Kingdom Christian Magazine_March 2017 featuring Prophet Jeremiah D. Davis

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MARCH 2017

Christian Magazine





S.A.M. by Wilder



Prophet Jeremiah D. Davis THE prophetic voice

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5pastor hill

Hang on in There Ministries

6beauty tips

When to exfoliate

s.a.m. by wilder


Life Changing Kimona boyd

10march on

Word of Encouragement Prophetess Fleming


Prophetic Encounter Minister Jucinta Jones

17behind leadership The truth behind the leadership chair

Pastor Sharina George


Cover Story

18ministry in the home Your ministry begins at home. STACEY GREENE


Chief Anotnio F. Stitt




Pastors greg & Sharina george


Publisher Xcellence Publications

Founders Greg George Sharina George

Chief Editor Sharina George

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers

Jucinta Jones Kimberly Fleming Stacey Greene S.A.M. by Wilder Antonio Stitt Charles Hill Kimona Boyd Genesis 1:28 All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

The founders Praise the Lord family, We are excited about this new season God has allowed us to walk in. Last month God allowed us to launch Kingdom Builders International Ministries. God is doing great things in the city of Cleveland. We are excited about serving at our local community centers and changing the lives of people. Our mission as a ministry is, building the kingdom, one soul at a time. We plan to do this with our 7 fold ministry focus which is prayer, worship, family, relationship, self-study, outreach and discipleship. Please pray for us as we build in God’s kingdom.

Photographer: Jeff Lawson

Hang on in there ministries

Pastor Charles Hill

Photo Credit: asap photography

God found me when I wasn’t thinking about Him. I had a mother that made me go to church. I learned so much from her. I got up in age and started smelling myself and I begin to do drugs and run the streets. I finally got caught and I remember what momma said about getting in trouble, “Call on the Lord.” I called on the Lord but I still had to do my time. I kept waiting on my midnight hour that is talked about in the Bible. It didn’t come for a long time. I was mad at God for a moment but God knew me better than I knew myself. While I was in prison those six years, I begin to walk the yard and talk to God. When I was released, I said within myself, “I’m never going back in there again. Not even to visit.” I remember getting a job and ministering to several different people after I was released. I didn’t know I would be a Pastor. I was happy with what I was doing. God was tugging on my heart and I finally said, “Yes!” God ended up sending me back to the prison to minister, the very place I wanted to avoid. God did the change in me. My joy is seeing lives changed!

When to Exfoliate? It is not necessary to carry out exfoliation every day. It can be done whenever there is enough build-up of dead cells over the skin surface to be detrimental to overall skin health/appearance. To know when to exfoliate, here is a simple test you can use: Apply a piece of clear tape to your forehead and rub gently. When you remove it and you see tiny pieces of flaky skin adhering to it, you need to exfoliate. Exfoliation becomes even more important as you become older. As part of normal body processes, the skin renews cells at the lower layer or dermis. These rise to the surface (epidermis), keratinizing as they advance. These keratin-filled cells form a protective outermost layer of skin. In time, they slough off and allow new cells to take their place and the cycle goes on. However, as we age (near age of 40 and above), the process of cell regeneration and replacement slows down dramatically. As a result of uneven sloughing off and replacement with new cells, the skin loses its glow and becomes rough. Exfoliation thus becomes essential to remove the dead cells that remain on the epidermis so that new cells can take their place. Exfoliation is a very effective solution to many skin problems, especially those arising from or aggravated by closed pores. Checking your skin periodically and performing an exfoliation promptly helps keep your

BeautyTips skin in great condition. How to Exfoliate? There are three ways in which you can exfoliate dead skin cells: Granular, Cream, and Enzyme. Granular exfoliation is best to use on younger skin, particularly if no acne is present. Fine particles, such as ground peach stone, are in the exfoliation scrub, helping with the removal of dead skin cells. Use a wet sponge to remove the scrub from your face. Cream exfoliation is best to use on mature skins (e.g. women between 40-50 years). It is applied in a thin layer and left to dry. Once the cream is dry, you can rub it off with dry fingers. Steam is not used with a cream exfoliant. Enzyme exfoliation works well on older skin types as well as skin on which acne is present. It is a cream that you apply, and is usually used with a steamer. The steamer activates the enzymes, which then go to work on your skin. Remove enzyme exfoliant with a sponge. • • • • •

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Sam Mau


Life Changing

Kimona Boyd

I have come to realize that life is forever changing, and full of tests and trials. There are small changes and easy tests, some not so small changes and more difficult tests, and then there are the changes, tests,

and trials that totally turn your world as you know it upside-down! January/February 2013-14 turned my own life upside-down. I had begun experiencing some uncomfortable abdominal pain. I went to see my doctor and she ran every test she could think of that matched my symptoms and scheduled an appointment for me to see gastroenterology. After 3 weeks of worsening pain with no relief and now vomiting I was sent to the hospital for additional testing. An ultrasound and CAT Scan were done which revealed inflammation in my small intestine and appendix. The GI doctor recommended that I be admitted, and after almost 7 hours of waiting in the most horrible pain that I could ever remember—so intense that I could not even speak to answer any questions being asked—I was admitted. February 5, 2014 is when I was admitted. Two days later, on the 7th, I was scheduled for a colonoscopy. The scope revealed that there was a large cancerous mass blocking part of my colon which had metastasized (spread) to my liver. In other words…stage 4 colon cancer! I spent 3 weeks in the hospital at which time I had to withdraw from school, take off work, and send my two children (12 & 16yrs) to stay with their Godmother. My first surgery was to remove the mass, and 1 ½ feet of my colon, on the 13th (which happened to be

Kimona Boyd I ’M



had another small surgery to input a port for chemotherapy, and was finally released on the 25th. The weeks and months that followed seemed unrealistic to me: The ups and downs, side effects of chemo, and working while on chemo (literally), followed by another surgery to remove the right side of my liver, and then more chemo. All this along with the financial struggle of not being able to work full-time, moving into an apartment with my house in foreclosure, busy children with schedules, and a husband who decided he wanted out! BUT GOD,

BUT GOD, BUT GOD!! It is now 2017 and I’m still standing, still going through changes, tests and trials. But through it all, I’ve learn that God is in control of everything. It was a really tough time for me, and I remember laying on the couch one night in tears, trying to cry softly because my son was close by, hearing God’s voice say to me “ your latter will be greater later.” I am standing on that promise, and it SHALL NOT RETURN UNTO ME VOID!!

March on

Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming

The month of March is upon us!A lot of things happen in the month of March. One of my favorite things that happens is daylight savings. I love it when it remains daylight later in the day. For a lot of college students it’s spring break time. There is also some phenomenon called March Madness. Another one of my favorite things that I look forward to is the arrival of Spring. The flowers blooming. The warmth that fills the air. As the Lord dropped these different scenarios in my spirit He said to tell you this: First the natural, then the spirit. As the season changes in the spirit, a new season is embarking upon us. Now those of us in Cleveland know that just because the calendar says it’s spring, doesn’t mean it always acts like spring. Old Man Winter likes to hang on; for all we know, we could be knee deep in snow and frigid cold weather in spring!

Likewise, the enemy would like to make you think you’re not in your new season. Your warfare seems to indicate that you’re still in your old season. But I want to encourage you today: Your season has indeed changed, and so have your circumstances. God showed me in a dream that in this season, He is removing all obstacles and all roadblocks from your path. He’s making your way easy. March on, full steam ahead! Don’t look back at the negative, but rather look forward to the new opportunities. Looking backwards can cause you to hold on to those things that aren’t good for you, which can cause you to fall. You could miss the finish line. Runners who run track know not to look behind them, as doing so slows them down and gives their opponent a chance to pass them. In addition, it can also cause them to fall.

In Genesis 19:26, Lot’s wife looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt. She missed out on her blessing, on her future. Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14 to forget those things that are behind and press toward the mark of the prize: The high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It’s a new season. All of the obstacles and roadblocks have been removed. March on to your victory in Christ Jesus! Contact Prophetess Kim Fleming Facebook - Kimberly M Fleming Twitter - @prophetesskim Instagram - prophetesskim Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming 14713 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44123 Find me on Facebook Kimberly M Fleming

Sow a Seed

Save The Date

Let The Prophets Praise Prophetic Conference

July 12-15, 2017



VOICE Let’s understand what the Prophetic is. The Prophetic is the mind of God migrated to the mind of men. What does the Prophet do? The Prophet gives understanding to the mysteries of God. We’re living in an hour and time where the Prophetic voice is on popular demand and at the same time commonly misused. The main purpose of the Prophetic is to echo the heart of God. There is a major difference between one that speaks from the realm of the Prophetic and one that walks in the office of the Prophet. One that speaks from the Prophetic realm is one that God has given insight, in order to reach a particular people at

a certain time. In addition, one that walks in the office of a Prophetic is one that God gives direct information to before its released in the earth. One that walks in the office of a Prophet is one that God will do nothing until it is reveled unto them. This person who walks in the office of the prophet is one who walks in full authority to reach God and restore the earth. The Prophetic voice is the most important voice on earth because it’s God’s way of communicating his world to our world. With this said, there are so many voices that are in competition with the voice because its authenticity is in a class all by itself which is why there so much confusion when it comes to the Prophetic voice. The confusion comes from its authority to get people’s attention and cause people to move on demand. If we are not mindful that the author of the Prophetic is ONLY God and He is the reason for its use. If we are not careful, we can move in manipulation and think it’s our voice that is in authority. In order to keep this voice pure we must stay before God in prayer and mediate on the word of God moment by moment. The Prophetic voice is the most powerful voice in the earth and when the voice is speaking we know God has spoken! Jeremiah Daniel Davis Ministries P.O. Box 534 Youngstown Ohio 44501 Chief Administrator Joy Isom 478-220-9310

“Testigy” Minister Jucinta Jones


n Resurrection Sunday in 1994, I was a teenager who followed the leading of the Lord and visited the church at the corner of my street. Little did I know that that one visit would be the beginning of a major defining moment in my life. For weeks, I had been thinking about going to church, as I felt what I now know as the unction of the Holy Ghost tugging on my heart. I grew up in a household that was filled with ungodliness, but God was calling me out of darkness and into His marvelous light, and as a result, I answered the call. I’ll never forget the message that I heard that day, about the sacrifice that Christ made for mankind. The power of the Gospel message caused me to want to learn all that I could about Jesus Christ. As I look back over my life, I’m still amazed at the life-changing power of God’s Word. God chose me out of

my family to live for Him and to lead others to Him—and it all started with a tug at my heart, and a desire to want to know God for myself. To this day, I still get excited about hearing and sharing the power of the Gospel message with others! People of God, we are living in a time where we must not be ashamed to share our testimonies. God is saying that “Now is not the time for us to be secret saints.” Now is the time for us to STAND UP and STAND OUT for the things of God, so that someone’s life can be positively impacted. As the body of Christ, we can’t afford to keep our testimonies and the goodness of the Lord to ourselves. Therefore, I encourage every reader to pray and ask God to bring someone across your path with whom you can share your testimony. I guarantee that, by the power of the Holy Ghost, it will compel them to draw closer to God. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Our assignment as believers is to spread the Good News, so that more souls can be added to the Kingdom. God didn’t bring you through the darkest moments in your life for you to keep it to yourself. Therefore, I encourage you to Testify! Testify! Testify! because it’s what God is saying to us this month. Let’s be obedient people of God and testify, so that others may be saved and delivered.

AFT, City of Hope


Be Guided By His Word. Wednesday Bible Class


An Open Invitation Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

934 East 105th St.

Cleveland, OH 44108

Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant.

The Truth

Behind the Leadership Chair Elder Lee P. Christian, Jr. Sr. Pastor

The duties that fall on a leader’s shoulders are momentous. Every leader has to be sure that God has called them to lead. If He hasn’t called you, the weight can crush you. Some people look at the leadership seat and desire to sit in it not knowing the responsibility. You don’t know the weight that comes with the chair. Some people will dog you to your face and you still have to love them and be a genuine example. Money may lack but you have to stay consistent. Your body may be sick but you still have to pray. Everyone smiles and admires your strength not knowing the grace it takes to hold you daily. The place where many leaders find themselves is like Moses in Numbers 11. They put on a smile but inwardly, they’re suffering from the weight. I believe you have to be graced to sit in certain seats. If God has not called you, don’t go. If He has, He will keep you and hold you under the weight of the

pressure. When you are serious and dedicated to doing right no matter the cost, there are many times you will have to raise your hands and let God handle situations. You are the under Shepard God is the Shepard. You are the agent which God uses to grow and teach His people. The church is not yours but God’s. Don’t let your assignment make you bitter or upset. Seek God’s help in every situation. I know the people look at smile and don’t see the responsibility that comes with leading people but don’t let anyone make you strike the rock, which is talks about being disobedient to how God told you to handle a situation. Your reward is prepared, walk out the journey with God’s help. John 21:17, encourages us to feed HIS sheep. If we love the Lord, let’s serve God’s people with love and not emotions.

Evang. Sharina George

Ministry in the

By Stacey Greene


Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, If your parents raised you in the faith, this was how we were to always behave, both inside and outside of the home. My own mother was very prim and proper and as close to the TV mom of June Cleaver as anything I can imagine. Her persona was the same both at home, at her place of business (she and my father owned a small printing business) and at church. Cuss words and alcohol played no role whatsoever in our home. Sure, my mom would be frustrated when dad brought home broccoli instead of cauliflower for a recipe she was preparing, but I very rarely heard them raise their voice toward each other. I grew up expecting nothing less than the same for me and my husband. In my naivete, I assumed that we all lived like Beaver Cleaver, or at least like the Brady Bunch. What a shock I had as I found out what total monsters my husband and I could be behind closed doors. Often, we shared not one ounce of selfcontrol, kindness, or peace. The arguing, nagging, accusing, shaming, and name-calling that went on for years is something that is hard to admit to! Whenwe were in public, we presented the perfect

nuclear family. We attended all the proverbial ballet recitals, swim meets, and events that required appearing to be “perfect” parents. Back at home, Jimmy ducked down into his man cave while I watched a show with the children. Date nights became rare as we used the excuse that “we were just too tired and broke to have quality time together.” For many readers, you may be involved in your church, missions, Bible studies, Pioneer Clubs, and all of the other glorious activities outside of your Sunday service. The Good Book is rather clear that our lives are to glorify God, but does this often leave your husband or wife on the back burner? Does doing so many activities in the name of the Lord exhaust you for your home life and the ministry you should be doing there? What is that life like? Are you keeping date night a priority or are you retreating to separate rooms? Does the family sit at the dinner table and pray together before a meal, or are you grabbing a burger on the way home because you have to finish your Bible study questions for your Wednesday night group? Did you miss your son’s

baseball game because you are on the fundraising committee for the Guatemala Mission Trip? I am notorious for keeping tabs on things. I have strange little scraps of paper all over the house with statistics on how much I spent on groceries (budget), what I ate (trying to stay healthy), and the most sacred of all…wait for it…the Day Planner. When I felt that my home life and my church life did not sync, I began keeping tabs on what was the true priority, and I began to budget out a better plan to keep a healthy balance. Everything for which I had time or energy went into the day planner! Here are a few tips that truly helped me consider ministry in the home just as important as ministry to others. 1) Know your limitations and gifts. I learned quickly that although I thought I had a gift at being a Pioneer Clubs leader, it took a lot more time and preparation than I was able to do while raising and homeschooling small children. I learned to say “no” to the next rotation, but offered to help train the new leader. 2) If your goal is to keep the focus on Christ in the home instead of shutting your door to do your devotional reading, set up a time where the whole family can

pray, read a few Bible passages or just sit in God’s presence together. You will show your children that your time with God is as special as your time with them. 3) Have a support network to keep date night special. If you are also using the excuse that Jimmy and I used to use (“tired and broke”), arrange for another family to trade each week watching the children for you. When it is your time to watch their children, allow it to be a time where both families can learn and grow in God’s community. 4) Feel no guilt! If you are doing your fool-hearted best at loving God and loving your mate and children, know that your God is a mighty God. He is big enough to understand your efforts and attempts at finding balance in your ministry to Him. By Stacey Greene

Appreciation Chief Antonio Stitt


ppreciation is one of the most important ways to strengthen a relationship. I make sure I take the time, at least once a month to reflect on my life and mentally acknowledge the people who have had an impact on my life during that period. I call this my monthly “Life Assessment”. In a relationship it is imperative to appreciate everything your spouse or partner does for you. It’s the little things that mean the most. I enjoy receiving clothes, shoes, new accessories for my Harley, you know what I mean. Those things are very nice and greatly appreciated. However, what really make’s me know that I am loved is by the little things. Like for example, when we are sitting on the couch watching a movie together, while she’s tucked in nice and tight under my arm, with her head resting on my chest, and she asked me if I would like something to eat or drink. I appreciate her having enough love for me to not mind getting up and making me a sandwich or preparing a meal for

me. I appreciate her helping me study for an exam or reading the chapters to me from the book I have to have for class, because I’m too tired to read it myself. You see, these are examples of love, and you can not buy that. I appreciate having another human being in my life that loves and cares for me. Here’s the thing, I often remember when I didn’t have anyone to share life with. During my life assessment, I ask myself these questions. Is my life better, now that she is in it? Do I feel better when she is with me? Are my life situations easier to deal with since I met her? You see, this way of thinking helps me to never become complacent, and unappreciative. No matter how tough things may get at times, I always go back to those questions. Now when it gets to the point where the answer is no to those questions, it may be time to pump your brakes and step out of the game for a minute.. This means it is probably time to sit down with your spouse or partner and have some serious conversation.

Chief Antonio Stitt

Each party in the relationship should focus on continually giving their spouse reason to admire, respect, love and cherish them. I think one of the biggest causes of separation or divorce is complacency. We sometimes become so comfortable with our partners loving and caring efforts, whether it is emotional or life changing deeds, that we delude ourselves into believing that nothing can change; that all the things that they do to make our lives easier can never go away. This is what I refer to as “Becoming Complacent”. In some cases, we can go as far as to decide that we don’t need that person that has done so much for us. It is not until their gone that we realize what we had, but by then, in most cases it’s too late. Now that we are all alone, we can see all the things that they did to make your life as comfortable as it was. Remember to always appreciate everything your spouse or partner does to make your life as comfortable as it is. Thoughts and Concepts of Antonio F. Stitt

Kaysha Pryor Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness!


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