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Faculty news
Dr Evgeny Guglyuvatyy, Deputy Head of School (Teaching & Learning)
In September 2019, Dr Guglyuvatyy and Professor Stoianoff’s (UTS) research on Australian Carbon Policy was presented at the 20th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation in Cyprus.
During 2019 Dr Guglyuvatyy conducted a study that explored legal nature of cryptocurrencies and strategies helping to facilitate legal solutions to tax treatment of cryptocurrencies. The findings of this study resulted in article ‘Regulating a new phenomenon: examining the legal nature and taxation of cryptocurrencies in Australia and Singapore’ that has recently been accepted for publication in one of the most prominent tax research journals – Australian Tax Forum Vol. 35(3).
In early 2020, Dr Guglyuvatyy and Professor Stoianoff published a book chapter ‘Australian Carbon Policy: Two Steps Forward, One Step Backwards?’ in Zachariadis T, Edited by Milne J E, Skou M A, and Ashiabor H (eds.) ‘Economic Instruments for a Low-carbon Future’, Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation series, Volume XXII. Edward Elgar Publishing.
In July 2020, Dr Guglyuvatyy stepped into the role of Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning) where he will support development and implementation of the school’s teaching and learning strategy. Dr Guglyuvatyy will coordinate academic programs offered by the school, evaluate and improve educational and recreational programs by strategic planning as well as manage the effective implementation of new policies and practices, development of learning and teaching practice and the scholarship of teaching.
Tom Round, Course Coordinator — Bachelor of Laws
During 2020, Dr Round liaised with the Bruce Miles Foundation, Sydney, helping to select and nominate five outstanding Indigenous students to receive a $500 textbook voucher each, plus a complimentary copy of “Heart of Gold: The Life of Benevolent Solicitor Bruce Miles OAM” by Malcolm Brown, 2016.
In June 2020, Dr Round took over as Bachelor of Laws Course Coordinator for the School of Law and Justice, hoping to fill the shoes of Mr Geoff Manion and Ms Helen Walsh, both of whom excelled in this role and are warmly remembered by students and other staff for their dedication, expertise, and outstanding administrative skills.
In March 2020, Ms Walsh stepped down from the Course Coordinator role after eight years, and wishes the newly appointed Course Coordinators, all the best.
Helen Walsh, Course Coordinator (Undergraduate Programs), July 2012 — March 2020, Director of Summer/Winter Law School
In 2019 – 2020, Ms Helen Walsh continued in the role of SLJ Course Coordinator, responsible for leading and managing all SLJ undergraduate courses in line with the School’s strategic direction and plans. In conjunction with the Director of T& L, Ms Walsh was responsible for providing academic leadership in course planning processes, implementing and monitoring the quality of the academic program.
During the same period, Ms Walsh was the Director of the Summer and Winter Law School, including the development of a series of new intensive units. Despite a string of disruptions including a major power outage at the Gold Coast campus due to the airport development, the devastating fires, and COVID-19, Ms Walsh managed to keep the very successful program on track with good enrolments in all five study periods.
Ms Walsh was instrumental in developing a mediation unit that has been recognised as meeting the training and assessment threshold requirements of the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS). As a result, the SLJ is now an Education and Training Provider Member of the Mediation Standards Board. Upon successful completion of the unit, students may apply to a Registered Mediation Accreditation Body (RMAB) to finalise their accreditation. An ‘in principle’ agreement with the Resolution Institute guarantees an accreditation pathway for students.
Ms Walsh also managed the process for the SLJ to become an Official Learning Partner of Property Exchange Australia (PEXA), the world-first online conveyancing lodgement network operator. As a result, students studying Conveyancing Law with the SLJ as part of the licenced conveyancing major, or as an elective, are now trained in e-Conveyancing, a process the NSW Government mandated from 1 July 2019.
Ms Walsh continued her teaching in the SLJ’s foundational first year unit, Legal Research and Writing. She introduced a warm-up program designed to orient first year law students to SCU and the study of law. And, with the assistance of the Digital Resources team, designed and implemented an interactive study guide that has received excellent feedback as an engaging learning tool.
Working with a number of colleagues from the SLJ Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reading Group, Ms Walsh co-authored an article accepted for publication in the Legal Education Review. Along with co-authors, Professor John Page and Dr Alessandro Pelizzon, Ms Walsh presented the paper at the ALAA Conference held in 2019.
Ms Walsh continues her involvement with the Byron Youth Services Board and consults with the BYS team in the development and delivery of the Byron Shire Young First Offenders Program. In 2019, Ms Walsh supported the BYS in their successful application for funding.
In March 2020, Ms Walsh stepped down from the Course Coordinator role after eight years, and wishes the newly appointed Course Coordinators, Dr Tom Round and Mr Warwick Fisher, all the best. Ms Walsh will continue in the role of Director of Summer and Winter Law School and has also had the Director of Short Programs added to her portfolio.