Kingdom Christian Magazine_ December 2018 featuring Pastor Stephen D. Owens

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Your Mama’s

L Marie White


Elder RD Bailey

Minister Mosley



THAT DEMANDS A Response Minister Donna R. Patrick



Stephen D. Owens


Recommiting to the

GREAT COMMISSION Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

CEO Jesus


Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

CHEIF EDITOR Sharina George


Angela Wachsman

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Xcellence Marketing

COVER PHOTO Stephen Midgett

Contributing Writers Donna R. Patrick RD Anderson-Bailey Leslie Elia Alia Worthy Angela Mosley Carmella Hill Brianna Triplett Angela Wachsman Archi Alexander L Marie White Genesis 1:28 All rights are reserved and no part of publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

The Founders

Pastor Greg & Sharina George






Pastors Greg & Sharina George

6 THE CALL THAT DEMANDS Donna Renay Patrick

8 WAIT!!!

Eld. R.D. Anderson-Bailey


RD Bailey

10 LEAD BY EXAMPLE Leslie Elia

12 ARE THEY THE ONE Alia Worthy


Pastor Stephen D. Owens The Great Commission


18 POETRY CORNER L Marie White


Evang. Carmella Hill

22 TIS THE SEASON Leslie Elia

Brianna O



Minister Angela Mosley


Archie Alexander

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The Call that Demands a response.

You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3) “Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him.’ (Matthew 4:10)


orship is not just something we “do;” it’s who we are. The very nature and essence of God commands our worship. I’ve been in worship ministry several years and one thing I’ve come to discover is that a lot of what we call “worship” is really not worship. I’ve seen some great choirs, worked with some of the best musicians in the country, and experienced different personalities in those charged with worship leader responsibilities. But the common denominator in all of it is great music - not true worship. I’ve been in rehearsal for hours preparing for Sunday morning, but where was the worship? I know that sounds hard to some, and may even spark debate, but just walk with me for a minute. God wants more. All the way back to early in the Old Testament God was calling for our complete devotion to Him (Ex. 20:5). He demanded it from the nation of Israelites and he is demanding it of us now. But somewhere we’ve missed it. Too often worship is lost in the great music, the sound effects, the technology, the stage props, the best singers, and all the other things that we think are necessary for people to have a meaningful worship experience. But what does all of THAT have to do with in spirit and in truth worship? It is true that music is a Biblicallyordained tool that helps us get into the throne room, but great

music and worship are not the same thing. When Jesus was giving the Samaritan woman a lesson in worship by that well, He said nothing about music, instruments, praise teams, song selection, etc. (John 4:23-24). It isn’t just about Sunday morning; it’s about the rest of the week. It is about how we live. Shouldn’t our lives reflect the worship of God? Shouldn’t how we live from day to day be an offering to God? Shouldn’t we strive every day to be like the One we say we worship? Isaiah’s worship brought Him to repentance, then service (Isaiah 6:1-8). God is looking for worshipers. He is looking for those who will worship Him under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and be real with Him (John 4:23-24) (Psalm 51:6).

God is really not concerned that we have the proper lighting on stage, or what color the PowerPoint is when we’re leading the congregation in song. He doesn’t even care how big the building is. God just wants us to come before His presence with sincere hearts, spirit to Spirit, and a mind willing to receive from Him. When God gave Moses the specifications to construct the Tabernacle, His concern was not a piece of real estate; His concern was that His presence dwell there and His people remain mindful of it. I hope you will choose to embrace God’s presence with every fiber of your being. Give Him your all in your public and private worship experience. The call has gone out. How will you respond?



WAIT! This is not you


an we chat for a minute? A friend, wondering about marriage, eagerly seeking sound advice began. And like many conversations I have had in my past, we began by dissecting messages about marriage they had received at various points in their life. The topic was on living within the scope of tradition when it comes to marriage i.e., the pros and cons of following our foremothers’ example of wifehood and forefathers’ example of husband-hood. It is at that comparative crossroads that the concept for this article was birthed. We can agree that this era is vastly different from that of our parents and even their parents. But what happens when we consider or embark on marriage and attempt to seek sound wisdom? For those that have inquired from their pastor, other church leadership or even their fellow pew member, the opinions can vary quite drastically. We are more likely to experience differing views in two areas. First, the role of a husband and wife are the same no matter what era we live in. Secondly, people are examining their belief that what happens in your household stays in your household. First, defining the role of a husband and wife, takes the woman and the man having a series of conversations prior to marriage and possibly prior to engagement. Each marriage has a unique set of rules, both unspoken and spoken that shape a unique system that will grow over a lifespan when engaged respectfully and wholeheartedly. I have often stated, “We will live our expectations

out loud with or without verbalizing them.” So why not just talk about your expectations and define what will realistically work inside of YOUR marriage. The concept of “leave and cleave” as defined by the scriptures is a perfect example of abandoning the prior rules and forming your own familial rules based in faith. If we have a sound foundation in faith and have a great support system, we have a better chance of building a stronger marriage.


let’s explore the message that we handle all of our issues at home in private…If you could handle all of your problems at home then there would be no professional lawyers, doctors, pastors, teachers, therapists, psychiatrists to assist in the difficult and sometimes painful areas that life sometimes hurls into our paths.

ur Mama’s Marriage! By Eld. RD Anderson-Bailey, MFT

Ideally, this message was taught to us as a child. Mainly, taught to keep our family business private. But what happens when family business is explosive and harmful? What happens when it is toxic and extremely traumatizing? That message then becomes a barrier to healing, and subsequently an accelerant in our demise. This message had its place when family business meant escaping a harsh slave master. But it became harmful when we used it to create damaging secrecy about to avoid embarrassment or judgment of outliers. The message steeped in fear created a misnomer that we have to suffer through things in silence in order to protect ourselves from shame and judgment from others. Listen, if your marriage and family are in trouble, GET HELP! RUN DON’T WALK! There are saved and sanctified Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists that will pray and prescribe you not only what you need to get through the go through but will equip you with the tools necessary to identify when you need the help the most. Most importantly, remember this is not your mama’s marriage! It is ok to explore the messages you learned as a child and if they aren’t serving you and your family DUMP THEM! Pray together on it and create what works for your family and your marriage! WAIT! This is not your Mama’s Marriage

By Eld. R.D. Anderson-Bailey, MFT



Lead by Example Leslie Elia

Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it” If you have children or even nieces and nephews, they are watching you more than you know. Principle 31 from Financial Fitness – by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward says to teach your children the principles by setting the example for them, mentoring them along the way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if family time included your children reading Financial Fitness for Teens – 6 steps from Broke to Abundant while you were reading your Financial Fitness book? This easy to read 163-page book covers ethical ways for your youth to earn money as well as teaching the mini version of the adult principles. Facts tell,

but stories sell. I love how this book has real stories from teens who have gone through the program and are making and saving money for their future. D e u t e ro n o my 11:19 “Teach them to your children, speaking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” As we are about to plan out our New Years Resolutions, perhaps this is the time to talk to your teen about resolutions too, which are really just synonyms for resolve, intention or goals. Goals need action steps and action steps should be clearly stated and written down.

Using the six steps from the book, have you and your child/children write only one goal in each of these areas: 1) Understanding money. The goal here may be to just read the book. 2) Making Money. The goal here may be to earn an allowance, get a job at the mall or create something that can be sold for profit. 3) Saving Money. The goal here should include a specific amount and date to have the money saved in both long team and short-term goals that are realistic for their age. 4) Giving Money. Here is the opportunity to talk about tithing and giving. 5) Investing Money. Even teens can start a Roth IRA or a Mutual fund. 6) Spending Money. Remember that this is the final step and not the first step in teaching a young adult how to be responsible with what God has entrusted him or her with. Proverbs 1:8-9 “Listen my son to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They will be a garland to grace, your head and a chain to adorn your neck”

Contact Information Please let me know if you are interested in this book purchase as well as the Green Box. I will sell the teen book at cost, as I strongly believe that it is wonderful when children can be spared the mistakes that we made! Contact Leslie at ironleslie11@gmail. com or 440-591-8750

Are they the one? Are they the one

Alia Worthy

Every day we are given the opportunity to make decisions that will always produce a result. After salvation, choosing whom we marry may become the second biggest decision we have to make. One important note to make is that God honors marriage and it is deemed valuable in His eyes. He cares about every area of our lives, including whom we choose to marry. Below are three ways to decide if they’re the one.

1) They have a solid relationship with God. God speaks through his word very clearly about being equally yoked concerning marriage. In the Old Testament, ox were used to carry a yoke around their neck. When both were in proper alignment the weight was equal so it did not cause strain on just one ox. It’s important that when seeking to know if this person is really for you that they also have a relationship with God and they are your equal. Some questions to consider are: Do we both share the same core values? Do we both have the same standards and beliefs about God and marriage? 2) It brings about peace from God. Romans 14:17 states, “the kingdom of God is as righteousness, peace, and joy”. This relationship should bring about first righteousness and both mates should both be challenged to pursue God on a deeper level. God



promises to give us wisdom concerning what to do in situations according to James 1:5. It’s important to also have peace and joy from God regarding the decision. 3) Seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 states, “the way of a fool is right in His own eyes, but he that hearken unto counsel is wise.” It’s so important when determining if someone is for you to include wide counsel. In most cases, wise counsel is able to identify and see things that we

may not due to being invested in the relationship. Proverbs 11:14 shares, that “where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors is safety. Seek out wisdom from those whom are closest to you, being that of your spiritual leaders, mentors, parents, etc. Accountability is important when it comes to whom you choose to marry.

Recommiting to the

GREAT COMMISSION Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

Change is one thing we cannot change. It affects everyone and everything. In 2018 some of us, if not all of us, have been the recipients of change. This change could have occurred in our careers, family or some other area of life that is dear to us. Going a step further, the change could have hit communities via increasing poverty, gentrification, changing demographics or laws. Then for those of us who are leaders in the church of Jesus Christ, we are generally aware of the changes that are occurring in our churches. If leaders are paying attention within their local congregations they notice when attendance is down, giving has increased, or division is growing within the church. But even on a more national landscape, we see changes occurring across the churches in America. Many have heard about pastors committing suicide, which I pray isn’t a growing trend. Numerous church leaders know of friends and colleagues who have left the pastorate to do something else vocationally. While we have seen and heard about churches being planted through America, there is also an extremely large number

of churches closing their doors every day. Dr. Thom S. Rainer wrote in an article entitled Hope For Dying Churches on Factsandtrends. com (January 16, 2018) “Between 6,000 and 10,000 churches in the U.S. are dying each year. That means around 100 – 200 churches will close each week.” He goes on to write, “The pace will accelerate unless our congregations make some dramatic changes.”


51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission

The last portion of Dr. Rainer’s quote is encouraging, it lets us know that while changes are occurring throughout the churches in America we do not have to only be responders to change. We can be proactive in making changes that will benefit our local assemblies, its members, and ultimately proclaim the name and fame of Jesus our Lord.

In one of Dr. Rainer’s books, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, he mentions one of the reasons a local church will shut down. He indicates how in a deceased church, the great commission becomes the great omission. The Great Commission is found in Matthew 28:18-20. It says, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”


Generally speaking, a deceased church stopped focusing on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) with people within their community. They stopped putting an emphasis on making disciples of Jesus, and baptizing people who believed the Gospel message and teaching those same individuals to obey the word of God (the Bible). A part of teaching Christians to obey the Bible is helping them to understand that the Great Commission is not only the responsibility of the church leaders but every single follower of Jesus. Every single believer is commanded by the Lord Jesus to be on mission by obeying the Great Commission.

Church leaders, we must equip people within our local congregations to do the work of the ministry. A large portion of the work of the ministry is obeying the Great Commission in our everyday lives. As people go to work, school, shopping, and spending time with family and friends. But what is shocking is that 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission. The Barna Group give us this statistic in an article by the same title on its website, Now the article informs us, this statistic could be for a number of reasons. From the term not being en vogue as in earlier generations among church leaders or if there is a lack of zeal in local congregations about the Great Commission. Yet, whatever the reasoning, there is an extremely high percentage of people in church pews (or chairs) who do not recognize this term and do not know about this important commandment.

We have to change this. My concern is not that we use the term more, but we make sure we are equipping people to obey the command (Matthew 28:18-20). I believe if church leaders and parishioners will grasp the importance of the Great Commission it will revolutionize individual Christians, congregations, and communities.

As we look forward to 2019 let’s recommit to the Great Commission, teaching it and obeying it. Here are a few suggestions to think about as we move into the New Year. 1. Preach a series on The Great Commission. 2. Study the book of Acts as a congregation in Bible study or Sunday school. 3. Teach members how to walk someone through the “Romans Road” 4. Encourage church members to share testimonies of when they shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with someone. 5. Give members tools so they can share the Gospel and to invite their family and friends to your worship service. 6. Offer opportunities to receive the Lord Jesus in your worship services by sharing the Gospel in your messages. 7. Celebrate when people get saved as a congregation. While these suggestions may be simplistic and obvious to some if they become a part of the culture of a ministry I believe lives will be changed and Jesus will be exalted.

Pastor Stephen D. Owens Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

271 Center Road Bedford OH 44146 Facebook: DevelopingLeadership

Poetry Corner

GOD’S BLESSING Please be aware of people who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, they can make you feel like you are best friends. Loyalty is a word that means nothing to them. Follow your instinct and not your heart, make sure you have GOD in your life. Don’t let them blow your house down, when you are dealing with a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

find me on iYoutube Heart & Soul Poetry L Marie find me on facebook

L Marie White

The Weeping Willow Tree of Life The weeping willow tree stands forty feet tall. During rain sleet or snow it bends butnever breaks. Nothing can destroy it. It is strong. When the storms of life come your way, stand and bend like the weeping willow tree. No matter the weather, day or night, keep believing in GOD and having the faith to stand tall be strong.

L Marie White

Heart & Soul Poetry

Mental Health

MANAGING Holiday Stress Evangelist Carmella Hill, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervising credentials (P.C.C.-S). & Founder of Empower to H.O.P.E. Services, LLC.


olidays are times of joyous celebrations and wonderful moments with family and friends. A flood of positive emotions that make us feel warm and fuzzy on the inside are experienced. Sounds like a nice mental picture wouldn’t you agree? However, we are in the middle of the holiday season where there is an increase of stress in many ways. Stress at home, at work, and at school with tests/exams. How do we manage all of this stress and still keep our sanity? Glad you asked! It can be challenging but not impossible. Some intentionality and purposefulness is needed to help manage holiday stress.

Believe it or not, people who are experiencing mental health issues report that the holidays worsen their symptoms. This increase in symptoms could be referred to as “Holiday Blues” and often occur during Thanksgiving through New Year’s. These symptoms are typically temporary and lasting a couple of weeks.

Avoiding the “Holiday Blues” Be patient with yourself and others. Set limits for yourself and with others. Increased demands of time and attention can impact our mental health negatively. If there are certain aspects of the holidays that increase sadness, create new, positive and fun memories to help cope with the sad moments. Secure the support of others to help watch for triggers and symptoms that may arise.

Mental Health Tips:

• Give Back/Volunteer! During the holidays, places often look for volunteers to help with passing out food baskets, preparing meals, giving away clothing, to name a few. Volunteering is a great source of comfort in sharing in the lives of others.

• It’s ok to be a little selfish! Take time for yourself. In the holiday season we should set aside time to improve our own mental health and well-being. Self care is the best care!

• Count your blessings! It is easy to focus on all of the things we think we should have. Instead, think about what we have that is invaluable and priceless to help combat the “Holiday Blues.”

The conclusion of the matter Holidays do not have to be stressful! You can take control of how you respond to things that may arise during the holidays. Some things don’t require a response and can be ignored. Hmm, that might be the best gift you can give to yourself. SELAH

Precious Oil

Tis the Season


Brianna O.

aybe a loved one recently passed away that you wish was here to spend Christmas with you, or you are experiencing a broken relationship you wish would be mended already.

Maybe you are single and feeling alone and you desire your own family to share this time with, or you are married but have been going through a rough patch. Perhaps financially you are not where you thought you would be at this time of the year or you are struggling with your physical health, or your mental health for reasons you don’t quite understand, and you keep searching, but you can’t seem to find the joy you were hoping to find and everyone keeps proclaiming “Tis the Season” but you just don’t feel it this year the way you usually do, or maybe you never have. The key to unlocking your joy not only this season but in life, is thankfulness. There are so many reasons to be thankful and I would like to give you just a few. 1. God is good. Despite what your circumstances look like, God is good, always. Psalm 100:4-5 NLT says “Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is GOOD...” We don’t need God to do anything for us to be thankful and have joy, we can give praise to him just for being who he is. 2. God loves you. Psalm 139:1 says “O lord, you have examined my heart and you know everything about me.” He knows EVERYTHING, yet he loves you. Romans 5:8 says “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” 3. God has a plan for your life. Psalm 139:15-16 says “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has an expected end for our lives.

So how do we remember God is good, when our circumstances do not seem good, and that God loves us when we feel worthless, and God has a plan for our lives, when nothing seems to be going as we planned. The answer is simple. 1.PRAY 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says “ALWAYS be joyful. NEVER stop praying. BE THANKFUL in ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” Joy is a choice, but many people do not realize it, when we start to feel depressed or anxious we convince ourselves that there are no other options, but it is something about prayer that sets my mind on things above and makes me remember what is eternal and that gets me through what I am experiencing temporarily. We wouldn’t be directed to ALWAYS be joyful if it wasn’t possible. Jesus had joy. He had joy even though he was God in the flesh and he was rejected, and persecuted, by people he gladly went to the cross for, if he can have joy so can we, but what was his secret? Luke 5:16 says “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and PRAYED.” Jesus PRAYED, when we pray we give it all to God, our praise, our concerns, our burdens, and we receive, we receive his presence, his power, and his joy. In the midst of trying to purchase the perfect gift, and planning elaborate Christmas dinners, do not forget the reason for the season, remind yourself through prayer that there are so many reasons to be thankful, for Jesus Christ our “… Wonderful counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.


Brianna O.

PERFECTING Minister Angela Mosely

It’s easy to get carried away in the holiday season. The combination of all celebrations whether it be church, work or family gatherings usually affects your eating habits. The feast and parties that comes along with it can tax your arteries and strain your waistline. By consuming just 200 extra calories a day – a slice of sweet potato or pecan pie and a tumbler of eggnog, a couple of butter or sugar cookies – you can easily pack on two to three pounds over a few weeks.

In preparation for a big holiday party or feast, do not skip meals throughout the day as this may result in OVEREATING. Make sure you plan to eat breakfast, as research shows that those who eat this important morning meal tends to consume fewer calories throughout the day. Always include lots of fiber in your diet by eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fiber rich foods are high in volume and will satisfy hunger, but are lower in calories. Excellent pre-party snacks are apple slices with peanut butter or a slice of turkey and cheese on whole-wheat pita bread. The meals during the holidays tend to be large, buffet-style and include second and third helpings. Here are a few eating tips that you would want to make a habit. Don’t eat everything at the party. Be choosey, and spend calories judiciously on the foods you love. Incorporate the 10 minute rule. This rule is recognizing that it takes a few minutes for your stomach and brain to get the signal that it’s getting full. After you finish your first helping, take a 10 minute break. Make conversation. Drink some water. Then recheck your appetite. You may just realize you are full, or you would


only want a small portion of seconds. Allow yourself some distance between the food table. This makes it harder to mindlessly reach for food as you talk. Did you know alcohol increases your appetite and diminishes your ability to control what you eat? My advice is to avoid it. Also, put on your dancing or walking shoes. To dance or walk is a great way to work off those extra holiday calories. Oh this one is my favorite; do not shop when you are hungry. Eat before you go shopping so the scent of Cinnabons or caramel corn doesn’t tempt you to gobble treats you don’t need. Lastly, Pay attention to what really matters. Although food is an integral part of the holidays, put the focus on family and friends, laughter and cheer. So if balance and moderation are your usual guides, then it’s okay to indulge once in a while. Philippians 1:6 KJV “ Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

G s i H f o e s u Beca

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