Hippo - April 21

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CONTACT E-MAIL : Killiehippo@aol.com NO ARTICLES TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT PERMISSION BACK ISSUES 2–204 INCLUSIVE AVAILABLE All views expressed are those of the contributors

SHOOTING FROM THE HIPPO I do try and wrack my limited brain cells to say something mildly humorous in the opening paragraph of the editorial but my napper has turned to moosh as I worry about what is about to happen to our famous old club. There were a couple of weekends where results appeared to be going in our favour but that was most certainly not the case last week as we surrendered at Motherwell whilst County and Accies grabbed away wins that didn’t look probable though in the case of Hamilton nothing surprises me. That leaves us with two games and many many permutations as to how things may pan out. We’ve said elsewhere that when you get yourself in a relegation threatened position like tis it’s as much about mental strength and bottle aas it is about ability. We have a striker in Lafferty who in all honesty is superior to the equivalent strikers with our rivals but that can be cancelled out if you continue to lose poor goals at the other end. I’m still hoping that the goals we can get from the creativity of Lafferty and Burke will see us stagger over the line but there is no guarantee of that. Even when we went on a decent wee unbeaten run before the Motherwell game you always felt there was a lack of belief and that probably is down to our weakness in defence. Neither keeper is up to scratch and with Tommy Wright being a keeper himself back in the day you can guarantee we will have new no.1 next season regardless of what league we are in. Questions must be asked why we think a third choice goalkeeper from a championship club is good enough to play with us in the Premiership. You don’t need me to tell you that this Wednesday night sees our most important game in years. A win sees us with a real chance of 10th place as the other two face each other in Dingwall. Defeat doesn’t bear thinking about as it will mean we head to Hamilton on the last day needing some kind of result and that scares the rude bits off me. It’s a time for players to stand up and be counted, be brave and take responsibility. A couple of our more experienced players didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory at Motherwell but I’m sure the manager has been stressing the importance of them all sticking together. We’ll have another issue out around the end of May and who knows we may be involved in play offs around that time. Raith have just knocked out the Pars so any play off will be against Raith or Dundee. I’m not sure the old hippo ticker will stand up to another play off and it will be very weird having to watch a game of that importance just on the telly. Thanks again for all your articles and welcome on board to new sponsors Automax Valeting, Kilmarnock Eats and Winterstorm Sandy

SOLVING SEASON TICKET-GATE Covid has caused all sorts of upheaval, sadness and mayhem throughout the world and every single person and organisation/business has been affected in way or another. The football club is no exception and the season ticket deal from last summer has now come back to bite them on the “deaf and dumb”. The deal stated that if Covid meant fans couldn’t get into fans then the ST holders would still be able to use these for future games. In effect if we miss all 19 home games this season then the ST would be valid for 19 games next season, assuming we can get into games by then. Of course ST holders were given access to Killie TV that meant we were still able to see all home games which was very welcome……but just doesn’t tickle my Hippo bits like being there in person. With the virus dragging on throughout the season and no fans being allowed into stadia the club now have a massive headache…..what do they do this close season because we want them to be able to compete financially. A focus group was set up involving the club and some chosen fans along with the supporter groups to look at the whole issue with a view to putting out an offer that would keep everyone happy….an impossible task I’d gave to say. Here’s the email that we got sent out from the Trust last week: UPDATE - KFC SEASON TICKETS, SEASON 2021/22 The Trust Board would like to thank everyone who responded with thoughts and ideas to feed into the club’s Season Ticket Focus Group meeting, which took place on Thursday night (April 8). The group united supporters, covering all demographics and age groups, and club staff with the common purpose of holding open and honest talks to discuss a Season Pass package for season 2021/22 which suitably rewarded those who bought a pass for this campaign but have been unable to attend at Rugby Park due to season-long Coronavirus restrictions.

Before the meeting we collated your direct suggestions as well as views from the Killiefc.com fans’ forum. Following the Focus Group discussions, we have attached the following slides which the Board of Directors presented as the proposed offering to shareholders during Monday’s Club AGM. The proposal includes a loyalty discount commitment for those renewing alongside a specially-commissioned souvenir shirt featuring the names of Season Pass holders as well as a range of year-long benefits on merchandise, hospitality and offers from club partners. This offering includes many of the suggestions proposed by members and balances the desire to reward fans for their loyalty and support during these unprecedented times while providing vital income to sustain the club that we love.

Throughout our discussions with the club, they have been open and honest about the severe financial impact a widespread request for refunds would have but they remain mindful and sympathetic to the devastating impact the pandemic has had on the lives of our supporters and the extreme generosity the fans have shown over the past year.

The Trust’s passion to entice more supporters to become season ticket holders is shared by the club and as an acknowledgement of the tough financial climate, prices for new season ticket holders for 2021/22 will be frozen at the same levels as the current campaign (2020/21).

The club also expressed their sincere gratitude to Trust members and those who subscribe to our 'Trust in Killie' funding campaign for their contribution to the club and this was highlighted in several areas during Monday’s AGM.

We must stress that the offer is not final as yet and I’m not sure what effect relegation would have on prices but there are still a few questions to be answered. Killie die hard Claire Morrison posted the following on Facebook to try and clarify some fan’s queries: I wanted to pop a post on about the new season ticket offer for next season that was sent via email to Trust members last week as I’ve seen various people asking questions about certain areas which hopefully I’ll be able to clarify with the info below and stop any rumours, negativity etc spreading. I am one of the members of the Focus Group and whilst most of the matters discussed in the group are confidential for now I have the club’s permission to share the following: - For those renewing their Moffat Family passes, all members of the party will receive the special retro strip. This only applies to those Moffat families renewing their family pass from this season i.e. those renewing their Moffat Family pass from season 20/21 into 21/22 All age groups in all stands who renew their season pass will receive the retro strip - it comes in all sizes from kids to adults. I’ve seen a preview of the retro strip and it’s a cracker! - With regard to free U16 season tickets, unfortunately this just won’t be possible this season due to circumstances entirely out with the club’s control as it would have contractual/legal implications. This will be explained in due course once the season ticket package is officially ‘launched.’ Unfortunately until crowds can return in an unrestricted fashion, without the need for PPV, it is near impossible to offer any free tickets which is of no fault of the clubs. However the club are working on a possible special, exclusive event for U16s to attend e.g. a planned training session, Fanzone games afternoon etc which I’m sure the Killie kids will really enjoy Also it won’t be possible for those asking if they can ‘exchange’ their season ticket retro strip for a free U16 ticket or a day’s hospitality.

- The season ticket offer for next season isn’t yet fully finalised. It is still in the proposal phase just now and there may be tweaks made in the coming weeks as it is ‘fine tuned’ so please remember that. The club will try their best to take fan views into account whilst keeping the club’s best interests at heart The most important thing after all is that we still have a club to support at the end of all this and the club remains HUGELY grateful for all the fan support in the past year. The Killie Family have been simply remarkable I hope that answers some of the questions on here. The club are doing a great job of ensuring open, transparent communication with fans and this will continue as the 2021/2022 season ticket offer is finalised. The Killie Kickback Forum page also has a very detailed response from Trust Chairman Jim Thomson on the ‘season ticket’ thread on page 2 so please look there for more info Any questions please let me know (I won’t promise to know the answer but can hopefully point you in the right direction if not). Please also remember that the club is very willing to answer any questions/queries so please contact Allen Kyle, SLO or Jim Thomson if you have anything you’d like answered. Cathy as always, is the voice of the fans on the board too If you have a question relevant for a particular area, the contact info for specific club staff members are available on the club website. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s a very difficult time for all concerned made all the more uncertain by the poor performance on the park. The club need the fans to buy tickets to let us compete by bringing in some decent quality but they will probably face a downturn in ST numbers if we slip down to the Championship. I hope that is not the case however if we do then I urge the fans to step up to the plate as it the more income we get, the better players we bring in and the better chance to come straight back up. Of course there is still an issue even if we stay up as fans have had been unable to see games on this season’s ticket. Quite simply it’s been unique circumstances and I hope the fans step up as they have done in the past.

IS IT A SONG OR IS IT A POEM? One of the great joys of attending Killie games especially away from home is listening out for new songs. A new signing is always good to get the creative juices flowing and after a few beers there are a few troops sit up the back of their supporter buses and try to pen the next Xmas no.1 or at least something that the Killie choir will sing at the back of the stand. By and large the songs we sing today have been around for a long time but there is always room for some new material and that is even more enjoyable when it’s a song unique to the famous Ayrshire Killie. Of course booze plays a vital role in the song writing process and many songs only last for one game probably because the troops forget the words by the time they’ve sobered up. Personally I love it when the likes of the “Dindeleux” song gets belted out even though the great man has long since returned back through the Channel tunnel. Anyway I was contacted by Killie daft Billy Sullivan as he has had lyrics penned for a while now, the problem is I don’t know whether it’s actually a song or just a poem…..of course if it’s a song I want to hear suggestions as to what tune we need to use. Here you go and remember where you saw it first if this is getting belted out at RP after we have booted Covid into the car park:

K.T.I.D. When I was a lad me and my dad to the football I would go There were ma pals lifted ower the turnstiles all raring to go Running up the stairs the smell in the air the pie hut and the cheers At the railings next to old guys smoking fags and drinking beer

CHORUS And it’s KTID you know what I mean The greatest thing in Ayrshire is Kilmarnock football team We sing you’ll never take the Killie we shout it to the skies And it’s Killie til I die it’s Killie til I die

When I was a teen I’d follow the team up and down the land Fighting wae ayr fans drinking in the pubs and running from the policeman The shouts of PANINARO the casuals have arrived We weren’t scared of anyone we learned to survive

It’s 1997 and we’re now in heaven it’s the final of the cup Paul Wright takes control and fires in the goal that lifts our spirits up John Finnie Street that night was a sea of blue and white You never saw a scene like this on a summer Saturday night

Managers have come and gone and graced the hallowed turf But only some who won the fans have really proved their worth Bobby Williamson Tommy Burns and the amazing Stevie Clarke We are the boys in blue and white the boys from Rugby Park

Some say that we’re going down but we’ll fight on as planned Lets hope boys for a miracle united we will stand Whatever will be the outcome lets all raise up our hands There’s nothing greater in football than being a Killie fan

BILLY SULLIVAN (A.K.A. WILD BILL) 2021 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

OUR CHUMS IN GERMANY It’s been a bit of a nightmare of a season for Killie with a slow downward spiral over the last couple of years. Sadly the same can be said of our good friends in Kaiserslautern who have experienced a rapid decline over a few years now mainly due to off field and boardroom troubles and uncertainty. They were up there with the best when we faced them in Europe just over 20 years ago with world class players like Djorkaeff pulling on the red strip. That seems like a million years ago for the loyal Kaiserslautern fans as they now find themselves struggling towards the bottom of the third tier of the Bundesliga. I know many fans have been following their fortunes and it hasn’t been easy to watch. The league system in Germany means that if you drop out the third tier you are into the regional leagues and in real terms that means heading into a bit of oblivion. It’s been grim to watch but their fans are incredible and they will still turn up in huge numbers…..once they are allowed to do so. I have been able to watch some of their games online and in all honesty there are similarities to Killie, they look like they can score goals but they are also leaky at the other end. The good news is I have just watched them skelp one of their relegation rivals 4-1 and with two matches to go they have a very realistic chance of survival…..mon the Lautern.

Pittodrie. The Pain. The Pathos, and still waiting for the Pleasure (Down memory lane with Johnny K)

The years dinnae matter. Bobby Geddes was in goals, and a guid yin. The times, the times past, the times taken and as the Koob said, with feeling, “again”. Hudnae been in Aberdeen fur years; well no with the Killie. Work., but that is yet another story. Agreement made the Saturday before, No 10 rules applied and the Koob had ecided that a hauf and a hauf pint wis only wan drink, but it wisnae his turn again, and anyway “Johnny, jist a hauf”. The invasion plans laid on the Thursday, and involved an early start on the Saturday, carry oots, songs and pocket monies shared. We wur aff. Nearly forgot to mention the rescue of Norman. Hughie and me, Friday morning, walking to the Ten, up Fullarton Street, and the plaintive Geordie cries for help fractured the morn. The Koob had already asked me whit the team would be at Aberdeen, and I was only concerned that Bobby G would be in goals. See me, ah love and watch Goalies. The shout increased and suddenly me and the Koob were up a close in Fullarton Street, watching Norman struggling with a letterbox. He'd got his arm trapped in, through, and under the letterbox. We thought that he'd tried to put the letters on the hall floor. Result. Norman f***ed. Letters home free, Norman lost in Fullarton Street. Me and the Koob sang the Sunderland anthem, and as I pulled him free, asked if he fancied Pittodrie on Saturday.

Sair arms, embarrassment , no answer meant yes. The early bus. The very early bevvy, the miles, the songs. A wee sleep and ffs Pittodrie. Gibby, Reilly, Ronnie G me and the Koob, and a Postman. Didn't take too long to find the Pittodrie Bar. Didnt take too long, for me to tell all and sundry, that Bobby Geddes was safe and good. Alan McCulloch was great.... Blah, Blah , blah.....Gibby even bought a drink, Reilly didnae. We all went to the Killie end and couldnae get in.........too drunk. How is that possible when you can remember your second name, nearly the league winning team of 65, and the postman's second name. No Entry, f....off. We did , back to the Pittodrie Bar. Rescue at hand. Dons boys said they would get us in to the Dons end , but if the Killie scored we had to shut the f... up. No a bad game. Geddes was outstanding, and I only told the Koob, when he asked whit the team wiz........Geddes in goal. Wan nuthin, Aberdeen. Getting hame a mystery. Only thing left in the memory bank, wiz the Koob being concerned about the postie, and keen to go again. We did, and did , and did. Jist everywhere. Half a chance wi you Koob, and the mad squad, I'd buy a round and do it ALL again. Our days are all made up of assorted yesterdays. All worth everything, and nothing......Just depends. ? Johnny K. Hippo says – Thanks once again John for sharing memories of your epic Killie trips with some great Killie men. You may actually have the record for being refused entrance to more grounds than any other Killie fan. I was once refused entry to Tynecastle for being unable to bite my finger nails….. that embarrassing tale is for another day!!

PREMIERSHIP OR CHAMPIONSHIP? PART 3 We have written a wee piece in the last couple of issues looking at our predicament and sussing out our chances of survival again after 28 years in the top flight. Well I’m writing this after the horrendous defeat at Fir Park allied to Accies and County picking up three points. If you are looking for an upbeat assessment I suggest you check out another fanzine as my mood is lower than a snake’s belly. There have been a couple of “good” weekends recently where results have gone hugely in our favour, none more so when we weren’t playing and our two rivals lost their game in hand. All that was a distant memory as Killie turned in a very flat performance at the same time as County were winning at Tannadice and Accies were winning in Paisley. It’s no time to be looking for excuses as players have to stand up and be counted in these games and worryingly some of our experienced players are letting us down. My glass is very definitely half empty just now though if you stuck an ice cold Tennents in front of me I can assure you it would be totally empty I watched the Hamilton v Motherwell game the other week just before we beat Dundee Utd at RP. Motherwell won the game 1-0 but were fairly comfortable as Accies had a man sent off in half an hour. Two things struck me about the game, Hamilton were pretty poor, even with ten men, and didn’t seem to have many players you would want in the Killie team. However the one thing they did do was battle like their lives depended on it and that worried me greatly as I’m not sure we have the same mentality throughout the team. It’s so true that when you’re in a relegation scrap at this stage of the season it’s as much about bottle as ability and I worry that is where we could fall down.

In the midst of these relegation battles fans are always looking to apportion blame and rightly so when there have been so many glaring mistakes. At the outset I do not hold Tommy Wright culpable for the position we are in as the damage was all done prior to his arrival. Sure, there have been some team selections that some fans will query but he will never back a team that keeps everyone happy. The manager was brought in far too late and with no transfer window to work in his task was an uphill one from the word go. The one piece of “out of contract” business that TW managed was the signing of Lafferty and that may well still prove to be what keeps us up. Make no mistake if we had stayed with the three other options in Kabamba, Whitehall and Oakley we would already be setting the satnav for Arbroath. TW has inherited a squad that is threadbare in terms of quality and that can be directly attributed to the previous manager and a very poor recruitment policy. James Fowler was brought in to help that side of things so must take his share of responsibility but ultimately the manager will decide what players he wants so AD let us down badly in that crucial part of his management. In central defence we let Stuart Findlay follow his dream to USA and I think many fans can understand that we had a player wanting to leave as he was almost out of contract. In all honesty the big man had not been at his best and had been injured for a while as well but it has left us threadbare with a faltering Broadfoot being selected with either Rossi or Medley. Midfield is an area where many games are won and lost and we have some aging players who are passed their best and who we have persisted with for perhaps a year too much. Any opposition with decent mobility in there will run past our veterans and perhaps our defence is far more exposed as should be the case. I believe we only have four senior players (McGowan, Haunstrup, McKenzie + Power) under contract for next season so whatever happens there is going to be a load of new faces for the new campaign…..I’m sure TW is secretly delighted with that. And so on to the last two games and our proud top league record may be relying on referee’s decision, a mad deflection or a hero emerging…..I just hope the players have the same heart and desire as the fans!!

IN THE PLUGHOLE – FREE GIVEAWAY We love when fans get in touch with offers of help and especially when it gives 50 Killie fans the chance to win a unique EP. I was contacted by Scott from local band In The Plughole with a remarkably generous offer, here’s what Scott had to say:

Hi Sandy , Scott here. Davie said to drop you an email. As you know we’re all big Killie fans and I had written the song about Rugby Park about thirty years ago. About six years ago we got back together to do a benefit gig for our guitarist who passed at the age of 47 with a heart attack. However since then we’ve enjoyed the crack so much we recorded an EP with Rugby Park on it. We were able to re jig it and put some extra bits in it courtesy of John Livingston and Andy Kerr from the club. We’ve never wanted to make any money for it , we’ve only wanted it to get out there to fans. They may like it or they may not but at least they get to hear it . If you want them we have Fifty copies to use anyway that you want. Cheers Scott. KTID.

So if you fancy a unique piece of memorabilia all you need to do is email scott.walley@sky.com and the first 50 folk will secure an EP……cheers


TALES FROM THE A.G.M. Sincere gratitude for our fans’ incredible support and placing them at the heart of our steps forward were key themes at the club’s Annual General Meeting on Monday evening. With the meeting held virtually due to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions, the Board of Directors acknowledged the invaluable backing provided by the Killie faithful through the past 12 months as the club continues to deal with the impacts of the pandemic. Here are the key topics from the meeting Finances

Director Phyllis McLeish and Company Secretary Graeme Bryson went through key financial elements including income analysis, payroll ratio as the club recorded a profit of £61,483 for the year ending May 2020. The financial commitment of fans through Season Passes as well as the significant contribution from directors and the Killie Trust was praised as well as the ifantastic contribution from supporters since the club store was taken back in house.


Taking retail operations back in house in June 2020 has proved to be a great success with record turnover of over £500,000 as well as celebrating club-record shirt sponsorship and kit supplier deals. Our bespoke Killie LTD range, mixing football and fashion, has struck a chord with supporters while our commemorative blue bricks and 150th Anniversary pictorial history book have also sold in large numbers. Our Retro shirts have proved to be a hit with more items set to be released to add to the collection while there is a renewed focus on kids and ladies wear. Updates were provided on Pay Per View uptake across the campaign and the expansion of our partnership family. We thank all our partners, shirt sponsors, stadium advertisers and everyone who has put money into the club during the past year. Stadium and Infrastructure

Billy Bowie and Phyllis McLeish discussed important Moffat Stand enhancements planned to take place over the next few months. Work on a Memorial Garden is due to start in June 2021 while Office/Activity space for Community and our Youth Academy at the back of the Moffat Stand, funded by Billy Bowie will also begin during the close season. A new disabled access ramp in partnership with the Killie Trust is due to be installed ahead of the 2021/22 campaign. In May 2021, we will begin converting the current Killie Club into the Killie Hub – which will host our new shop, visitor centre with Museum as well as a fresh, affordable hospitality offering. The existing Killie Shop space will be removed to make room for additional parking space for visitors and supporters. The Killie Hub will be a fan-orientated area, showcasing the club’s proud and rich history while on a matchday it will act as a versatile space, offering matchday hospitality or pre/post-game refreshments. Football Operations

Head of Football Operations James Fowler discussed the arrival of Tommy Wright and Paul Stephenson to the club and answered questions over Alex Dyer’s appointment as manager. James explained that he is involved in a collaborative process with the manager to identify the profile and fit of signing targets but that the manager has and always will have the final say over new recruits. Steven Warnock’s elevation to the first team squad was a welcome boost to all in the Youth Academy while funding from our official Academy partner, The Killie Trust, is hugely appreciated.

The club remains focused on sourcing the best players possible within budget with the Board of Directors thanked for their part in funding the deal for Kyle Lafferty. New tools including TransferRoom, which allows clubs to connect directly and link up over player deals, is also in use. While the short-term strategy is to retain our Premiership status, James outlined the philosophy around loaning our young players with discussions ongoing around strategic partnerships with clubs to bridge the gap between U18s and first-team football. The future development to build our own training ground remains an ambition for the Board and the Manager.

Tommy Wright outlined his pride at being named Kilmarnock Manager and he spoke to shareholders about his ambitions to take the club and team forward while ensuring he and the players connect and are at the heart of the local community. In response to a question, Tommy reiterated his commitment to the club regardless of how the current season concludes. Fan Engagement and Community

Director Cathy Jamieson started her presentation by taking a moment to think of all the Killie supporters who have sadly passed away during the pandemic, including club legend David Sneddon who remains in our thoughts. Cathy highlighted an important year for The Killie Trust, who are now the third largest shareholders in the club and continue to play a key role in many areas around Killie. The Trust has assisted the club with over £150,000 since lockdown to assist with cashflow with over 500 subscribers contributing a total of £8,000 per month.

Supporters’ initiatives have played a great part in keeping the strong bond with the club while we have been unable to have you in the stadium. SLO Allen Kyle remains a key contact for fans to highlight any issues they may be facing while a Focus Group formed to discuss Season Pass ideas for 2021/22 has positively united fans and club staff in one space to share ideas. The full offering to supporters will be unveiled in due course but key elements included a loyalty discount for fans renewing for 21/22 along with a full range of specific benefits and a limited edition retro shirt featuring fans’ names. Updates on our Kilmarnock Community Sports Trust and Media Department were provided with Head of Media, Scott McClymont and Media Assistant, Neil Hobson always happy to engage with fans. Objectives Ahead

We wish to reiterate our heartfelt thanks to our wonderful supporters and all who have helped the club over the past year. We want to strengthen our relationship with supporters through open communications and with fans hopefully allowed back at Rugby Park this year, we want to make additional improvements to the matchday experience for all. We’ll continue to explore new and existing revenue opportunities and with the help of our fans, we aim to financially support the club’s operational objectives. Enhancing our place at the heart of the community and connecting with all those who care about Killie throughout the world will continue to be a tangible objective over the next 12 months and long into the future.

STICK YOUR SUPER LEAGUE It was almost impossible to write a fanzine without some mention of the ridiculous Super League idea that lasted all of 48 hours. There are three clubs still saying the greed driven competition is still a possibility but if you ever needed more proof that fans don’t mean a thing to these so called football clubs then this was it. In all honesty I’m astounded that a competition like this was touted without the inclusion of the Glasgow arse cheeks but at least they all showed their true hypocrisy soon after with the British league being touted for only the 99th time this century. I remember talking about breakaway leagues in the early days of the Hippo and here we are 20 years later still writing similar articles…..will it ever go away? Hypocrisy was very much the theme with Sky Sport whining about someone having more money than them…..the beautiful game slowly continues to be prised away from the most important people of all…..the fans. It was great to see some big teams/countries swerve the new proposal most notably the German teams who are community minded and are structured in the “50+1” model which we have written about in years gone by. Here is a wee article that explains how the German teams are structured:

Explanation of Germany’s 50+1 rule in football


n the aftermath of the Super League fiasco there has been a lot of

talk in England about introducing a German-style 50+1 rule. In the media this has frequently been referred to as enabling “majority fan ownership”. That isn’t the case. So, we thought a quick explanation of the 50+1 rule might be helpful. The rule relates to voting rights, NOT to ownership. German football clubs take one of two forms. 1. A pure members’ club Just like your local village cricket club. Members elect a committee, and the committee runs the club in the interest of the members. No external owner. One member, one vote. German clubs organised this way include: o Schalke 04 o Nuremberg o Union Berlin o St. Pauli All German clubs were run this way until 1998, when the 50+1 rule was brought in, facilitating the second category: 2. A members’ club that has spun off its 1st XI men’s team into a separate limited company An outside investor can buy the limited company outright, but the members’ club must retain 50% of the voting rights, plus one vote. Hence, the 50+1 rule = voting rights, not ownership. German clubs organised this way include: o Borussia Dortmund o Bayern Munich o Eintracht Frankfurt o Hamburger SV

Exceptions to the rule When the 50+1 rule came in, Wolfsburg and Leverkusen were excepted. They were effectively ‘works teams’ of VW and Bayer respectively, and the companies were allowed 100% control. In recent years, the German League’s 50+1 rule has been amended (largely due to lobbying by Martin Kind of Hannover 96). It now says that a financial backer who has supported the professional AND amateur arms of a club significantly AND in equal measure for at least 20 consecutive years can own AND control the spun-off men’s 1st XI operating company outright. Dietmar Hopp at TSG 1899 Hoffenheim has in this way acquired 96% ownership and control there. Martin Kind at Hannover 96 was ruled by the German League not to have supported the amateur side of the club sufficiently to qualify for the exception.

RB Leipzig RB Leipzig is the product of a takeover of the right to participate in the regular competitions from a small 5th-league amateur club in that city by Red Bull for brand marketing purposes. It circumvents the 50+1 rule in that its men’s 1st XI is spun off into a separate company and the members of the parent club do retain 50% of the voting rights plus one vote, but membership is limited to a small number of Red Bull employees. The club is thus despised by most fans in Germany. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Killie Trust has always had this as a long term aim and I hope that the issues highlighted by this preposterous idea will sway even more fans to joining the Trust movement. Clubs like Killie are hugely community minded and this model will allow that to always be the case.


Just before we went to print we heard the absolutely tragic news that ex Killie star John Sludden had passed away with cancer at the young age of 56. John will be remembered by many as the forward partner of Willie Watters and the two of them were a joy to behold as we climbed the leagues. John always stopped off for a chat on his visits back to RP and was a lovely guy as well as a cracking player. Our sincere condolences go to John’s family and friends.

TYNECASTLE 1965 PROGRAMME APPEAL Here we are in the midst of a relegation scrap with all the stresses that brings so it’s good to have any excuse to look back at the greatest achievement in our history. We’ve had many articles over the years about our famous league win at Tynecastle on 24th April 1965 but sadly there are very few players left who played on the day. One Killie legend from that day was Brien McIlroy who of course had the honour of scoring as well. Sadly Brien was taken from us far too young in 1995 but his daughter is fiercely proud of her dad’s achievements….and rightly so. Lesley has kept memorabilia of her dads tremendous Killie career however one thing she hasn’t managed to get her hands on is a match programme.

Killie fans have never let us down in the past so we are asking for your help again. If anyone has a spare 1965 programme that you could do without then let us know and we’ll get it to Lesley. Contact killiehippo@aol.com if you can help Lesley out….cheers



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