2 minute read
a stranger in their eyes
-Sophie Tommola ‘23
there is a stranger looking through their eyes in the place of the person you love.
sitting on the brink of losing themself to the anguish within, hiding their heart from love.
falling off the precipice of depression renders them hopeless; you won’t let them cascade alone.
it’s ok to unleash the unruly growth of feelings that hold them at a distance from the world,
trapping their soul in briars that reopen wounds that a bandage can’t heal.
this thicket of struggles can be torn down; together, you can bring down the confinement of their
they're tired from fighting this never-ending battle, but you need them to be strong until they win.
for you. and for them, too.
you can’t let them know how terrifying it is when they try to whisk themself away into a world
unbeknownst to you.
keeping up your strength in this time is just as vital to keeping theirs afloat; you are their pillar of
stability, for better or worse, in sickness and in health.
no matter how much it pains you to see them wishing they never have to see the light again, you know
this is when they need you the most.
holding a strong facade during visiting hours and staying to crumble beyond the door that feels like the
gravest hardship you’ve faced yet. you do it for them.
spending your days pacing the hallways of a stark hospital is never ideal, but you do it for them.
anything for them. however big or small.
healing takes time and is a linear process, you’ll wait for them however long they need.
their courage to push through the hardest days will be worth it, they inspire you every day.
the day that their smile comes as easily as your love for them will be a beautiful day,
but that doesn’t make any other day under the sun with them any less perfect.
you miss seeing them smile.
sleep can’t be their escape from reality, but you’ll be here to help them brave the harshness of life.
if dreaming is the only way for them to glimpse hope right now, you’ll wish on every last star.
the storm behind their eyes may be hiding the constellations, but your whispers can clear the sky.
when they can’t find the light, you’ll wait with them in the darkness until the sun hits their face.
letting go of whatever is keeping them in this tenebrous state will turn their pain into vigor.
you’re here to support them as they re-grasp their soul and come out of this a stronger person.
they are loved and always have a shoulder to fall back on when they need it, you won’t go anywhere.
you promise this to them.

-Aidan Davie ‘22