HEART OF A Worshipper Archi
ANGELA WACHSMAN From Grief to Grace to Revocer
Part 2
Minister Donna R. Patrick
CEO Jesus
Xcellence Publications
Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George
CHEIF EDITOR Sharina George
Angela Wachsman
GRAPHIC DESIGNER Xcellence Marketing
COVER PHOTO Stephen Midgett
Contributing Writers Donna R. Patrick RD Anderson-Bailey Leslie Elia Alia Worthy Angela Mosley Carmella Hill Brianna Triplett Angela Wachsman Archi Alexander L Marie White Genesis 1:28 All rights are reserved and no part of publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.
The Founders
Pastor Greg & Sharina George
Pastors Greg & Sharina George
Donna Renay Patrick
8 MINISTRY VS. MARRIAGE Eld. R.D. Anderson-Bailey
Leslie Elia
Lady Doniella Ligon W.I.N. Ministries
18 Poetry
L Marie White
Alia Worthy
Evang. Carmella Hill
Minister Angela Mosley
Angela Wachsman
Archie Alexander
Like us on Facebook Angela Wachsman
Tell The Devil You Changed Your Mind!
Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. . . (Romans, 12:2, NLT)
Would you agree that sometimes life is just hard - for no reason at all? There are losses, whether the loss of a job, a relationship, or someone we love. There are disappointments, and there are times when you feel like there is no one to help you through your storm. When I was laid off my job in 2015, it was alright at first because I was just glad I no longer had to drag myself out of
bed every morning and sit through a mountain of traffic to get to a job that I hated. It was great! I gave myself a mini vacation to celebrate the new chapter. When I returned from my vacation I started a nationwide job search in the area of my paralegal expertise, as well as the area where I had earned a Master’s in Christian Education a few years earlier. What I had not stopped to consider, though, was the shift that God was about to bring in my thinking, my approach to personal Christian experience, and my mindset toward my own plans. When I was coming up on several months’ worth of rejection letters from potential employers, and money is tighter than what I thought it should be, I got scared. How was I going to pay the mortgage? How were the bills going to get paid? Every sensible, able-bodied adult is working – somewhere! Out of my fear I conjured up all sorts of human options to earn income and keep myself from floating down Broke River. But here I am. I want to talk to somebody who has made your plans, set your goals, and mapped
out a strategy, but things are not coming together the way you planned. Could it be your plans and God’s plans don’t match up? I understand your frustration. The enemy made every attempt to knock me off the solid foundation of God’s Word. He wanted me to believe his lie that God had left me. As you are reading this, it is easier for you to believe the enemy than it is to believe God. You must learn, or if necessary, re-learn how to recognize the voice of God over the voice of the enemy. God was taking me to a whole new level in my thinking, by training me to trust His plans over my own.
Remember that, according to Scripture we are a peculiar people – children of the Most High God are supposed to be different! (I Peter 2:9). We’re not like everybody else. My challenge to you is this: Change your mind! You’re having “thought issues” because you’ve allowed the enemy to run amok in your mind. You see what everybody else is doing, and you think you should be where they are. Says who? Let God re-work your personal and spiritual agenda. Go through the process of changing your thinking to conform with the will of God for your life. When your plans don’t work out, it isn’t necessarily that you are doing it all wrong; could it be that God is re-routing you? (Isaiah 55:8, NLT). God is saying to you, “Don’t you know Who I am?”
When the enemy comes again to plant seeds of doubt and fear in your mind, tell him you’ve changed your mind!
The Balancing Act Let’s explore what it looks like to tend to your marriage as a man and woman of God. I pray that after you read this article, you deepen your understanding and work to create (and maintain) balance in your marriage. My ultimate goal is to spread awareness and provide you with keys that will reduce the likelihood that your marriage will fail because of imbalance. This is a touchy subject for many, but let’s dig in! First, here is a little background about me. I am a fourth-generation reverend. My great grandfather, grandfather and father were and are pastors and/or preachers. My mother is also a licensed and ordained associate pastor. I was ordained prior to marrying, but most of these people I mentioned were ordained post marriage. My grandfather recently married again after about eight years of being a widow. He is a superintendent within The Church of God in Christ. I have watched his balance within marriage change from the prior stance that “church is the most important thing in my life” to “church is important, but my wife is important also. (Thanks Granny Glo.) I have deep roots in the church and have witnessed first-hand the way ministry and marriage duke it out over the priority seat in one’s heart. That being stated, I love that even my 87-year-old grandfather can learn to balance his 8-month-old marriage and his 50-year-old ministry. Divorce is still trending in the church. I have seen pastors, bishops, elders, lay members and the likes plastered all over social media and all, but ran through the rumor mills of churches all over
for having issues within their marriages. For some people the issue is that they feel like their spouses are not committing to them on the same level as they commit to the work of the Lord. But in some more recent cases, both spouses are in ministry and fail to utilize appropriate balance within their marriages. The number one complaint is that “my spouse is not supportive of God’s call on my life.” The number two complaint is “I didn’t sign up for all of this when I married.” May I just offer that if your spouse seems unsupportive of your call from God, it may be because you left them behind. They weren’t there when you heard God calling for you to move. So it is up to you to share what He said and ask Him to guide you through taking (not guilt tripping, manipulating, or dragging) your spouse along for the journey. To address the latter complaint of “I didn’t sign up for
all of this,” if you had known that God was going to shift your marriage at a point to full-time ministry, you wouldn’t be married to your spouse. You made a blind promise to commit to one another through all of life’s turns. In short, you did sign up for “all of this.” Now ask God to help you help your spouse with navigating you through how it looks. Here are 5 Keys to gaining your balance. Key 1: Marriage is ministry. Serve at home first. Key 2: Notice the imbalance and talk about it when things are heavier on one side over the other. Key 3: Remember God called you to marriage and ministry. You are not single in ministry because you chose to marry and that means you chose to serve in both capacities simultaneously. If you neglect one then you will regret both eventually. Key 4: If one or both of you must go for an extended period of time, synchronize your schedules for time to connect. Connecting means you shut everything and everyone else down for the time that belongs to your spouse and not giving them the leftovers! Key 5: Do not force your spouse to conform to your calling. Share the call with them by sharing your plan for each engagement or assignment and how they will be included. The danger in foregoing this step is that the spouse will start to resent what they are excluded from. The Balancing Act By Eld. R.D. Anderson-Bailey, MFT
hristmas Warning
Christmas is coming and your young kids are begging for this or that toy that they claim all of their friends have. Your teenagers are begging for name brand clothes, the latest iPhone and more. Your wife has been so sacrificial this year and you just know she would love a new piece of fancy jewelry. Your husband really stepped it up this year and you think he would look great in a new Armani suit for the promotion you know he is going to get.
Leslie Elia
Don’t do it! Don’t take all of the progress you have been making becoming financially fit and blow it on Christmas. We know that this wonderful, Holy day is not even about us. It is about the glorious birth of our Lord and Savior. I know how hard it is not to get sucked right into consumer hell. I can remember a time when I was financially flabby (not fit). My husband and I thought we had
it all figured out. We put a few gifts on the J.C.Penny card and a few on the Sears card. We used the Master Card for the parent’s gifts and the Visa for our gifts to each other. Oh, golly. Did you see the sales at Kohls? Out came the Kohl’s card for a few last minute items. All I can say is “Oooops”. January will come. The bills will come. The interest will come. If the billing cards all have different dates, you may forget to pay one and end up with a huge late fee. If the billing due dates are all the same, then spreading it around like we used to really did not help.
Another thing to avoid would
be any promotion saying “90 days same as cash”, payday loans, layaway debt or the absolute worst, Title pawning. This comes straight from Principle 28 from Financial Fitness. I know your children have big beautiful eyes as they bat their eyelashes at you and say “Please, Mommy!”, and I know you would like nothing more than to see you wife or husband’s eyes light up opening that …fill in the blank. But I plead and beg with you to stick to your new principles and pay cash, downsize the gifts and begin to teach your family that the size or price of the gifts in no way diminishes the sacredness of the day and the love you have for your dear family. Blessing to you at this time of year. Proverbs 27:12 “The prudent see danger and take refuge,but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Proverbs 10:4-5 “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame”
Contact Information Please consider viewing a seven-minute video that completely explains the benefits of owning the Green Box. I can be reached at and hope to assist in any way I can.
Lonely, But NOT Alo Lonely But NOT A Overcoming Lonliness
Alia Worthy
Loneliness tends to be one of many issues that many struggles with in our singleness. We live in such a time in society in which it’s perceived that if we aren’t in a relationship, we must be lonely, discontent, or just alone. At one point in time we have all experienced the feeling of loneliness. Loneliness is identified as sadness because of lack of having no friends or community. Marriage doesn’t solve our loneliness but reveals it. I believe we confuse loneliness for being alone. It’s far from the truth. Yes, we may be lonely, but if we have a relationship with Christ we are never alone. Despite the reason why we may feel lonely, here’s six ways to overcome
1) Grow in Christ Christ has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He promises to constantly be with us. What a great reminder to know that when feeling lonely, we have someone who is constantly with us. People may come and go, but we can stand in knowing the truth that God is with us. Proverbs 18:24 shares, “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. What great reminder to know that Christ is closer than any person. The reality is there is no one other than God that can fill that place. Christ desires to have a lifelong relationship with us. 2) Hold Your Standard We have all desired the need to feel loved and wanting to belong. Loneliness at times can lead us to a place of
one Alone
compromise. More times than not we stay in toxic relationships due to not wanting to be alone. It’s easy at times to compromise our standards just to keep others around. Know that Christ is greater than our feelings. Allow Him to send the right people in your life at the right time. 3) Build Community One of the greatest assets God has staffed us with as believers is the local church. Finding other believers and a local church community that we can join can also assist us in overcoming loneliness. It’s never been God’s will for us to live isolated. Pray and ask God to direct you to a local church with believers in whom you can grow and build Christ centered relationships with. 4) Serve Serving is a powerful way in shifting our focus from ourselves to others. Finding areas in which we are passionate about is vital in learning to serve. Reach out
to a family member or friend who may need help. Learning to be a helping hand at times helps us keep the focus off of our problems and on Christ and loving others. 5) Learning to Love You Sista! Brother! Quality time is some of the best time. Learning to be okay with spending time with our own self can help with being comfortable with who you are and loving your own company. If we can’t value or be okay with our own selves as individuals, it’s hard to expect that from others. Loving yourself comes with being okay with having that time to just relax and learn more about what you like, and who you are. 6) Grow in the Word The Word of God is full of many biblical truths regarding loneliness and being alone. We must know the truth if we are attempting to pull down and confront lies spoken by the enemy. Finding scriptures to meditate on and really speak out loud can help build our faith. The bible says, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The more we meditate and repeat God’s Word, the more prone we are to believe it.
Photo by: Stephen Midgett
My Testimony of
Hello! My name is Doniella Ligon and this is my story (short version)! As a young child, I grew up in a Christian home, where I was taught that Jesus loved all the little children of the world. However, as I grew I began to question that Jesus really did love me. My innocence was taken from me when I should have been focused on my dolls and imaginary tea parties. I was being molested in my own home, which was supposed to be my place of refuge. As I was being molested by a friend of my
bega could no did not see a recognize the loved me‌. Because of the m bitter, low self-esteem a As I began to attempt to
mother, I an to hate her because I ot imagine why she a difference in me and pain I was in. But Jesus
molestation, I became and a hatred for all men. o mask my feelings and
pain, I began to do drugs, all the while hiding any symptoms from my mother and family. I began to wear more than one pair of pants to hide the weight loss. I began to use the opposite sex as a means to feel loved and attempting to find love in the wrong places. I went from toxic
relationships after another, seeking the love of a male role model that I’d never had. I got married and believed that my happily ever after had finally come to me. Little did I realize that I had married a man that would now become my abuser. But Jesus loved me. As I went through my abuse I still attended church, but I had no relationship with the Lord. I never had anyone to encourage me to flee from my toxic marriage; in hindsight, I did not believe anyone could love me because I was programed to believe I was unlovable. My greatest fear was the impact
my choices would have on my children. To be in a shelter, not knowing what was going to happen to us, not knowing where the next meal was going to come from, each time I would tuck my tail between my legs and return to one that had attempted to kill me each time he would abuse me. But Jesus loved me. My final day of abuse was when my abuser placed a gun to my temple and pulled the trigger; but God! That was the day I cried out to the Lord with a sincere heart and asked Him to save me and set me free. I went back to the place I knew I would find refuge, the church. I joined, but my physical condition was a sight to behold. I went in what I was used to wear as I walked the streets. Praise God for a praying grandmother and mother. Praise God for the women that did not judge me, but poured life into me. Yes, Jesus did love me. Today I stand victorious and not as a victim but one that knows that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. It might not feel good while it’s working, but it’s working for my good. Today I use my past as my pulpit to let women of all ages know you do not have to remain as you were and in the situation that you were or are in. Out of my pain the Lord has birth the WIN (Women In Need) ministries. My purpose is to encourage them and let them know there is a sister that can relate to their struggles, but also let them know that Jesus does love them and does not want them to remain where they are. My advice to someone that is still struggling, please gather enough strength to walk away before it’s too late. If you can’t or don’t have a sister that has your back, please contact me and we’ll go through this process together. This is Lady Doiella Ligon and I approve this story! Always remember....even when you loose you still WIN! SPEAKER IMAGE CONSULTANT LIFE COACH COMMUNITY LEADER
Photo by: Stephen Midgett
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Poetry Corner
GOD’S BLESSING When people try to put you down let your light forever shine and you will always find your way. What GOD has for you know can take away. Keep GOD first in your life and his blessings will always overflow.
find me on iYoutube Heart & Soul Poetry L Marie find me on facebook
L Marie White
L Marie White
Heart & Soul Poetry
Women Are Forever Diamonds Are you a shiny diamond or one with a dull finish ? No matter the color, size or shape, diamonds are forever. Always let your diamond shine because people will be able to see that you are a rare and precious jewel. Keepit sparkling at all times. Be careful how you treat other women because you just might miss your blessings. When GOD sees people hating on you, HE blesses you because of the hate. Support and encourage one another. You will be blessed by the Father above. Remember Women Are Forever Diamonds.
Mental Health
WINTER BLUES Got You Feeling S.A.D.?
Evangelist Carmella Hill, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervising credentials (P.C.C.-S). & Founder of Empower to H.O.P.E. Services, LLC.
o you experience changes in your mood when the fall/winter season arises? You might be experiencing what is referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or S.A.D.. It is not uncommon for people to experience changes in their moods as the seasons change. Although changes can occur during the spring/summer seasons, it is more common to experience episodes of S.A.D. during the fall/winter seasons. S.A.D. is a type of depression that seems to cycle with the season changes. At one time, S.A.D. was considered a separate disorder. It is now considered a subtype of Major Depression that coincides with the seasons.
Signs & Symptoms
Winter patterns of S.A.D. • Having low energy • Hypersomnia • Overeating • Weight gain • Craving for carbohydrates • Social withdrawal (feel like “hibernating”) Risk Factors of S.A.D.
Summer patterns of S.A.D. • Poor appetite with associated weight loss • Insomnia • Agitation • Restlessness • Anxiety
Some risk factors that may increase the changes or likelihood of experiencing symptoms of S.A.D. are being female, having a family history of mental health, having had Depression or Bipolar Disorder, and being a younger age. Women are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with S.A.D. than men. In general, women are more likely to be diagnosed with Depression than men. As with mostly anything these days, family history plays a role in increasing the chances for things repeating themselves in future generations. Younger aged people have a higher risk of experiencing S.A.D. than older adults typically due to the challenges with emotional regulation. Until the brain is more developed and the emotional levels are more stable, younger individuals may experience symptoms of S.A.D..
Some Biological Cues to S.A.D. People who experience S.A.D. may have biological factors working against them. They may have difficulties regulating a key hormone that is involved with mood. There may be an overproduction of melatonin which regulates sleep. As the winder days become shorter, melatonin increases. This results in people feeling sleepier and more lethargic. Vitamin D is believed to play a role in helping with mood. Vitamin D insufficiencies may be associated with clinically significant depressive symptoms. There is help! Although there are some possible factors that increase risk, there is good news! We have more control over the end result than we think! Light Therapy can help with regulating irregular sleep patterns which is linked with mood. Some medications, such as antidepressants might be helpful with decreasing and managing symptoms. Counseling can be effective with helping people to relieve some stress by talking about what is happening with them. In counseling, triggers, cycles, and patterns can be identified to “get a jump” on the symptoms arising. Mental Health Tips: • The Mind Body Connection is Real! Be aware of increased stress and changes in mood that seem to correlate with the changes in seasons. • Relaxation Techniques! Music, meditation/prayer/reflective thinking, progressive muscle relaxation, and breathing techniques are helpful in decreasing the symptoms of S.A.D. • Get/Stay Active! Although the weather may be changing, there are still things to do in and out doors. Activity decreases stress and anxiety which will decrease symptoms of S.A.D. The conclusion of the matter You don’t have to experience S.A.D. symptoms! Take charge and prepare for the season changes. People who are proactive tend to experience greater results than those who are reactive. SELAH
Precious Oil
I DO Brianna O.
y the time this article is published I will be a married woman. My fiancé and I will be in covenant, and will have become one, a united force of two unique individuals destined to glorify God together. Although I pray for God’s peace, joy, love, blessings, and covering in my marriage and I believe I will receive it, after reciting our vows, there may be ups and downs, sometimes my husband will be at peace and satisfied within our marriage and at other times I may disappoint him. God says in Jeremiah 31:3 “With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself”, so although as husband and wife, we may not always succeed in every area all of the time, we can rest assured that there is an unfailing love that exists, and it can be found in God. In 30 years God has not failed me once! Although people, women especially spend so much of their lives daydreaming about being swept off of their feet, and getting married and living happily ever after, the truth is a husband is only a reflection of God’s love for us. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:25 “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church. He gave up his life for her.” A wife and husband may be giving up some of the freedom they enjoyed in singleness which is so difficult for anyone to do, the ability to come and go as you please, and handle your finances and your health, or free time however you want, but Christ gave up his LIFE. Romans 5:8 says “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” While we were covered in the dirt and shame of our sin, Christ loved us and he died for us, often times people don’t just marry for potential, you will find that people marry other people whose hard work they are attracted to, ministry, values, character, physical features,
mental and financial stability, etc., but Christ gave up everything for us when we had absolutely nothing to offer him, not even praise, because we were so deep in sin, he saw who we could become once his Holy Spirit was able to rule and reign within us and he is excited about the opportunity to mold us and shape us like clay. You will hear many relationship experts and ministers encourage singles to “prepare” for their spouse, be the kind of person you would like to attract, but God isn’t looking for us to already come whole, and healed, he wants us broken, he wants to transform your heart and renew your mind. “For your creator will be your husband…” Isaiah 54:4, “And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy.” Hosea 2:19. The most important “I Do” you will ever say, is to Jesus, without faith it is impossible to please God, so when the waves of life come to toss your faith back and forth, remember that God will never leave your nor forsake you, and in every circumstance it is better to pray than stray, and stay in covenant with him because God will never fail you, and if the waves and winds obey him, surely he can strengthen you in whatever area of your life you need it, and in whatever season you are in, say “I do” even when you don’t, you don’t feel like it, you don’t know, or you don’t care, keep God at the center of your singleness, your marriage, your finances, your career, your ministry, your health, keep him on your mind, keep his praises in your mouth, and he will keep you.
Brianna O.
BOOST YOU Minister Angela Mosely
When you think about your immune system sleep or lack of sleep is not the first thing you would think of. In my research it shows that getting enough sleep is vital for the immune system and without enough sleep you are more vulnerable to infections like colds, flu and coughs.
So this brings me to the next question, how much sleep does one need? Since each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, we require different amounts of sleep. The suggested length of sleep for an adult is at least 7-8 hours a night while teenagers require between 8-10, and children need at least 10, if not more. If you are already sick, don’t be afraid to take some time off work to make sure you can get the sleep you need. This is so important because when you sleep that is when your body repairs itself. Here are a few tips to sleep better: Avoid using tablets or phones in bed. An hour before bed dim the lights, its simulates the setting sun and it triggers the release of melatonin, our sleep hormone. Try some sleepytime tea. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Check your mattress. Broken sleep is poor sleep. If you wake up during the night, pay attention to what time you wake up, as this could indicate problems with certain organs. One example is waking up at 3am is often a result of a stressed liver. If a blocked nose is keeping you awake, try to prop your head a little higher and use a nasal spray to loosen congestion.
Last tip is you can research Christian sleep meditation or music to listen to help aid in a good night rest. Next, here are a few tips to strengthen your immune system: Don’t smoke, Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, Exercise regularly, Maintain a healthy weight, If you drink alcohol try to just stop, Get adequate sleep, Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly. Let me remind you that your body is not your own. In I Corinthians 6:19 (KJV) says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” So let me encourage you to take responsibility and make it a priority to get good sleep that boosts your immune system.
From Grief to Grace
Part 2
and Recovery
Grace (Jesus) awakens us to who we are and Whose we are: Sons and daughters of our Father. Grace is God’s ability to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, unmerited favor. It’s not an empowerment. Grace produces an empowerment by the revelation of no condemnation. When you receive no condemnation, you’re empowered to go and sin no more. Sin is not knowing your identity as a son and not living in proper sonship. “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall never walk in darkness but have the light of life.” It’s a light to show how clean we are made by his blood; how pure he has made us, and how free he has made us from condemnation. The light that shines in my conscience is to show how perfect I am in His sight by the removal of my sins. When we truly grasp the depth and height of God’s unconditional love for us, He made us right with Him, His goodness and mercy run us down; that abundant life Jesus was talking about manifests. If we condemn ourselves with negative thoughts, we are not believing nor trusting God or His word, which can hinder all He has for us. We are trusting in ourselves more than we are trusting Him. “For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” – 1 John 3:20, NKJV
Think of loss as rocks. With each loss, you pick up a rock, stick it in a book bag and place it on your shoulders. You wear that book bag until it causes pain, affecting your mind, daily living, and health. Many have died without being able to recover from grief and loss in their life. They may have taken their life to end the pain. Grief seems unbearable, unmentionable at times. We’ve been taught that to speak of it we are weak. It can cause anxiety. Jesus helps us take
the masks off and be real with Him: “Don’t be afraid.” He says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My Yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find REST for your souls. For My yoke is easy, my burden is light,” Matthew 11:28-30. The first time I ever read those words in the bible, I was in a rough spot. The invitation was real. I had just lost a baby in 26 weeks gestation and was in a tumultuous marriage and did not feel loved. Shame says, “Something is wrong with me.” didn’t let me die but rescued me. Guilt says, “I did something God helped me get rid of the wrong.” I lived my life in shame; grief by talking to Him and with I was born into it. Thus, I always a professional about all of it. No thought badly of myself. I carmore shame or fear. Grace ran ried those rocks (grief). Think- me down to convince me He was ing my family would be better safe, that I could tell Him evoff without me, I attempted erything, let go of the pain and suicide. I didn’t want to die, begin to live, and love myself. but to be heard and loved. God
Gods Grace
Journal your losses, list apologies and emotional statements like “I love you,” or “you did this, and it hurt me,” then say, “I forgive you.” Say “goodbye” to the pain, not the person. Don’t give the letter to the person that hurt you but do this with a trusted friend or professional. Get rid of the pain. That’s completing the pain and recovering from it. Angela Wachsman © 2018 @angiethriving Instagram
o t r a e H e h t From
ays e LORD alw I have set th e I hid in mi hav “Thy word
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e i h c r A
r e p p i h s r o W a f o
16:8) ed.” (Psalm v o m e b t o n and, I shall my right h t 119:11) a is lm e sa h (P se thee.” st e: becau in m a g re a fo n e si b s not at I might e that when ine heart, th It assures m
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