Kindred Sisters - March 2014 Issue

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Giving Women a Voice

M ARCH 2014

d e r d Ki n s r e t s Si

Kindred Sisters Volunteers: Lynn, Jennifer, Judy, Shewolf, Rainbow

Please Support our Sponsors! Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in Kindred Sisters.

Our Mission: Kindred Sisters’ mission is to provide a forum of news, events, and ideas for, by, and about lesbians and their kindred sisters of all classes, races, ages, ethnicities, and abilities. Kindred Sisters, PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614

Kindred Sisters “Giving Women a Voice” March 2014

HRCNCF Endorses Bottcher, Warren, & Eddie The Human Rights Council of North Central Florida (HRCNCF) announces the following endorsements in the three Gainesville City Commission races to be decided on Tuesday, March 11: Helen K. Warren for At-Large Seat 2, Sheryl Eddie for District 2, and Susan Bottcher for For Gainesville District 3. HRCNCF based its endorsements on City Commission candidates’ written responses to HRCNCF’s questionnaire, as well as their history of HRCNCF Endorses: support and advocacy for antidiscrimination issues. For At-Large Seat 2 Helen Warren is a realtor and a local community activist who is openly lesbian; she has volunteered for many LGBT causes locally and Helen K. Warren worked as a volunteer on the 2009 No on 1 campaign which turned back a repeal attempt of the city’s LGBT rights ordinance. For District 2 In the District 3 race, incumbent Commissioner Susan Bottcher is running for a second term. “Not only has Susan Bottcher been a Sheryl Eddie consistent progressive voice on the commission, she has volunteered and For District 3 donated to many LGBT organizations,” said HRCNCF President Bob Karp. Susan Bottcher “Sheryl Eddie speaks loudly and clearly to the importance of our city’s inclusiveness,” said Karp. “She’ll be a positive voice for LGBT rights from District 2.” Gainesville elections are nonpartisan, so all registered city voters may vote in the At-Large race, while voters in Districts 2 and 3 will be able to also vote in their respective district race. In each race, if no candidate garners more than 50% of the vote, there will be a runoff between the top two on April 8. (excerpt from HRCNCF’s Guardian, February 2014)

Cover: This month’s cover art is provided by Vivian Calderon Bogoslavsly of Harrisburg, PA. She’s a painter, native of Colombia, South America. This piece is part of her “Huellas de la Tierra” or Prints of the Earth collection.

Kindred Sisters — March 2014

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e d a r e u q s a M Merriment A Community Event for Social Justice Friday, April 4th 9pm to midnight in the basement at the Hippodrome State Theatre (25 SE 2nd Pl) Pride Community Center of North Central Florida, The Alachua County Branch of the NAACP, and the North Central Florida Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry are partnering to host this kickoff event for the City of Gainesville’s month long celebration of Jest Fest! “Celebrating April as Jest Fest! Month, Masquerade Merriment is an Official Jest for Laughs! Event”. This annual Masquerade Party will celebrate Gainesville and raise money for these three organizations working for social justice. Party admission, door prizes, a contest with prizes for the best costumes, hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar—a spectacular evening out for only a $50 admission price. Tax deductible because you’re supporting three great nonprofit organizations. For tickets or more information contact one of the host organizations.

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Kindred Sisters — March 2014

Home Van Pet Care Project News Providing Food for Pets of the Homeless Our primary mission is to provide food for pets of homeless and very low income people in our community. Our supporters are generous, and we are sometimes able to provide other needs: shelter, collars and leashes, county licenses and veterinary attention.

DOG MEETS HOUSE: April introducing Spartan to his house

FOOD FIRST: Our primary distribution is on Wednesdays in the Courtyard of Civic Media Center. We try to make this a peaceful time and give as much as we can. We also sometimes visit campsites to distribute food, water and treats, and recently we were able to provide two very serviceable dog houses:

SPECIAL DELIVERY: PRIDE OF HOME: Dog Money with friend Melissa.

Patti (our carpenter friend) & Amber bringing in the first house to campsite in Tent City.

We would like to provide more of these durable houses for our dogs. If you can donate to that, please let us know.

Home Van Pet Care Project needs bags of dry dog food and cat food, cans of cat food, tarps, medium size collars and harnesses and financial donations. For more information and current needs, call Elizabeth at 352-473-9423 or P.S. Cat Lovers: The cats will star in our next newsletter. You can contribute financially through PayPal on our blog, or by check made to Home Van Pet Care Project, Inc. and mail c/o Elizabeth Howard, P.O. Box 14305, Gainesville FL 32604. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! Kindred Sisters — March 2014

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Queer Babes of Gaynesville: We want to photograph you! Casting Call: March 6, 6:306:30-9pm at The Courtyard, 433 S Main St, Gainesville We want a very fabulous Very Queer Variety Show this year, right?! Then we need funds for the development of said fabulousness. Like good Gayensvillains we're looking to cultivate our local resources. In Gaynesville we happen to have an abundance of Babes. Our research has shown the best way to sustainably harvest babes is via photographic duplication. The Babe duplicates are easily distributed in the form of full color calendars which can be enjoyed for an entire year! The theme of our calendar will follow suit with that of this year's Very Queer Variety Show: Time Flux! Check out that event here: events/1376350355958849/ This calendar will include powerful & inspiring facts, quotes, ideas, and, of course, Babes in a healthy, sexy, informative spirit supporting the empowerment of our LGBTQ community and the advancement of human rights! Wanna be a model?! We're looking for Babes of all shapes, sizes, shades, and identities. Our vision for the calendar is that we will take viewers on a time travel adventure starting in prehistory and working our way forward to a queer-topia of the future. Each month will be a different chunk of time. To do that, we need each of you to look back into your own lineage and find something juicy and picturesque. It's ok if you're unsure of exactly what you would choose for your scene, but it would still be helpful for us to have an idea of your lineage so we're able to design a culturally aware, historical setting for your shots. We only envision one slot each for contemporary and future queer-topia, so if you want those spots I recommend coming up with a fairly developed concept for the casting call. We will be taking 3-5 pictures of each potential model at the casting call, so if you have a costume concept already, bring it! If you are unavailable on the date of the casting call please send your ideas and a few "model-y" snapshots of yourself to BY MARCH 6th! The model line up will be announced Monday, March 10th. All models chosen will work with our photographer and set crew to schedule their photo-shoot sometime during the month of March. We need at least 12 models to fill a whole year, groups with a shared vision are encouraged to attend together. Models will be chosen based on their vision, enthusiasm, and relevance to the overarching theme. Attention will be given to representing a broad cross-section of our vibrant and dynamic community. PARTICIPANTS MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. THERE IS TONS OF POTENTIAL FOR TASTEFUL NUDITY. Page 4

Kindred Sisters — March 2014

Into Games??? Home Alone and bored? Or home with somebody, but want something new and fun to do. On Friday, March 7, the Pride Center will be hosting its 2nd edition of the Gay Games. No, it's not The Gay Games. It's the Friday Night Gay Games, a get-together for LGBT people and friends who like to play board games, like Chess, Monopoly, Mastermind, Scrabble, etc… pretty much whatever board games our members like to play. If you’re a player you probably know how hard it is to find people to play with outside of Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years. That’s why we’re inviting gamers of all colors to come together and have fun!!!! We're in the formative stages right now, so please come and lend your support on Friday, March 7, at 7pm, and help us get the ball rolling. For more information, call Paul at 352-339-4589.

“Orange is the New Black” Nights at 7:00pm

March 21 (episodes 9 & 10) April 18 (episodes 11 & 12) May 16 (episode 13/Season Finale) Season 2 Premiere Night: JUNE 6

The Pride Community Center of North Central Florida is hosting “Orange is the New Black” Night. Settle into the center’s comfortable couches as you watch Piper Chapman and Alex Vause on our big screen TV. Snacks are proved and a two dollar donation is requested. ORANGE is the NEW BLACK follows Piper Chapman as she trades her designer jeans for an orange prison jumpsuit. Starring Taylor Schilling as Piper, a Smith graduate whose decade-old love affair with drug smuggler Alex (Laura Prepon) leads to her arrest and year-long detention within the walls of a women's penitentiary. Piper leaves behind her fiancé Larry (Jason Biggs) to serve her time "inside" with an eccentric group of outspoken inmates, each with her own story and her own fascinating ways of dealing with prison life. PCCNCF, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville. Kindred Sisters — March 2014

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The Old Lady and the Purple Dragon by Julie Ford

“LIVING ABOVE AVERAGE BELOW THE POVERTY LINE” Since The Old Lady moved below the Poverty Line, she has learned a great deal about living well on less money. She would like to share some tips: 1.

Shop your local farmer’s market. Not only is locally grown produce cheaper than the supermarket stuff that has been shipped across country (and sometimes, across the globe) you can sometimes find marked down produce that is “past its prime” which only means that you need to cook it TODAY. Most supermarkets throw out produce that doesn’t look its best. The Old Lady’s farmer’s market has a dollar bin with bags of such produce. Take it home, cut off the bad spots, and cook it immediately… if you can’t eat it all today or tomorrow, then freeze the rest.


Stop buying paper towels. Invest in some cheap bandanas at your local dollar store. These make lovely table napkins and kitchen wipe-ups. Throw them in the laundry… you have to wash clothes anyway!... and reuse.


Couponing is great… but only if you buy brand name products, which are always more expensive than store brands. Go for the store brands. The Old Lady is an obsessive label reader and notices that most store brands contain the exact same ingredients as name brands, and are cheaper. Hey, somebody has to pay for those TV advertisements… that would be YOU if you buy into the name brand scam. 4. Don’t be hesitant about checking out food stamps. One in every six Americans right now is on food stamps. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it can improve the quality of your nutrition. In Florida, go to to find out immediately if you qualify and if so, how to apply. 5. Watching TV is a waste of time, but prepping and cooking your own food actually keeps money in your pocket. Cut off the cable and cut up some veggies! It’s also healthier to eat food prepared at home… which leads us to my next point:


Health Insurance – I don’t care what Obama says, if you live below a certain income level you can live without this. Check out your local county health department and you may be surprised how many health services are available to you without cost: mammograms, certain vaccinations, yearly checkups. In the county where The Old Lady lives, there is an organization staffed by volunteer nurses and doctors who provide FREE health care to working people who earn less than a certain amount. Try to find such an organization in your city.

Here is something you SHOULD NOT live without: DOING YOUR HOMEWORK. If a little research can lead you to services that SAVE you money, then it’s just like EARNING more money. Make it your job to find ways to save and that will pay off for you. You can read more at Page 6

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Sitting on One of My Brains by Woody Blue

Sometimes I have difficulty finding the correct word, or balancing my checking account. I’m not as quick as I used to be when learning new material. Sometimes I don’t recognize faces or remember names. It scares me because it sounds to me like my brain is wearing out. Fortunately, I have a second brain. In fact, we all do. It’s interwoven in the walls of the large and small intestine and is referred to as the ‘enteric’ brain. ‘Enteric’ is science terminology for ‘gut.’ Michael Gershon, MD, maps it all out in his book, “The Second Brain,” published in 1998. Dr. Gershon is a neurobiologist and became interested in researching the gut in 1958 when most neurobiologists only recognized one system, the central nervous system (CNS). Dr. Gershon got interested in serotonin and began sniffing out it in all the wrong places. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects behavior in the brain, yet most of it is in the gut. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that carries an electrical message from one nerve to another by getting the message to jump through a space between the nerves called a synapse. Excuse me for getting technical here. There’s just no easy way…. In 1958, researchers got excited about serotonin because Timothy Leary began experimenting with the therapeutic effects of LSD on the brain. LSD blocked serotonin and produced schizophrenic-like behavior and hallucinations. Scientists thought they might have a handle on ‘curing’ schizophrenia by keeping a constant Page 8

supply of serotonin circulating. Long story short…SSRI’s (Prozac, Paxil) were formulated, schizophrenia wasn’t cured, and the hippie generation almost toppled the US government. Back to the enteric brain story. It was learned that 95% of the serotonin in the body was manufactured in the gut. Only 5% was produced by the brain. Because the cerebral brain was thought to be the master organ, altering the serotonin levels in the brain seemed to be the way to alter mood, perception and behavior. Unfortunately it also altered bowel function resulting in diarrhea, pain and constipation which is brushed off as a ‘side effect.’ Dr. Gershon’s research led him to discover that serotonin not only was a key player determining mood, it was also involved in digestion, wound healing, growth factor, blood clotting and immune system function. Not only that but the reason there was serotonin in the gut was because there was another whole brain and nervous system down there. To top that off, all this activity continued even when the nerves running between the central nervous system (CNS) and enteric nervous system (ENS) were severed. It controlled its own neurotransmitters, meaning, it could THINK. The medical field, particularly neurologists, didn’t take kindly to this. They continued to pooh-pooh the idea even as evidence mounted and the field of neurogastroenterology was introduced to study the ENS. New scientists took up the challenge, perhaps singing “The Old South will Rise Again” as they Kindred Sisters — March 2014

headed off to their labs. They confirmed the ENS has all the qualities of the CNS, producing 40 different neurotransmitters and containing 500 million neurons, as well as other similarities. Even today, old school thinking is hesitant to head South. There is no argument that The CNS controls reasoning, logic, thinking and memory. And most everyone agrees that an unhappy ENS contributes to foggy brain and poor immune function. What is hard to accept is that our bowel brain is autonomous and makes decisions about what bacteria can reside in it, what nutrients go where, when to activate the immune system and what systems are priority systems. Many would prefer to think our heads control that, not the long tube at our tail end. Nevertheless new scientific thinking is turning towards the bowel to find ways to deal with neurodegenerative diseases. Lewy bodies, an indicator of Parkinson’s, show up in the dopamine-producing cells in the gut. Some propose that diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s have their origins in the gut and are transferred to the brain through the vagus nerve by a virus. Aspartame (Nutrasweet) and MSG belong to a class of amino acids called excitotoxins. They kill neurons and are implicated as possible causes of Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease and musltiple sclerosis. The neurons in the bowel come into contact with these chemicals initially. The ENS is the brain that controls digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body. By limiting these chemicals in our diet, we can perhaps waylay their delivery to the CNS. Recently, there has been research into bowel dysfunction of those with autism. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride has pioneered the effort to treat autism and other learning disabilities in children with the GAPS diet. GAPS stands for Gut Kindred Sisters — March 2014

And Psycholology Syndrome. Through repopulating gut bacteria, eating fermented foods, healthy fatty acids, etc, she has seen amazing changes in gut and brain function. Antisocial behaviors begin to turn around. Positive interactive communication becomes possible. In other words, by healing the gut, she heals the brain. Pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, processed foods all have an effect on our neurological systems. The Western medical world has been slow to turn its attention to the ENS as a possible source of the malfunctioning of the nervous system. The Food Industry has definitely blocked this avenue of research. Pharmaceuticals tamper with the chemicals of the CNS brain which affect the ENS brain listing them as ‘side effects.’ I boldly say that when more attention is paid to our second brains, our prescriptions will include whole organic foods, fermented foods and healthy fats and meats. Our exercise programs will dictate that we run to farmers’ markets. Diagnostic testing will embrace measuring our brain patterns by putting electrodes on our bellies, not our heads. Until our food supply improves, I’ll continue to jiggle my neurons by doing Sudoku puzzles and search out healthy foods from a local source. I may try reading that book “The Second Brain” a fourth time just to see if I got it right. My top floor may need repair but I keep the tools in the basement. Woody Blue is a holistic health counselor specializing in massage and nutrition. You can contact her at 352-375-0539 for more info. Page 9

WhatÊs Happening? Mar 2, 4pm: Wimmin's Movie Night See back cover for details. Mar 7, 7pm: LGBT Fun & Games Night A monthly LGBT social night for players of Chess, Checkers, Monopoly, and other popular board games. Come join us. Meet new friends and have fun playing your favorite games. Info & Contact: Paul at 352-339-4589 or Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville. Mar 9, 3-5pm: Death Café Join us for an open group discussion on death, mortality, thanatology and any related topics you want to discuss. Refreshments will be provided. Prairie Creek Lodge, 7204 SE County Road 234, Gainesville. Mar 10, 7-9pm: “Killing Us Softly” Screening Join the UF Women's Student Association for a screening of “Killing Us Softly”, presented by Jean Kilbourne, followed by a discussion about the negative ways media and popular culture impact women. Matthews Suite of the Reitz Union. Mar 11: Remember to VOTE! in Gainesville City Commission Elections Mar 11, 6pm: Women’s History Month Celebration Women’s Student Assoc. is kicking off Women's History Month with a celebratory social. Come out and enjoy some frozen treats with friends and support the start of an amazing month full of empowering events ( UFWHM). The Gelato Company, 11 SE 1st Ave, Gainesville. Mar 12, 6pm: The Florida Civil Rights Struggle: Past and Present Join The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) in the Pugh Hall auditorium to hear a panel of activists from Florida's civil rights struggle. The event will include a multimedia showcase of stories from the movement, and Page 10

audience members will receive a teacher's guide and anthology of interviews from the SPOHP collection. Free parking will be available, and a public reception will follow the program. (352) 392-7168, Mar 12, 6-8pm: Masculine Mystique Presented by Women's History Month at the University of Florida, the 4th Annual Masculine Mystique is an exciting discussion among manidentified panelists about their own ideas and feelings related to gender and masculinity. This is a sensitive discussion meant to foster a sense of community and open-mindedness on UF's campus. This year's moderator will be LB Hannahs, Director of LGBT Affairs at the University of Florida. The event will be held in the Reitz Union Auditorium. Refreshments will be provided. Mar 12, 7pm: LGBTQ Student Leaders from UF's Past and Present Join LGBT Affairs in the Ustler Hall Atrium for a panel of past and present UF LGBTQ student leaders. The panelists will discuss numerous topics including their experiences while holding their leadership positions. This leadership panel is a part of the celebration of 10 years of LGBT Affairs on UF's campus. Mar 13, 11:45am: HERstory Celebrate Women’s History Month with games and food! Join WSA in the Ustler Conference Room for a lunch series focused on important woman-identified historical figures, who are often left out of history class. Feel free to grab your lunch and stop by for ‘herstory’ games and a discussion about how to better honor women in history. Refreshments will be provided! CoSponsored by the UF Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research. Mar 13, 6-9pm: Guest Chef Cocktail Party Join Peaceful Paths at their Guest Chef Cocktail Party hosted by Storm Roberts and Dr. Laurel Warwicke (featured chef)! Tickets are $50 and Kindred Sisters — March 2014

WhatÊs Happening? can be purchased at the door or online. This unique affair is the community's biggest potluck event featuring 35 individuals who bring their favorite culinary creation to share. Guests can also enjoy a selection of fine wines and beers, a signature cocktail, and a silent and live auction. Location: Gainesville Woman's Club, 2809 W University Ave, Gainesville. For more information or to donate an item to our auction, please call 352-377-5690 or email us at

Mar 20, 7-11pm: Disco DRAG Skate Faith Taylor headlines the FIRST EVER Discothemed DRAG Skate at Skate Mania! This event is open to all ages and will be family friendly. Tickets are $10 (includes skate rental). All proceeds benefit Ocala Pride. Drag dress is ENCOURAGED but not required. Skate or just watch the show! Concessions available. Prizes for Best Disco Costume, Best Hair and more! Tickets available for purchase at Enve Hair-Salon, Tattookah and

Mar 13, 7pm: “Girl Rising” Screening Join us for a screening of “Girl Rising” in CSE E119. Following the documentary, there will be a Q & A., UFWHM

Mar 21, 7pm: “Orange is the New Black” Night See details on pg. 5.

Mar 14, 12pm: Women of Color in Feminism Join us for Women’s History Month as we discuss Women of Color in feminism and take into account this issue and its intersectionalities, with a specific emphasis on how Asian American women fit into the feminist movement. Ustler Hall, room 308. Mar 14, 6:30pm: Feminist Friday Fun. Feminists. Friday. Meet for dinner at Taste, 4860 NW 39th Ave Ste C, Gainesville. Mar 17-18: Equality Florida Lobby Days Lobby Days 2014 is your chance to talk directly to representatives, senators, and their staff about the real lives and daily challenges of LGBT Floridians and our families. Telling your story in person is the most persuasive way to gain support for equality. During Lobby Days 2014, Equality Florida will train you, put you on a team and set up your appointments. We just need you to be in Tallahassee. Sign up at lobbydays2014. Mar 20: Vernal Equinox, Spring Equinox

Kindred Sisters — March 2014

Mar 22-23, 10-5pm: Spring Garden Festival The Festival features about 200 booths offering plants, landscape displays, garden accessories, arts and crafts, educational exhibits and foods. Also featured are a walk-through butterfly conservatory, children's activities area, live entertainment and live auctions. Admission: $8/ adults; $5/children. Cash only. Kanapaha, 4700 SW 58th Dr, Gainesville. Mar 23, 4-7pm: Girls Rock Camp Volunteer Recruitment Party & Film Screening Come party with the organizers of Rock and Roll Camp For Girls Gainesville and find out how to get involved! We want to expand our camp and we need LOTS OF VOLUNTEERS this year. We'll be hosting a meet & greet with presentations about camp from 4-5pm. There will be snacks and a keg provided for donations. Then we'll screen Girls Rock: The Movie, a documentary about the Portland Girls Rock Camp that will give you an idea of what camp is like. Event held at Civic Media Center, 433 S Main St, Gainesville. Mar 29, 9am-3pm: Spring Garden Kick-Off Over 1500 seedlings available for sale. No charge for admission. Crones’ Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217th Pl, Citra, FL. 352-595-3377

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WhatÊs Happening? Mar 29, 10-2pm: Fire Fest This is an outdoor festival at Paynes Prairie State Park aimed to increase awareness & understanding of prescribed fire – the How’s and Why’s we do it. There are numerous hands-on stations where you can learn about prescribed fire, the tools and equipment that are used, and about fire-dependent ecosystems in Florida. Enjoy numerous hands-on activities that are fun for the whole family, including scavenger hunts, hayrides, and equipment demos. Free with regular park admission. Mar 29, 10-5pm: Butterfly Festivus Greathouse Butterfly Farm Proudly Presents the 2nd Annual Butterfly Festivus - The Butterfly Festival for the Best of Us! Join us for an exciting twist on the popular holiday parody "Festivus." Air your Grievances while tossing a water balloon at our anonymous grievance receiver person (AGRP). Show off your limber moves for our Feats of Strength limbo competition! Help us adorn the Butterfly Festivus Pole. Tour our exquisite butterfly houses, shop with our delightful mix of vendors and browse the many treasures that we have to offer at the Butterfly Emporium Gift Shop. There will be fun filled activities for all ages including a bounce house, inflatable obstacle course, multiple butterfly releases, arts and crafts, music and butterfly hand feeding. Enjoy the beauty of Greathouse Butterfly Farm, one of Florida's hidden treasures. Greathouse Butterfly Farm, 20329 NE State Road 26, Earleton, Florida (near Melrose). Admission $5.00 Mar 29, 6pm: GRR Allstars vs. Molly Roger Rollergirls It's that time of year again! Come join the Gainesville Roller Rebels as we play our very first bout of the season against Molly Roger Rollergirls at the Alachua County Fairgrounds! Doors open at 5:00pm; bout at 6:00pm. Tickets: $8/adv; $10/ door. Tickets can be purchased at, Volta Coffee, Sweet Dreams Ice Cream, Wild Iris, or through your Page 12

Favorite Derby Girl! As always, kids 12-and-under get in FREE! There will be some delicious food for sale provided by the local food trucks Go Go Stuff Yourself / Mobile Kitchen and Catering and Soup to Nuts! We will be sponsoring The Injured Skater Fund as the charity for this bout. Food! Beer! Roller Derby! And more! What else could you ask for?! Don't miss this awesome season opener! Get your tickets today and prepare to enjoy some great Roller Derby!!! Mar 30, 2pm: Indigo Girls with Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra The Indigo Girls broke onto the scene with Billboard hits including Closer to Fine and Galileo. The Grammy-winning folk-rock duo has sold more than 12 million records and has four platinum albums. For this performance, the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra and Indigo Girls come together for one unique evening of tightknit harmonies. Founded in 1949, the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra has performed at Carnegie Hall and has appeared on Performance Today. Tickets: $25-$60. Phillips Center, 3201 Hull Rd, Gainesville.

Ongoing Events AA Meetings in Gainesville LGBT Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings on Sundays at 7:30pm at Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. AA Meetings in St. Augustine LGBT AA Meetings held at 7pm on Saturdays at Flagler Hospital in the Alicia room. Confidential HIV & STD Testing - FREE 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5-7pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville. Gainesville Area NOW Gainesville Area National Organization for Women (NOW) hosts Feminist Friday Happy Kindred Sisters — March 2014

WhatÊs Happening? Hours, regular planning meetings, and occasional protests, rallies, programs and tabling events. Please see their website,, for more details. Find their flyers at Wild Iris Books & on Campus. Gainesville Area Women’s Network GAWN is the friendliest networking in town. Supportive women gather for lunch, to network & learn from each other & guest speakers. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Sweetwater Branch Inn. 352-215-1621, Interweave A group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender individuals & their allies. Meets at 6:30pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville, 4225 NW 34th St. Potluck, presentation, & discussion. "Just Us" Created for professional women 35+ to meet & mingle. Meets the last Saturday of the month at different restaurants, mostly in Volusia County. Join us for fun & food. "No mess, no men, no fuss, it's "Just Us". Contact Dee, Lesbian Readings & Potluck We have a good time together! Come and eat good food, bring something you have written and want to share, and/or come and listen to others read. Some womyn come just to the potluck, some just to the readings, and some to both. It's a lovely, connected evening with a small group of womyn as we share our stories and food. Time: 6:30 - Potluck; 7:30 - Readings. Place: TBA. Contact: Madeline 352-335-3138. PFLAG Gainesville PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets monthly (3rd Tuesday) at 7pm to realize our goal of moving equality forward. United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5th Ave. 352-340-3770, Kindred Sisters — March 2014

PFLAG Ocala Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6-8pm at the Ocala Public Library (Room B). FMI 352-857-1739. “Sister Song” - Women's Choir All are welcome; no experience needed. Rehearsals every Wednesday at 7pm at Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St Ste 62. For more info contact Ruth at 352-538-4927. Stonewall Democrats of Alachua County LGBT Democrats & supporters meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6pm at the Alachua County Democratic Hdqtrs, 901 NW 8th Ave #A-3. Transgender Gainesville Discussion Group Meets on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. Trans* Movie Night Join Spectrum and PCCNCF on the 2nd Friday of each month at 7pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St. What the Animals Tell Me Every Wednesday at 8:30pm Flash Silvermoon hosts a live internet radio show for animal lovers. Listen to the live stream or check the archives later: Youth Discussion Group PCCNCF hosts a weekly “Youth Discussion Group” for GLBT youth between the ages of 14 & 18 years old on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm at the Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville. FMI call 352-377-8915

Don’t forget to inform us of your up-coming events!! Just email

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Congrats! PCCNCF thanks the community members who entered the 2014 Pride Theme Contest. This yearÊs winner is Jennifer Wester who suggested „Pride is ÂFamilyʉ. ÂFamilyʉ This is a wonderful theme and we look forward to seeing how itÊs depicted in the Logo Contest!

In the Spotlight Georgina Beyer Georgina Beyer (b. 1957) was the first open transgender person in New Zealand to be elected to the offices of mayor and Member of Parliament. Though a career in politics seemed an unlikely choice for a Maori woman who began life as a farmboy and worked as a drag queen, stripper, and prostitute, Beyer's deep concern for both her queer community and for the working farmers she grew up with earned her the trust of her constituents. excerpt from

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Kindred Sisters — March 2014

Gainesville’s Girls Rock Camp Local organizers have begun planning Gainesville’s 2nd annual Rock and Roll Camp for Girls, a week long summer day camp that uses music and performance as a platform to encourage self-esteem and creative expression for young women and girls. Campers receive music instruction and attend workshops on empowering subjects such as women’s rock history, self-defense, dance, and screen printing throughout their time at camp. At the beginning of the week, the girls form into bands and work on writing a song which they ultimately perform at a public showcase closing out the week. The camp is entirely organized by local women, many of whom are in bands themselves including members of Oriflamme, No More, Wax Wings, Soda, GUTS, and The Ones To Blame. Last year’s camp hosted 28 girls and 18 volunteer staff. This year, the camp has moved into Persimmon Academy at the beautiful historic Bailey House on northwest 6th street with intentions of expansion. Gainesville Girls Rock Camp will take place from 9am-5pm June 9th-13th, with a finale showcase at the downtown concert venue, High Dive, on the afternoon of the 14th. The camp is for girls aged 8-17. Camp organizers will be hosting several concerts and promotional events leading up to summer, the first of which is an afternoon of performances Sunday, March 2nd from 2pm to 6pm at The Lunchbox (104 SE 1st Avenue). Performers include a band of last year’s campers called Soundtrack, and the all-women bands Snatch, Becca Pieters, Flock of Kegels, and Egyptian Style dance by Leela Corman and friends with more bands TBA. Organizers are looking for volunteers and donations of cash and musical equipment. If you’d like to get involved or would like more information, you can visit their website at, find them on facebook at rockandrollcampforgirlsgainesville, or e-mail the organizers at

Kindred Sisters — March 2014

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The Repurpose Project has been invited to exhibit at The Hippodrome Gallery April 2 - May 19, 2014! WANT TO BE IN THE SHOW? SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS NOW! Please submit photos of at least three art pieces you would like to be considered. 3-D, 2-D, fine art, functional art, we are looking for a well rounded show that best illustrates the beauty and creativity that can be found in our communities “trash”. The Hippodrome Theater requires a 25% commission if your artwork sells. The Repurpose Project requests that one of the three pieces be a donation to our fundraising campaign. Deadline: March 15th. Email: or send via facebook

THANK YOU, CHERYL On February 1st during the memorial held at the center for our friend and member Cheryl LaMay we announced a new award established to honor Cheryl. The LaMay Award will be a unique recognition by Pride Community Center of North Central Florida meant to honor exceptional service and contribution to PCCNCF by individuals. Cheryl was a member of the center and Sister Song and frequently attended our events. She was someone we counted on to be there and a while ago when we were trying to raise money to replace our TV she wrote a check covering about 90% of the expense for our new television which is used by many groups here. The LaMay Award is independent of Pride Days events and will not be given on a regular schedule. Only when the PCCNCF Board of Directors determines that an individual has gone above and beyond in their contribution to and support of the center will this honor be awarded. Cheryl LaMay’s support was very special and her award will be, too. Page 16

Kindred Sisters — March 2014

My Creative Process My creative process as a radical feminist? Oh, I love this question and the chance to share. I was always making art, and then teaching it, and a job as office designer, where a millionaire client said: Anyone can spend but you must have smarts to save space, time, money. This summed up my attitude of THRIFT, a virtue. In the depression years, my single mom worked as bookkeeper and sent money to her farm family of 7. Mom spent vacation money to take us to ART SCHOOL OF THE OZARKS, run by Louis and Elsie Freund, where my pretty mom posed for portrait class. Elsie was an artist AND a wife, and they read together as they did dishes every night. She made colorful tie dye and block print fabrics that she made into peasant blouses and big gathered skirts. A line from a song: “they were poor but they were honest” and they were Cultural! Mom dated Amos Lee Armstrong, the artist laureate of Louisiana who helped me develop a steady hand in water color, and got me into a statewide invitational exhibit (1947?). The Freunds later taught at Stetson in Florida, and as it turned out, so did Chaz and Sue Williams (that’s me) 1967-9, after we attained Master of Crafts degrees in Mexico’s Instituto Allende. In 1969 we were to “split the blankets” as I became a lesbian and we maintained separate households a block apart. Teaching Art and Crafts was how we paid the piper (I love that phrase). Chaz had a degree in Architecture from U Arkansas, where we met and married. I was an artist wanna be architect, he was the reverse. We are still friends, both making art at 80, and enjoying our four grandkids. At fifty, I moved to Pagoda, a lesbian beach community, did morning walk for exercise and to beach comb for free treasures to put into “mixed media” or “found object” such as my driftwood goddesses. I worked as architects’ apprentice, first with Dore and then Steve. A Lesbian Beach house for Kai and Jean was our first job. 1985. The house is still there, but the lesbians are gone. At some point, I decided not to sell my art. I always hated pricing it, it’s “priceless” and did not care to part with it. I hung every wall of my home, collected other peoples art I loved. My permanent collection is now over 100 pieces. My point is: not to spend on materials, and to use what you have on hand to solve a problem (well THAT makes you high, and I can have that creative buzz all day.) I hope others “get me” but really I need to continue without external rewards like recognition or awards or selling. As I keep creating, it’s self rewarding. I only need to sustain my efforts, and find daily my playful attitude. External rewards are icing on the cake. For me, the same old inspirations still work after all these years: PEACE ON EARTH, SISTERHOOD, JUSTICE FOR ALL, all our feminist values and icons shine me on! by Rainbow Williams Kindred Sisters — March 2014

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COMMUNITY RESOURCES Civic Media Center (CMC) 433 S Main St, 352-373-0010 CodePink -- Women for Peace, 352-468-2101, Crone’s Cradle Conserve Retreat 352-595-3377, Flash Silvermoon - Wise Woman’s Fest, 352-475-2432 Gainesville Area AIDS Project (GAAP) 352-373-4227 or Gainesville Community Alliance (GCA) Gainesville Iguana Gay & Lesbian National Hotline 1-888-843-4564, Human Rights Council (HRCNCF) 352-372-5192 or LGBT Youth Support Group National Center for Lesbian Rights Peaceful Paths Domestic Violence Hotline 352-377-8255, 1-800-393-7233

Pride Community Center of North Central Florida (PCCNCF) 352-377-8915, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville Pride Student Union 352-392-1665 #326 or Rainbow Families (Gay Parents Group) 352-284-4541, Shake Rag Art & Culture Center 882 North State Road 21, Melrose FL 352-475-5551, St. Augustine MCC Church 904-824-2802, Stonewall Democrats of Alachua County 352-373-1730, PO Box 223, Gainesville Survivors of Anti-LGBT Victimization (SAV) 352-264-6760, 1-866-252-5439 Trinity Metropolitan Community Church 352-495-3378, UF Office of LGBT Affairs 352-392-1217, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 352-377-1669, 4225 NW 34th St, Gainesville Wild Iris Books 352-375-7477, 22 SE 5th Ave Suite D, Gainesville,

Subscription Form Kindred Sisters subscriptions are $25 a year (more if you can, less if you can’t). Send this form & payment to Kindred Sisters, PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614. Name(s): __________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________ Telephone:_____________________ Email:______________________________________ This is a (select one):

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EDITORIAL POLICY ♥ We encourage all women to submit art, articles, poetry, announcements, etc. for publication. Any submission longer than 650 words may be printed in two or more parts. ♥ We print a variety of view points on topics of concern to our community members. Remember: KS is not responsible for any content or opinions printed unless it specifically states the article is by “Kindred Sisters.” All other opinions voiced or statements made are solely those of the author of the article. ♥ We are willing to withhold your name from publication upon request, but please include a contact name and/or telephone number. ♥ We print most things “as is.” It is the responsibility of the women submitting to get permission to use anyone’s name or event. We also reserve the right to edit or reject any submission. ♥ Anything submitted to KS for publication may be used on the website as well.

Type of Ad

♥ KS is available to the public at Wild Iris Books, the Pride Center, & various other venues.

Deadline: the 15th of the month before publication Mail to: PO Box 141674, Gainesville, FL 32614 Email to: Business Ads: Email, send a disk, or send your hardcopy ad by snail mail to the above address along with payment & the advertising form found at the bottom of this page. Make Checks Payable to Kindred Sisters.

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Classifieds FOR SALE: FURNISHED Park Model with large lot for sale in Apache Junction, AZ, a Women's resort. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, dinning area, and kitchen with many cabinets. Double pane windows with 90% sun block screens. Central air/heat, large shed, covered carport with sun screening; electric cart included. Asking price $87,500. For more information call Maria at 480-288-2741 or email to FOR RENT: Cozy house in NE Gainesville bicycle ride to downtown. Enjoy two bedrooms, two bath, office space, shed with electricity. Quite neighborhood, AC/heat, dishwasher, lovely yard surrounding house with native FL shrubs and flowers. Contact Rent: $850 FOR RENT: House to Share in Melrose. 3 bedroom, two bath, furnished house on one acre of fenced-in Azalea-covered yard a short walk to Lake Sante Fe with access to small beach, dock, and fishing deck. House is well kept, has one adult woman and one small, very quiet, Shitzu female dog, and yard is maintained. House is split floor plan with bedroom and bath at each side of house. 3 separate entrances, three patios, and large pole barn for storage of some items if needed. Rent could be $850, possibly all inclusive to right person. Extras might be, utilities, TV, Internet, furniture, cleaning services, lawn care, etc. Would need to negotiate with person first. No additional pets, no smoking, and no heavy scents, please. Call Shewolf (Jean) for details or more information. 904-521-5975 cell (10am to 10pm). House is located 15 minutes from east Gainesville on west side of Melrose; easy commute to Gainesville, Palatka, Waldo or Starke. Page 20

FREE Confidential STD Testing! On the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month at 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the Pride Community Center 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville Kindred Sisters — March 2014

Please Support Those Who Support Kindred Sisters! And let them know where you saw their ads!

Do You Want YOUR Art to Grace the Cover of the Hottest Lesbian/ Feminist Magazine in North Central Florida?! Yes? Then here’s your chance! Just scan or photograph your art (paintings, photos, sculptures, sketches, whatever!) and email the digital files to Be sure to provide high resolution images. Please provide a brief bio or statement to accompany your image. ALL women welcome!

Go Paperless! Kindred Sisters now offers a paperless option for the magazine! Please email us at if you would like to read the magazine online rather than have it mailed to you.

Wimmin's Movie Night First Sunday of each month at 4:00pm! March 2: “My Summer of Love� In the Yorkshire countryside, working-class tomboy Mona meets the exotic, pampered Tamsin. Over the summer season, the two young women discover they have much to teach one another, and much to explore together.

Pride Center, 3131 NW 13th St, Gainesville.

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