SPA by
Beauty Therapy
for hands and feet
Beauty Therapy for hands and feet
AAcombination combinationof ofscience scienceand andnature nature ininKinetics’ Kinetics’White WhiteSPA SPApresents presentsour ournew newapproach approach to toSPA SPAmanicures manicuresand andpedicures. pedicures. We Weare areproud proudto tobe bethe thefirst first to touse usescientific-grade scientific-gradeingredients, ingredients, like likehyaluronic hyaluronicacid acidand andaapeptide peptidecomplex, complex, inincombination combinationwith withnatural naturalbotanical botanicalextracts, extracts, to tocreate createthe thebest bestpossible possibleformulations. formulations. Products Productssuch suchas asLuxurious LuxuriousFiller Fillerand andUltra-Rich Ultra-Rich Moisturizer Moisturizermimic mimicthe theperformance performanceof of cosmetic-grade cosmetic-gradedermal dermalfillers fillersand anddeliver deliver instant instantwrinkle wrinklereduction, reduction,visible visibleskin skin improvement, improvement,and andsuperior superiormoisturizing. moisturizing. We Webelieve believethe theWhite WhiteSPA SPAisisaastep stepfurther further ininprofessional professionalSPA SPAtreatments: treatments: true truebeauty beautytherapy therapyfor forhands handsand andfeet. feet.
Beauty Therapy for hands and feet
Active Ingredients Kinetics’ White SPA contains some of the world’s most advanced cosmetic ingredients. Although these components are widely used in facial therapies, they have never yet been accessible to nail professionals for use in manicures and pedicures. Kinetics’ White SPA line introduces these ingredients to create revolutionary new products.
Peptide complex
(Tetrapeptide-21) Peptides are the newest development in anti-aging skin care. Due to their complexity and high cost, peptides are usually utilized only in premium facial cosmetics. White SPA employs a bioactive tetrapeptide complex with superior collagen-producing activity. Collagen is one of the most important proteins for the skin, giving it a smooth, firm foundation. Medical tests have shown that there is a 250% increase in the skin’s collagen production within the 24-hour period after application. Our peptide complex gives a smoother, firmer, younger look to the skin.
Hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer) Hyaluronic acid is enjoying rapidly increasing popularity as an ingredient in dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation. This component is naturally found in the human body and is popular due to its safety. White SPA uses the topical filler form of hyalurionic acid, which requires no injections but delivers instant results. When it penetrates the skin, it acts like an inflated cushion to support skin structure and smooth out wrinkles. Medical studies have shown a 12% wrinkle reduction just two hours after application. Hyaluronic acid is an unsurpassed topical wrinkle smoothener. Shea butter (Butyrospermum parkii) This natural ingredient of African origin, also called “the tree of life”, is known for its nourishing properties. Due to its Vitamin A, D, F, and E content, it is an excellent ingredient for elasticizing the skin, restoring dry and damaged skin, and helping to heal wounds. Shea butter has the potential to penetrate deep into the skin and provide as much as 24 hours of moisturizing and protection, leaving the skin silky-smooth and glowing.
Argan oil (Argania spinosa) Argan oil is well known as a nature’s anti-aging ingredient and is often also called “African liquid gold”. It is extremely rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids, making it an amazing antioxidant and moisturizer. It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increases elasticity, and gives skin a youthful, healthy glow. Extensive research has proven that argan oil is an effective angi-aging treatment that fights free radicals, restores the skin’s hydro-lipid layer, and reduces wrinkles.
11 Gentle GentleSoak Soak
WHAT WHATITITISIS This Thisdelicate, delicate,aromatic aromaticsoak soakwith withginger gingerextract extractsoftens softenscuticles cuticles and andcalluses callusesand andprovides providesdeep deepcleansing. cleansing.Orange Orangeextract extractgives gives extra extrahydration hydrationtotothe theskin. skin.After Aftertreatment, treatment,skin skinisisclean cleanand and ready readyfor forLuminous LuminousPeeling. Peeling.
WHY WHYIT’S IT’SSPECIAL SPECIAL Enriched Enrichedmoisturizing moisturizingformula formuladeeply deeplyconditions conditionsthe theskin skin Deeply Deeplysoftens softenscuticles cuticlesand andcalluses calluses Light, Light,sophisticated sophisticatedfragrance fragranceleaves leavesthe theskin skinfresh freshand andsoothed soothed
ACTIVE ACTIVEINGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS Orange Orangeextract extractfor forenriched enrichedhydration hydration Ginger Gingerextract extractfor foraafresh, fresh,clean cleanfeel feel
INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Dispense Dispenseone onepump pumpfor foraamanicure manicureorortwo twopumps pumpsfor foraa pedicure pedicureinto intoaabowl bowlofofwarm warmwater waterand andsoak soakoff offfor forfive five tototen tenminutes. minutes.Can Canalso alsobe beused usedininwhirlpool whirlpoolpedicure pedicurespas. spas. Item# Item#KWSGS08 KWSGS08 8.45 8.45flfloz/250 oz/250ml ml~~200-400 200-400applications applications
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Beauty Therapy for hands and feet
Luminous Peeling
Item# KWSLP08 8.45 fl oz/250 ml, ~ 50 applications
WHAT IT IS Luminous Peeling adds a bright glow to tired skin and prepares it for Luxurious Filler. The combination of lactic acid, bamboo particles, and argan oil are perfect for moisturizing, exfoliating, and de-stressing the skin. Its uniquely light texture means there is no need to rinse it off.
WHY IT’S SPECIAL Resurfaces skin for vibrant texture and color Provides deep skin hydration Doesn’t require rinsing
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Argan oil for enriched moisturizing Bamboo particles for vibrant skin texture Lactic acid for gentle exfoliation Ginger extract for calming and de-stressing
INSTRUCTIONS Apply a small amount to the hands and arms up to the elbow for a manicure (or to the legs up to the knee for a pedicure). Massage in and exfoliate for 1-2 minutes until the dead skin cells start sloughing off. Do not rinse. Wipe away excess product with a warm, moist towel if desired.
33 Luxurious LuxuriousFiller Filler
Item# Item#KWSLF08 KWSLF08 8.45 8.45flfloz/250 oz/250ml, ml,~~50 50applications applications
WHAT WHATITITISIS This Thisrevolutionary revolutionarynew newproduct productmimics mimicsthe theresults resultsofofdermal dermalinjection injectionfillers. fillers.Fortified Fortifiedwith with shea sheabutter butterand andargan arganoil, oil,ititplumps plumpsthe theskin skinand andrepairs repairsdamage damagecaused causedby byfree freeradicals. radicals. Powerful Powerfulhyaluronic hyaluronicacid acidprovides providesthe theboost boostthe theskin skinneeds needstototighten tightenup upand andreduce reducewrinkles. wrinkles. The Thesuperior superiorlight lightformula formulaabsorbs absorbsrapidly, rapidly,leaving leavingno nogreasy greasyresidue. residue.
WHY WHYIT’S IT’SSPECIAL SPECIAL 12% 12%wrinkle wrinklereduction reductionininthe thetwo twohours hoursafter aftertreatment treatment Superior Superiorprotection protectionfrom fromdrying dryingout outininsunlight sunlight Feeds Feedsthe theskin, skin,leaving leavingititsmooth, smooth,healthy, healthy,and andfirm firm
ACTIVE ACTIVEINGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS Hyalurionic Hyalurionicacid acidfor forimmediate immediatewrinkle wrinklereduction reduction Shea Sheabutter butterfor forprolonged prolongednourishing nourishingand andsoftening softening Argan Arganoil oiland andVitamin VitaminEEfor forstrong strongantioxidant antioxidantpower power Orange Orangeblossom blossomextract extractfor forvitalized vitalizedsenses senses
INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Evenly Evenlycoat coathands handsand andarms armsup uptotothe theelbow elbowwith withaathin thinlayer layerofofLuxurious LuxuriousFiller. Filler. Massage Massagefor for1-2 1-2minutes minutesuntil untilthe thefiller fillerhas hascompletely completelyabsorbed. absorbed.There Thereisisno noneed needtotorinse rinseoror wipe wipeoff offthe thefiller, filler,asasititwill willfully fullyabsorb absorbinto intothe theskin. skin.
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Beauty Therapy for hands and feet
Intense Foot Peel
Item# KWSFP08 8.45 fl oz/250 ml, ~ 50 applications
WHAT IT IS This powerful yet lush foot peel cleanses and softens callused areas, leaving the feet refreshed and fragrant. A combination of lactic acid and lava powder acts instantly, sloughing away dry, rough skin. Shea butter and argan oil provide deep nourishing.
WHY IT’S SPECIAL Instantly softens and removes calluses Provides deep, prolonged nourishing Leaves skin fresh and soothed
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Lactic acid accelerates exfoliation of dead skin Lava powder allows efficient mechanical peeling of calluses Shea butter and argan oil provide deep and prolonged nourishing Ginger extract leaves skin soothed and fragrant
INSTRUCTIONS Apply a small amount of Intense Foot Peel to a pedicure file. Work with the file on the sole and heel to remove calusses until desired results are obtained. Do not rinse. Wipe away excess with warm, moist towel if desired.
55 Ultra-Rich Ultra-RichMoisturizer Moisturizer
Item# Item#KWSRM08 KWSRM08 8.45 8.45flfloz/250 oz/250ml, ml,~~52 52applications applications
WHAT WHATITITISIS This Thisultra-rich ultra-richhand handand andbody bodymoisturizer moisturizerwith withaahigh highconcentration concentrationofofshea sheabutter butterprovides provides 24-hour 24-hourhydration hydrationtotothe theskin. skin.Naturally Naturallyderived derivedpeptides peptidesstimulate stimulatecollagen collagenproduction, production, improving improvingskin skinelasticity elasticityand andpreventing preventingthe theformation formationofoffine finelines linesand andwrinkles. wrinkles.The Thesuper-lush super-lush yet yetlight lighttexture texturefacilitates facilitatesimmediate immediateabsorption, absorption,leaving leavingthe theskin skinsilky silkyand andsmooth. smooth.
WHY WHYIT’S IT’SSPECIAL SPECIAL 24-hour 24-hourcontinuous continuousdeep deephydration hydrationtotothe theskin skin Immediately Immediatelyimproves improvesskin skinstrength strengthand andelasticity elasticity 25% 25%wrinkle wrinklereduction reductionwithin withineight eightweeks weeksofofdaily dailyuse use
ACTIVE ACTIVEINGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS Shea Sheabutter butterfor for24-hour 24-hourhydration hydration Tetrapeptide Tetrapeptidecomplex complexfor forbrighter, brighter,younger youngerskin skin Argan Arganoil oilfor forcell cellregeneration regeneration Orange Orangeblossom blossomextract extractfor forreduced reducedstress stress
INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Massage Massagethe thehands handsand andarms armsup uptotothe theelbow elbow(or (orthe thefeet feetand andlegs legsup uptotothe theknee) knee)until untilthe the product producthas hasabsorbed absorbedcompletely. completely.This Thiswill willtake takeone onetototwo twominutes. minutes. Recommended Recommendedfor fordaily dailyhand handand andbody bodymoisturizing moisturizingatathome. home.
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Beauty Therapy for hands and feet
Manicure Step By Step 1 – Antiseptic
Wash client’s hands thoroughly and dry with a towel. Use an antiseptic agent on the client’s hands to eliminate any risk of infection. Remove any nail polish.
2 – Nail Length
Create a nail form and shorten the length of the natural nail using a White Turtle 180/180 K-File.
3 – Gentle Soak
Dispense one pump of Gentle Soak into a bowl of warm water and soak for five minutes to soften the cuticle for easy removal.
4 – Cuticle Remover
Apply a small amount of K-Cuticle Remover around the cuticle area. Use the K-Straight Pusher to push back the cuticle and to remove all non-living tissue. Rinse thoroughly with water.
5 – Luminous Peeling
Apply a small amount of Luminous Peeling to the hands and arms up to the elbow. Exfoliate for 1-2 minutes until the dead skin cells start sloughing off. This new-generation formula does not require rinsing. Wipe away excess product with a warm, moist towel if desired.
6 – Luxurious Filler
Evenly coat hands and arms up to the elbow with a thin layer of Luxurious Filler. Massage for 1-2 minutes until the filler has completely penetrated. There is no need to rinse or wipe off the filler; it will be fully absorbed into the skin.
7 – Ultra-Rich Moisturizer
Massage the hands and arms up to the elbow for 1-2 minutes until the product has soaked in completely. Your client will enjoy the 24-hour moisturizing effect. Recommend the product to the client for daily hand and body moisturizing at home.
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Pedicure PedicureStep Step By By Step Step 11––Antiseptic Antiseptic
Wash Washclient’s client’sfeet feetthoroughly thoroughlyand anddry drywith withaatowel. towel.Use Usean anantiseptic antisepticagent agenton onthe theclient’s client’s feet feettotoeliminate eliminateany anyrisk riskofofinfection. infection.Remove Removeany anynail nailpolish. polish.
22––Nail NailLength Length
Create Createaanail nailform formand andshorten shortenthe thelength lengthofofthe thenatural naturalnail nailusing usingaaKrazy KrazyKat Kat150/180 150/180 K-File. K-File.
33––Gentle GentleSoak Soak
Add Addtwo twopumps pumpsofofGentle GentleSoak Soaktotoaabowl bowlofofwarm warmwater waterand andsoak soakfor for5-10 5-10minutes minutestoto soften softencuticles cuticlesand andcalluses. calluses.This Thisproduct productcan canalso alsobe beused usedininwhirlpool whirlpoolpedicure pedicurespas. spas.
44––Cuticle CuticleRemover Remover
Apply Applyaasmall smallamount amountofofK-Cuticle K-CuticleRemover Removeraround aroundthe thecuticle cuticlearea. area.Use Usethe theK-Straight K-Straight Pusher Pushertotopush pushback backthe thecuticle cuticleand andtotoremove removeallallnon-living non-livingtissue. tissue.Rinse Rinsethoroughly thoroughly with withwater. water.
55––Intense IntenseFoot FootPeel Peel
Dispense Dispenseaasmall smallamount amountofofIntense IntenseFoot FootPeel Peelonto ontothe thepedicure pedicurefile. file.Work Workwith withthe thefile fileon on the thesole soleand andheel heeltotoremove removecalusses calussesuntil untildesired desiredresults resultshave havebeen beenattained. attained.Do Donot notrinse. rinse. IfIfnecessary, necessary,wipe wipeaway awayexcess excesswith withaawarm, warm,moist moisttowel. towel.This Thisproduct productisisdesigned designedfor for callused callusedareas areasonly. only.ToToexfoliate exfoliatethe thetop topofofthe thefoot footand andleg, leg,use useLuminous LuminousPeeling. Peeling.
66––Luminous LuminousPeeling Peeling
Apply Applyaasmall smallamount amountofofLuminous LuminousPeeling Peelingonto ontothe thetop topofoffoot footand andleg legup uptotothe theknee. knee. Exfoliate Exfoliatefor for1-2 1-2minutes minutesuntil untilthe thedead deadskin skincells cellsstart startsloughing sloughingoff. off.This Thisnew-generation new-generation formula formuladoes doesnot notrequire requirerinsing. rinsing.IfIfnecessary, necessary,wipe wipeaway awayexcess excesswith withaawarm, warm,moist moisttowel. towel.
77––Ultra-Rich Ultra-RichMoisturizer Moisturizer
Massage Massagethe thefoot footand andleg legup uptotothe theknee kneefor for1-2 1-2minutes minutesuntil untilthe theproduct producthas hascompletely completely penetrated penetratedtotoprovide provideyour yourclient clientwith withaa24-hour 24-hourmoisturizing moisturizingeffect. effect.Recommend Recommendthe the product productfor fordaily dailyhand, hand,foot, foot,and andbody bodymoisturizing moisturizingatathome. home.
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Kinetics Nail Systems, Ltd. Riga, LV-1026 Latvia Pretty Woman, LLC Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 USA