Increase Engagement and Extend Time On Site with these Turnkey Comics and Puzzles Widgets from King Features
Our all-in-one widgets enable digital publishers to bring their readers the best of King Features entertainment content. With a fully responsive design for web and mobile, and family-friendly professionally generated and edited content, these turnkey products were designed to be brand safe for advertisers and easily scalable across multiple sites.

Comics Kingdom+, our premier digital solution, builds user engagement and drives repeat visits, featuring fresh content daily across four verticals: comics, puzzles, political cartoons and horoscopes.
Dozens of classic comics and newer fan favorites, refreshed daily. Featured titles include everything from Blondie, Beetle Bailey and Dennis the Menace to Rhymes with Orange, Zits, Macanudo and many more timely political comics from the industry’s top editorial cartoonists
Access to comic archives—search past strips by title, topic or date
Fun and informative daily horoscopes

From crosswords and word games to strategy and memory puzzles, our Puzzle Palace widget focuses on games that will engage and entertain visitors—and keep them on their sites longer.
Package features fourteen fun and engaging daily word and number puzzles, including:
Classic Sudoku
Diagonal Sudoku
Irregular Sudoku
Mega Sudoku
King Mini Sudoku
Dynamic Double-cross
Thomas Joseph Crossword
Plus One
Premier Sunday Crossword
Eugene Sheffer Crossword
Word Sleuth Micro Crossword