Kingdom Christian Magazine_April 2017 featuring Pastor Sharina George

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APRIL 2017

Christian Magazine


S.A.M. by Wilder







sharina george KINGDOM ETIQUETTE

CONTENTS Pastor Sharina George


April 2017



4 worship in dance Kaysha Pryor 8 beauty tips Wilder Brackins

cover story


10 humility servanthood Minister Grimmett 12 kingdom advancement Wilder Brackins 14 cover story Kingdom Etiquette Pastor Sharina George 16 praise dance Samach Machowl

Minister joshua grimmett krystal livingston

18 wait Minister Jucinta Jones 20 marriage ministry Elder Michael & Kendra


22 testimony

16 SAMACH Machowl

Evangelist Mendez

26 detoxification Keri Berardinelli

Kaysha Pryor Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness!

WORSHIP Kaysha Pryor, 26 attends True Holiness Temple where she is under the leadership of Bishop Anthony D. Dixon and Lady Yvette Dixon. Kaysha has been praise dancing since she was 10 years old, but at the age of 16 the Lord gave her a vision for her to birth a praise dance ministry that was much bigger than

herself. She prays daily to be able to have her own praise dance studio where she can teach and encourage young ladies through praise dance. As she cleaves to the Lords word and follows His voice she is preparing to become a teacher and pour into other young women who sense that they have been called to this area of

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About Kaysha


aysha Pryor, 26 attends True Holiness Temple where she is under the leadership of Bishop Anthony D. Dixon and Lady Yvette Dixon. Kaysha has been praise dancing since she was 10 years old, but at the age of 16 the Lord gave her a vision for her to birth a praise dance ministry that was much bigger than herself. She prays daily to be able to have her own praise dance studio where she can teach and encourage young ladies through praise dance. As she cleaves to the Lords word and follows His voice she is preparing to become a teacher and pour into other young women who sense that they have been called to this area of ministry as

well. She is a leader, a mentor and a woman who believes in the power of encouragement, but above all those things she is a woman after Gods own heart. Her passion for inspiring and encouraging women and through the direction of the Holy Spirit, led her to form Speak Life into Existence, which is a ministry that is focused on helping women discover, walk in and fulfill their purpose through encouragement, prayer, fellowship and the power of words. Under the ministry there is praise dance, women’s prayer line, mentoring program and soon it will be her Event Planning business. She is a willing vessel, has a giving heart and is faithful in her walk. She makes a conscious decision every day to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus that he may get the glory through her life works. I love praise dancing it’s my way of surrendering and worship GOD. All I want is for GOD to use me as a vessel to bless and encourage someone through dance. When I dance it’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing that GOD has chosen me to save lives through dance. I’m excited for God’s ministry.

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Pastors greg & Sharina george



Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

Chief Editor

Sharina George

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer

Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers Jucinta Jones Joshua Grimmett S.A.M. by Wilder Kaysha Pryor Gustavo Mendez Stephen Owens Eileen Leandry Keri Berardinelli

Genesis 1:28 All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

The founders Praise the Lord family, We are pleased to bring these magazines to you each and every month. It is such a pleasure to be able to give you information that will advance you in God’s Kingdom. There is a mighty gift on your life and sometimes we need someone to pull the gift out of us. We pray that our magazine will bless you richly. Feel free to sow a seed of any amount. Photographer: Jeff Lawson


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Choosing the Right Colors for your skin Choosing the Right Colors for your Skin Tone What looks great on one woman may look just ordinary on another. One of the reasons for this could be that they have different skin tones. It is very important for you to choose your makeup colors in line with your skin tone for the most stunning effects. The undertones of your skin impact how your makeup colors look when applied to your face. Here is a quick look at the undertones different skin tones may have: Fair Skin- yellow, gold, reddish or rosy, pale peach, pale pink Olive Skin- Yellow, Yellow- orange, yellow- red Dark skin- red, red- brown, blue, blue- black, ebony, orange- brown Very important when starting with your foundation is that the color should blend in with the rest of your skin. Choose three colors that are in a similar shade b ut ranges from light to dark and apply it directly underneath each other on your cheekbone. The one that blends in with your face is the correct color to apply. For those of you who have a very active lifestyle, you may want to skip the foundation and go with a tinted moisturizer for a more natural look. Women with fair skin can use a foundation that is a shade warmer than their skin tone. This gives your skin a glow. Blue- reds and pinks are best for the lips while softer shades like pale pinks or peach looks great. Fair skinned

BeautyTips women should avoid extreme colors over the cheeks as this can be too excessively vivid. If you do want a dramatic look, you may use dark colors but make sure you take all of your eye makeup, lipstick shades etc. into consideration for you to get the perfect look. Olive skinned women can carry off the bronze shades and brighter colors best. You can even add an extra shimmer to your look by using a bronzer over your cheekbone/brow bone areas. Gold, coral, orangereds look great on the lips. A rule of thumb is that medium colors give you an understated look that is close to‘natural’. Lighter and darker shades give you a bold look. With dark skin tones, the challenge is to look attractive without getting an unnatural paleness. Avoid pale shades and opt for burgundy or redbrowns. For your lips choose purple, mahogany or shades of brown. Dark colors make for the understated look. With medium colors the makeup is more evident but still looks elegantly attractive in a subtle way. Brighter colors need to be chosen with great care otherwise they appear too vivid to present a cohesively made up look. Foundations • Mac • MakeUp For Ever • Nars • Clinique •

Wilder Brackins Hudson S.A.M.byWilder (216) 773-3889


Sam Mau

y t i l mi u h ling


By definition the word HUMILITY means “freedom from pride or arrogance”. In this generation that I live in I find myself coming across so many arrogant people! We

must understand that God can take away blessings from our lives if we are not humbled. We must have the understanding that where you are now you didn’t do it on your own, but it was the Grace of God that allowed you to be where you are now! We as Christian believers and normal human beings we have to stop taking credit for what God has done in our life. My all time favorite scripture is James 4:10 “HUMBLE YOURSELVES IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, AND HE SHALL LIFT YOU UP ! In this generation that we live we have people exalting themselves! We get the big head as if we made it where we are on our own but that’s not the case. We must continue to remember that God gets all the glory and the honor. I love to talk about humility, and Servanthood because it’s my purpose. I have had the privilege of being a armor bearer at my church for 12 years! I learned how to be humbled and serve under the leadership of my Pastor. I am a firm

d o o h t an tt v e m ser rim


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believer if your going to do something do it with joy. I get joy out serving other people. By definition the word servant or Servanthood simply means “One that serve others” Being a servant help me to understand that a servant is under submission to another. So as Christian believers we must submit to God first then to one another. We have to stop expecting things in return when it comes to serving others. A real servant doesn’t expect anything in return. When you serve do it out of LOVE! I serve not because I want to but because I LOVE to. A scripture that I also love comes out of Galatians 5:13 “You my brothers and sisters, were called to be free but do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather SERVE one another HUMBLY in LOVE”. We have to get out the mindset that we only do something because we have to, if you can’t do it out love then

you have no business doing it. So as believers we are called to SERVE, but while serving we must remain humbled! Don’t get the big head and forget who it was that blessed you. It’s not all about YOU. ALWAYS REMEMBER FAVOR COMES TO THE HUMBLED!

Minister Joshua Grimmett

Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

Pastor Stephen Owens

Kingdom Advancement


How can the Body of Christ advance in 2017?

he real issue is to make sure we are keeping Jesus the central focus and what He has taught. This includes the entirety of scripture. He summed it up for us with two passages of scriptures, which are the great commission and the great commandment. Go and make disciples and train them to live like Jesus. As well as to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind and soul and to love their neighbors as themselves. Sometimes people fall so in love with God but don’t like one another; there is no real connectivity and fellowship. The best way to continue to advance is to make sure Jesus is central and at the forefront of the mission. We have the responsibility of making sure those who come to Jesus grow up desiring to be like Jesus. I tell people all the time, the goal of

the Christian life is not cars, more money or a new house or a new job, those are fringe benefits. The goal of the Christian life is to be like Jesus. We should want to grow up to be like Him and be transformed into His image.

What is the ecclesia (called out ones) called out from? We are called out from sin and ungodliness according to Romans 6, since we are dead to sin and sin is no longer our master. We are also called out from being under the wrath of God, which ultimately concludes in hell fire and brimstone. We are called out and separated unto God for the work, pleasure and glory of God. We are called out with

Mt Calvary Baptist 271 Center Road Bedford OH 44146 Sunday Worship @ 8 AM & 11 AM Signup for the Leading Well Newsletter and receive a FREE book Rescuing Ambition

a group of people, the ecclesis, to be on mission for the glory of God and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not called out to be individuals to do want we want for our own glory. We have been set apart so we can continue to share the message about Jesus Christ with the hope of bringing others to Jesus. Understanding that we have been called out yet we still have the responsibility to reach people, especially the outcast of society. We have to reach and teach people right where they are. We can only do this by understanding how Jesus lived and how He did ministry. We need to make sure we keep the gospel message of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection central and help people change their lives in order for them to become more like Jesus.

Stephen Owens is a pastor, church planter and author. He is the pastor at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Bedford, Ohio. Before becoming the pastor of Mt. Calvary Stephen planted Triumphant Assembly - A CHURCH FOR THOSE THAT WANT MORE OUT OF LIFE. Stephen has over 20 years of ministry experience, which ranges from Sunday school teacher to pastor. Stephen has a passion for encouraging leaders to be all that God wants them to be. Whether they are in the marketplace or in the church Stephen has an encouraging word for them.

Pastor Sharina George


Etiquette I have not always been polished or knew how to study the scriptures. Many different people have taken their time to help me through my tedious process. People have been very helpful and giving me advice and direction as to how to walk as a WOMEN of Faith. Through prayer and consecration God has allowed me to become more sensitive to the things of the Spirit. I feel it is important for us to live a consecrated life. Fasting and prayer are powerful tools to help you live this Christian life. It is not just about going to Worship but living a life that is pleasing to God our Father. I am so grateful I am a part of the royal family.

my desire

My desire to teach men and women in the Kingdom has been birthed out of my own lack of value. Through God’s Word I learned the value of living as the Kingdom Queens and Kings. As Kingdom heirs we have certain rights and privileges we are equipped with. What we are told to do in the Word of God is many times contrary to what we have learned in the 21st century. The way of the world is not for a Kingdom citizen. I have set up two Kingdom Etiquette seminars for 2017 that will take place in Parma, OH. The purpose of these seminars is to give women basic principles on how to live a healthy, full, flourishing life. I believe that God has given us life principles in His Word that will help us to thrive over every situation we find ourselves in. This desire was birthed out of my misapplication of the Word of God. I didn’t contextually study the Word and apply it to my life and found myself in many situations that could have been avoided.

my plan

I plan to teach the principles of God words through small workshops, seminars, Bible classes, social media and many more avenues. It is our privilege as believers to bless others with the knowledge we have. God did not call us to be Spiritual hoarders. We are to freely give what we have been given. All of my sessions are FREE but a donation is appreciated.

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SAMACH Machowl Praise Dance Ministry


magine yourself standing on a beautiful prairie on a bright, sunny day. Colorful flowers are in bloom, the fragrance of a fresh rain, and a smooth, soft breeze blowing in your hair. You start leaping and dancing in that amazing place, so free and with your heart about to burst with unfailing love. Suddenly, the King of kings and Lord of lords takes your hand and says: “May I have this dance?” Well, that is what the praise dancers in Samach Machowl Praise Dance Ministry, from R.E.D. 4 Christ, experience every time we minister. Our name means: “rejoice in the dance”. It comes from the verse, Jeremiah 31:13, which says, “Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, And the young men and the old, together; For I will turn their mourning to joy, Will comfort them, And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” Samach Machowl begins with the calling of the Holy Spirit, to seek hungrily the presence of the Lord, and to use the gift of dance given by Him. We know that it is

NOT our movements that attract the presence of the Lord, but it is our hearts and worship that move the heart of God. It makes Him live and dwell in us (Psalm22:3). We are called to be ministers to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, here on this earth. We are called to be vessels in the hands of God, so He can be gloried to His people. This ministry is aligned with the vision of our church home, R.E.D. 4 Christ Ministries, with our Pastors Nate and Brisy Ortiz. We are radical worshipers, that have been sent to help and form disciples (Matthew 28:19). We have been sent to worship Him in spirit and truth (John4:23). We do this by having an annual Boot Camp in the summer, in which we prepare future members that will join Samach Machowl. We also invite other ministries and people who are interested in praise dance. These beginners classes consist of a month of intense training, important teachings, learning how to properly use praise

instruments, and learning steps with their names so we can become worshippers, with knowledge. Also, members of this ministry get together once a week to study the Word of God, practice, pray, worship, support one another, and be a united team. We are servers, dancing warriors, who intercede in prophetic dance for the people, this city, and for the nations. We are free in Christ and we dance the victory dance so that every chain will fall before the precious feet of Jesus. We are a ministry that believes in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Our lives have been changed, and we love seeing lives being delivered through worship, obedience, dance, and through the love of God. Every step has a meaning, a purpose and a declaration. We are not performers, but worshippers through dance. We are excited to keep

seeing transformation all around us. This is the year of breakthrough, and we are rejoicing today in what God is doing. We will keep working to show others His love that is poured out on this nation, to express His promises being fulfilled, and to see a great harvest of people hungry for His presence. We invite you to take that step forward of faith; to come out your comfort zone and enjoy a dance with the King. Your life and the way you worship, will forever be changed.

Contact Information Contact us in person by visiting our church:

R.E.D. 4 Christ Ministires 13004 Liberty Avenue Cleveland 44135

Contact person: Eileen Leandry De Caraballo Leader of Samach Machowl On Machowl Praise Dance Ministry from R4C


Minister Jucinta Jones


efore I share the word that God has given me to release for the month of April, I’d like to pose a question to each of you. Have you ever wanted something to happen in your life so bad, but when you went to God in prayer He didn’t respond? Perhaps, His silence caused you to question whether or not He was ever really listening in the first place. What do we do when we pray and pray, but nothing seems to happen or things in our lives seem to get worse? The obvious answer is for us to continue to wait on the Lord and trust that He will move in His time. Waiting on the Lord is something that many of us don’t like to do primarily because we live in a society where everything is about speed. We see this happening in our daily lives when it comes to the internet. For instance, we can send text

messages, search Google, as well as other things related to technology, and we get an instant response in most cases. However, people of God, it’s important for us to understand that God is sovereign and His ways and thoughts are not like ours. Perhaps, His response to your petition isn’t no or yes, but it’s simply, “wait.” God will cause us to wait because His timing is perfect, and so are His ways. He knows what’s best for us and when it’s best for us. So I encourage you this month to apply Psalm 27:14 nkjv to your current circumstances, which says, “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” While you’re waiting on the Lord for your breakthrough, healing or overall answer to your prayers it’s important that you continue to praise, worship, pray, fast, study the word and serve while you’re waiting. Waiting when it comes to the things of God is an action word. We must remain active in our relationship with the Lord. So let’s remember that God has you waiting for a reason. Perhaps it’s to increase your faith, build your character or make your testimony even greater. So I encourage you to be patient because when your breakthrough begins to manifest you’ll say that, “The wait was worth it!”

Marriage is Ministry Marriage is the first Ministry of any ministry couple.


Michael & Kendra


When I thought about the title, the first thing that came to mind is “Marriage is Ministry” Marriage is the first Ministry of any ministry couple. While growing in love, family, and purpose, we as couples, have to know how to minister to one another. One of the main areas that I see lacking in ministry couples is that we need to learn to support one another. In Ecclesiastes 4:12, the scripture says, “though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” We have to understand that we are representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in our marriage relationships. We cannot allow people, circumstances or situations to divide us as a couple. There may be times when one spouse is more active in the ministry than the other one. It is vitally important for the more active spouse to know that they have the support of the other spouse. You can show your support by praying daily together, and for each other, and by encouraging one another. Realize that your spouse is for you, for your success and that you can take the advice of your spouse because they may see something that you don’t see. The spouse that may not be as active at that point, needs to feel that they are just

as important as ministry. Many times that spouse will feel as if the ministry is the ‘mistress’. In other words, the ministry is given more attention than the spouse. It is vitally important that you don’t neglect one another. While taking care of what you are called to do in the ministry, you have to make sure you have undisturbed, quality time with your spouse. That would include meaningful conversations, date nights, weekends away, etc. This is what keeps the enemy out of your marriage and will also destroy any sign of ministerial jealousy. As the scripture states in Ephesians 2:2-3, we need to be completely “humble and gentle, be patient with one another in love; make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace”. This is a commandment that is found in the word of God and it should especially be applied to the marriage relationship. Marriage is Ministry, it is our first ministry. It should be a visible testament of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Entering a covenant of marriage before God, the husband or wife should see the other one as someone they can trust, lean and depend on, talk to, laugh with, go through good and rough times with knowing no matter what is going on, they have their spouse to walk this journey with.

Evangelist Gustavo Mendez God bless you brothers and sisters. My name is Gustavo Mendez. I am 27 years old and I was born in Newark, NJ. My mother was young when she had me. My grandparents adopted and took care of me. They moved to Philadelphia in the 90’s and my grandparents took good care of me. At the age of five or six, they noticed something was wrong, I could not hear or speak I was deaf and mute. My grandparents took me to the doctor to see what was wrong. After weeks and months of running different tests, they didn’t know what to do. My grandparents worried and asked if there was anything that could help? The doctors told my grandparents to take me to a special school where they work with kids with special disabilities. I remembered when I was in that special school there were other kids who were in special but my condition was different. I couldn’t hear from both my ears and I couldn’t speak. The teachers prepared different tables with special activities for me. One table would have puzzles with alphabets so that I could memorize the letters. Another table would have numbers and another table would have a cassette player with earphones. I had to put it on for a few minutes and it would make strange sounds to see if I could hear anything. The

teachers tried sign language but nothing worked for me. It was very hard for me to understand what they were teaching me. The only thing I learned was how to point at different objects. One day while my grandparents were driving we stopped at a stop sign and I looked at the corner and saw a church. I touch my grandmother and pointed at the church. She ignored me very angrily I grabbed her and pointed at the church sign again. She looked at me with a shocking look. It was like God himself was telling her; if you take your grandson to my temple he will get his healing. My grandparents started going to church and became very active. One day Jesus appears in her room and satan appears as well. Satan wanted to take my grandmother’s soul but Jesus stopped satan. Jesus showed her that vision because he wanted to show her where he rescued her from. Now that satan cannot touch my grandmother’s soul, he had a new target, “me.” Satan knew God was going to do a miracle in my life and he wanted to stop it. When I was six years old my handicapped condition started to open. Even though I couldn’t hear or speak, God allowed me to see Angels moving in the

church. God allowed me to the altar call, she looked at see the way the Holy Spirit my grandmother who she moved. Things started to never spoke to and said God get more intense at night is going to do a miracle in when I would go to sleep. I your grandson. The preacher would feel uncomfortable looked at me and said, and look around and I “Receive the miracle,” when would see demonic figures she said those words my ears running around my room. popped I was able to hear I heard demonic laughter for the first time ever! I didn’t and I would see demons speak yet but I could hear. transforming into demonic The next day, the creatures before my very director for the kids ministry, my eyes. Satan would send them cousin, had an open mic night to try to intimidate and scare so that the children could take me but God was with me. have a part. I stood up and my One day I was playing grandmother was shocked! on the steps and I felt a cold I told her, “I’m going to go breeze. I felt like someone sing a song.” That was my first was watching me. I looked time speaking and those who and I saw satan. The enemy knew my condition started was standing in the kitchen praising God. I grabbed the and we had a microphone and five minute stare my first words down. He spoke “God Gustavo Mendez where, to me with his bless you.” I mind and told started singing Testimony me he wanted songs I’d never my soul, after that heard before. he vanished.My God did the Grandparents continued to miracle and I understood that pray for me and my condition. my voice was an angelic gift One day we were sent from the throne of God. getting ready to go to a special I was speaking but I service. While I was getting struggled with shuddering. dressed I saw a shadow While all the kids in school figure appear in front of were playing having fun I had me. It touched my stomach to stay in speech class learning and when the demon left my alphabets and numbers. I felt the worst pain ever. I I didn’t know how to read, started screaming in pain my write or count. My own family grandmother prayed for me members would make fun of and the pain left instantly! me and I was discriminated Satan knew God was going against everywhere I went. I to do the miracle. There was would be so embarrassed to a woman preaching with the speak because I shuddered anointing of the Holy Spirit. so much. My own mother and When the woman made father rejected me because Continued on the next page

MY TESTIMONY of my disabilities and my middle school teachers hated me. I was called every bad name you can think of and it filled me with so much anger and depression. I didn’t have anyone to speak to. After high school I tried going to college and that’s when everything once again went wrong. I remember telling God, “why would you waste your time creating someone like me. You could have created someone better.” God spoke to me and let me you know that I belong

to Him and he wrapped me and called me to do His kingdom work. In 2007 I got baptized and in 2008 I was anointed as an Evangelist. From then on God has allowed me to preach in the hospitals, streets and wherever I have the opportunity. I shared the gospel and my testimony it hasn’t been easy. There have always been ups and downs but I always keep my eyes on Jesus. Many blessings my dear brothers and sisters. Gustoavo Mendez Facebook

Keri Berardinelli


Certified Clinical Colon Hydro-therapist, HHC, AADP


A 101 Guide to Restoring Vitality


ow that the New Year has rung in, many people will contemplate embarking on a detoxification and/or cleansing program. These two terms are used interchangeably, but truly have different meanings. First, let’s clarify the meaning of these terms. Cleansing means “to wash clean; to purge.” Detoxification is defined as: “the metabolic process by which toxic substances are eliminated from the body, rendering substances from toxic to

non-toxic.” The former works gently with the body and kick starts the eliminative processes bringing the body to a more balanced state. The latter requires more energy and nutritional support to biochemically activate the body’s detoxification pathways, converting harmful toxins to substances that can safely be excreted from the body. Detoxification and cleansing go hand in hand. Cleansing is undoubtedly an adjunct to detoxification and one will get optimal results, with their detox program, when including cleansing therapies. However, cleansing can be done on a continual basis, on its own, to keep the body balanced and free from excesses. We live in a culture of excess. People tend to eat too much, drink too much and overly stress to the point of bodily imbalance and



Cleansing tion and a reduction of toxic exposure. Keri Berardinelli, HHC, AADP Founder, Green Lotus Wellness Center

Keri Berardinelli depletion.

Cleansing is a way to counteract excesses in lifestyle. On that note, where are we being exposed to toxins that need detoxing/cleansing and how do you achieve detox/cleansing? We are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Toxins come from our food and

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water, the environment (outside and inside our homes/jobs) hygiene and house cleaning products, medications, alcohol, pathogens (in Green Lotus the body), and our own ellness Center Wellness metabolic processes. It is impossible to completely avoid toxins, however, they can be reduced and managed. Detoxification is usually achieved through the supplementation of specific nutrients, either orally or intravenously, as well as, diet modifica-

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