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[ written in 2006 ] Love only ends two ways. Boy leaves girl or girl leaves boy. One of them is always left behind. I have fi rsthand knowledge of how it feels to get left behind and it hurts like the devil. I still get mad every time I think about the woman in Madisonville who walked up to me in the Corral Café one day and told me how sorry she was that Jack had died. She then said, “… and you will never get over it.” I wanted to slap her, because she was so right. It’s been ten years this past March since Jack died, and I haven’t begun to get over it. I just wish I didn’t have to keep living without him. I try to be happy and positive, but I really don’t seem to be able to pull it off . I can’t put into words how lonely I am and how very diffi cult it is to come up with any dreams. I feel like I am just marking time.
The severity of the pain reflects the depth of your love.