B B 217
B 214
Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
B 212
B 213
B 208
B 209 B 205
B 206 B 204 B 202
M 230 M 232
This is a project completed by members of the Design 593 class. Joe Watterson Kim vanderHelm Jaymes Barone Katrina Whiteman
Wayfinding in Biological Sciences 3 Existing System
5 Proposed Visual System: Typeface
7 Proposed Visual System: Colours & Icons Materials & Construction
11 Orientation Signs
13 Regulatory & Identification Signagee
15 Biological Sciences Maps
17 Building Directories
Scale Drawings
21 Sign Placement
Signs in Situ
Existing Signage System
The Biological Sciences (Bio-Sci) is an academic building on the University of Alberta campus. The existing signage in the building lacks cohesion between elements, including differences between maps and signage, resulting in confusing navigation. Presently, the building is split up into wings based on previous departments that have since been amalgamated. As such, the building area titles no longer accurately reflect the activities being conducted within the wings. As well, the existing signage is not visually consistent, structurally damaged and, in several cases, misleading. For example, the coffee cup sign directs you upstairs to an area previously used as a cafeteria. This is especially confusing as a Second Cup kiosk has recently been opened in an entirely different location within the building.
In addition, colour usage is inconsistent in application between the current map and signage. The map uses pastel colours while the building signage uses saturated colours to colour code the wings. Additional confusion results from the architectural structure of the building as some areas in Bio-Sci can only be accessed from certain floors. Other issues include not knowing which area of the building you are in as there are no identification signs. As well, the exterior of the building lacks sufficient identification, with only one sign currently identifying the building as Biological Sciences. This causes students and visitors searching for the building to either unknowingly miss the building or have to take a long route to their destination via more wellknown routes such as the entrance through CCIS.
3 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
The six current, and inaccurate, titles of the wings of the Bio-Sci building are: Botany, Centre Wing, Genetics, Microbiology, and Zoology and Psychology.
Photos showing the inconsistency of the signage system currently in place in the building.
4 Existing Signage System
Proposed Visual System: Typeface
All signage in the proposed system makes use of the typeface Aller. This typeface was chosen as the x-height is relatively high aiding in legibility. Aller also has several distinctively shaped letter forms allowing for easier reading. It comes in a variety of weights to address different signage needs, and it also performed well in blur tests. The more modern essence of the typeface, as seen in the combination of curves and sharp points, relates to the desire to showcase the innovative work being conducted in Bio-Sci.
5 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Light
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Light Italic
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Regular Italic
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Bold
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz1234567890 Aller Bold Italic
6 Proposed Visual System: Typeface
Aller is a typeface available in a range of different weights, making it applicable to a variety of applications within the proposed signage system.
Proposed Visual System: Colour & Icons
Each zone is colour-coded to aid in segmenting the building. This makes the building easier to navigate as it is sectioned off into more manageable areas. Due to the large number of colours used (six) it is necessary to use colour sparingly and with clear intent. This in turn avoids confusion when identifying what each colour represents. Shades of grey are also used as a neutral counterpoint to the main vibrant colours to support and highlight them.
7 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
Pantone 7409 C
Pantone 340 C
Pantone 2728 C
Pantone 299 C
Pantone 527 C
Pantone 1585 C
Black 90%
Black 80%
Black 50%
Each zone is identified through an icon that correlates using a letter and colour system.
8 Proposed Visual System: Colour & Icons
1. Women’s washroom 2. Men’s washroom 3. Handicap accessible 4. Entrance 5. Exit 6. Elevator 7. Information foyer 8. Bio-store 9. Second Cup 10. Library 11. Double staircase 12. Single staircase up 13. Single staircase down 14. Arrow 15. You are here
Materials & Construction
Signs will be made from various materials including brushed stainless steel, wood, plastic, and vinyl.
Overhead Signs
These signs will be constructed using a wooden frame, with a plastic sheet overlay. Small linked steel chains will be attached to the top of the sign and then to the roof to hang the signs at an appropriate height.
Wall Mounted Signs
These signs will be attached to various walls around the building by metal hardware. No wood will be used for these signs, as they will be created using vacuumed formed plastic to create their shape.
A portion of each sign will include a strip of brushed stainless steel.
Information printed on vinyl is easily removable for signage changes as the building adapts.
9 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
An interior wooden support would be used to form the gentle curve of an overhead sign.
Vacuum formed plastic would be used to create the wall mounted signs and would require no wooden frame.
10 Materials & Construction
Orientation Signs
Overhead hanging Signs
Hierarchy is created through use of shades of grey with different directions separated by a thin line. Recognition of zones is the first level of navigation for the building. Therefore, zones are at the top of the sign with a dark grey background, larger type, and coloured zone icons. Secondary information is located below on a lighter grey background.
The ceilings in Bio-Sci vary in height, thus several types of signs are needed to accommodate this variance. The height of the sign varies according to the amount of information required. The condensed signs are used in hallways where the ceiling is lower.
Wall Mounted Signs
Wall mounted signs will be used only in places where an overhead hanging sign will not be effective.
Free Standing Signs
Variations of the free standing sign are used indoors and outdoors. The overview maps are double-sided and are the largest. This allows the map to be visible from any entry point into the foyer. The outdoor directional signs consist of one larger post containing more information about zone entrances and includes a simplified map. The other outdoor sign is a shorter post with condensed information utilizing icons and pictograms.
11 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
6. 4. 1. Overhead hanging sign (condensed) 2. Overhead hanging sign 3. Outdoor directional sign 4. Outdoor directional sign 5. Overhead hanging sign (slightly condensed) 6. Wall mounted sign
12 Orientation Signs
Regulatory & Identification Signage
Hazardous Material Signs
Laboratories, often using or storing dangerous chemicals, are a core part of Bio-Sci. The hazard signs would be applied as a sticker onto lab doors. This allows for easy and flexible application depending on what type of lab activity is being conducted. The signs would utilize standard WHMIS symbols in a bright red in order to separate the signs from the different zone colours, and thus associate them with the red that is used in fire evacuation routes.
For Emergencies call 911 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY beyond this point
Zone Signs
The signs use colour sparingly, only to indicate which zone the visitor is currently in. The use of colour follows the visual elements previously set up in the directional signs, such as the use of bands and the coloured zone icons.
Special Precautions: For work, personnel are to wear laboratory coat or gown, disposable gloves, safety glasses, floor-length pants, and closed-toe shoes.
Building Identification Sign
Identification signs placed near ground level entrances and are used to indicate that this building is Biological Sciences.
Room Number Signs
These signs would be located next to doors, and the coloured band represents which zone the room is in.
Lab Contacts:
Bathroom Signs
The bathroom signs that include braille would be placed at a level that facilitates easy touch. A larger sign sans braille would be mounted higher up the wall and extend outwards to be seen easily by passers-by.
13 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
3. 1. Hazardous material sign 2. Zone sign 3. Building identification sign 4. Room number sign 5. Bathroom signs 4.
14 Regulatory & Identification Signage
Biological Sciences Maps
To aid the visitor in creating a mental map of how the building and zones are structured, three different types of maps are used throughout the interior and exterior of the building. All of the maps are depicted in a heads-up orientation to aid in intuitive wayfinding for the user. The maps use the zone colours in order to break the building up and aid in understanding.
Biological Sciences Map P P 202–263
Outdoor Map
G 202–222
The outdoor map highlights the exterior trails that lead to the BioSci entrances. This allows the visitor to enter into the building nearest to the zone they desire to go to, thus decreasing confusing navigation and travel time. Saskatchewan Drive is also included in this map to provide a landmark from which the visitor can orient themselves.
Z 92 Z 201–220
West Foyer
to Saskatchewan Dr
Indoor Entrance Map
C 201–229
A secondary map is placed at every ground entrance into the Bio-Sci building. The pathway is simplified and clearly highlighted, and key points of interest such as the east/west foyers are included.
Indoor Overview Map
This main map contains the most information for the viewer, including room numbers, exits, facilities, etc. The map highlights the pathways through the building via a light grey that contrasts with the zone colours and the other necessary information. Pictograms are used to pictorially convey information in a clear and concise manner, and to tie in with the rest of the visual system.
15 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
East Foyer
B 202–217
M 223–249
Building Information
Stairs Up
Elevator Exit/Entrance
Stairs Down Stairs Up/Down
Wheelchair Access
Biological Sciences Overview Map P
P 263 P 261 P 259 P 255 P 253 P 249 P 247 P 243 P 241 P 237 P 235 P 231 P 218
P 216
P 214
to Saskatchewan Dr
P 206
P 249 P 226
P 224
P 222 P 210
P 225
P 221
P 206
P 202
P 217 P 215
P 209
P 203
Z 217
Z 215 Z 211
Z 220
Z 218
B 217
B 214 B 212
Z 214
B 213
Z 207
B 208
Z 210
Z 208 Z 206 Z 204
Z 212
B 209 B 205
B 206 B 204 B 202
M 230 M 232 M 229
Z 201 Z 92
West Foyer
M 223
G 202
G 204
C 201
C 202
C 206
C 210
C 205
C 209
C 213
C 217
M 225
C 223
C 225
East Foyer
C 229
G 208 G 213
M 237
G 222 M 245
M 249
Bio Store Building Information Elevator
Exit/Entrance Second Cup Smitty Reading Room
Stairs Up Stairs Down Stairs Up/Down
16 Biological Sciences Maps
Washrooms Wheelchair Access
Zone B (B 202–217) Zone C (C 201–229) Zone G (G 202–222)
Zone M (M 223–249) Zone P (P 202–263) Zone Z (Z 92, Z 201–220)
1. Outdoor map 2. Indoor entrance map 3. Indoor overview map
Building Directories
Floor Directory
This directory showcases key places of interest and zone access points. It is placed in between the elevators as a quick reference for visitors and students to find where they need to go, and perhaps new places to visit as well. This directory addresses confusing issues relating to the building and current signage, such as the fact that access to Zone P is only through floors two to four. The visual of the floor directory matches the rest of the visual system through the use of circles and lines. In order to differentiate the floor numbers from the zone icons, the floor numbers are white and are surrounded by a circular outline. Zone icons and colours are used within the information to allow for quick recognition.
Main Building Directory
The main directory contains building information regarding professors, department room numbers and student offices. The information is separated into different categories for ease of finding information quickly and without confusion. Ample room has been left in the directory in order to allow for additional information in the future. As seen in the rest of the system, lines are used to differentiate the varying information depicted.
17 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
1. Floor directory 2. Main building directory
18 Building Directories
Scale Drawings 12”
19 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
20 Scale Drawings
Sign Placement
Overhead Directional Signs
These signs are placed in areas where the ceilings are higher, and more decision making is required.
Wall Mounted Signs
In instances where the architecture is inhibiting or where a sign needs to be viewed from only direction, signs will be mounted to the wall.
Overhead Directional Signs (condensed)
These signs are hung where ceilings are lower, yet where information needs to be seen from a straight on viewpoint. Information can be found on both sides of the sign.
Zone Identification Signs
Mounted on the wall are above doors which are painted their respective zone colour, are zone identification signs.
Indoor Overview Map Sign
Freestanding overview maps are located in the two main foyers (east and west) as these areas are key wayfinding decision points and see a high volume of traffic passing through.
Indoor Entrance Map
A secondary map is placed at every ground entrance into the Bio-Sci building. This map is a visitor’s first encounter with the interior layout of the Bio-Sci building if they come in through one of the ground level exterior doors.
Outdoor Directional Sign
At key intersection points on exterior paths, a freestanding sign can be found. It includes a simplified map to help guide the viewer to a building entrance.
Outdoor Directional Condensed
A smaller, strictly pictorial version of the outdoor directional sign is placed along exterior pathways to reassure visitors that they are traveling in the appropriate direction.
Overhead directional signs Wall mounted signs Overhead directional signs (condensed) Zone identification signs
Indoor overview map signs
Indoor entrance map signs
Outdoor directional signs
Building Identification Sign
At ground level exterior entrances an identification sign is placed to distinguish the building. Outdoor directional signs (condensed)
Building identification signs
21 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
West Foyer
East Foyer
overhead directional sign
zone identiďŹ cation sign
outdoor directional sign with map
wall directional sign
indoor overview map sign
condensed outdoor directional sign
condensed overhead directional sign
indoor secondary map sign
building identiďŹ cation
22 Sign Placement
Signs in Situ
Upon entering the building at a ground level, a visitor would come across one of these entrance maps.
23 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
This is a situation where a visitor to Bio-Sci is approaching Zone B. A hanging sign, a zone identification sign, and green doors all guide a visitor to the appropriate zone. A large, neutral number is applied to the wall to indicate floor number.
24 Signs in Situ
The floor directory would be located beside elevators, so that visitors could look up where they wanted to go, and press the button for the appropriate floor number once inside of the elevator.
25 Wayfinding in Biological Sciences
Z 215 Z 211
Z 207
Z 218
Z 214
Z 212 Z 210
Z 208 Z 206 Z 204
Z 201 Z 92
West Foyer
G 202
C 201
G 213
C 202
C 206
C 210
C 205
C 209
C 213
C 217
C 223
C 225