The 2012/13 UK Digital Out of Home Handbook

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2012/13 UK Digital OOH Handbook

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600

Contents Introduction A digital future About Kinetic and Grand Visual That was 2011 This is 2012 Digital OOH insights Innovations How to use this guide 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Roadside Transport Retail City Centre Airports Healthcare Mobile Media Bar Sport Leisure Education Business Interactive

Appendix Glossary All UK digital OOH sites

This handbook has been published for information purposes only and the rates quoted are subject to negotiation and availability. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of Kinetic Worldwide and it should not be taken as a recommendation by Kinetic Worldwide that you take action based on the information. Additionally, Kinetic Worldwide cannot be held responsible for any omissions or errors contained herein. Published July 2012.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 3


Kinetic is pleased to launch its fourth annual digital Out of Home handbook, again produced in conjunction with digital production company Grand Visual. The handbook is intended to be a reference point for all those involved in the planning, creation and execution of advertising across screens in all environments in the UK’s Digital OOH sector. The market continues to advance and diversify every year thanks to significant investment by media owners. Digital screens now exist in almost every environment imaginable, but their capabilities, regionality, format and technical specifications can vary dramatically, which makes a handbook of this type an extremely useful tool to help navigate the array of options currently available. The handbook will give you an insight into every category from one-off screens to nationwide networks in all locations. Information provided on each opportunity includes a technical specification and creative guidance, plus a Kinetic View – our opinion of how the format can be most effectively employed. We hope that this information will help digital OOH be integrated fully with other media channels, and allow its capabilities to continue to be challenged and maximised. This year’s edition includes a new section: Interactive. This covers a growing number of screens and networks that have the latest camera-based, touch or mobile interactive technologies permanently available, to be utilised by advertisers at any time. These developments demonstrate the media owners’ long term commitment to the medium, and the growing demand from advertisers to offer consumers a personal experience with their brands. 2012 has been a highly anticipated year in the UK, with a number of sporting events and celebrations to look forward to, culminating in the Olympic Games in London in August. This backdrop also makes it a year of great potential in the UK for all Out of Home, delivering increased audiences across all environments in London and other major cities. Within this context we hope that digital OOH will be used to full effect, fuelling Out of Home campaigns that are more timely, relevant and effective than ever.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 4

A Digital Future

2012 is an exciting time for Out of Home advertising, but this is no ‘one-off’ or sudden bolt from the blue. Digital OOH developments have cemented a platform for the evolution of the industry. The kind of examples we are seeing in 2012 promises to continue to enrich and invigorate the consumer experience. Digital has dramatically transformed so many products and industries that it is only logical that it will also change the face and perception of OOH. Many of our digital properties connect to the internet, and to mobile phones. Some screens recognise faces and gender and mood. Once a long term evolutionary concept, this is now a reality with real potential for interactive value. The reality is that we’re already witnessing strong integration with nascent technologies with notable examples particularly with the synergy of accessing social and media and digital media on the go. In addition to providing high impact engagement with audiences, connectivity with the consumer is creating a new, exciting and valuable dimension. By choosing digital OOH, clients can now achieve a truly flexible broadcast communication, but can also customise their messages to location, circumstance, time of day and day of week. The combination of mobile and digital OOH is already leading to instant interaction, digital coupons, branded content, games and apps as well as search. All of which will ultimately result in more engagement and a stimulus to purchase. QR codes, near-field communication (NFC) and location-based marketing all have a greater potential through the digital channel but are also impacting the traditional model. Brands are continuing to see the commercial benefits in investing in ways of communicating via smartphones and new technologies such as Augmented Reality have given them creative channels of interaction. Part of this involves a convergence of message, content and social media. Changing the landscape of media with impressions that last and an effective, amplified message. The ability to share content is becoming paramount and this aspect of digital OOH will continue to grow. Already we have seen strong examples – from Sky News, Time Out and ITV, driving news and information content, to strong brand associations with relevant and location-based context from TomTom, IBM, Amex and others, effectively blurring content and message to great effect. Current research points to the fact that we’re increasingly ready to make a purchase decision when out of the home with many of us now processing payments through our mobile device. Kinetic’s own research identifies a real potential for further interaction through smartphone device and touch. The opportunity for mobile couponing is compelling in terms of reinforcing relationships with consumers and promoting trial and engagement. Digital developments alone in the quality, scale, regionality, social media compatibility and interactivity of the environment, places Out of Home in an exciting place and the opportunity for clients to run flexible, linear and non-linear campaigns is an exciting part of the shifting communications landscape.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 5

About Kinetic Worldwide

Kinetic Worldwide is the world’s largest planner and buyer of Out of Home media and the global leader in understanding how brands can connect with people’s lifestyles and the environments they engage with. At Kinetic we pride ourselves on our objectivity and thought leadership. We have informed and up-to-date views on industry developments, consumer trends and the changing nature of media and we seek to stay constantly at the forefront of the fastchanging world of global communications. We manage our clients’ investment to ensure best advertiser value from communications. To achieve this, we integrate our core planning and buying services with distinct and specialist business units to deliver effective communication. Kinetic is a truly global network and part of the WPP Group with 38 offices in 36 cities in 21 markets. Fully owned by WPP and part of the tenthavenue performance marketing division, Kinetic’s expertise and insight helps deliver solutions for clients that achieve ambitious brand and marketing goals. Digital screens are now an important communication opportunity to supplement roadside posters, travel and leisure locations and all kinds of interactive experiences. Digital OOH has captured the consumers’ imagination and combined with the rise of the smartphone, is starting to deliver true interactivity and authentic location-based messaging. Kinetic has developed centres of excellence in digital and aviation media, research, insight and data, mobile marketing and OOH printing and production. We seek to maximize the impact of our clients’ investments through strategic thinking, proprietary tools, and the intelligent application of scale. Our specific connection to digital OOH extends to unrivalled expertise and objectivity in this expanding environment in our medium across the UK and Europe. For more information about Kinetic, please go to or follow us on twitter (@kineticww) and our other selected social media platforms.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 6

About Grand Visual

Grand Visual is a creative technology and production company offering platforms and services that unlock the potential of the digital Out of Home medium. We combine creative thinking, technology expertise and production technique to help brands target audiences across the fast growing range of digital media formats and environments in the UK and now increasingly abroad. Since launch in 2005, Grand Visual’s production & project management services have powered hundreds of digital OOH campaigns in the UK. Our approach to producing effective campaign materials is based on in-depth knowledge and an understanding of audience mindset, format specifications and technology functionality within specific OOH environments. The past year has seen the launch of further Grand Visual services including: OpenLoop - the new digital out-of-home campaign management dashboard that facilitates dynamic, real-time, responsive campaigns across multiple networks and markets. OpenLoop is fully integrated with all major digital outdoor networks in the UK and enables users to centrally control content and publish to multiple formats instantly as the campaign demands. Agent - an open platform developed to allow interaction between mobile devices and digital Out of Home sites. Agent facilitates a multitude of interactivity including gaming, voting, commenting and social media integration. Spirit - offers the execution of large format as well as one-to-one augmented reality experiences and builds on our delivery of Lynx Angel Ambush and Ford C-MAX. In addition to these services Grand Visual also runs Accelerator, the digital OOH copy trafficking facility that ensures copy is to spec and provides a centralised hub for copy distribution. Accelerator has been in operation since 2010 and is now very much a part of the UK digital OOH infrastructure in the UK. Grand Visual had a great year at Cannes Lions in 2012 with 6 shortlisted entries. The jury awarded our campaigns a Gold Lion in Mobile and a Bronze in Media (Best Use of Screens). The Grand Visual team is led by founder, Neil Morris and Director of Creative and Technology, Dan Dawson and is based in Central London. For more information about Grand Visual, please go to

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 7

That was 2011

In 2011, digital OOH spend in the UK leapt by 24% to nearly £125m, up from £100.7m in 2010. Digital OOH accounted for around 14% of all Out of Home spend and is growing. Behind this growth lays a number of different factors. Digital OOH is now a mainstream medium with national penetration. Its attraction for advertisers is not just its inherent flexibility and premium quality, but also its growing relevancy in a hyperconnected world. 2011 saw continued investment from the major players across all environments to help create the scale that advertisers demand. There were unique, premium additions to the roadside market from JCDecaux, Ocean, Primesight, and newcomers to the digital market Outdoor Plus and Mediaco. The digital footprint within malls grew by over 60% year on year, and included CBS’ launch of a digital-only network within the vast and impressive new Westfield mall, Stratford City. The end of the year saw another significant step forward for digital OOH when Clear Channel introduced the country’s first digital street furniture in the form of NFC-ready LD6s in central London. JCDecaux’s e-motion, a dominating installation of nine interconnected screens at Euston station, also helped to enrich the burgeoning digital OOH market, along with some highly targeted channels such as ECN Live, a network of screens within lift lobbies in the City of London. 2011 was a year that brought the use of interactive technologies within digital OOH into focus. The Lynx Angels Augmented Reality event in London and Birmingham sparked huge interest in the potential for creating sharable, entertaining experiences through touch or camera-based technologies out of the home. Consumer appetite was also whet by other advertisers, including Colgate, British Airways, Warner Bros, Nike and Fosters, experimenting with the medium and offering audiences a personal engagement with the brand. Another encouraging sign has been the growth in the tactical use of digital OOH. Almost as a pre-cursor to the Olympics this year, in 2011 there was evidence of a number of major advertisers using digital OOH to build anticipation around sporting events such as The Champions League Final and the Wimbledon tennis championships. Nike, ITV, IBM and Heineken all used the medium to its full potential, tapping into the spirit of the event and providing a contextual dialogue with consumers; something which was built upon further in 2012.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 8

This is 2012

In spite of an uncertain economic climate, 2012 looks likely to be another successful year for digital Out of Home in the UK. Revenue in the first half of the year has already seen a significant increase on the same period in 2011, growing by 35%, largely reflecting the huge investment made by media owners in the second half of 2011. We anticipate that by the end of 2012, spend will reach over £155m, an increase of 24.5% on 2011. At this level, digital OOH’s slice of the overall OOH market will stand at approximately 16.5%. Mall and rail have been key areas of investment in recent years, and this carries on into 2012 with JCDecaux and Clear Channel, amongst other media owners, growing their digital retail footprint, as malls continue to be environments attracting millions of consumers not only for shopping, but for leisure and entertainment too. New installations at the recently modernised King’s Cross station in London, and the digitisation of the Eurostar terminals at St. Pancras, have been welcome developments, as is the continued expansion of the D6s format across stations nationwide. Low level growth of large format, iconic sites is also expected, with media owners such as Ocean, Outdoor Plus and Primesight already widening their distribution across London, and others hoping to fill gaps in major regional cities across the country. Another interesting development is Primesight’s introduction of a national network of digital screens in cinemas, all with interactive technologies, including mobile, touch and gesture-based technologies permanently installed. With so many ways to interact now available to consumers, Kinetic has invested in two pieces of research to better understand how audiences want to engage with brands via OOH, and which interactive technologies look most likely to be widely adopted. More details on our learnings can be found on page 11. Lastly, it would be impossible to talk about 2012 without mentioning the Olympics, and digital OOH’s role for delivering reactive and highly contextualised communication in the Outdoor space. We hope to see some inspired use of the medium, leveraging the spirit and excitement around the games. We are already seeing advertisers using digital OOH to share, via social media, user-generated content with a mass audience, one of many trends that will no doubt be built upon across the summer of 2012.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 9

Digital Out of Home Insights

Digital OOH insights

Digital OOH insights and learnings With digital OOH revenue accelerating in the last few years, consumer engagement and expectation has been heightened, whilst clients have sought a more accurate understanding of how it engages people and attracts attention, as well as how it leads to action and interaction with brands. Kinetic, for one, has been very actively involved in researching the medium through eye and face tracking techniques as well as client projects and understanding the interface with social media. Others have been equally productive and such insights have helped drive further media owner investment and client interest in the medium – particularly towards the trial and use of more interactive media deployment.

Consumer perception of digital OOH In order to gain a clearer picture of consumers’ attitudes towards digital posters and their propensity to interact with them, Kinetic has conducted consumer research into consumer perception of the medium. The results provide strong indications that not only do most people like digital posters, but they can already see the potential for a profound shift in the traditional role of posters, from that of broadcast medium to a medium that actively or passively engages consumers either directly or via their mobile phones. The potential to be entertained or to access retail promotions are the two most immediate attractions to digital posters. Around half of consumers said they would download money-off vouchers for retailers from digital sites to their mobile phone. We also found that consumers think digital posters could be beneficial to people in locations where they are waiting to travel or for services, while 40% said interacting with posters are a great way to pass the time while travelling. Digital screens could become a focal point for other forms of content; there is a strong propensity to download content from newspaper, TV or radio brands, accessing local or national travel information; or from new films, computer games or smartphone apps. The potential power and usefulness of digital screen communications is also illustrated by consumers’ attitudes to digital and their future expectations when it comes to mobile interaction outside the home. High numbers of consumers now expect to see digital screen advertising in most city centres in the future and agree that ‘moving’ digital posters were more likely to catch their attention. Our research confirms that we think that digital posters make shopping malls more interesting and attractive and that they enhance transport environments. In addition, we found that targeted digital advertising tailored according to the consumer, the location, time of day, or circumstances is valued by consumers. Consumers tell us they would think more favourably of brands that offered something relevant to their daily experiences or location or show a special offer that is immediately available at a nearby retailer.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 11

Digital OOH insights

Our research validates previous qualitative and quantitative findings that demonstrate digital OOH is both enjoyed by consumers and enhances the engagement experience amongst core consumer groups like young people and businessmen. And increasingly, as environments come to the fore to engage focused and attentive consumers, the digital experience in specific places like malls and travel hubs are offering measurable and relevant communications experiences, targetable by time and moment for maximum impact.

Interactivity There are more insights emerging into the growing interactive space and truly understanding the process for consumer interactivity and the role digital OOH may play more actively in the future. In terms of the drivers of interactivity, these have been widely identified as value-driven, informational and entertainment-based. CBS Outdoor’s extensive European study went on to confirm that people are generally very positive about a technology-driven future and about brands that encourage interaction. The number of people prepared to take “interactive” action is particularly high at 70%. Our own research in Reading with JCDecaux found huge potential for interactivity and that brands that elicited the most positive interactions did so through a combination of relevance, dynamic content and a strong call to action. Conversion and deeper engagement rates were strong and even redemption rates – where tested – yielded weekly results as high as 18%. Notably, there was real enthusiasm around the concept of interacting and people were generally keen to trial the technology. 83% of those researched across the trial period were positively surprised by its simplicity and immediacy, especially using NFC. Digital OOH can enhance the interactive proposition of Out of Home media through movement and flexibility, but this is not the sole preserve of digital. The smartphone has taken on a new meaning in many people’s lives and can transform all OOH environments and formats into an interactive landscape. We have also researched the full interactive concept in 2012 with Clear Channel’s interactive iD6 panel. The research indicated strong levels of interaction, including long dwell times, a high propensity for further interaction, and clear preferences around touch (for initial interaction) and smartphone (for data capture). In all the digital and interactive research we’ve experienced, two key themes emerge around consumer positivity for the experience and the positive halo effect it brings the brand. People applaud the simplicity and fun of engaging out of home and on the move, whilst interacting can help brands leverage engagement and dialogue with their customers on a long-term basis. Over 80% believe it’s a good way for brands to communicate and to promote their social media presence.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 12

Digital OOH insights

The impact of movement on our emotions Other research from the UK in retail environments found that significant numbers have seen digital OOH screens and that people are positive about the contribution the media can have to the landscape. Eye Corp has used neuro-imaging science to conduct research into the benefits of digital OOH in the airport environment. Measuring how the brain responds to communications, 150 respondents watched an average airport journey and an average roadside journey, alongside clutter and noises that would occur whilst being present in the environment, in real time. Here, respondents’ real emotions and reactions to the formats were recorded as brain scans were taken whilst respondents went through their visual journeys. Three key measures were identified, which were used to analyse the findings: emotional intensity and personal relevance, which affects and determines the third measurement, long term memory. Responses varied by environment and movement. Digital screens elicited responses around 20% higher than for static communication – reinforcing a known insight around the value of movement in driving attention. Emotional intensity also heightened when accompanied by movement or sound, having the effect of stimulating the brain with either work or emotion, driving a more intense reaction. Large formats seemed particularly effective at displaying strong, emotive images; smaller formats for capturing detailed attention. Copy that appeals to our emotions seems to impact our memory and create a reaction. Much of the research conducted demonstrates a clear potential for brand engagement whilst we’re on the move. Social media can be a strong enabler of the experience, but not in isolation, but there is real potential impact on the OOH medium, changing it into something perceptively different and tangible.

The future Consumer patterns of behaviour are not dissimilar now around the globe and we have clearly identified a willingness amongst mobile users to interact with brand campaigns through QR codes here and now and via more seamless NFC technology in the future. We still need to work hard educating people that the technology is available and that it can empower the relationships we have with brands. But the opportunity is here to bring Outdoor to life and drive real communication flexibility in reaching the modern consumer in a way that suits their evolving lifestyles.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 13


Beyond linear

In the past, when thinking of innovation in the digital Out of Home space, we have focused on technology and what additional functionalities or feature sets have been added to the media landscape. It’s probably time now to start thinking about innovation in terms of campaign objectives and the mechanics to deliver those objectives. The last twelve months have seen a maturing of the medium. We are witnessing increasingly sophisticated planning, creative and execution from a channel flexing its muscles. Perhaps we should be looking at digital Out of Home innovation in terms of the modes of communication that the medium now operates in. These modes are growing in their number, their complexity and their refinement. Not so long ago digital Out of Home was simply broadcasting linear ads. Now we see campaigns that are disseminating fresh and timely content, or are directly interactive, or invite indirect participation in some way, or reflect user generated activity in another channel. It’s worth looking at campaigns that fall into the above categories in order to understand these modes, the campaign profile and how digital Out of Home has played an increasingly innovative role in delivering on campaign objectives. Campaigns based around sporting events have naturally been early adopters of digital OOH to disseminate brand content. For the Rugby World Cup, ITV took on the mantle of always-on, obsessed sports fan to deliver live scores, opinion, news from team camps and match analysis over a seven week campaign. Touchscreen and mobile mechanics have powered various directly interactive campaigns. The Fosters ‘Smart Casual’ work in interactive bus shelters allowed users dress up in a ‘smart/casual’ outfit selected from a digital wardrobe and then share the resulting ensemble online with friends. Around Euro 2012 ‘My Time Is Now’ Nike asked users (again in bus shelters) to select which of the younger generation of England football players will be the one to seize their opportunity. Mobile has also become a conduit for direct interaction. In the case of ‘Pennies for Life’ for The Microloan Foundation, each time a participant donated a fixed amount by text, a new piece of creative developed and a personalised on-screen thank you message was displayed.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 15

Other campaigns have invited participation (as opposed to interaction) in some way – Colgate asked passersby to smile for the camera and their images were beamed up to a large digital site. For Nike’s #makeitcount activity, Nike customers could have their portrait snapped and share their sports based 2012 resolution across the local OOH network. ‘London’s Insider Tip Generator’ for American Express used mobile and good old SMS to trigger a personalised tip highlighting insider knowledge about the area local to them. The participant also received the tip as an SMS message, so they could take it away with them and share. The ability to integrate with social media is imperative and this year we have seen a few campaigns reflect user participation in brand activity in other channels. In their “Keep Britain Smiling” work, Colgate gave Outdoor fame and stature to users’ pictures uploaded via a Facebook campaign. Europcar published tweets around the hashtag #myextrahour generated through a Twitter based campaign. Heineken also reflected Twitter activity ahead of the 2011 Champions League final via a data visualization of geo-tagged Tweets for Barca and Man U. All of these pioneering campaigns have been enabled by the systems, processes and resource put in place by stakeholders involved in the digital Out of Home channel. Part of this supporting infrastructure includes a number of interactive formats (detailed later in this handbook) as well as certain digitally enabled environments. As the medium has become more established it is increasingly able to nurture innovative thinking.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 16

Kinetic’s guide to Interactivity in OOH

Mainstream campaigns now appearing across the interactive networks available have created real potential for activating brand engagement in the OOH environment. The medium has evolved from a passive, pulsing message medium into one that is truly engaging and interactive across the active consumer space. Our recommendations for maximising the impact of interactivity are derived from numerous campaigns and some real research and data capture around activation, both physical (through touch, gesture and other means) and device-led through smartphone technology. There are numerous opportunities to deepen the relationship customers have with brands and to drive people to content, offers and genuine brand experiences. Here are some of the aspects of the engagement that we can help get right: CALL TO ACTION: Relevance, dynamic content and a strong call to action are key drivers. INTERACTION PREFERENCES:

Clear preferences around touch (for initial interaction) and smartphone (for data capture). Research indicates an 80-90% preference for Touch over Gesture interaction mechanism and a 60% activated response preference via mobile.


A strong willingness amongst mobile users to activate the right content or offer.


Overwhelming consumer positivity about the experience 78% are positive about the experience; over 80% say they will use NFC in future.


Interactive conversion and redemption rates are high; there is real demand for mobile couponing using OOH, as high as 18% according to one test.

HALO EFFECT: Consumers are positive about brands that encourage interaction. 3 in 4 are generally more positive towards the brand as a result of the interaction; 89% say they like them for using smartphone activation technology. CUSTOMER DRIVE: Interactivity can drive conversion and retention of customers. LOCATION:

High dwell time locations, including city centres and malls, best; proximity to stores helps drive interaction.


QR Codes are an interim method of accessing online; NFC a longer term solution. Education still needed but people will definitely interact if the reason is compelling.

THE EXPERIENCE: A gateway for more information; content, offers and valuable information. 89% agree that people can more easily access information via smartphone activation. (Sources: Kinetic. Grand Visual, JCDecaux, Clear Channel)

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 17


In 2010, Kinetic Worldwide and Grand Visual, joined forces to launch Accelerator; a dedicated online workflow tool for managing the copy production process and distribution of digital OOH campaigns. Accelerator is designed to facilitate the entire creative and production process from campaign specification and copy validation, through to final delivery. In 2011, we trafficked digital copy to over 100 separate campaigns, totalling 1160 pieces of copy. Accelerator simplifies the delivery process by handling the workflow and communicating with all stakeholders involved at each stage in the digital OOH ad cycle. It manages the initial communication of campaign formats and dates, the compliance process required by certain networks and then validates the final copy against the format specifications for each scheduled network. If necessary, Accelerator is also capable of adjusting, reformatting and converting incorrectly submitted files. Finally, Accelerator distributes the approved copy to the relevant media owners complete with detailed play out instructions whilst providing a full audit trail for clients and agencies. For more information on trafficking copy for digital OOH networks please go to

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 18

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 19

How to use this guide

Types of DOOH





In transit environments people are on the move, driving, walking or commuting. Consumers in transit environments are still very receptive to dynamic engagement through animation and entertainment.

In microdwell environments people have more time to consume and absorb screen content. This could be by interacting with a screen or simply slowing down as they pass.

The audience in a dwell environment has the time to consume longer portions of content and often have the chance to follow a more complex story or communication.


Dwell-time refers to the average time people spend consuming advertising in the defined space

Types of DOOH Formats DB = Digital Billboard The DB format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure. The DB format typically comprises a 7 or 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. Creative should

On some DB formats creative can be

• • • • •

• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout NB Examples

Updated throughout the day Location specific An idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy Clear Channel LED 48 sheet • JCDecaux M4 Torch • Ocean Two Towers

DB+ = Digital Billboard PLUS (using motion) The DB+ format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure. The DB+ format typically comprises a 7 or 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. Creative should

On some DB+ formats creative can be

• Be consumable and legible at a glance • Use motion to bring the piece to life without destroying legibility • Feature either the brand or logo throughout • Incorporate a call to action • Be limited to one sentence of copy

• • • •

NB Examples

Updated throughout the day Location specific An idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy – disorientating and disturbing imagery should be avoided. Ocean Liverpool Media Wall • Forrest Manchester City Screen • Ocean Birmingham New Street @ Bullring

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 20

How to use this guide

DP = Dynamic Posters The DP format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure. In certain environments this expands to MICRODWELL. The DP format normally comprises a 5, 10 or 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop.

Creative should

On some DP formats creative can be

• B e consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

• Updated throughout the day • Location specific • A single execution played out simultaneously on all screens • An idea that works across multiple screens • Delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

NB Examples

Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy – disorientating and disturbing imagery should be avoided. CBS DEP and LCD • JCDecaux D6s • Clear Channel LD6s • Eye Eyelites

OOH TV = Out of Home Television The OOH TV format is categorised as a DWELL exposure. The OOH TV format normally comprises a 10, 20 or 30 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. OOH TV formats normally contain editorial or feature content and this can often be sponsored or branded. Creative should

On some OOH TV formats creative can be

• Be consumable from any point in the piece. • Incorporate a call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment • Deliver a simple narrative • Assume the audience will be present for the full duration copy

• • • • • •


Updated throughout the day Location specific ‘infotainment’ Used to tell a story using several sections of the loop Delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Motion graphics and full motion video

Zoom Gym • CBS XTP • JCDecaux Transvision • Sports Revolution

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 21

2012/13 Digital Environments

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 24


01 Roadside | LED 48 Sheet


LED billboards located roadside in central London JCDecaux, Clear Channel, Primesight

Kinetic view These LED screens are found on London’s arterial routes, in areas prone to heavy traffic, and benefit from high dwell-times. They bring another dimension to a standard OOH 48 sheet campaign, offering time-based messaging and copy change flexibility. Strategically positioned to reach a high commuter audience. Use a mix of JCDecaux, Clear Channel and Primesight panels for optimum distribution. Buy multiple spots for a “creative cascade” effect.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s Avg. exposure 75s (Peak traffic); 45s (Off peak)

JCDecaux Loop 60 seconds

Clear Channel Loop 60 seconds

Primesight Loop 60 seconds

Editorial 7.5 sec

Editorial n/a

Editorial n/a

Editorial 1 x 7.5s

No editorial

No editorial

Ads 7 x 7.5s

Ads 8 x 7.5s

Ads 6 x 10s

No. locations 33 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £66,000 Gross 2 week audience 8.7m Estimated net audience 823,000 @ 10.5 OTS Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled Notes No animation currently allowed. Sites are sold in packs

Standard campaign 1 x 7.5s per 60 second loop

Standard campaign 1 x 7.5s per 60 second loop

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 26

01 Roadside


Creative This format normally comprises a 7.5 or 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

LED 48 Sheet Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size

6m x 3m

Screen Res - H.S.Kens

864 x 432

Screen Res - Cheyne

560 x 288

Screen Res - Finchley

384 x192

Screen Res - JCD

480 x 240

Screen Res - CC

616 x 330



Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m

Video Flash Dynamic Update


864 432

560 288




616 240


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 27

01 Roadside | Site 76


Double landscape LED screen on the M4, London CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view CBS Outdoor’s first move into the roadside digital market, Site 76 went live in June 2012. The landscape screens, set back from the road, target traffic going to and from Heathrow and the West from Central London on the M4, and reach over 130,000 people every day.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 10s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £15,000 (both sides) (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.5m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 28

01 Roadside



Site 76 Aspect Ratio

Beposke Landscape





Screen Size

7.7m x 2.8m

Screen Resolution

768 x 288



Video Flash

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy.

Dynamic Update

Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m - 100m 768 288

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 29

01 Roadside | M4 Torch


LED Portrait billboards next to the M4 in Central London JCDecaux

Kinetic view These high quality LED panels tower above the M4 and the iconic structure draws the attention of the passing audience, adding stature to any campaign and delivering a large audience coming into and out of Central London.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 35s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ25,000 (both faces) (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 60 seconds

Ads 4 x 15s Standard campaign 1 x 15s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.5m (both faces combined) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 30

01 Roadside



Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait

This format normally comprises a 15 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are two screens mounted back to back. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.



Creative should



Screen Size

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

448 x 656



M4 Torch

Video Flash Dynamic Update


• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 448

Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 31

01 Roadside | Stratford Digital Sail


LED landscape billboard on the A11 at Stratford, East London JCDecaux

Kinetic view Positioned on the Bow Flyover, A11, this site is head on to inbound traffic from the east travelling towards Central London. This impressive structure is uniquely located on the edge of the Olympic Park and close to Westfield Stratford City mall.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 40s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ12,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 60 seconds

Ads 4 x 15s Standard campaign 1 x 15s per 1 minute loop

Gross 2 week audience 550,000


Estimated net audience n/a

No animation currently allowed

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 32

01 Roadside



Stratford Digital Sail Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size Screen Resolution

736 x 192



Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Video Flash Dynamic Update

This format normally comprises a 15 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.


Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

736 192

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 33

01 Roadside | The Cromwell Road D400


Digital 96 sheet on the Cromwell Road, London JCDecaux

Kinetic view This high quality digital 96 sheet faces slow moving traffic coming into London on the Cromwell Road, Europe’s busiest road, reaching over 85,000 people every day. Advertisers on this site will benefit from both standout and a long viewing duration, without obstruction, visible to all three lanes of traffic.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure Off peak = 35s, peak = 60s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £25,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 60 seconds

Ads 4 x 15s Standard campaign 1 x 15s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.2m


Estimated net audience n/a

No animation currently allowed

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 34

01 Roadside



The Cromwell Road D400 Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Creative should

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1280 x 320



• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Video Flash Dynamic Update

This format normally comprises a 15 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.


Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m

1280 320

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 35

01 Roadside | The Cromwell Road i


LED Screen on the Cromwell Road, London JCDecaux

Kinetic view This square LED screen reaches heavy traffic going out of London towards Heathrow and the M4, on the Cromwell Road, Europe’s busiest road. The site is also offered on a longer term basis for an advertiser wanting to develop an ongoing dialogue with a large affluent commuter audience.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £8,000 (2 Weeks)

No editorial

Loop 60 seconds

Ads 4 x 15s Standard campaign 1 x 15s per 60s loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.2m


Estimated net audience n/a

No animation currently allowed

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 36

01 Roadside



The Cromwell Road i Aspect Ratio






Screen Size Screen Resolution

500 x 500



Video Flash Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 15 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 37


01 Roadside | Holland Park Roundabout

3 x LED 96 sheet billboards at Holland Park Roundabout, London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view Ideally located to target consumers on their way home, this triple LED installation hits motorists at one of central London’s busiest roundabouts, within close proximity to Westfield. One advertiser occupies all three screens at any one time and careful creative use can boost its considerable impact even further.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £40,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 40 second

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.8m


Estimated net audience n/a

For extra impact, the entire site can be wrapped (additional costs apply).

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 38

01 Roadside



Holland Park Roundabout Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size

4.49m 3 x 12m x 6.60m x 3m

Screen Resolution

272 x x400 1024 288







Dynamic Update


1024 288

1024 288

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are three screens mounted side by side. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part-motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout Utilize the 3 screen width

Creative can • • • • • 1024 288

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Use 3 different panels for the same advert Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 39


01 Roadside | The Digi-Bridge

2 x LED screens on West Cross Route, A3220 Bridge (Northbound and Southbound), London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view Situated on the West Cross Route, these unavoidable LED screens act as a beacon to traffic travelling between Holland Park Roundabout and the A40. The Bridge is situated adjacent to the main vehicular route into Westfield Shopping Mall and faces four opposing lanes head on.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30s

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

No. locations 2

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign cost £18,000 (North & South) (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Cost for 1 side (2 weeks) £10,000 (North or South) Gross 2 week audience 1.3m (Combined North & South) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None expected

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 40

01 Roadside



The Digi-Bridge Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size

4.49mx 3m 10m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

272 x 192 640 400







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are two screens situated either side of the bridge above the dual carriageway. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 640


Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 41


01 Roadside | Two Towers, West and East

Double-sided premium digital screens on the A4 at Hammersmith and at Aspen Way, East London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view In the west at Hammersmith, this double-sided installation dominates the skyline at its location on the A4, reaching a large vehicular audience as it is channelled onto the Hammersmith flyover, coming into or out of Central London. This very popular product has now been replicated in the east with a pair of double-sided screens located either side of Aspen Way, reaching a transient commuter audience heading into and out of the City from East London. Both of these structures are synchronised for maximum impact.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Estimated net audience n/a

Avg. exposure West = 40s / East = 40s

Buying flexibility On request

No. locations 2

Expansion Plans None expected

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) Two Towers West

£70,000 (Inbound & Outbound)

Two Towers East

£60,000 (Inbound & Outbound)

Editorial n/a

Cost for 1 side (2 weeks) Two Towers West Two Towers East

No editorial

£40,000 (Inbound & Outbound)

Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

£35,000 (Inbound & Outbound)

Gross 2 week audience Two Towers West

3.8m (Combined Inbound & Outbound)

Two Towers East

3.15m (Combined Inbound & Outbound)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 42

01 Roadside



TitanTowers, Digital West 6 Sheet Two and East Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 5m x 7.5m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 960 400 640

Still Still


Video Video

N (Two Towers West only) Y

Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are two towers situated either side of the flyover. Each tower has two screens mounted back to back. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m 960

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 43


01 Roadside | M4 Silver Screen

Double-sided digital LED screens on the M4 elevated section (Inbound and Outbound), London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This well presented screen on the M4 elevated section benefits from long visibility and is of magazine quality resolution. It is the last digital roadside site seen before reaching Heathrow Airport. Advertisers have exclusivity on the site, rather than sharing the location.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30s

No editorial

No. locations 1

Full ownership

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks)

No Loop

Standard campaign full ownership

£60,000 (Inbound & Outbound)


For 1 side (2 weeks)

Loop length may be subject to change from Autumn 2012.

£35,000 (Inbound or Outbound)

Gross 2 week audience 2.5m (Combined Inbound & Outbound)

Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 44

01 Roadside



Titan Digital 6 Sheet M4 Silver Screen Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 1:1

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49mx x6.5m 6.60m 6.5m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 768 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


This format provides 100% ownership. There are two screens mounted back to back. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 45

01 Roadside | Hammersmith Broadway P10


LED Screen on Hammersmith Broadway, London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view High quality, double-sided portrait LED screen, located on Hammersmith Broadway where it meets Hammersmith Road, a key gyratory connecting affluent areas to major arterial routes in and out of London. The location benefits from three lanes of constantly busy traffic with added dwell-time from traffic signals on approach.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 35s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £22,000 (Inbound & Outbound)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

For 1 side (2 weeks) £12,500 (Inbound or Outbound)

Gross 2 week audience 3.3m (Combined Inbound & Outbound)

Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 46

01 Roadside



Titan Digital 6 Broadway Sheet Hammersmith P10 Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Screen Size Size

4.49m 6.60m 3.2m x x5.76m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 320 xx 400 576

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are two screens mounted back to back. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part-motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 320

Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 47

01 Roadside | West Cross Route Digi-Banner


Digital banner situated on Westfield shopping centre, London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This large digital banner is located on the side of Westfield shopping centre, targeting vehicular traffic in and outbound on the West Cross Route. Highly impactful and well located, this site is certainly for wider roadside audiences, not just Westfield customers.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 40s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ15,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 724,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 48

01 Roadside



Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with an other advertiser as part of a loop. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Creative should

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x x6.60m 14.08m 8.64m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 432 400 704

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


Titan DigitalRoute 6 Sheet West Cross Digi-Banner

• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

704 432

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 49

01 Roadside | Eastern Motion


Digital tower on A13, London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This newly installed tower is visible off-side to three lanes of traffic on the A13, a key arterial road. Reaching over 1 million people every fortnight, the site is located on the route connecting Canary Wharf and East London vehicular traffic to Essex.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ10,000

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 1.06m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. [+44] 020 7544 4600 50

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40s loop

01 Roadside



Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Portrait

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.



Creative should



• • • • •

Eastern Motion

Screen Size Screen Resolution

336 x 432





Flash Dynamic Update


Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part motion Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots on one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m - 100m 336


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 51

01 Roadside | The Eye, Holborn


Digital 96 sheet, Holborn, London Outdoor Plus

Kinetic view Located on Proctor Street in Holborn, in an area of digital scarcity, this digital 96 sheet is head on to 3 lanes of traffic offering a captive audience as it travels from The City of London to the West End.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 20 sec No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ25,000

No editorial

Loop 80 seconds

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 495,800 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. [+44] 020 7544 4600 52

Ads 4 x 20s Standard campaign 1 x 20s per 80s loop

01 Roadside



The Eye, Holborn Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





This format normally comprises a 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1120 x 288



• • • • •

Creative can • • • •

Video Flash Dynamic Update

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout


Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots on one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

NB - Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m - 100m

1120 288

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 53


01 Roadside | Euston Road Underpass

LED Landscape Portraitdigital billboards screens next ontoEuston the M4Underpass, in Eastbound and Central Westbound London JCDecaux Outdoor Plus

Kinetic view Situated Availablenext bothto east theand M4,westbound, these high quality these spectacular LED panelsscreens are prominently are head on positioned to 4 lanes onofboth traffic sides onof the a purpose Euston Road built Underpass tower. Thisinsection the heart of the of M4 London. is theLong mainlines route ofby sight, roadslow from moving Heathrow traffic airport, and great the world’s stand out busiest makeinternational these sites unmissable. hub, into central London.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 40 sec

No editorial

No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £25,000 (1 facing, east or west) (2 weeks)

Loop 40 minutes

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.05m east or west (2.1m combined) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 54

01 Roadside



Euston Road Underpass Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait





Creative should

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1024 x 288



• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Video Flash Dynamic Update

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.


Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

1024 288

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 55

01 Roadside | The Spire


2 x LED screens on the A40, London Outdoor Plus

Kinetic view These double-sided large format portrait screens are located on a major arterial route between the Hanger Lane Gyratory and Gypsy Corner, and reach a busy vehicular audience as they travel between West London and the centre of town.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure Inbound = 20s outbound = 40s

No editorial

No. locations 1

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ10,000 (1 face, in or outbound)

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 918,300 (1 face, in or outbound) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 56

01 Roadside



Titan Digital 6 Sheet The Spire Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 768 400 512

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 57

01 Roadside | City of London Gateway, Aldgate


Digital LED facing traffic into The City of London Outdoor Plus

Kinetic view Ideal for targeting City bound traffic is this stand alone landscape installation in Aldgate, where Mansell Street meets Aldgate High Street. An impactful screen reaching a desirable audience in an area with very few other existing OOH opportunities.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 25s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ20,000

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 729,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 58

01 Roadside



Titan 6 Sheet City ofDigital London Gateway Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 x x400 1088 288

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

1088 288

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 59


01 Roadside | The Western Wonder

Digital LED screen facing inbound traffic on the A40, London Primesight

Kinetic view This impactful screen is head on to three lanes of traffic coming into the capital from the West on the A40 that leads directly onto the Marylebone Road and the heart of the city. The site benefits from good length of view and slow moving drivers will see multiple copy rotations as they reach its junction location.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s Avg. exposure 50s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £10,000

Editorial n/a No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 942,000


Estimated net audience n/a

No animation currently allowed.

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 60

01 Roadside



Titan Digital 6Wonder Sheet The Western Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m xx 5.7m 6.60m 18.4m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 x x400 1536 480

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

1536 480

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 61

01 Roadside | Chelsea Yacht Club D96


Digital 96 sheet facing traffic towards Chelsea, London Primesight

Kinetic view A highly impactful site in a unique location on London’s Embankment, viewed head-on by traffic travelling towards Chelsea, and reaching an elusive, high-end market of over 230,000 people every week.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure Off peak = 15s Peak = 45s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £15,000

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 467,000


Estimated net audience n/a

Operates 7am - 11pm

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 62

01 Roadside



Titan Digital SheetD96 Chelsea Yacht6 Club Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 x x400 1120 288

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m

1120 288

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 63


01 Roadside | Southern Gateway

Portrait LED and Digital 96 sheet on Elephant and Castle roundabout, London Primesight

Kinetic view Located on this major road intersection south of the river at the Elephant and Castle roundabout, are Primesight’s digital 96 sheet and portrait conversions. The sites reach traffic on key arterial routes coming from South East and West London into the City and centre of town. Whilst the portrait panel targets traffic from the Old Kent Road, the digital 96 sheet, head-on to 3 lanes of traffic, benefits from a slightly longer line of sight.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure D96s = 30s Portrait = 20s

No editorial

No. locations 2

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) D96s = £15,000 Portrait = £10,000

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience D96s = 628,000 Portrait = 492,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 64

01 Roadside



Aspect Ratio

Beposke Landscape

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There is one LED 96 sheet and one bespoke portrait screen mounted next to each other. These formats are categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.



Creative should



Southern Gateway LED 96 Sheet

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1120 x 288



Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Video Flash Dynamic Update

• • • • •


Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.

Southern Gateway Portrait

Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m Aspect Ratio

Beposke Portrait





Screen Size Screen Resolution

400 x 576



Video Flash Dynamic Update


1120 288

400 576

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 65


01 Roadside | Mancunian Way Tower

LED Double-sided Portrait billboards LED located next ontoMancunian the M4 in Way, Manchester Central London JCDecaux Mediaco Outdoor

Kinetic view Situated Mancunian next Way to the is Manchester’s M4, these high busy quality inner LED ring panels road, linking are prominently the city centre positioned to major onmotorway both sidesnetworks, of a purpose withbuilt traffic tower. at a This standstill section in rush of the M4 These the main highroute impact by road portrait from screens Heathrow are available airport, the to target world’straffic busiest both international into and out hub, of into Manchester. central London.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 25s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £9,000 per face / £18,000 combined

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.6m combined Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 66

01 Roadside


Creative This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Mancunian Way Tower Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Portrait





Screen Size Screen Resolution

384 x 576



Video Flash Dynamic Update

Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 67

01 Roadside | Mancunian Way Bridge


Head-on LED located on Mancunian Way, Manchester Mediaco Outdoor

Kinetic view Mancunian Way is Manchester’s busy inner ring road, linking the city centre to major motorway networks, with traffic at a standstill in rush hour. This quality landscape screen is head-on and unmissable to a vehicular audience coming into Manchester.

Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 20s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £15,000

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 800,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 68

01 Roadside


Creative This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Mancunian Way Bridge Aspect Ratio

Bespoke L andscape 4:3 Portrait





Screen Size

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

1160 x 290 272 x 400







Dynamic Update


Creative should • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 69

01 Roadside | Axis @ Hacienda, Manchester


Portrait screens on A56, Manchester Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view Large and impactful full motion format reaching vehicular traffic head-on in both directions, as it travels along the A56 close to the centre of Manchester. The site is near Gmex (Manchester’s International Conference Centre), and is in an area surrounded by bars.

Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 25s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) £22,000 for both faces/ £15,000 for one

No editorial

Loop 40 seconds

Ads 4 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.1m (both combined) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 70

01 Roadside



Axis @ Hacienda, Manchester Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Portrait





Screen Size

4.49mx x5.76m 3.1m 6.60m

Screen Resolution

272 x 480 256 400







Dynamic Update


256 480

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are two screens mounted back to back. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 71

01 Roadside

Ocean M5 Tower Sales

Ocean Outdoor





Cuckoo Wharf Sales






M5 Mega Vision Sales






5 Ways Birmingham Sales






Kinetic view Double-sided digital tower situated between junctions 1 and 2 of the M5, west of Birmingham outside of the city centre, but facing heavy traffic into and out of Birmingham, with a gross audience of over 2m per fortnight.

Kinetic view This digital 96 sheet site reaches citybound vehicular traffic, going left by the site along Cuckoo Road/ Heartland Parkway relief road in Birmingham. Whilst not in the city centre, this well-presented screen provides potential for time-sensitive and creative copy.

Kinetic view Quality double-sided portrait screen located on a major arterial road outside of the city centre facing traffic into and out of Birmingham. Particularly impactful in darker months and reaches over 2m people per fortnight.

Kinetic view LED screen situated on a busy roundabout in Birmingham where Broad Street meets the Inner Ring Road. Complements a traditional large format campaign.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 72

01 Roadside

M6 Digital Tower Sales

Clear Channel




M6, near Birmingham

Portland Tower Manchester Sales

Ocean Outdoor





Kinetic view This double-sided digital tower is situated between junctions 8 and 9 on the M6, between Walsall and West Bromwich, reaching traffic heading to and from Central Birmingham, the NEC and Birmingham Airport.

Kinetic view This head-on double-sided digital tower will reach vehicular traffic on busy Portland Street, in the heart of Manchester.

Artist’s impression

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 73

01 Roadside

Roadside Digital OOH sites, UK*

Map courtesy of Google Maps * Details of the Liverpool Media Wall site can be found in the City Centre section

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 74



02 Transport | Digital Escalator Panel (DEP)

HD quality LED Portrait LCD billboards panels on next thetoLondon the M4Underground in Central London JCDecaux CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view The Digital Situated next Escalator to the M4, format, these found highatquality key stations LED panels across areZone prominently 1 of the positioned London Underground on both sides network, of a purpose perfectly built captures tower. This section of the M4 travelling the is the mainaudience’s route by road attention. from The Heathrow series airport, of screens theprovide world’s abusiest versatile international canvas for hub, someinto remarkably central London. engaging and creative content, and continue to be highly popular with advertisers.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 45s

No editorial

No. locations 18 x runs (standard network pack)

Loop 30 minutes

Standard campaign cost £145,530 (2 weeks)

Ads 9 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 90 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 10.7m


Estimated net audience 1.7 @ 6.5 OTS

1264 x DEPs across 18 stations.

Buying flexibility Daypart packages, station specific, other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 76

02 Transport



DEP Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait





Screen Size


Screen Resolution

720 x 1280

Still Video


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can

Flash Dynamic Update



• • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be an idea that works across multiple screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 1280

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 77

02 Transport | LCD 6 Sheet


HD quality LCD panels on the London Underground CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view Located across busy ticket halls and corridors at key London Underground stations, this network of screens provides a great opportunity for showcasing fully animated ads to an extensive and valuable audience on the move. Campaigns on these screens – the most frequently viewed digital format in this environment – can be extended above ground by the inclusion of JCDecaux’s rail Digital 6 sheets.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 10s

No editorial Ads 4 x 5s

No. locations 100 (standard network pack)

Loop 20 seconds

Standard campaign cost £72,700 (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 5s per 20 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 13.6m Estimated net audience 1.7m @ 8.1 OTS Buying flexibility Daypart packages, station specific, other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 78

02 Transport



Titan LCD 6Digital Sheet 6 Sheet Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1080x x400 1920

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 5 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 8m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 79

02 Transport | Digital 6 Sheet (D6)


HD quality LCD panels at London and National rail termini JCDecaux

Kinetic view Located in the highest footfall areas at the busiest stations, these screens provide a great opportunity for showcasing fully animated ads to an extensive and valuable audience on the move. JCDecaux have expanded the footprint of this popular format across national rail stations, and continue to invest in 2012, delivering important scale and frequency. Can be extended below ground in London and Glasgow by the inclusion of CBS’s London Underground LCDs and Primesight’s Glasgow Subway screens.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 10s

No editorial

No. locations London = 60 National = 120 (standard weight) Standard campaign cost London = £48,000 (2 weeks)

National = £90,000

Loop 30 seconds

Ads 6 x 5s Standard campaign 1 x 5s per 30 second loop

Gross 2 week audience London = 54m National = 82.3m


Estimated net audience n/a

Currently there are 178 D6s at 28 rail stations

Buying flexibility Daypart packages available / other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans Sites at additional stations expected

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 80

02 Transport



Digital 6 Sheet (D6) Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait




Standard High

Screen Size

4.49m x 6.60m 65”

Screen Resolution

272 x 1280 720 400







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 5 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 81

02 Transport | Primevision


Kinetic view High quality LCD screens at 11 of the busiest stations on the Glasgow Subway. These screens dominate their surroundings, making a considerable impact in a small environment. Sites are located in corridors leading to and from the platforms, ticket areas and across track. Content includes sports, world and local news. Strong mobile phone signal on the subway network offers potential for more interactive communication.

Media 10

4 23

41 23 41 2 3 4

No. locations 20 (standard network pack) Standard campaign cost £11,500 (2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 577,000

Loop 3½ minutes 12

Estimated net audience n/a

Editorial 3 x 10s (News) 41 123


Avg. exposure 10s

4 3 2 1

Audience Commuters 12


LCD panels on the Glasgow Subway network

3 41

1 2 34


Editorial 3½ min loop (each minute is headed by 10 secs world, local or sports news editorial, followed by 12x ads of 5 secs each)


Standard campaign 9 x 5s per 3½ min loop

Buying flexibility Daypart packages available / other flexibility on request


Expansion Plans Installation of Digital Escalator Panels planned

20 screens at 11 Subway stations plus Buchanan bus station

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 82

02 Transport



Primevision Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait 4:3 Portrait




High Standard

Screen Size

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

272 x x400 1080 1920







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 5 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 8m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 83


02 Transport | Cross Track Projection (XTP)

HD format projections on platforms at major London Underground stations CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view Providing a large scale format for advertisers to engage with passengers looking for distraction as they wait for trains, Cross Track Projection can be found on tube platforms across the London Underground network. Recent campaigns have included editorial content and live feeds as advertisers take advantage of the high dwell-time in these locations.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial 1 x 20s

Avg. exposure 3 min No. locations 60 (standard network pack) Standard campaign cost ÂŁ60,000 (2 weeks)

Editorial Ads 5 x 20s

Loop 2 minutes

Standard campaign 1 x 20s per 2 minute loop

Gross 2 week audience 5.7m Estimated net audience 1.7m @ 3.4 OTS Buying flexibility Daypart packages available / other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 84

02 Transport



Titan 6 Sheet (XTP) Cross Digital Track Projection

This format normally comprises a 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.

Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 16:9 Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49mx x2.08m 6.60m 3.7m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 x x400 1280 720

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment • Deliver a simple narrative • Assume the audience will be present for the full duration copy

Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


Creative can

Creative should • • •

• • • • •

1280 720

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be ‘infotainment’ Be used to tell a story using several sections of the loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 3m – 10m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 85


02 Transport | Transvision

Large format LED screens at major rail termini nationwide JCDecaux

Kinetic view Reaching millions of commuters each week at key stations across the UK, Transvision continues to entertain its captive waiting audience with a powerful combination of full motion ads and compelling relevant content provided by Sky. It has also proven to be a perfect canvas and environment for interactive and dynamic campaigns. JCDecaux continues to invest in this format, with new screens launched at King’s Cross and Cannon Street stations already this year.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial 4 x 35s (Sky News)

Avg. exposure 3 mins No. locations 20 screens at 17 stations

Loop 6 minutes

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ81,000 (2 weeks)

Editorial 4 x35s Ads 11 x 20s Standard campaign 1 x 20s per 6 minute loop

Gross 2 week audience 20m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility Daypart packages available / other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans Some further upgrading of existing sites expected

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 86

02 Transport



Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

This format normally comprises a 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format normally contains editorial or feature content and this can be sponsored or branded. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.



Creative should



Screen Size

4.49m 6m x 3m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

272 x 480 960 400







Dynamic Update



• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment • Deliver a simple narrative • Assume the audience will be present for the full duration copy

Creative can • • • • •

960 480

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be ‘infotainment’ Be used to tell a story using several sections of the loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 50m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 87

02 Transport | e-motion, London Euston Station


Nine interconnected digital screens at London Euston Station JCDecaux

Kinetic view e-motion is a unique installation of screens dominating Euston Station, and reaching a large and affluent commuting audience. Since its launch in October 2011, there have been some great examples of advertisers using this creative canvas to maximum effect. Sequential movement and mobile interactivity with the rail audience below is also possible.

Media Audience Commuters

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 18 min No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ40,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 20s

Loop 90 seconds

Buffering 10s Standard campaign 1 x 20s per 90 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.7m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 88

02 Transport



Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape

This format normally comprises a 20 second spot with rotation of one advertiser’s spot. There are 9 screens mounted side-byside around the station concourse. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.



Creative should



Screen Size

9 x 6.08m x 1.6m

Screen Resolution

608 x 160







• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can

Dynamic Update




• • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be an idea that works across multiple screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 50m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 89

02 Transport | Verifone VNET


Screens and entertainment system within London black cabs Verifone

Kinetic view An increasing network of screens within black cabs in London, with full audio-visual capabilities. The installation programme continues across 2012; there are currently 3,000 cabs available. The network benefits from a recent relevant content agreement with Sky News, offering passengers up-to-date news bulletins throughout their journey. Wi-fi enabled and NFC possible.

Media Audience Business and leisure

Editorial 8 x 75 seconds

Avg. exposure 14 mins No. locations 3,000 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ36,720 (4 weeks)

Editorial 8 x 75s Ads 8 x 30s

Loop 14 minutes

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 1.2m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility By day, daypart, other flexibility on request Expansion Plans More screens to go into more taxis in London

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. [+44] 020 7544 4600 90

Standard campaign 1 x 30s per 14 minute loop

Notes Very flexible loop with opportunity for shorter or longer content as required

02 Transport



Aspect Ratio

4:3 Landscape

This format normally comprises a 10, 20 or 30 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format has the option to use audio as part of the creative. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.



Creative should



• Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Use audio as part of the creative • Feature the brand or logo throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment • Deliver a simple narrative • Assume the audience will be present for the full duration copy

Verifone VNET

Screen Size Screen Resolution

640 x 480





Creative can


• • • •

Dynamic Update

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be ‘infotainment Be used to tell a story using several sections of the loop

Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy.

640 480

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 91

02 Transport

Euston DEP

Kinetic view






Euston Station

An opportunity to own this tunnel leading to Euston rail station from the London Underground system, comprising of a run of digital escalator panels and a full tunnel wrap for a solus advertiser. Ideally situated to capture the travelling audience’s attention as they arrive at th e main termini. Can be bought in conjunction with e-motion for a full station domination, or with London Underground DEPs for a wider campaign.

Volo TV Sales





GWR Trains

Newcastle Metro Sales

CBS Outdoor




Haymarket Station

Go North East Bus Screens Sales

CBS Outdoor





Kinetic view Screens on the back of headrests on seats within the Entertainment Carriage of 54 Great Western trains servicing London to Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Cornwall and Devon. A range of opportunities from in-programme banner advertising to programme sponsorship available.

Kinetic view Currently only available at Haymarket Station, but offering scope for eye-catching content on this key regional transport system.

Kinetic view Network of 157 small screens inside buses covering Newcastle, Durham and Middlesbrough areas.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 92

02 Transport

iTaxitop Sales

Eye Tease





Kinetic view Coming soon, the inventors of the iTaxitop expect that this new digital format will be on top of 250 London black cabs within 12 months. This is, however, still subject to TFL approval. If it goes ahead, the format will show static ads sold in a loop, capable of geo-targeting and live feeds.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 93

02 Transport

Transvision & Rail D6 sheets, London & UK

Transvision D6

Maps courtesy of Google Maps

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 94

02 Transport

London Underground Digital OOH screens


Map courtesy of London Underground

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 95

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 96


03 Retail | Mall Digital 6 Sheet (D6)


HD quality LCD panels in malls JCDecaux

Kinetic view This popular format is now available at major malls and shopping centres across the country, engaging shoppers and families in a relaxed frame of mind. Sites are well located in areas of high footfall; shoppers typically spend over two hours in this environment. Combine with other shopping mall D6 products for optimum distribution.

Media Audience Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 120 min No. locations 200 panels in 29 malls (Standard weight) Standard campaign cost ÂŁ130,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 6 x 5s

Loop 30 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 5s per 30 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 75m


Estimated net audience n/a

Current universe of 225 screens in 29 malls

Buying flexibility By mall, by panel / other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans More screens to be installed in existing malls later this year

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 98

03 Retail



JCD Mall Digital 6 Sheet (D6) Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait





Screen Size


Screen Resolution

720 x 1280





This format normally comprises a 5 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can

Flash Dynamic Update


• Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 99

03 Retail | Mall Digital 6 Sheet (D6)


HD quality LCD panels in malls Clear Channel

Kinetic view This popular format is now available at major malls and shopping centres across the country, engaging shoppers and families in a relaxed frame of mind. Sites are well located in areas of high footfall; shoppers typically spend over two hours in this environment. Combine with other shopping mall D6 products for optimum distribution.

Media Audience Shoppers

Editorial 10 sec (Mall internal)

Avg. exposure 120 min No. locations 250 panels in 32 malls (Standard weight) Standard campaign cost ÂŁ125,000 (2 weeks)

Editorial 1 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Ads 5 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 18.2m


Estimated net audience n/a

Current universe of 320 screens in 32 malls

Buying flexibility By mall, by panel / other flexibility on request

Expansion Plans More screens planned

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 100

03 Retail



Clear Channel Mall Digital 6 Sheet (D6) Aspect Ratio

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait




Standard High

Screen Size

4.49m x 6.60m 65”

Screen Resolution

272 x x400 1080 1920







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 101

03 Retail | LCD 6 Sheet Westfield


HD quality LCD panels in Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view These LCD screens reach a high-spending, desirable audience at both Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, offering the potential for POS targeting, tactical messaging or promotional campaigns. The screen units have been developed to compliment each centre’s individual architecture and environment.

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 140 min

No editorial Ads 6 x 10s

No. locations 100 x screens - 50 at each mall

Loop 60 seconds

(standard network pack)

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ53,300 for both malls (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop


Gross 2 week audience Westfield London = 1m

Westfield Stratford City = 1.4m Total = 2.4m Estimated net audience n/a

Buying flexibility

CBS Outdoor also sells the LCD format at the One New Change mall in Cheapside in the City of London. Total universe of mall LCD panels is 224

Centre specific, store location specific, precision packs and others on request

Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 102

03 Retail



LCD 6 Sheet (Westfield)

This format normally comprises a 10 or 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1080x x400 1920

Still Still


Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


Creative should • • •

• • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 1080

Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 100m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 103

03 Retail | Canary Wharf LCD


HD quality LCD panels in Canary Wharf Shopping Centre Canary Wharf Digital

Kinetic view Twenty double-sided screens located across this premium shopping centre housing over 200 premium end shops, bars and restaurants. Good opportunity to reach this highly affluent audience in a relaxed mood, whether they are shopping, socialising or just taking a break from work. The weekend offers a slightly different audience, but a consistently bustling environment.

Media Editorial 10 sec (Canary Wharf promotions)

Audience ABC1 Shoppers Avg. exposure 60 min No. locations 20 (standard network pack) Standard campaign cost ÂŁ10,000 (2 weeks)

Editiorial 1 x 10s Ads 5 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.4m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 104

03 Retail



Canary Wharf LCD Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 46”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1080x x400 1920

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m -10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 105

03 Retail | LED Large Format Westfield London


High quality, large-scale LED screens in Westfield London CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view Three landscape format, premium quality screens in prominent locations across high footfall areas of Westfield London shopping centre, delivering impact to this affluent shopping audience.

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers

Loop 2 minutes

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 140 min

No editorial

No. locations 3

Centre Spectacular 1 x 20s per 2 min loop

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) Centre Spectacular £11,760

Loop 40 seconds

Entrance Landmark £8,050

Entrance Landmark 1 x 10s per 40 sec loop Atrium Landmark 1 x 10s per 60 sec loop

Atrium Landmark £5,650 Gross 2 week audience 1m Estimated net audience n/a

Loop 60 seconds

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 106

03 Retail

Technical Atrium Landmark

Entrance Landmark

Centre Spectacular

Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 4:3 Portrait Landscape

Bespoke Portrait

Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute



Definition Definition

Standard Standard



Screen Screen Size Size

4.49m 4.35m xx 6.60m 3.32m

4.5m x 5.5m

13m x 4.55m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 544 xx 400 416

448 x 554

1280 x 448

Still Still


Video Video




Flash Flash


Dynamic Update



1280 448

Creative should

448 544

This format normally comprises a 10 or 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

554 416

• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 45m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 107

03 Retail | LED Large Format Westfield Stratford City


High quality, large-scale LED screens in Westfield Stratford City CBS Outdoor

Kinetic view Reaching a busy shopping and leisure audience, these four large landscape screens can be found on the external walkways and entrances to and from Westfield Stratford City, the largest urban retail development in Europe. Ideal for both branding and POS purposes, these sites can also lend themselves to interactive executions.

Loop 2 minutes

No editorial

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers Avg. exposure 140 min

Four Dials 1 x 20s per 2 min loop

Loop 40 seconds No editorial

No. locations 4

Meridian Square 1 x 10s per 40 sec loop

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) Four Dials £17,500 Meridian Square £14,025

Loop 40 seconds No editorial

North Star £9,500

North Star 1 x 10s per 40 sec loop

Stratford Skyline £8,500 Gross 2 week audience 1.4m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

Editorial n/a

Loop 40 seconds No editorial Stratford Skyline 1 x 10s per 40 sec loop

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 108

03 Retail

Technical Four Dials

Meridian Square

North Star

Stratford Skyline

Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Bespoke Landscape

Bespoke Landscape

Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute




Definition Definition

Standard Standard




1120 x 280

3840 x 1080

1736 x 336

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272x x616 400 1596

Still Still



Video Video





Flash Flash




Dynamic Update



3840 1080

1596 616


This format normally comprises a 10 or 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should

1120 280


• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 45m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 109


03 Retail | Eat Street

LED screen located on the main pedestrian covered walkway at Westfield London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view Located outside the entrance to Westfield, and targeting arriving pedestrian shoppers and socialisers, the Eat Street screen has proven popular with advertisers not only for its size, stature, and positioning, but for its capacity for interactive campaigns, and even live events.

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 5 min No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ15,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 6 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 540,000


Estimated net audience n/a

Full motion available

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 110

03 Retail



Eat Street Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m xx 4.5m 6.60m 12.1m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1536x x400 576

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 5m – 30m 576

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 111


03 Retail | Westfield Point

Digital LED structure located on the roundabout outside Westfield London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This unique three-sided digital structure is well placed for those wanting to target Westfield as a destination, but is not as vehicular-focused as Ocean’s Bridge site.

Media Audience Shoppers, Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure Entering = 25s Exiting car park = 10s

No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost £8,000

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 727,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 112

03 Retail



Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 16:9Portrait Landscape

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are three screens mounted back to back in a triangular shape. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Creative should

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49mx x4.8m 6.60m 8.6m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 448 xx 400 240

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


Titan Digital 6 Sheet Westfield Point

• • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m

448 240

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 113

03 Retail | The Wall @ Westfield


HD quality LED screens outside Westfield London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view A pair of landscape screens at Westfield London, reaching both vehicular traffic and shoppers on foot arriving by Shepherd’s Bush tube, rail or via the bus station. The entire site can be wrapped for extra impact.

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ12,000 (both faces) (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.6m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 114

03 Retail



TitanWall The Digital @ Westfield 6 Sheet Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape 4:3 Portrait





Screen Size

2m x 12m x 3m 4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution

768 x 192 272 400







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. There are 2 screens mounted side by side. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • • • • •

Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature the brand or logo throughout Utilise the 2 screen width

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots on one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m - 80m 768


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 115

03 Retail | Bluewater Iconic Screen


Large screen in the event centre at Bluewater shopping mall, Kent Ramvision

Kinetic view This 20 metre screen overlooks restaurants and bars at the entrance to the cinema and event centre at Bluewater shopping mall in Greenhithe, Kent. Reaching an affluent retail and leisure audience, its long dwell time also makes it a good location for interactive activity.

Media Audience Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 5 min

No editorial Ads 1 x 10s

No. locations 1

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ12,000 (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop


Gross 2 week audience 1m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans More Iconic screens planned within premium malls

Ramvision offer a total network of 20 Iconic screens at malls and shopping centres across the UK including Trinity Walk, Wakefield and Victoria Place, London. Also available is a larger network of small scale Walkway screens across a range of local shopping centres.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 116

03 Retail



Titan Digital 6 Sheet Bluewater Iconic Screen Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 600 400 960

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Incorporate “cue to view” moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 45m

960 600

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 117

03 Retail | AD HD Screens


Large format HD screens with sound in malls Limited Space

Kinetic view Large scale HD screens with full audio across 12 malls including Bluewater, Metro Centre, Meadowhall and the Bull Ring, Birmingham. Sites are located in the shop fronts of temporarily unsold retail units. Advertisers have full ownership of the sites, plus a vinyl surround for maximum impact. Touch and gesture-based interactive campaigns also available.

Media Audience Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 3 min

No editorial

No. locations 12

Full ownership

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ60,000

Standard campaign full ownership

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 11.4m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 118

03 Retail


Creative This content is intended for 100% ownership. This format us categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Titan 6 Sheet AD HDDigital Screens Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 16:9 Landscape

Creative should

Audio Audio

Mute Audio

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx400 1920 1080

• Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Incorporate “cue to view” moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Still Still


Creative can

Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


• Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Use audio to enhance the user experience Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 45m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 119

03 Retail | atmAds


Multi-stage advertising on ATM screens atmAds

Kinetic view Providing a one-to-one communication on a national scale, atmAd’s four stage offering is unique and engaging. Targeted campaigns are available across supermarket, high street, petrol station, mall, transport, university and hospital locations. Use receipt vouchering opportunity where possible, and if relevant include a “Yes/No” on-screen question for users to interact further.

Media Audience All adults

Editorial ATM

Avg. exposure 40s

Editorial normal ATM content

Total No. locations 6,000

Loop 40 seconds (avg)

Standard campaign locations 3,000 (High St) Standard campaign cost £93,000 (High St)

Ads 4 slots: Attract, In-transaction, Thank You and Printed receipt Standard campaign 4 slots

(2 weeks)


Gross impacts delivered 7.6m Total printed receipts 1.14m Buying flexibility Location specific, daypart, gender specific Expansion Plans Wrapped ATMs to be sold in packs of 50, 100 and 150

There are 3 parts to the on-screen element of atmAd which benefit from 40 seconds of dwell-time: Attract sequence and In-transaction video sequences and static ‘Thank You’ screen. The fourth campaign element is the opportunity to brand each ATM receipt.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 120

03 Retail

Technical atmAds


In Transaction

Thank You


Aspect Ratio

4:34:3 Landscape Portrait

Bespoke Landscape

Bespoke Landscape

Bespoke Landscape


Mute Mute





Standard Standard



Screen Size

8” –4.49m 14” x 6.60m

8” – 14”

8” – 14”

74mm x 31mm

Screen Resolution

800272 x 600 x 400

700 x 340

700 x 340

448 x 190









Dynamic Update






340 600

This format normally comprises a 5 and 10 second spot, as well as a printed take away. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.

Creative should 448


• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 0.5m – 1m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 121


03 Retail | Forecourt Network

AMScreen LED display on forecourts nationally AMScreen Media Sales

Kinetic view The AMScreen forecourt network delivers a valuable moving audience at petrol forecourts nationwide. Screens are located at the point of purchase in-store, and target drivers with relevant, meaningful content. A high quality, accountable and flexible network, ideal for confectionary, drink, media and motor-related brands. Forecourt groups include BP, Esso, Shell, MRH and motorway service stations, Moto and Welcome Break.

Media Audience Motorists and shoppers

Editorial 50 sec (retailer)

Avg. exposure 90s

Editorial 50s Ads 4 x 10s

No. locations 1,660

Loop 90 seconds

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ116,000 (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 90 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 39m


Estimated net audience n/a

Editorial includes: forecourt retailer promotions, live traffic updates and media buffering.

Buying flexibility By store, by hour (min. spend applies) Expansion Plans Digital 6 sheets are currently being trialled at the entrance of selected stores

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 122

03 Retail



Titan Digital 6 Sheet Forecourt Network

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers and promotional content as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait 16:10 Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 19”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1440x x400 900

Still Still


Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters • Feature the brand or logo throughout

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


Creative should • • •

• Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 4m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 123


03 Retail | National Convenience Network

AMScreen LED display in convenience stores nationally AMScreen Media Sales

Kinetic view Growing network of screens located at the point of purchase in convenience stores across the UK, including Spar, Premier and Londis. A good opportunity for advertisers to reach ‘top-up’ shoppers in the heart of the local community with time-sensitive and relevant messaging.

Media Audience Shoppers

Editorial 50 sec (retailer)

Avg. exposure 90s No. locations 620 Standard campaign cost £38,000 (2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 10m Buying flexibility Day part, location specific Expansion Plans 1,000 stores planned at completion

Editorial 50s Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 90 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 90 second loop

Notes Editorial includes store promotions and media buffering.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 124

03 Retail



Titan Digital 6 Sheet Neighbourhood Network

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers and promotional content as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait 16:10 Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 19”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1440x x400 900

Still Still


Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters • Feature the brand or logo throughout

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


Creative should • • •

• Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 4m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 125

03 Retail

The Life Channel Sales

The Life Channel





Monster Media Sales

Monster Media





Harrods Sales Type Location

Harrods DP Harrods

Burton Digital Entertainment Network Sales Type Location

Fashion Sites

Kinetic view Small network of 368 small landscape screens across 16 shopping centres. Screens are the same size and format as Ramvision’s Walkway screens.

Kinetic view Monster Media’s range of unique, interactive products include storefronts, monster walls and kiosks. Available in key cities and a range of environments across the UK, the inclusion of augmented reality, touch or gesture-based interactive technologies will amplify any traditional OOH campaign, entertaining and engaging a captive audience.

Kinetic view A network of digital plasma screens and media walls available by department throughout Harrods, to promote in-store and associated products. Full animation possible, but no audio.

Kinetic view Available across 70 Burtons stores UK wide, reaching 18-40 year old men, these are interactive digital jukeboxes, with ads interspersed. Full AV copy works best.

OOH TV Nationwide Burtons stores

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 126

03 Retail

Co-Op; Food, Pinpad, Anglia, Pharmacy Sales





Nationwide Co-op Supermarkets

Martin McColl Sales





Nationwide Martin McColl Stores

Post Office Sales





Nationwide Post Offices

AMScreen WHSmith LED screen network Sales





Nationwide WHSmith Travel hubs

Kinetic view Screens at the checkout of around 2,800 Co-op stores nationwide. Content mainly in-store promotions, no sound. TV ads not suitable, short animated promotions will work best.

Kinetic view 2,700 screens located at the till point of 1,270 Martin McColl stores. The network is mute, so short animated promotions will work best x. Content includes trade promotions and Martin McColl marketing. EPOS data available.

Kinetic view Screens at the counters of over 370 Post Offices nationwide, with high dwell-time. The network is mute, so short animated promotions will work best. Content includes trade promotions and Post Office marketing.

Kinetic view 228 screens in 146 key WHSmith stores at major airports, rail terminals and motorway service stations, reaching valuable consumers on the move. Screens are located at the till point, and content includes customer information and WHSmith promotions as well as ads. Network is mute.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 127

03 Retail

DecisionVision Point of sale screens Sales






Dixons Group Screens Sales

Concourse Initiatives




Nationwide Dixons and Currys

Outdoor Plus Landscape Mall Network Sales

Outdoor Plus





Kinetic view A network of small screens located at shelf level in convenience stores, newsagents and off licences, nationwide. Chains covered include Londis and Nisa. Content includes in-store promotions. Short animated promotions work best. Some screens can incorporate sound. Over 6,000 stores are planned by the end of 2012.

Kinetic view An opportunity to dominate the TV screens in all 491 Currys and Dixons stores nationwide. Content is a mix of in-store promotion and advertising. Limited to entertainment advertisers or brands closely related to products sold in-store.

Kinetic view Coming soon. Due to go live in August 2012 is this network of converted landscape mall sites. Outdoor Plus will be creating 40 full motion digital screens across the country in high throughput malls including, Bluewater, Metro Centre, Meadowhall, the Bullring and Eldon Square.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 128

03 Retail

Mall D6 sheets, UK

Map courtesy of Google Maps

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 129

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 130

City Centre

04 City Centre | LD6s


Digital 6 sheets across London Clear Channel

Kinetic view The first digital street furniture in the UK, these digital 6 sheets are located within Inner London boroughs only, and within proximity to retail, transport hubs and affluent city centre areas. With RSS feed capacity and NFC tags incorporated, they offer great creative scope for social media interaction and time-sensitive messaging, reflecting the mood of Londoners.

Media Audience All Adults

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30 sec

No editorial Ads 6 x 5s

No. locations 100

Loop 30 seconds

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ65,000 (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 5s per 30 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 32m Estimated net audience 4m @ 8 OTS Buying flexibility Day-part, day, other flexibility on request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 132

04 City Centre



Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait

This format normally comprises a 5 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. Full motion, full screen video is not acceptable, however part-motion and fades are permissible. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.



Creative should



• • • • •


Screen Size Screen Resolution

1080 x 1920





Flash Dynamic Update


Be consumable and legible at a glance Be static or use part motion. Incorporate a call to action Be limited to one sentence of copy Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by Media Owner or Site Owner is generally required for copy. 1080

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m - 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 133

04 City Centre | Manchester City Screen


High quality large format LED screen in Manchester city centre Forrest Media Group

Kinetic view This large LED screen, with full motion, overlooks Piccadilly Gardens in the centre of Manchester, and enjoys a lengthy viewing distance and long dwell-time. It reaches a bustling pedestrian audience of young people, shoppers and city centre workers.

Media Audience All Adults

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 5 min No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ7,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial

Loop 2 minutes

Ads 12 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 2 min loop

Gross 2 week audience 4m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 134

04 City Centre



Manchester LED City Screen Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size

8.96m x 6.05m

Screen Resolution

880 x 594







Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • Be consumable and legible at a glance • Use motion to bring the piece to life without destroying legibility • Incorporate a call to action • Be limited to one sentence of copy • Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m

880 594

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 135

04 City Centre | Glasgow City Screen


High quality large format LED screen in Glasgow city centre Forrest Media Group

Kinetic view This large portrait format LED screen, with full motion capabilities, overlooks busy Renfield Street. It reaches vehicular traffic, plus city centre workers and socialisers, in the heart of Glasgow.

Media Audience All Adults

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 4 min No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ7,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 12 x 10s

Loop 2 minutes

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 2 min loop

Gross 2 week audience 3.5m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 136

04 City Centre



Titan Digital Sheet Glasgow LED 6City Screen Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m xx 8.74m 6.60m 6.27m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 400 616 xx 858

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • Be consumable and legible at a glance • Use motion to bring the piece to life without destroying legibility • Incorporate a call to action • Be limited to one sentence of copy • Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 137

04 City Centre | Liverpool Media Wall


High quality LED Media Wall in Liverpool Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This arresting LED media wall in the centre of Liverpool, and opposite Liverpool Lime Street station, delivers huge impact to all passing. Utilise its full motion capabilities with bold graphics for maximum results.

Media Audience Vehicular ABC’s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 35s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ15,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 6 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.7m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 138

04 City Centre



Titan Digital 6 Sheet Liverpool Media Wall Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m xx 6.72m 6.60m 30.7m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1536x x400 336

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment • Utilize the large width of the screen

Creative can • • • •

1536 336

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 150m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 139


04 City Centre | Birmingham New Street @ Bullring

Full motion portrait screen outside the Bullring shopping centre, Birmingham Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This full motion digital screen is located in heart of Birmingham city centre, overlooking the Bullring on New Street, reaching a busy shopping audience. The site dominates this pedestrian area and is visible from all major exits/approaches to the Bullring shopping centre. Excellent quality screen with long length of exposure.

Media Audience ABC1 shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 50s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ18,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 6 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.05m


Estimated net audience n/a

Screen operates between 8:30am to 10:30pm.

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 140

04 City Centre



Titan Digital New 6 Sheet Birmingham Street @ Bullring Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 468 400 312

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 150m 468

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 141


04 City Centre | Birmingham Super Motion

Full motion landscape screen above Bullring shopping centre, Birmingham blowUP Media

Kinetic view Overlooking the square outside the Bullring shopping centre, in the centre of Birmingham, is this quality full motion, landscape format screen. It reaches a busy pedestrian audience of 75,000 every day as they shop in the heart of the city.

Media Audience ABC1 Shoppers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 30 sec No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ17,500

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.05m


Estimated net audience n/a

Screen operates between 6.00am and 10.00pm

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 142

04 City Centre



Bullring Supermotion Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Portrait





Screen Size Screen Resolution

528 x 418





Flash Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • Be consumable and legible at a glance • Use motion to bring the piece to life without destroying legibility • Incorporate a call to action • Be limited to one sentence of copy • Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m – 80m



For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 143

04 City Centre | The Screen @ Canary Wharf


Large format LED screen at Canary Wharf, London Ocean Outdoor

Kinetic view This large landscape LED is located in London’s Canary Wharf, just outside the tube station and in a high footfall area surrounded by cafes and restaurants. It reaches an affluent business audience on weekdays and a quality retail and leisure audience at weekends. Relevant editorial content is provided by Reuters.

Media Audience ABC1 Adults Avg. exposure 40s No. locations 1


Standard campaign cost ÂŁ15,000 (2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 1.37m

Editorial 20 secs



Loop 80 seconds

Editorial 2 x 10s 2


Ads 6 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 80 second loop


Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 144

04 City Centre



Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format normally contains editorial or feature content. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Creative should

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 6m x 3m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 400 640 xx 336

Still Still


• Be consumable and legible at a glance • Use motion to bring the piece to life without destroying legibility • Incorporate a call to action • Be limited to one sentence of copy • Feature either the brand or logo throughout

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


Titan Digital@6Canary Sheet Wharf The Screen

• • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be an idea that uses multiple slots in one loop Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 640 336

Optimal Viewing Distance is 15m – 90m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 145

04 City Centre

Piccadilly Lite Sales






Kinetic view Advertisers get access to an exclusive and iconic location - Piccadilly Circus - with this full motion LED strip. The audience at this permanently busy junction includes workers and shoppers as well as those enjoying the nearby theatres and restaurants, and tourists visiting the capital.

Cardiff Big Screen Kinetic view Sales

Cardiff Council





Situated in the pedestrian part of the city centre, on Queen Street, this site achieves an estimated footfall of up to 90,000 per day. It reaches workers and shoppers in the heart of Cardiff and typically appeals to a mix of local and regional advertisers.

Daylite LED Kinetic view Sales

Daylite LED





Mediawall @ the Printworks Sales






This full motion portrait panel in Kensington High Street is one of the first new developments of this kind from Daylite LED. 10 more new locations are planned by the end of the year.

Kinetic view Due to go live in September 2012, this large full motion digital screen will be located in the centre of Manchester, reaching shoppers and those enjoying Manchester’s nightlife. Artist’s impression

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 146

04 City Centre

City Centre Digital OOH sites, UK

Map courtesy of Google Maps

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 147

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 148



05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport Digital Airport Panels (DAPs)

HD quality LED Portrait LCD billboards panels next to the M4 in Central London (Heathrow, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen & London Luton) JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view JCDecauxnext Situated Airport to the offer M4,these thesehigh highquality qualityLCDs LED across panelsHeathrow, are prominently Edinburgh, positioned Glasgow, on both Aberdeen sides and of aLondon purposeLuton built tower. airports. This Screens section areof the M4 is the main distributed throughout route bythe road airports from Heathrow at check-in, airport, arrivals, theinworld’s depature busiest lounges, international in retail walkways hub, intoand central adjacent London. to flight information displays. These sites complement Eye’s Digital Eyelites at Gatwick, Stansted, Manchester, Belfast International and East Midlands airports.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial 10 sec (BAA)

Avg. exposure 15s

Editorial BAA 1 x 10s Ads 4 x 10s

No. locations 285

Loop 50 seconds

National campaign cost (2 weeks) £69,940 Heathrow Arrivals campaign costs (2 weeks) T5 Arrivals 6 screens £15,180

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop


T3 Arrivals 3 screens £9,184 National gross 2 week audience 1.77m Heathrow Arrivals T3+T5 gross 2 week audience 845,000 Estimated net audience n/a

Screens run a 1 in 5 share: 4 x ads / 1 x Editorial. Each advertiser is able to choose the loop length but will receive 12 mins in every 1 hour total.

Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates, terminal Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 150

05 Airport



Titan 6 Sheet DigitalDigital Airport Panels (DAPs) Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”, 46”, 40”

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 1360 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can

Digital Airport Panels (DAPs) – London Luton Aspect Ratio

16:9 Landscape





Screen Size


Screen Resolution

852 x 480





• • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 15m

Flash Dynamic Update


852 480


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 151

05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport Heathrow Gateroom DAPs


HD quality LCD panels in Heathrow gaterooms JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view Found in gateroom and gate seating areas, these LCD panels are well placed to maximise the long dwell-time in this environment. Target either the entire Heathrow audience, or choose terminal specific campaigns.

Media Audience Departing airport travellers

Editorial 10 sec (BAA)

Avg. exposure 20 min

Editorial BAA 1 x 10s Ads 4 x 10s

No. locations 117

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ44,800 (2 weeks)

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.3m (all Heathrow) departing


Estimated net audience n/a

Screens run a 1 in 5 share: 4 x ads / 1 x Editorial. Each advertiser is able to choose the loop length but will receive 12 mins in every 1 hour total.

Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates, terminal Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 152

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 Sheet DAPs Heathrow Gateroom Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 1360 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 153

05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport HEX DAPs


HD quality LCD panels at Heathrow Express airport stations JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view Succession of impactful screens reaching a captive audience of all Heathrow Express passengers. Sites are located along main walkways of the Heathrow Express that join the airport to the train.

Media Audience Heathrow Express travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15s No. locations 63 Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ25,872

No editorial Ads 5 x 10s

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 208,000


Estimated net audience n/a

JCD Airport Digital screens run a 1 in 5 SOV: 5 x ads. Each advertiser is able to choose the loop length but will receive 12 mins in every 1 hour total.

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 154

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 Sheet HEX DAPs Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 1360 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update




This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 15m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 155

05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport HEX Motion


HD quality LCD panels at Heathrow Express airport stations JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view Providing scope for some highly creative and engaging content, these screens target all Heathrow Express passengers. Similar in format to the digital escalator panels on the London Underground network, the sites entertain the passing audience as they use escalators, walkways or lifts. The ability to wrap the walls around the screens offers increased creative possibilities and impact.

Media Audience Heathrow Express travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 10s No. locations 168 (individual screens) Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ23,250

No editorial Ads 5 x 10s

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 208,000


Estimated net audience n/a

JCD Airport digital screens run a 1 in 5 SOV: 5 x ads. Each advertiser is able to choose the loop length but will receive 12 mins in every 1 hour total.

Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 156

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 Sheet HEX Motion Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m 22”, 32”x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 1360 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update



This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format comprises three separate areas – Lift, Walkway and Escalator. The Lift format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure. The Walkway and Escalator formats are categorised as a TRANSIT exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be an idea that works across multiple screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 1360

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 157

05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport London Luton Airport Digital Formats


Digital Airport Panels and Media Wall at London Luton Airport JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view London Luton airport is the UK’s fifth largest passenger airport, reaching both leisure and business travellers. JCDecaux’s DAPs reach all departing passengers, with frequency throughout their journey. Sites are located across the whole airport, at check-in, in walkways, departure lounges and on the main escalator to passport control. Available separately, the Digital Media Wall at London Luton airport dominates the main corridor to check-in. Advertisers receive dual display on either side of the airport flight information.


Editorial 10 sec (DAP) Editorial London Luton 1 x 10s

Audience Airport travellers Avg. exposure 15s (both media) No. locations:

Ads 4x 10s

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

DAPs 76


Media Wall 2

Each advertiser can choose the loop length, but will receive 12m in 1hr total.

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks): DAPs £6,000

Editorial 10 sec (Media Wall)

Media Wall £2,500

Editorial London Luton1 x 10s

Gross 2 week audience

Ads 3 x 10s

DAPs 169,000 Media Wall 169,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scehduled

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Notes Each advertiser can choose the loop length, but will receive 15m in 1hr total.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 158

05 Airport


Creative These formats normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. These formats are categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Titan Digital Sheet DAPs London Luton6 Airport Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx 1360 400 768

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update


Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

London Luton Digital Mediawall Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Be updated throughout the day Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be an idea that works across multiple screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1920 x 2160







Dynamic Update






For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 159


05 Airport | JCDecaux Airport Eurostar Departures and Arrivals networks

Two networks of screens at the Eurostar Terminal at St. Pancras International, London JCDecaux Airport

Kinetic view The launch of the new digital networks at the Eurostar Terminal at St Pancras International, sees JCDecaux Airport expanding their reach of international audiences, but this time in a different environment: rail. This format is seen by an exclusive and captive audience of cosmopolitan travellers either as they wait to depart London, or immediately as they arrive in the capital. Screens are synchronised for maximum impact.

Media Audience Eurostar travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15s

No editorial Ads 5 x 10s

No. locations 32 (Departures) and 4 (Arrivals)

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign cost (2 weeks) ÂŁ35,000 (Departures) ÂŁ15,000 (Arrivals)

Gross 2 week audience 169,000 (Departures or Arrivals) Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates Expansion Plans None scheduled

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

Notes JCD Airport Digital screens run a 1 in 5 SOV: 5 x ads. Each advertiser is able to choose the loop length but will receive 12 mins in every 1 hour total.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 160

05 Airport



Eurostar Departures and Arrivals Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait





Screen Size


Screen Resolution

768 x 1360







Dynamic Update



This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 161


05 Airport | Eye National Eyelites

HD quality LED Portrait LCD billboards panels in next Gatwick, to theStansted, M4 in Manchester, Central and Belfast London East Midlands airports JCDecaux Eye

Kinetic view Eye offersnext Situated these to quality the M4,digital these panels high quality at Gatwick, LED panels Stansted, are prominently Manchester,positioned Belfast International on both sides andof East a purpose Midlands built airports. tower.Screens This section are of the M4 is the main distributed throughout route bythe road airports from Heathrow at check-in, airport, in departure the world’s lounges, busiest in-retail international walkwayshub, andinto adjacent centraltoLondon. flight information displays. These sites complement JCDecaux Airport’s DAPs at Heathrow, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Luton airports. Eye has recently made these and other relevant airport sites interactive through the launch of Eye Amplify, a technology agnostic platform that enables NFC, QR, and SMS mobile interaction.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 35s

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

No. locations 92

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign cost £45,000 (2 weeks)


Gross 2 week audience 2.97m departing Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility Daypart, non-standard dates, individual airports Expansion Plans None scheduled

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Interactive Eyelites are available at Gatwick Airport in the departure lounge. Please see the Interactive section of this handbook.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 162

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 Sheet National Eyelites Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 57”, 46”, 40”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1080x x400 1920

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update



This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • • • •

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 15m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 163


05 Airport | Eye Digital Landmark Network

HD quality LCD panels at Manchester, Gatwick and Stansted airports Eye

Kinetic view Located in areas of high dwell-time across Manchester, Gatwick, and Stansted airports are these quality, landscape, full motion screens. This format is ideal for both large scale brand awareness, or point of purchase prompts. Sites can be bought by airport, or as a national network of six screens.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 35s No. locations 6 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ28,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.7m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 164

05 Airport



Titan 6 Sheet DigitalDigital Landmark Network Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait Bespoke Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49mx x1.2m 6.60m 3.9m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 x x400 1920 540

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.

1920 540

Optimal Viewing Distance is 5m – 20m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 165

05 Airport | Eye Gatwick Grand


HD plasma screen at Gatwick South Arrivals Hall Eye

Kinetic view A new addition to Gatwick is this dominating landscape screen reaching all arriving passengers, and some departing, at Gatwick South Terminal. With full motion and flexibility it provides an impactful creative canvas.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 40s No. locations 1 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ10,500 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 538,500 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 166

05 Airport



Gatwick Grand Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Creative should • • •

Screen Size Screen Resolution

992 x 192

Still Video Flash


Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.



Optimal Viewing Distance is 5m – 20m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 167


05 Airport | Eye Digital Arrivals Network

HD LCD panels at Baggage Reclaim across Gatwick, Stansted, and Manchester airports Eye

Kinetic view Installed in 2011, this network of screens at the Baggage Reclaim points across Gatwick, Stansted and Manchester airports is perfectly placed for tapping into the mood and mindset of arriving passengers. The screens offer very high dwell time and the potential for real -time communication.

Media Audience Air travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15 mins No. locations 68 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ38,000 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 20s

Loop 80 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 20s per 80 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 1.35m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 168

05 Airport



Digital Arrivals Network Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size Screen Resolution

1920 x 540

Still Video Flash


Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 20 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an ‘as live’ manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.

1920 540

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 169


05 Airport | London City Airport Departure Lounge

HD quality LED Portrait LCD billboards panels in next London to theCity M4Airport in Central London JCDecaux London City Airport

Kinetic view Integrated Situated next within to the 12M4, columns thesecovering high quality the whole LED panels departure are prominently lounge of London positioned Cityon Airport both and sidesoffering of a purpose a longbuilt dwelltower. time, This thesesection synchronised of the M4 is deliver LCDs the main high route frequency by roadoffrom message Heathrow to this airport, predominantly the world’s business busiestaudience. international hub, into central London.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 20s No. locations 24 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ26,400 (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 125,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 170

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 SheetDeparture Lounge London City Airport Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m 46”

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 400 768 xx 1366

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 171

05 Airport | London City Airport Terminal Digital Network


HD quality LCD panels in London City Airport London City Airport

Kinetic view These screens are integrated within six columns in the terminal concourse, adjacent to check-in. They are highly visable to both arriving and departing passengers, at this predominantly business orientated airport.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 20s No. locations 12 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ20,350 (4 weeks)

No editorial Ads 4 x 10s

Loop 40 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 40 second loop

Gross 4 week audience 250,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 172

05 Airport



Titan Digital 6 SheetTerminal Digital Network London City Airport Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio

4:3 9:16Portrait Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Mute

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Screen Resolution Resolution

272 1080x x400 1920

Still Still


Video Video


Flash Flash


Dynamic Dynamic Update Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 10m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 173

05 Airport | BAA Heathrow Terminal 5 Towers


Full motion LED screens at Heathrow Terminal 5 BAA

Kinetic view An opportunity to own these seven large landscape LED screens at Heathrow Terminal 5. Only available to the open market this year, these impactful screens are located both landside and airside, reaching an affluent international audience. The screens are not shared with any other advertisers, offering significant potential for bespoke creative content.

Media Audience Airport travellers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 15s

No editorial

No. locations 7

Full ownership

Standard campaign cost ÂŁ175,000

Standard campaign full ownership

(2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 854,000 Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility n/a Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 174

05 Airport



Terminal 5 Towers Aspect Ratio

Bespoke Landscape





Screen Size

7m x 14m x 3m

Screen Resolution

1408 x 336

Creative should

Still Video

This format is intended for 100% ownership. There are 7 synchronised screens in total - 5 facing landside and 2 facing airside. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.


• • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be a single execution played out simultaneously on all screens

Flash Dynamic Update

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. Optimal Viewing Distance is 10m - 80m

1408 336

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 175

05 Airport

Airport Partners Screens Sales

Airport Partners




National Airports

Heathrow Express TV Sales

JCDecaux Airport




LDN Heathrow Express

London City Airport Gate Lounges Sales

London City Airport




LDN City Airport

London City Airport Jet Centre Digital Screens Sales

London City Airport




LDN City Airport Jet Centre

Kinetic view A growing range of digital screens available at UK regional airports including Southampton, Newcastle, Liverpool and Bristol. Screens are landscape format. Expansion to other regional airports continues, with an emphasis on local and regional advertisers.

Kinetic view LCD screens in the Heathrow Express train carriages targeting passengers on their 15 minute journey to and from the airport. Content is Sky News with sound (except in quiet carriages). Spot advertising and content sponsorship opportunities are available.

Kinetic view Situated in 14 gate lounges across London City Airport, these HD quality screens reach a predominantly business audience and offer long dwell-time in an uncluttered environment.

Kinetic view Two digital screens reaching the very exclusive private jet audience. Sites located in the reception / security and arrival areas.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 176

05 Airport

London City Airport Central Search Digital Network Sales

London City Airport




LDN City Airport

Birmingham Airport Sales

Clear Channel




Birmingham Airport

BA T5 Digital Lounge Sites Sales

BA Media




BA First Class Lounge

Kinetic view These four 70� synchronised digital screens reach 100% of departing passengers head on as they complete the airport search procedures at London City Airport.

Kinetic view These six portrait format screens are found in arrivals and departure lounges and within close proximity to retail units at Birmingham International Airport. Last year this regional airport handled over 9m passengers.

Kinetic view Screens located in the BA First Class lounge used by First Class or Executive Club gold card holders and the Club lounges, used by club card holders; traditionally a very hard-to-reach audience. N.B This must be bought in conjunction with another BA media format (i.e online or in flight).

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 177

05 Airport

Major digital airport sites, UK

Map courtesy of Google Maps

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 178

Destination formats

07 Healthcare

AMScreen Healthcare Sales

AMScreen Media Sales




Nationwide Doctor’s Surgeries

Baby TV Sales

Baby TV




Nationwide Antenatal Clinics

Life Channel Sales





Nationwide Doctor’s Surgeries

Pro Vision Sales

Pro Vision




Nationwide Hospitals

Kinetic view Screens in over 700 doctors’ surgeries and hospital waiting rooms. Content is a mix of surgery information, health messages, and customer information interspersed with ads.

Kinetic view Screens in waiting areas of 125 antenatal clinics nationwide, accounting for 66% of all UK births. Engaging and relevant content reaching expectant mothers as they wait for appointments. TV ads or infomercials work best. Interactive kiosks are also available to further the communication.

Kinetic view The Life Channel broadcasts tailored content to 2,200 multi-practice and GP surgeries nationwide. Screens reach over 6m patients per month as they sit in waiting rooms.

Kinetic view Pro Vision supply 200 NHS trust hospitals across the UK with screens delivering bespoke health and customer information content, combined with advertising. Screens are located in high dwell departments; A+E/Out Patients and Fracture units. Campaigns are typically sold on an annual basis.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 180

08 Mobile Media

Digivans Sales

Mobile Media, Media Displays, idoohmediagroup, Ambient Media, Promogroup





Digibikes Sales

Media Displays, Mobile Media





Kinetic view Mobile screens for use at events, store openings or bespoke targeting with the benefit of creative flexibility and sound, and the potential for live feeds and interactive technologies.

Kinetic view Mobile screens for use at events, store openings or bespoke targeting with the benefit of creative flexibility and sound, and the potential for live feeds and interactive technologies.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 181


09 Bar | Socialite

HD LCD screens in bars Clear Channel

Kinetic view A growing network of portrait HD LCD screens, in bars in urban areas nationwide. Clear Channel have built 277 to date, with more planned across the country. Sites are located in prominent locations reaching a desirable, youthful audience as they relax with friends. Bars include Walkabout and Revolution chains.

Media Audience 18-34s

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 60 mins No. locations 277 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ27,700 (2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 1.6m Estimated net audience n/a

No editorial Ads 6 x 10s

Loop 60 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 60 second loop

Notes Flexibility on ad length possible.

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans More bars expected across 2012

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 182

09 Bar



Socialite Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait





Screen Size Screen Resolution

768 x 1366





This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can

Flash Dynamic Update


• Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be deliverable dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m - 5m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 183

09 Bar

Sky Pub Sales

Sky Media





Half Minute Media Sales

Half Minute Media





Trendyvend Sales

Trendy Media





Kinetic view Screens in around 40,000 bars nationwide. Separate ads from in-home compliment top quality sports content. High impact TV ads work best.

Kinetic view 629 screens in 120 Yates’s, Belushi’s and Walkabout branded bars across the UK. Ads run alongside in-house promotional offers, sports and music content.

Kinetic view Sampling and full vending units located in male and female washrooms of bars and nightclubs. Screens within the units carry TV-style ads with sound. Campaigns can be sampling only, screen only, or both. Current tally is 400 screens with live feed capabilities in 200 high end bars, with 500 bars anticipated by the end of 2012.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 184

10 Sport

Blink TV Twickenham Sales

Blink TV





Concourse TV Sales

Sports Revolution




Nationwide Football Stadia

LED Jumbotrons Sales

Sports Revolution




Nationwide Football Stadia

LED Perimeter Boards Sales

Sportfive Sports Revolution Sportseen




Premiership football clubs

Kinetic view Giant LED screens at gallery level at Twickenham stadium. Ads run before rugby games, at half-time and after final whistle. TV ads work well with sound.

Kinetic view Screens in the concourse areas of Premiership and Championship clubs. Content is shown pre-match and half time, and includes live matches. Can run TV ads with sound or a number of on-screen banner options. Has potential for interactive opportunities.

Kinetic view Giant LED screens normally at gallery level at football stadiums. Ads normally run before, at half-time and after final whistle.

Kinetic view Digital perimeter boards at UK and International stadia including Premier League, reaching large TV audiences.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 185


11 Leisure | Gym TV

LED In gym Portrait digitalbillboards screens with nextfull to audio the M4 in Central London JCDecaux Zoom Media

Kinetic view Screens Situatedwith nextfull to the audio M4, in these 700 gyms high nationwide, quality LED panels including areDavid prominently Lloyd, Virgin positioned Activeonand both Fitness sidesFirst. of a purpose Content built is music tower. channel This section incorporating of the either M4 is the TV ads mainorroute dynamic by road posters fromwith Heathrow music backdrop. airport, the Live world’s updates busiest nowinternational possible too.hub, into central London.

Media Audience ABC1 Adults


Avg. exposure 67 mins

Zoom run a true TV channel, not a loop. Music content varies hourly.

No. locations 3,500 screens in 700 gyms Standard campaign cost ÂŁ39,000 (2 weeks)

Flexibility on ad length available.

(2 weeks)

Standard campaign 2 x 30s per 60 minute loop

Gross 2 week audience 7m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans Roll out into Esporta clubs expected

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 186

11 Leisure



TitanTV Digital 6 Sheet Gym

This format normally comprises a 10, 20 or 30 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a DWELL exposure.

Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 16:9 Landscape

Audio Audio

Mute Audio

Definition Definition

Standard Standard

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx400 1024 576

Still Still


• Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Incorporate “cue to view” moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


• • • •

Creative should

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Use audio to enhance the user experience Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 1024 576

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 4m

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 187


11 Leisure | Cinema Digital 6s

HD screens in the foyers of cinemas nationally Primesight

Kinetic view Currently 35 HD screens in the foyer areas of Pearl and Dean cinemas nationally, but this network is due to expand with another 100 screens being installed into DCM cinemas including Odeon, Vue and Cineworld chains over the next few months. The screens also incorporate the widest possible range of interactive technologies - please see separate entry in the Interactive section of this handbook.

Media Audience Cinema goers

Editorial n/a

Avg. exposure 18 mins No. locations 135 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ67,500 (2 weeks) (2 weeks)

No editorial Ads 5 x 10s

Loop 50 seconds

Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 50 second loop

Gross 2 week audience 2.8m Estimated net audience n/a Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans None scheduled

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 188

11 Leisure



Titan Digital 6 Sheet Cinema Digital 6s

This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Aspect Ratio Ratio Aspect

4:3 Portrait 9:16 Portrait

Audio Audio

Mute Audio

Definition Definition

Standard High

Screen Size Size Screen

4.49m x 6.60m

Screen Resolution Resolution Screen

272 xx400 1080 1920

Still Still


• Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece • Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer • Incorporate “cue to view” moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Video Video


Creative can

Flash Flash


Dynamic Update Update Dynamic


• • • •

Creative should

Be updated throughout the day Be location specific Use audio to enhance the user experience Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP

Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy. 1080

Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m – 5m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 189

11 Leisure

Toni&Guy Salon Media Sales

Hub Digital Networks




Nationwide Hair Salons

Blink TV Sales

Blink TV




Nationwide Concert Tours & Festivals

Screen Activation Sales

Screen Activation




Festivals/Music venues

AMScreen Powerleague Sales

AMScreen Media Sales




Nationwide Powerleague Circuit

Kinetic view Over 1,500 screens located at cutting and washing stations, or at reception in 253 Toni&Guy hairdressing salons nationwide. Accountable opportunity to reach ABC1 women in a relaxed frame of mind, with a long dwell-time.

Kinetic view High quality giant LED screens either side of the stage at concerts. Adverts are shown before the main act. Choose the event to fit your audience. TV ads work well with sound.

Kinetic view Giant LED screens at concerts or music festivals across the UK, including O2 Academy venues and X Factor shows. Choose the event to fit your audience. TV ads work well with sound.

Kinetic view Screens in 44 five-a-side football centres nationwide, located at reception where players sign in. Jpg format only and no sound. Some limitation on brands due to existing sponsorship deals.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 190

11 Leisure

Goals Football Centres Sales





Nationwide Goals Centres

ADI Group Sales

ADI Group




Nationwide events

NEC Media Sales

NEC Media




Birmingham NEC

Gamerbase Sales





HMV stores nationwide

Kinetic view Screens in around 30 Goals football centres nationwide. Content includes five-a-side league standings and local club fixtures.

Kinetic view Providers of a wide range of large, high quality temporary and mobile screens for use at events, or as part of experiential activity.

Kinetic view 8 plasma screens located within the piazza of Birmingham’s National Exhibition Centre. Target by specific event and audience.

Kinetic view Reach 15-30 year old gamers in 39 dedicated gaming areas located within HMV stores across the UK. Mixture of free-to-play and pay-to-play games available. Advertising opportunities include video streamed ad trailers, screen savers, and online and social media tie-ins.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 191

11 Leisure

Acentic, Hotel in-room entertainment Sales

Hub Digital Networks




Hotels nationwide

Health Club D6s Sales





Health Clubs

Kinetic view The opportunity to reach business and leisure travellers via TV screens in hotel rooms at nearly 40,000 four and five star hotels across the UK. Options available include branding of the Welcome Page or Entertainment Main Menu, and hotel groups include Hilton, De Vere and Intercontinental chains.

Kinetic view Launching in September 2012 is this new network of 50� HD screens in 50 health and fitness clubs across London and South East reaching an estimated audience of 1.4m people each month. The network will roll out nationally from early 2013 to a total of 100 locations.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 192

12 Education

Redbus University X-Sites Sales





Universities nationwide

Popcorn University Screens Sales

Popcorn and Subtv




Universities nationwide


Kinetic view These HD D6s will be available in 50 student unions by September 2012. The sites are located in prominent positions within the union buildings reaching 18-24s as they relax in the cafes, restaurants and bars. Content comprises a mix of ads with university news. Screens can be bought in conjunction with Popcorn’s University Screens for maximum reach.

Kinetic view Portrait screens located in the student unions of 20 UK universities including Kings College London, Durham and Loughborough. Screens can be bought in conjunction with Redbus’ University X-Sites for maximum reach.

Kinetic view






Nationwide University Student Unions

Youth Media Sales

Youth Media





Screens with full audio in student union bars in 88 universities nationwide, reaching a third of the 18-24 year old UK population. Content is music and live sport. Can run TV ads or sidebars during sports and event coverage. Online integration and experiential activity possible too.

Kinetic view Interactive desktop platform – Youthwire – installed on PCs across UK universities and colleges, creating a regular dialogue with students.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 193

12 Education

Life Channel

Kinetic view


The Life Channel




Nationwide Schools

Screens located in canteen and common rooms of over 1,600 schools and colleges across the UK. Screens have sound and subtitling. Brands and copy need to be appropriate and are vetted by a panel of head teachers.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 194

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 195


13 Business | ECNlive

Digital screen network in London offices ECNlive

Kinetic view Network of quality digital screens in areas of high dwell within premium office lift lobbies in London. The primary audience here is AB executives, and locations include Tower 42, Broadgate Tower and Canada Square. Ads share the space with TFL transport updates, news, weather and other relevant content. Live updates and content sponsorship possible. Currently offering 120 buildings across the City, Canary Wharf and the West End of London.

Media Audience ABs

Editorial 6 x 10 seconds

Avg. exposure 2 mins No. locations 120 Standard campaign cost ÂŁ78,000 (2 weeks) Gross 2 week audience 11.8m Estimated net audience n/a

6 x 10s

Loop 2 minutes

Ads 6 x 10s Standard campaign 1 x 10s per 2 minute loop

Notes 210 screens within 120 buildings.

Buying flexibility On request Expansion Plans More buildings planned

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 196

13 Business



ECNlive Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait





Screen Size Screen Resolution

768 x 1360

Still Video



Dynamic Update


This format normally comprises a 10 second spot rotated with other advertisers as part of a loop. This format is categorised as a MICRODWELL exposure.

Creative should • • •

Be consumable in a few seconds from any point in the piece Use motion intelligently to engage the viewer Incorporate ‘cue to view’ moments for key elements like the call to action • Be viewable at close quarters as well as from a distance • Feature the brand or logo either throughout or at a ‘cue to view’ moment

Creative can • Be updated throughout the day • Be location specific • Be delivered dynamically in an “as live” manner over IP Approval by media owner or site owner is generally required for copy.


Optimal Viewing Distance is 1m - 5m


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 197

13 Business


Kinetic view






City of London

Renew’s network of screens are located roadside on 100 double-sided newspaper recycling pods across London’s Square Mile, and reach City professionals as they walk to and from work, or in their lunch hour. The Renew Channel is content-led and includes relevant, constantly updated news and commentary from Bloomberg and LSE.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 198


06 Interactive | Roadside and Mall Interactive 6 sheets


Interactive screens for roadside, mall and airport environments JCDecaux and Clear Channel

Kinetic view Standard 6 sheet sites can be transformed with the incorporation of these interactive screens available from JCDecaux and Clear Channel. The screens offer a full range of interactive technologies including touch, gesture recognition or augmented reality, and react to ambient light to ensure they operate well in all weather conditions.

Media Standard no.locations 10

Technical Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait



Note Content development costs are additional



Average lead time 8 weeks

Screen Resolution JCD

720 x 1280

Screen Resolution CC

1080 x 1920





Image Capture


Augmented Reality


Standard production cost ÂŁ10,000 net per site (2 weeks)

*Audio possible on request. Permissions to be obtained.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 200

06 Interactive | Airport Interactive Eyelites


Interactive screens at Gatwick, Manchester and Stansted airports Eye and Monster Media

Kinetic view Eye have partnered with Monster Media to deliver these well placed interactive 6 sheets in departure lounges with Gatwick, Manchester and Stansted airports. The long dwell time in this part of the airport provides an ideal environment for consumers to interact, and the screens themselves incorporate the latest range of interactive capabilities including touch and camera-based technologies. Interactive sites are sold within a standard Eyelite campaign.


Media Standard no.locations 11 interactive Eyelites within a campaign of

Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait

Standard media cost ÂŁ55,000



(2 weeks)



45 standard Eyelites

Note Content development costs are additional Average lead time 8 weeks

Screen Size Screen Resolution

1080 x 1920





Image Capture


Augmented Reality


*Audio possible on request. Permissions to be obtained.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 201

06 Interactive | Airport Interactive Monster Walls


Interactive media wall at Manchester and Gatwick airports Eye and Monster Media

Kinetic view Currently available at Manchester Airport and coming soon to Gatwick North and South Terminals, these large scale Monster Walls provide the canvas to create an interactive virtual world. Its range of capabilities include multi-touch, gestural recognition, mobile interaction and augmented reality, with full audio optional.


Media Standard no.locations 1 Standard media cost Manchester = ÂŁ30,000 (4 weeks) per site Gatwick = ÂŁ45,000 (4 weeks) per site

Note Content development costs are additional Average lead time 8 weeks

Aspect Ratio

16:9 Landscape





Screen Size Screen Resolution

1920 x 1080





Image Capture


Augmented Reality


For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 202

06 Interactive | Interactive Cinema Digital 6 sheets


Interactive screens in cinema foyers Primesight

Kinetic view All of Primesight’s digital sites being built in cinema foyers across the country will be fully interactive. There are currently 35 screens in the foyer area of Pearl and Dean cinemas, but the network is due to expand with another 100 screens being installed into DCM cinemas nationally including Odeon, Vue and Cineworld chains over the next few months. The screens incorporate Microsoft Kinect technology for gesture recognition or full body mapping as well as mobile and multi touch technologies.

Media Standard no.locations No minimum, budget or campaign led

Technical Aspect Ratio

9:16 Portrait



Note Content development costs are additional



Average lead time 8 weeks

Screen Size

Standard media cost ÂŁ2,000 per site (2 weeks)

Screen Resolution

1080 x 1920





Image Capture


Augmented Reality


For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 203

06 Interactive | Mobile Interactive digivans


Mobile digivans incorporating interactive technologies idoohmediagroup

Kinetic view Particularly useful for targeting places where other media doesn’t exist, these mobile digivans include a range of camera-based and touch screen interactive technologies. Vans can be deployed tactically for PR and experiential uses, or combined with sampling and distribution methods.

Media Standard no.locations 1 Standard media cost ÂŁ950 per site (per 8 hour day) Note Content development costs are additional Average lead time 8 weeks

Technical Aspect Ratio

16:9 Landscape





Screen Size Screen Resolution

1024 x 576





Image Capture


Augmented Reality


For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 204




Out of Home. Traditionally posters and billboards were generically called Outdoor. All media OOH is not Outdoors.


Period during which an OOH campaign will be displayed. Also denotes the start date of a booked campaign.


Date at which a campaign will stop being displayed. Also a period when location is not available for advertising, in order to be refurbished, for example.


Digital Billboard. Nearly always large format LED billboards, positioned roadside. No animation is normally possible.


Digital Billboard Plus. Same as a Digital Billboard with the added benefit of allowing for full motion creative copy.


Dynamic Poster. An electronic poster, normally in portrait format, able to display full motion video. Primarily located where people are on-the-move.


Out of Home TV. Screens delivering content, including advertising slots, aimed at entertaining and informing the audience, with or without sound.


Light Emitting Diode. In the digital OOH context the only technology currently capable of displaying high intensity images in daylight, outdoors.


Liquid Crystal Display. Screens capable of displaying high quality images with acceptable brightness even with quite high levels of ambient light.


Many networks run content that repeats itself at regular intervals. This is commonly called the loop length. Even where there is changing editorial content this will normally be on a loop with the advertising repeating on each successive loop.

Primary Audience

Simplistically the predominant audience to the format. Many networks attract different audiences depending on day and time of day or are applicable to a number of niche audiences.

Standard Campaign Cost

The cost of booking a standard campaign as summarised in the media section of the format listings. Normally this is for a fixed number of spots on a loop, all times of day, for two weeks. For other package costs, please consult your Kinetic account team.

Gross 2 week period

The total number of people expected to pass the panel or network of panels in an average two week period.

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 206



Opportunity To See. A media term used to identify the fact a person was within view of a panel on one occasion. Average OTS determines the average number of times people are exposed to the advertising during a campaign.

Estimated net audience

The number of actual individuals reached by advertising on the panels in a two week period. Normally used in conjunction with the average number of times they pass the locations (average OTS).

Buying Flexibility

Traditional OOH media normally has fixed two week periods where advertising can be booked in specified packs. Buying flexibility identifies in which ways the sales company allows the media to be bought, for example by time-of-day.

Expansion Plans

What plans there are, if any, to increase the number of locations where the network has screens.


The company responsible for selling and delivering advertising campaigns on the screens or network. Nearly always the sales contract is exclusive to one company.


The format aspect where the height is greater than the width.


The format aspect where the width is greater than the height, similar to a TV screen.


High definition. Refers to an increase or superiority in display or visual resolution.

96 Sheet

Standard billboard size. Largest of the standard landscape formats.

48 Sheet

Standard billboard size. Landscape, half the size (length) of a 96 sheet.

6 Sheet

Standard portrait poster size. Most common format in the UK, commonly seen on bus shelters and roadside.

Augmented Reality (AR)

A live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.

Microsoft Kinect technology

A form of gesture recognition technology. Motion sensing device, enabling users to control and interact with content on screen.

Gesture recognition

Interactive technology allowing users to interact with content on screen using natural body movements such as pointing and waving.


Touch sensing surface able to recognise the presence of two or more points of contact on the same screen.

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 207

Location of digital OOH sites, Major UK Cities


City Centre




Map courtesy of Google Maps * Excludes smaller malls and some in-store environments

For further information on audiences and the media please contact your Kinetic or agency account team. +44 (0)20 7544 4600 208

For more information on content creation for DOOH networks please contact Grand Visual. [+44] 020 3205 0011 209

kinetic t +44 (0)20 7544 4600 121-141 Westbourne Terrace f +44 (0)20 7544 4601 London W2 6JR

Grand Visual t +44 (0)20 3205 0011 London House, 9A Margaret Street f +44 (0)20 7681 2838 London W1W 8RJ

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