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the Lambeth walk the Oval partnership 2013

stroll along the arches in the new pleasure gardens

connecting Vauxhall to London • April 2013

We believe the most effective means to complete the “missing link” is to work with the already more attractive, sheltered southern / eastern edge of the railway viaduct, re-energizing this as a new linear garden walk, - “The Lambeth Walk” - punctuated with a series of modest constructed interventions, borrowing the language of the arbours, trellises and other garden structures of the former Pleasure Gardens, signaling the presence of the territory to passing trains and enabling a range of small-scale performance spaces, lighting, plant-growing frameworks, film projection screens etc.

Here, we’re illustrating three of a sequence of many possible interventions along this link providing the opportunity to connect a diverse range of uses both existing and new. Harnessing the energetic nightlife and new creative energy of art galleries and studio spaces, restaurants, cafes and urban cultivation that already exist, our design idea aims to invigorate the existing spaces along the archways, so that workers, visitors and the local community can all benefit from an enhanced, greener, more secure route, with a wide range of new activities catalysed by the increased foot traffic between the Southbank and Nine Elms nodes.

River Building Public Green Space Railway Bridge Tunnel Pedestrian Link Bicycle Path Thames Walk The Lambeth Walk Tube station New developments and change in the Railway Station use of the archways will help to create stronger east-west connections, linking people from mostly residential areas to cultural attractions and entertainment along the waterfront. The three chosen sites for our case-study interventions are not only focused on activating arches, but also transforming existing public realm and creating new destinations for locals and visitors.

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1 River

Building Battersea

Public Green Space Railway Bridge Tunnel

Pedestrian Link Bicycle Path

Thames Walk Tube station

Railway Station

River Building Public Green Space Railway Bridge Tunnel Thames Clipper Link Pedestrian Link Movement Bicycle Path Thames Walk Concentrating movement along the Tube eaststation of the railway line will create a pleasant sunny route protected from Railway Station traffic noise. A new pedestrian and cycle Pier route will provide a corridor for activity along the railway line, linking east-west movement through the viaducts, “The Lambeth Walk” knits together different uses and the surrounding communities, encouraging variety in experience along its route and appealing to all.



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Nine elms




Public Green Space Railway Bridge



Thames Clipper Link Pedestrian Link Bicycle Path

Thames Walk Battersea

Tube station

Railway Station Pier


Uses Building

Public Green Space With master plans being developed Railway for Battersea and Nine Elms, along Bridge with the proposed refurbishment of Tunnel the Southbank, Vauxhall has become the Residential key to unlocking a much wider area, Officesthe public realm along the activating Hospital entire South Bank of the River reinforcing Culture a wealth of activities already present and Transport enabling a rich tapestry of new uses. MI6 The key to regenerating Vauxhall is Prosed mixed use finding a balance and establishing a transition between the cultural centre of the Southbank area and residential neighbourhoods of Nine Elms and Battersea.



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Nine elms


Public Green Space Railway Bridge Tunnel


Residential Offices

Hospital Culture

Transport Battersea


Prosed mixed use

The Railway viaduct will become a background for all new green infrastructure, pedestrian and cycle links. A continuous chain of SUDS systems, combinations of edible and ornamental plants with new structures colonized by flowering and evergreen climbers, will all contribute to creating new spaces and better links re-activating existing public green spaces.

Water body Building Public Green Space Railway Arches Archway connection Pedestrian connection Cycle path Climbers Existing Trees Wetland vegetation Edible plants Exotic and ornamental plants Street furniture Play equipment


Planting of vertical structures proposed along the railway viaduct will create intimate spaces protected by lush climbing vegetation, providing shade and shelter while visually connecting the new structure with the existing green spaces.

Edible Pleached fruit trees, bushes with edible berries and herbs will be planted all along new “Lambeth Walk” corridor with higher concentrations around existing parks. This will give the opportunity to local residents to engage more in community food growing and food related activities, creating stronger links between people and the local landscape.

Wetland A continuous system of sustainable urban drainage ( SUDs) such as swales and retention ponds will be introduced to expose and clean all the runoff water from the surrounding hard surfaces and buildings. The introduction of wetland planting alongside these SUDs will not only help to process grey water but will also provide new habitats along “The Lambeth Walk” . Urban swales will predominate along the route, but in larger park settings, like Peddlar’s, Park, the system will manifest as an attenuation pond and a wetland area, creating a distinct landscape for the local community to enjoy.

Exotic Planted in large planters close to areas of outdoor entertainment, clubs, bars and cultural activities, this planting will evoke the senses and captivate the delights of the local Bonnington Square gardens. Exotic and unusual species in form, texture and foliage will spark reference to the Pleasure Gardens where ‘performing characters’ are on show to be seen.

partial elevation, Vauxhall part of ‘The Lambeth Walk’

Dine & Dance At Vauxhall Station is The Lambeth Walk centre piece, the first part of the line to be built. It expands on the thriving nightlife of the area and adds to it an independent scene of cafes, restaurants, and bars under the arches. Vertical climbing plants grow up the scaffolding-esque structure, providing dappled shade and smells of wisteria during those long summer days, and the structure gives shelter from the rain for all those other wet English days. A series of ramps and stairs lead up the strucuture to platforms at different levels, poping over the trainline at the top and giving a view out over all of London. A screen can be hung on the structure for film viewings from the park. Dining, markets, dancing and chance meetings happen in the spaces created along the walk.

The Lambeth Walk has inspired a popular walking dance, done in a jaunty strutting style. Come on, give it a try! It’s the new London sensation.

Look you can see Parliament! I never knew Vauxhall was so close.

Come for dinner, stay late into the night for a dance.

There’s so many possibilites of what could be in the Arches. What are your ideas?

partial plan, vauxhall section

What a view from up here! We can see Big Ben and Battersea, and much further beyond. And I just love the Vauxhall lit up letters that draw you in to where its all happening - now I always notice Vauxhall as I’m passing by on the train (and usually stop to meet friends here!)

So glad I found this new sloe gin bar! the gin is distilled right here in the arches, the cocktails are experimental and delicious, and the atmosphere is a perfect mix between new & old.

Ever since The Lambeth Walk opened, I stroll along it almost every day on my way home from work, and on the weekends I come here for an afternoon coffee or to meet with friends for some drinks and a dance.

section, lookout structure & pizza joint

section, trellis arbor & gin bar

Grow & Play

Pedler’s Park has a more local community feel to it, though there are also activities in the arches to draw further afield Londoners: such as the mini-golf course and the allotment / restaurant collaboration - the cafes use the fresh, seasonal produce grown in the park for their popular and tasty dishes. Edible plants are the focus here: blueberries, apples tree, rosemerry, mint, lemons for lemonade and so on. The existing brick wall that once contained the park is broken through, punching holes to let the park grow ‘wild’ and extend out into the Lambeth Walk. A connecting pavillion set in the wall, acts as a bandstand and provides sheltered seating with movable tables and chairs that people can adjust as they wish. This part of the Walk is a bit more wild and hidden, you never know what sort of curiosities and surprises you’ll find if you stop and poke around, and that’s the best part!

partial elevation, Peddlers Park section of ‘The Lambeth Walk’

Try your hand at gardening - and then eat what you grow!

Let’s go eat at Bonnington Square Cafe’s pop up restaurant in the Arches. Such a great local community place with even more delicious healthy food!

There’s nothing better than dining on the street under the fragrant vines.

Hole in 1! Mini golf in the Arches, what a great idea.

plan, peddlers park section

This is my favourite bench along the Walk to stop and read a book and listen to the birds.

A local community grows all this fresh fruit and veg here in alloment boxes on wheels - then we sell it in our shop space. We have agreements with many of the cafes to use what we grow in their seasonal dishes.

We use these picnic tables for lunches and dinners - bring the kids to run around while us parents can relax and chat everyone’s happy!

wow Check out how cool the fort is!

section, meadow & mini golf

section, play structure & produce shop

Look & Make Old Paradise is London’s newest hub of art, craft and making. The arches house not only many up and coming galleries but also workshops and artist studios in which the creative process becomes another part of what is exhibited. The Beaconsfield and Damien Hirst Galleries have initiated a programme to support and train young, talented artists, providing subsidized studio spaces in the arches and individual and group shows in the corresponding galleries. This section of the Lambeth walk is composed of linear elements of wetland type vegetation that works to clean stormwater runoff, a long and low water piece reflecting the sky, lots of edges that form places to sit, and a kinetic sculpture which moves in the wind. Twinkling lights strung across the path at night create an enchanting and delightful atmosphere, fostering spontaneous performances and bursts of creativity.

partial elevation, Old Paradise section of ‘The Lambeth Walk’

Old Paradise is Vauxhall’s new hip gallery district. Watch out East London, people are coming south of the river now!

Take a look at Vauxhall’s burgeoning gallery scene - with Damian Hirst’s museum opening shortly, the Lambeth Walk is in the perfect spot.

See, the vauxline connects all the way to lower marsh by Waterloo and down to Battersea. It’s a nice, characterful, quiet back path, with so many fun surpries to happen across. Evertime I come I find something new.

Such a plesant and vibrant stroll along the Old Paradise section.

I’ve come to take life drawing classes here every week.

plan, old paradise section

On the First Thursday late night gallery openings, Old Paradise is bustling and lively with people mingling and drinking and music playing along the Walk.

I’m basking in a patch of sun along the water edge, just relaxing after seeing an inspiring exhibition at Hirst’s new gallery.

Assemble & Join, a community micro-manufacturing workshop started on Lower Marsh, and has now opened a second workshop space on Old Paradise. A&J reimagines the role a community can play in the way an area develops over time.

section, wetland planting strip & artist studios

section, linear water piece with wind sculpture & private gallery

I dream of strolling down The Lambeth Walk, under the fragrant bowers of vines plumb with sweet ripe berries, picking a pear off the branch and taking a juicy bite, hearing the nightingale’s singing their favourite songs, the fresh summer evening breeze rustling through the leaves, sitting down at a table set with the abundant variety of mouth-watering locally grown and crafted foods. A true modern day interpretation of the historic Vauxhall pleasure gardens.

Check it out! What a different perspective on London from this lookout. It’s great looking down on the train tracks like this.

I feel like I’m here all the time now: a coffee in the morning, then back to meet friends for a drink here at night. It’s the perfect spot both day and night.

Shall we do the Lambeth Walk?

Fancy a run?

Lambeth you’ve never seen, The skies ain’t blue, the grass ain’t green. It hasn’t got the Mayfair touch, But that don’t matter very much. We play the Lambeth way, Not like you but a bit more gay And when we have a bit of fun Oi!

Ev’rything’s free and easy, Do as you darn well pleasey, Why don’t you make your way there, Go there, stay there,

Anytime you’re Lambeth way Any evening, any day, You’ll find us all doin’ the Lambeth walk.

Ev’ry little Lambeth gal With her little Lambeth pal, You’ll find ‘em all doin’ the Lambeth walk.

Once you get down Lambeth way, Ev’ry evening, ev’ry day, You’ll find yourself doin’ the Lambeth walk.

Anytime you’re Lambeth way Any evening, any day, You’ll find us all doin’ the Lambeth walk. Oi!

Design Team: the Oval partnership Planit Landscape Architects

Oval Partnership Architecture Ltd 2013 Unit 206 24-28 Hatton Wall London EC1N 8JH Tel: +44 (0)20 8616 1766

the Oval Partnership

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