KESounds Summer Term 2018
Welcome to the fourth edition of KESounds. This has been an incredibly busy but rewarding term. From Proms in the Park in its new location, to our annual Choral Day which number over a hundred visitors, to Evensongs and numerous concerts. Please do look through the ezine and enjoy the diverse events in picture.
Contents ABRSM Results
Showcase Concerts
Choral Day
Chapel Choir in London
Choral Evensong at the Chapel Royal
Exeat Concert
Midsummer Madness
Proms in the Park
ABRSM Examination Results Grade 1 Pass Jude Holton flute
Grade 3 Pass Christopher Hooper oboe Merit Nicki Hung drum kit
Grade 5 Pass Alex Hunter piano Aidan Agar theory Merit Anna Gaszka theory
Grade 8 Merit Robin Su piano Distinction Jozef Gaszka organ
Grade 2 Pass Harvey King saxophone Azariah Pindelski oboe Merit Alexander Mansour drum kit Dominic Bench oboe Ben Garrett piano Junior Brown voice Harry Naylor bassoon
Grade 4 Pass Ben Sturgess voice Merit Catherine Cao piano Distinction
Grade 6 Merit Charlie Rudge voice Distinction India Steer piano
Showcase Concerts
Choral Day
Chapel Choir in London
Choral Evensong Chapel Royal
Exeat Concert
Midsummer Madness
Proms in the Park
Autumn Term Calendar Friday 21 September 16:15
Guitar Showcase Recital Room
Saturday 22 September 18:00
Choir to sing at Mass Westminster Cathedral
Friday 28 September 14:30
Exeat Concert Selborne Room
Wednesday 26 September 12:10
Knapton Music Scheme Launch 1st Form Music School
Friday 5 October 16:15
Piano Showcase Recital Room
Tuesday 9 October 09:00
RLC Brass Workshop Princess Royal Barracks
Sunday 14 October 12:30-14:00
KESPA BBQ Exhibition Hall
Thursday 18 October 09:00-16:00
KESW Orchestral Day Exhibition Hall
Friday 19 October 10:45
Admissions’ Day Service Chapel
Saturday 3 November
RSCM Music Examinations Recital Room
Tuesday 6 November 17:00-19:00
ABRSM Theory Examinations Selborne Room
Wednesday 7 November 19:30
Culture Club trip to Music for Youth Proms Royal Albert Hall
Friday 9 November 16:15
Brass Showcase Recital Room
Friday 9 November 19:00
Music Scholars’ and Music Prefects Concert Recital Room
Sunday 11 November 10:30
Remembrance Chapel
Friday 16 November 16:15
Wind Showcase Recital Room
Friday 23 November 14:30
Exeat Concert Selborne Room
Wednesday 28 November 14:00
Vocal Masterclass with Sarah Walker Recital Room
Friday 30 November 08:40
Sung Eucharist for St Andrew’s Day Chapel
Friday 30 November 11:15-13:05
Dress Rehearsal for School Concert Charter Hall
Friday 30 November 19:00
School Concert Charter Hall
Saturday 1 December 09:30-12:00
Workshop for those taking music exams this term Recital Room
Monday 3 December (week commencing)
ABRSM Practical Examinations Recital Room
Saturday 8 December 18:00
Lighting of Christmas tree and Carol Pirrie Hall Brook
Wednesday 12th December all day
Choir rehearsals for Carol Service Chapel
Thursday & Friday 13 & 14 December
Carol Services Chapel