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To all Killiefans








As we reach mid to late December everyone relaxes, gets in a good mood for the festive period and we wish peace and goodwill to all men……apart from the walloper that is killing our club. With all the talk of match fixing and spot fixing down south I’m worried the problem has moved north. It appears Ladbrokes have given 100/1 that there will be 18000 empty seats at a Killie home game before May and some smug faced git has had a dabble. Seriously I do wish peace and goodwill to you all and I sincerely hope that Santa delivers the Xmas present we all want. This has been the worst season ever to be a Killie fan and at the time of writing I have no idea where it will all end. You will see an article in here that gives the latest as we know it but there is loads of stuff going on that we will never know. The report about a possible bank deal is without doubt what Johnston is trying (along with his sidekick) however I’ve no idea if it will be successful. The consortium reportedly got back round the table after almost walking away so that maybe suggests they feel they have a chance of success but that is just supposition on my part. Bowie is the strangest player in this game as I’ve no idea where he truly stands. He appears to be happy to work with Johnston, possibly interested in working with the consortium and supportive of the COG idea. Here’s a request Billy, please come out and tell the fans why you started up the Park Hotel Ltd company? My brain is hurting with all the off field shenanigans so lets turn to the team on the park. I’m being as patient as I can with AJ but my honest belief is that he is not getting the best out of the squad we have and that is not a healthy trait for a manager. I think he is hand cuffed by having a useless assistant but that is just a personal gripe from me. You will see the article in this issue regarding AJ and I do think he needs to be given more time…….but my patience is wearing thin. We have a crucial five game spell over the festive peiod where we play three at home and two away. Potentially they are all winnable games but god knows what our points tally will be once we have faced Aberdeen on January 5th. It does seem that both Hearts and Ross County are poor but in all honesty so are we although there must be room for improvement. Lets stay positive for now and a good run over Xmas can set us up for a rise up the table. The fans groups have never been busier and we truly appreciate the dogs abuse hurled in our direction from plums who find it easier to spout bile rather than get off their arse and do something positive……….Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to ALL Killie fans and here’s hoping that sometime in 2014 we will mange to get our club back Sandy

CAN AJ WALK THE WALK? As a Killie fan of over 40 years + counting (I can remember when Scumerset didn’t look prehistoric) there have been more highs and lows than I could ever recall. There is no magic secret as to how we achieve success but a happy and sable club do help. At present there are several factors that aren’t normally conducive to this, the unhappy fans are a given. However a good manager getting decent results can cover a multitude of sins…..sadly we don’t have that either. We will leave the off field troubles aside as there have been well covered elsewhere so lets have a look at the role of the manager within the club. Firstly let me say that as much as I’m not convinced by Johnston and Clark I’m a firm believer than we need to give managers time to mould their team and get their ideas across to the players. The money in the game down south is making a severe dent in the managers’ life span and the recent decision to sack Stevie Clark was ridiculous…….but just highlights how desperate boards are becoming. Here’s a quick run through of our bosses since Willie Waddell departed in 1965 following our famous league win: MALKY MCDONALD 1965 – 1968 Malky took charge for his second spell after WW left and lasted three years. He will probably be best remembered for leading us to the semi final of the Fairs cup (forerunner of UEFA Cup) in 1968 when we were beaten over two legs by a strong Leeds United side. WALTER MCCRAE 1968 – 1973 - Walter ran the place in a military “sergeant major” way and he wasn’t exactly a fans favourite. However he was a genuine Killie man and will be forever remembered for introducing the phrase “hotheads + bampots” to the Scottish game!!

WILLIE FERNIE 1973 – 1977 Willie took over as boss and had Killie legend Davie Sneddon as his assistant. Willie certainly wasn’t negative and there were barrowloads of goals both for and against us.It was entertaining stuff and got us promoted to the top league however we simply lost too many goals, got relegated and Willie moved on with Davie Sneddon taking over. DAVIE SNEDDON 1977 – 1981 Davie had done almost every other role at the club so he was a popular choice as boss. Davie got us back up and also won us the Tennent Caledonian Cup at Ibrox…….. I missed the Killie goals that day but that’s another story. JIM CLUNIE 1981 – 1984 Chain smoking Jim took over as we moved into the 80’s, a decade that brought us some great away days from memory but not too successful on the park. Jim also took us through promotion and relegation but he was punted after three years and didn’t have any further jobs in football. EDDIE MORRISON 1984 – 1988 Money was tight by now and we brought back another legend to try and halt our slide. Eddie was Killie through and through, he put his heart and soul into the job but it wasn’t a happy club and he left in unhappy circumstances after four seasons. JIM FLEETING 1988 – 1992 Then came the Fleeting revolution and JF was appointed amidst much publicity, The club on a whole was becoming a happier place as off field troubles vanished but on the park we were still rocky to say the least especially when we ended up in the bottom rung of Scottish football………although as has been said before it was the best thing that happened as the only was up.

TOMMY BURNS 1992 – 1994 This was my happiest times as a Killie fan as TB lifted the whole club and we were very much on the up again. The final game of the season at Easter Road was epic but sadly TB;s sterling work had not gone unnoticed and he was soon on his way back to Parkhead. It was only a short spell but massively important in our recent history. ALEX TOTTEN 1994 – 1996 Another short spell manager as Totten kept us up but was fired in December 1996 as we were bottom of the league……and just about to start a wee cup run. Many folk will tell you it was Totten’s team that went on to win us the cup but had he remained I’m not sure we would have witnessed that famous day at Ibrox. BOBBY WILLIAMSON 1997 - 2002 The reins were handed to Williamson who (just) managed to keep us up then won us the cup…….not a bad start for a rookie manager. Like with TB we had been lucky with an inexperienced manager and BW’s record stands up to scrutiny although by the end of his spell the crowds were dropping and the natives were restless. JIM JEFFERIES 2002 – 2010 Killie then opted for experience and the “safe hands” of JJ who had been around the houses. It’s amazing to think he was there for over 7 years however if survival is seen as success for a team like Killie then he did ok. Much like BW he got worse as time went on and should probably have left a couple of years before he did. Most fans will say the “Gretna season” should have been his swan song and it is hard to disagree with that,

JIMMY CALDERWOOD JAN 2010 – MAY 2010 The two ton Satsuma was brought in to keep us up and he managed that…….but only just. It was a highly stressful time for players, management nd especially fans and it seems incredible that the parasite offered him a permanent deal……..thankfully he declined and Killie then went foreign. MIXU PAATELAINEN MAY 2010 – MARCH 2011 It would be fair to say there was a bit of a football revolution when the big Finn arrived. It was like watching five a side football on a big pitch as the passing game graced the hallowed turf.It didn’t start well but everyone saw what Mixu was trying and the introduction of Eremenko was a master stroke. Mixu left to manage his national team after less than a year but it was a hugely enjoyable spell to be a Killie fan. KENNY SHIELS APRIL 2011 – JUNE 2013 Kenny came with a background in youth football and he will always be remembered as someone who gave youth their chance. With an ever worsening financial situation perhaps he had no option but winning a League cup and winning at Parkhead looks good on your CV especially when you look at the big picture. His departure still leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of many fans but he will be fondly remembered for what he achieved. ALLAN JOHNSTON JUNE 2013 TO PRESENT AJ had done well in his first managerial post as manager at Queen of the South and they duly won division 2. It should be pointed out they were the only full team in the league however they won it in impressive fashion.

In all honesty I’ve never known so little interest from the fans when KS left. Most fans were so angry about the handling of the KS situation that very few were too bothered about who followed. All that unrest was bound to guarantee that the new boss would have a very difficult task……and so it has proved. AJ did take his time before deciding to take the job so there’s no doubt he would be considering everything that was going on at the club. He eventually came to the club that he served well as a player although his assistant that he brought is less than popular with many. Our league campaign started very badly and we didn’t get a win on the board until we defeated Ross County in an October six pointer!! We had also departed the League Cup at home to Hamilton and it appears some fans are simply dropping off due to the on field deficiencies. We now have three wins on the board but we are out the Scottish Cup and you sense it is going to be a long hard season especially with a play off for the team finishing 11th. You will see from the stats above that we had two lengthy spells of management under BW + JJ. It is probably the case that a bit of stability helps however we need to ensure we have the right man in place and the big question remains – Is AJ the man? He is widely quoted that 19points from 19 games at the end of last season was not good enough so what does that make his current tally? It’s time for AJ to “walk the walk” and get us to some sort of mid table safety. Several of his close season signings appear to have dropped off the radar and he increasingly is turning to youngsters like Johnston and Slater who were largely ignored earlier on the season. I think we can expect plenty of “in and outs” during the January window but he will need to improve on his summer dealings. Fans are asking if he is getting the best out the squad he has and the answer at present has to be a resounding “NO “. There is also the possibility that we can’t afford to sack him but its too early for that. Hopefully he can turn things around in the weeks ahead, the five upcoming games over the Xmas and New year period will have a big say in shaping the rest of our season.

WORKING PARTIES, CONSORTIUMS + PARASITES It’s been a frustrating and depressing season for Killie fans with the club being a shambles off the park and not too much better on it. We have covered the manager situation in a separate article so I’ll do my best to bring you up to date on what is going on Johnston and his ongoing battle to screw every penny he can from the club. Many of you will have read the papers last week where it was telling everyone that MJ was trying to seal a deal with the bank…….here is an excerpt: Premier League strugglers Kilmarnock are set to have millions of pounds worth of debt written off — at the taxpayer’s expense. The Sunday Post can reveal that the Bank of Scotland — part of Lloyds Banking Group — is considering writing off the majority of the £9 million debt owed by Kilmarnock as part of a deal to settle the club’s future. It is understood owner Michael Johnston has put a proposal to Lloyds, which is 32.7% owned by the taxpayer after the Government’s 2008 bailout, that will see just a fraction of the debt taken on by Johnston and codirector Billy Bowie. The football club would then be left with no bank debt, instead owing the cash — between £1 million and £2 million to Bowie and Johnston in a “soft” loan. Johnston is under fire from a large section of the Ayrshire team’s fans who want him to give up control of the club and sell his stake to a communityled consortium. But it is understood that even if the club is sold to fans’ groups and local business leaders, most of the club’s bank debt is still likely to be written off. Critics last night hit out at the prospect of a taxpayer-funded bank, wiping out the debt. Eben Wilson, director of campaign group Taxpayer Scotland, said: “Taxpayers, as shareholders in this bank, should be wary that any writeoffs do not benefit one individual.

“We need all toxic loans made in a time of madness to be made visible and accounted for. “Whether clearing out toxic loans or standing firm on our behalf is the best course of action is up to the bank, but we hope that they will recognise we want the money back that has kept them trading in the past few years.” The Sunday Post understands bosses at Lloyds have already classified Kilmarnock’s debts as “impaired” — an accountancy term for a debt unlikely to be repaid in full. However, this does not mean they have given up on getting some of the money owed. It is thought the plan being worked on is to try to avoid any prospect of the club going into administration, a move which would wipe out much of the money owed to the bank. Paul Goodwin, head of Supporters Direct, which helps start football fan ownership schemes, said: “A deal has to be struck with the bank but the hard reality is that no matter what the outcome is, the club has big debts which need to be addressed.” Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston failed to respond to a request by The Sunday Post for a comment. Lloyds Banking Group declined to comment.

In all fairness the bank will have long since given up on getting the full whack paid so there is no doubt they will be looking to do a deal sometime in the future…..but who will it be with? It has been reported that other clubs have done deals in recent years but Killie’s situation is different as we have the hotel which adds to the confusion. To complicate matters further a company called Park Hotel Ayrshire Ltd has been set up via Johnston’s legal company and the sole director is Billy Bowie. The company has been set up for a reason so who knows what they are trying to concoct behind the scenes but it stinks to high heaven. Bowie has been asked to comment but is claiming he has signed a NDA therefore cannot comment. He is the sole director so who has he signed the agreement with? It could be more asset stripping is under way but only time will tell what the actual plan is.

Getting back to the deal with the bank, it appears Dunfermline had a big debt write-off with the bank and it would appear MJ is trying to do something similar however there is a big difference. The bank did the deal with the Pars as there was a huge community focus on the folk looking to take over. MJ has next to nobody from the community on his side so it would be surprising if the bank did a deal on this basis. Of course we would like to see the club debt free but not when its to the benefit of an individual rather than the club. MJ knows he would need to show the bank evidence of community involvement and/or ownership so maybe that is why he called a meeting last Friday. Neither the KFCSA or Trust were invited however some fans were invited along with Willie Coffey MSP, Paul Goodwin of Supporters Direct and the KFCDSA. I think we will be hearing more about this but if this was MJ’s attempt to show the bank he has the backing of fans and community they would need to zip up the back to accept it. Moving on to the consortium, you will be aware that NDA’s have been signed left right and centre so there is very little toreport as we don’t know much. BBC reported a couple of weeks ago that the consortium were on the verge of walking away but after some discussions they were back round the table to try and thrash out a deal. We haven’t heard anything else since then therefore I assume this is still the situation though it would be good if someone could come out and give the fans some updates…….there is no need to break any agreements. The working party has had a few meetings now and will focus on what it was set up to……..look at how Killie can reach community ownership regardless of who is in charge at the club. Obviously as long as MJ manages to stay in place nothing will happen as he has no desire to work with the Trust towards this goal. Bowie has been quoted as saying he would like community ownership but he a[[ears to “run with the foxes and hunt with the hounds” if some of the press reports are to be believed. The first thing he should do is come out and tell the fans why he set up the hotel company!! In summary nobody seems to know exactly what is happening and we probably never will. In the meantime more and more damage is being done to our famous club on a daily basis due to one man’s personal greed…….a shocking state of affairs.

YOUNG KILMARNOCK ARE DOING JUST FINE Young Kilmarnock (formerly Young Killie) was the proud recipients of the ‘Contribution to the Community’ award at the Westsound Radio Cream of Ayrshire Awards at the Brig O’Doon House Hotel in Ayr last month. Husband and wife Bobby and Susan Russell have been the mainstays of the Committee for more years than they will admit too and it has become a very big part of their life. Bobby, Chair of Young Kilmarnock, could not contain his pride “It was fantastic for our organisation to even be considered as nominees for this award never mind to find ourselves as winners. I’m so proud to accept it on behalf of all the many volunteers who dedicate their time and efforts to make Young Kilmarnock the overwhelming success story it has become.” Susan also said “Many thanks to the parents who nominated us for this award and to the many others who took time to vote for us. It was a very emotional evening and I admit to shedding a wee tear when I heard we’d won.” Young Kilmarnock is first and foremost, a Junior Supporters’ Club of Kilmarnock Football Club with the following membership benefits • • • • • • • • •

A full YK training kit Membership of the Saturday Club A quarterly newsletter A birthday card signed by the current Kilmarnock FC squad Member’s birthdays announced at half time interval at home games Opportunity to attend a YK Christmas party Opportunity to attend Kilmarnock FC away games on a fully supervised bus Opportunity to attend an English Premiership game or tour a stadium/museum. Discounted birthday parties at Power League

Saturday Club One of the Club’s aims is to promote, increase and develop football participation in the local area and encourage children to take part in physical activity through football, to raise awareness of leading a healthy lifestyle and to put smiles on faces in the process.

Trained coaches (including goalkeeping coaches) offer football training and fun in a safe and friendly environment. The fun starts at Power League near Asda in Kilmarnock at 10.00am-11.00am costing £3 for 4 to 5 year-olds, with sessions between 11.30am-1.30pm for 5 - 16 year-olds, costing £4. Bobby added “With over 500 members, we’ve broken all records this year and our Saturday Club weekly attendances have grown from around 50 boys and girls in the late 1990’s to an average of 230 now. Previous attendance records were smashed in August this year when 266 members came to take part. It’s unbelievable how things have grown over the years and is a testament to the hard work put in by everyone involved.” Young Kilmarnock actively encourages parental involvement. Currently the Saturday Club utilises 50 unpaid, volunteer coaches every week. The majority of these coaches have been recruited from parental ranks and have successfully qualified via SFA courses, funded by Young Kilmarnock. Bobby stated “One fact that the Committee are particularly proud of is that there are now a number of former members who have been with us since they were kids and are now qualified to coach kids themselves. They just want to repay the organization for all the fun they’ve had throughout the years. Hopefully this will continue and ensure Young Kilmarnock is a success for many years to come.” Young Kilmarnock On Tour The Committee try to include a coach trip for members to English Premiership stadiums every year, including visits to the club museum, and occasionally taking in a home match. Visits have been made to Old Trafford (Manchester United) Anfield (Liverpool FC), The Stadium of Light (Sunderland FC), The Reebok Stadium (Bolton Wanderers), the City of Manchester Stadium (Manchester City) and St. James Park, home of Newcastle United. During the Easter holidays this year a group spent a fantastic weekend in Amsterdam, taking in an Ajax game, getting a tour of the stadium and training facilities and visiting the Club’s museum and shop.

“What an unbelievable weekend we all had” Bobby begins. “We got to attend the Ajax –v- Heracles match and two of our VERY lucky members even got chosen to parade in front of both teams holding the Ajax flag when they went onto the pitch…..an unbelievable experience that will live with them forever.” “One of the highlights of the trip for me, adds Susan “was a tram ride home one night when the driver gave us control of his internal microphone and we got all the locals in every carriage singing along to Paper Roses!” Thoughts are already turning to a return to an English Premiership ground next year. Christmas Parties The Christmas parties are always eagerly anticipated events and are free of charge to all members. Last weekend, older members were treated to the very latest Christmas film releases at the Odeon Cinema in Kilmarnock while the under 5’s enjoyed the company of a children’s entertainer (who put on a magic show and encouraged participation in party games) at the Fenwick Hotel.. Every member, of course, got a Christmas present at the end of the day from Santa. “It’s a very special day open to ALL members and everyone leaves with a great big smile on their face” said Susan. Sadly, for the first time ever, Kilmarnock Football Club did not send a player representative to either of the parties this year Sponsorship + Fundraising - Over the years, Young Kilmarnock has been lucky enough to attract the following sponsors - Colors Nite Club, T 4 Toys and Browning’s the Bakers (makers of the famous award winning Killie Pie). Young Kilmarnock is delighted that The Klin Group is the current sponsor’s and will support the organization for the next three years.

The Club cannot survive on sponsorship alone and has tried many fundraising activities to generate enough money to make it the success it is. The most popular (and profitable) event is the annual fundraising dinner/dance due to be held in March. This dinner/dance is always sold out months in advance. It started life in a relatively low-key manner in the Mauchline Supporters’ Club raising almost £1,000 and has grown to be a major date in the diary, the most recent earning almost five times that original amount through fantastic items auctioned and also raffle ticket sales. “It’s a night everyone looks forward to and the ‘community sing-a-long’ at the end is now legendary!” Susan says “……………..even Bobby’s Neil Diamond impersonation. Mmmm. Well, maybe not!” Local charities also receive a percentage of the money made on this night and the organization has a proud history of raising money for other worthwhile causes. Recently, the ‘Young Kilmarnock mum’s’ took part in a 10 mile sponsored walk raising £1000 for CLIC Sargent. Member Recognition At the end of every season, Young Kilmarnock reward all its members with a medal and sweets but special recognition is made to one girl and boy every year who has contributed most throughout the season, be it regular attendance, displaying an excellent attitude at all times or for any one of many reasons. It is always a hotly debated award but the recipients are worthy winners. Originally a Kilmarnock Football Club initiative born in the 1990’s, Young Kilmarnock only survived through the perseverance of parent/volunteers a few years later when the Club’s interest waned.

Young Kilmarnock over recent years has been let down on a number of fronts by Kilmarnock Football Club who have failed to grasp what a true community asset the organisation is. “We used to have a tremendous relationship with the Club to the extent that we were entrusted to organise match day mascots and ball persons at every home match” begins Bobby. I don’t know why, but it became increasingly difficult to get them to embrace our activities. It is a matter of great regret for the YK committee that Mr Johnston (Chairman of Kilmarnock Football Club) has never taken time to visit the children on a Saturday, the Clubs future paying customers, at any time during his entire tenure.” One of the organisations highlights was the 2011/12 Communities League Cup run, when six fifty seater Young Kilmarnock buses were fully booked for the semi final, while 10 attended the final itself against Celtic on that historic day in March. “It’s ironic that Young Kilmarnock are awarded a ‘Community Asset’ award when the very Club we all love and support doesn’t truly recognise us as such and become involved with us in the way we would hope for.” Despite meetings with the Kilmarnock FC Chairman, the YK committee, after consultation with parents of members, made the heartbreaking decision to break away from the Club and become a standalone organisation, changing its name in the process to avoid potential conflict with registered trademark legislation. On a positive note, every penny generated by YK is ploughed straight back to the members in some fashion, be it to upgrade equipment for the Saturday Club, free Christmas parties and presents, Easter eggs, selection boxes, subsidy towards tickets and travel to Kilmarnock FC away games, free juice, sweets, crisps etc. Every Committee member and coach gives of their time to the cause generously, and at no cost. Reason for the continued success? Susan replies “We all love Kilmarnock Football Club and love seeing the kids enjoy themselves because they are the supporters of the future who will help sustain our club, for years to come.” HIPPO SAYS – Well done to all concerned and I’m sure once the ownership changes at RP the YK will get round the table with the new board and look at how they can all work together………as it should be.

THE TROON GRINCH… Dear Santa I’m a long suffering Killie fan who has had a very sad year and I hope you can cheer me up with some fantastic presents that will make up for all the misery I have had to endure thanks to The Troon Grinch (a.k.a. sh*t for brains). I’ve been a good wee boy for most of the year apart from the unfortunate incident when my bowel went out of control as I did my charity sky dive over Scumerset…….. I believe it acted as an air freshener for the locals. The Grinch upset me and my Killie chums when he chased away our favourite uncle from Killie in the summer. We do miss him although he keeps in touch and has started a new job in a third world shanty town. He doesn’t say too much but I know he likes the Grinch as much as the SFA like him!! Anyway, cut the crap ya strange old man and dish me out the following on the 25th: A new (community minded) owner at the Theatre of Pies A 99% discount card for the Killie Kebab Shop A mountain of pot pourri to sit at the Grinch’s Assistants work place (parochial gag!!) A retro Killie strip from the TB era…..it reminds me of happier times Cheers auld yin, I left a half pint of buckie next to the donner + chips.

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUST During our tenth AGM on Monday last (9th December) it was put to the Trust Board that there is a lot of misinformation doing the rounds and it would be a good idea to put to bed some of the myths that appear to be causing division within our support; something we could well do without at this time. We caught up with the Trust chairman after the meeting and asked him directly about some of the more contentious subjects that Killie fans have been discussing of late.

What exactly is happening with the Community Ownership Group? Through the various mediums we’ve been putting stuff out about COG all year and I’m pretty sure most Killie fans are aware of it at least. The situation regards ownership of the club appears to be a state of constant fluctuation at the moment so it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where we are with COG other than to say that regardless of who is in charge at Rugby Park, the Trust will continue to push for community ownership in the long term. There has been a lot of publicity on the back of the open meeting held by the Supporters’ Association at the Grand Hall…the upshot of which was the formation of a working party of various groups who also want to deliver community ownership to the club. Obviously the Trust has been heavily involved with that and we have four board members nominated to represent our interests at the table. As seems to be the case these days we had to sign a non-disclosure agreement to be party to the talks and can’t discuss anything in real detail, but as ever we still aim to get as much information out there to our members as possible and see it as one of our duties to encourage the working party to engage with the fans and keep them up to speed with anything that is going on.

To be fair there is not much to report at the moment other than what has appeared in the media already. We asked the Kilmarnock Futures Consortium, who are part of the working party, to give us something for the purposes of the AGM which may make their position clearer and were sent the following statement: “Kilmarnock Futures Consortium is committed to immediate supporter representation on the new Board and believes that community shareholding would have significant benefits to the Club, the supporters and to the wider East Ayrshire community. The Consortium will work with Supporters Direct to build options and plans for greater community ownership over an agreed period”. That’s where we are at the moment. It has been widely reported that while the club are negotiating with the KF Consortium that they are still working behind the scenes on a plan to get debt reduction from the bank in a similar manner to other Scottish clubs whom have recently almost went to the wall. The one major difference it would seem is that Mr Johnston is only willing to implement some form of “community involvement”, as he calls it, on his own terms and his refusal to engage with the two largest democratically elected supporter’s organisations will make it very difficult for him to make any headway with the bank. We push on with COG regardless and maintain that while debt reduction is a good thing, that the only beneficiary of a deal with the bank should be Kilmarnock Football Club, not any individual.

Is it true that the Killie Trust are in league with the Klin Group and want to sell Rugby Park for housing and move to the new HALO Arena? In a word, no. The Klin Group had a viable plan to turn things around at the club and introduce community ownership to it over a sustained period of time as their legacy to the people of Kilmarnock. The Trust bought into that and supported it at the time because it was the best viable option on the table to ensure the club not only survived but flourished and it ticked a lot of boxes as far as we were concerned on the community front.

Our primary concern is the club’s future and we are willing to talk to anyone who is looking to restore Kilmarnock FC’s place at the heart of the community where it should be and make it a sustainable entity that we can all continue to be proud of. That is why we are currently in discussions with the Kilmarnock Futures Consortium, their plans also merit consideration and should the current regime come up with a plan that does not involve individuals financially benefiting at the expense of the club then we would certainly look into that too. Moving the club to the HALO Arena from Rugby Park has never been a topic of discussion at Trust Board Meetings, the Klin Group have previously stated that was not their intention either. We view it for what it is, an impressive plan for a state-of the-art multi-use stadium which our whole community can benefit from. In our case we thought that it would be perfect for bringing team training back to our own area and put a stop to paying for facilities in Glasgow to keep the squad in shape.

Are the Trust behind the “Not a Penny More” movement? Again, no. At no stage have we ever encouraged fans not to go to Rugby Park or to stop putting money into the club. I never have and never will do that personally and I would have to seriously consider my position with the Trust if at some point that was the road the members chose to take. The sad fact is that attendances in Scottish football have been declining for years now, and we are one of the most affected. The slightly elevated downturn in figures this season can most likely be attributed to the reaction of fans to events on and off the park towards the tail end of last season and into this. I find it incredulous that anyone would try and lay the blame for falling attendances at our door. People have minds of their own and make decision for themselves based on their own circumstances and what they believe. We are not in the business of telling people what to do, our business is to ensure that the fans get proper representation when it comes to the running of the club and that whoever is in charge is held accountable for their actions. There are many reasons why fans have stopped going, too many to mention, sadly it does not look as if the decline in numbers will stop until there have been some sort of regime change at the club that will make fans feel as if they belong again and its still their club.

Is your plan to force the club into administration to get rid of Michael Johnston? I've honestly never heard anything quite so ridiculous, but it is another popular myth doing the rounds, and one which the chairman himself has recently suggested. It is simply not true and has never crossed our minds, despite being advised by some parties that a “newco� club would be a much easier solution to our problems. We want to avoid the club going into administration at all costs. We have learned a lot from the mistakes of other clubs and other Trusts and we would never want to put our proud history at risk by flirting with financial skulduggery to achieve our aims. If we were in favour of an administration event why would we be accumulating shares in the club which would ultimately prove worthless? We doubled our holding this season, albeit courtesy of a generous benefactor, and are constantly on the lookout for more; in fact if anyone out there feels that their shares would be of more use as part of a collective run in a democratic fashion then please feel free to get in touch. Setting up shell corporations and selling or transferring assets while hiding behind a myriad of non-disclosure agreements is not the way we want to operate; we have and always will be open and transparent and if we really thought that administration was an option then we would come right out and say it. Have you got anything to ask the Trust Chairman or the Trust Board? We believe in transparency and honesty and are keen to dispel any dodgy rumours doing the rounds. Send your questions directly to thechairman@killietrust.org if you would like a personal reply or indeed just post them on our Twitter or Facebook pages and we will do our best to make sure that you get an answer. HIPPO SAYS – The time has never been more right for all fans to join the Trust. There has been a lot of misinformation put out over the years and hopefully the above article will clarify some points for many of you, On a personal level I have never had any desire to do anything other than help the fans through the different groups, The sooner all the crap ends the sooner I can get back to simply watching the games.

KILLIE BITS + PIECES Firstly I’ll just highlight something that most of you will already know………..our new year games have both been put back 24 hours. Both are home games therefore we now face St Mirren on the 2nd January with the Aberdeen game now being put back to the 5th. I did have to chuckle all the same when I heard the reason why the games are put back…….there is no public transport on new years day. Correct me if I’m wrong but the fixtures were drawn in June and I don’t recall that there was ever any expectation of public transport being available at that time………why leave it to a few weeks before when some fans have already made plans around the football. No surprise really, just another example of fans being treated like sh*t. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… As I write this I’m just reading that at last night’s Motherwell v Celtic game the away fans were living up to their reputation as the biggest tossers in Scottish football by ripping out seats again. They have done the same at Rugby Park and at Firhill this season and I reckon its time the authorities came down hard for a change…….well it isn’t a one off incident, is it? Only when the clubs like Celtic are properly punished will we see something being done about this nonsense. Perhaps point deductions or play home games behind closed doors, a bit severe but it will force them to act.

On to the fan groups and you will see an an article about the Trust in this issue that Baz did. The Trust AGM was held recently and I get the feeling that next year will be the biggest yet in the history of the Trust. Regardless of what happens at Killie we will push for community ownership and I think every killie fan needs to accept it will happen so lets get as many Killie fans involved as possible. A Trust is as strong as its membership and that means joining up and helping to influence and shape the future of the Trust and ultimately the club. The Trust are simply there to facilitate the process and to identify the right people who can jump on board and use their skills to make us the envy of every other club in the country. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KFCSA have been equally busy and like our Trust buddies we are involved in the working party. As I’ve said elsewhere, we have had to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement but you can rest assured we will get every tiny bit of information out there that we possibly can. KFCSA are also launching a Heart Awareness project in partnership with the British Heart Foundation. Our club has been tragically affected by several fans losing their lives in recent years so we are going to do our bit to help if we can……..look out for details of the campaign being released shortly as it’s something that EVERY SINGLE KILLIE FAN can get involved with. We will be looking for volunteers for some “hands on” training early in the new year so please come forward when you see the details.

GOOD LUCK KENNY Former boss Kenny Shiels has still been getting plenty of exposure even though he is no longer attached to any club. He was the radio summarizer for our cup game at Tannadice and his passion for Killie brings a tear to the eye. I think his tendency to call all Killie players by their nicknames was annoying the other pundits…..well done KS. I have spoken to Kenny a few times in recent months and his passion for Killie has not diminished. He will always have a close affinity to the club and the town and will always be welcome back. We may try and hold some sort of fans event in the new year and get him along…..watch this space. A few weeks back I got a call from a journalist from the local Inverness newspaper. KS was on the short list for the job and the journo was asking me all sorts of questions regarding the qualities that Kenny has that would benefit Inverness. I spoke at length about his 24/7 commitment, his community ethos and his desire to give young players their chance………I think ICT made a mistake by appointing Hughes a few days later but time will tell. Anyway their loss is Morton’s gain as KS has taken charge at Greenock and he has a massive task as they are sitting adrift at the bottom of the Championship……..bollocks I still call it Div. One. It appears Kenny couldn’t get Killie out his head and only applied for jobs at teams who play in blue and white. Anyway I’d like to wish Kenny all the very best and I see Killie have drawn Morton in the Q/Final of the Youth Cup…..I wonder if the Grinch will want to shake his hand??

S/CUP 29/11/13 ARABS 5 V 2 KILLIE


You know things are bad when Killie only take a few hundred to a Scottish Cup tie, a game that normally generates a big turn out. Of course the Friday night was not ideal for many, me included, however well done to the fans who did make the journey. I was listening to the Radio Scotland coverage and guest pundit was none other than Kenny Shiels. It was heartbreaking to hear the obvious passion he still has for Killie whilst we have to sit and suffer thanks to the parasite,….please just f*** off Johnston so we can get our club back.



Having seen us gub them at RP in October my humble opinion is that this lot are mince however it was still a great three points…….our first away win of the season. Now it may have taken a while but the management team appear to be slowly realizing that our youngsters are good enough. Johnston, Slater, Ashcroft all played well and if some stories are to be believed our assistant manager is the one who has influenced earlier poor team choices. For this alone and because I don’t like him the award goes to the Sevco loving plum.


Yes we know the refs are an easy target however it sems this fud was simply out to ruin the day for the ever decreasing crowd. There are a large number of refs who are full of self importance and Norris is one of them. I’ll have a wee bet the next time he refs a Killie game that there is a red card……..is he involved in spot fixing do you think?

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