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update — SCULA Online mooting opens up competition to participants far and wide

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Competitions have always been an important part of the SCULA initiative and session two saw the launch of our first ever Criminal Law moot, along with our second annual Witness Examination Competition.

With the university transition to online delivery during session one, SCULA successfully shifted our Mooting competition online which enabled competitors and judges to join the competition from all over the country.


We also had a strong presence in external competitions with students competing in both Mooting and Witness Examination at the ALSA National Competition.

Further, we sent teams to Moot in the Queensland Intervarsity Law Competitions, and at the University of Wollongong Criminal Law Moot Championship where our team placed fifth out of 14 teams. SCULA will continue to offer students opportunities to compete and further improve their advocacy skills.

To find out about our competitions and events, check out our new website sculawassociation.org and follow us on Facebook at @SCU Law Association. Or contact us direct at info@sculawassociation.org

Law Student Association update – SCULSS Career goals in the ‘new world’

As you stare blankly at your dark computer screen because you have just finished all nine seasons of The Office, you start to wonder what is the next big adventure.

The SCU Law Student Society (SCULSS) has recognised now, more than ever, students are focusing on the future. Adapting to this, SCULSS has been running panel events that focus on supporting students as they plan the next stages in their career, whilst highlighting various career paths an ambitious law student can persue.

At our ‘Spotlight on the SLJ’ event, we were fortunate to have three key members from the SLJ speak: Dean of Law and Head of School Professor William MacNeil; Deputy Head of School (Research) Professor John Page; and Adjunct Fellow and Academic Lance Jones. Each panelist gave an overview of their pathway into the law, and where they are now.

Interestingly, each experienced an ‘ah-ha’ moment at one point, and the take-home message was to follow your passion – it will take you wherever you want to go.

Our ‘Women in Law’ event focused on issues of diversity and gender, and we were very honoured to have Amber Scott, Clare Owen and Joelene Nel share with us. Although each panellist came from private practice, their stories and insights into the ups and down of being a women in law, varied immensely. This gave students the opportunity to understand different pathways into achieving a career in law, whilst balancing life commitments. The overarching message was to be courageous and to embrace change!

Law Student Association update – Law Club Self care and knowing your limits

Legal students and professionals often face challenges throughout their career, particularly due to the high pressure involved in both academia and trade. Additionally, reports show that lawyers are vulnerable to depression and mental illness, and these circumstances often go hand-in-hand when it comes to wellness in the field.

In June 2020, SCU Law Club held a panel with local legal professionals Jolene Nel and Pat

Mullins, about wellness in the law profession and the importance of being mindful of one’s own wellness.

Ms Nel and Mr Mullins discussed wellness as a key element of contstructive personal growth, and encouraged students to be mindful of one’s mental health and well-being — to thrive, one must first ensure that they are aware of, and respect, their own strengths, limits, and selfworth. It was futher discussed that creating a safe space to discuss such struggles is one way to engage with the issue. The importance of having an outlet and keeping in touch with friends and family to build a support system was also highlighted as a key strategy.

Law may be a rigorous career, but it is certainly possible to maintain a great work-life balance whilst practicing mindfulness as an act of selfcare. Conversations on this topic is a great step in ensuring a better work environment for the future of the trade.

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