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TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County
ANSWER: Varicose veins are dilated veins. They are very common, especially as we get older, and they seem to run in families. They often come because of leaky valves inside WKH YHLQV $ SUHYLRXV EORRG FORW LV D ULVN IDFWRU DQG D ÂżOWHU PD\ PDNH YDULFRVH YHLQV DQG clots somewhat more likely. They do continue to function, returning blood. They should be Psoriasis Can Precede Psoriatic Arthritis treated conservatively, with leg elevation, exercise and compression, such as using pressure --stockings. I seldom recommend more-aggressive therapy, but if they are symptomatic (pain, DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 77-year-old male. I had to stop playing golf about two tightness, skin irritation) despite a good trial of conservative treatment, they can be treated years ago due to joint pain. I had psoriasis from age 15 until I was 40. I am retired from with laser or radiofrequency ablation, by injecting medication into or around them, or by vein the Navy and had to be hospitalized twice during my time in stripping. A vascular surgeon is the expert on these treatments. service due to my skin. Why it disappeared at age 40, I don't know. Is it possible that I DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 63-year-old male who had a subarachnoid hemorrhage in could have psoriatic arthritis? One doctor I saw said that I had to have psoriasis in order 2008. The source of the bleed ould not be found, and fortunately I came out of it in good to get it. I saw that you said that sometimes the arthritis shows shape, with no adverse effects. My doctor prescribed diclofenac [an NSAID] for joint and up before the skin lesions. Can it show up after you have quit having the lesions? -- Anon. muscle pain, and it does help. Do you see a problem with this, considering that it thins the ANSWER: Indeed, psoriatic arthritis can show up years after psoriasis starts and when blood? -- T.O.M. there are no skin lesions. Often, pits in the nails or other nail changes are seen in those ANSWER: Since the aneurism wasn't repaired, I would not recommend taking the NSAID with psoriatic arthritis. However, having psoriasis doesn't protect you from other types of XQOHVV \RXU FRQVXOWLQJ QHXURVXUJHRQ KDV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ WROG \RX WKDW LW LV VDIH WR GR VR , arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. wouldn't be brave enough to prescribe it without that OK, even though there is some eviSince psoriatic arthritis is so destructive, you should see an expert, perhaps a rheuma- dence saying it may be safe. tologist. The arthritis booklet discusses rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and lupus. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Roach -- No. 301W, 628 Virginia Drive Orlando, ***Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will FL 32803. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourrecipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. To view and order health pamphlets, visit, DEAR DR. ROACH: Do varicose veins in the leg still return blood? Does circulation or write to Good Health, 628 Virginia Drive Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2015 North AmericaSynd., GLPLQLVK LI WKH\ DUH UHPRYHG" 6KRXOG WKH HOGHUO\ DYRLG UHPRYDO" :KDW LI D YHQD FDYD ÂżOWHU Inc. All Rights Reserved exists for a one-time DVT 25 years ago? -- S.S.
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Holiday Boutique & Gift Show Saturday
October 24th 9am – 4pm
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Beautiful Handcrafted Items Over 50 Artisans
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For Advertising Visit Or Call: 805-285-0254 • Thomas Crapper was a plumber in London in the mid-1800s. Contrary to myth, he did not invent the toilet, but he did improve it. He also improved the sewer systems of the city. The toilets he manufactured and installed, as well as the manhole covers he fabricated, were all stamped with his name: Crapper. ‡ 7KH /DWLQ ZRUG ODYDUH PHDQLQJ WR ZDVK LV ZKHUH ZH JHW WKH ZRUG ODYDWRU\
‡ 2Q ERDUG VKLSV WKH RULJLQDO WRLOHWV ZHUH MXVW a simple board with a hole cut out, which were hung over the front part of a ship where the waves would wash everything away. The front of WKH VKLS ZDV FDOOHG WKH KHDG
• In medieval times, chamber pots would be emptied out the window into the street below. The story goes that in France, they would call RXW *DUGH] O HDX PHDQLQJ :DWFK RXW IRU WKH ZDWHU LQ RUGHU WR ZDUQ SHGHVWULDQV EHIRUH hurling the refuse into the street. In England, WKLV ZDV $QJOLFL]HG WR JDUG\ ORR EHIRUH EHLQJ VKRUWHG WR VLPSO\ ORR
BY THE NUMBERS • Average number of times a typical human uses the bathroom every day: 7 • Average number of years a typical human spends on the toilet in a lifetime: 3 • Percent of Americans who use their phone on the toilet: 75% • Number of phones dropped in the toilet in an average year: 7 million • Percent of people who crumple their toilet paper rather than fold it: 60% • Percent of household water use that goes down the toilet: 38% ‡ 1XPEHU RI WRLOHWV LQ WKH :KLWH +RXVH • Number of times a baby will need a diaper change before being potty trained: 10,000 • Life expectancy of a toilet: 50 years ‡ &RVW RI WKH ZRUOG V PRVW H[SHQVLYH WRLOHW million ‡ /RFDWLRQ RI WKH ZRUOG V PRVW H[SHQVLYH WRLOHW international space station • Number of rolls of toilet paper the average American family use each year: 119
• Percent of people who put the toilet paper roll "over" instead of "under": 75% • Percent of women who will wash their hands in a public restroom if there is someone else present: 90 • Percent of women who will wash their hands if they are alone: 16 ‡ $YHUDJH FRVW SHU GD\ WR Ă€XVK D WRLOHW FHQWV IT'S A FACT • In the mid-1960s, the Indonesian rupiah was valued at 325 to the dollar. The cheap paper that was used to print one-sen notes (worth 1/100th of a rupiah) was perfect for being used as toilet paper, and was much less expensive than the commercially made tissue paper, since \RX FRXOG JHW SLHFHV IRU D EXFN FACTS & FASCINATION • The combination of Sani-Flush toilet bowl cleaner and Comet cleanser can explode. Comet is sodium hypochlorite and Sani-Flush is sodium bisulfate. Many people assume two cleansers are better than one and use them both at the same time. ‡ SHRSOH ZHUH KLUHG WR GR QRWKLQJ EXW Ă€XVK WRLOHWV DW WKH *DWRU %RZO LQ -DFNVRQYLOOH )ORULGD EHIRUH &KULVWPDV LQ LQ DQ HŕľľRUW WR NHHS SLSHV IURP IUHH]LQJ ‡ :KHQ +DQN $DURQ ZDV RQ WKH YHUJH RI EUHDNLQJ %DEH 5XWK V KRPH UXQ UHFRUG WKH $WODQWD -RXUQDO VWDWLRQHG D UHSRUWHU RXWVLGH WKH PHQ V room in the stadium so they could get an interview of the tragedy of a man who went to the restroom at the wrong moment. ‡ 7KH 8 6 1DY\ ZDV SUHSDULQJ WR KLW 0DNLQ ,VODQG LQ WKH 3DFLÂżF GXULQJ ::,, )LUVW WKH\ QHHGHG WR NQRZ KRZ PDQ\ -DSDQHVH PHQ ZHUH WKHUH 7KH\ NQHZ WKH -DSDQHVH DUP\ XVXDOO\ had one latrine for every 40 soldiers. So they RUGHUHG SLORWV WR PDNH DHULDO VXUYH\V RI RXWhouses in the area. They counted a hundred latrines— so there must be 4,000 soldiers. They were correct to within 40 men. • A guide dog in Kent, England was told by his male master to lead him to the restrooms in the railway station. Unfortunately, the dog was unable to read "men" and "women" on the doors, ZKLFK UHVXOWHG LQ VRPH XSVHW ODGLHV :K\ WKH\ ZHUH XSVHW ZKHQ WKH PDQ FRXOGQ W VHH DQ\WKLQJ LV QRW NQRZQ ‡ :KHQ *RUGRQ DQG -DVPLQH *HLVEUHFKW GHFLGHG WR RSHQ D QHZ UHVWDXUDQW LQ :LQQLSHJ LQ WKH\ ZDQWHG WR PDNH LW UHDOO\ GLŕľľHUHQW 7KH\ GHFLGHG WR PDNH WRLOHWV WKH WKHPH RI WKH restaurant. Called “The Outhouse,â€? toilet bowls were placed here and there in the decorating scheme, and menus featured a toilet bowl logo. Health inspectors suspended their license when it was found that their restroom facilities were inadequate.
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TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County
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• When brothers Irvin and Clarence moved to Philadelphia and started a paper business in the 1870s, they sold butcher paper, paper bags, and stationery from a push-cart. When they moved into a storefront, sales dropped. They needed a product that would be constantly in demand. • Just at that time, indoor plumbing was becoming popular. In private homes, people used catalogs in the bathroom. But hotels and restaurants, after going through the trouble of installing indoor plumbing, couldn’t bring themselves to put catalogs in bathrooms. • So Irvin and Clarence started experimenting with toilet tissue, an idea that had been around a while but had never caught on. First they manuIDFWXUHG VWDFNV RI LQGLYLGXDO VKHHWV EXW LW ZDV GLႈFXOW WR NHHS WKH SLOH neat. So they tried wrapping it around a cardboard tube. It worked. • They set up a factory, named the business after themselves, and started selling toilet paper directly to merchants since the issue was too delicate to bring up in polite society. • Gradually, they introduced their product to the public through advertisements aimed at snob appeal: “They have a pretty house, Mother, but their bathroom paper hurts.â€? • In 1907 an uncut roll of defective toilet paper material was delivered to their factory. It was heavy, wrinkled, and unsuitable for toilet paper. It was about to be returned when someone suggested marketing it as disposable ‘paper towels.’ Hotels, restaurants, and railroad stations bought them because they were more sanitary than cloth towels. • Irvin and Clarence’s business became the largest paper goods maker in the world, and was bought out by Kimberly-Clark in 1995. What’s the name of their company? Answer: Scott, as in Scott Tissue and Scott Towels.
• During World War I, cotton was used for surgical GUHVVLQJV DQG DV ¿OWHUV in gas masks. As the war progressed, demand outstripped supply and it EHFDPH XUJHQW WR ¿QG D substitute material. • The Kimberly-Clark company, a paper manuIDFWXULQJ ¿UP EDVHG LQ Wisconsin, came up with a substitute called CellucotWRQ WKDW ZDV PDGH IURP ZRRG ¿EHUV ,W PDGH DQ H[FHOOHQW FRWWRQ VXEVWLWXWH not only for gas masks but also for bandages. • When the war ended, Kimberly-Clark had huge surpluses of Cellucotton on hand. Searching for a peace-time use for their product, in 1924 they came up with a tissue designed to remove cold cream make-up used by actors. It was a far better alternative than using towels and handkerchiefs WR UHPRYH PDNHXS 7KH\ FDOOHG WKHP &HOOXZLSHV DW ¿UVW EHIRUH VHWWOLQJ RQ a new name. • Ads using movie stars convinced ladies that the tissues were the best way to remove makeup at the same time that Hollywood movie stars were convincing the American public that wearing makeup was acceptable. • In 1928 the pop-up tissue dispenser was invented and the tissues began to be used as a disposable handkerchief, an idea proposed by a reVHDUFKHU ZKR VXႇHUHG IURP KD\ IHYHU 7KH FRPSDQ\ LQWURGXFHG WKH VORJDQ ¾'RQœW FDUU\ D FROG LQ \RXU SRFNHWœ ZKLOH SXVKLQJ WKH VDQLWDU\ EHQH¿WV of using the product. Today the product is used worldwide and the name has become a nearly generic term for tissue. What’s it called? KLEENEX
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‡ 7R VWLÀH a sneeze, press the area between the upper lip and the nose.
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PAWS CORNER By: Sam Mazzotta Cat's Shedding a Hairy Issue
DEAR PAW'S CORNER: My cat "Chester" has always been a big shedder with his long hair. I've pretty much kept up with it by brushing his coat every evening. But lately I've noticed a lot more hair deposited on the furniture and carpet, and when I comb him I have to clean out the brush several times. What could be causing this increased shedding? --Cherie K. in Dubuque, Iowa DEAR CHERIE: To start, make an appointment with Chester's vet for a complete physical exam. Excess shedding doesn't always have a concrete explanation, but it can signal a change in his health, especially if it wasn't a problem before. Excess shedding can have a cause as benign as changes in the season -- shedding in spring and fall, for example. Or it could be triggered by allergies to dust, pollen and molds, which can irritate his skin and make him scratch more. Skin diseases such as ringworm can be another FDXVH LW V VRPHWKLQJ WKH YHW ZLOO FHUWDLQO\ FKHFN IRU DORQJ ZLWK ÀHD LQIHVWDtion or other irritants. Excess shedding also can signal much more serious conditions, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism, something that a vet can diagnose. Ahead of the appointment, watch Chester's behavior: Is he drinking excessively? Does he seem agitated? Is he eating as much as he used to? Write down anything that seems unusual and shared it with the vet. If Chester has developed a health condition, the vet can prescribe the right medications and advise you on the best diet to feed him. If allergies or some unknown irritant is at work, the exam will rule out other possible causes so \RX FDQ IRFXV RQ ¿QGLQJ D VKHGGLQJ VROXWLRQ Send your questions or tips to (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
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TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County
Noteworthy Inventions... THOMAS CRAPPER
• Thomas Crapper, born in Yorkshire, England, in 1836, became an apprentice to his brother at the age of 14. His brother was a Master Plumber in London. • By 1861 Thomas had completed his training and set up his own plumbing shop. In that day and age, proper people didn’t speak about bathrooms or the things that happened in bathrooms. So Thomas Crapper caused quite a stir when he advertised his business by displaying, right in his front window and in full view of everyone SDVVLQJ E\ WKH FRPSOHWH FROOHFWLRQ RI EDWKURRP Âż[WXUHV KH RႇHUHG IRU VDOH $FFRUGLQJ WR OHJHQG ODGLHV EHFDPH faint when viewing the porcelain bowls in his showroom. • In order to overcome the prevailing attitude of prudery, &UDSSHU RXWÂżWWHG KLV VDOHVPHQ ZLWK WLQ\ GROOKRXVH VL]HG replicas of the toilets, sinks, and tubs he was selling. The customer was tasked with the chore of imagining how WKH IXOO VL]H Âż[WXUHV ZRXOG ORRN LQ WKHLU KRXVH • This was also a day and age when it was thought that going to the bathroom indoors was unhygienic, a myth Thomas Crapper worked hard to dispel. • His business got quite a boost when Edward Prince of Wales hired Thomas to install 30 bathrooms in his newly purchased estate, Sandringham House. When Edward became king, more plumbing jobs were handed to Thomas Crapper, followed by more work commissioned by King George V. Eventually Crapper installed EDWKURRPV DQG SOXPELQJ Âż[WXUHV LQ :LQGVRU &DVWOH Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. The public thought that any plumber good enough for royalty was good enough for them, and Crapper’s business boomed. • Along the way, Crapper invented many plumbing improvements and was awarded nine patents. However, WKH Ă€XVK WRLOHW KDG EHHQ LQYHQWHG E\ RWKHUV ORQJ EHIRUH Thomas Crapper came along. ‡ &UDSSHUÂśV LQYHQWLRQV LQFOXGHG D PHWKRG RI ÂżWWLQJ underground drain pipes together which helped reduce disease by reducing leakage from sewer pipes. He also LQYHQWHG LPSURYHPHQWV WR WKH Ă€RDW YDOYH WKDW KHOSV UHJXODWH WKH Ă€XVKLQJ DQG UHÂżOOLQJ DFWLRQ RI WKH WRLOHW WDQN • At one point he invented a spring-loaded toilet seat, which would automatically rise up when the seated person stood up. The lifting motion of the toilet seat WULJJHUHG URGV WKDW DXWRPDWLFDOO\ Ă€XVKHG WKH WRLOHW 7KLV GHVLJQ VXႇHUHG IURP WKH XQIRUWXQDWH Ă€DZ WKDW ZKHQ WKH rubber gaskets began to age, they became sticky and would fail to lift until the pressure from springs became WRR JUHDW WR UHVLVW $W WKLV SRLQW WKH WRLOHW VHDW ZRXOG Ă€\ upwards, often smacking the unfortunate user on the rear. It became known as “the bottom slapperâ€? and died an ignominious death. • Because Crapper also owned his own foundry, he was DEOH WR PDQXIDFWXUH KLV RZQ SLSHV ÂżWWLQJV DQG PDQKROH covers. Today, the Crapper manhole covers in front of Westminster Abbey, which are inscribed: 'T. Crapper & Co., Sanitary Engineers' are a favorite stop for tourists who enjoy taking rubbings from them in the same way people take rubbings from tombstones. • When soldiers during World War II saw the word “Crapperâ€? stamped all over toilets throughout Europe, they began calling bathrooms by that name. • Thomas Crapper died in 1910 and the business continued under the care of his nephew and his partner. In In LW ZDV DFTXLUHG E\ DQRWKHU ÂżUP
* On Oct. 25, 1853, Paiute Indians attack U.S. Army Capt. John W. Gunnison and his party of 37 soldiers and railroad surveyors in Utah. Gunnison and seven other men were killed, but the survey party continued its work to find a route for a proposed transcontinental railroad. * On Oct. 24, 1901, seeking fame, 63-year-old schoolteacher Annie Edson Taylor becomes the first person to plunge over Niagara Falls in a barrel. After a brief flurry of photo-ops and speaking engagements, Taylor's fame cooled, and she was unable to make the fortune she had sought. * On Oct. 23, 1921, in France, an American officer selects the casket of an unidentified soldier to be honored among the 77,000 U.S. servicemen killed in World War I. The "Unknown Soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. * On Oct. 22, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signs the Highway Beautification Act, which attempts to limit billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising along America's interstates. * On Oct. 20, 1973, Solicitor General Robert Bork dismisses Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox, whose investigation of the Watergate break-in revealed that the burglary was one of many possible abuses of power by the Nixon White House. Two days later, the House Judiciary Committee began to consider the possible impeachment of President Richard Nixon. * On Oct. 21, 1988, "Mystic Pizza," a romantic comedy starring unknown actress Julia Roberts, opens in theaters. Roberts would skyrocket to international fame when she appeared in the 1990 blockbuster "Pretty Woman." * On Oct. 19, 1991, a fire starts in the hills of Oakland, California, and within an hour, 800 buildings are ablaze. The firestorm would kill 25 people and destroy thousands of homes. Even though fires had ravaged the same area in 1970 and 1980, people continued to build homes there. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
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* "Place an ice cube (or ice chips) in carpet divots left behind by furniture legs. This will help the fibers "plump up," and the spot will disappear!" -- A.I in Utah * Felt circles are great for putting under small appliances on the kitchen counter. They are easier to move around, and they won't scratch the countertops. You can find them at the hardware store, or make your own by cutting out what you need from a piece of felt and attaching it to the bottom of your appliance with double-stick tape ... or even a drop of glue! * Running a washing machine that isn't full not only wastes energy and water, it also wastes money because you're paying to run more washes. Always fill the machine -- but remember not to overload it! This applies to your dishwasher, too. * "To help repel the dust on baseboards between cleanings, wipe with a used dryer sheet. To make this even easier, you can put the dryer sheet over a Swiffertype floor cleaner. This way, you don't even have to bend down." -- M.E. in Alabama * "You can use plain alcohol on a paper towel to wipe down your house telephone. I do this a couple of times a week during cold season. Also, purchase a pack of electronics wipes, so everyone can keep his or her cellphone screen clean. Think about it: We constantly touch the screen with our fingers, then stick it right up to our face!" -- W.R. in New York Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
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*DPH &KDQJHUV by Jason Jenkins
Stop the Pop Ups Hitting those sky high, short distance drives can be infuriating to the majority of golfers. Most golfers assume they’ve just teed the ball too high, but there are some more critical issues to attend if you struggle with this crisis. The majority of “pop ups’ occur when the club is approaching on too descending of an angle of attack. The steepness of the approach causes the ball to hit the higher part of the club, thus creating the high, weak trajectory. Many golfers shift their upper bodies and heads toward the ball in the downswing creating a steeper angle of attack. In order to improve the swing’s process, picture the bottom of the swing’s arc a few inches behind the ball. Focus on that space of the ground while making swings, which should keep your head and eyes behind the ball by impact.
Practice clipping the head of a tee barely stuck into the ground so that you’ll better control the height of the clubhead through impact. There should be no ground contact with any driver swings. Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or GHYJRO¿QVWU#JPDLO FRP
The Hierarchy of Needs This guy named Maslow posited a prettywell-accepted theory that every human being KDV ¿YH EDVLF QHHGV 7KH\ QHHG food and water and a house to live in, and they need love. Things like that. In baseball, if there was a hierarchy, I'd say \RX ZRXOG QHHG D JRRG PDQDJHU D VWDႇ pitching ace or a reliable stopper that can eat innings. You need a great contact hitter, and let's face it, you need a slugger because nobody wants to watch WKDW 7\ &REE GUDJ EXQW VWXႇ IURP WKH EDFN row of an upper deck all summer long. And you need a closer. Someone to turn the ball over to at the end of the night. But there is another theory about life, and it is called the seven stages of grief. There's
of Ventura County
shock, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression and, in baseball, Jonathan Papelbon. And nowadays that is almost always followed by regret, a blown save and ejection. Athletes who play adrenaline sports are going to be a little more on edge than most other types of people in the world. Take a guy like Papelbon (which, we've already discerned, will lead to certain regret). He doesn't play an adrenaline sport, right? So as a closer, he has to supply his own excitement. He walks out of a bullpen to Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and then is expected to strike out the side. But you really have to question this guy's sanity. The guy makes $13 million a year for throwing a piece of leathercovered twine, and he just can't keep it together. Statistically, he's one of the greatest of all-time ... the all-time leader in saves for both the Red Sox and Phillies, set records for most saves by rookie and all sorts of other statistics. He's won a ring (and his dog ate the game ball. Nice.) But don't kid yourself ... to say Papelbon is on the downside of his career isn't a hard statement to make. He's losing
velocity, but he's also clearly losing his PLQG 7KLV JX\ ZKR KDV EHHQ ¿QHG WHQV of thousands of real American dollars IRU IDLOLQJ WR WKURZ D ¿UVW SLWFK RYHU WKH plate in a timely manner, got in the face of Bryce Harper after Harper didn't run RXW D À\ EDOO 7KHQ KH GLGQ W MXVW JHW LQ KLV face ... he tried to strangle the kid from the top step of the dugout. I can't say that I've ever seen anything like that before. Well, that's not true ... there was the whole John Rocker era in the '90s. And there was Billy Martin and Reggie Jackson in the '70s, but at least they had the good sense not actually ¿JKW RQH DQRWKHU RQ 79 7KH ODVW WLPH , saw something like that was that "Star Wars" reboot where Anakin Skywalker WKLQNV KH FDQ ZLQ WKH ¿JKW ZKHQ 2EL :DQ had the higher ground. 7KH RQO\ GLႇHUHQFH WKHUH ZDV WKDW $QDkin's loss advanced the storyline. Papelbon's act -- grabbing himself in Philly, grabbing Harper in Washington -- is a tired one that nobody needs to see anymore. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
Tidbits® of Ventura County
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Nottingham Festival
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