Kindred Sisters - August 2012 Issue

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d e r d Kin rs e t s Si

A UGUST 2012

Giving Women a Voice $2.50

Kindred Sisters Volunteers: Lynn, Jennifer, Judy, Shewolf, Rainbow

Please Support our Sponsors! Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in Kindred Sisters.

Our Mission: Kindred Sisters’ mission is to provide a forum of news, events, and ideas for, by, and about lesbians and their kindred sisters of all classes, races, ages, ethnicities, and abilities. Kindred Sisters, PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614

Kindred Sisters “Giving Women a Voice” August 2012

New Lesbian Political Action Committee Women including sports icon Billie Jean King and actress Jane Lynch have started a super PAC that they hope will increase the political power of the lesbian community. The organization, called LPAC, will provide financial backing to pro-lesbian candidates, whether Democrats or Republicans, male or female, gay or straight. The group intends to back federal and state candidates, as well as some ballot measures. All targets of the group's support must back an end to discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals; reproductive rights and access to quality health care; and social, racial and economic justice. Group members said they have pledges of $200,000 and hope to raise at least $1 million for the 2012 elections. High-profile supporters include King, Lynch, Chicago Cubs co-owner Laura Ricketts and LGBT leader Urvashi Vaid. "Members of the LGBT community are inspirational leaders and role models in every aspect of American life -- from education to entertainment, from sports to science,” said King in a statement. "The formation of LPAC provides lesbians and the entire LGBT community a new, stronger voice and a real and respected seat at the table when politicians make policy that impacts our lives." Laura Ricketts is the daughter of Joe Ricketts, a Republican businessman who has donated large sums to an anti-Obama super PAC. His daughter,

however, is a major donor to the president. While there are already women's and LGBT groups -- such as EMILY's List and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund -- LPAC bills itself as the first super PAC to specifically target lesbians, who are generally a small subset of these two communities. "Women's voices get lost a lot and get overshadowed in almost all settings," said Sarah Schmidt, LPAC's spokeswoman, in an interview with The Huffington Post. "So I think there's a real opportunity here to engage women who haven't been engaged before -- for lesbians, in particular, to speak for ourselves about the issues that are important to us and to define those issues in our own words. It's a chance to really have a seat at the table when these critical issues are being discussed and the policy is being developed. We want to be there. We want to be in the middle of the conversation." Schmidt said the super PAC hasn't determined which candidates it will endorse. Some, she said, seem like obvious choices, including Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), the only lesbian in the House who would become the first openly gay person in the Senate if elected. Beyond simply supporting pro-lesbian candidates, LPAC aims to build a network of women who stay involved after the election. excerpt from

Cover: Many thanks to Shewolf of Melrose, FL for our unique cover. She creates custommade art in wood pieces. This sturdy oak bench, measuring 5’ wide, is constructed of partly recycled materials - all in oaks. Her beautiful furniture can be seen at Shake Rag Art and Culture Center in Melrose, FL. Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Bisexuality and Marriage by B.J. Epstein In all the talk about same-sex marriage recently, especially after President Barack Obama's somewhat late but still historic announcement about his 'evolving' views on the matter as well as Denmark passing an equal marriage law in parliament, a certain group of people with a vested interest have been ignored. While gays, lesbians, and homosexuals are all terms used and people referred to in the discussions, bisexuals seem to have been forgotten. Bisexuals, of course, might be in either oppositesex or same-sex relationships, and if it's the latter, they too might want to marry their same-sex partners just as much as some homosexuals do. Bisexuals, too, have fought for equal access to marriage (and other rights) and yet seem to be regularly erased from the picture. Much of this stems, I think, from societal biphobia and from fear of the challenges that bisexuality presents. For example, it is safer to think that people are always "either-or". They're either black or white, Christian or non-believers, gay or straight, and so on. Of course the truth is that few people fall solidly into easily understood categories. Bisexuality reminds people that sexuality is more fluid than that. If you accept that others might feel attracted to people regardless of gender, then that means you, too might feel that way. And that's scary. You might worry that one day you'll find yourself in a relationship with someone of the 'wrong' gender, and you wonder what you would do or what your friends and relatives might say then. So it's easier and more comfortable to just pretend that this isn't valid and that bisexuals don't exist. Doing this also makes the idea of marriage more clear-cut. Bisexuals are also viewed as a threat because people erroneously consider them greedy and promiscuous. There's the false idea that if you're bi, you want both men and women at the same time. You're never satisfied and if you're with a man, then you'll soon be looking for a woman, or vice versa. This mistaken belief about bisexuals causes stress in regard to the idea of marriage for a couple of Page 2

reasons. One is that some people wonder if bisexuals can have a monogamous marriage, so they leave bisexuals out of discussions about marriage since they view monogamy as integral to relationships. The obvious point here is that marriage is different for all couples and while some might choose monogamy, that's not for everyone, and that's true for all people regardless of their sexuality. Also, some people claim that allowing equal marriage means that society is heading down a slippery slope where one day threesomes can get married (or people can marry their pets, or their grandparents, and so on). Threesomes are often equated with bisexuality, so this fear of or distaste for a wider definition of marriage (one that allows for a variety of set-ups as long as they harm no one) extends into a fear of and distaste for bisexuals themselves. Besides challenging people's ideas about sexuality, gender, and love, another issue here is that bisexuals tend to be rather invisible. If they're in same-sex relationships, they're viewed as gay, and if they're in opposite-sex relationships, then they're seen as straight. They have to speak up and label themselves as bi or else adorn themselves with bisexual jewellery if they want to be understood as bisexual. But since it's tiring and impossible to always do this, instead bisexuals get absorbed into other groups (gay or straight), and thereby their own needs and rights are conveniently ignored. For these reasons and more, bisexuals tend to be left out of the debates and discussions surrounding equal marriage. But as society is slowly but surely moving towards a situation where all people have the right to marry whomever we choose, we must not ignore or fear bisexuals. Rather, we should learn from them. If people can be attracted to others as more than just a particular set of genitals - and that's clearly the case - then that's a strong argument for allowing everyone the freedom to marry. Bisexuality thus is essential to the marriage debate. excerpt from

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Show Bois Drag King Show Pride Community Center of North Central Florida is excited to host a community Drag King Show. This is a fundraiser for the center & proceeds will finance the Gainesville Pride Festival!! Tickets: $12 / advance; $15 / door Ticket price includes delicious hors d'oeuvres during intermission, an After-Party at Villa East, as well as free admission to the University Club after the Show & Villa East After-Party! (Tickets available at Wild Iris Books & the Pride Center)

August 25th 8:00 pm Doors Open at 7:30

at VILLA EAST 301 N Main Street in GAINESVILLE

Come for the Great Show & Stay for the FABULOUS After-Party with DJ & Dancing! Cash Bar!

If you are interested in performing for this event, please email us at or call 352-377-8915. Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Wild Iris Books Community Input Meeting Thursday, August 9th 7:00 pm Do you have a small local business, but need a place to sell or promote your products? Would you be interested in participating in a co-op style model to create a store selling locally produced, handcrafted goods? Please join us at Wild Iris Books for an exploratory community meeting to discuss the possibility of creating such a space in Gainesville. 802 W University Ave, Gainesville 352-375-7477

FDA Approves Rapid At-Home HIV Test Kit On July 3, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the rapid OraQuick In-Home HIV Test for over-the-counter sales for the first time. “The test has the potential to identify large numbers of previously undiagnosed HIV infections, especially if used by those unlikely to use standard screening methods,” the FDA said in a release. Experts estimate one-fifth of those infected with HIV are unaware of their status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV, and that there are 50,000 new HIV infections annually, primarily transmitted from people unaware of their HIV status. As such, increasing access to the HIV screener has become a cornerstone of the fight against the disease. The newly approved test, which allows users to swab their gums in order to detect the presence of antibodies to HIV in 20 to 40 minutes, will soon bring into homes a tool that clinics have been using since 2004. excerpt from

In the Spotlight Frances Alice Kellor 18731873 - 1952 If you're a woman athlete, you have Frances Kellor to thank. If you are a woman who doesn't conform to gender stereotypes, Frances Kellor paved a path for you. If you care about the civil rights and the rights of immigrants, Frances Kellor was an early activist for these causes. Frances Kellor was an early pioneer of women's rights, immigrant reform and racial equality. She was also a lesbian and perhaps was transgender. excerpt from Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Poetry Corner a coward of choices maybe i have so many people to worry about. maybe i haven’t written a poem all day because i’ve been avoiding you. i’d like to tell you about how it’s never a good idea to have sex w/ an ex lover out of anger, regret, or proof of evidence. that i started w/ my own reticence against giving her body up to the next person & she still chose a highschool sweetheart over me. her story will be different. they always will be. they always are. there are not two sides to a story; but two hemispheres & i told her every year after the year we broke up, that i half-hated her, that i dated her because i was looking for a good sinking ship & she seemed like a good candidate. so i could not take responsibility for not swimming. that is all love is: not swimming.

not taking responsibility for not swimming. but for the sake of brevity & an array of other small things, we’ve deemed it ‘drowning.’ i want her to see my writing & know that i moved my arms across shadows & lord knows i stepped on nights, breathed my way down morning’s shoulder blades in attempts to protect both my secrets & my havocs, but i know i can’t have it all. we don’t know that until we take the first swing or swallow, our heads full of holes without being whole or held. i spend too many days wishing i could just sit in silence. really: i want to be quiet without having my body still begging for everything. by Jazmine Davis


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Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Backlash Against Oreo Oreo's support of Pride Month may have been applauded by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates after the popular brand released an image of a rainbow-stuffed cookie on its Facebook page, but not everyone was as ecstatic after the nowiconic shot went viral on a number of social media platforms. As a result, a number of different Facebook groups have sprung up denouncing the controversial image. The founder of one writes, "Kraft foods and Oreo cookies have decided to toss the morals that formed our great nation right out the window and literally toss them right down our throat! Boycott Oreo cookies and hit them where it the wallet." Still, a Kraft Foods spokesperson defended the Oreo image to HuffPost UK. "As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness," the spokesperson is quoted as saying. "We feel the Oreo ad is a fun reflection of our values." Of course, the brand is hardly the first to experience a backlash of conservative consumers after publicly supporting LGBT rights. Target, American Apparel and Starbucks are just three other corporations which were faced with anti-gay boycotts after either publicly endorsing LGBT rights themselves or releasing special products which did so. And let's not forget about J.C. Penney, which has been condemned at least three times this year alone after hiring Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson and featuring same-sex couples in Mother's Day and Father's Day catalogs respectively.

“Project 40” The upcoming 2012-2013 Season marks the Hippodrome's 40th Anniversary as a cultural and artistic hub in Gainesville. Gainesville's cultural growth and development since the Hipp's beginning has inspired citizens and artists alike. The Hipp is launching an extravagant art show and silent art auction. The project ("Project 40") involves showcasing donated art pieces that revolve around the theme "The Hippodrome". Be a part of this historic event in Gainesville! With an amazing line-up of shows the Hippodrome promises to be "The Place to See and Be Seen" this season! Make sure that you're a part of the excitement! \ August 31: PROJECT 40 opens in the Hipp Art Gallery \ September 28: ART WALK, catered reception and Silent Auction For more information, contact Fernando Masterson at or 352.373.5968 x222. Hippodrome Theatre 25 SE 2nd Pl, Gainesville

excerpt from

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Circadian Rhythms by Woody Blue

majority of people are on a cycle that Last week I joined the 10:00 club. Everyone wakes them up in who belongs goes to bed at 10:00. Though I was the morning and afraid I would be condemning myself to waking lets them sleep at night. For others, circadian up at 4 or 5 am if I went to bed before midnight I rhythms are adjusted to staying up very late at gave it a try. What convinced me was hearing on night, sleeping soundly for about 8 hours and Facebook that every hour of sleep before waking up late in the day. The important thing midnight is worth two hours after midnight. I here is that the sleep-wake cycle is consistent joined because I knew I could and provides enough time for the body to use more sleep. Typically I rejuvenate. wake up after 5 or 6 hours of sleep no matter what time I go Most of us look at sleep time as 'down' time. to bed. I very rarely use an We aren't conscious as we sleep so we aren't alarm clock and don't drink monitoring our environment or thinking of the coffee or other stimulant upon things we have to do. We are mistaken if we arising. believe once we turn off our 'thinking' mind, our brain goes into a restful stage. The reality is that After one week of dubiously attempting this our brains act much like a new mother. Once our exercise, I've been amply rewarded. I've been consciousness goes down for a nap, mom kicks in getting up around 7, not only alert, but a notch and tries to accomplish everything she can while or two below manic in my eagerness to get on we're asleep. with the tasks of the day. I've also been in a cheerful mood, no matter what the personal or There is a routine that the brain follows to get global burdens are on my shoulders. Better even the house in order. Once we are relaxed we start than all that, my aches and pains all but to drowse. Our heartbeat slows, our body disappear, including overstrained back muscles temperature decreases, and our respiration and foot pain. becomes regular. About 5 minutes of this will put us into We all have built-in circadian an alpha rhythm, also called N1 rhythms which are not to be non-REM (Rapid Eye confused with our biological Movement) sleep. This is the clocks. The word 'circadian' state of mind where logic drifts comes from the Latin, 'circa dia' away and the emotional, which means 'about a day'. Day creative side kicks in. As we is loosely referred to as the 'sunrise to sunrise' progress into N2 non-REM sleep, we drift further cycle. It's a 24 hour cycle but the time the sun from the physical world for another 20 -25 rises is different every day as we advance minutes before entering N3 slow-wave sleep. through the year's journey around the sun. That's Once in the N3 stage we are ready for liftoff into about the limit of my astronomy lesson. the dream world. The circadian rhythms affect body Now our brain gets active and this is called temperature, alertness, appetite and hormone REM sleep. No longer is everything regular and secretion as well as sleep timing. The rhythm for even. As we enter REM sleep, our breathing most people is controlled by light exposure. The The 10:00 O'clock club.

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Kindred Sisters — August 2012

becomes irregular, as well as our heartbeat and respiration. The brain is on high energy level here. This is the time it has to recalibrate our systems. It can clear out toxins, review the day's events, refill the empty larder and wash the dishes. This is also the time when we dream the most. Regardless of the fact that scientists don't quite know how to analyze the content of dreams or measure them, there are many theories as to the reasons we dream and their meanings. Dreams are powerful, so powerful the body turns off our motor systems, effectively paralyzing us so we don't act out our dreams. Our senses of touch, sight, and hearing seem completely real, but our sense of smell is gone. We are mostly active in our dreams‌ speaking, running, fighting, and loving. We rarely control our dreams. Bizarre things happen in our dreams but for the most part, we are unable to wonder and question the events or circumstances. During REM sleep the brain is highly active. Between housecleaning and dreaming, we are expending an enormous amount of energy. When people don't have adequate REM sleep, they suffer from mental anguish. After about 15 minutes of REM sleep, the brain goes back to the N3 stage. Breathing, heartbeat et al becomes regular and rhythmic. The entire cycle with the non-REM and REM sleep takes about ninety minutes. A good night's sleep is usually 8 hours for an adult.

They generally need 10 hours of sleep/night. It accounts for some of the difficulties teens have staying awake during classes. It's not possible to just 'catch up' on the weekends. It throws the circadian cycle off even more. Adults who follow a daylight circadian rhythm experience high alertness at 10 am, their best coordination at 2:30 pm, their fastest reaction time at 3:30 pm and their greatest cardio efficiency and muscle strength at 5 pm. Highest blood pressure is at 6:30 pm, highest body temperature is at 7pm and melatonin kicks in at 9 pm and turns off at 7:30 am. Getting adequate sleep the first night after learning a new skill is important for improving memory and performance. Many people suffer from various sleep dysfunctions. Poor sleep hampers the ability of the body to heal itself. The 10:00 club is just one way of addressing the need to get the body in sync with the natural world. It has helped me, though I must say, it's difficult to get myself into bed by 10 and I can't always do it. Out of space and I only have an hour and a half before shut-eye. Pleasant dreams to all and the best of health. Woody Blue is a holistic health counselor specializing in massage and nutrition. You can contact her at 352-375-0539 for more info.

Our sleep patterns change with age. An infant sleeps many more hours than toddlers and school age children. Teenagers are on a different rhythm with a later bedtime, around 10:30 pm and late morning rising time. Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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ADVERTISE IN THE 2012 GAINESVILLE PRIDE GUIDE! 4500 copies of the 2012 Gainesville Pride Guide will be printed in August. 1800 copies will be direct mailed to households all over Florida in mid-August. Copies will be distributed at the community center, through various local venues such as Wild Iris Books, Pride Student Union, University Club, and Spikes as well as at other locations around North Central Florida and at the Pride Festival. This is a fantastic advertising opportunity for anyone who wishes to target the LGBT and progressive community in North Central Florida.

Ad Sizes for Program: 1/4 page □ 2.5 inches wide by 4 inches high □ or 5 inches wide by 2 inches high 1/2 page □ 5 inches wide by 4 inches high □ or 2.5 inches wide by 8 inches high Full page □ 5 inches wide by 8 inches high Preferred ad formats: 1. GIF, JPEG, or TIF (Must be high resolution/print quality, i.e. 300 dpi) 2. PDF 3. Camera Ready Hard Copy (which will be scanned) - Please no MAC files. - ANY editing will require an additional $25 fee.

Ad Rates: Black and White Quarter page $45.00 Half page $70.00 Full page

Color Quarter page Half page Full page Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Outside Back Cover


$90.00 $140.00 $220.00 $250.00 $250.00 $300.00

Ad copy and payment must be received by August 13th. Payment can be made by check to PCCNCF and mailed to Box 5383, Gainesville, FL 32627 or dropped by the center at 3131 NW 13th St. Payment can also be made by going to our website and making a donation with a credit card or PayPal ( For details or questions, please email or call 352377-8915. Thank you. Page 10

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

First Female U.S. Astronaut, Sally Ride, Comes Out In Obituary Sally Ride, who died July 23rd after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer, was the first female U.S. astronaut in space and became friends with Tam O'Shaugnessy at the age of 12. It was not until now, however — nearly 50 years after meeting — that their 27-year romantic relationship was made public. The pioneering scientist was, a statement from Sally Ride Science announced, survived by "Tam O'Shaughnessy, her partner of 27 years." With that simple statement — listed alongside her mother, Joyce; her sister, Bear; her niece, Caitlin and nephew, Whitney — Ride came out. Bear Ride, talking with BuzzFeed, said today, "We consider Tam a member of the family." Saying that her sister was a very private person, Bear Ride said, "People did not know she had pancreatic cancer, that's going to be a huge shock. For 17 months, nobody knew -- and everyone does now. Her memorial fund is going to be in support of pancreatic cancer. "The pancreatic cancer community is going to be absolutely thrilled that there's now this advocate that they didn't know about. And, I hope the GLBT community feels the same," Bear Ride, who identifies as gay, said. "I hope it makes it easier for kids growing up gay that they know that another one of their heroes was like them," she added. Terry McEntee, a spokeswoman from Sally Ride Science, the company Ride formed to provide educational materials and programs for schools, confirmed to BuzzFeed that there had not, to her knowledge, previously been published acknowledgment of Ride and O'Shaugnessy's relationship. Bear Ride, though, said that her sister "never hid her relationship with Tam. They have been partners, business partners in Sally Ride Science, they've written books together.... Sally's very close friends, of course, knew." O'Shaugnessy is the chief operating officer and executive vice president for Sally Ride Science, as well as an emeritus professor at San Diego State University. Sally Ride had previously been married to fellow astronaut Steven Hawley in 1982; they divorced in 1987. Ride went into space on two missions, first in 1983 and then again in 1984. Of Sally Ride's sexual orientation, Bear Ride said, "Sally didn't use labels. Sally had a very fundamental sense of privacy, it was just her nature, because we're Norwegians, through and through." Calling Ride "a patriot and a pioneer," Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin told BuzzFeed, "For many Americans, coming out will be the hardest thing they ever do. While it's a shame that Americans were not able to experience this aspect of Sally while alive, we should all be proud of the fact that like many LGBT Americans, she proudly served her country, had a committed and loving relationship, and lived a good life." Of the further implications of the news, Griffin added: "The fact that Sally Ride was a lesbian will further help round out Americans' understanding of the contributions of LGBT Americans to our country. Our love and condolences go out to her partner." excerpt from Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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VAWA and Immigration by Claudia Wald, Gainesville Area National Organization for Women

On July 7, Rep. Jan Schakowsky reintroduced the International Violence Against Women Act following dozens of House colleagues who re-introduced legislation on July 5 to combat violence against women internationally, the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA).

them more vulnerable and possibly endangering their lives. Criminology research by Edna Erez of Kent State University confirms the prominence which violence plays in immigrant women’s lives; nevertheless, there has been a dearth of attention paid to the legal system’s response to the victimization of women immigrants. Integrating battered women’s experiences in the dialogue will legitimize and validate their unique concerns and challenges and likely improve the legal system’s response to survivors from diverse backgrounds.

She noted that 1 in 3 women worldwide is beaten, The American Bar Association considers VAWA raped or mutilated during their lifetime. Further, up to be the singularly most successful federal effort to to 70% of women are touched by violence in some respond to the epidemic of domestic violence, dating countries and rape has been used as a weapon of war violence, sexual assault and stalking in this country across the globe. by training, equipping, and making actors in the legal Heeding the changes presented by the mass system available to effectively address these crimes in migration of people, at least half of which are women, their own communities; as well as through the largely to the United States, which has recorded 37 provision of social services for survivors. million persons (12% of the total population) foreignThe American Bar Association and women’s born in 2010, according to the Census Bureau, is of rights advocates nationwide condemn HR 4970 as a utmost importance. The Violence Against Women retreat in the battle against domestic violence. Act should prioritize the protection of battered Previously, VAWA had a green card application immigrant women, as a critical tool in the criminal process involving a self-petition that excludes the justice arsenal, as a matter of equitable public health, abuser from the process and prohibits the and international responsibility. Educating government from releasing information about the battered immigrant women of their rights while existence of a VAWA immigration case to the respecting their self-determination can be a abuser or others. HR 4970 removes these profoundly useful tool in integrating critical protections. battered immigrant women’s concerns into the mainstream discourse on female Erez’s research findings prioritize abuse. paying greater attention to the process battered immigrant women go through in The third authorization bill of the Violence addressing the violence in their lives. She found Against Women Act (VAWA), introduced in the that a significant barrier for battered immigrant House of Representatives, HR 4970, by Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL), was passed on May 16, 2012, by a vote women is overcoming the isolation and dependence on their communities of origin, and having the of 225-205. Sections 801 and 806 of Title VIII of opportunity to learn about channels to address the VAWA (concerning the protection of battered and violence in their lives. For instance, for many of the trafficked immigrants) under HR 4970 rolled back battered immigrant women in Erez’s, et al., (2003) prior protections for battered non-citizens, making study, knowledge that women had more rights and Page 12

Kindred Sisters — August 2012


welfare of women nationwide, and will hopefully be extended internationally. I am personally disturbed by the prevalence of woman abuse among the women The driving force behind HR 4970 is the head of a in my life. I implore that the criminal-legal system mail order bride service. In an unpublished opinion, a adapt to the federal jury awarded one of the brides her company changing matched with an abusive husband $434,000 after a demography of this trial verdict affirmed upon appeal by US Court of country, and that Appeals for the 4th Circuit. Though this plaintiff battered informed the service of her husband’s abuse, her immigrants are concerns were wholly disregarded; the service also informed of their failed to inform her of critical protections she was rights and their entitled to under VAWA. stories are brought out of the shadows Maintaining VAWA’s movement forward in the if they so choose. battle against domestic violence is critical to the freedoms in the U.S. compared to their countries-oforigin was a significant learning experience.

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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WhatÊs Happening? Aug 1: Lammas, Lughnasadh Aug 1, 5-7pm: Chick-fil-A Depreciation Day Earlier this month, Chick-fil-A president and COO Dan Cathy issued statements that his company's policies blatantly oppose GLBT rights, including the right to marry. Join Gainesville Area NOW as we launch a counter-protest. Tell Chick-fil-A you do *not* appreciate their bigotry! Bring your own sign or borrow one of ours. See you there! Chick-fil-A, 3621 SW Archer Rd, Gainesville. Aug 3, 8pm: National Same-Sex Kiss Day at Chick-Fil-A Unless you've been living under a rock you'll have noticed that Chick-Fil-A has officially come out against the LGBTQ community. In honor of their support for love, equality, and the real definition of family, we're holding a NATIONAL Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-Fil-A's around the country. So grab a friend (or 20) and head out to your nearest Chick-Fil-A! And don't forget to post photos/videos for all the world to see! Aug 4, 1-8pm: Things of Beauty/Day of Joy Silent Auction of Works of Art and Things of Beauty/Day of Joy - Healings, Psychic Readings, Creative Play, Drumming - Kirtan led by Andy McNett and Lisa Remy from 6:00 to 7:30 (suggested donation for Kirtan $5 to $10). Visit any time throughout the day - enjoy fun, happiness, and community. Celebrating the creative spirit within all of us - that spark of the Divine expressed and experienced thru the sharing of beauty. Sacred Earth Center, 3131 NW 13th St #41. Aug 4, 3pm: Joy Harjo: Native American Poet Joy Harjo was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is an internationally known poet, performer, writer, and saxophone player of the Mvskoke/Creek Nation. Her seven books of poetry include such wellknown titles as How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems, The Woman Who Fell From the Sky, and She Had Some Horses, all published Page 14

by W.W. Norton. Her poetry has garnered many awards. Harjo will be reading from her work, taking questions, and signing books. This is a free, all-ages event. Headquarters Library, 401 E University Ave, Gainesville. 352.334.3931 Aug 4, 5-7pm: Get Out the Vote Party Come join Mike Byerly and “Hutch” Hutchinson for a “Get out the vote!” party. Early voting for the upcoming primary elections begins at 10am on August 4th. We need volunteers to help out with setup, serving food & beverage, and cleaning up afterwards. We also need volunteers to donate food & beverages. To sign up to help go to entry/552345632449514074. Wild Iris Books, 802 W University Ave, Gainesville. 352-375-7477 Aug 4, 7:30pm: 2012 Beerlympics Gainesville Roller Rebels and The High Dive (formerly known as the Double Down Live) are hosting the 2012 Beerlympics. Get a team of 4 beerathletes together to participate in the games or just come out and cheer on your favorite team/ watch the madness ensue!! AND OBVIOUSLY, the games will be followed by a classic Roller Rebel Dance Party!! High Dive, 210 SW 2nd Ave, Gainesville. Aug 5, 5pm: Women’s Dinner & Movie Relax with the gals, enjoy a nice dinner, & catch a movie -- all for just $5! Can you think of a better way to spend a Sunday evening?! See full details on outside back cover. Aug 9, 4:30pm: 2nd Annual Recipe Rumble Guests will enjoy watching demonstration cooking by HarborChase’s chef, followed by the main event featuring four area chefs who will battle it out to win the coveted first-place trophy. To benefit Al'z Place. Admission: $10. Call Jill Romie at 352-3324505 for reservations. Held at HarborChase of Gainesville, 1415 Fort Clarke Blvd.

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

WhatÊs Happening? Aug 9, 7pm: Wild Iris Books Community Input Meeting Do you have a small local business, but need a place to sell or promote your products? Would you be interested in participating in a co-op style model to create a store selling locally produced, hand-crafted goods? Please join us at Wild Iris Books for an exploratory community meeting to discuss the possibility of creating such a space in Gainesville. WIB, 802 W University Ave, Gainesville. 352-375-7477 Aug 11, 8pm: Sam Pacetti Concert at the Shake Rag in Melrose, FL. Cost: $15. Aug 11, 8pm: Women’s Roller Derby Swamp City Sirens vs. South Florida Roller Girls! Doors open 7:30pm at Skate Station, 1311 NW 76th Blvd. Tickets: $8/adv; $12/door (available at Skate Station & Aug 13, 7pm: “Earthlings” Screening The Gainesville Food Not Bombs will host a free vegan dinner and screen the documentary film “Earthlings” at the Civic Media Center, 433 S Main St. 'Earthlings” is an award-winning documentary film about the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research. Considered the most persuasive documentary ever made, “Earthlings” is nicknamed “the Vegan maker” for its sensitive footage shot at animal shelters, pet stores, puppy mills, factory farms, slaughterhouses, the leather and fur trades, sporting events, circuses and research labs. $3-5 suggested donation. Aug 14: Election Day Remember to VOTE in the County-wide elections. Aug 17, 6pm: Seeds of Change Transition Micanopy, Gainesville Transition and Anarchademics present Potluck Dinner & A Movie: “Seeds of Change: Farmers, Biotechnology & the new face of Agriculture.” Seeds of Change unveils Kindred Sisters — August 2012

the stories of Canadian farmers who are caught in the crossfire between ever-increasing public opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the political and economic powers wielded by the biotech giant, Monsanto. This film offers a farmer-focused perspective on biotechnology by presenting the voices of the very people who should be at the forefront of this important public policy debate but have been largely excluded. After the film, Transition Initiative organizers will lead a solution-oriented discussion to address local food production strategies aiming to increase food security in Alachua County. $3-5 donation appreciated (a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Porters Garden Restoration Project). Civic Media Center, 433 S Main St, Gainesville. 352-373-0010, Aug 18-19, 11-6pm: Dog Days Humane Society Benefit Take your pup to the Photography 35 Studio for a free photo shoot! Just donate 1 of the following items: bath towel, Clorox bleach, powered laundry detergent, garbage bags, window cleaner, hand soap refills, Dawn dish soap, full size flat sheet, paper towels, canned dog/cat food, or throw rug with rubber bottom. Donate 2 or more items & receive a free 5x7 print! Call for an appointment: 352-371-9735. Aug 20-Sep 10: Moonhaven Mystery School for Women The class will meet for 4 consecutive Mon evenings 7-9:30pm at Moonhaven in Melrose. $62 for 4 sessions. Join a wonderful group of women to learn & develop your psychic & healing abilities in an empowered & safe space. Aug 25, 9-4pm: Fall Garden Kickoff We will offer workshops on gardening. Starter plants will be available for purchase on our store’s porch. Our country store has books and information available as well as beef, eggs, produce, jam and jellies, honey, pickled items, and bread. The price will be $3.00 per person per Page 15

WhatÊs Happening? workshop. No charge for admission. Crones’ Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217th Pl, Citra, FL. 352-595-3377,

Confidential HIV & STD Testing - FREE 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5-7pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville.

Aug 25, 1-6pm: Grape Stompin' 2012 Enjoy grape stomping activities at the Bo Diddly Community Plaza along with wine tastings and food pairing tours at all of your favorite downtown establishments! Live Music! Silent Auction at 3pm & Lucille Ball Look-A-Like Contest at 4pm. Tickets: $65.

Farm Stead Saturday Saturdays, 9am-3pm, at Crones’ Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217th Pl in Citra, FL. Farm Tours & Organic Produce! 352-595-3377

Aug 25, 8pm: Show Bois Drag King Show Pride Community Center of North Central Florida is excited to host a community Drag King Show. This is a fundraiser for the center & proceeds will finance the Gainesville Pride Festival!! Come for the Great Show & Stay for the FABULOUS AfterParty with DJ & Dancing! Tickets: $12/adv; $15/ door. Ticket price includes delicious hors d'oeuvres during intermission, an After-Party at Villa East, as well as free admission to the University Club after the Show & Villa East After-Party! (Tickets available at Wild Iris Books & the Pride Center.) Villa East, 301 N Main St, Gainesville.

Ongoing Events AA Meetings in Gainesville LGBT Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings on Sundays at 7:30pm at Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. AA Meetings in St. Augustine LGBT AA Meetings held at 7pm on Saturdays at Flagler Hospital in the Alicia room. Buy Local at the Weekly Farm Market! Everything Fresh. Everything Local. Every Sunday, 2-5pm. Fresh baked bread, Farm fresh eggs & produce, Unique ethnic cuisines, Homemade soaps, candles, & more! Citizens Co-op Courtyard, 435 S Main St, Gainesville. Page 16

Feminist Open Mic Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Our aim is to create a safe space where individuals can celebrate, challenge and express their artistic personas! All poets, musicians, and other artist types invited to attend. Café Colette will have food/beverages for purchase! Wild Iris, 802 W University Ave, Gainesville. Gainesville Area NOW Meetings Gainesville Area National Organization for Women meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. Public Welcome. Gainesville Area Women’s Network GAWN is the friendliest networking in town. Supportive women gather for lunch, to network & learn from each other & guest speakers. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Sweetwater Branch Inn. 352-215-1621, Gaynesville Queer Reading Group Meets 2nd Wednesday every month at 7pm to discuss a book that relates to queerness, including history, theory, fiction, etc. Civic Media Center, 433 S Main St. 352-373-0010 Interweave A group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender individuals & their allies. Meets at 6:30pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville, 4225 NW 34th St. Potluck, presentation, & discussion.

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

WhatÊs Happening? "Just Us" Created for professional women 35+ to meet & mingle. Meets the last Saturday of the month at different restaurants, mostly in Volusia County. Join us for fun & food. "No mess, no men, no fuss, it's "Just Us". Contact Dee,

“Sister Song” - Gainesville Women's Choir All are welcome; no experience needed. Rehearsals every Wednesday at 7pm at Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St Ste 62. For more info contact Ruth at 352-538-4927 or

Lesbian Readings & Potluck We have a good time together! Come and eat good food, bring something you have written and want to share, and/or come and listen to others read. Some womyn come just to the potluck, some just to the readings, and some to both. It's a lovely, connected evening with a small group of womyn as we share our stories and food. Time: 6:30 Potluck; 7:30 - Readings. Place: TBA. Contact: Madeline 352-335-3138.

Stonewall Democrats of Alachua County LGBT Democrats & supporters meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6pm at the Alachua County Democratic Hdqtrs, 901 NW 8th Ave #A-3.

Melrose Music & Refreshments CoffeeTalk at the Shake Rag Art & Culture Center every Wednesday, 10am - noon, in the Old Gothic Church, 301 SR 26, downtown Melrose. Join us for cool art, great music, stimulating conversation, poetry, & maybe dancing. We have the coffee… bring fruit or pastry to share. 352-475-2924 PFLAG Gainesville PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets monthly (3rd Tuesday) at 7pm to realize our goal of moving equality forward. United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5th Ave. 352-340-3770, PFLAG Ocala Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6-8pm at the Ocala Public Library (Room B). FMI 352-857-1739. Queerotic Dance Nite! 3rd Wednesday each month at 10pm at The Backyard at Boca Fiesta & Palomino, 232 SE 1st St, Gainesville. $3 cover

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Transgender Gainesville Discussion Group Meets on 1st Wednesday each month at 7pm at Wild Iris Books, 802 W University Ave, & focuses on education for the public. Meetings on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7pm are closed support meetings held at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. Transgender Movie Night Meets 2nd Friday of each month at 7pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. What the Animals Tell Me Every Wednesday at 8:30pm Flash Silvermoon hosts a live internet radio show for animal lovers. Listen to the live stream or check the archives later: Youth Discussion Group PCCNCF hosts a weekly “Youth Discussion Group” for GLBT youth between the ages of 14 & 18 years old on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville. FMI call 352-377-8915

Don’t forget to inform us of your up-coming events!! Just email

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Students Demand Removal of Chick-Fil-A From Campuses Across U.S. As of July 26, students from seven schools across the country had launched petitions on demanding the removal or prevention of Chick-fil-A franchises on their campuses following the media blitz over the fast food chain’s public stance against same-sex marriage. The petitions target officials at the University of Illinois, University of Kansas, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Ball State University, College of Charleston, Wichita State University, and Minnesota State University. “The president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, reaffirmed the company's anti-gay marriage stance and their allocation of funds to support organizations countering the marriage equality movement,” wrote James Castle, a law student at the University of Kansas, in his petition on “Because Chick-fil-A's stance on gay rights could create a hostile environment for queer youth and allies, having a Chick-fil-A on campus deeply conflicts with The University of Kansas Mission on Values and the Chancellor's and Provost's personal commitments to diversity at KU.” Chick-fil-A’s charitable arm, The WinShape Foundation, has long been a supporter of organizations that aim to ban same-sex marriage. Through WinShape and direct charitable donations, Chick-fil-A is reported to have given more than $2 million to anti-gay groups. The student-led movement to block Chick-fil-A from college campuses began last fall when students at 11 schools launched petitions on after a similar round of media coverage. One such student at Northeastern University started a petition that, after gaining just over 600 signatures, helped in stopping Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant on its campus. Another student at New York University launched a petition on that attracted nearly 15,000 signatures, sparking protests against Chick-fil-A’s presence that continue to roil the campus. excerpt from Page 18

Call for Nominations It’s not too early to begin thinking about who you’d like to nominate for the 2012 Woman, Man, and Community Person of the Year, and Business/ Organization of the Year! The Community Awards Dinner is an annual Pride Days event to honor three individuals and a business or organization who have contributed to our community. Awards are presented to the Business of the Year, Man of the Year, the Woman of the Year and the Community Person of the Year. Each recipient is recognized for outstanding involvement, support and contribution to the GLBT community in Gainesville and/or North Central Florida. Nominations for the awards can be made by anyone; the final nominations received are voted on by the PCCNCF Board of Directors. To place a nomination for any one of these awards, please email your awards nominations to and include the name and a very short biography about the individual. If you are not sure which category to nominate for, that’s fine: the PCCNCF Board will determine which category for you.

Nomination Deadline: September 7th Kindred Sisters — August 2012

The Goddess Project Two female filmmakers embark on a journey across America in a vegetable oil powered bus to document the lives of extraordinary women! The Goddess Project is a feature length documentary about the process of finding and harnessing one's own power.

Pride 2012 T-Shirts Now On Sale!

From their blog: We have been traveling across America for 90 days in a vegetable oil powered bus documenting the lives of extraordinary women who are living their dreams! Each day we become even more in awe of the phenomenal strength, compassion, creativity, and wisdom that exists within courageous females across the country. After driving from San Francisco to New York City and interviewing over 50 inspiring women, we are so ecstatic about the impact The Goddess Project will create! The sincerity and intimacy that exists between us and these goddesses during our interviews is a feeling that is rarely captured through a lens. Meeting these women and hearing their tales of passion, evolution, fearlessness, and empowerment has completely transformed our lives, and we can not wait to share their stories with the world! We are currently half way through our journey, moving up the east coast, and heading back towards the west. As the project grows, we are being invited into more environments and communities, and we intend to manifest the funds to travel to them! "Others see their possibilities in your reality!" Help us extend the journey & share more realities of women throughout America for just $20! We love you & we are so incredibly grateful for your involvement! Holli & Sara, Directors | The Goddess Project Kindred Sisters — August 2012


Lesbian Health Project Survey Women’s Health Network (WHN) / Lesbian Health Project (LHP) is looking for community feedback. A short (<5 minute) survey of community needs/preferences is available on the PCCNCF website: The goal of the survey is to identify the needs of the community which are not being met. For more info, email Please take a moment and complete the survey today! Page 19

The Rise Of Female Action Heroes In fall 2009, movie producer Nina Jacobson was faced with a classic Hollywood dilemma -- to pitch or not to pitch. Jacobson's colleague, Bryan Unkeless, had recently recommended a young adult novel he thought would make a good movie. Jacobson told The Huffington Post that she loved the book and "couldn't put it down, couldn't stop thinking about it." She said that although she knew the movie would be expensive to make, it would be difficult to sell to the studios for another reason -- it was an action movie starring a female protagonist. "She's 16-years-old in the book, and she's not defined by her romantic interest -- it's not a love story, though there is a romantic subplot. So in terms of the movie marketplace, it breaks a lot of the conventional wisdom about what works," Jacobson said. But Jacobson won the approval of the book's author and sold the package to Lionsgate, which gave the movie a budget of $70 million -- just a fraction of the amount given to action tentpoles like "The Avengers" and "The Dark Knight Rises." What book was Jacobson pitching? "The Hunger Games," by Suzanne Collins. The movie adaptation of the book, which starred Jennifer Lawrence as arrow-slinging hero Katniss, sold $152 million at the box office in its opening weekend in the U.S. and has sold more than $670 million worldwide since then. "The Hunger Games" was just one of several 2012 releases that have defied the long-held Hollywood belief that action movies need male leads to attract large audiences. "Snow White and the Huntsman," starring Kristen Stewart, made $56 million in the three days after its June 1 release. The very next week, "Prometheus," which prominently features Swedish actress Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron, opened to $51 million. Two weeks after that, Disney/Pixar's first female-led animated movie, "Brave," made $66 million in its opening weekend. While these aren't the first action movies ever to feature female protagonists, the heroes of these films are different than most. They are killers first and knockouts second -- unlike the leads of many other of the successful female-driven action movies of recent years. Some examples are "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider," "Resident Evil" and "Charlie's Angels." This years entries are some Page 20

of the most successful in their genre -- partially because they were given higher budgets than most of their predecessors. That all these movies were released in such quick succession is no coincidence. Instead, it marks the culmination and convergence of trends that have been emerging in the movie business for several years. The most important such trend, according to Jeff Gomez, co-founder of movie marketing company Starlight Runner, is "the growing knowledge that women are making the decisions now with regard to entertainment choices and product choices." Jacobson agreed, noting that women, more than men, "read and love books and go online to talk about what they love. Their attention is not as divided as that of young men, who are so often pursued by people who finance film and make film. They're focused on video games and sports as well as film and television, so it's hard to get their attention." Jacobson also suggested that movie viewers, especially those under the age of 25, have become more open to the idea that a character's identity isn't defined by gender alone. "Young men and young women today don't necessarily think that they can only hang out with people of the same gender and date people of the opposite one," she said. "Increasingly, their relationships with the other sex aren't purely about romantic interest." Men and women have come out in almost equal numbers to see the recent batch of femaleled action movies. But the genre is not without its perils. For a female action hero to pilot a movie to box office success, she must -- like a female politician vying for office -- avoid the Scylla of weakness and the Charybdis of domination. For an example of what can go wrong, consider "Haywire," a female-helmed action movie that made just $19 million at the U.S. box office. Gomez attributed the movie's failure to a trailer that featured a relatively unknown actress pummeling her well-liked male costars. He argued that this makes her seem threatening to men and unsympathetic to women -- unlike a character like Katniss. "She's not running around murdering kids," he explained. "She's defending her life when she has to, and trying to figure a way out of this horrible situation. And that is something that we can get behind whether she's male or female." excerpt from

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

The Power Of A Woman's Body “All we actually have is our body and its muscles that allow us to be under our own power,” wrote Allegra Kent in her 1997 autobiography, “Once A Dancer.” No one understands the meaning of these words more than athletes do -- the women who use their bodies to power their livelihoods. We dare you not to appreciate the female body more after looking at these photos. Gail Devers At the World Championships in Athletics, under the auspices of the International Association of Athletics Federations, in Seville, Spain, 1999. Julie Zetlin US athlete Julie Zetlin performs with the ribbon in the qualifying round during the 31st Rythmic Gymnastics World Championships on September 22, 2011 in Montpellier, southern France.

USA Team Synchro Swimmers USA team synchro swimmers perform 24 March 2007 at the Susie O'Neill pool in Melbourne during the team free routine final of the 12th FINA World Swimming Championships. Russia won gold in the event with Spain taking silver and Japan the bronze. USA placed fifth. Danielle Carruthers Danielle Carruthers competes in the women's 100 meter hurdles semi-final during Day Two of the 2012 U.S. Olympic Track & Field Team Trials at Hayward Field on June 23, 2012 in Eugene, Oregon.

April Ross April Ross dives for a ball during the AVP Hermosa Beach Open at the Hermosa Beach Pier on July 17, 2010 in Hermosa Beach, California.

Florence GriffithGriffithJoyner Florence GriffithJoyner won three Olympic gold medals at the Seoul Games in 1988.

For more amazing photos, go to Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Lesbiana, A Parallel Revolution, A Documentary I was privileged to see a preview of “Lesbiana, A Parallel Revolution,” the new documentary by Myriam Fougere, who lived at Pagoda and helped produce the East Coast Lesbian Festival, as well as being part of Canada’s Feminist Forefront. From her own experiences, she has put together a stunning, beautiful herstory for us! Myriam traveled to visit and interview former neighbors and friends, so she has current footage of many Lesbians I was so happy to see and hear. Some, like Irene Weiss and Lin Daniels, had once been my Florida neighbors, but others were new to me, and instantly dear. Inside their own homes, all distinctive and creative, I met Louise Turcotte, and Glo, and saw Sonia Johnson in her cabin at Alapine, where many Pagodesses went to retire. I was inspired again, like early days of Feminism, and crushing out on these cute dykes! I hope we can produce some viewings, and I for one want to hear your squeals of delight. BIG APPLAUSE FOR THIS FILM. by Rainbow Williams

Service Directory Jenn Wester ~ Pet/House Sitter (references available) ~ Kickin’ Devil Café ~ LOO Restaurant/Bar ~ 352-505-6660 Beckie Dale ~ Massage ~ 352-335-3138 Woody Blue ~ Custom Flags & Tablecloths, Massage, Nutrition Info ~ 352-375-0539 Peggy Damiano ~ Website Design/Maintenance ~ Elizabeth Howard, M.A. ~ Dream Interpretation ~ 352-337-2723 Melissa Mojica ~ Hauling, Photography ~ 352-359-4119 Lylly Rodriguez ~ Reflexology, Massage, & Reiki ~ 352-870-7922 Chrissy Martinez ~ Photography ~ Beth Karbe ~ Acupuncture ~ 352-375-3080 Maria Chah ~ Massage & Yoga ~ 404-667-7599 Shewolf ~ Custom Woodworking, Speech Consulting, & Publishing: Directory of Wimminlands/Lesbian Communities ~ 352-475-3722 If you have a skill/service & would like to be added to our directory, please contact Kindred Sisters at (Free!)

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Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Janet Jackson to Produce 'Truth' Documentary About Transgender Lives Around The World Janet Jackson has announced plans to executive produce a documentary about transgender people around the world. The Associated Press reports that the Grammy-winning pop diva will not only executive produce "Truth," but will also conduct some of the on-camera interviews. Set to begin production this summer, "Truth" will be directed by Robert Jason, who previously directed the Style Network documentary "Style Exposed: Born Male, Living Female," about four transgender New Yorkers. Jackson, 46, said in a statement to MTV News that she hopes the documentary -- which will reportedly include stories from North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America -- will help stop discrimination against the transgender community. "All people are very important to me. I've been fortunate to make friends and learn about very different lives," Jackson is quoted as saying. "'Truth' is our small chance to ask that you try and understand someone who lives their life in a way that is a little bit different from yours, even though all of our hearts are the same. We want to stop the hate and find understanding." Jason assured fans that the superstar would assume an active role in the documentary, which he described as a "visually innovative, cerebral journey" in a statement. He went on to note, "This film will highlight landmark mainstream stories and provide a glimpse at others that will change the gender landscape of the world forever. Just as it is hard to believe that there ever was a time when different components of society were required to use separate drinking fountains, it is as incredible that one’s gender expression remains just such a target for discrimination." excerpt from

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Arden Eversmeyer Honored OLOC's Arden Eversmeyer of the Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project is being honored at the BOLDFest (BOLD Old(er) Lesbian & Dyke) 2012 in Vancouver BC this coming September. She is this year's recipient of the Bold Woman of the Year Award for all of her decades-long valuable work on behalf of Lesbians. ( Not only that, she was invited by Olympia Dukakis, who stars in the movie Cloudburst, about two Old Dykes who run away from a nursing home to go to Canada and get married, to attend a premiere of the movie. Why? Because Dukakis received a copy of Without Apology: Old Lesbian Life Stories (the second OLOHP book) and thought Arden should be there and sell books! The movie has won numerous awards: excerpt from OLOC E-News (June 23, 2012) Page 23

AstroFlash The lions roar as we burst into hot steamy August with a Full Moon in Aquarius on the first day! The Moon is playful and very sociable in Aquarius and the natural opposition between Leo and Aquarius can blend the heart fullness of Leo with the more ingenious yet detached Aquarian. Leo really grooves on one on one romantic love and creativity while Aquarius feels drawn to community action and the love for the Planet. This of course does not mean that either one can't gravitate toward the other's qualities. Thankfully this should be a gentler month with wonderful energies to share and create on many levels. Within any of the oppositions between signs such as Cancer which is opposite Capricorn, Aries which is opposite Libra etc, a blending can occur which positively can bring out the best in both signs as they moderate each other and of course at the worst they pull and frustrate both energies. This Full Moon trines Mars as it progresses and that just might encourage some peace and harmony for awhile which would be a lovely thing. Ye Olde Uranus/Pluto Square energizes and stimulates the Full Moons and this one is no exception with Uranus in the sign of Aries activating both the Sun and the Moon. I think most of us will be feeling rather frisky and restless to get into something but with Mercury retrograde we should all think once or twice, which of course we will, before committing to any rash activities or solutions. As I sit here looking ahead, I can't help but feel concern for tomorrow, the first night of the Olympics as the astrological energies for July 27 are quite ominous. Most of you will read this after the fact so I encourage all of you to stay grounded and loving no matter what happens during these games in London. There are dark forces who wish to create chaos and pain and the best thing is not to feed it either way. Hopefully a wave of peace will shroud the rest of the Olympics. August 2 is the Pagan Holy Day of Lammas which celebrates the harvest among other things. Whether you join with others or not, you might want to ponder what you have harvested this year and how you would like your new growth to proceed for the next year. We will be gathering here at Moonhaven Thursday night 6pm potluck and 7pm Celebration. Bring something to share that you have harvested on any level. Yes, I know murky Mercury has been draggin' its little retro feet around for a few weeks. It's been a wild time and not too bad unless you think having your Email go out twice and your TV twice, and Goddess only knows what communications went South in the process. However, it has been a good time to organize and re organize and sort out just how we can move forward. August 8 is just around the corner and Mercury will be able to spring out full bore and ignite all the thoughts, projects and issues that have been plodding around in circles. This of course can be the good and bad news as sometimes you may wish that the things that came flying out after the retrograde stayed in their closet! Yes the Solar flares and Planetary Shifting continues to alter the electromagnetic fields as well as our own systems which can and will continue to effect our bodies so eat well, rest and enjoy those who raise your vibration avoiding those who do not. Uranus is still squaring Pluto this month. Maybe we are sick of it with its totally erratic energies seemingly creating chaos and dramatic events in all our lives or just maybe we have learned to body surf over the astrological white water. I prefer the latter. However you are experiencing these changes in you life up till now, it is high time that we all loosen our chains and release ourselves from our personal bondage and limitations. If you don't immediately know what they are, think about what you feel keeps you from living into your best life. The challenges that we see manifested globally are but a mirror of what we are each experiencing personally and the endgame is LIBERATION AND ELEVATION! Aren't you bored of telling yourself the same old tired stories about what isn't working for you? What is your Arab Spring and what will force you into Occupying your best Page 24

self? How long will we be sheep sleepwalking our way through our lives ignoring the fact that our leaders and the Patriarchy just do not care about us? It is hard to lift those blinders and yet this should not make one feel defeated rather let it be a time of greater personal responsibility....the ability to respond. At this time we are not just rebirthing ourselves and the planet but helping to transition into the Aquarian Age! This is a big deal and one that doesn't always gently slip into place. Those of us who choose to stay awake and participate in this potent shift, this turning point, will take on many energetic challenges yet we will reap many personal rewards as we experience our movement from a Patriarchal hierarchical world to one that is more equality and community based. That may sound harsh and these times are harsh yet part of the solution is to open our hearts wider and deeper and pour out love to ourselves and the planet. This will dissolve the feelings of alienation and loneliness that are keeping us locked up and disconnected from the Oneness that is possible and so very healing. On August 7 lovely Venus enters Cancer and the Goddess of Love will enter a phase where she is most warm and nurturing. We have been enjoying the more frenetic and mental Venus in Gemini which didn't exactly allow Venus to pour out the love to one and all. You may feel more inclined to entertain at home, do home improvements and eat sumptuous dinners with your beloved. If there is no beloved, this would be a great time to find one too. The Leo sun can get us all on the prowl while Venus can soften the presentation. August 8, Mercury goes direct at last! The waiting is over if you have been waiting to sign on the dotted line or move forward with a relationship or project. It's as if the Universe is offering a big YES to our plans. Retrogrades are not in and of themselves negative but they do present us with a different way to use our energies that is more internal. In this culture most are obsessed with running as fast as we can to the supposed finish line while not caring much for the process. Eastern cultures are much more interested in the whole process and the journey and we might learn from them. This is also another difference between Matriarchy and Patriarchal values; the latter being the straight line, get their fastest, while the former enjoys the whole cycle, the circle which includes and sees the value of the whole journey. August 15 brings in a harsher energy that can be particularly hard on relationships of all kinds with Venus opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus forming a T square. There can be many situations that can knock things off balance while also generating power struggles. Knowing this can ideally keep you from the more negative results. This transit will last a couple of days and the most important thing is to remember to share the power. If you want happiness go for the win-win. The challenge can be exacerbated or lessened by the conjunction of Mars and Saturn. Those two energies when brought together can be a signature of frustration and blockage of forward motion but if used well, you can create focus and concentration all of which can be quite useful. August 17 brings us to the new Moon in Leo. At this point all of the growth opportunities you have opted in or out of will show you how far that you have come. As I have said Leo is about the heart and we are all needing to come from that place so much more in terms of how we treat ourselves and others, how we honor our own unique contribution through our creativity. This is a time to express ourselves and not sit on the fence or try to be just like our friends or neighbors. Being your authentic self will by far gather you the most peace and glory. The effect of the T square from the 15th is amplified by the New Moon drawing the Sacred Feminine ever closer. With Pluto and Uranus working with or on Venus, the strain can produce a lot of fierce women. August 19th Mercury and Uranus trine offering us a day of brilliance particularly on the creative intellectual side of things so keep a notebook or recorder handy so you don't miss any of your inspirations which should Kindred Sisters — August 2012

generally run high this month. Mars entering Plutonic Scorpio on the 24th should set the stage for transformation as it trines Neptune. We may not know what's happening with this one but it should be smooth. Much more shifts as we enjoy a 2nd Full Moon this month called a Blue Moon and it is in watery mystical Pisces. To even make this more of a fluid situation, Neptune and Chiron are also snuggling up and conjoining the Moon that night. This should be a most magical night where your intuition is sending out a high beam. Tonight your dreams may be even more fascinating and telepathic so jot them down if you can. This may not be the most clarifying time but it is sure to be the most mystical. The other thing with such a congregation of Neptunian energies as well as a Full Moon is the potential for flooding or even a hurricane. The latter is more likely the next day when Jupiter in air sign Gemini. This does not have to occur but it’s a good idea to keep abreast of the weather for those few days. Blessings Flash Silvermoon

unsettling I tell you. I thrive on routine and I can't find mine to save my Planner. I have momentary glimpses as a lapse in judgment allows me to go with the flow more and I actually like it but its scary. What if I become one of those aging hippies who go through the day just doing what they want...hmm could be delicious actually. LIBRA - Does life ever start to look fair? Is it only me that sees the horrendous inequities especially for women. What ever happened with the Sun and Venus dancing cheek to cheek in June and bringing all this good stuff to the women? Did the Repugs decide that they didn't give a damn about their wives and daughters? Don't get me started! In my own life I am trying my best to balance my emotions, my me time and my social needs. I know it’s doable just hard sometimes to choose the right activity and partner.

SCORPIO - I have decided to slide back into the deep waters to pass on the chaos that seems to surround. I would like more intimacy in my life but then I ARIES - Let me tell ya folks this Aries is on fire in every way. Sometimes I do have to come to terms with trust issues, you know those gnarly little don’t know how to settle myself down to focus on the job at hand when so things that can create walls and even moats on a bad day. Maybe I can tempt many seem to demand my attention. And of course the other thing is that I fate and crack the door open for a bit. Wish I could tell you more but then you rather go play on the beach and enjoy the beauty of nature in all its majesty. I would have something on me. What the hell I am a good judge of character, I have been getting hints from the universe on many levels that it is high time pride myself on knowing that. Maybe it’s me I need to trust to make a wise to dump my baggage, the old wounds and resentments so that I can move decision and find the love of my life! forward and not project these issues on those closest. There's baggage and there's baggage and mine is somewhere between Carry On on my good days SAGITTARIUS - The magical mystery tour is coming to take me away...oh how and a Semi on the hard days. I get it this is a time for liberation so the stuff I wish. I am stuck here in Gainesville with those Memphis Blues again. What gotta go! am I some kind of kozmic juke box? I feel that I have a mission in this life and it seems like it is hiding under a chest filled with boredom and unfulfilled TAURUS- Not too much external challenges from the stars this month and dreams. Ok yes this s a time for liberating oneself and cracking open the that's fine with me. I am a solid Taurus and I am a Fixed Sign. I know who I am keys to our futures so keys, get over here, I want to crack you. My patience and what I want to do so don’t tangle with this Bull unless you want to see has run out. It's time for action. stubborn. On the other hand, I can be the sweetest love that you have ever seen. I can make you a sumptuous meal followed by a good massage and CAPRICORN - Pluto, I hope that I have finally made peace with you and your then..... well, use your imagination. I am not subtle and I am a most sensuous demands. You drive a hard bargain I will give you that and truth be told, you partner. No players invited. My love is for keeps. have ground down the stories that I have been telling myself to a fine powder and I can't lean on them anymore. No more stories about why I can't live into GEMINI - I am absolutely loving old Jupiter in my sign. If you thought I was my best life. If not now then when? I am feeling an inner peace and knowing busy and kind of chaotic before hold onto your hat. Why I am double timing and it even makes me smile a bit because I know that my time is coming soon now and my dance card is in triplicate. Focus was never my strong suit and and I can smell the bouquet of liberation as they flare my nostrils. now it’s even harder. I know that we are all on an accelerated learning path and I kind of like the pace and the buzz of it all. I must begin to say what I AQUARIUS - Did anyone say Leap of Faith? You must be calling my name. This mean and mean what I say. That will be a big and necessary shift for me. Shift is vibrating in my bones and shaking every last bit of "normal" out of me. “I'm freaky and I know it.” Alright no more songs but seriously and I can CANCER - I know that asking for peace right now is somewhat of a joke and be serious about the state of the world... I digress. There is not a day that my heart and mind have pretty well found that of late but geez we goes by that I do not feel the cosmic pull to find others of a like mind to break Moonchildren are so affected by our environment and that can be so new spiritual and philosophical ground to some way elevate the planet to a unpredictable. I like the soothing energy of my own quiet pool and that higher vibration for all. People say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the Only One... sustains me and creates a soft place, a sanctuary from the harshness of the world. Actually I am more like a dolphin than a crab but you catch my drift. I PISCES - Pisces Moon, ya keep me up all night ....yup another song. I must have much to accomplish and I am ready to cut loose old ways of thinking need to play another kind of keyboard and drift into the mystic one more about myself so that I can come flying forward into the 5th Dimension. time. Yes more music, the kind of music that soothes your soul... I can see the direction that this column is going and the Muse has captured my Piscean LEO - Umm I love the feel of the summer heat baking me in the sun till I am heart and who am I to refuse her. There is nothing more magical or healing well done. Oh my skin is as smooth as silk and my mane, well, see for than music and it has gotten to little air time so... a change got to come. Play yourself. Are you looking at me? I hope so because you have caught my eye sweet fingers as the winds of change blow and we will wrap them in rainbows and my interest. Don't come rushing over. Remember that I am a lion and I of luminous light and create a crystalline web to elevate and RAISE THE VIBE like to pursue my mate. Most of us won't tell you that and they leave you to FOR THE TRIBE ~ OVER AND OUT! your own devices. I figure I might as well give you a clue. My creativity is on fire as well as my libido so you may find me prowling around the theater or Through my monthly Astroflash, I have endeavored to offer gender neutral perhaps a gallery or two. astrology to speak to all sexual preferences and identities. If you know your VIRGO - It's kind of cool not having Saturn dragging on my butt or Mars keeping me slightly grumpy all the time but now I have to contend with Neptune who sits opposite me without a boundary to its name. It's plain Kindred Sisters — August 2012

Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign. For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call 352-475-2432 for an appt. or contact me through my website:

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COMMUNITY RESOURCES Civic Media Center (CMC) 433 S Main St, 352-373-0010 CodePink -- Women for Peace, 352-468-2101, Crone’s Cradle Conserve Retreat 352-595-3377, Flash Silvermoon - Wise Woman’s Fest, 352-475-2432 Gainesville Area AIDS Project (GAAP) 352-373-4227 or Gainesville Community Alliance (GCA) Gainesville Iguana Gay & Lesbian National Hotline 1-888-843-4564, Human Rights Council (HRCNCF) 352-372-5192 or LGBT Youth Support Group National Center for Lesbian Rights Peaceful Paths Domestic Violence Hotline 352-377-8255, 1-800-393-7233

Pride Community Center of North Central Florida (PCCNCF) 352-377-8915, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville Pride Student Union 352-392-1665 #326 or Rainbow Families (Gay Parents Group) 352-284-4541, Shake Rag Art & Culture Center 301 State Road 26, Melrose FL 352-475-2924, St. Augustine MCC Church 904-824-2802, Stonewall Democrats of Alachua County 352-373-1730, PO Box 223, Gainesville Survivors of Anti-LGBT Victimization (SAV) 352-264-6760, 1-866-252-5439 Trinity Metropolitan Community Church 352-495-3378, UF LGBT Affairs Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 352-377-1669, 4225 NW 34th St, Gainesville Wild Iris Books 802 W University Ave, Gainesville, 352-375-7477

Subscription Form Kindred Sisters subscriptions are $25 a year (more if you can, less if you can’t). Send this form & payment to Kindred Sisters, PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614. Name(s): __________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________ Telephone:_____________________ Email:______________________________________ This is a (select one):

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Kindred Sisters — August 2012

EDITORIAL POLICY ♥ We encourage all women to submit art, articles, poetry, announcements, etc. for publication. Any submission longer than 650 words may be printed in two or more parts. ♥ We print a variety of view points on topics of concern to our community members. Remember: KS is not responsible for any content or opinions printed unless it specifically states the article is by “Kindred Sisters.” All other opinions voiced or statements made are solely those of the author of the article. ♥ We are willing to withhold your name from publication upon request, but please include a contact name and/or telephone number. ♥ We print most things “as is.” It is the responsibility of the women submitting to get permission to use anyone’s name or event. We also reserve the right to edit or reject any submission. ♥ Anything submitted to KS for publication may be used on the website as well.

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♥ KS is available to the public at Wild Iris Books, the Pride Center, & various other venues.

Deadline: the 15th of the month before publication Mail to: PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614 Email to: Business Ads: Email, send a disk, or send your hardcopy ad by snail mail to the above address along with payment & the advertising form found at the bottom of this page. Make Checks Payable to Kindred Sisters.

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Classifieds LAKE COTTAGE FOR RENT: Quiet mature person wanted for small mother-in-law cottage on Lake Swan. Landlord on site. Small cat or dog ok. No smoking. Mexican tile floor, washer, dryer, A/C, swimming & kayaking. Rent of $450 includes utilities. In the wonderful arts community of Melrose, FL. Downtown Gainesville 25 minutes away. Credit check, references, security deposit. 352-475-3477

Cyber Connections Florida Gay Campers

A bunch of fun men and women who like to camp and party. group/floridagaycampers

Lesbians of the South HOUSE TO SHARE: Perfect for the artistic soul. New house to share in a beautiful setting. Wildlife, nature, and inspiration abound. Private, but not isolated. You would have your own room and bath with full use of kitchen and laundry. Easy 18 mile commute to Gainesville. $400.00 per month covers rent and all utilities. If you are a responsible, peaceful adult who wants a great place to live, send me an email... YARD WORK NEEDED IN MELROSE: Part time work at $10.00 an hour plus one $5.00 gas allowance per trip to Melrose, FL; 15 miles east of Gainesville. Mon, Tues, or Thursday between 1 and 8 PM for 3 to 4 hours a week. Trimming with electric cutters, pruning, and miscellaneous chores. Slow, lazy workers need not apply; must be reliable, hard working and honest. Contact Shewolf at or 352475-3722 SURVEY PARTICIPANTS NEEDED: for a study on the life experiences and well-being of sexual minority women. In order to participate, you must identify as a woman, a sexual minority person (e.g. lesbian, bisexual, queer, or other sexual minority orientation), currently reside in the U.S., and be 18 years of age or older. If you would like to participate in this study, please go to

Page 28

For networking, communication, & mutual support among lesbians of the southern states. group/LesbiansoftheSouth

LEZgo Events

Produces and promotes events for lesbians throughout Florida. group/LEZgoEvents

LGBT Ocala

A social group bringing together the LGBT community in Ocala, FL, Marion county and surrounding areas.

North Central Florida Lesbians

Community networking exclusively for lesbians with ties in North Central Florida. NorthCentralFloridaLesbians


This group is established to give Pride Community Center of North Central Florida a way to make announcements and notify the membership of upcoming events.

Kindred Sisters — August 2012

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Do You Want YOUR Art to Grace the Cover of the Hottest Lesbian/ Feminist Magazine in North Central Florida?! Yes? Then here’s your chance! Just scan or photograph your art (paintings, photos, sculptures, sketches, whatever!) and email the digital files to Be sure to provide high resolution images. Please provide a brief bio or statement to accompany your image. ALL women welcome!

Go Paperless! Kindred Sisters now offers a paperless option for the magazine! Please email us at if you would like to read the magazine online rather than have it mailed to you.

WomenÊs Dinner & a Movie Relax with the gals, enjoy a nice dinner, & catch a great movie -- all for just $5! Can you think of a better way to spend a Sunday evening?!

August 5th


5:00 pm

“Pariah” Director: Dee Rees Cast: Adepero Oduye, Pernell Walker, Aasha Davis, Charles Parnell, Sahra Mellesse, Kim Wayans, Shamika Cotton, Raymond Anthony Thomas, Stephanie Andujar

Brooklyn teen Alike is a model child around her devoutly religious family, but she sheds the good-girl image to reveal a harder side during a nightclub excursion with butch pal Laura in this coming-of-age tale of urban identity and sexual expression. With curfew looming and her parents none the wiser, Alike must catch the bus back home, where she faces the complex negotiation of her contradictory worlds. (87 min)

Co-Sponsored by Kindred Sisters & Pride Community Center 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville ( Come back in September for “Bar Girls”

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