whole panel are chomping at the bit and ready for action.
Best of luck, Tony, and thanks for your time.
Thanks, Adam.
Kerry v Tyrone takes place on Saturday at 4pm in Roscommon. Follow @KerryMastersGAA on Twitter for more information.
RUGBY: The Killarney RFC U14 and U16 girls at training on Wednesday evening.
LOI: Seán O'Connell in action for Kerry FC during their 0-0 draw with Longford Town at Mounthawk Park.
ROSS: At the launch of Captain John Ivory's Charity Days on September 22/23 at the Ross Golf Club are Donie Broderick and John Ivory (Ross Golf Club), Paul McCarthy, Mary Fitzgerald and Bríd O'Connor (Comfort for Chemo), MJ Casey (President Ross GC), Johnny Brosnan (Ross GC) and Terence Mulcahy (Killarney Race Co.)
PITCH & PUTT: Deerpark Pitch & Putt Club's Brian McCarthy (centre) pictured after his win in the County U16 Matchplay Boys 13-16 Final in Listowel last Saturday. Also in photo are Seán O'Mahony, Jason O'Connor (County Secretary/ PRO), Gearóid Cronin (Deerpark and Kerry U16 Officer) and Nathan Cronin.
COMMUNITY GAMES: Congratulations to Dara Counihan from Kilcummin who won gold in the U10 handwriting competition at the All-Ireland Community Games final.
CAMOGIE: Killlarney Camogie players Iveragh Holohan and Ava Moore who represented the Kerry U15s who won the National Blitz. Also pictured are members of the management team Mark Moore and Ceara Moore.
SOCCER: The Killarney Celtic U12 girls team who took on Killorglin at Celtic Park.
RESULTS: Charleville Cheese Premier A - Listowel Celtic 2 Killarney Celtic 3 (Padraic Looney, Stephen McCarthy, Matt Keane). U15 Premier - Killarney Celtic 3 Mastergeeha 1 (Jack Culloty. Dara Horan, Luca Mosca). U14 Premier - Ballyhar Dynamos 3 Killarney Celtic 1 (Kiernan Kelly).
GIRLS: U12 Premier South - Killarney Celtic 0 Killorglin AFC 0
GOLF: Many thanks to all the teams who took part in our very successful golf classic which was held last Saturday at Beaufort Golf Club. Well done to the winners Pat Lane team with Jimmy Brien’s Bar in 2nd and Tricel in 3rd place.
LOTTO: There was no winner on 8th September 2023 of the Jackpot for €4,000. Numbers drawn were 03, 09, 11, 19. Consolation prizes of €50 went to Caoimhe Lehane, online; Micheal O’Connor, Glounonea; Breed Buckley, Rathanane; Sheehan Twins, Lyreatough. The next draw will be Friday 15th September for Jackpot of €4,200.
GIRLS FIXTURES UPDATE: Saturday, 16th of September U13 Premier: Iveragh v MEK Galaxy KO 11 am, U15 Premier: Camp v MEK Galaxy TBC. Sunday, 17th of September U13 Division 1: MEK Galaxy B v Castleisland 11am.
BOYS U15: Premier - Ballyhar Dynamos 4-5 MEK Galaxy. Great result for our lads coming back from 2 goals down in the last 5 minutes. 5 goals from Leo.
MEK GALAXY GOLF CLASSIC: MEK Galaxy are holding a Golf Classic at Beaufort Golf Club on Saturday September 23rd. All funds raised are for our new Pitch Development. Details: Team of 4 €200, Morning & Afternoon tee times available, Great Prizes & Great Fun. Prize giving will take place in The Golden Nugget Bar and Restaurant after the golf at 9pm. If you can’t, make the golf we would welcome tee box sponsorship at €50 to help us with our fundraising. Contact Maurice on 087 1401327 to enter or any further information.
A disappointing climax to our campaign with a three-point defeat to Milltown/ Castlemaine in the semi-final final played at a pristine Fitzgerald Stadium. Trailing by three at half time, 0-9 to 0-6, an early second half goal put us on the back foot. Despite a Ryan O’Grady penalty and an Eoghan O’Sullivan point cutting the gap to two with twelve minutes remaining, we couldn't get any closer and Milltown Castlemaine ran out 1-13 to 1-10 winners. They now meet Fossa in the final, who were themselves victorious over Austin Stacks.
U11 BOYS: A great performance from our U11 boys last Thursday evening in their
first East Kerry league game vs. Listry. 30 boys togged out in glorious weather at home in Derreen with the two teams from both clubs produced some great football and gave it their all for 50 minutes. Thanks to Nigel Shevlin and John Keane for referring the games, and thanks to Listry for visiting us and best of luck in the remaining games.
U17 BOYS: The Legion minors travelled to Castleisland for the quarter-final of County B Club championship last Saturday. Playing with the aid of a strong breeze they started brightly, and with our forwards combining well, we led 0-11 to 0-4 at half time. Castleisland made a strong start to the second half with 4 quick points. At the midway point in the second half, Castleisland struck for a goal, which drew the home side level. The final fifteen minutes were keenly contested, and Legion held a one-point lead as the game ticked into injury time. However, Castleisland struck for a second goal to lead by 2 points deep into injury time. The Legion lads didn’t panic and worked the ball up where Daire Murphy was fouled for a penalty. Brian O’Shea stepped up to send the goalkeeper the wrong way to secure the win in dramatic style.
UI2 GIRLS: The Legion U12 Girls. Green team travelled to Firies for their first match of the East Kerry league during the week and with the hosts quick out of the blocks, they settled into an early lead. However, Legion fought back and were only down a point at the end of the first quarter. While the second quarter saw Legion settle into the game, momentum turned again at the half when Firies put the Legion girls under fierce pressure. When Legion did break down the field, they were unlucky not to get some much-needed scores, and on the night, the hosts took the points. All credit to the girls who never gave up. Thank you to Firies for a sporting game and thank you to the referee officiating on the night. At the same time our U12 White Team made the trip to Milltown Castlemaine for the second match of their East Kerry campaign. The game saw a closely contested opening quarter with only a point in the difference. We opened up some daylight between our opponents through winning some good possession and combining that with good team play. Milltown were never going to lie down, and some lapses in focus put us under pressure. With some positional changes and discussion about getting back to our earlier game play, the girls steadied the ship and steered us through to the win. Thanks to all who made the trip and to Milltown Castlemaine for a solid contest. Also, thanks to the referee officiating on the evening.
HANDBALL: An open night will be held by Spa Killarney Handball Club on the 15th September at 7pm in Spa Hall. All
over 18s are welcome.
SCÓR SINSIR 2023 will begin in October, County Final date to be confirmed. If any club member is interested in participating, especially in solo disciplines (recitation and solo singing), please contact Eileen Aherne, Scor Officer before Sept 21st.
LOTTO: Results 11/09/23. Jackpot
€3,400. Numbers drawn: 5, 9, 17, 21. One winner: Congratulations to Nora Dennehy, Knockanes. Next week's draw will be for a jackpot of €3,000. The Spa Lotto draw takes place on Monday nights. Play online on spagaa.com or tickets can be purchased in Sheahan's Centra Muckross Rd, Dalys Supervalu, The Torc Hotel, Jimmy Brien's Bar, McSweeney Arms or The Arbutus. Thank you for your continued support.
ITEMS FOR NOTES: Any items for the Spa notes please contact the club PRO on 085 7762411 or pro.spa.kerry@gaa. ie before 8pm on Sundays.
Dr Crokes GAA
LGFA: Senior Championship Dr. Crokes
2:05 Na Gaeil 0:10. Our Senior ladies secured their second win in the Senior County Championship with a great win in a physical game against Na Gaeil. We have a home fixture on September 17th versus Southern Gaels.
LGFA: East Kerry League. Our U16 girls continued their winning ways with a super team performance against Kilcummin at home on Wednesday last. Kilcummin raised the green flag for the first score of the game, but our girls soon got back in the driving seat and led by 2:06 to 1:03 at half time. With 8 different Crokes players getting on the scoresheet, there were some outstanding skills on show. Well done girls.
CARDS: Fr. Paddy’s Cards Night starts back on Wednesday October 4th at 8pm in the clubhouse. All you need is €5 and a partner. All are welcome.
COLM COOPER TOURNAMENT: The Annual Colm Cooper Tournament will take place on September 16th in Dr. Crokes GAA grounds. This gives us an opportunity to honour Colm, one of our own, and Kerry’s greatest footballers. This year we will see teams from Kerry, Cork, Dublin, Clare, Mayo and Galway competing. Games commence at 11:40am. We hope to see everyone there for a great day of fun!
ACADEMY: Our academy continues every Saturday. We cater for boys and girls aged 4 to 11 from the Killarney area. Hurling from 10 to 11 and Football from 11:15 to 12:15. All welcome, bring a friend! Qualified coaches with an emphasis on fun and making friends. We hope to see everyone there!
LOTTO: Took place on September 11th. Numbers drawn were 2, 13, 22, 26 Jackpot of €6,200 was not won. 7 patrons matched 3 and receive €60 each. Jackpot for draw on September 18th will be €6,500. We are calling on all members
to support our weekly lotto. Play it online via Clubforce.
BINGO: Dr Crokes Bingo continues every Sunday night in St. Marys Parish Hall at 8pm. Doors open at 6:45. This week’s jackpot is worth a whopping €3,200 with another €2,000 in prizes to be won in 10 games of bingo. Everyone Welcome.
DR. CROKES SHOP: You can shop worldwide on our online shop. CONGRATULATIONS to Shane Murphy and Amy Phelan who were married over the weekend.
NOTES: If anyone has anything they want to add to our club notes please email pro.drcrokes.kerry@gaa.ie.
LOTTO: There was no winner of Glenflesk Lotto which took place on 4/9/2023 in Glenflesk Hall. Jackpot €5,200 The numbers drawn were: 4, 17, 27, 29 Consolation Prizes of €50. 1. Patricia O’Donoghue, Knockanes. 2. Denis O’Donoghue (Sellers’ Prize) 3. Rosie Healy, Shronedraugh. 4. Seán O’Grady, Killarney. Next draw will take place in Glenflesk Hall on Monday 18/9/2023. Jackpot will be €5,400, Thank you to all who support our Lotto and to our sellers.
MASTERS: Kerry masters take on Tyrone in the All-Ireland masters association football final which is taking place on Saturday the 16th of September at 4pm in St Brigid's GAA Club Roscommon. Best wishes to our players Shane Dennehy, Donal O’Sullivan, Jerry Kennedy, Ollie Favier and Adam and Gary O’Reilly in management.
LADIES U17: Congratulations To Our U17s Who Beat Laune Rangers last week. Championship final to be confirmed.
EAST KERRY DIV 1 U15 FINAL: Congratulations to captain James Kelly and our U15 team and management who won the East Kerry Division 1 final by defeating Dr. Crokes in Fitzgerald Stadium last Thursday in a high scoring top class game. Dr. Crokes had the better start, but our lads never gave up and played superb football to take the honours. Glenflesk 4-17 Dr. Crokes 3-10.
GLENFLESK COMHALTAS: Registration and Information evening regarding Music Classes, Singing Classes, Adult Music Classes and Group/Session Music Classes will take place on Tuesday, 12th September from 7 to 8 o’clock at Glenflesk GAA Hall. Everyone welcome. Looking forward to meeting you all.
ADULT SINGING: Mary Culloty O’Sullivan is starting a brand-new Adult Singing Group in Centre for smart aging, Unit 11, 4. Park Centre, Farranfore. Classes begin on Tuesday 12th September at 7.30-8.30pm. E50 per 5-week term. All welcome!
KNOCK: The annual pilgrimage of the Legion of Mary to Knock Shrine will be held on Sunday 24th Sept 2023. Bus leaves Killarney from the Church of the Resurrection at 6.30 a.m. Price for the
bus is €30. Contact Pat 086 8510423.
LOTTO: Numbers drawn 1, 7, 8, 20. €100 Dermot Finn Knocknagowna. €50 Pat Quirke, Laharn. €50 Helen Enright, Milltown. €25 Lorraine Cosgrove, Lissivane East. €25 Noel Riordan, Rockfield. Next week’s jackpot €6,750.
MINORS: Our minor team play Castleisland Desmond’s in the Shield semi-final time and venue tbc.
U13: Our U13 A and B teams are away to Legion on Sunday morning the 17th Sept in the final round of the East Kerry league.
RESULTS: Aquila Club and Gleneagle Hotel Fr Galvin Cup Semi-Final - Listry
1–13 Cordal 2-11. MD O’Shea U15 League Finals Division 1A - Firies 1–15. Listry/ Keel 2–08. Division 1B Glenflesk 4–17. Dr Crokes 3-10. Division 3 Gneeveguilla 0-19. Cordal 2-07. MD O’Shea U13 League Division 1 - Firies (A) 4-11 Killarney Legion (A) 2-11. Division 3 - Spa 5-17
Kenmare 2-12. Division 4 - Cordal 5-12
Gneeveguilla 0-04. Division 5 - Firies (B)
1-03 Killarney Legion (B) 5-7.
INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIONSHIP: Well done to Fossa on reaching the Intermediate Championship final.
COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP: Best of luck to the East Kerry team, and all our clubs involved in the upcoming County Championship starting next weekend.
WEDDING: Congratulations to Shane Murphy and Amy Fleming on their wedding last weekend.
FIXTURES: Beaufort senior men will be away to Austin Stacks B on Saturday, 16th at 4pm in the first round of Barrett Cup competition.
RESULTS: Ladies Intermediate football, round 5. Beaufort 3.10 Austin Stacks 1.15.
LOTTO: The next draw for a jackpot of €14,800 will be on Sunday, 17th September. Thank you to everybody who support our lotto. Tickets available from usual sellers, shops, public houses and online at www.beaufortgaa.com. Thank you to everybody who purchases lotto tickets. Your support is appreciated.
G.A.A. Club wish to thank P.J. Galvin, G-Inn Between Restaurant for their generosity in sponsoring a set of jerseys for our Senior Ladies team. The jerseys were presented to the Club by P.J. last Friday.
EXERCISE CLASSES: Autumn classes are beginning this September. Classes at present are Yoga and Pilates. Pilates with Colleen to include Ladies, Men’s and Active retired classes. Please contact Colleen at 086 1731469 for times and details. Yoga mixed class by Ondata-Well-Being. Please contact 085 1350417 for details.
CONGRATULATIONS to the U16 Ballad Group, Anna Mai, Leah, Katelyn, Darragh, Benan and Director, Gillian Hughes on their tremendous achievement in winning the All-Ireland U16 Community Games Group Singing competition.
TRAINING: Under 6/8/10 train on Mondays & Fridays from 6-7pm in Spa. Hurleys & helmets can be provided on a rental basis for the season. Football boots, shin guards & water required. Under 12 & Under 14 teams train on Mondays & Fridays (match dependent) from 6-7pm in Spa.
REGISTRATION: New members always welcome & registration is done on www. foireann.ie. For any details on registration, please contact Treasurer Louise Moynihan or Secretary Anne Lynch.
FACEBOOK: Please check out our Facebook page for match fixtures & updates – Search for Killarney Camogie Club!
KERRY UNDER 15: The Kerry Under 15 Camogie Team are Cup Champions after the National Blitz last weekend in Raharney, Co. Westmeath! Congratulations to Killarney players Ava Moore & Iveragh Holohan and management members Ceara Moore & Mark Moore. Kerry beat Offaly 1-04 to 0-02 in the 1st game; a draw in the 2nd game Kerry 0-3 Dublin 0-3; Kerry beat Meath 1-05 to 0-02 in the 3rd game. The final game of the round was against the host county Westmeath with Kerry emerging as winners 2-06 to 0-00. The final was another match up versus Offaly which the Kerry girls won by 0-05 to 0-01. Full blitz details are available on the Kerry Camogie Facebook page.
VERONICA STACK MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT: Our Veronica Stack Memorial Tournament will be held on Saturday 30th September in Spa GAA from 10am. Veronica was a founding member of Killarney Camogie Club and sadly passed away in 2013. This year, the Tournament is being held on Veronica's 10th anniversary. 13 clubs will be visiting to take part in Under 8 & Under 11 blitzes and Under 14 & Minor competitions. Refreshments, tuck shop, face painting etc. will be available on the day.
RESULTS: Winners of V Par MP Sponsored by Diageo 9/10 September. 1st Marie O’Brien 8 Up, 2nd Kate McCan 6 Up, 3rd Anne Duggan 5 Up, 4th Pat Collins 5 Up, 5th Carmel O’Brien 4 Up, 6th Sharon Ormonde 4 Up, 7th Mary Chute 4 Up.
NEXT COMPETITION: Ladies Exchange with Dooks Sponsored by Murphys Bar.
Sponsored by Daly's Supervalu. Played on Killeen; Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th September 2023. Winner – Donnagh Moynihan 65 (10), 2nd – Jimmie Smith
68 (20). Best Gross – Simon Gallivan 72 (1). Category 1: Winner – Bryan English
68 (9), 2nd – Derry McCarthy 71 (8) bk9, 3rd – Peter Walsh 73 (4) bk9. Category
2: Winner – Ted Healy 70 (12) bk9, 2nd – James Lynch 70 (10), 3rd – Mike McAuliffe 71 (12). Category 3: Winner – Pat Carroll 69 (13), 2nd – Seamus O’Connor 72 (14), 3rd – Denis Cronin 73 (13). Category
4: Winner – Vincent O’Doherty 69 (30), 2nd – Mark O’Connor 71 (26) bk9, 3rd –Kevin Lucey 71 (24) bk9.
RESULTS: Winner of Wednesday morning’s 9-hole competition was Kitty O’Grady (41) 16 points.
NINES OF KERRY: Commiserations to Ross who were beaten in the Nines of Kerry on Saturday last by a very strong Parknasilla team. We wish them the best of luck in the next round.
DAYS: September 22nd & 23rd. Save the dates for two worthy charities and for some good golf. Charity beneficiaries are St Francis Special School, Beaufort & Comfort for Chemo, Kerry. Enquiries to John 086 349 9373. Team of 4 €160 Tee Box Sponsorship €50.
WEDNESDAY MORNINGS: 9 Hole Midweek Competition. Meet and play every Wednesday morning. Meet in the Club House no later than 10.00am. All members welcome.
GOLF LESSONS: Gordon Howard is available to give golf lessons. Please contact Gordon directly in the Club House.
RESULTS: On Sept 9th and 10th we held a strokeplay competition kindly sponsored by Frank Doran/Safeguard Security. The following were the winners: 1st Anthony O’Mahony (25) 67, 2nd Damian Greer (21) 68. Best Gross Mike Brosnan (8) 81. Division 1 - 1st Niall O'Brien (12) 71, 2nd Trevor Nagle (10) 83. Division 2 - 1st Johnny Brosnan (15) 70, 2nd Brian O'Connor (19) 72. Division 3 - 1st Damian O'Callaghan (29) 70, 2nd Gerard Murphy (24) 71. On Friday Sept 8th we held our weekly mixed scramble, and this was very well supported in the balmy weather. The winning teams were: 1st Mary McCarrick, John Cuskelly, John Fleming. 2nd Ger Flynn, Mary Nash, Gerry O'Shea. 3rd Marc Vila Sole, Breda Kelliher, Paul Spitere.
on Sunday 10th September. 18H Stableford - 1st Mary O’Reilly 35 pts (36), 2nd Úna Moroney 36 pts (23), 3rd Mary Tobin 33 pts (25). 9H Stableford - Winner: Annette Galvin. Nearest the Pin - Úna Moroney. Longest Drive - Mary Tobin. Congratulations to everyone who participated and to all the winners.
HOMES CELEBRATION: Thanks to everyone in attendance at the boathouse on Sunday last to celebrate the achievement of Daniel Daly and Caoimhe O’Sullivan, who represented club and country at the Home International Regatta earlier in the summer. It was a great occasion to reflect on the success of Daniel and Caoimhe who have represented MRC with such distinction this year. Special thanks to all who supplied home baking and to Valerie O’Sullivan who captured the occasion.
KENMARE REGATTA: On Saturday last, the club enjoyed a fantastic day of coastal rowing competition at the Kenmare Regatta. There was some great racing throughout the day with the club winning four races, placing second in seven and third in two races. Congratulations to the winning Men’s J14 Quad (Harry McGough, Colm O’Connor, Finnian Moloney, Se Kennedy), Women’s J14 Quad (Kirsten Kenny, Reailtin O’Donoghue, Muireann O’Donoghue, Roisin Beazley), Men’s Masters Quad (Ken O’Sullivan, PJ Walsh, Sean Coffey, Noel Kelleher) and Men’s Open Quad (Patrick Buckley, Ethan O’Neill, Brendan O’Neill, Paul Griffin). The club scooped silver medals in the Men’s J14 Quad, Men’s J18 Double, Women’s J18 Double, Women’s J16 Quad, Men’s Masters Quad and Men’s Open Quad. The third-place finishes included the Men’s J18 Quad and Women’s J16 Double. Well done to all and thanks to Kenmare RBC for a superb regatta.
ROWING IRELAND 1K CLASSIC: Best of luck to all our crews competing in the rescheduled Rowing Ireland 1k Classic this Saturday at the National Rowing Centre.
COUNTY U16 MATCHPLAY: Well done to Brian McCarthy on his victory in the Boys 13-16 section in Listowel last Saturday. He came from behind to defeat Daniel Leahy from the host club 2&1 in the decider as it rounds off a county double for him this year alongside the National Matchplay and Munster Strokeplay successes. We look forward now to focusing on club competitions for the rest of the year.
Golf &
RESULTS: September Monthly Medal (GOY). Singles strokeplay – Killeen.
FIXTURES: On Saturday Sept 16th and Sunday Sept 17th we will hold a stableford competition. The usual process applies to Saturday players and for Sunday players the online system will be available from 7pm on Thursday.
RESULTS: Lady Captain's Prize played
SUNDAY DRAWS: Two Ball ScrambleFirst Nett: Gearoid Cronin & Mike 'Seve' O'Leary 36½.
GROSS: Gearoid Cronin & Dan Kiely 47, Second Nett: Bobby Kelly & Daniel Kelly 38½ and Hole-in-One: Declan Kelly (5th Hole).
PAUL O’SULLIVAN SCRATCH CUP: Our best wishes to all club members heading to this event in Newmarket on Sunday as we wish the County Board well in running the competition as a Scratch Cup. A reminder to all club players going that the event is a dress code competition.
CLUB FIXTURE CHANGES: Our Club Captain Margaret C Looney will now host her prize on Sunday October 1st we ask all members to note. The Christmas Hamper will take place on Sunday October 15th please note while our Chairman Damien Fleming will confirm his Chairman’s Prize date in due course. The Turkey Series begins from Sunday November 5th meanwhile.
THANKS: To club members who formed a Guard of Honour at Gerry O’Sullivan’s funeral on Tuesday September 5th last.
MINIS BACK: Our Minis have returned for the new season at Aghadoe! Minis train every Saturday morning at Aghadoe between 9:45am and 11am and is open to boys and girls aged between 5 and 11. New players always welcome! Contact Dave on 087 2546290 for details.
YOUTHS TRAINING TIMES: U14 BoysWednesdays at 7pm. U16 Boys - Thursdays at 7pm. U18 Boys - Thursdays at 7pm. U14/U16/U18 Girls - Wednesdays at 7pm.
LANDROVER RAFFLE: Killarney RFC are honoured to be chosen as one of the charities for this year’s Killarney Valley Classic & Vintage Raffle with a wonderfully restored 1979 Landrover the top prize, as well as a host of other amazing prizes. Tickets are only €10 each and all funds raised by the club go towards the development of our new clubhouse. Simply contact any committee member or if you could sell some tickets for us, it would be very much appreciated. Please support this amazing fundraiser.
TRAINING: Continues every Monday and Thursday 6-7pm for our Cross Country Season which begins on Sunday 24th September in Killarney with the Juvenile Even Age/Novice County Championships followed by the Juvenile Uneven Age/U20/Senior on Sunday the 1st October followed by the Intermediate/Masters/Juvenile Relays on Sunday 8th October.
COUCH TO 5K: Our Couch to 5K program for Adults will start on October 3rd and run for 8 weeks and finish with a 5K run at the Killarney House Parkrun on Saturday November 25th. Book now to avoid disappointment.
INFO: All information on Training Schedules are on our website www.killarneyvalleyac.ie.
JUVENILES: The juveniles club will return on the 29th September from 6.30
to 8pm for all age groups in the Presentation Hall, Killarney.
OPEN NIGHT: Don't forget the Open Night for adults who would like to try badminton or take it up again will be on the 18th September in the Presentation Hall from 830pm. Please remember to bring your own racket. The adult members club will resume on Wednesday the 20th at 815pm.
INFO: Email killarneybadmtn@gmail. com with any queries or check us out on Facebook.
SUNDAY: Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing and last Sundays Maher Loughnane Competition showed us the strength of experience as our oldest angler, namely Mr. Billy O’Dea, led by example in topping the table at the competition and helped the club lift the Maher Loughnane Shield under heavy competition from some of Munster's finest angling clubs and in very trying conditions out on the lake. The morning was a balmy affair with little wind and the afternoon saw the arrival of heavy showers. Our clubs top 4 rods on the day comprised of Billy O’Dea, Dave Mears, Steve Cambell and Tom Dennehy and these anglers went forward, as our team, to represent the club so well in the official weigh held at the Kerry Way Inn and result in the clubs name being etched on the famous shield yet again. Our heaviest trout on the day went to the rod of Dave Mears. In topping the table on the day, Billy also won the clubs trophy for this competition and the Michael Fleming Memorial Cup will adorn the mantle place in the O'Dea household for 2023.
CUP: Our attention now focuses on our annual competition for the Royal Oak Cup, being fished this Sunday the 17th of September on Lough Lein. Also this year we are delighted to see the return of sponsored teams in the competition and a large number of combinations will fish for the Michael Casey Memorial Cup. We are as always very cognizant of the great support we get from local industry and businesses to run this competition and we are indeed very grateful.
CONGRATULATIONS to Dara Counihan who won gold in the U10 handwriting competition in the All-Ireland community games final. Well done Dara on this fantastic achievement and well done also to Saoirse Lucey who competed in the U12 handwriting competition.
CONGRATULATIONS to our winners.
Thursday, August 31st - 1st Ger Foley and Finola Spillane, 2nd Phyllis O'Regan and Pauline Lyne. Thursday, September 7th
- 1st Ger Foley and Finola Spillane, 2nd Ciaran Broadbery and Ursula Daly.
NEW SEASON: Our new 23/24 Bridge Season has begun. All Members and new Members are very welcome to join us. We play in the Ross Cafe, Upper Lewis Road every Thursday, 9.45am.
MEETING: Killarney Christian Group will hold prayer meeting every Sunday at 11.30am in the Fossa Community Hall, V93FC9F. www.killarneychristiangroup.ie.
conjunction with Conor Moriarty will be holding group music classes. Beginner’s with minimum 12 months experience to Advanced players. All instruments welcome. Starting Wednesday 27th Sept for an initial 5-week term from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in Kilcummin Rural Development Office. For further details contact Conor on 087 9698063.
OLD PHOTOS NEEDED: As part of our 50th celebration, we hope to display old branch photos at our upcoming social to be held on October 14th at the Killarney Heights Hotel, so dig out the old albums and send us your old branch photos to this email address comhaltaskilcummin@gmail.com
COFFEE MORNING: A coffee morning is taking place on Thursday 21st September in aid of Kerry Hospice Foundation and in memory of Derry (Jeremiah) O’Leary. The coffee morning will take place from 9.30am – 12.30pm in Kilcummin Recreational Hall. It would be great if you could join us and give a donation no matter how big or small. If you would like to donate online www.hospicecoffeemorning.ie We look forward to seeing you all there. Every Euro Raised Locally Stays Locally.
SCÓR NA BPÁISTÍ: Scór na bPáistí will be commencing shortly for anyone from 3rd to 6th class interested in the following: Figure Dancing, Solo Singing, Music Group, Ballad Group, Novelty Act, Quiz and Set Dancing. For more information please contact Maria O’Leary on 087 4619954.
SCÓR NA NÓG: Scór na nÓg Club members under the age of 17 years on Jan 1st 2023 interested in participating in the East Kerry Scór na nÓg competitions: Figure Dancing, Solo Singing, Recitation, Instrumental Music, Ballad Group, Set Dancing & Table Quiz, contact Marie O’Leary 087 4619954.
MORIARTY SCHOOL OF DANCING: Junior set dancing classes will commence on Friday 22nd September in the Recreational Hall. Beginners from 7-8 pm. Intermediate and Advanced from 8-9 pm. Class is open to children from primary school age upwards. Newcomers from within Kilcummin parish and outside are very welcome to join. Please contact Mary on 087 9620135 for any queries.
KILCUMMIN BABY & TODDLER GROUP: Kilcummin baby & toddler group returns on Mondays, starting the 11th Sept. at Kilcummin Recreational hall, 9.30-11.30. It’s a large hall with plenty of toys for all ages. Fee €3.00. All welcome. Contact Orla 086 3628335.
PRIDE IN OUR PEATLANDS: Celebrating Kilcummin Bog with a biodiversity guided walk with music and memories this Saturday 16th of September from 1.30pm -3.00pm. Meeting point, follow the signs for the green bog walk. Please wear suitable clothing. Children must be accompanied by an adult.