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Welcome to Two Nations: The Movie Huniie Parker: The Expressionist New Releases By BlaqRayn
Jayne Phlow Editing Services
Featuring Colors Z. S. Ramadan Pg.12 Poetry Books by Eric “Crow” Draven Cover Story: The Fabulous Author Aletta Hodges Coming Soon: Dear Poet
Pg.16 Pg.17
“Honestly, I’d rather have you in my hand than this drink. Bring you to my lips, put you in my system and get drunk off your content...” -Crow
Huniie Parker:
THE EXPRESSIONIST I started painting a few years ago after a friend
encouraged me to. She felt it was something I would be good at. It went from just something to do, to a way to really express myself when words wouldn't
work. From that, it turned into something I could do for others. I came up with ideas such as customizing them for others. I started out doing them as gifts to
friends. That soon took off into a full business venture. People started contacting me asking me to do one for their office, home and for friends.
The next thing I know, I was labeled "Huniie The Expressionist". I researched Expressionism and found out, yep, that's exactly what I do.
I have Never took any art lessons, I just paint from what I'm feeling. So, take a moment and stop by, and check them out. I would love to do one for you.
What inspires me to paint ? Life, God, people. Sometimes I sit down and paint many at one time.
Other times I'm working on one for someone else.
I just get such an enjoyment out of customizing one for someone else and
seeing their surprise when I'm finished. I have paintings hanging in homes
as far away as Germany, in Rec Centers, DAVA offices, business and homes.
Let “A Huniie Painting� hang in a special spot for you!!!
I Apologize to Myself See self I owe you an apology I am the one that put everyone else before you I am the one that hated you the most See, I looked at how others treated you Felt that you must have done something to deserve it See I’m the one that got so caught up in pleasing that man I forgot about you When I got all caught up in everything the children needed Allowing that man to hurt you when he busted your lip Blacking your eye No, it wasn’t your fault he did But what did I do to protect you I apologize to you because I didn’t feel you were worthy of protecting See everyone always talked about How ugly and dumb you where Even he said you deserved it I didn’t think you where worthy to be pampered Or catered to as a Queen should be I didn’t even think you where a princess much less a Queen And see self I even allowed the wrong men to come into your life Those men that just wanted to take from you Steal in every way possible till they could suck you dry Of your energy, your spirit, you love of life You ideas, your dreams Your very soul/spirit if possible Even when the right man came along I did everything I could to Sabotage it Then Every time you got up brushed yourself off Started back on your way Climbing back up that mountain I allowed it self I apologize to you self For every emotional, mental, physical and spiritual scar I allowed All I can do self is know God had a greater plan And even though those things happened You are one awesome woman I just apologize for my part Self @Huniie 12/2011
The Millennium. This is a brand new era that we are in and we’re marked with the blood that covers us from not fitting in. I see humanity with no souls; Wake up people we are in a holy war and we are raising or flags to this revolution. Welcome to the holy battles. It is the millennium. I am standing strong in the name of the Lord that covers us from being for ever scorned. Peace on earth for the meek, and Justice for the wicked. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
This collection of poetry written by New York based author Tyron Motif is indeed inspired by a woman, many women, and women of color to be exact. As he emphatically connects with the “black” woman through her heart, mind and soul, his pen pours out admiration, love, respect, honor and gratitude for the women he encountered and to those like them. With love being the base to this book, you’ll find many other genres in which most reflects Tyron speaking to/of his muse. Whether it be a dose of erotica, dedication and storytelling or to pedestal with praise there will be no guessing to where his inspiration derived. BOTH AVAILABLE AT ONLINE RETAILERS
When chocolate was first invented it was the next best thing to good sex, so I ask what's better than chocolate... Dark Chocolate! Literally speaking I have some dark chocolate that will saturate your senses and give your mental taste buds that certain type of satisfaction only dark chocolate can provide. I Introduce you to Joe, Bubbles and Buttons, the only thing better than good fiction is great dark fiction.
Following your heart can sometimes be complicated especially when the others around you have no dreams. Where will that path lead Nishi now that she has dropped out of college to run the business of a very close family member? Will she succumb to the toxins or will those injections be her remedy for that potentially lethal bite?
For Your Editing Needs
BIO: Born Zakariyya Syed Ramadan, Colors started life in Manhattan, Kansas in 1979, where soon after he became a native to South Carolina where he reps and roams to this day. Deciding between basketball and music, Colors always knew music was his destined path. Starting out with the group "Fatal Instinct" where he was known as Sassy G and Sleazy Z. Still pursing basketball, he wore a very colorful shirt one day, and was called colors and it just stuck. From there he started on his own self project called "Shining Through". By June of 96, he had an album and a half written. The summer of 97 was the birth of Dangerous Alliance. Which expanded and decreased in members over the years leading to Colors working on his own recorded solo project "Time Waits For No Man". Today the rapper, promoter, and networker stays very busy. With everything from shows & features on other artists’ tracks, to promoting his double disk mixtape entitled "Where's The Love" that > > > > > > > > > dropped February 5, 2011. Also he shot 7music videos entitled “Keep It 100” featuring Quana P of singing dual NYA “Not Your Average” also shot J.O.B featuring Harmony Ella also Sun Don’t Shine featuring Lady J and Madam Lishes the album version of the song also features Alazae.COLORSBLIND FEAT DAWANNA PRICE N ANJAE,HERE NOW FEAT JEY BROWN,WHERE'S THE LOVE FEAT TAMARA JOHNSON. ,ALBUM VERSION FEAT TIA-G,AND REALTALK FEAT SHALANDA DAVIS Stay tuned more videos to come. Also he’s been working on his long awaited album "Time Waits For No Man, The Progression" schedule to drop june5 of 2012. Colors was also A&R for Jigalow Records bringing in new talents. He also had his own show on NOBODYGRINDS LIKE US DVD Magazine called "THOSE TO WATCH" where he interviews a young upcoming act to the entertainment indy of sc! Currently Colors is keeping everyone in the "know" with daily phone texts about everything from > > > > > > > > > music, modeling, entertainment, and business. > > > > > > > > > The texts are currently $25 per blast to over 7,000 contacts which includes fans, entertainment world, and people you want to know. Colors also > > > > > > > > > promotes everything on Facebook, Myspace, twitter and his site Colors has been featured in write-ups in publications which includes the Post and Courier and as a freelance writer in the Geeche One Magazine. From December 2008 to December 2010, COLORS was a well known promoter of Kween Kat Entertainment aka “KKE”, which is lead by Ms. Anita aka Catwoman aka Kween Katt, Who's been a friend to Colors since 03. He left to start his own company, Long Time Coming Entertainment, but the two remain close. Colors started managing from march17-oct16 2011 singer Tamara Johnson.(Still good friends) His current roster inculdes: G-STEEL,LIL TIA,M.A.G,AND SLIM! Colors mixtape “Spiting Bars Sitting Bars was nominated for 2008 Geeche One Awards for mixtape of the year in 2011 COLORS was nominated for slept on artist of the year at the geecheeone awards and promoter of the year at the leviatate > > > > > > > > > awards.since deco8 Colors even hosts his own every 2nd Sunday Networking SocialEVENt called "MEETING OF THE MINDZ" which brings artists, models, CEOs, and anything involving > > > > > > > > > entertainment and business together. Colors is certainly not your everyday artist. With a style like no other, punch lines for every bar and word spoken, plus a goal for artist unity to put South Carolina on the map, Colors will catch your attention. In ways you will expect, but definitely in ways you won't expect. > > > > > > > > > COLORS WIll putting out his long awaited and maybe last project his Album Dropping Jan30th 2015his first video off the cd is out now RIDE FOR ME feat TAMARA JOHNSON and Portia crawford who came down from spartanburg sc to record the song and shoot the video! C.O.L.O.R.S also means Creations of life outta real situations he also has the radio show those to watch radio with j-vive, jey Brown and Mrs Keep it pretty that air every Saturday6-8 on and those to watch with colors that runs every other Friday on the nobody grind network. CALL 843-530-0064
"There is power in your penmanship and you have the right to inspire..." Crow
The Fabulous: Author Aletta Hodges Author Aletta Hodges is a poet and writer born and raised in Mid-Michigan. Her debut novel, Dangerously In Love was published in August 2014 on Cinematic Ink. Aletta currently lives in Lansing Michigan where she is a Dental Assistant . She began writing poetry at the age of twelve and has always been an avid reader. Her poems have long been sought out by fans and friends alike for years. Her book, Dangerously In Love is a trilogy series that chronicles a love tale filled with danger, passion and one woman's dream of escape.
Q. How long have you been a part of the industry/business? A. I signed with Cinematic Ink Publications in of June of 2014. Cinematic Ink Publications is a part of an elite group of authors, writers, and fans called TBRS Q. How did you get your start? A. It was god. I was truly blessed. I submitted my to everyone I could. My email was flooded with spam charging a fee to publish your book. I didn’t want to self-publish at all. I was still in shock I took the leap to become a writer. A few offer came in from legitimate publishing Companies. I looked over the contract that Cinematic Ink Publications send me. Something inside of me felt right. I signed it. A few months later “Dangerously In Love” (blame it on the streets) was live on Amazon. I even made the top twenty in African American urban fiction my first day. I know it’s because of Cinematic and TBRS as a whole. Q. If you will, give me one pro and con you have found in this industry. A. A pro would have to be all the interesting people I’ve met. To have fans is amazing to me. To see my name on it when I first got the paperback copy was one of the best feelings in the world next to having my children. You have to have tough skin in this business. I felt like melting away when I got a bad review. Everyone is not going to like you or your art. We are all unique in that way and that’s fine. You have to keep going no matter what. Don’t let anyone discourage you. I had a friend asked me “why did I spend so much time, writing, advertising, do I get paid a lot or is it just a hobby”. I understood at that moment that darts were flying from everywhere. I dipped those darts in ink and finished my second book.
Q. With whom have you had the pleasure of working?
A. The whole squad is my family TBRS is a blessing on its own. The perfect story of overcoming obstacles that life throws at us. The squad is a group of kings and queens. The squad doesn’t talk about other publishing companies instead my timeline is filled with inspirational quotes and posts. I’m inspired by all the hard work they do to promote each other not just their own books. “Anything is possible is etched in my brain and I believe it because of this group of chosen likeminded individuals all over the United States. I’ve met some amazing, intelligent, disciplined people. People that inspire me to keep going.
Q. Has this always been a lifelong dream or something that happened unexpectedly? A. I guess a little bit of both. I’ve always had a passion for writing poem and short stories since around the age of 12. I used to blog and write for how to companies online just to write something. I joined poetry sites and groups and shared my work there. I always researched to write but deep down I didn’t think it would happen. The last few years I had some big changes in my life and I’m becoming one with myself again. I asked, I believed and I received immediately was the unexpected part.
Q. People see the glitz and glamour, but how hard is the work? A. You would think that after the book is done and available then that’s it. That not true at all that’s only the beginning. To me “Dangerously in Love” (blame it on the streets) was the birth of a new part of me. You have to tend to your book daily, you have interviews, blogs, podcasts, group takeover, promotion, promotion, promotion. There’s no end to promoting. There’s always some new avenues to go down you just have to find them. I stay up many nights writing and promoting. Q. If you weren’t doing what you do what do you think would be your chosen profession? A. Even if I didn’t write as a profession I would write. I’m was blessed to be with Cinematic Ink Publications. I work full time as a dental assistant currently also. Writing is my passion something that I have to do even if I wasn’t signed to a company. Q. Who and what inspires you? A. God has surrounded me with inspirational people. I believe like attracts like. I believe in the law of attraction. I believe we attract who we are or what we “think” we are. A little over two years ago I started studying the law of attraction and meditating. I begin practicing this theory. I couldn’t believe it was that simple. The theory that thoughts become things so think positive always. Dream big and believe it. I start seeing everywhere the same thing I was practicing. In the bible it says “as a man thinketh so is he”. With all that being said I surrounded by inspirational people because I’m living my life to inspire others.
Q. What is your advice to anyone trying to succeed in this industry? A. Don’t give up keep going especially if you feel it in your heart. Ask for what you want, believe that you can have it, feel it, and gratefully receive it. Q. Any words of encouragement or shout outs you would like to add? A. I just want to thank everyone for their support. Shout out to my mother for always being there for me no matter what. I’m so grateful to have her. Thank you to my sister who I have talked to everyday of my life since birth. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you Cinematic Ink Publications, TBRS the whole squad. I love you all to the moon and back. Book two is done and getting the final touches. I am also working on a new series details about that soon also. I’ve only just begun.
Reminisce would blame the streets for the way her life turned out. She grew up poor, insecure and wanting the finer things in life. That’s where Jimmy came in at. He was a hustler and soon able to give Reminisce all the things in life she dreamed of. The problem was, Jimmy not only took care of her, and he also indulged in the finer things of life too. He was an obsessive cheater and a womanizer. Their relationship was entering the fifth year and things had gotten worse. But Reminisce loved Jimmy and was willing to put up with his bullshit as long as the money kept coming. But things changed when some men broke in the house to rob Jimmy and nearly killed them both during the robbery. Reminisce wanted out. She retreated to writing poetry, something she used to do as a little girl. She soon found strength in her heart to want out. Jimmy got arrested and she found her first real chance of leaving Jimmy. But would she make it on her own without the drug money Jimmy provided? Reminisce blames the streets but the streets doesn’t owe anyone any loyalty. Dangerously In Love is a modern love tale filled with danger, passion, and one woman’s dream of escape.