Daily Counting Regular daily counting activities selected from the following - counting forwards to 30 then 50. counting on from a given number to 30 then 50 counting backwards from a given number, in the range 0 to 20 identifying the number before and after a given number counting with one-to-one correspondence reading and writing numbers to at least 20, including zero recognising a dot pattern instantly for numbers 1-10 then 10-20 (subitising) representing numbers to at least 20 using numerals, words, symbols and objects (including fingers) comparing and ordering numbers or groups of objects making and recognising different visual arrangements for the same number using 5 as a reference in forming numbers from 6 to 10 e.g., ‘Six is one more than five’ (using ten frame) using 10 as a reference in forming numbers from 11 to 20 e.g., ‘Thirteen is three more than ten’ (using two ten frames) reading and using the ordinal names to at least ‘tenth’ recognising that there are different coins and notes in our monetary system using the language of money in everyday contexts eg coin, note, cents, dollars