Kingdom Christian Magazine_October 2016 Featuring a Call to Prayer

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Christian Magazine




The Power of



Psalms 27:8

I will seek thy face!


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Tuesday, October 25

CONTENTS the power of prayer




5 staying cool


Phorfina Wade

6 love

Word of the Month

7 Higher ground Apostle Morrant


8 Cover story

The Power of Prayer

10 Anniversary Pastor Burns

11 Counseling Anointed gates church


Chief Antonio Stitt

12 Green Lotus

Keri Berardinelli

14 true prophet

Kimberly Fleming

Keri Berardinelli

15 Upcoming Events

Editor’s Note

ceo Jesus Christ

Publisher Xcellence Publications

Founders Greg George Sharina George

Chief Editor Sharina George

Executive Assistant Melissa Gruden

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers Kimberly Fleming Phorfina Wade All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

Praise the Lord, October is such a blessed month. It’s the first month of the fourth quarter. Many have watched God move this year but there is a Spiritual sense that God is not done blessing you. There is still more that God wants to do in your life. Meeting God in prayer each morning will change your life, for the rest of your life. In God’s presence we find everything we need. We see ourselves in the perfect mirror. It’s in that mirror that we can continue to change into the identity Christ died for us to obtain. In the busy society we live in, many individuals struggle with quiet time, but it’s neccesary for our growth and development in God. We pray that God will release His divine favor in your life!!!

Greg & Sharina George ~The Founders~

Jewish New Year

On Sunday night, Oct. 2, 2016, Jews will begin celebrating one of their most important religious holidays, Rosh Hashanah. It remembers the creation of the world. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the “head of the year.” It is also called the Feast of the Trumpets.

Next October (2017) - 50th Year

Year of Jubilee 1967: Reunification of Jerusalem The Six-Day War

Genesis 1:28

“walk in dominion and subdue everything”

Staying Cool

Under Pressure By: Phorfina Wade

You can look at your circumstances, raise your hands high, and say, “Thank you Jesus for fulfilling this scripture.”


hen my husband and I to Scriptures during all the unforeseen got married in 2011, we events that have occurred in my life were like many other newlyweds, enjoying over the past two and a half years. It our new life together and making plans for has helped me to calm down, take deep our future. We created timelines for things breaths, and just think to myself, “It regarding our future such as: preparing for could be worse.” I could be planning children, purchasing a home, traveling, multiple funerals instead of caring for and retirement. Proverbs family, reading the Bible 16:9 best describes our to them, giving assistance, plans: “A man’s heart plans 1 Peter 5:7 states, sharing encouragement, his way. But the LORD “Cast all your anxiety and extending God’s love directs his steps”. There have on him because he and His salvation plan been life-altering challenges cares for you.” numerous times. and curveballs thrown at Another Scripture me that I never could have that has helped to carry imagined since getting married. My mother me through is 1 Thessalonians 5:18, and brother were in intensive care at which says “in everything give thanks; the same time, which placed me in a for this is the will of God in Christ position to make major decisions on Jesus for you.” You can look at your their behalf concerning their health. circumstances, raise your hands high, They were both in situations that and say, “Thank you Jesus for fulfilling were life threatening, so I became this scripture.” This verse is not based responsible not only for them, on my feelings or what type of day but also during this time I had to that I may have had; it goes beyond balance my life as a wife and full-time feelings. This does not mean that I employee. The upside to the stress of cannot acknowledge my feelings; it these challenging situations is that I simply means that I choose not to have found the key to stay cool under make my feelings my focus. pressure: Rest in God and take hold of His peace. 1 Peter 5:7 states, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares View the full length article at for you.” This has been one of my

Word of the Month

What Does Love Mean? 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Matthew Henry Commentary Here the apostle goes on to commend charity, and show how much it is preferable to the gifts on which the Corinthians were so apt to pride themselves, to the utter neglect, and almost extinction, of charity. This he makes out, I. From its longer continuance and duration: Charity never faileth. It is a permanent and perpetual grace, lasting as eternity; whereas the extraordinary gifts on which the Corinthians valued themselves were of short continuance. They were only to edify the church on earth, and that but for a time, not during its whole continuance in this world; but in heaven would be all superseded, which yet is the very seat and element of love. Prophecy must fail, that is, either the prediction of things to come (which is its most common sense) or the interpretation of scripture by immediate inspiration. Tongues will cease, that is, the miraculous power of speaking languages without learning them. There will be but one language in heaven. There is no confusion of tongues in the region of perfect tranquility. And knowledge will vanish away. Not that, in the perfect state above, holy and happy souls shall be unknowing, ignorant: it is a very poor happiness that can consist with utter ignorance. The apostle is

plainly speaking of miraculous gifts, and therefore of knowledge to be had out of the common way (see ch. 14:6 ), a knowledge of mysteries supernaturally communicated. Such knowledge was to vanish away. Some indeed understand it of common knowledge acquired by instruction, taught and learnt. This way of knowing is to vanish away, though the knowledge itself, once acquired, will not be lost. But it is plain that the apostle is here setting the grace of charity in opposition to supernatural gifts. And it is more valuable, because more durable; it shall last, when they shall be no more; it shall enter into heaven, where they will have no place, because they will be of no use, though, in a sense, even our common knowledge may be said to cease in heaven, by reason of the improvement that will then be made in it. The light of a candle is perfectly obscured by the sun shining in its strength.II. He hints that these gifts are adapted only to a state of imperfection: We know in part, and we prophesy in part. vs 9 Our best knowledge and our greatest abilities are at present like our condition, narrow and temporary. Even the knowledge they had by inspiration was but in part. How little a portion of God, and the unseen world, was heard even by apostles and inspired men! How much short do others come of them! But these gifts were

fitted to the present imperfect state of the church, valuable in themselves, but not to be compared with charity, because they were to vanish with the imperfections of the church, nay, and long before, whereas charity was to last for ever.III. He takes occasion

action challenge:

hence to show how much better it will be with the church hereafter than it can be here. Read the full length interview at

In the month of October make a conscience choice to pray for your enemies. Pray for them like you’re praying for those you love. Watch God move in their lives and rejoice when He does.

The Power of

Prayer! By Sharina George

Psalms 27:8

I will seek thy face!

Psalms 27:8 say’s, My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek. The psalmist David understood the power of God’s presence. In God’s presence we find ourselves experiencing quite a few things. 1. His Power The power of God gives us joy, strength and encouragement. In the times we live in, we need to experience God’s power on a daily basis. He is the source and when we plug in, it gives us a time to recharge. Sometimes our spiritual batteries are running very low and we need to re-energize. The only way to recharge is to plug into the source. We have to take some time to focus on God. This time is to thank Him for everything. Your requests are important and should be acknowledged, but be sure to take time in your day to thank God. 2. A Mirror When you go into the presence of the Lord in prayer, you will begin to see the areas in your life that are not the reflection of Christ. These things are not to condemn or discourage you, but they are revealed so you know they are there. When we see the spots on our clothes, we know to

target them when we wash them. We will change our clothes when we see they are dirty, and so it is in the presence of God. Jesus wants to help us to be like Him. He understands that this is a process and we won’t be perfect overnight but as long as we look in the mirror daily, we can continue to transform into the image of Christ. 3. Self-Denial In His presence we find that we not only need to have a YES in our spirit, we also need a NO. We have to reject those practices and ways that are not productive to the Kingdom. It’s not always about it being blatantly wrong. Sometimes it’s about the fact that it does not edify the Kingdom. Some things that we want to do are not what Christ would have us to do. We have to love those who persecute us. We don’t take revenge but we patiently wait on God to come to our aid. We don’t know that God is a healer but if God decides not to heal us today, we must wait patiently for Him. When our loved ones pass away there is a temptation to become anger and bitter, but we must be content with God’s decision. Self-denial is not easy, but through prayer we can endure anything.

Anointed Gates



Pastors’ Appreciation october 23 Pastor Clifford Burns Pastor Renee Bailey-Burns Jeremiah 3:15 “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.


Sunday 11:00am Guest Speaker Dinner will be served immediately following service.

Anointed Gates Church

800 E. 152nd St. Cleveland, Ohio (216) 249-5811

Chief Antonio Stitt

Founder/Ceo Shield & Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc.


s most of you already know, I am the Founder/Ceo of Shield Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc. I coach and mentor parents on how to improve parenting skills. I coach and mentor kids on behavior issues; and young men and women on ways to create a plan of success for their lives. In conversation with parents, I have often heard the concern of the parent not knowing where their child is, because they’ve run away. Then weeks or sometimes months later finding out that the child had been harbored at one of their friend’s house.

Here are a few questions and comments some of my clients/ parents had for parents that harbor missing kids in their home. 1. How would you feel, if you found out that your child had been hiding out at a friends house, but their parent never called you to see if you approved? 2. Have you ever thought about how much I worry about my child, and whether or not they are safe? 3. How can you think it’s okay for your son/daughter to have their girlfriend or boyfriend stay overnight UNSUPERVISED, AND WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF HIS OR HER PARENT? 4. What kind of parent allows their teenage sons girlfriend to not only spend the night, but sleep in the same bed? 5. My daughter is a runaway. When I watch the news, I am always afraid that I’m going to hear about my child being found hurt or dead. I wonder if these parents ever think about that, or do they even care.

These are just a few questions/comments parents have shared with me. They are frustrated and angry. I’m a law enforcement executive, and I don’t understand why our legal system does not take action to hold these parents that harbor missing kids accountable. I welcome your feedback and comments on this. chief@ Read the full length article at

Keri Berardinelli

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10 Characteristics Of

A True Prophet By Kimberly Fleming

There are certain qualities that are supposed to be seen in the life of a true prophet. One of the best ways to identify a true prophet would be to use the Word of the Lord. The Word of the Lord is a great tool in identifying the real from the fake, the truth from the false. Here are a few traits that can be used to help you in that process. 1) True prophets must receive his/ her gifts and callings from God. Ephesians 4:11. 2) A true prophet looks to edify, comfort, and exhort the body of Christ. 2 Corinthians 14:3-4 3) True prophets will never give their own private interpretation, they will only share what the Lord reveals. They prophecy when the Holy Spirit moves them. 2 Peter 1:20 4) A true prophet only prophecies in the name of the Lord and only seeks to Glorify Him. 2 Peter 1:21 5) True prophets will receive dreams and visions. Numbers 12:6 6) A true prophet will be accurate. Jeremiah 28:9 7) All true Prophets must be properly trained, experienced,

and mature in the Word of God. 1 Timothy 3:6; 1 Samuel 19:20 8) True prophets are worshippers. Judges 5:1-5; Daniel 2:19-23 9) True prophets must be humble. Philippians 2:3-4 10) All true prophets are intercessors, real spiritual watchmen who prays the heart and mind of God. Habakkuk 2:1; Romans 8:26-27 All prophets must observe the authority of God’s house and His laws. These are just a few traits that should be seen in the life of a true prophet. A true prophet should exhibit most, if not all of these characteristics. God will confirm the call of a prophet by the evidence of these traits, by His Word, as well as the affirming words of other prophets and ministers. Prophets you are God’s mouthpiece, you are to represent Him with integrity, grace, and love. Be blessed! Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming Prophetic School Of Ministry Facebook-Kimberly M. Fleming Twitter-@prophetesskim

OCTOBER 2016 Oct 13-15

Joyce Meyer Wolstein Center FREE Admission

In You? Oct 15 What’s Pastor Linette Graddic Cleveland Marriot

Oct 23 Pastors’ Appreciation

Pastor Clifford Burns Pastor Renee Bailey-Burns

Oct 25

Chris Tomlin: A Worship Night in America At a theater near you

Nov 16-18 AFT, City of Hope Ministries Fall Revival: 7PM Nightly 934 East 105th St. Cleveland, OH 44108 Elder Lee P. Christian Jr., Senior Pastor Ground Church Nov 18-19 Higher The Clarion Call

Email your upcoming event information to

For Vendors and Sponsorship Opportunities or to Register by phone call (216) 640-4921

934 east 105th st. Cleveland, oh 44108

new Identity! y a d n u S h t You

Are you conforming or transforming?

Romans 12:2


October 16, 2016 Morning Service

11:00AM Guest Speaker

Minister jordan

Panel Discussion

Guest Speaker:


Minister Stanley Jordan

AFT, City of hope ministries Elder Lee P. Christian, Jr. Senior Pastor

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