The Bell Tower Spring/Summer 2015
A Letter From
Rick France
Celebrate! The end of a school year offers many opportunities to recognize the wonderful accomplishments of our students both underclassmen and, in particular, the graduating seniors in the Class of 2015. Miller School of Albemarle makes award presentations and recognition personal by writing and reading a citation for each recipient of an award. Similarly, at our Commencement Exercises, a citation is written and read by each graduate’s advisor. Thus, gathered friends and family had the opportunity to hear about each member of the Class of 2015 and why we will miss them and their many achievements after they leave the Hill. The Class of 2015 earned excellent college acceptances and $746,352 in college scholarships. Many received academic grants at those colleges for their high performance at Miller School of Albemarle. At least twelve students are slated to play college athletics. We also know members of this class will be the first to sign up for community service at their respective schools, because they understand helping others is a rewarding and vital part of life. Four of the fifty graduates were accepted to international universities. The Salutatory by Xiao Ciao Ma and the Valedictory by Feier Chen were poignant, inspiring, and witty. The rousing rendition of the Miller School Song at our conclusion reminded everyone of what a special place MSA is now and has been for 137 years. This was also a year to celebrate MSA’s progress on several different levels. Fifty students earned diplomas which was a real milestone due to the sheer number of successful students. We christened our new Dance Studio, located on the fourth floor of Old Main, with an inaugural ballet program that concluded with a lovely recital in May. We congratulate our girls basketball team for winning another state championship. Our renovated baseball field, outstanding in both beauty and function, most likely contributed to our baseball team playing in the state championship game. So, let’s have a cheer for the Class of 2015 and for the underclassmen who will follow in their accomplished footsteps. Thanks ever so much to the faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, and, especially, to the families who share their children with us. Hooray for MSA! Patrick L. France
MSA VISION STATEMENT Our aim is to prepare young women and men for a productive, meaningful and successful life, in college and beyond. Miller School of Albemarle will achieve these goals with a rigorous and supportive program, talented faculty and staff, small classroom settings, actual leadership opportunities and an emphasis on building character, improving communication skills and developing genuine fellowship. MSA’s unique community builds responsible citizens, critical and insightful thinkers, and compassionate individuals.
photo taken by Tom Pallante
1 Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
Minds, Hands & Heart
At a Glance --Miller School of Albemarle Magazine
Spring/Summer 2015
3 ROTARY CHESAPEAKE BAY CONFERENCE 5 HAPPENINGS ON THE HILL News briefs from students, faculty, and alumni
8 EN PLEIN AIR 10 BELL TOWER RECEPTION VERULAM FARM 16 2014 SAMUEL MILLER MEMORIAL MEDAL RECIPIENT - Gene Corrigan 26 HONORING A MOST BELOVED STAFF MEMBER - Catherine Mummau The Bell Tower is produced by MSA’s Office of Institutional Advancement. Questions and comments about this issue should be directed to Beth Hochstein at 434-823-4805 x210 or Contributing Editors: Bradley Bodager, JD, LLM Beth Hochstein Contributing Photographers: Kim Kelley-Wagner Tom Pallante On the cover Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Richmond, VA Kim Kelley-Wagner photo
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Rotary Chesepeake Bay Conference
photos provided by Rachael Breving The Rotary Chesapeake Bay Conference was wonderful. The experience really opened your eyes to the cultural, economic and environmental impacts that affect the Chesapeake Bay, and how the Chesapeake Bay affects all of us. We explored many questions concerning what would be best for the bay environmentally, for the area culturally and for everyone economically. Our purpose was not to execute and answer these questions per say, but to explore them and make personal connections with the people and cultures while being surrounded by the stunning environment. We met so many wonderful individuals, and heard countless stories of their connections and love of the bay. Every one we met was so passionate about their work with the bay. They all genuinely loved where they were. This is when the weight of those first questions really fell on us. It was difficult to understand how rules and regulations are put in place with only one group in mind, when really the culture, environment and economic impact of the bay are so closely knit together you cannot separate their impacts apart from the others. These questions became a small burden by the end of our trip because we were all concerned for all aspects of the bay. However, the trip was not about finding answers to these difficult questions. It was instead about sparking an interest in the hearts and minds of the young. From personal experience, I express my full gratitude for these experiences. My heart has been touched by the people and by the Chesapeake Bay, and it will not soon be forgotten. Rachael Breving ‘16
3 Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
Virginia Boys State of The American Legion This summer during the week of June 21, I had the great pleasure of partaking in what is ultimately the most well recognized and respected institutions for government leadership in our great nation - The American Legion’s Boys State. During this extraordinary week, I was given the opportunity to establish myself as a leader not only among my fellow citizens of the great city of Jackson but also of the entire entity of boys state. I was first elected by my city to serve as a member of the honor guard of Boys State: a group of 16 young men, one from each city, whose solemn and patriotic duty was to raise and lower the stars and stripes each morning after breakfast and each night after dinner. Our unit, which was given the motto “Tall, Dark, and Handsome”, was made up of individuals who held nothing more than the highest amount of honor, respect, and humility before the flag, and it was an honor to work with them everyday. I was then elected as one of four citizens of my city to partake in moot court, a series of classes that trained us to become effective case lawyers. I had the opportunity to argue a case as a prosecutor before an actual U.S. Federal Judge. Unfortunately, I did not win the case, but from the experience, I gained a newfound understanding for what it takes to be a lawyer. It wasn’t until halfway through the week my real chance to take an effective role of leadership arose: the Federalist Party Convention. On the day of the convention, I, as the federalist party chairman for the city of Jackson, arose and announced I would be running for the office of head-chairman of the Federalist Party of Boys State. After giving a four minute speech before my fellow federalists, and after three castings of ballots, I was elected as the head-chairman. It was while campaigning for this position I discovered the saying “You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours” is very prevalent in modern politics. I made deals and promises with the chairmen of other cities, as well as approaching individual party members, and it was through these efforts I was able to secure my victory. I went on to speak the day of the statewide election before the entire body of boys state, calling for them to support the federalists, with the slogan “The party of liberty; the party for you!” This experience wasn’t just about positions of power, shady, under-table-deals, or giving rousing speeches. If there is one thing I’ve truly taken away from this experience, one thing I will always keep in my heart, it is the people I have met. My fellow citizens of Jackson, they will forever stay with me. The memories we shared, the laughs, the good times, that’s what I’ll remember most about boys state. I entered thinking I was alone; in my love of politics, in the views I had, in the hopes I dreamed about. I met men who were just like me; men who had been alienated because of their political views and their desire to express and share them with the world. We didn’t all share the same views or beliefs, but that didn’t matter to us, because the most wonderful thing of all was just being able to find someone who we could have an intellectual debate with and not feel as though we would be punished or looked down upon for expressing them. We were free men. I thank the Miller School of Albemarle, my school, my home, for allowing me the opportunity to partake in the experience. It is one I shall not forget for a long time. André Coscia ‘15
photos provided by André Coscia
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
RYLA leadership Camp was a tremendous opportunity to interact and communicate with other leaders around the same age. One thing I pulled away from everything was how well each one of us interacted with each other. None of us were very alike, yet we found we had hundreds of things to talk about. There were also no separation between the guys and girls, we all talked to one another as if we had known them for years, which definitely helped out in the leadership activities that required a lot of communication. There were many other things besides this that I pulled away from the RYLA camp which made it a very fun learning opportunity. Chris Breving ‘17
Virginia Girls State
ne of the first things they told me after receiving the nomination for Girls State, was about the strong and long-lasting friendships I would cultivate. From the first day I met all of the girls in the city of Randolph, I realized that these statements of incomparable friendships held true. I and 30 new friends spent a week on Longwood’s beautiful campus in Farmville, Virginia, as we learned about the workings of our nation’s political systems, the responsibilities and principles of being an American citizen, and participated in an array of activities, covering topics such as leadership and public speaking. Girls State is essentially an exercise in politics on the state level; we nominated and voted on candidates running for every position from city sheriff to Girls State Governor. The election process started at the city level, moved through the two political parties, and they were voted on by all girls in the state. I was elected as a senator and ultimately, a party majority leader in the senate. For the remainder of the week we practiced organized, traditional debates to discuss various amendment proposals. I was also nominated as the journalist for my city. I participated in the investigative journalism program and wrote for the Girls State Newspaper. We learned how to identify bias in writing while studying major news stories. We discussed the role of the media and the ways the media provides a definition for culture. We held mock press conferences and critiqued the articles written by the group. Throughout the week, a number of speakers came including Virginia’s Attorney General Mark Herring, and Governor Terry Mcauliffe. They both gave talks about holding their offices and how they got to be in their positions, as well as the vital role youth play in government. Aside from politically driven presentations, there were presentations from organizations such as the Wounded Warriors Project, and youth-related issues like texting and driving and safe driving habits. The week reiterated the importance of participation and the power civilians have in voicing their opinions. It gave further insight into basic principle and practices of our American Democratic System and gave me a chance to see the types of responsibilities I will have as an adult. I am currently registered to vote and excited to exercise my new knowledge from Virginia Girls State. I’m also happy to say that I have more than just kept in touch with many friends I made during the week and cultivated new, lasting friendships. I cannot thank the American Legion and the Miller School of Albemarle enough for providing me with this opportunity. Marta Regn ‘15
The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp, in Prince William Forest Park, was an
exciting and educational experience. Intelligent and renowned speakers, who engaged the audience with stimulating exercises and questions, led the programs. Particularly informative lectures discussed goal setting, nonverbal communication, leadership, and self-confidence. The group also discussed topics of nationalism and a few hot-button issues, such as feminism, and engaged in lively debates over an array of topics with a wide range of opinions.
After each seminar, activities were orchestrated which exercised subjects discussed in
the lecture. This was a very sturdy way to reinforce topics and understand real-world applications. At RYLA, I learned a lot about how to be an ethical and effective leader as well as how to regulate disagreements diplomatically, through qualities stressed in the Rotary. The overall experience was a fun and enjoyable one. Thea Louis ‘16
5 Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
Students Honor ed for Service
eptember 23 - Seniors Marta Regn and Caleb McGowan were awarded Rotary International Certificates of Merit by the Rotary Club of Charlottesville. These MSA students were recognized for their excellence and commitment to community service through participation in MSA service groups, church affiliated community service and volunteer work with area youth. The certificates were presented by Mr. Ted Horn, Rotary Club of Charlottesville President. The following are Marta’s and Caleb’s acceptance remarks. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Evening, I would first like to congratulate my classmate and very good friend Caleb, on receiving this award as well. Secondly, I want to extend my thanks, first to the Miller School of Albemarle for catalyzing so many of the things that have made me eligible for this award and second, to the Rotary Club, for recognizing me with this honor, and for all of the effort you all put towards the community. In the last year, I have put a new emphasis on community service in my life and transformed the way I view it. As I mentioned earlier, Miller has been instrumental in both providing me with opportunities and being successful in many of my endeavors; this is true for many of my service projects. Through Miller, I have been able to volunteer with organizations like the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Charlottesville’s African American Heritage Center, and the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. Miller’s unique service program essentially builds service into your curriculum, allotting days to complete your service projects in an effort to instill the importance of service. It makes it possible for students to participate in their communities without compromising their studies. As a student, it has become increasingly difficult to devote time to community service. This reality is what shaped what I believed to be the role service would play in my life. My first 18 years or so, was my time to be selfish, to do what I needed to do so that later on I could make a monetary difference in the non-profits of my choice. Somewhere between an increased participation at both my high school and the outside community, I realized this attitude toward service totally bypassed the reason we do service. Ultimately, I’ve realized outward participation reflects inward; the substance in our lives is a product of where we invest our time, not just our money. I can say wholeheartedly, the time I have spent serving has made me more of a person. With this outlook and an incredible gratitude to the members of the rotary club, I assure you of my unyielding participation in our community, both leading it and serving it. Thank you again. Marta Regn ‘15
I would like to thank the Rotary Club of Charlottesville for presenting me with this award. I would also like to thank Mr. Bodager for his continued support and guidance during this pivotal time in my academic career. The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once said, “The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.” I’ve read many books on leadership. I’ve read to great lengths about leaders and the services they’ve rendered. But, as wonderful as studying of such topics may be, nothing compares to real-life interaction and implementation. There has always been a part of me that craved adventure. I’ve been a member of the Boy Scouts of America for the past 9 years. The Scouting organization has provided me with an extensive array of leadership opportunities. I completed my Eagle Scout project when I was 14 years old, working alongside the Ronald McDonald House of Charlottesville to improve the living conditions of the families whose young children are receiving long term care at the University Medical Center. I continue active in my troop, serving as Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. Most recently, I led my troop on a 100 mile backpacking trip through some of the most unforgiving wilderness in the New Mexico backcountry. I wish I had more time—as you can imagine, I have a few stories. In addition, to leadership, Scouting taught me from a young age that service is of utmost importance in a balanced life. The founder of The Boy Scouts, Baden Powell, once said, “The real way to gain happiness is by giving it to others.” This sentiment has stuck with me over the years as I have devoted time into giving back. It was Thanksgiving break 2012, my stomach was exceeding maximum capacity, all was well, and knowing my mother, Christmas songs were most likely playing throughout the home. Now my father is one of spontaneity, and I try to emulate him, but he’s a tough act to follow. He approached me and asked if I was doing anything that weekend. I don’t recall my response, but it was futile at best. New York City was coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, and my father asked if I’d like to aid in the relief effort. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind for my first “vacation” to the big apple, but I couldn’t pass it up. We made the journey up to New York with a number of friends from our church, slept in cots for the weekend, and while the weather was bitter, our hearts were warmed from the sweet words of praise from each individual we helped. It was an experience forever engrained in my character. Thank you. Caleb McGowan Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
REGN Accepts 2014 Rising Star Award - October 3, 2014
Each autumn for the past 18 years , Piedmont Council for the Arts’ Arthur C. Greene Rising Star Award has celebrated high school students who excel in the arts. Arthur C. Greene was an actor, director, and Professor of Drama at the University of Virginia from 1960-1992. He devoted a large part of his life to encouraging the talents of young people, and the awards were so named in his honor. MSA senior Marta Regn accepted this year’s award for her untitled piece. “I love portraiture and people are my favorite subject matter.” Regn states the detail of her scarf and facial expression are among her favorites.
7Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
photo taken by Tom Pallante
painting by Linda Albert
En Plein Air
MSA’s 1600 acres inspires local artists during October’s weekend event
photo taken by Kim Kelley-Wagner
Artists took to their medium to capture the crisp autumn splendor of leaves parachuting to the ground, golden sunlit haystacks and exquisite MSA architecture. The 4th annual En plein air weekend was a great success with a large turnout of artists and nature lovers. Works were on display from October 27th – November 3rd; a reception marked the exhibit opening - October 27th for artists and their guests.
photo taken by Tom Pallante Noaa Spiekermann paints the Upper Meadow Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
MSA‘s Equestrian Team trained rigoursly on MSA trails, conditioned their horses and worked on their riding skills in preparation for the 3rd Annual Farmington Hunt Club Fox Hunt at MSA on Thursday, October 9. The hunt was a great success with over 35 riders. “Our MSA fox showed us some sport as we rode on a lovely day through the freshly trimmed trails at MSA.” by Elizabeth Brann
photo taken by Tom Pallante
Bottom photos taken by Kim Kelley-Wagner
9Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
photo taken by Kim Kelley-Wagner
October 9- The warm glow of candlelight, fine wine and charming conversation - what a splendid beginning to MSA’s Friends & Family Weekend. Hosted by Melton McGuire - Verulam Farm, guests experienced picturesque mountains as the backdrop to a fresh, brisk autumn evening under the stars with a reception held poolside. It was a night of laughter infused with soft music and fellowship.s. Left photo by Beth Hochstein Bottom Photos by Tom Pallante
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Frontier Culture Musuem Staunton, VA
11Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
The junior class of The Miller School of Albemarle toured the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, VA . The theme for this year’s trip was the Colombian Exchange, and the students investigated how the cultures of the English, the Scots-Irish, the Germans, the West Africans and the Native Americans contributed to the development of a unique American culture by the 1850’s. The class was assisted by Dr. Jason Nabi, Ms. Kim Kelley-Wagner, Mr. Clay Wawner, and Mr. David Riddick. The interpreters at the Frontier Culture Museum did a fantastic job bringing all the cultures that blended together in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries to life. by David Ridick
Photography - Kim Kelley-Wagner
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
MSA Dance Studio on “Pointe”
With MSA’s new dance studio completed in time for the new school year, ballet students learned a variation from La Bayadere taught by new faculty member Sarah Lynn Taylor. The original choreography is by Marius Petipa. Students learned a revised version of the entrance of Gamzatti, the Rajah’s daughter. The variation featured grand allegro jumps, quick pirouettes and theatrical styling. Our students coordination and endurance were put to the test! (left photo students from closest to furthest away Thea Louis, Zoe Allman, Piper Hayes) (top photo Instructor Sarah Lynn Taylor) Left photos by Kim Kelley-Wagner Top photo by Tom Pallante
13Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
FRALIN MUSEUM CREATIVE WRITING COMPETITION Mr. Jay Kauffmann’s Creative Writing class comprised of 11th and 12th graders took a field trip to the Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia to participate in the museum’s annual Creative Writing Competition. Students first toured the museum, chose a work of art from the collection to write about. The tour guide shared the history of each piece with the group, as well as its cultural significance, effectively drawing the students into discussion. Later students paid a visit to the quarters where Edgar Allen Poe lived on the UVa campus and discussed the writer’s life and work. During lunch, students discussed the various works of art and each student was asked to explain why they chose the piece that they did. The writing work produced from the experience proved the trip to be a successful and enjoyable one. Photography - Kim Kelley-Wagner Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Students, faculty and staff of Miller got in to the “spirit” of Halloween and had a hauntingly good time during a costume contest Friday, October 31, 2014. A photo booth set up in the foyer of “Old Main” captured the ghouls and goblins in their finery. All proceeds from the photo booth go to Miller’s Performing Arts Program to support the MSA Performing Troupe at the International Fringe Festival held in Edingburgh, Scotland Summer 2015. Photography for this event provided by Kim Kelley-Wagner.
15Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
Miller School of Albemarle 2014 Samuel Miller Memorial Medal Banquet Gene Corrigan
On Friday evening November 14th Gene Corrigan was awarded the Samuel Miller Memorial Medal at a banquet hosted by the Miller School of Albemarle. The Samuel Miller Memorial Medal recognizes sustained leadership and contributions supporting area youth in the spirit of Samuel Miller, one of our nation’s first major philanthropists for support of education. In remarks by MSA English faculty member, Dr. Jason Nabi, Corrigan was recognized for his service and impact on youth over sixty years, citing his roles as Coach, University Athletic Director and as President of the NCAA. After accepting the Samuel Miller Medal, Corrigan described highlights of his fifty five year span of involvement with the Miller School of Albemarle including service on the Miller School of Albemarle Board of Trustees. Previous medal recipients include distinguished community leaders who have demonstrated significant commitment to local youth. Suzanne Jessup Brooks, Hovey S. Dabney, Nancy Coble Damon, Francis H. Fife, Junius R. Fishburne, John Grisham, Jessie Carr Haden, Bernard J. Haggerty, Ben F. Hurt, Marcia Invernizzi, Cynthia Lorenzoni, Mark Lorenzoni, Fulton W. Marshall, Jr., Thomas J. Michie, Jr., Leigh B. Middleditch, James B. Murray, Sr., Julia Nunley, Richard Nunley, George C. Palmer, Jean Printz, Robert M. Roberts, Sr., B.F.D. Runk, Elizabeth Scott, and Duane H. Zobrist
Photography by Tom Pallante
Lena and Gene Corrigan Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Week of Wisdom and January 5th through 9th saw a wonderful winter week of wisdom and wonder (WWOWW) for students and faculty. Each academic year, after our winter break, MSA takes a week to broaden our horizons and try something new with WWOWW. This is an opportunity to get a fresh perspective while having fun during the process. This year’s classes included: Latin dancing, chess, outdoor survival skills, etiquette, crocheting classes and many more. Photos courtesy Kim Kelley-Wagner unless otherwise notated.
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Wonder (WWOWW)
Photo by Tom Pallante Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
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A drama performance troupe from the Miller School of Albemarle Performing Arts Department has been honored by selection to appear in the upcoming FRINGE FESTIVAL in Edinburgh Scotland this summer of 2015. The selection resulted after the program’s nomination followed by a highly selective audition and program review. The MSA Performing Arts program, which mounts three drama and musical theater programs annually, is extremely grateful for the support of its local corporate sponsor, HOME PARAMOUNT Pest Control Company, and extends sincere thanks to them for supporting the MSA performing arts program at the Fringe Festival with a challenge match grant. Photo by Tom Pallante
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
The Classroom Outdoors Botanical Garden Richmond, VA
21Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
n Monday, April 6th, all biology students took a field trip to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, VA. The botanical gardens boast a wide variety of plant communities ranging from medicinal herb gardens to constructed wetlands to a semi-tropical orchid collection in the garden’s conservatory. MSA students participated in two educational programs while at the gardens: The first , “It’s All About Relationships” explored Eastern and Western culture and botanical history as expressed in their garden design styles and allowed students to create their own garden design. The second, “GrowWorks” enabled students to explore career opportunities in horticulture and engage in service learning by doing a little garden work themselves! Students also completed a scavenger hunt as a way to explore the diversity of species the gardens offered. This out of the classroom trip segwayed nicely to our biology curriculum as we turned to plant science, plant classification, and photosynthesis in the fourth marking period. It gave students a better sense of how botany and horticulture are used in real-world careers and applications. Additionally, the GrowWorks Program provided a unique opportunity for students to fulfill the “heart” part of our “Mind, Hands, and Heart” motto at MSA as they engaged in service learning activities and gave back to the botanical gardens. - Mary Lofton Biology Teacher Photos by Kim Kelley-Wagner
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Annual Rotary Speech Contest What do people fear worse than death? Public speaking! This didn’t stop three intrepid Miller students from taking part in the annual Rotary Speech Contest, held at CitySpace in Charlottesville on Thursday, February 12. For this contest, which is open to all area schools and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Charlottesville, students had to give 5- to 8-minute speeches addressing the theme of service, without using notes. Congratulations to junior Jacob Gavin ‘16, who took third place with a thoughtful, gracefully-delivered speech about how our service contributions, no matter how small, can always make a difference. Congratulations also to senior Marta Regn (upper left) and junior Thea Louis, (upper right) who both took home honorable mentions! by Jason Nabi
23Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
In the Classroom Formula One Program
hysics and Engineering teacher and Department Chair, Ryan Henry, led a team of five students this year in The Formula One In-School Program, which is a competition for high school students to form a team of 3 to 6 members who designed, built and raced a scaled down car. Each student carried a unique title: Marketing Manager, Graphic Designer, Design Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Team Manager. Every student learned how to work on AutoCAD, a computer-aided drafting software program used for creating blueprints for buildings, bridges, computer chips, and race cars. Student team members and their roles are as follows:
Pictured above the first full-scale prototype for the F1 in preparation of the technology challenge held March 2015. Printed in the Design/Build shop on the 3D printer. Each student designs their own car to be made out of balsa wood and tested on a race track.
Vojtech Pezlar – Design Engineer. Vojtech helped the team learn AutoCAD. Tanner Browne – Manufacturing Engineer. Tanner provided our team morale boost when we needed it. Alyza Holt – Graphic Designer, Marketing Manager, FB Manager. Alyza worked very hard at securing sponsorships and in boosting our Facebook “Likes”. Connor Schroeder – Resource Manager, Design Engineer. Connor accepted a new role as Design Engineer where he worked with Vojtech and Tanner. Adrian Lewin – Team Manager. Adrian had the difficult task of writing the business plan, then he helped out wherever needed. He has also worked hard to boost our Facebook “Likes”. left to right Adrian Lewin, Connor Schroeder, Alyza Holt, Vojtech Pezlar, Tanner Browne
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
The MSA community joins MSA Varsity Baseball Coach Billy Wagner in recognizing all of its baseball players for another successful season as student-athletes. Congratulations to MSA Seniors Michael Dailey, Jack Morris and Jacob Rich who have accepted scholarships at Virginia Commonwealth University, Liberty University and Radford University respectively. Photo courtesy Kim Kelley - Wagner
25Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
April 15 - Headmaster Dinner Honors Catherine Mummau
In 1979, Sony introduced the world to the “Walkman”, Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” became a billboard hit, Three Mile Island suffered a nuclear accident, 63 Americans were taken hostage and Catherine came to work at Miller School full-time. While it can be argued our global world hasn’t gotten much better, no one can dispute our world here at Miller is a much brighter place because of her. Whether she’s making last minute alterations to a student’s dress or a tablecloth for an awards ceremony, baking up her delectable cakes and cookies, or performing one of the most impressive juggling acts also known as the business office with a smile on her face and willingness to help because “it needs done” -Catherine makes the world a better place. Anyone who has had the honor of working alongside her over the course of thirty six years has been touched by her positive influence, her “can do” attitude and infectious smile. May her light forever shine on here at Miller School.
Photos courtesy Kim Kelley - Wagner
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Program on the Rise The Miller School of Albemarle Boy’s Varsity Lacrosse Team had their most successful season in recent years, posting a winning record. After competing as a club team in 2012 and 2013, the program returned to varsity status last season. The Mavericks motto for the last two seasons has been “Get Better Everyday”, which has been evident by their recent upward trajectory. Led by senior captains James Semerling (Orange, VA) and Adrian Lewin (Guatemala City, Guatemala) and junior Trevor Scarboro (Norfolk, VA), this year’s squad began with a new focus and determination. The work started in the fall, with many of the guys competing in pickup games on Sunday afternoons and working on their skills during the winter months. All of their hard work began to pay off as this year’s squad went 4-3 and tripled last season’s goal output. While the Mavericks are losing some strong senior leaders, the future looks bright. The 2016 team will be returning all of its goal scorers and a number of key contributors on the defensive side of the ball. The team is led by head coach Clay Wawner and assistant coaches Chris Fortier and Dave Riddick. “As coaches, we are really excited about where the lacrosse program is headed. We have a great group of guys who have bought into our system and are representing Miller well both on and off the field,” says Coach Wawner. “Our program is unique in that we have guys from all over the world who are competing at a high level everyday and are learning the game together, whether they have played lacrosse their entire lives, or are just picking up a stick for the first time.” Playing lacrosse at Miller is a great chance for any young man who is seeking to develop as a player and play against great competition, while receiving an excellent education and having access to high level college placement. by Clay Wawner Bottom row L to R; Gabe Beroza, Mohammed Alkhateeb , Lucas de Lorenzo Eberly, Ian MacLean, James Semerling (captain), Trevor Scarboro (captain), Kyle Hintz, Jack Woodworth. Top Row L to R; Chris Fortier (asst. coach), Clay Wawner (head coach), Max Collins, Luca Delgado , Temisan Odumu, Tyler Creammer, Matthew Bian, Adrian Lewin (captain), David Riddick (asst. coach) Not pictured; Ryland Reback
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Photos Courtesy Adam Beroza
Photo Courtesy Tom Pallante
Photo Courtesy Adam Beroza
Photo Courtesy Adam Beroza
“I am, because WE are!” Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
2015 Awards Ceremony
Photo courtesy Kim Kelley - Wagner
The Bob Roberts Award – André Coscia Art - Marta Regn Miller School of Albemarle Faculty Award – Lexi Mallory Biology - Crystal Zang Peggy T. Flannagan Award – Feier Chen Chemistry - Jason Liu Louis D. Farina Medal – Michael Dailey Chinese - Annie Liu Thomas F. Hart Medal – Marta Regn Design/Build - Steele Henley Previously Presented Awards and Recognitions English - Rachael Breving Charlottesville Area Community Foundation – Thea Louis Engineering - Tanner Browne Emily Couric Scholarship Awrd Nominee – Marta Regn French - Taylor Parsons Haden-Hart Cup – Taylor Parsons History - Alex Chan Old Main Cup– Forrest Zhang Latin - Eisen Huang Wayland Cup– Feier Chen Mathematics - Daivd Wu Boys State – Jacob Gavin Music/Sing - Adrian Lewin Girls State – Rachael Breving & Thea Louis Photography - Gentry Jefferson National Honor Society Members Inducted This Year Physics - Sharon Zong Chris Breving, Tanner Browne, Patrick Cogan, Betsy Fu, Spanish - Morgan Monahan Jacob Gavin, Bailey Kraft, Jason Liu, Morgan Monahan, Charles Erastus Vawter Award – Vivian Zhang Caroline Tillman, Tyler Creammer Mary Taylor Clark Award – Rebecca Zhou James Woods Lapsley Award – Betsy Fu Lillian Clay Goolsby Award – Jason Liu Ada Gilbert Bowers Award – Chris Breving Daughters of the American Revolution American History Award – Rachael Breving Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Medal – Thea Louis Sons of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Medal – Tyler Creammer Crozet Lion’s Club Jim Stork Scholarship – Lydie Holt George R. B. Michie Award – Jonathan Peterson Mary Saunders Ladd Award – James Semerling Charles L. Leonard Environmental Award – Brian Purdy International Awards– Adrian Lewin & Sharon Zong Cody Watts Award – Lydie Holt Student Achievement Award – Patrick Cogan Jessie Carr Haden Student Leadership Award – Adrian Lewin Joseph Spivey Award – Jack Morris
29Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
MSA congratulates the members of the Class of 2015, who will matriculate to the following educational institutions in the fall:
MSA congratulates Valedictorian Feier Chen University of Wisconsin-Madison Class of 2019 (pictured above)
Arizona State University, Boston University (3), Christopher Newport University, College of William & Mary (2), Cornell College, DePaul University, Dickinson College, Evergreen State College, Franklin and Marshall College, Furman University, James Madison University, LDS Mission Hong Kong, Liberty University, Milligan College, New York University, North Carolina State University, Pennsylvania State University, Piedmont Virginia Community College (2), Radford University, Randolph-Macon College, Riyadh College, Robertson Electrical Company Apprenticeship, Southern Virginia University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, The Citadel, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Universidad Sevilla, University of California at Davis, University of California at Irvine, University of Delaware, University of Denver, University of Kentucky, University of Mary Washington (5), University of St. Andrews, University of Virginia, University of Washington-Seattle, University of Wisconsin at Madison,Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech (2), Washington & Lee University
Photos courtesy Kim Kelley - Wagner Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
Photography by Tom Pallante
Annual Giving The Golden Bell Tower Club
For gifts of $5,000 or more during the 2014-2015 fiscal year Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burke Commonwealth Foundations, G.P. Dr. Frazier Fortenberry & Dr. Sara Kaltreider Mr. & Mrs. Rick France Mr. & Mrs. John Harris Mr. & Mrs. Mark Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Blaise Pasztory Mr. & Mrs. Preston O. Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Billy Wagner
31Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015
Commonwealth Foundations, G.P. Fidelity Charitable Group Home Paramount Pest Control Companies, Inc. Miller School Alumni Association Northwestern Mutual Foundation Verulam Farm Conservation Group The Wagner Family Foundation Whitney & Anne Stone Foundation
Donor Listing FY 2014-15 (Fiscal Year 2014-15 ended June 30, 2015)
The Silver Bell Tower Club
For gifts of $1,000 or more during the 2014-2015 fiscal year Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William E. Baer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrett Mr. Minghua Bian & Ms. Jun Zhang Mr. Brad Booker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bradbury Mr. Holmes Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Browne Dr. Paul A. Cantor Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Drumheller Mr. Charles H. Ewald Dr. Marcus Farbstein & Dr. Rosemarie Hunziker Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hardie Mr. & Mrs. Broadus Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ron Histand Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hufnagel Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hufnagel Mr. & Mrs. Joel Mangham Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mummau Dr. Kathryn Neeley Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pace Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Parsons Mrs. Elizabeth P. Scott John & Amy Wright Mr. Joseph B. Yount, III Bank of America Foundation, Inc. Inframap Corp.
Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
The Bronze Bell Tower Club
For gifts of $250 or more during the 2014-2015 fiscal year Mr. Bruce T. Carter Mr. & Mrs. James H. Baber Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bodager Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brann Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Chishom Kathie & Bernie Cason Mr. & Mrs. Tim Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cubbage Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Farina Mrs. Carolyn Farina Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Farina Mr. Matthew J. Farina Mrs. Irma Garrison Mr. Bill Gibson Mr. John Gunner & Ms. Leslie Ayers Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hamner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keeling Ms. Kim Kelley-Wagner Mr. Jake King Mr. & Mrs. Mark King Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Kollar Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Lafitte Mr. John Lewellen & Ms. Tracy Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Lubimir
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J.Malone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mellinger Mr. & Mrs. David Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morris Ms. Catherine Park Dr. John & Dr. Barbara Post Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rentz Mr. David Riddick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roberts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Shaw Ms. Charlotte Sherman Mrs. Gerri Stewart Mr. Harold A. Will Mr. James M. Williams CACF-Dulaney Fund David E. Post Family Foundation Deakle-Johnson Family Foundation Forst Foundation MIS Property, LLC Project Hope Sage Dining Service VCS, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Altenhofen Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Ames Ms. Eileen Anderson Mr. Lindsay Barnes, III Mr. Stefan Barnes Mr. William W. Bartlow Mrs. Mary M. Belew Mr. William B. Blakey Mr. Charles R. Bowmaster Ms. Irene Branson Mr. Joseph F. Burns, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Celella Ms. H. Clements Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Conley Mr. & Mrs. Bart F. Conlon, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Crenshaw Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cummings Mr. Douglas R. Dinsdale Mrs. Nancy Dinsdale Miss Rebecca Eisloeffel Mr. John Elkin, Jr. Dr. Michael Enoch Ms. Barbara Ewell Mr. & Mrs. Hans Foss Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Foster Mr. Horace E. Fox Ms. Jill Fredrikson Ms. Martin L. Friedburg Mr. Jeff Gibson Mrs. Dorothy Gloor
Dr. & Mrs. Debbie Hackett Ms. Jessie Carr Haden Ms. Nancy Hartman Mrs. Beth Hochstein Mr. Robert R. Humphris, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Hurt Ms. Logan Karns Mr. & Mrs. Randall Keller Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kennington Mr. & Mrs. James Krag Mr. Ludwig Kuttner Mr. & Mrs. Grady Lane Mr. & Mrs. Randall Leach Mr. & Mrs. James Lofton Mr. & Mrs. M. Lee Marston Ms. Georgiana McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Meagher Mr. Peter Mehring Mrs. Jean Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Morris Mr. & Mrs. Glen Morris Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Morris Mr. & Mrs. James J. Murray, Jr. Mrs. F. Page Nelson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Hugh Nelson Mr. Owen Nimmo Mr. & Mrs. James North Col. & Mrs. Robert Novogratz Mrs. Jean M. Patterson Dr. Thomas Quirk & Ms. Catherine Neal Bell Tower Magazine • Spring/Summer 2015 Mr. & Mrs. James Regn
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn N. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Rich Ms. Anne M. Richard Mr. Charles M. Richeson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rios Mr. & Mrs. A Francis Robinson, Jr. Mr. Arnold Rodriguez Ms. Martha B. Rogers Mrs. Mary Jo Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John D. Runnett Mr. Robert D. Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Philip Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. R. Strother Scott Mrs. Shelah K. Scott Ms. Katherine Semerling Mr. William Simms Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Skipper Mr. Roger Smetak Mr. James Harrison Smith, Sr. Mrs. Mary Southall Mr. Rodney M. Southall Mr. Walter J. Sperko Dr. & Mrs. Richard Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Tayloe, II Ms. Sarah Lynn Taylor Ms. Antoinette Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis Mr. William L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright, III Blue Ridge Builder Supply Crozet Running, LLC
Gifts were given to the Miller School of Albemarle in the 2014-2015 fiscal year in memory of the following indviduals:
In Memory of Mr. William B. Blakey, Sr. In Memory of Mr. Franklin McGuire ‘57 In Memory of Thomas Hugh Nelson cont. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd L. Morris ‘52 Ms. Nancy Hartman Mr. William B. Blakey Mr. & Mrs. John Macdonald In Memory of Mr. Joseph W. Cummings In Memory of Mr. Robert Morgan ‘64 Mrs. Jean Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Guy Miller Mrs. Mary Jo Rogers In Memory of Mr. Fred G. Morris Ms. Virginia Neumark In Memory of Mr. Lou Farina Ms. Irene Branson Mr. & Mrs. Tucker Respess Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Farina Forst Foundation Mr. & Mrs. A. Francis Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn D. Farina Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Lafitte Ms. Beverley R. Turner Ttee Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Farina Mr. & Mrs. Floyd L. Morris ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Valentine Mr. Matthew J. Farina Mr. & Mrs. Glen Morris Mr. & Mrs. Warren Waggy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wright Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Morris In Memory of Mr. J. W. Robertson In Memory of Mr. Charles A. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rios Mrs. Shelah K. Scott Mrs. Irma Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Schneider Ms. Charlotte Sherman In Memory of Mrs. Janice Gibson Mr. Roger Smetak In Memory of Carrie Agnes Smith Mr. Bill Gibson In Memory of Ruth Wayland Nelson Mrs. Dorothy Gloor In Memory of Mr. Allen Q. Ladd Mr. & Mrs. T. Hugh Nelson In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kennington Mr. & Mrs. A Francis Robinson, Jr. 1st Lt. Donaldson P. Tillar, III In Memory of Dr. Robert J. Lawton In Memory of Thomas Hugh Nelson Colonel & Mrs. Robert M. Novogratz Mr. Joseph B. Yount, III Mr. John C. Bertram In Memory of Mrs. Marion Thompson In Memory of Mrs. Jane Maddux Mrs. Bodil Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Preston O. Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Preston O. Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Kennerly H. Digges In Memory of Courtenay Eldridge Turner In Memory of Levi P. Maupin & Ms. Catherine Eudailey Dr. & Mrs. Richard Stanley Melvin N. Maupin Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Flack Mrs. Mary M. Belew Dr. & Mrs. Charles Gleason Mrs. Jean M. Patterson
Gifts were given to the Miller School of Albemarle in the 2014-2015 fiscal year in honor of the following indviduals: In Honor of Charles Bowmaster Mr. Charles R. Bowmaster
In Honor of Epiphany Bowmaster Mr. Charles R. Bowmaster In Honor of Jason Bowmaster Mr. Charles R. Bowmaster In Honor of Skylar Bowmaster Mr. Charles R. Bowmaster In Honor of A. L. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cummings In Honor of Bill & Nancy Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis
In Honor of Elias Hubbard Mrs. Georgiana McCabe
In Honor of Miss Nicolette Marie Kollar Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Kollar In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. David Mahone Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morris In Honor of Miller School Alumni Association Fidelity Charitable Group Fund In Honor of Jimmy Miragliotta Mr. William Simms In Honor of Mrs. Catherine Mummau Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rentz
In Honor of Miss Taylor Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Parsons In Honor of Bob Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roberts, Jr.
In Honor of Lucille & Bob Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morgan In Honor of Mr. Putney Smith Mr. James Harrison Smith, Sr. In Honor of Mr. Preston O. Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Randall Keller In Honor of John & Amy Wright Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright, III
On behalf of our students, faculty and staff we are tremendously grateful for the support of our donors. Thank you! Bell Tower Magazine •Spring/Summer 2015
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Photo by Charming Ye ‘16