KESounds Spring Term 2018
Welcome to the fifth edition of KESounds. For such a short term, our musicians packed a great deal and enjoyed some experiences which will be with them for life. From singing in St Peter’s in Rome to Services in the City of London, Chapel Choir were on superb form. A visit from the Royal Logistics Core to put our brass through their paces was an exciting afternoon of music-making. Musician of the Year was disrupted by the inclement weather and the final was postponed and replaced by a snowball fight. Then there was West Side Story – a tour de force! Please do look through the ezine and enjoy the diverse events in picture.
Contents ABRSM Results
House Music
Bridewell Day
Brass Workshop with RLC
Worshipful Company of Horners
Chapel Choir in Rome
Sarah Walker Masterclass
Lunchtime Concert Farnham
West Side Story
IB Recitals
ABRSM Examination Results March Yet another fantastic set of results! Congratulations to all pupils and their teachers.
Grade 1 Distinction Thomas Clarke trumpet
Grade 3 Distinction Ben Charles voice
Grade 5 Pass Aidan Agar theory Warrick Agar saxophone Mapalo Bray theory Boris Lee clarinet
Grade 2 Merit Jake Tapley piano
Grade 4 Pass Ben Garrett voice Sam Hung drum kit James Li clarinet Emily Tapley piano Felix Wood saxophone
Merit Adam Smillie theory Robin Su theory Distinction Emily Tapley voice
Grade 7 Merit Shannon White saxophone
Grade 6 Merit Imogen Attwater violin Mandy Liang piano
Grade 8 Pass Sam Dyer clarinet
House Music
Bridewell Day
Brass Workshop with RLC
Worhsipful Company of Horners
Chapel Choir in Rome
Sarah Walker Masterclass
Lunchtime Concert Farnham
West Side Story
IB Recitals
Summer Term Calendar Friday 20th April 8.40am
Battle of the Bands launch– Music School
Saturday 21st April 10.30am
Upper 6th Service and Awards Ceremony
Thursday 26th April 4.15pm
Percussion Showcase - Recital Room
Friday 27th April all day
Prep Schools’ Choral Day - Chapel
Wednesday 2nd May 7pm
Oscar Warford Guitar Recital – Recital Room
Thursday 3rd May 6pm
Guild of Freemen Service - St Lawrence Jewry
Friday 4th May 2.30pm
Exeat Concert given by members of QMH –Dance Studio BH
Thursday 10th May 8.40am
Tuesday 22nd May 4.15pm
String Showcase – Music School
Thursday 7th June 4.30pm
Choir to sing Evensong at Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace
Friday 8th June 1pm
Lunchtime Concert – SS Peter & Paul Godalming
Friday 8th June 4.15pm
Vocal Showcase - Recital Room
Thursday 21st June
Musical Mid-Summer Madness - Departmental BBQ, sleep out and Madrigals at dawn
Saturday 16th June 10am
ABRSM Theory Charter Hall
25th June (week commencing)
ABRSM Practical Exams – Recital Room
25th June (week commencing)
GCSE 4th Form Concert
Saturday 30th June
9.30am Rehearsals for Proms in the Park
Eucharist for Ascension Day
Old Wits’ Service 7pm Proms in the Park Friday 6th July
Awards Ceremony