Daniel Smith, Art of the West Magazine, May-June 2018

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Daniel Smith

The Wonder of Wildlife By Myrna Zanetell


ailed as one of the nation’s premier wildlife artists, the path Montana-based painter Daniel Smith traveled in reaching this position of renown has been one of dedication and evolution. Born in Mankato, Minnesota, in 1954, he says he was genetically infused with a love of art and nature thanks to his father, an inveterate outdoorsman, who used his own wood-burning skills to give visual testimony to his inherent love for wildlife. He goes a step further, saying that same gene seems to have been passed on to his son, Adam. “After dabbling with art a bit in high school, at the age of 22 Adam came to me, saying he wanted to see if he had a talent for painting,” Smith says. “I loaned him a photograph of an African lion as a reference. When he showed me his completed image, my first thought was, “Oh my god, it looks like I painted it. Adam’s style is very similar to mine, which is not always the greatest thing, since we do a lot of shows together, however, we try to avoid painting the same subject, and people with a discerning eye can always tell our work apart.” ART of the WEST • May/June 2018

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