Edible Orange County Endless Summer 2021

Page 12





efore non-GMO labeling was commonplace, I had a run-in with a cookie company. This popular brand, which enjoyed an almost cult-like following, boldly made the following claim on their packaging: “These cookies have been tested and no GMOs were detected.” At the time I was working on raising public awareness for GMO labeling legislation and this statement had me seeing red. Exactly how were these cookies tested, and by whom? The back panel listed non-organic ingredients which I knew to be genetically engineered. I wrote the company a single email and they agreed to remove the bogus claim from their label. My colleagues and I were amazed and aghast; first, that it was so easy to influence the manufacturer and second, that they felt free to make this erroneous claim in the first place. Was there no oversight for false and misleading labeling? The USDA and FDA are the two federal agencies that regulate such labeling. The USDA oversees meat, poultry and egg products, while the FDA monitors all other foods — including dairy, seafood, produce, dry goods and bottled water — accounting for approximately 80 percent of the U.S. food supply. The 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act made it mandatory for manufacturers to abide by FDA labeling regulations. Serving sizes were standardized, as were terms like high-fiber and low-fat. In addition, terms such as healthy, natural and a good source of … now needed to abide by FDA guidelines. Buyers rely on this labeling to help them choose healthy products, yet the information can be confusing, and it is necessary to understand nutritional claims and their health ramifications. Make no mistake, food producers actively lead — or mislead — consumers with their labels.

10 Endless Summer 2021 www.edibleorangecounty.com

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