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of Ventura County of Ventura Week of August 17, 2015 LightningBiz, Inc.
The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read
Vol. I Issue No. 34 VCTidbits.com
August is National Water Month... So let’s have a drink!
Excellence Since 1980
IT'S A FACT • Water will stay 9 days in the atmosphere; 2 weeks in rivers; 10 years in the largest lakes; 3,000 years in the ocean; up to 10,000 years in deep groundwater; and 10,000 years in the polar icecap. • Water on Earth acts like water in a pan: turn the stove burner on under a pan that's dry, and the pan will scorch and melt. Turn the burner on under a pan of water, and the water absorbs the heat and keeps the pan in good condition. Without water, our planet would be a scorching desert, unable to regulate the heat of the sun. • There is a total of 369 quintillion gallons of water on Earth. If all the water were split evenly among the residents of the Earth, we would each have about 85 billion gallons. • The amount of water on Earth has not changed since the beginning of time. It covers 3/4 of our planet. It's the only material that passes through the three stages of liquid, solid, and gas within a range of temperatures that can sustain human life. It is also the only substance that becomes less dense when it freezes. Otherwise, there would be no life on Earth, because the oceans would freeze from the bottom up. • Water dissolves more chemicals than any other substance, including sulfuric acid. This is a leading factor in pollution, because water dissolves and carries contaminants. ‡ 7KH DYHUDJH IDXFHW ÀRZV DW D UDWH RI JDOORQV O per minute. At 1 drip per second, a faucet can leak 3,000 JDOORQV O SHU \HDU • There are approximately one million PLOHV PLOOLRQ NP RI ZDWHU SLSHOLQH and aqueducts in the U.S. and Canada, enough to circle Earth 40 times. • If you poured all of the water of all of the Earth's oceans into a huge baggie, it would be one-third the size of the moon. • If all the water in the oceans was spread evenly over WKH VXUIDFH RI WKH (DUWK LW ZRXOG EH IHHW P deep everywhere. • If all the groundwater in the world were pumped to the surface, it would cover the Earth to a depth of 100 feet P Continued Next Page...
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TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County
From Page 1... Ă€RZ WKURXJK WKH &RORUDGR 5LYHU LQ WZR • If all the water in the atmosphere fell at once years. as rain, the Earth would be submerged to a • Old Faithful GHSWK RI RQO\ RQH LQFK FP Geyser in Yellow• There is 30 times more water underground stone gushes 33 than in all the world's rivers and lakes. million gallons of water each day— BODY BITS enough water to ‡ RI WKH (DUWK V VXUIDFH LV FRYHUHG E\ provide for a city ZDWHU DQG DERXW RI WKH KXPDQ ERG\ LV of 300,000 people. water. • Niagara Falls has • Blood is exactly the same salinity as the eaten its way seven ocean. PLOHV NP ‡ %ORRG LV ZDWHU DQG ERQHV DUH ZD- upstream since their formation 10,000 years ter. Tooth enamel, the hardest substance in the ago. At this rate, they will disappear into KXPDQ ERG\ LV RQO\ ZDWHU Lake Erie in about 22,000 years. ‡ 7KH KXPDQ EUDLQ ZHLJKV DERXW OEV ‡ 7KH ZDWHUIDOO ZLWK WKH JUHDWHVW Ă€RZ XVHG NJ EXW LI DOO WKH ZDWHU ZHUH VTXHH]HG RXW RI WR EH *XDLUD )DOOV LQ %UD]LO $W LW LW ZRXOG ZHLJK RQO\ R] JUDPV FXELF IHHW SHU VHFRQG LW ZRXOG ÂżOO WKH • Baby's bodies contain a higher percent of Capitol Dome in Washington, D.C. in 3/5 water than grown-ups. of a second. It was submerged by a dam in 1982. DOWN THE DRAIN ‡ IRRW .KRQH )DOOV RQ WKH 0HNRQJ 5LYHU • Americans as a whole use more water per on the border between Laos and Cambodia, capita than any other country. is now the biggest waterfall by volukm. It • Every day, residents of New York City use UXQV ZLWK WZLFH WKH Ă€RZ RI WKH 1LDJDUD over 1.5 billion gallons. Although New York ‡ 7KH $PD]RQ 5LYHU and London are about the same size, New carries more water York uses about three times as much water. than any other river— • California uses more water than any other more than the Misstate, but Alaska uses the most per capita. sissippi, the Nile and • Americans use an average of 200 gallons the Yangtze rivers OLWHUV RI ZDWHU LQ WKH KRPH GDLO\ 7KDW together. LQFOXGHV JDOORQV IRU HYHU\ Ă€XVK JDOORQV for brushing teeth if the water is running; 40 ICE FACTS gallons for a bath; 10 gallons to wash dishes; • Ice cubes will freeze clearer if they start 8 gallons to clean house; 30 gallons to wash out as warm water, which prevents tiny air clothes; 30 gallons for lawns and pools; and a bubbles from freezing inside. mere 2 gallons for drinking and cooking. ‡ 7KH $QWDUFWLF LFH FDS FRQWDLQV DERXW • If you include industrial and agricultural uses of the world's fresh water. At its thickest as well as home use, the average American SRLQW WKH LFH FDS LV RYHU PLOHV NP XVHV JDOORQV O RI ZDWHU SHU GD\ thick. ‡ RI ZDWHU XVHG LQ WKH KRPH LV Ă€XVKHG • Each year, some 430 cubic miles of ice GRZQ WKH WRLOHW 7KH DYHUDJH WRLOHW LV Ă€XVKHG EHFRPH LFHEHUJV HQRXJK WR ÂżOO WKH DQQXDO eight times a day. water needs of 5 billion people for a year. • It takes 13,000 gallons • If the Antarctic ice cap were melted at a O RI ZDWHU WR FDUU\ XQLIRUP UDWH LW ZRXOG ÂżOO WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL DZD\ JDOORQV O RI 5LYHU IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RU DOO WKH body waste per person each rivers of the world year. IRU \HDUV • People living in cities that • Arctic waters FKDUJH D Ă€DW UDWH IRU ZDWHU freeze at 30°f. have been found to use twice as much water as ƒ& LQVWHDG RI people in cities that meter water use. In Tuc- ƒI 2ƒ& EHson, Arizona, water use per person dropped cause of their high salt content. A person from 200 to 140 gallons a day when the price who falls into water this cold will become ZDV UDLVHG VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ unconscious after only two minutes. This ‡ ,W WDNHV JDOORQV O WR SURGXFH RQH is one of the reasons why so many people HJJ JDOORQV O IRU DQ HDU RI FRUQ drowned when the Titanic sank. JDOORQV O IRU D ORDI RI EUHDG JDOORQV O IRU D JDOORQ RI ZKLVN\ JDOORQV O IRU D SRXQG RI EHHI DQG JDOlons for a new car. ‡ 0RUH WKDQ FKHPLFDOV KDYH EHHQ IRXQG LQ drinking water, but most municipalities typically test their water for fewer than ten. FAST FACTS • Hoover Dam holds as much water as would
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Tidbits Reminds You to be Water Wise!
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DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I'm from Michigan, in a county with open spaces and lots of DQLPDOV 3UREDEO\ D WLFN FDXVHG LW $UH WKHUH GRFWRUV ZKR WUHDW WKLV GLVHDVH LQ RXU DUHD" /RWV RI SHRSOH LQ WKLV DUHD KDYH LW 3 $ TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By Keith Roach, M.D. ANSWER: Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria, Borrelia burgdoferi, which in turn is spread by the black-legged deer tick, SHUFFLING OF FEET RAISES RED FLAG Ixodes scapularis. I checked with the health department in MichiDEAR DR. ROACH: I am 85 and in good health, except for dizzy spells. It gan and found that there has never been a reported case from your was said that I have vertigo, but I do not believe this to be the case. Mecli- county. That doesn't mean it's impossible -- you are not far from zine is of no help. The symptoms are worst when I close my eyes: When I some counties in western Michigan where Lyme disease is known GR , IHHO OLNH PD\ IDOO 2WKHU V\PSWRPV DUH VKXIĂ&#x20AC;LQJ RI IHHW GL]]LQHVV DQG to be present. It's possible your daughter traveled, or it's possible dizziness on standing too quickly. Is it possible I have Meniere's disease? VKH LV WKH ÂżUVW FDVH LQ \RXU FRXQW\ 0RVW FDVHV RI /\PH GLVHDVH start with a characteristic rash, sometimes with fever or other symp-- A.T.H. toms. It can be treated effectively, in the vast majority of cases in ANSWER: 'L]]LQHVV LV D YHU\ QRQVSHFLÂżF WHUP ,W FDQ PHDQ YHUWLJR early stage, with oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline. An infectiouswhich is a sensation of movement when there isn't any; lightheadedness, GLVHDVH H[SHUW FDQ KHOS FRQÂżUP WKH GLDJQRVLV DQG PDNH VXUH VKH LV such as we can all get sometimes when standing too quickly; or a disoriproperly treated. entation that can happen when blood sugar is low. Meniere's disease is a cause of true vertigo, often with ringing in the ears and hearing loss. DEAR DR. ROACH: <RX ZURWH DERXW WKH KHDOWK EHQHÂżWV RI QXWV 6KXIĂ&#x20AC;LQJ RI WKH IHHW LV D UHG Ă&#x20AC;DJ IRU 3DUNLQVRQ V GLVHDVH 'L]]LQHVV LV D Does roasting them matter? A friend says they need to be raw. -- A. FRPPRQ LI QRW XQLYHUVDO V\PSWRP LQ SHRSOH ZLWK 3DUNLQVRQ V +RZHYHU ANSWER: The data showing improved heart disease rates in peoonly a thorough history and physical exam can make the diagnosis. If ple who eat nuts looked both at raw nuts and roasted. Many roasted your regular doctor hasn't been able to help, you might see a neurologist, nuts include more salt than you want, and some roast in unhealthy who is an expert in making diagnoses about neurologic symptoms oils. Look for dry-roasted and low or no salt. such as dizziness. There are many possible causes. The booklet on ver******* tigo explains this disruptive condition in detail and outlines its treatment. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Roach -- No. 801W, 628 Virginia Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. view and order health pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write 3OHDVH DOORZ IRXU ZHHNV IRU GHOLYHU\ to Good Health, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2015 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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NOTEWORTHY INVENTIONS... BILL & BOB â&#x20AC;˘ Bill was one of the researchers working in WKH 'X3RQW ODE ZKHQ 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ ZDV LQYHQWHG He continued to experiment with it, inventing many uses. However, WKH 'X3RQW 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ WHDP was disbanded in 1957. Bill begged his bosses to OHW KLP FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN ZLWK 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ EXW ZDV WXUQHG down. Â&#x2021; +H WRRN 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ KRPH ZLWK KLP H[SHULPHQWHG ZLWK LW in his basement after work, and established his own company. His son Bob joined him, and in 1969 they GLVFRYHUHG WKDW 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ ZRXOG VWUHWFK LI LW ZDV KHDWHG and then pulled slowly. They wanted to stretch it into a fabric, but time after time â&#x20AC;&#x201C; while heating it and pulling it slowly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they failed. â&#x20AC;˘ Finally in frustration, Bob heated it and then yanked LW 7KDW ZDV WKH VHFUHW 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ ZKHQ KHDWHG DQG stretched quickly, expands to 1000% of its original size and forms fabric. â&#x20AC;˘ Normally raincoats are made out of two layers: the outer layer is polyester or nylon, and the inner layer is polyurethane. Bill and Bob found that when VKHHWV RI WKLV QHZ 7HĂ&#x20AC;RQ fabric were inserted between the two layers, the raincoat was porous enough to breathe, but tight enough to be waterproof. â&#x20AC;˘ The fabric contains over 9 billion microscopic pores per square inch. Whereas the pores are about 20,000 times smaller than a drop of water, they are also 700 times bigger than a molecule of moisture vapor. Therefore, water droplets cannot get through the fabric, but gases and water vapor can easily escape. It was superior to any outerwear on the market. â&#x20AC;˘ Bill and Bob were granted a patent in 1976, the product line hit the market in 1989, and Bob was inducted into the Inventorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall of Fame in 2006. The name of the fabric is based on Bill and Bobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last name. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it called? Answer: Gore-Tex, named for Bill & Bob Gore.
carefully so that it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tear, and you will see cracks created in the designs. Flatten the paper and brush on dark-colored watercolor paint. Blot the paper to restore crayon color. The watercolor wash will remain in the cracks, creating batik-like lines. Let dry. Use to cover a book or notebook, or mat and frame the beautiful artwork and hang it on the wall.
Antique-look gift boxes
Summer Fun With Crayons When I get involved in an activity with kids, I am pleasantly surprised to discover how cooking and crafting provide a relaxing diversion from the routines, demands and stresses of my busy life. Creating together also gives us the opportunity to talk, laugh and share ideas in a relaxed, casual way. When the moment calls for a spontaneous art project, good olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; crayons save the day. If your kids have a variety of colors in all shapes and sizes left over from last school year, these projects call for them! The coloring can be done anytime, so pick one of these ideas when the moment strikes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and do share the fun with them to enhance creativity in all of you.
Batik-look book cover or art
Batik is a wax-resistant dyeing process used to make beautiful fabrics and works of art. You can create colorful sheets of paper with a similar look. Set out a sheet of newspaper on your work surface. Apply heavy layers of crayon on a sheet of porous, sturdy white paper or on a plain brown paper grocery bag that has been cut open. Make patches, squares and free-form shapes in different colors, covering the paper completely. For first-timers, start with a smaller sheet of paper â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it takes a lot of effort to press hard. Now comes the surprise step: Crumple the paper into a ball! Open it
Make a colorful storage box for summer souvenirs and nature finds, or for storage of markers, pencils and desk supplies.
Draw heavy crayon layers on a sturdy white or light-colored gift box with lid (boxes with textured surfaces work well. Geometric shapes, swirls and patches of color look especially nice. When the box is colored, brush or dab black poster paint over a small area of the box. Wipe paint off immediately and polish that area with a soft cloth. Repeat until entire box is completed. *** Donna Ericksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s award-winning series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donnaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dayâ&#x20AC;? is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donnaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donna Ericksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.â&#x20AC;?
Tourist: Is the water on your farm healthy? Farmer: Yes, we only have well water.
Š 2015 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.
30% OFF AD RATES ,+Č&#x2030;1 &1Č&#x201A; Ć&#x203A;"/ "+!0 2$201 Ç&#x2DC;Ç&#x2013;01Č&#x201A;Č&#x201A;Č&#x201A;Č&#x201A;
In a study done at the University of Pennsylvania, 11 of 39 coronary victims who did not have pets died within a year, compared to only 3 out of 53 patients who owned pets. DOG NAMES â&#x20AC;˘ French-speaking people who heard a dog howling named it â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;begleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which is French for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;open-throatedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bugling.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; That breed became the beagle. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Schnauzerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; comes from the German word meaning â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;snorer.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;˘ An Airedale is a breed that originated in the dale of the Aire, a river in England. Â&#x2021; &RFNHU VSDQLHOV ZHUH EUHG WR Ă XVK ZRRGFRFNV LQ 6SDLQ â&#x20AC;˘ A German dogcatcher named Louis Doberman set out to develop a watchdog by crossing terriers and pinschers. â&#x20AC;˘ Terriers were bred to dig in the earth to snatch small animals from burrows. The Latin word for earth is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;terra.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dachsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; means badger in German, and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; means dog: dachshund. â&#x20AC;˘ Poodle comes from the German word â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;pudelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; meaning splashing in water. IT'S A DOG'S LIFE Â&#x2021; $ GRJ¡V QRVH SULQWV DUH DV GLVWLQFWLYH DV RXU Ă&#x20AC;QJHUSULQWV DQG FDQ EH XVHG IRU LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ â&#x20AC;˘ When dogs wag their tails, it squeezes their anal scent glands and fans their signature smell all around. â&#x20AC;˘ Puppies don't learn to wag their tails until they're between 30 and 49 days old. â&#x20AC;˘ Free-roaming dogs spend up to three hours every day re-marking their scent posts. â&#x20AC;˘ All dog breeds are genetically compatible: Great Danes can mate with Chihuahuas; and any dog can breed with wolves or coyotes.
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of Ventura County
Try something NEW! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get lost in the junk mail or run over in the driveway! Competitive rates! Business to business distribution! Great opportunity to reach a NEW audience!
PAWS CORNER By: Sam Mazzotta Volunteerism Revisited DEAR PAWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CORNER: You recently updated readers about ways to help pets, including volunteering at shelters. Another place to volunteer is at an assisted-living, or senior-care, facility. Many residents have their pets and sometimes arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to exercise them enough, and they appreciate someone to take their pets on walks or to help bathe them. There is even a need of â&#x20AC;&#x153;babysittingâ&#x20AC;? if the owner goes in for a procedure. -- David P., via email DEAR DAVID: Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great idea! While not all assisted-living facilities permit pets, many do, since they often have residential facilities in which the residents have varying levels of independence. Most facilities have a volunteer coordinator; if not, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always an activities director. Contact information for a facility near you can be found on the Web or in the local phone book. According to $$53ÂśV &UHDWH WKH *RRG RUJDQL]DWLRQ VHQLRU FDUH IDFLOLWLHV KDYH D great need for volunteers at many levels, from simple visits to say hello to more involved care or administrative assistance. To volunteer, you generally will need to pass a background check and follow the facilityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regulations about visits and volunteer activities, including pet care. You can learn more at www.createthegood.org. If there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a pet-friendly senior-care facility in your area, you still can reach out to seniors in your community. Talk to seniors that you know in the neighborhood on a regular basis to make sure things are going OK, and ask if they ever need free pet-sitting from time to time. Or, look for senior-care organizations locally and ask if their clients have pet-care needs. Send your questions about pet care to ask@pawscorner.com (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
Highlight YOUR Rescue HERE!
â&#x20AC;˘ADOPT A PET .......................................................adoptapet.com â&#x20AC;˘ DOG DAYS ANIMAL RESCUE VOLUNTEERS ...dogdaysforever.com arvsimi.org â&#x20AC;˘ KIRBYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PET DEPOT ..........................................kirbyspetdepotsimi.com â&#x20AC;˘ PETSMART ..........................................................stores.petsmart.com â&#x20AC;˘ SIMI VALLEY MISSING PETS .............................simivalleymissingpets.org â&#x20AC;˘ TINY LOVING CANINES ......................................tinylovingcannies.org â&#x20AC;˘ UNLEASHED BY PETCO.....................................unleashedby.petco.com â&#x20AC;˘ COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER...............................vcas.us
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TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County
DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T CRY! On Friday, July 31, 2015, the world -- America certainly -- was a very different place. We were a world that seemed to have lost its heroes. The month had started off reasonably well. Serena Williams won Wimbledon, one month after winning the French Open. Zack Johnson won the 144th Open Championship at St. Andrews, Scotland. The womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national soccer team won the World Cup in decisive fashion. We even won the Pan-American Games. 2II WKH ÂżHOG 6RXWK &DUROLQD ÂżQDOO\ FHGHG WKH &LYLO :DU and thanks to NASA, we now know more about Pluto than we know about Idaho and South Dakota. Good news was coming out of the technology sector and job market. Then we fell down the stairs. Shootings in movie theaters. 5RXWLQH WUDIÂżF VWRSV WXUQHG LQWR KRUURU Ă&#x20AC;LFNV VSHHG WUDSV became death traps, and a campus policeman in Cincinnati KDG PRUH ÂżUHSRZHU WKDQ 0DULQHV DW RXU UHFUXLWLQJ FHQWHUV in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The guy who used to teach me Picture Pages while he lectured Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, who introduced me to New Coke, pudding on a stick and Lisa Bonet, admitted heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a serial rapist. Universal laws of physics teach us that for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. American exceptionalism requires more than that, however. We like to turn things upside down, too. So we made sure that July was the month that had actual crying in baseball. It happened when a shortstop learned during the middle of an inning, with millions of people watching, that he had been traded. And get this -- he was crying because he DIDNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T want to leave the Mets. The guy who wants to be our next commander-in-chief insulted an American war hero and POW, and the only military experience he had was time served as an owner of the New Jersey Generals. Then he surged in the polls. We passed toy gun legislation that is tougher than our actual gun laws because weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re afraid our kids pretending to play cops and robbers may actually get shot and killed by a real cop who may mistake him as a real robber. We learned that we have dentists in America more lethal than adult male lions. The King of the Beasts is now thought to be friendlier and safer than some Midwestern oral hygienists. Time was, dentists used to just badger us LQWR Ă&#x20AC;RVVLQJ 0D\EH QRZ ZHÂśOO VWDUW WR WDNH WKDW ZLWK D little more seriousness. 7KHQ HYHU\WKLQJ FKDQJHG RQ D 6DWXUGD\ 7KH ÂżUVW ZHHNend in August took what we thought had left us -- the hero -- and made things right. Wilmer Flores will now forever be remembered as the King for a Day in Queens when the trade falls through, and he responds by hitting the gamewinning, walk-off home run. $QG RXW RI %UD]LO D EDQWDPZHLJKW QDPHG 5KRQGD DQG from inside New Jersey, where a horse with a misspelled name answered the clarion call: You can still have sports heroes. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cry. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
Zucchini Ham Pasta Salad When the temperature and the heat index create readings of 100 in the shade, you definitely need a plan for supper that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t add to the problem. Bring this to the table and see if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t become an instant hero! 1 1/2 cups cold cooked rotini pasta, rinsed and drained 1 cup chopped unpeeled zucchini 1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms 3/4 cup fat-free Ranch dressing 1/4 cup fat-free mayonnaise 1/4 cup reduced-fat Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup reduced-fat Cheddar cheese 1 1/2 cups diced 97 percent fat-free ham 1. In a large bowl, mix Ranch dressing, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. Add rotini pasta, zucchini, tomatoes and mushrooms. Mix well to combine. Stir in Cheddar cheese and ham. 2. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Gently stir again just before serving. Serves 6 (1 full cup each). â&#x20AC;˘ Each serving equals: 151 calories, 3g fat, 7g protein, 24g carb., 557mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Meat, 1 Starch, 1 Vegetable. Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 18, 1590, John White, the governor of the Roanoke Island colony in present-day North Carolina, returns from a trip to England to find the settlement deserted. No trace of the 100 colonists has ever been found. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 23, 1784, four counties in North Carolina declare their independence as the state of Franklin. In defiance of Congress, Franklin survived as an independent nation for four years with its own constitution, Indian treaties and legislated system of barter. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 22, 1950, the United States Lawn Tennis Association accepts Althea Gibson into its annual championship at Forest Hills, New York, making her the first black player to compete in a U.S. national tennis competition. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 19, 1960, in the Soviet Union, downed U.S. reconnaissance aircraft pilot Francis Gary Powers is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for espionage. Eighteen months later, the Soviets agreed to exchange him for a KGB spy. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 17, 1978, the Double Eagle II completes the first trans-Atlantic balloon flight when it lands near Paris, six days after lifting off from Presque Isle, Maine. The helium-filled balloon covered 3,233 miles. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 20, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez shoot their parents to death in familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s California home. Although the brothers were not immediately suspected, Erik confessed his involvement to his psychotherapist, who taped the sessions to impress his mistress, who ended up going to the police. Lyle, 22, and Erik, 19, were arrested. â&#x20AC;˘ On Aug. 21, 1991, just three days after it began, a coup against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev collapses. The Soviet Union would soon cease to exist as a nation and as a Cold War threat to the United States. Gorbachev resigned as leader of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
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*DPH &KDQJHUV by Jason Jenkins
Three Club Chipping Not all greenside chips are equal. There are different lies, distances to the pins, and terrains between you and the hole. Not only are all chips not equal, but one club should not always be used for them all. One basic of the greenside chip should be a consistent technique which includes setup, swing length, and impact conditions. After that, you have the freedom to alter the club you’re using, its alignment, and where you hit it on the face. Assuming for now that the face is square and you’re striving for center contact, practice mastering three clubs around the green. Use the 8-iron for long distance chips where you can allow the ball to land quickly and roll out over the length of the green. Adjust to the pitching wedge when the pin is more centralized on the green and you don’t need as much roll on the ball. Finally, switch to the sand or lob wedge to attack the short chips when the hole is quite near you. Each stroke should be similar, but the club will create different carry and roll results. By practicing with these three clubs, you’ll have a better gameplan around the greens. Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or GHYJRO¿QVWU#JPDLO FRP
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