1 minute read
From the Desk
After I sold Extreme Magazine (can you believe that was 16 years ago?), I vowed I’d never go back to printing magazines. I was adamant that the future of publishing was in the digital realm and that’s where I’d be staying. Well, here we are 54 issues into Killer Rides (with a brief stint as Performance Street Car) and I still think the future of publishing is with online magazines, but now, I am taking the plunge and getting ready to produce a limited edition print run of ‘The Best of Killer Rides’. These magazines will be available quarterly and will not be sold through newsagents. The only way you’ll be able to secure a copy is direct through the Killer Rides office or if you see us at an event. Who knows, if enough people show interest in these four issues over the next twelve months, there’s a good chance Killer Rides could be put into print full time. It all comes down to you…
With that in mind, I’m thinking the same thing could happen with Super Rod magazine. Whilst it’s been a while since I published the last digital version of Super Rod, I reckon there’s an opportunity to bring a uniquely styled Hot Rod & Custom Magazine to that scene as well. Again, I’ll test the waters over the next twelve months to gauge the reaction and see where we go after that. Talk about going the full circle! As they say, “Never say Never!”
Until then, you’ll still be able to enjoy Killer Rides online for free anytime, anywhere. I’ve been getting great feedback lately about our unique style of features and the fact that I promote so many events from around the country for free. I started adding event show flyers as ads in the magazine for free to help those clubs and promoters get the word out about their shows. It’s tough out there to make things happen with events, so it’s my way of giving back! Funny thing is, the ‘other guys’ are now doing the same thing on their digital platforms. Damn it’s great to be the innovator, not imitator… See