RES1.5 Demonstrates developing reading skills to read short, predictable written texts on familiar topics. Shared, Guided and Independent Reading •recognises that words on a page have a meaning and can be read aloud •assumes teacher’s role in a shared book session by pointing to and reading text of a familiar big book largely from memory • spends time looking at a book (print and electronic) • recognises own name in print • interprets pictorial procedures • recognises computer icons • reads labels accompanying pictures • recognises and interprets print in the environment • recognises words during shared reading of literary and factual texts • joins in shared stories, poems, rhymes and chants with recurring language patterns • participates in the shared and guided reading of visual and written texts • contributes to shared reading of letters from e-mail peers/buddies • uses illustrations to assist reading • constructs meaning from visual texts with familiar content • reads a variety of texts matched to their instructional level • talks about the meanings found in still and moving images, eg illustrations, videos, talking books, CDROMs • selects and rereads familiar texts independently • relates personal experiences to texts. Responding to Texts • reads own written texts, eg observations, short recounts of shared experience • enjoys shared stories • asks for books or other written material to be read for enjoyment or to find information • uses drawings to construct meaning from descriptions in written texts.
Subject Matter • talks about the information found in factual texts • joins in shared book activities on familiar and imaginary topics • selects books on a range of topics from class library.
RES1.6 Demonstrates developing reading skills and strategies for reading books, dealing with print and comprehending texts. Contextual and Semantic Information • demonstrates awareness that print is an expression of meaning • recognises that a series of words makes up a text • expects text to make sense and can recall the sense of a text •uses the illustration on the cover of the book to make predictions about what the story is going to be about when reading • uses picture clues to predict a text’s content and makes connections between illustrations and written text when reading •consistently interprets some familiar written symbols in context, eg logos, computer icons and commands, labels on packages, signs •makes acceptable substitutions when reading simple literary and factual texts. Grammatical Information • identifies words that tell who or what in texts, eg nouns and noun groups, during shared or guided reading •identifies words that are verbs during shared or guided reading • identifies words that indicate when and where actions take place in shared or guided reading • uses knowledge of grammatical structure of language to assist reading • identifies repetition of words in texts. Graphological and Phonological Information • distinguishes print from drawings •shows an awareness of the horizontal nature of print in English and left to right direction
• recognises and supplies rhymes • recognises spoken words with same sound or given sound • recognises that words are made up of letters • hears and articulates sound segments in words • identifies some letters or sounds beyond those in own name • recognises most sounds of the alphabet • hears a sequence of sounds and blends single sounds in vowel–consonant (vc), consonant–vowel (cv) and consonant–vowel–consonant (cvc) words • segments words into onset and rime (eg ‘strip’ – ‘str’ and ‘ip’), syllables etc • recognises sight words in printed texts • identifies full stops and capital letters in printed texts. Information Skills • knows basic book conventions, ie can open book and hold book in correct way to look at pictures, can turn pages in correct order • begins reading at the front of books • recognises and recalls parts of texts that have been read to them • retells information gained from texts • talks about familiar written and visual texts • navigates through sections of computer software.
RES1.7 Demonstrates an emerging awareness that written and visual texts convey meaning and recognises that there are different kinds of texts that serve different purposes. Purpose •asks for books and other reading material to be read for particular purposes • identifies literary texts • identifies factual texts • identifies some purposes of simple literary and factual texts. Audience • talks about who might read a particular book or text and gives reasons why.
Subject Matter • knows that the cover of a book usually indicates what the book is about •links different kinds of reading material and reading contexts to different topics • identifies subject matter of pictures in books, magazines, electronic books, CD-ROMs, television and video. Responding to Texts • names favourite characters in written and visual texts • describes and gives opinion of characters in a variety of literary texts, both written and visual • interprets pictures with labels, environmental print and logos, advertising • talks about interpretation of visual images • names favourite books • names favourite authors and illustrators • begins to recognise points of view in texts read or viewed
RES1.8 Identifies some basic language structures and features of texts. Text Structure • recognises the beginning and end of texts read, viewed or heard • identifies the beginning and end of a television program by the theme music, sound effects, titles, graphics • recognises a procedure and can describe the main stages • recognises the stages in a simple recount • recognises speech marks and speech bubbles. Grammar • identifies sentences in a literary or factual text • identifies the fact that stories are about ‘characters’ that are represented by nouns/noun groups • identifies the fact that factual texts are about ‘things’ that are represented by different kinds of nouns/noun groups • identifies statements, questions, commands and exclamations and their functions in text types • identifies when, where and how words that add information about actions in texts
• identifies words that name people, places, things in texts • identifies different joining words in sentences in texts, eg and, but • identifies patterns of repetition and discusses the effect of repetition in texts. Text Language • recognises letters of the alphabet • names most of the letters of the alphabet consistently • demonstrates emerging awareness of symbols and conventions when making meaning from texts • identifies and names capital letters and full stops •uses words such as ‘letter’, ‘sound’, ‘printing’, ‘drawing’, ‘word’, ‘label’, ‘sentence’ • recognises conventions in the use of icons and written text in computer software