All About Me l 2016 Newsletter

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Favorite day/month Wednesdays & March

• I think the middle of the week seems slower and lets me relax. Relax knowing that the week has just started, but also going to end. March is the start of spring and also the month where I get to do the things I love, Tennis is key club DCON.

Makes Me Angry

Injustice and mistreatment • I don’t like when things are unfair for others or if people do not deserve what their outcome is. I do not want people to be disrespected and mistreated.

Strengths: Passionate Weaknesses: Shyness


A part that is unavoidable is that fact that the uni we are one small spec of how big the world is, an also the knowledge that eventually we will die an right, only once is all you need. The parts of huma and that wherever the wind blows can lead us to


There are probably many things to improve equal rights, poverty, etc. However, one im to change how we treat others. By changi lay the foundation of equality, unity, love, a others in my school and to everyone I mee


I would change my life to a action spy mov grateful for the life I have and even when t it makes me enjoy life more. Learning from what makes me aware of life’s lessons. And things in my 18 years so far and would not can change it when you should be living lif



Topics with friends • • • • • • • •

High school Dumb things Laughable things Hobbies/Key Club Hangouts Our love for friends Volunteering Traveling/future

Best advice


That fear is not knowing about the unknown. At the same time the unknown should be exciting because anything can happen.

You have control on your emotions, decisio we can not always control outcomes or wh whether we lose a friend or loved one, or w faults. We control how we view life but we


My responsibility is to guide them to contro circumstances beyond their control all the experience it, and this year I had to learn t friends and be someone who can listen to


At this moment, I know where I stand in wh I do not know where I am going in terms of won’t be able to plan out all the specifics b would want to do for the rest of my life. See passions. I know I am going towards great

iverse is so large and bigger than what we imagine. That nd there is little we can do to change the world. There is nd that life is meant to be only lived once, but if you live it an life that is valuable is the knowing anything can happen o great opportunities.

e in this world. Global warming, the income gap, mportant yet small thing to improve in the world is ing the dynamic of how others are treated, can and happiness. I can improve it by being kind to et because people need to know someone cares.

vie where I am super cool. Just kidding, I am there are imperfections of who I am or my actions, m my mistakes and experiencing different things d besides, I think I’ve done so many amazing trade it for anything. Why worry about how you fe.

ons, and actions. People can control their life but hat affects our daily lives. We cannot control whether we get into an accident when it is not our become affected by uncontrollable factors.

ol, and provide support. People face time. It’s hard to understand situations if you never that I cannot fix everything but I can support my them and still act like everything is okay.

ho I am and what choices will make me happy. Yet f career or the future and that is okay. I probably but instead can learn to relax and see what I e where the wind blows and slowly expand on my things because of my values which excites me.


B F F ’s

Being friends with freshmen and guide them in their high school career is rewarding. Seeing them involved in leadership and serving is great as they continue to make me smile.

Vincent Hong & Kimmy Nguyen

They make every day an adventure as we become involved in similar things and love each others flaws. We laugh and joke, but appreciate each other at the same time. They make me feel like I can do anything.

Vietnam & Co

Church Joining Tennis as a freshmen let me be involved in a sport that I fell in love with as much as the people. Tennis is the few times I can see my running start friends and also competitively play with.

I grew up in this community and grew up with friendships that have lasted for 10years. They help my spiritually grow and still be the most goofy and fun people to be around.

Tennis Fam

Key Club is Life


My source of friends have been from Key club these past few years. Going to events and volunteering, I grew to make friends in my home club, division, and district. I’ve made friends from Tacoma, Oregon, Canada, and more. I’ve met a group of people who make me a better person and I can not believe how passionate they are to what they believe in.



Hoi Cho He

This summer festival hosted to celebrates Vietnamese culture, cuisine, and fundraisers. I tend to volunteer on the bouncy houses. So Fun!

Christmas At Christmas, we reenact the birth of Jesus Christ, have a big family dinner with presents, and give care packages to the homeless.

Tet Trung Thu At the moon festival, we hold out our lanterns and eat moon cakes. I would go on the bridge and travel around singing to the moon songs.

Vietnamese New Years This is my favorite holiday to receive li xi (money), family gatherings, and wishing everyone I meet a wonderful year. I like playing all the games and having fun.


It’s not just a turkey dinner, but on thanksgiving we celebrate God and perform for the last supper.

Celebrate at Mass At most holidays and celebrations I celebrate it with my church. If it’s performances, Alter serving or volunteering, I am there to take it on.


HOBBIES  Do it Yourself – Arts and Crafts Every time there is a birthday, I grab out my glue gun, paint, markers, and art supplies to create a gift by hand making it. Taking the time to make the gift personalized.

Athleticism – Tennis, Hiking, and Camping. I like being outdoors: exploring the forests and wilderness. I feel at peace outside where I reflect.

Artistry – Graphic design, drawing, lettering, crochet This year I did more graphic design by making newsletters. This is why the project looks so nice.



Pens, miniature notebooks, post it notes

 Learning to cook, organize

School supplies are my go to for anything I need to do. I love making lists and making sure that I finish everything I have to do.

ROCKS, Stuff animals, soft blankets

I like to collect rocks and give them as gifts. My goal is to have a rock collection from each place I travel. I also love hugging my stuff animals which I still collect and keep, with a blanket by my side, only the Asian one

Dream catchers

I like how dream catchers collect my nightmares and the intricate design. It makes it aesthetic.

 Travel and experience new cultures •

I enjoy being in new environments because I get to change my perspective and adapt into a new culture. I am open to the world and what I can do.

I am interested in learning to cook a wide variety and being able to always keep a clean environment that I can find all my stuff.

 Pre health sciences, Peace corps, mission trips 

I am interested in studying public health and being part of the peace corps to use my medical knowledge to help others.



 DRAGONS If it was be a real animal then I would choose, PANDAS. Or FAT CATS because they are adorable.

 I miss reading for pleasure, I enjoy fantasy romance novels and ones that open ideas about life.



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