“Short cuts to online success with masterful copywriting.” By Doug Purcell
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Short cuts to online success with masterful copywriting Table of contents Pillar one: How to make your copy sing a) Map it out b) Word pictures c) Induce Pain d) Lead individual to feel pleasure e) Less Pitch-More information f) Sell Secrets Pillar two: Deadly sins of copywriting a) Not stimulating enough b) Confusion c) Get personal d) Hype- The double edged sword Pillar three: Golden template for writing a salesletter
a) Headline b) The grand opening c) Grand introduction d) Enough about yourself what about the customer e) Safety f) Super call to action g) PS
To Purchase Private Label Rights to This Report, Please Click Here To Get More Private Label Content , Please Visit our PLR Store Pillar one: How to make your copy sing A) Map it out Before you start writing any parts of your salesletter you should have a series of events laid out, especially the end result. For example, do you want the individual to click the “buy button� to order? Do you want the individual to pick up the phone to call you for a free consultation? Before you pick up a pen or pencil to start writing, just map it out in steps in your mind and make sure that your copy slowly but surely glide the visitor to the end result. A technique that I use to make this technique more effective is I simply sketch out a simple flow chart with directions that I want the individual to take in chronological order. B) Word pictures This is a technique that I constantly use when writing salesletters and its extremely powerful. Word pictures are the images that the prospective customer paints in their mind by reading the words in your salesletter. In order to make this technique effective you have to make the individual imagine that they already have your product and that
they are getting results with it. For example, when I was into offline sales, sales representatives were always encouraged to let the prospective customer use the actual product that was being sold prior to purchasing. The more the individual used it the more they started to enjoy the product and become attached to the product and will start to think of all of the uses it can have for them. We want to apply the same principle online, however we must make some modifications to make this technique work. Therefore, when im writing my copy I want to use words that will help the individual paint pictures in their own minds and if its one word that I come back to time after time, it’s the magic word “Imagine.” Believe it or not, certain words can help individuals feel happier and relaxed. For example, a famous mystery writer named Agatha Christie who is also in the Guinness world record for the immense number of books she sold has used these magical words. Scientists conducted a study on this and named it the Agatha project. “Imagine” is one those words that I use to get the visitors to sell for themselves. When they start to imagine they still start to paint realities that they are interested in. C) Induce Pain This is a technique that I see many copywriters not hammering on enough. Pain is a powerful feeling and you need to get your visitors to remember those terrible feelings so they will desire your product or service more. There are far more negative definitions in the English dictionary compared to positive definitions. Just think about it this way, there are a lot more products on the market to help cure pain then to cause it because for the most instances, individuals don’t want to experience pain and will do whatever they can to avoid it. Another example is the surgery that pregnant mothers get to avoid pain while giving birth which is called a C section. So, back on topic. If you’re selling a product or service, then most likely you’re providing a solution to something. If something needs a solution then there must be a problem. Whatever that problem is make sure to agitate it a little, shake it up the same way you do a soda bottle. For example, if you’re selling a web design service, here is some simple content to put on your services page. “We take out all of the timeless hours that you would have wasted constructing your own website from scratch. No more need for you to double check html errors, and no need for you to flush countless hours down the drain learning all of the bells and whistles of web design such as Photoshop, programming, css, xml, java, graphic designing, and the list goes on! We are the remedy for all of your web design headaches
and much more… allow us to take care of the challenging process in both a timely and professional manner.” This reminds webmasters looking for a professional to design their website of all of the headaches and negatives of designing a website themselves, and if the webmaster experienced these problems in the past, then hiring this team of designers for this work may not be a bad idea. On the other hand, if you’re selling physical services such as a furniture removal type of service then a painful reminder message may be. “No need to keep ripping up your back like grated vegetables when trying to lift huge loads of weight for great distances and heights! Our furniture moving company will bust our back for yours.” As again, something simple, but a powerful agitator indeed. D) Lead individuals to feel pleasure Hot and cold are two contrasting properties and so is pain and pleasure. Once you get the individuals to experience pain you should turn around and get them to experience pleasure by describing what your product or service will do for them. For example, if you’re selling some type of headache remedy then you can make the individual become more aware of all of the tortuous skull crushing properties of a headache, and then turn around to describe how soothing and relaxed the individuals head would feel once they take your headache remedy. In short, your product or service should be the remedy to the pain the individual is experiencing. E) Less Pitch-More information This is one of the major differences between an online salesletter and an offline one. An offline salesletter have a lot more hype and promotional content while online salesletter should contain more information then hype, kind of like a promotional article if that makes any sense. The reason for this is because the internet was originally made for information. When people search for something on the internet they are searching for content dealing with that particular subject matter. If you will take a look through some of the most successful salesletters online you will notice that for the majority, they do a good job educating the visitor about a particular subject matter. That’s another reason why longer salesletters tend to sell better. It
takes time to educate and persuade the visitor. That’s something that short salesletters cannot do. To switch topics a little it’s not a good idea to place testimonials early in your salesletter. When visitors see that this sets off the “advertising radar” and they know that they will be getting promoted to. You want to engage visitors and get them interested in your message before you start promoting to them. F) Sell Secrets If you have something “secret” that a niche market would like to know about then that is a superb model to base your salesletter on. People are always looking for that new and improved technique to help boost something in their lives. People want to believe that there is something out there, just think of all of the science fiction stories about aliens, people are naturally curious about what they don’t know about. I can’t recall how many times I have heard individuals state “I purchased out of curiosity.” (which is not necessarily a good thing, but it just shows how powerful this technique can be if it can get people to purchase something without knowing what they are getting). For example, if you’re selling an information product in the skincare niche then a great product title would be something like this. “The Asian woman mystery revealed. How to have forever lasting vitality and never worry about a wrinkle again.” The reason why this is a nice title because many Asian women tend to age gracefully and many women want to know what secret techniques they have, and what secrets they are using to age gracefully. Curiosity is a powerful selling technique, hardly nobody want to be left out. Now, we got through some simple but yet effective ways on how to spice up your copy a little. Now we have to switch gears and tune into ways on how to make your copy less effective. These are little talked about issues of copywriting so I think that’s its something critical that needs to be addressed, so you can avoid them.
Pillar two: Deadly sins of copywriting A) Not stimulating enough Have you ever had a teacher that was so boring that you would either doze off, or be awake but don’t remember a thing that he or she lectured about? Now, on the other hand, have you ever had a teacher
that was so exciting about teaching and everything that he or she said would have you paying attention? Which teacher would you purchase from if they were selling an information product on how to learn the subject that they were teaching more effectively? The more exciting teacher of course! But the question is why? Simple, they transfer their energy into you and thus were more stimulating. When you’re selling something online one of the most deadly things you can do is to make the visitor bored. If you don’t remember anything in this report remember this, people almost never purchase a product or service because they are bored, it’s very difficult to get them to purchase because of that. Your copy should read like an exciting speech as opposed to a monotone one. It should get the prospective customer excited about the product or service you are offering. Just think of the last time you purchased or received something that you really wanted. Once you got it you most likely weren’t stationary, you were most likely emotional in one way or the other. A good example of this is when a child gets a gift that they really want for Christmas. As soon as they open that package they get overly excited with joy. B) Confusion Have you ever read something and after reading it you became more confused on what the individual was trying to sell you? I have, and this is a surefire way to decrease the response rate on the product that you are trying to sell. Whatever you are selling, it should break things down into simple and easy to understand terms. If you’re selling a complicated software solution then please do not use jargon, use simple every day terms whenever applicable. Just remember to use short sentences and simple words. People do not care about how complicated it was to invent a certain type of solution, and people defiantly do not purchase a solution because it seems complicated. However, people like to purchase something because of its ease of use or how easy it will make it for them to accomplish something. If your product sounds like it will take a daunting amount of work to accomplish then that’s a big turn off for people so make the wording in your copy simple, and easy to grasp. C) Get personal Its common knowledge in selling that people purchase from those that they are familiar with but lets elaborate on that a little. To make this simple to understand, when writing a salesletter you are not writing to the individual, but in essence they are writing to themselves. However, in order to master this particular technique then you must become
very familiar with your prospective customer and this is done through extensive market research. Once this is done you can effectively write to them. Use the words, slang, and dialect that your prospective customers use when crafting your salesletter. D) Hype- The double edged sword This is a mistake that beginner copywriters make and that is they tend to hype their salesletter to death. Make sure to use this like a heavy spice… in moderation. When you hype and exaggerate something and claim that this is the BEST product in the entire world then you will set off the skepticism radar encoded in the human mind. I will touch basis about this subject manner later. The bigger your claims are the more skeptical people will get so you will need to show some type of proof to kill that doubt. It also is important to make sure that whatever claims you make are true and can be documented. So while we are on that note, if you can get people to believe a big claim of yours then that would equal more money to you. But you need to make sure that claim is true and that you can prove it to your visitors in one way or another. An easy way to decipher some questionable parts in your copy is to simply read it out loud. When you read the salesletter, a hyped up claim would sound like a fuzzy moment in a story that a friend is telling you. If you find any of these moments in your salesletter then you should rework or fix that issue. Wherever there is a doubt you kill it by showing a testimonial, customer case study, or statistic. You have to kill those doubts that come in the consumer’s mind. Okay, we earlier covered ways on how to spice up your copy, and we are now aware of ways on how to damage our copy, so now let’s move on and run through the skeleton that I use to write my salesletters. By following these skeleton points this should reduce the amount of time you spend on writing a copy and should also help make the writing process a lot easier.
Pillar three: Golden template for writing a salesletter A) Headline Just about every internet marketer is familiar with the headline. This is the words the visitor will first see when they are coming to your site, and it has to stop them dead in their tracks and stir up their interest. In essence, it has to have the same effect that flashing lights have on
a deer, they have to be in a frozen trance. I don’t make headlines complicated, I try to make them as simple and benefit rich as possible. Also, I always try to list the end result of what the customer is looking for in the headline. Below are some of my most favorite and simplest headline formulas. HOW TO_________ “Learn how to pack on lots of lean muscle in record breaking time.” “Learn how to flood your website with targeted traffic all for free.” How to is a very powerful headline because it can be used to sharpen a benefit. Another popular headline that I like to use is: ARE YOU___________? “Are you sick and disgusted of all of the false weight loss claims and unregulated weight loss junk drugs suffocating the market? If so then I have a solution for you.” This is a nice headline sparker because it asks the visitor a question and when someone asks a question you spark their interest. Once you have their interest you can get them to proceed on reading the rest of your salesletter. Last, some other great headline starters are. How______ Made Me_______ Or HOW I_______________ “How by working less I got richer.” “How a dumb experiment got me 270+ verified backlinks to my site.” “How I morphed a $1000 investment into a $100,000 per year business.”
These are great headline starters for building curiosity, a very powerful selling vehicle as discussed earlier. B) The grand opening Your opening is the first sentence that follows the “dear friend” aspect of your copy. Writers in offline publications tend to capitalize the first letter of every article. For example:
This has been studied to help readers read the rest of the article, so it’s not a bad idea to add the same effect in your salesletters. I generally like to open my salesletters up with a thought provoking question. Frustrated on not losing weight? Tired of making painfully low adsense earnings each and every day? As a general rule of thumb I always try to keep the first sentence as short as possible. Also, you should test variations of your first sentence as well as your headline. Testing the first sentence can increase your conversions as well because it can help or hinder your visitors for reading the remaining parts of your salesletter. C) Grand introduction People want to know who they are buying from and also what the seller credentials are. It will be hard selling a weight loss product if you don’t have some type of certification to your name. Introduce yourself and try to sell your characteristics as much as possible. Ask yourself why do you think people should do business with you as opposed to your competitors. What have you accomplished to make yourself some kind of authority to sell the information you’re presenting. Even though the internet is a great place to make some things happen for yourself, it is also filled with lots of experts without any credentials. So, that’s why introducing and selling yourself is a critical element to include in your salesletter. D) Enough about yourself what about the customer
What will your product/service do for your visitor? What are all of the benefits of your product and why should the visitor choose you as opposed to all of your competitors out there? The more that you can list what your product will do for your prospective customer the better. This is a technique that I refer to as “juicing the orange.” You want to analyze your product like its under a microscope and dissect each and every benefit you absolutely can for the product. As a rule of thumb you can’t go wrong by having more benefits. E) Safety As again, people are skeptical when purchasing especially online. How to kill skepticism in the human mind is a field that I will always be studying (as long as im selling something). An easy way to do this is by offering a money back guarantee of some sort. Also, can the individual easily contact you? Do you offer support for your software and if so for how long each day. People don’t like to be left in the dust and they want reassurance that they will get help when needed. F) Super call to action “Buy now” is a call to action but it’s a very weak one. Your call to action needs to be strong and very clear. For example, the buttons that you have around your website are calls to actions. They have a specific action listed for the visitor to take. However, if you have a button labeled “package” then that’s not very specific. Calls to actions should be very clear. Instead of “click here to order.” A stronger call to action would be: Click here to order your copy of unorthodox traffic denomination secrets, and instantly receive the ebook and videos that will reveal to you crazy unheard of traffic methods that will increase your traffic by a minimum of 100 visitors per day guaranteed or money back! You can see how more powerful this call to action is as opposed to your standard buy now. G) PS If your copy is too long then sometimes people don’t feel like reading it. They may read the headline and even some of the opening sentences and then they will scroll down and come across the PS. All
the PS job to do, is to encourage the individual to reread the copy and encourage the individual to purchase. Additional tips for writing better copy quicker Regardless of how advanced the copywriter is they will generally follow a template like this when writing salesletters. The great thing about having a template when writing a salesletter is that all you have to do is plug and connect the dots. I very rarely write a salesletter form start to finish… the process can be very daunting. What I like to do is maybe on one day finish part a of the template aka the headline, then the next day finish the call to action, and day three finish the grand opening. You also don’t need to work in chronological order if you already have the salesletter mapped out in your mind. You can skip around when writing a salesletter and once you are finished with the entire piece you can simply map things together. I cant recall the last time I wrote a salesletter from start to finish but if you do then I would recommend to stop using the technique and concentrate on certain parts of the template each and every day. Thanks for reading, now start spicing up your copy today! Your advertising dollars are going to waste if you’re not converting more visitors into buyers. Take care, have a great day, and wish you much success with your online business.
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