WES1.9 Engages in writing texts with the intention of conveying an idea or message. Joint and Independent Writing •writes a text using random marks and scribble, ie engages in writing-like behaviour • uses symbols in writing that may be unconventional •experiments with and practises ways of representing ideas and information using written and visual symbols •dictates a range of text types for adults to write, eg observations, descriptions, opinions, recounts, narratives, procedures • writes a few recognisable letters • groups letters into words • traces own name • writes own name • copies print from models • uses charts and other classroom resources as models for own writing • writes some common words accurately without copying • does drawings with labels • uses some known words when writing sentences •assists other children to locate print from models in classroom to use in writing • uses programmable keyboard to create simple text • writes short personal recounts • contributes to joint construction of texts • writes single-sentence observations and descriptions • creates a sequence of visual images to illustrate a procedure. Audience • writes spontaneously for self and/or an audience.
Subject Matter • chooses words to label drawings •draws on personal experience and imaginary topics in writing activities. Channel of Communication • recognises the fact that texts can be produced using a range of media • uses visuals to communicate ideas • uses drawing software to create pictures for scribed texts • creates pictures using a drawing program, writes own text or has it scribed • contributes to jointly constructed class e-mail messages
WES1.10 Produces simple texts that show the emergence of the grammar and punctuation needed to achieve the purpose of the text. Grammar and Punctuation • writes a simple sentence (ie a single clause), eg ‘I made a cake’ • usually uses accurate word order in sentences • copies grammatical patterns modelled by teacher • usually uses past tense in recounts • uses joining words to combine groups of words in a sentence • uses adverbial phrases to indicate when, where, how actions occurred, eg last week, at home, on Sunday, today • begins to use capital letters at the beginning of sentences • begins to use full stops at the end of sentences • uses statements and questions appropriately in writing
WES1.11 Begins to use letters to represent known words when spelling. Spelling •says beginning and ending sounds of spoken words, eg ‘sit’ ends with ‘t’ • uses groups of letters or symbols to represent words • uses approximations and some conventional spelling • vocalises words when trying to write them • attempts to spell by listening carefully to the sounds in the word and trying to write them accurately and in sequence •spells some common words accurately in own writing, eg own name, friends’ names, family names • copies the sequence of letters from models of high frequency, topic and personal words •says and writes beginning and ending sounds of spoken words • writes cv, vc and cvc words that contain known letter–sound relationships.
WES1.12 Produces most lower-case and upper-case letters and uses computer technology to begin to construct texts. Handwriting • produces standard handwriting movements and patterns • concentrates on lower-case and some upper-case letters • holds writing implements in a way that allows them to make marks on the page • tries to employ correct pencil grip • maintains correct body position for writing •starts at the top of every upper-case letter, lower-case letter and number, except ‘d’ and ‘e’ (which start in the middle) and knows that no letter starts from the bottom • holds writing implement with only thumb, index and middle fingers • recognises the same letter in both lower and upper case.
Using Computers • experiments with using the computer mouse and keyboard and other specialised equipment • produces own name • produces some letters other than those in own name • produces commonly used words •moves the cursor using the mouse and keyboard and other specialised equipment • associates the pressing of a key with the appearance of a character on the screen • turns the computer on and off • identifies the cursor on the screen • recognises letters on the keyboard • uses computer software programs to create texts • types simple sentences.
WES1.13 Recognises some different purposes for writing and that own texts differ in various ways. Purpose • talks about own writing • uses the terms ‘drawing’ and ‘writing’ accurately • indicates purpose of own writing • recognises a range of text types, eg simple narrative, simple recount, simple procedure • communicates the purposes of familiar written texts •communicates the purposes of drawings, photographs and other graphic texts • assists other children to locate print from models in classroom to use in writing.
Audience •talks about the person to whom they are writing a message, eg friend, teacher, aunty. Subject Matter • talks about what they would like to write about with teacher prompt, eg pictures, school events.
WES1.14 Recognises overall text structure and basic grammatical features of simple texts and some conventions of written language. Text Structure • identifies a word, letter, space • identifies a sentence • identifies some stages in a variety of text types. Grammar • talks about the words that indicate who or what in a text • talks about the action words in a text •talks about words that tell when, where and how actions take place.