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Kimberly Harrigan

United States

Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in what was once considered 'polite society'. I still believe it is not anyone's business what are my political views, religious beliefs or how much I paid for anything I own, not to mention, why in the hell would I ever believe for a moment that you would even care! If you suddenly notice I am no longer on your 'Friends' list and care to know why, it's probably because of something you've posted and because I feel just as strongly, that same way about you. Having said that, please feel free to 'Un-friend' me now if you are offended by my values and/or feel the over-whelming need to use Facebook as your soapbox. It will save me from having to do it myself. Feel free to re-post this if you feel the same way as I do. I respect your old-fashioned values and will be curious and look forward to seeing how many 'Friends' I have left once this has been read. Posted July 3, 2012
