CHAPTtrRII:SIxSPTCIALABILITIESoFTIIERIGITTBRAIN we have two bririns: the right brain and the left brain. Thcse two brains
potentials' difl-erent hurctions. In the right brain thefe are magical functions or unknown
prescience is the ability to know in advatrce what is going to happcn. II is believed that animals have an instinctive prescience ofapproaching danget'
'rhe brain begins cleveloping lrom the right brain. children zero to six year old are in the agc trl llrc
Spiritual power here means the po\ /er to Ilove objects Or a persoll, oI to cllange
liglrt brairr ptrtlutttirtatrce'
the characteristics
arc six special abilities in the right lrrain' Let me enutnerate them:
Anrong these ESl, abilities, telepathy is most related to wlrat babies antl infants
ESP (llve senses oftlre right brain)'
2. Intuitivo 3.
ol the objects.
have. As
lmage (right brain memory).
Speetl Reading (Light bran photographic memory)'
4. Computcr Ability (right blain calctrlation
Pcrfect Pitch (right brain music ability)
Lauguage Acquisition Ahilily (right brain language ability)
noted, telepathy is the ability to communicate through spirit and not by the
conventional means. Telepathy is the ability that comes to every child but diminishes as he grows.
An unborn child can read mother's mind through this telepathy. Little children have this tetepathic ability and
it is important to foster this ability of
the Light brein.
The unborn child has the ability to communicate with their mother through lelepalhy.
rlSP sense" i[t,s tliscuss DSP tirst. Ilumans have what is commonly called "a sixtlr
Most children under age six retain this ability.
'fhis sixth sense is' in reality, aclclition to the live senses that we utilize in perception. tlre sense o1'thc right
It is nothing but ESP. ESP includes tclepathy, clailvoyance,
psyohometry, prescience. and spiritual power'
Flere is a letter from a nrolher,
It often happens that he is looking
ahead and sees what
One day he mentioned there was a tape
-Ielepatht, is the ability to tell what atrolhet' person is lhinking or to spirinrally cot-r.rnruuicate
or a sealed Clairvoyancc is the ability to look through something like a locked box
I am doing behind his
of Robin Hood under the bed spread. I took
I-Iis sister said,'I put it there.'My son didn't see his sister put it there."
Anolher mother gave me a letter saying, "My four year old daughter always wins the card games and
envelopc and tell its contents.
it is impossible to see.
offthe covering and slre enough it was there. I asked hinr ifhe ptrt it there and he said
with anotlter person'
son seerns to see what
asked her how she can always
win, and she said' 'Because I can