Kingdom Christian Magazine_November 2016 Featuring Chief Antonio Stitt

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Christian Magazine


Antonio STITT Shield & Buckler Coaching & Mentoring Inc.

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CONTENTS Chief Antonio stitt


november 2016


5 thankfulness


Pastor Clifford Burns

6 prophetic encounter

Prophetess Fleming

7 Higher ground


Apostle Morant

8 Cover story

Chief Antonio Stitt

10 Gospel artist Krystal Livingston

12 Credit repair krystal livingston


Joseph Phillips

13 fall revival

AFT City of Hope Ministries

14 marriage Keeping your marriage ALIVE!

Keeping your marriage ALIVE!

Founders Note

ceo Jesus

Publisher Xcellence Publications

Founders Greg George Sharina George

Chief Editor Sharina George

Executive Assistant Melissa Gruden

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers

Praise the Lord, Faithful readers, we truly appreciate your faithfulness to our publication. We are now in our 11th month and we are so grateful for your support. Our publication is fully supported by advertising and partnership and we are looking to launch even further in 2017. If the content in our magazines has been a blessing to you, please sow a seed today. Any amount you sow will be sown into good ground. Our desire is to continue to give you the fruitful Word of God so that your lives will ever be changed. We endeavor to do this via the printed pages, our website and digital publication. Please go to to sow your seed today. We truly appreciate your ongoing support.

Greg & Sharina George ~The Founders~

Kimberly Fleming Stacey Greene All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

Genesis 1:28

“walk in dominion and subdue everything�

Spirit of


By: Pastor Clifford Burns

Pastor Clifford Burns Pastor Renee Bailey-Burns

The Anointed Gates Ministries is a church organization dedicated to the growth of spirituality and education of the local community. We are a giving ministry with the mission of acknowledging and addressing the current needs and concerns of the surrounding neighborhood. We believe that anyone can start something, but you need a commitment to complete that thing. As a people, we need to be “hot” not “cold.” To

be effective in the faith community requires standing for what we believe in. God’s form of love is so much more encompassing than human love, which often falls way “short.” People are often lost, falling through the “cracks” of our love. As shepherds, our goal is to teach how to cope, with the help of God’s word. Explaining how emotions’ guiding our faith interferes with Biblical teaching on being steadfast in all circumstances rightfully pits Biblical faith versus emotional faith. We live in a world that has minimized morals. Consequently, we often find ourselves settling where our faith is, concerned causing us to appear “lukewarm”. This is a mistake. We need more of the Word, not less. Anointed Gates Ministries stands ready to help a needy public and understands how to return back to God and give God the Glory.

Anointed Gates Church 800 East 152nd Cleveland, OH 44110

Sunday Service 11:00 AM Wednesday Mid-Week Service 7:00 PM

Prophetic Encounter

The Ministry of


By Kimberly Fleming

Within the ministry realm of the prophetic there are different types of prophets. Some are hearers, and some are primarily visual and called the Seer. The word Seer describes a particular type of prophet who receives a particular type of prophetic revelation or impartation. The Old Testament uses two words in reference to a Seer: RA’AH means to see, in the sense of seeing visions, to gaze, to look upon, and to perceive; CHOZEH means a beholder in vision, a gazer or stargazer. The Seer realm describes another aspect of the way the prophetic operation occurs. Seers see visions; their prophetic anointing is more visionary. All true seers are prophets, but not all prophets are seers. There are Seers who

hears as much as they see. Seers will prophesy what they see; it can be through a supernatural dream, vision, or pictures. They are found throughout the Bible. In King David’s royal court he had several prophets. Nathan served as a prophet to David. Gad and Asaph were Seers. 2 Chronicles 29:30, 2 Samuel 24:1112. The Apostle John was a Seer and wrote what he saw in the book of Revelation. There are still true Seers in the earth today, I can personally testify to that. I see as well as hear. Prophetic ministry-whether you’re a Seer, a Hearer or both, is not to be taken lightly. We still have to be of good character, students of the Word, worshippers, and have a strong prayer life. Humility and accountability are also a must. Prophets, God has given us this special gift not to be abused, used for fame, fortune, or monetary gain. He gave us this gift to use for His glory! The ministry of the Seer is simple, see Christ Jesus and point mankind to Him! Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming Facebook - Kimberly M. Fleming Twitter - @prophetesskim

kdc magazine action challenge: In the month of November and December, do something special for someone you don’t know. Sometimes God wants us to venture outside of our normal group of friends.

Love by Giving! John 3:16

Shield & Buckler Coaching & Mentoring LLC

Better Stronger Faster

Chief Stitt

Many times while working with a client to improve parenting skills or credibility in life, I hear explanations as to why things are the way they are. Oftentimes when listening, I find myself reflecting on my own life, and remember when I was in similar situations. I sometimes share those life stories with them. Over the years, I’ve learned that my “Decisions” impact my present and future.

When things happened that left me in a bad situation, or caused a problem for me, I had to stop pointing fingers at other people. Instead, I begin to question my previous “Decisions” that led to this bad situation or problem. Basically, I took “Personal Accountability” for the role I played in the series of events that led to the situation or problem I found myself in. When I opened my mind to that, I felt a number of emotions hitting me all at once. I felt embarrassment at the fact that I was the root cause of the problem. I felt dumb/foolish for making these poor decisions. However, somehow, someway, I ended up feeling empowered and refreshed, because I began to realize how much power I have in my life. I began to realize that I can change my future by making better decisions. Yes, by being more calculating when making life decisions, I can positively impact my life. I started discussing this with my mentors and asking questions on how I can improve in this area. Listen, God gives us a thing called “Common Sense” to assist us in life and in our daily decision making. Sometimes, we fail to use this God-given skill. Many times we

find ourselves in bad situations such as: The gas is about to be turned off; my car note is due and I don’t have the money; I’m about to lose my job because I keep coming in late; my spouse and I have lost control of our children and home. In my past, I’ve experienced many of these situations. Like a lot of us, I blamed the cause on everyone, and everything else. I never took responsibility for the role I played in any of these situations. Did I mismanage funds that led to the gas bill and car note falling behind? Am I about to lose my job because I don’t manage my time efficiently? Or because I stay up too late at night, and can’t get up on time? In most cases, children emulate their parents, in reference to behavior and character. Having said this, have you and your spouse’s decision making (or lack thereof) resulted in losing control in your home? When we pull the layers back and really look at ourselves in the mirror, and ask ourselves, how did I get in this situation……the truth is, at some point in this situation, way back in the beginning, you said “Yes”, and you should have

said “No”, or you said “No” and you should have said “Yes.” Whichever is the case, that decision ultimately led to the situation you’re in right now. This concept really helped in changing the game for me. Now, when it’s time to make important decisions, I’m “Slow to Speak and Quick to Think!” I remember to be calculating and careful. I remind myself that this decision will impact my future.

Our Services

Contact information:

Programs geared towards parents, children, couples, executives, and team builders. With Shield & Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc. you can: • Improve parenting skills • Improve child behavior • Improve organization and structure in the home • Develop concepts to become a “Better, Faster, Stronger” human being • Establish “Personal Accountability” in all things • Tailored sessions/training • Very affordable pricing • Organizational Team Building

Phone: 216-214-6766

Krystal Livingston

Krystal A. Livingston Singer/Songwriter and Actress, Krystal, has been blessing audiences nationwide with her Godgiven artistic gifts since the age of 6. As a member of Bethel Gospel Assembly in Harlem, NY, she sung in the youth and young adult choirs, as well as with the church’s praise team. She always shared her love for music no matter where the Lord took her, directing the Cardinal Spellman High School Gospel Choir during her senior year and even starting the University of New Haven (UNH) Gospel Choir during her college sophomore year, 1998. She returned to UNH in 2005, becoming the university’s first Professor to teach Gospel Music Performance. As a member of Emerson Theater Collaborative since 2009, Krystal has been a featured soloist and actress in a number of productions. As an established vocalist, Krystal has toured as background vocalist with world-renowned vocalist Josh Groban and the legendary Kenny Loggins. She

currently serves as a Director of Praise & Worship and Director of the Book of A.C.T.S. drama ministry at New Life Christian Fellowship in Ledyard, CT, where Pastors Johnny & Sharon Burns preside. Krystal’s greatest blessing/accomplishment was “birthed” on January 28th of 2012 (her actual birthday) when she released her long-awaited first CD, entitled “My Journey, His Glory,” to many rave reviews and much anticipation. “My Journey, His Glory” is a Gospel CD infused with Neo- Soul, Contemporary Christian and Praise & Worship music stylings. She recently performed her music on WTNH Channel 8’s “Connecticut Style” daytime talk show and she is currently working on her second music project. Krystal has a Bachelors degree in Forensic Science, a Masters degree in National Security & Public Safety and over 10 professional years in higher education administration, particularly admissions and college access, but her greatest passion continues to be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music.

My Journey

“My Journey, His Glory” sets the tone for a lot of my ministryespecially the first half of the CD. “My Journey,” which includes my testimony or journey set to music. Songs like the hit “Shoelaces,” (with the tagline that says, “the only reason I look down now is to tie my shoelaces”) and the holy hip-hop anthem “1 Inna Million” testify to my struggles and victory over low self-esteem, low self-worth, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I use my music to minister, teach, and connect with others. especially young people and women at conferences, workshops and churches.

new single

“Great Things”

(a remake of the classic Tessie Hill hit of the same name).

It’s available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Cd Baby and other online retailers. I’m also on Pandora and Spotify!

Read the full length interview at


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Tuesday, October 25

AFT, CITY OF HOPE MINISTRIES 934 East 105th St. Cleveland, OH 44108


HARVEST Revival November 16-18, 2016


@7:00 PM Nightly

Minister Edwin Taylor

Evangelist Sharina George

Elder Lee P. Christian, Jr. Senior Pastor

Evangelist Delsa Christian

Keeping Your Marriage


By Stacey Greene

Song of Songs 8:6-7 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.


very time I read that I get goosebumps. The Song of Songs, also called Song of Solomon, is filled with rich imagery of the love between a man and a woman. Some pastors also describe it as a relationship between Christ and His bride, the church. Don’t you wish your handsome man would come home from work, sweep you into his arms and spout off beautiful poetry? Don’t you wish your wife would meet you at the door with a fresh smile and a soft kiss? Well, the real world often looks a bit more harried. You are late picking up your son from soccer practice and he sure lets you know it. Your wife is working an extra shift. Whose turn was it to get take out? Ugh! Burger King again? Who is going to fold that laundry? It has been sitting on top of the dryer for days! Sound familiar? Now, if you have been married for any length of time, I am sure you have already seen a Facebook feed or blog with

suggestions on keeping the spark in the marriage. Perhaps you have mentored with another couple and you have heard things like keep date night sacred, go bowling, walk the dog together, and the list goes on. But often those lists have no relevance to your situation. Maybe having a specific date night set aside stresses you out because of the pay cut your job just made you take. You hate bowling and you don’t have a dog to walk. Each couple will have different issues and different experiences that they can draw from to put a little spark back into their lives. For my husband and me, there were some silly things we enjoyed in the past and we resurrected them when things started getting old. We both enjoyed the movie Pleasantville with Reese Witherspoon and Tobey Maguire. It is a fictional movie about getting stuck in a 1950’s TV show where everything is perfect-or is it? Anyway, one of the most significant lines in the movie is when William

Macy comes home and announces “Honey, I’m home.” As simple and silly as this sounds, whichever one of us comes through the door first, we announce in that same voice “Honey, I’m home!” and that signals that the other spouse momentarily stops everything for a nice hug and kiss. It sets the tone for the rest of the evening, and the children see that we care enough to connect in love, even if only for a moment. My favorite thing to do with my husband may seem absurd, but it really works. Now, as background, understand that he is serious, does not always enjoy eye contact, does not enjoy his job and often comes home exhausted. When he finally has a chance to sit and watch a show, I mute the commercials and straddle him and just stare into his eyes. We have a contest to see who can stare the longest before the other one just cracks up laughing. You see, eyes are the gateway to the soul. Matthew 6:22 The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. When I am looking straight at him, and smiling just because we are finally both finished with our crazy day, I know he can see that in that moment in time, the job he doesn’t like, the pile of bills on the desk and the laundry piled on top of the dryer just doesn’t matter. The final nugget for keeping the marriage alive is to

remember the difference between date night and a board meeting. When our children were little and always under our feet, we never had time to discuss issues like upcoming recitals, money problems, where the kids would be attending school, and so on. I stupidly used our date night to go over all of the mundane things that sounded more like a board meeting than a date. I knew it was the only time I had Jimmy to myself, but now I know that we can pick a time like a Sunday evening, to go over our expectations for the week, and leave date night as a time to gaze into each other’s eyes, have a nice meal, see a band, go for a romantic walk, hold hands or any of the other things we enjoy doing. Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

By Stacey Greene

Evangelist Sharina George

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