503 Creating a passion for Excellence

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MODULE 503 CREATING A PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE IN YOUR ORGANISATION Contact Person Dr. Mario Denton Crown Financial Ministries Marketplace Programme Director for Africa Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for Christ International) CEO STRONG MESSAGE BUSINESS CONSULTANT Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network. Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. E-mail address: mario@crown.org.za Website: www.crown.org.za and click on marketplace E-mail address: marden@mweb.co.za website: www.strongmessage.co.za Skype: mario.denton

Table of Contents 1. What motivates you 2. What are your values 3. The model of the successful organisation 4. The strategy and impact of excellence 5. Application Leadership


would happen to your organisation if 100% of your customers

were happy with your products and services and were fiercely loyal to your company? What does it take to create customer satisfaction and loyalty?

1 What Motivates You? 2 What are Your Values? Workshop - Tolerance & Values

3 The Model of the Successful Organisation 4 The Traditional Manager vs. the Quality Manager 5 The Strategy 6 The Impact of Excellence

1. What motivates you? OVERVIEW : Proper motivation is key to success, but what motivates you? What motivates your employees? The world tells us that pride, greed and ego are perfectly “normal” and even “acceptable”. Our flesh seems to agree. But does God agree? How would you know? ohn 12:15

These are the questions…… • What motivates you? • What improves a company? • How do you create a organisation that continuously improves? • What causes a organisation to improve? 1) luck 2) major capital investment 3) major capital investment and luck together 4) process improvements

Continuous Process Improvement The only organisation that continuously improves is one that understands and implements continuous process improvement. When Martin Luther was asked: “Why don’t you recognize the saints that do such good work – why dn’t you want them recognized as holy?” He replied, “I do not respect their work – but I would

respect their motives, if I knew them. I cannot declare them saintly because their motives may not have been saintly. Their motives or their good works may have been ego, pride or whatever. So I am not the judge, only God is the judge of their motives.”

A Christian is a person who is motivated to accomplish excellence in what they do. God is always part of he objective of what they do. They have joy and pleasure to do whatever they do with excellence for God and for Christ.


For Godly motivation, first we must meet God. Fortunately, He seeks us.

A king is coming The king is coming

THY KING IS COMING Your very personal King is coming to YOU! We cannot go to Him – He is so good He comes to us! What must we do? Just accept Him! This is the knocking on the door…

Earthly Motivation – pride, greed, ego… Vs. Godly Motivation – Jesus Christ

Why do we argue with God? When God knocks do you listen for just a few moments, then remain in the world with its motivation?

Behold I am thy King – thy King is here for you. INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Can you honestly identify what has motivated you in the past for any specific task? Write some examples here and share them with your group.

2. Think about the motivations of pride, ego and greed and how they “work”. How well do these motivations work long term? Have you used these methods to motivate your employees or others? List some examples:

3. “Godly motivation is Jesus Christ”. What do you think is meant by that statement? How might it apply to you and your organisation?

2. What are your values? Psalm 91:4

OVERVIEW : “Tolerance” seems to be quite the “buzz word” today. Christians are routinely accused of being “intolerant”. But what is tolerance and how does it mesh with values? Are your values clearly defined? How would someone know what they are?

• Do you see how good God is? He keeps on knocking. • He never makes our burden so heavy that we cannot carry it. • And, He comes to us and helps us when we need it most.

Even though our Lord is busy operating the universe, He is personally interested in us. Are you personally interested in Him (motivated by His will)?

1. Don’t make Him knock so loud – accept Him. 2. Be sure YOUR motivation matches HIS will.

• What is your personal motivation?

• What is the motivation of your company?

Proper (Godly) motivation assures not only the presence of God in our organisations, it also assures the success of our organisations. If we could

intellectualize what God does, there would be no God. Pay attention to how the process, the motivation and the values in your organisation work together.

The Word of God belongs in everything we do. • You don’t lower values by doing something wrong. • You lower values by believing what you did wrong was OK. The Word of God provides a prescription of values that belong in our personal lives. The Word of God does not stop us from being sinners.

Tolerance Tolerance for everything comes when we don’t have personal values.

INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. How often does God knock on your door? What do you do when He knocks? Describe some times when God knocked and you answered and times when you didn’t. What happened each time?

2. Consider the statement, “You don’t lower values by doing something wrong. You lower values by believing what you did wrong was OK.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

3. Do the motivation, the values and the processes of your organisation “work together” well? Why or why not?

2. Write your own definition of VALUES. With what other words do you feel it is synonymous that might help define its meaning?


noun. 1) The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and

respecting the beliefs or practices of others. 2) Leeway for variation from a standard.


noun. A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or


WORKSHOP Scriptures containing the word TOLERATE .... Hab 1:3 Why do you tolerate wrong? NIV Hab 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong.

Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? NIV Rev 2:2 I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. NIV Rev 2:20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. NIV

1. From these Scriptures, does it appear that tolerance for anything and everything is a Biblical standard? Discuss this with the group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. What values do you hold to be true in your life (what do you think is important?) Write a few of them here: a) __________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________ d) __________________________________________________________ Are these values evident to others by the way you live? ___________ Would your spouse agree that this is true? _______________________ Would your employees and co-workers agree? ___________________

4. How would you know if God found these same traits valuable?

5. Do you value the same things as God does? _____________________ If so, can you find Scripture to back up your statement? List the Scriptures here that relate to your answers in #3 above: a) ___________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________ d) __________________________________________________________ According to the New Testament, we are instructed to share the Gospel AND we are required to BE witnesses with our lives. Make sure that you fully understand your own Biblical Values so that you can live them everyday to the Glory of God.

3. The Model of the Successful organisation OVERVIEW : Create an environment wherein you and your employees can work as a team, working together for a common goal. Then, the employees will not be doing things just for the purpose of doing them; they will be working to accomplish the common goal. Do they know where the organisationis going and what benefit they will derive if it succeeds?

Eliminating the Cause of Mistakes and Problems

• If a problem or a mistake occurs twice, there is a cause for that problem or mistake. • The only way we can eliminate that problem or mistake is by eliminating the cause. • There is a tendency to attack the problem or mistake rather than finding the cause.

We must face the issue in order to find the cause. Once we find and eliminate the cause, the problem or mistake will not recur. Effort for the purpose of accomplishing excellence in the task that is being done puts additional value in a particular job. Your calling doesn’t matter – how you treat that calling is what matters: • Excellence • Value • Respect







organisation 1. Define the standards and values of the organisation: Relative to your Organization clearly identify and establish what you truly believe in. Note that writing down words that sound good to you and to others is not the same as

establishing values.

Four ways to improve a company: 1. luck 2. major capital investment 3. major capital investment & luck together 4. eliminating defects

1. Determine what the ‘value’ is, then: • Why the organisation needs this “value”. • If this “value” describes who you are and what your organisation represents. • If this “value” is sincere. • If this “value” is of benefit to others. • If this “value” could harm others. • If it serves Christ. • If it measures up to the values subscribed to us as Christians. Do your partners, employees and co-workers “buy into” these values? Do they just work for you or do they join you, think like you, become part of you in order to help create success?

2. Establish a vision. Leadership determines where the organisation is “going”. Your employees have the right to know where they are “going” and what it will do for them if the organisation gets there.

Be sure to have your own personal Christian goals clearly included lest you forget that God should be part of your objectives. Discuss these with your partners (they will have to “buy in”), your spouse and your pastor. Clearly identify the organisation goals and let people in the organisation know what the goals are. If you can, tell them what your Christian goals are as well. Make sure that you cannot talk yourself out of the goals – that no evil can move you away from the goals.

3. Establish a measurement system. Where do you expect the organisation to be a year from now? Establish a system to determine if the mission and objectives of the organisation are being accomplished at certain intervals.

INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The speaker talks a great deal about “if a problem or mistake occurs twice..”. Do mechanisms exist in your organisation such that you would know if a problem or mistake occurred twice?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If so, describe it. If not, can you think of a way to create such a mechanism?

2. Do clearly defined (written) standards and values exist for your company? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If so, share them with your group. If not, how would you begin to establish them? Make a plan to do so, then share it with your group at the end of this teaching series.

3. Where is your organisation “going”? How often do you review this vision? Does a measurement system exist to determine if you are reaching your goals? Explain and be prepared to share this with your group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


THE TRADITIONAL MANAGER VS. THE QUALITY MANAGER OVERVIEW : What happens in your organisation when things “go wrong”? Do you simply check to see who is “at fault” and reprimand or fire them? Let’s examine an alternative way of problem solving.

RECAP: Creating and Maintaining Excellence in Your organisation

1. Define the standards and values of the company. 2. Establish a vision. 3. Establish a measurement system. 4. Establish a method of working. The application of quality sciences – eliminate defects continuously. Employees have to be involved and empowered in the development of the work process to which they are assigned and they have to improve that process.

The Quality Process

Efficiency- When a defect or mistake happens twice, join the employee connected with that mistake in finding the root cause of the defect or mistake. Then, eliminate the root cause. Result: the defect or mistake doesn’t happen again and the organisation makes more money. Because every defect or mistake costs money!

The quality manager involves the employees connected with the defect by allowing the employees to determine the CAUSE of the defect and how it should be eliminated. The manager cannot determine the cause from his/her office. Don’t jump to conclusions! Eliminating defects costs you less and your products are better.

INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. How free do your employees feel about coming to you with “problems” that they believe exist in your company? What evidence do you have to support your statement? Are they likely to be punished or rewarded for pointing out defects? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2. Describe to your group a mistake or defect that was identified by an employee. Did the employee (or another employee) offer a solution to the problem? What happened then? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. How frequently do you ask your customers if they are happy with your products or services? What measurement do you use to determine the satisfaction of your customers? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


5. The strategy OVERVIEW : What would happen if you made a product or provided a service and every one of your customers was happy? Would that be a good strategic plan? The only thing that counts is what the customer wants!

RECAP: Creating and Maintaining Excellence in Your Company

1. Define the standards and values of the company. 2. Establish a vision. 3. Establish a measurement system. 4. Establish a method of working.

Strategic Plan - Customer Focus • Market focus – the market as a whole. • Customer focus – the individual.

Focus on the individual not the market.

The tactic-quality production business processes: The leader must use empowerment – allowing the employees to do their job and participate in the company. AND . The leader must KNOW the five most important things to the customer and continually ask these questions, “Is the process to provide these things working?”; “Are we improving or not improving?” AND… The leader must KNOW the five most important things to the employees and must make sure that those things are improving. AND… The leader must also KNOW the financial measurements so that they continue to improve.

6. Measure and continuously improve the processes to create: • Customer loyalty – By working on the things that are important to the customer. Provide more of what they want and make fewer mistakes.

• Employee satisfaction – Giving the employee more of what they want which is being allowed to act as part of the organisation– permitting them to be involved in decision making processes.

• Owner satisfaction – Providing a greater return on their =investment in your organisation.

Customer Satisfaction vs. Customer Loyalty Three things all customers want:

1. NO DEFECTS – NO MISTAKES - Understand your defects! This can ONLY happen in a organisation where the employees know they are respected.

2. TIMELINESS – Customers don’t want to wait. Customers have to wait when defects occur. Eliminate the cause of the defect and you eliminate the wait.

3. CARE AND RESPECT – THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF YOUR PRODUCT! Customers want to feel important. They want to believe that you respect the money they spend with you and that you respect them as human beings.

Creating Caring Service 1. THE PROCESS OF HIRING: Select employees, don’t just hire them. 2. THE ORIENTATION PROCESS: Tell employees: • who you are, • where your heart is,

• what your thinking is, • what your beliefs are, • what your values are, • what your goals are. Help them to understand. Then, determine if they “buy in”.

3. THE ORIENTATION AND TRAINING PROCESS: Train employees for what they need to know in the specific job categories. Have the best five employees in each specific job category write the training manual for that job by responding to the question “What does a new employee need to know in order to do the job like you do it?”

In order to ensure that newly hired employees know the organisation’s values, goals and other issues, prepare and issue an exam containing this information. Set the testing standard at 80%. After 30 to 60 days, ask new employees how the organization is doing, and what can be improved.

4. ON-GOING TRAINING & DAILY REMINDER OF THE VALUES OF THE ORGANISATION– For 10 minutes each day, remind your employees of the values of the organisationwith one value repeated every 30 days. Once each

month, new training begins based on survey responses from customers. Show customers and employees how sincere you are about your values. Business Leadership

INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What method do you use to determine and track your customer’s desires and needs? Do you feel your current method is adequate? Why or why not? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. “ Continuous improvements”. What is meant by that statement and how would you apply it to your business? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. What is meant by the statement “you don’t hire employees, you select them”? What hiring methods have you used in the past? Has it been generally acceptable (does it usually “work out”)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. The Impact of excellence Build a system and process to provide an environment that will create excellence vs. task performance OVERVIEW : The God of the Universe does things only one way – WITH

EXCELLENCE. As one made in His image, it seems possible and even desirable to live our lives in the same fashion. How do you do this in the workplace?How do you encourage others to do the same?

1. Identify key processes and make sure that all staff members know how to achieve the tasks. They have to identify key processes and they have to be involved in creating those processes.

2. Measure and continuously improve those key processes. Part of the annual “budget” should include improvement in customer satisfaction by eliminating defects. Have fun, give prizes, have dinners, games, and use teams. Enjoy going to work.

It takes a very long time to discover defects! Beware of short-term attitudes that measure only profits.You leave profits on the table by not doing what is right! The only reliable means for a organisation to accomplish excellence is through leadership that is: • Quality-directed • Excellence-directed • Value-directed Business Leadership

Reflective Thoughts

From where do your values come? Do you take away from the customer but charge them a little bit more?

Or… Are you trying to give the customer an honorable product, one that you are proud of, one that you’re willing to charge for? Do they want to buy it?

If this is a Christian company: • You respect the employees and honor them. • You respect the customers and honor them.

Satisfaction Loyalty The move from satisfaction to loyalty happens when you individualize service: you recognise your customers and employees by name, you recognise what they want.

INSIGHT QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What have you learned from the presentation that you might apply in your business? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2. How long do you believe it will take for changes you make to show measurable improvement? Why do you believe it will take your described length of time? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Name some of the “key processes” of your business. Describe them to your group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Do you encourage employee participation in the processes of the business by means of games, contests, etc.? Why or why not… what are your thoughts on this type of “motivation”.

6. Dig deeper and learn more (Optional) This section includes various PowerPoint support material for further inspiration and encouragement and relates to the material covered in this section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



503 A

: What Do You Do When There Is No Solution To Life's Insolvable?

Date of completion

Progress Report

James 1:22-25 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-- he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV) Name and Number of Module ________________________________________ Participant’s Name: ________________________________________ The Biblical Truths (Principles) I learned from this module: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I intend to apply this Truth (Principle) in my business by: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________________




Material adapted by Dr. Mario Denton Mario is the International Field Continental Programme Director – Market-place for Crown Africa, the Africa Director for FCCI (The Fellowship for Companies for

Christ International) and the CEO of Strong Message Business Consultancy. He is an international teacher and industrial psychologist and uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching to help people tap into their inner being; to utilise their strengths and expand their skills to make a difference in the workplace. He and his wife, Mariene, are based in Cape Town, South Africa, and are blessed with three grown sons.

Servant Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without permission. Regarding permission to reprint material from this material, please write to Dr Mario Denton: Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Crown Companies Legacy Leaders Providing mature business leaders an opportunity to continue to use their skills productively for the Glory of God. Do you desire to pass on the baton to business leaders to transform their business?

Legacy leaders are business leaders who have a desire to continue to use their skills productively to mentor and coach and train the other business leaders as well as training the next generation of business leaders for the glory of God Crown Companies exists to equip and encourage business leaders to operate their business and conduct their personal lives according to Biblical principles Legacy leaders •

Are experienced in business

Understand and are committed to the vision of CROWN Companies

Have implemented biblical principles in his or her own personal life and business

Are mature in the Christian faith and are of proven character

Have a passion to see other business leaders succeed as determined by God’s standards

Legacy leaders may possess: •

The capability to be an encourager, coach, mentor and discipler.

The ability to provide wise business counsel to other business leaders

The time and or resources to come alongside other business leaders

Teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90: 1 Legacy leaders serve in a wide variety of capacities, including: •

Mentoring individual business leaders

Working with groups of business leaders

Serving as a ambassador for CROWN Companies your church and community

Traveling abroad to assist in business leaders in other countries

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others for eternity? How can you serve the Lord as a legacy leader and begin sharing all that the Lord has entrusted to you? 1. Pray now where the Lord will use you in the lives of other business leaders to impact the Kingdom of God for His glory 2. Contact Crown Companies at mario@crown.org.za or the Crown companies office at 3. Visit our website at www.crown.org.za for more information, tools and resources and become a member to enjoy the support, counsel, fellowship of other members and extensive material that are available

Crown Companies: Reclaim the workplace for Christ Is the vision of your church also to bring the people of your community into a life -transforming encounter with the Kingdom of God? The workplace is a key battle ground for achieving the above vision. Mature and equipped believers should live their faith in the workplace. But many need help in understanding what that means as well as support in carrying it out If you want to live your faith in the workplace, we helping to make it more effective of God’s Kingdom on earth, then we at Crown Companies want to come alongside you with support and equipping you.

Our mission and intention is to develop flexible training programmes and processes to assist you in this regard Imagine a workplace where ….. •

There were biblically-based, explicitly defined values

Ethics and integrity are paramount

Love and servant leadership governed relationships

Pursuit of excellence was the norm

Collaboration was sought but obedience and commitment to final decisions wee followed

Selfish ambition was nonexistent

Accountability was enforced – in a supportive manner

START WITH A WORKPLACE MINISTRY IN YOUR CHURCH Equip your workplace leaders to become ministers Helping them to become sensitive to the lost Help the workplace leaders of your church get a vision for joining God in the workplace ministry

Crown Companies: Become the business leaders God intended you to be Sometimes it is a matter of survival but you have to become the business leaders God intended you to be. The purpose of Crown Companies is to help business leaders: •

Draw closer to God

Establish a committed and vibrant relationship with the Lord

Develop deep, meaningful relationships with like-minded peers

Learn what it means to run a company for Christ

Help other workplace leaders to do the same

This is accomplished through •

Monthly leadership groups

Workplace conference

Materials and resources and Training on our website

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31 Search the untold riches of the Bible to find scriptural perspective for operating a company as a steward of Christ with like-minded peers and colleagues. Join a small group facilitated discussions relevant to •

Sales and marketing strategies

Effective time management

Cash flow and profit

Planning goals and implementation

Motivating people

Problems solving

For my thought are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55: 8-9 START WITH A SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION IN YOU AREA Do you need someone to pray with you – someone who understands the pressures of running a company, someone who cares?

Do you desire to integrate your Christian faith into the daily operations of the business God has entrusted you? For more information on a small group in you area contact Dr Mario Denton at mario@crown.org.za And I say unto you, “ Ask , and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. ‘. Luke 11: 9-10

Crown Companies: Every believer a minister in the workplace Common dilemmas in the workplace •

Isolation: Feeling the pressure of being responsible for many people

Need encouragement but rarely received it

Need people that they can honestly communicate

Equipping the workplace You have an opportunity to make a difference in the workplace God has called you. Meet monthly with other business leaders to receive instruction and training from other top business speakers on how to integrate your Christian life into your business

Form a small group of leaders who serve one another in a well-informed, support group where burning issues like the following can be discussed •

Develop a strategic plan tailored for each member’s business

Developing an action plan for ministry

Developing your company’s mission and vision

Product and service excellence

Giving back to the Lord

Long term financial planning

Building a high performance team

Hiring smart

Sharing your faith in the workplace

Problem solving

Customer service

START WITH A LIFE-CHAINGING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION IN YOU AREA Do you desire to integrate your Christian faith into the daily operations of the business God has entrusted you? For more information on a small group in you area contact Dr Mario Denton at mario@crown.org.za

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