The nature of the relationship between BODY, MIND and SPIRIT The brain can exist without consciousness – the mind is consciousness. The first functions of the nervous system are to sense danger and food, and then to move the body away from the danger and towards food
Self-consciousness is an attribute and function of the mind. The mind can remember and think. It can be aware that it is thinking. the mind is also affected by bodily sensations, etc Our minds and ourfeelings, spirits evolved together. They are intricately interlinked, interwoven.
As the mind cannot be found in the nervous system, the brain, or the body, the spirit cannot be found in the mind. It emerges as the complexity of the mind, the brain, the body rises. The spirit can fade too, if the body, brain, and mind are so overloaded that they can barely perform their base functions. The mind too can fade or disappear when we are knocked unconscious.
The mind is seeing sexuality and defining these relationships
The difference between SEX and MAKING LOVE Have Sex is a phrase that describes physical connection that leads to sexual pleasure, release and gratification
Making love is an extension of how you are living with yourself and how that equal union is lived with your partner. Therefore, making love is always an act that confirms the love you already have as
The difference between SEX and MAKING LOVE Urge
Partner Having sex is general sexual intercourse between a couple. This is irrespective of the fact that they share love or any bond between them. While making love reflects a feeling of affection associated with sexual intercourse. Making love also implies being intimate with your partner, not only physically but
Having sex may just satisfy one's sexual urge while making love may please a person's physical, emotional, sexual and mental urges. It can be said that having sex is merely restricted to a physical act while making love goes to include other urges also
Emotion Having sex doesn't extend beyond sexual intercourse and more often than not, there isn't any emotion between the couple. On the hand, emotional attachment, including infatuation in the beginning of a relationship, is there when
According to philosopher Alan Goldman, sexual desire is desire for contact with another person's body and for the pleasure which such contact produces; sexual activity is activity which tends to fulfill such desire of the agent.
How to transcend feeling
guilty Sexual guilt is a struggle, which takes place within ourselves—self imposed in our own minds. Sexual guilt holds us back from open, spontaneous, and authentic expressions because we hide inside a self-evaluating shell. The emotion of sexual guilt steals intimacy from lovemaking and makes sex impersonal, repetitious, and mechanical. It can make a man lose his erection and a passionate woman can lose her desires.
Turn Guilt into Pleasure
You learn to face guilt because what used to provoke discomfort will now inspire pleasure. You unlearn the guilt you use to feel. Reflection & Expression You are the longest and closest lover you have. Take the time to learn about your body. Learn about your desires, pleasures, and how
Self Pleasure & Sexual Confidence Self-pleasure increases our selfconfidence; when we know what we need and want, we increase our emotional and physical connection to ourselves.
The effect of social programming about sexuality Sexual content in the media can affect any age group, adolescents may be particularly vulnerable. Adolescents may be exposed to sexual content in the media during a developmental period when gender roles, sexual attitudes, and sexual behaviors are being Media shaped sources can serve to inform children about sexual health and sexuality; however, sexual content can also have negative effects on children’s cognitive development and behavior . Analyses of media content also show that sexual messages on television are almost universally presented in a positive light, with little discussion of the potential risks of unprotected sexual intercourse and few portrayals of adverse consequences
SOLUTION The importance of supervision and guidance in the media choices of adolescents and their volume of use should be emphasized to parents and concerned adults. Joint viewing or participation may be the best option. When joint viewing is not possible, parents and guardians should be encouraged to take advantage of the television V chip and screening software for computers to reduce inappropriate access. Finally, adults in all areas of adolescents' lives need to help teenagers critically evaluate the media and it's often
How to experience it from the heart instead of from just the body
Carnal love is of the mind, an emotion, animal attraction, etc. Divine love is of the spirit and contains no emotion, just compassion (caring). It is spiritual attraction. It works something like gravity and just naturally brings people together
Controlling desire When you have control of your feelings, emotions and desires, you can use them selectively, and they become stronger,
Making true love
The more loving we become, the more we receive what others are giving us, and we discover that we are all surrounded by love and opportunities for loving
How to get out of the energy interactions that result in impotence, frigidity, and sexual dysfunction
As we let go of fear and limitations, that area of our life expands and becomes ever more gratifying, and yet not necessary for happiness. Freedom and creativity replace compulsiveness and limitation. Sex becomes another avenue for greater expression and increasing awareness. The pleasure of communion and nonverbal understanding replaces the former self-centered drivenness for relief from tension and the limited goal of sexual pleasure and ego inflation