VIth Form Information Booklet

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Introduction by the Head Master We hope that the experience and resources of the Sixth Form at King Edward’s will help you to achieve your best as a confident and caring young adult with a commitment to the wider community. You will be able to combine academic achievement with involvement in a wide range of sport and activities and the development of key skills such as effective communication and organisation. We also cherish the time and space available in the Sixth Form to allow you to read widely, challenge received thinking and experiment with fresh ideas. There is a considerable degree of subject choice on offer and a range of possible subject combinations. The A level modular structure should enable you to be well prepared for the style and approach of most degree courses with the focus on taking charge of your own learning. The results speak for themselves with 92% of grades attained at A or B. Over 50% of our students gained three A grades or more. There is a great deal of specialised advice available at the School to guide you through the complexities of university admissions and subsequent career choice. Almost all King Edward’s students go on to Higher Education, with over 97% achieving their first or second choice of course and 80% taking up places at the top 25 universities including 16 at Oxford and Cambridge last year. Sixth Form education at King Edward’s has, however, always embraced a great deal more than excellent facilities, high quality teaching in small groups and rigorous preparation for examinations. We value the opportunities for teamwork, leadership and taking responsibility available here. Through the extensive range of sporting, cultural and extra-curricular activities, we hope to stretch and challenge you and to offer you the chance to try something new whether it is through charitable activities such as Summer Camp or Goedgedacht Project in South Africa, biology field work in the rain forests of Indonesia, involvement in international sporting tours, the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, the Charlotte Exchange to the USA or expeditions to destinations as varied as Alaska, Bolivia, Morocco and Norway. Many of you will opt to take further some of the ideas sparked by these experiences and may want to pursue them through a GAP year. This booklet and the Sixth Form prospectus together provide an introduction to what is on offer at King Edward's after GCSE. I commend it to you.

The Two Routes for Sixth Form Studies You have a choice between two routes of study in the Sixth Form: a provisional choice is made at the outset of your Sixth Form career and confirmed in the Spring term of the Lower Sixth year. Route 1 - three full Advanced level subjects You choose four subjects to study to AS level in the Lower Sixth, then decide in the Spring term of the Lower Sixth year which three to continue to full Advanced level in the Upper Sixth. Later requests to amend these choices in the light of AS results will be considered but will be subject to practical considerations. If you follow this route, you will leave the Sixth Form with three full Advanced level qualifications and at least one AS level qualification.

Route 2 - four full Advanced level subjects You can opt to follow a potentially more demanding four-subject curriculum through to A2 level. All four subjects chosen at AS level in the Lower Sixth will be continued to full Advanced level in the Upper Sixth. If you follow this route, you will leave the Sixth Form with four full Advanced level qualifications. It is, however, possible to revert to a threesubject Upper Sixth curriculum at the time A2 choices are confirmed in the Spring term of the Lower Sixth year.

Open Forum and Foundation Studies In the Lower Sixth year every student will enter the Foundation Studies programme and attend a series of weekly sessions designed to equip students with key skills and to extend their education beyond the examined curriculum. For students opting for Route 1, Foundation Studies continues in the Upper Sixth year where it becomes a series of five short courses chosen from a wide ranging list. Full details of these will be made available in the Spring Term of the Lower Sixth year. In addition, all Upper Sixth students will attend Open Forum, a series of weekly presentations by staff and guest speakers, intended to interest, inspire and broaden the experience of all students. Further details about Foundation Studies and Open Forum can be found on the School website.

The Sixth Form Programme in Outline (periods per 2 week cycle) Lower Sixth

Upper Sixth Route 1

Upper Sixth Route 2

Private Study in the Sixth Form Your Lower Sixth timetable will be made up as follows: 11 class periods in each of your 4 AS subjects 4 periods of Games 1 period of Open Forum 2 periods of Foundation Studies 9 periods of Private Study Five of your Private Study periods will appear as blanks on your timetable, four of them have the subject name, your teaching set code and DS1 or DS2 instead of a teacher or room. DS stands for Directed Study. (Those taking Maths + AS Further Maths will have 12 class periods for that subject and only 8 Private Study periods). The aim of Private Study is to provide time for you in School to build on what you do in class in a relatively independent manner – by reading around your subjects, researching topics in depth or preparing written or other assignments. Of course it’s not expected that you will spend every minute of every such period working: you need to take time to have a break and have a coffee, read the paper or talk with friends. But you will be expected to manage your time sensibly and organise your independent work effectively. You will find the Sixth Form study area and the Library & Resources Centre are good places for this kind of study. It may be possible to use other areas, eg Art, DT, Music or IT facilities by arrangement with the appropriate staff. The difference between the blank Private Study periods and the subject-designated Directed Study periods is that your teachers will have specific expectations about what you will do with that time. They may set you particular pieces of work to be completed in those periods or expect you to have done some reading or research in them (or in their equivalent in terms of time). The key thing is that they – and you - will expect there to be an outcome, which might be a completed piece of work or evidence that you have increased your knowledge or skills. The teacher-guided nature of the Directed Study periods will help you manage the rest of your Private Study time independently and effectively. If you are uncertain about how best to manage your Private Study time, your tutor and subject teachers will be able to give you good advice.





You may study the subjects marked * whether or not you have taken them as GCSE courses. It may be helpful to talk to the head of department about such a choice. You will not normally be allowed to study three new subjects at Advanced Level; in many cases it may be advisable not to choose more than one subject [to follow to A2 level] which you have not previously studied at GCSE. Further Mathematics [A2] is only to be chosen as a fourth full Advanced level and must be combined with Mathematics [Mechanics]. By choosing it you are committing yourself to following Route 2 and taking four subjects in the Upper Sixth. However, AS Further Mathematics is available in combination with Mathematics [Mechanics] counting as a single timetabled subject. The availability of subjects is dependent on sufficient uptake, and the School reserves the right to make such amendments as necessary, in response to demand and in the light of practical considerations. We cannot guarantee that all subject combinations will be available.

Internal Candidates If you have successfully completed your GCSE courses of study in the Upper School here, we expect you to be able to make the transition to our Sixth Form. However, in making your choices for AS level, remember to choose subjects that you enjoy that you are good at that are in line with your intentions for higher education New subjects If you intend to take a new subject in the Sixth Form, you should have done well at GCSE level in an equivalent subject. Advice Talk to your subject teacher before committing yourself to a particular AS level, and talk to your tutor about your intended combination of Sixth Form courses.

External Candidates If you have successfully completed your GCSE courses of study at your present school, we expect you to be able to make the transition to our Sixth Form. However, in making your choices for AS level, remember to choose subjects that you enjoy that you are good at that are in line with your intentions for higher education New subjects If you intend to take a new subject in the Sixth Form, you should have done well at GCSE level in an equivalent subject. Offers of Sixth Form places will be made following interviews in March 2011. Your offer may be subject to your obtaining a specified grade in one or more subjects. Advice See the section Sources of Advice.

Sources of Advice Internal candidates for the Sixth Form should seek advice from their tutor, heads of department and subject teachers regarding intended choices and combinations. Other sources of advice are: Head of Upper School Director of VI Form Dir. Student Guidance Deputy Head Academic

Mr F Winter Mr PD Jones Ms RM Greenwood Mr RT Courtney

External candidates seeking advice from the School are invited to contact any of those named above or the Registrar, Mr RJ Putt. General queries about the Sixth Form curriculum should be addressed to Mr Courtney. 023 80704561

U6 Open Forum – Freddie Knoller

Subject Information

ART AND DESIGN The Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and A Level Art courses encourage a broad approach, which allows candidates to develop a sound grounding in a number of areas while still exploring the subject in depth. Although it is not a pre-requisite for students to have taken Art at GCSE level, it is expected that candidates will have developed sufficient understanding and skill for their programme of study to be rewarding and enjoyable. AS candidates take units 1 and 2. In addition A Level candidates take units 3,4 and 5. Both AS and A level candidates will have the opportunity to work in the following areas of study: Painting Printmaking

Drawing Mixed Media

Sculpture Graphics/Computer manipulation

AS LEVEL Coursework Portfolio: Candidates produce a portfolio of work from starting points, topics or themes determined by their centre. The focus is on including work that shows exploration, research, acquisition of techniques and skills. Controlled Assignment: Candidates select one starting point from an early release question paper. Candidates are to be given a minimum of three weeks at least in which to plan and prepare. Candidates are then given five hours of controlled time to work on developing their ideas to realisation(s)/outcome(s).

A2 LEVEL Personal Investigation: Candidates submit one major project that has a personal significance. The investigation includes a related personal study that must be between 1000 and 3000 words. Controlled Assignment: Candidates select one starting point from an early release question paper. Candidates are to be given a minimum of three weeks at least in which to plan and prepare. Candidates are then given fifteen hours of controlled time to realize their ideas into a final outcome or outcomes. The course is intended to meet the needs of candidates who are interested in continuing with Art and Design beyond A level and those who, while having an interest and aptitude for the subject, are not intending to take the subject further.

BIOLOGY Our students study Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology. This is an up-to-date course which deals with topics in ways that are easily seen as relevant to everyday life.

The course aims to: Use topical contexts which will motivate and excite students Be accessible, with use of clear language, yet intellectually demanding Emphasise application of knowledge rather that rote-learning Have activities and practical work integrated throughout course Make use of a full range of teaching and communication approaches Use student-centred and novel activities that show how biologists think and work in their professional lives. ICT is used to provide on-line resources for students, and interactive software is incorporated into the activities. Each student has access to web pages and interactive resources. The use of ICT allows you to work at your own pace and you can easily follow interests using the links and resources provided. Practical work is fully integrated into the units, with the use of living materials as a central focus of the activities. It includes practical study of a wide variety of living organisms, including humans and other animals, plants and micro-organisms. The approach mirrors the aims of the course, where investigation and process are emphasised rather than prescriptive methods. Other innovative activities ensure a wide variety of interactive learning styles, with problem solving, analysis and other higher skills being involved in the context of biological issues. The awarding body is Edexcel. There are three AS units; one is course work and the other two are assessed by examinations in June of the first year. One A2 unit is course work; a second unit is assessed by examination in January of the Upper Sixth and the third unit examination is taken in June. The course work required for AS is a report about a biological issue or visit and is completed during the spring term. The A2 course work is carried out during a week long residential course at the end of the Lower Sixth. We stay at a field centre in West Wales where each student can carry out an individual investigation. You will be expected to attend this field trip if you intend to study the A2 course, and there will be a cost for accommodation, meals and transport which is around ÂŁ350.

BUSINESS STUDIES Business Studies is a subject that is centred in the world around you: in the news, in the choices you face when shopping and when searching for, or working in, a job. The provision of this course should enable you to develop a critical understanding of the internal workings of a business, and of its role in the external environment. You will become aware of the effects of business behaviour from the perspective of a range of issues that affect a variety of organisations. The material studied would be useful for candidates intending to pursue careers in any area of business. The skills you require During the A Level course you will be introduced to a number of business theories and you will be expected to apply them to real world examples and case studies. You will acquire a range of skills including decision-making and problem solving in the light of evaluation and, where appropriate, the quantification and management of information. You will be expected to read around the subject matter, and to build up a portfolio of examples of current business behaviour. During the course you will be required to draw on a variety of disciplines, and to realise that they are interrelated. The mathematical and data handling aspects of the course require no more than a competent performance at GCSE mathematics. Course structure and content The course followed is the AQA Business Studies Specification (2131). The AS course is divided into two modules and is broadly based on small businesses and start-up planning with a local or national background. The A2 course is divided into two modules and builds on AS knowledge. The A2 course will consider larger businesses, with an international focus. Two teachers will deliver the course. Assessment AS Unit 1 Planning and Financing a Business: short answer questions and extended responses based on a mini case study. AS Unit 2 Managing a Business: compulsory, multi-part data response questions examining the topics of finance, people, operations management and marketing and competition. A2 Unit 3

Strategies for Success: questions requiring extended answers based on an unseen case study drawing upon knowledge from AS units. Topics covered in this unit are financial strategies and accounts, marketing and operations and human resource strategies.

A2 Unit 4

The Business Environment and Managing Change: two essay questions are required, one from a choice of two based on a pre-released research topic and one from a choice of three, drawing on knowledge from all four units. Topics covered in this unit are mission statements, aims and objectives, external influences and managing change.

CHEMISTRY Here at King Edward’s we will be teaching the new Edexcel A-level specification. In many ways this new specification retains the most stimulating parts of the old course and sensibly omits the parts that students often found tedious. It also allows students to study different aspects of chemistry that are often in the media and that affect their lives. The content of this new specification includes the fundamental key concepts of chemistry for progression into higher education and employment. However, it has been streamlined to allow students enough time to study the units in depth. This ensures that the student learning experience is enjoyable. Studying A-level Chemistry will be a very practical experience for students. The specification contains practical activities embedded within each unit, to reflect the nature of chemistry. This will increase the students’ enjoyment and understanding of the chemistry along with providing them with the required skills to study science at higher levels. The practical skills assessments at AS and A2 reflect the types of practicals that students would be familiar with as part of their teaching and learning. These are designed to be assessed alongside the teaching of the units and can be taken at any point in the AS or A2 course.

AS CHEMISTRY The AS course covers a number of themes including: Atomic structure and the periodic table Energetics Bonding The mole concept Organic Chemistry

Shapes of molecules and ions Intermolecular forces Redox Mass Spectra and IR Green Chemistry

External assessment will be based on two structured papers both worth 40% of AS. The other 20% will be internal assessment on students’ laboratory skills.

A2 CHEMISTRY The A2 course includes more challenging themes such as: Rates of reaction Entropy Equilibria Acid-base equilibria

Spectroscopy and chromatography Transition metals and complex ions Arenes Organic synthesis

External assessment will again be based on two structured papers both worth 40% of A2 and the internal assessment will be the other 20%. This specification is supported in many ways including: Student guides Website

Endorsed textbooks Interactive electronic learning aids

CLASSICAL CIVILISATION This is a wide and interesting Advanced Level, good for those who enjoy literature and would like to read some of the greatest ever produced which has had such an influence upon later writers, and good also for those with an interest in Ancient History. A wide range of material is read, all in translation. This is a flourishing subject and we have been greatly encouraged by the response it has received since its introduction. A considerable number of students have chosen to continue this subject at University. Several have been surprised to find that something so old can be so lively and so relevant to the study of humanity, which remains remarkably unchanged over a few thousand years! Classical Civilisation can be taken by anyone from scratch, since no knowledge of the classical languages or any previous study of the Classical World is necessary. The course offers you the opportunity to study the archaeology, architecture, art, history, literature, philosophy, politics, social history and religion of the Classical World. AQA Unit






Classical Civilisation 1


1 hr 30 min



Classical Civilisation 2


1 hr 30 min



Classical Civilisation 1


1 hr 30 min



Classical Civilisation 2


1 hr 30 min

Candidates choose one topic for each unit. Unit details: 1.

Athenian Democracy, The Life and Times of Cicero, Women in Athens and Rome, Menander and Plautus, Greek Architecture and Sculpture, Aristophanes and Athens


Homer (Iliad), Homer (Odyssey), Athenian Vase Painting, Athenian Imperialism, Roman Architecture and Town Planning, The Second Punic War


The Persian Wars 490-479 BC, Mycenaean Civilisation, Greek Tragedy, Augustus and the Foundation of the Principate


Tiberius and Claudius, Roman Epic, Alexander, Socrates and Athens

We like to broaden our students’ experience of the ancient world wherever possible, taking trips to plays and museums and using a wide range of other exciting multi-media material. There is the opportunity to attend the London Festival of Greek Drama, which happens every year in March, lectures organised by the Southampton branch of the Classical Association and Classical performances at Oxford or Cambridge.

CLASSICS The three Classical Advanced Levels that can be studied at the School are Latin, Classical Greek and Classical Civilisation. You can do all three of the subjects or just take any one or two of them, if you wish. All the subjects are highly regarded academic qualifications and you are by no means excluding yourself from the modern world by choosing to study the classical one! To study Latin and Classical Greek, you will need to have taken these subjects at GCSE. LATIN (OCR) Latin offers a variety of work, which some students find a relief from solely essay-based subjects. Essays are written, but less frequently than in some subjects, and students often like the more selfcontained assignments such as translations or preparation of the text. Such assignments train you in a variety of skills which are highly valued: they refine your linguistic ability, stimulate logical thought and sharpen your perceptions in response to the literature. Each text is translated and discussed in class, to develop an understanding of the language, style, background and historical context, as well as to test your own reactions to it as literature. Study of the text spans out into details of history, society and mythology, and it is far from the narrow study that some assume it to be. It has rightly been said that it is an excellent subject for those who are interested in everything! Each text studied has a useful commentary to help you, and you are encouraged to read more widely in translation around the text to broaden your experience of the Classical World. You will be surprised at how relevant it is to the world today. Do not imagine that universities or employers will be unimpressed by this Advanced Level. The real situation is quite the reverse.

CLASSICAL GREEK (OCR) Classical Greek is an extremely well regarded qualification. Few schools are now able to offer the subject at this level, and this will probably be your only opportunity to do it. It is often a shame if those who have made such efforts to gain mastery of the language at GCSE do not continue with it into the Sixth Form, where there is the chance to read magnificent literature, a final reward for all the grammatical pains! If you like being stretched and made to think, it is one of the best subjects to do. Assessment Unit






Unseen Translation


1 hr 30 min





1 hr 30 min





1 hr 30 min





1 hr 30 min

Both the Latin and Classical Greek courses offer you an interesting and challenging way to develop your language skills and your appreciation of the literature of the Classical World, acquiring in the process some understanding of the culture, politics and social life of Rome and/or Greece at significant periods in their history. If you choose to study Latin and/or Classical Greek at Advanced Level you will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of our own civilisation and heritage, and the skills acquired – communication, working with others, problem-solving and improving learning and performance – will be of great benefit, whatever career you may follow.

COMPUTING What’s the difference between Computing and ICT? COMPUTING is aimed at understanding how computers work is about how networks and the Internet work is about writing computer programs is regarded as highly as Maths or English by universities

ICT is aimed at business is about advanced use of applications e.g. MS Office is about understanding business systems

AQA Computing Advanced level Prepares students who wish to go on to higher education courses or employment where a knowledge of Computing would be beneficial Allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the fundamental principles of the subject Requires no prior knowledge of Computing or ICT. AS COMPUTING Unit 1

Unit 2

Stages of problem solving State transition diagrams and tables Introducing algorithms Programming in a high level language Number bases and information coding Development of a software system. 2 hour on-screen examination 60% of AS

Logic gates and boolean algebra The internal components of a computer Hardware devices The fundamentals of computer systems The internet and networking 1 hour written examination 40% of AS


Unit 4

Problem solving and algorithms Algorithms and data structures Programming paradigms and object oriented programming techniques The role of an operating system Database design 2 hour 30 minute exam 60% of A2

Evaluate the possible need for development of a computer-based solution to a real problem Document a design Document the analysis, design, construction, testing, training and maintenance of a programmed solution. Project report 40% of A2

DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY The AS and A2 courses in Design and Technology will offer any student the chance to develop a wider range of both academic and practical problem solving skills along with project management. Design Technology is recognised as providing an opportunity to broaden all academic and personal skills, however, an Advanced level qualification in the subject is considered a distinct advantage when applying for design, engineering, or architecture related courses. The course aims to develop and stimulate creativity, and innovation in all areas of design and technology. Students will be expected to exercise initiative, imagination and resourcefulness in both design and manufacture. Both the full A Level and AS courses will be available to all pupils who have studied a GCSE in Design and Technology, regardless of the individual specialism (Resistant Materials, Textiles, Graphic Products or any other course available). Students who have not studied the subject at GCSE are not excluded, however they are subject to interview with the Head of Design and Technology Department.

COURSE OUTLINE The A Level has a total of four assessed units, two in each year.

AS LEVEL This examination consists of two units: Unit 1:

2 hr Written paper worth 50% of the total AS marks. Materials and Components and Application

Unit 2:

(Nominally 50 hrs) Coursework worth 50% of the total AS marks. A manufactured project with associated written or electronic portfolio.

A2 LEVEL This may only be attempted if the AS level has been passed, the AS then counting for up to 50% of the final mark. This examination again consists of two units: Unit 3:

2 hr Written paper worth 25% of the total marks. The paper will contain six questions; candidates will be required to answer three. These will cover all aspects of the course.

Unit 4:

(Nominally 60 hrs) Coursework worth 25% of the total marks. A single integrated coursework project using any material or combination of materials.

DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES Drama and Theatre Studies at AS and A level offers you the opportunity to study a course which is vibrant, creative, challenging and stimulating. It also allows you to develop and hone important life skills such as negotiation, cooperation and time management and to improve your abilities in public speaking, presenting information in varied and engaging ways and commanding the attention of an audience. The skills you require: During both years of the course you will undertake practical performance work, you will need to undertake substantial individual research and you will learn to analyse contemporary productions from the perspectives of actor, director and designer. In the A2 year you will devise and perform your own unique piece of theatre. You will acquire production skills such as lighting, set and costume and make up design and you will become familiar with a variety of theatrical styles and practitioners. We prefer you to have a good grade at GCSE Drama to take this course but we do not insist on it. More important is that you have an open and enquiring mind, a good sense of humour and that you are prepared to have a go at any challenge we throw at you! Course structure and content: AS LEVEL Unit 1 Live Theatre Productions Seen and Prescribed Play Written Paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 60% of total A/S marks, 30% of A level marks Section A – response to live theatre seen during the course Section B – interpretation of one set play from a performance perspective Unit 2 Presentation of an Extract from a Play Performance coursework, externally moderated 40% of total A/S marks, 20% of total A level marks Working in groups to develop and present an extract from a published play chosen by the candidates. Study of an influential director, designer, theatre company or other practitioner, linked to the candidates’ practical work. A2 LEVEL Unit 3 Further Prescribed Plays including Pre-Twentieth Century Written Paper, 2 hours 30% of total A level marks Section A – choice of one pre-20th century play and one 20th century or contemporary play, both to be studied from a performance perspective. Section B – Synoptic. An essay describing the complete stage realisation of an extract from a specified play. Unit 4 Presentation of Devised Drama Performance Coursework, externally moderated 20% of total A level marks Working in groups to develop and present a devised drama, performed in the theatrical style of their choice. Research into a theatrical style chosen by the group for their practical work. Please note that the department will organise a variety of theatre trips throughout the course, some of which will be compulsory to meet the requirements of the Unit 1 examination, and to which the students will be asked to make a financial contribution. It is also our expectation that Theatre Studies students will visit the theatre as often as they can in their spare time and will be prepared to read widely around the subject.

ECONOMICS Economics is one of the social sciences: a group of subjects that study various aspects of human behaviour. It concentrates on how we behave when faced with the problem that the world has too few resources to produce enough goods and services to satisfy all the wants of all of its people. Given this economic problem, choices have to be made about what, how and for whom to produce goods and services. Economists study how people make these choices and the consequences of their decisions. The skills you require During the Advanced Level course you will encounter the underlying theories of Economics and be expected to apply them to various real world situations. In addition to acquiring a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, you also need to develop your powers of logical analysis and evaluation. To be successful, you will have to read widely and keep abreast of current affairs. The statistical and data handling aspects of the work require no more than a competent performance at GCSE Mathematics. Course structure and content The course followed is the AQA Economics Specification (2141). It consists of four modules that focus mainly on the UK economy and its recent performance. Two modules will be studied in each year. You will have two teachers; one for microeconomics (the study of the behaviour of individual components of the economy) and one for macroeconomics (the behaviour of the whole economy). AS LEVEL (Lower Sixth Year: 2 modules) Module 1: Markets and Market Failure Module 2: The National Economy AS LEVEL (Upper Sixth Year: 2 modules) Module 3: Business Economics and the Distribution of Income Module 4: The National and International Economy (This module covers some of the more advanced aspects of macroeconomics.) Assessment AS Level – Modules 1 and 2 contain multiple-choice and data response questions. A2 Level – Modules 3 and 4 contain data response and essay questions and are synoptic. Economics is suitable preparation for many degree courses and careers, especially those related to the worlds of finance and business. Economics is a contemporary, thought-provoking and evolving subject. It is always in the news, unearthing new problems and proposing new remedies. The challenge of learning about something that exerts a significant influence over your behaviour and life should be given serious consideration.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE What is it? English Language as an A level has a wide appeal as an analytical arts subject and has been cited by NATE as ‘the most practical, empowering and vocationally relevant of the three strands’ (English Literature, Language, and Language and Literature) What will you study? The course covers all aspects of spoken and written language: language of regions, professions, language change across the ages and social and geographical boundaries; in everyday and formal use. You will become more aware of how issues of gender, power, representation, social attitudes and values are reflected in our language. You will become more observant of subtleties of meaning and effect and you will learn how we begin to use language from infancy. There is a strong emphasis on grammar, text analysis, and spoken contexts. What skills will you gain? The course allows for a range of essential skills for further education and employment. According to NATE: ‘Students deal with the concepts of audience and purpose in every module. By exploring each stage of the writing process—from inception through production, drafting and editing to publication—they are encouraged to become autonomous writers.’ By observing language in many forms of use, students integrate language with philosophies of thought, social interaction, and how purpose and audience shape communication.

The course includes: Study of electronic, spoken, written modes Linguistic analysis Child Language Acquisition Interactive communication Language Change and Variety Issues and Debates of Language use Independent research Theories and research into language features Representation through language of groups, cultures, issues

Studying English Language at AS/A2 is an excellent preparation for Higher Education courses in Linguistics, English Literature, Modern Foreign Languages and as well as Humanities and Social Science Subjects. It provides an excellent foundation for careers in Journalism, the Media, Law, Politics, and Civil Services. Critical awareness of language not only helps you understand how you express yourself, but also how others use language and for what purpose.

ENGLISH LITERATURE Why Study Literature? Arnold Wesker described words as ‘a bridge to another land’. Literature is about using words in a special way to communicate ideas and feelings. In Literature classes you will be discussing these ideas and feelings in an open and mature manner and in so doing you begin to understand not only about the text, but about yourself. Literature is also a serious academic subject that appeals to universities. How is it different from GCSE? At A Level you have the time to really explore texts instead of racing through them as is necessary at GCSE. You are also with other like-minded students, people who have chosen to do the subject because they enjoy it, which makes the level of debate more intense. What do I need to study Literature? You need to have an interest in words, an enquiring mind, and be prepared to share your thoughts with others in the class. An enjoyment of reading is obviously going to be an advantage. Didn’t the course change recently? Yes, there are now two modules at AS Level, instead of six, but you will get to study more texts. In a typical AS year, you might therefore study the following: Unit 1 (Exam) Aspects of Narrative

Unit 2 (Coursework) Tragedy

The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini) Dubliners (James Joyce) The Ancient Mariner (Coleridge) Auden - Selected Poems

King Lear (Shakespeare) A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)

We have found that the changes have made for a better course. Students now cover a wider range of literature, including more modern texts. There is also more emphasis on Modern Literary Criticism. At AS Level this means a study of Narratology, how a narrative is put together. This puts students in a stronger position if they go on to study the subject at university. What happens in class? The emphasis is on variety. As well as discussion, you may be asked to give a presentation on the role of women in Elizabethan England, act out a scene from Hedda Gabler or to discuss religious extremism in Afghanistan whilst studying The Kite Runner. Will we get to meet writers and academics? All Literature students are welcome to come along to English Society events, and last year we had a variety of visiting speakers ranging from poets to university professors. Literature and Language students also vote for the Society president.

FRENCH When asked why they want to specialise in French, the great majority of our students stress the desire to become really fluent, and this is very much the emphasis of the AS and A2 courses, with the oral units counting for 40% of the examination and with all listening comprehension material being drawn from authentic French sources. Coming fresh from GCSE, you may find the classroom emphasis on spoken French quite daunting, but if so, take heart: in addition to regular lessons in the multi-media rooms, you will also have a 25 minute lesson with the French assistant every week which is a great confidence builder. On top of your classroom work, you will be expected to put in about five hours per week on preparation work, grammatical exercises, essays and concentrated learning of vocabulary and structures, all of which will enable your linguistic skills to develop. The course we follow is based on themes related to France today, and we study articles, news bulletins, audio recordings and interviews in order to develop a broad range of comprehension skills. A Moodle course, French television and video, and the Internet all support our course textbook, along with articles researched by you and by your class teachers. To support your work, and to help improve your fluency, we offer a French exchange with a LycĂŠe in Angers during the Lower and Upper Sixth Years. In addition, there will be opportunities to attend French Language courses in London and to take part in a number of initiatives here at School, such as AS Workshops and Sixth Form Advanced classes. The AS course is a stimulating yet manageable option and it is true to say that an AS qualification in French is well regarded by both Universities and employers alike. As one would expect, the A2 course becomes more challenging with a greater emphasis on written style, tone and accuracy than at AS. Literary texts and French Films are studied in preparation for the final examination units. Both the AS and A2 courses are wonderfully rewarding and challenging. They are an excellent way to prepare for further study of French at University or as an accompaniment to other choices elsewhere in the curriculum.

GEOGRAPHY The study of Geography in the Sixth Form can be taken in combination with either Arts or Science subjects and it is not necessary for students to have studied the subject to IGCSE level, although such study does convey certain obvious advantages. The Advanced Level specification involves preparation for four separate papers, which may be described as Physical and Human Geography. The whole approach is based on natural and manmade systems and requires students to be able to tackle problems in a logical and well-organised manner. AS LEVEL The question papers for the ‘Managing Physical Environments’ and ‘Managing Change in Human Environments’ have a common format being based around a mixture of structured data-response questions and those that require more extended writing. Unit 1 (F761) Managing Physical Environment This unit involves the study of two or more key elements. River environments or Coastal environments. Cold environments or Hot arid and semi-arid environments. (Three units are studied) Unit 2 (F762) Managing Change in Human Environments This unit involves the study of two or more key elements. Managing urban change or Managing rural change. The energy issue or The growth of tourism. (Three units are studied) A2 LEVEL These units will be assessed by means of structured questions and essays. This will give students the opportunity to demonstrate an ability to develop sustained and well supported arguments. Unit 3 (F763) Global Issues A minimum of four topics will be studies in this Unit. In Section A ‘Environmental Issues’ the topics include ‘Earth Hazards’; ‘Ecosystems and Environments under threat’; ‘Climatic hazards’. (Two topics) In Section B ‘Economic’ Issues the topics include ‘Population and resources’; ‘Globalisation’ and ‘Development and inequalities’. (Two topics) Unit 4 (F764) Geographical Skills Formulating hypotheses; planning and data collection; presenting data; analysis and interpretation. There is no formal coursework.

GERMAN The German Advanced Level course at King Edward’s is aimed at keen, successful GCSE students who wish to develop their existing knowledge of the language to a high degree of fluency and explore a wide variety of aspects of the modern culture of German-speaking countries. We follow the WJEC Advanced Level specification with its strong emphasis on fluency and oral competence and use many authentic materials on topic areas that are chosen to be relevant to young people in a social, vocational, educational, literary or political context. Students receive tuition from two teachers each teaching five or six periods per fortnight in the Lower Sixth. This includes two periods in a media centre with full access to audio, video and IT facilities on the School’s network and the internet. In addition, students have one period per fortnight of Directed Study in which they are expected to undertake independent research, and a weekly lesson is arranged with a language assistant to enhance oral competence. These arrangements allow for thorough coverage of all skill areas and flexibility in meeting the varied needs of the individual student. The Lower Sixth programme of study prepares students for the two AS Units 1 and 2, which assess the skills of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing (as at GCSE) and build on GCSE Areas of Experience. This is therefore a realistic course for those who have performed well at GCSE, gaining an A or A* grade. The more complex grammatical structures required for this Lower Sixth Year are supplied in an intensive structured programme especially designed to bridge the gap between the less rigorous nature of GCSE and the demand for independence expected of the more mature student. The successful Advanced Level student will make full use of our excellent facilities and resources and will embrace all opportunities available in School: borrowing tapes, videos, DVDs, library stock, taking part in an exchange programme or a study trip to Berlin and perhaps making a contribution to the running of the German Magazine Club. Independence and commitment outside the classroom are a great help. The German Advanced Level course is recommended for a variety of students: not only those who wish to make languages the focus of a Higher Education Course either purely in languages or in combination with business, law, finance or management-related studies for a future career, but also for those looking to complement, broaden or balance a more mathematically or scientifically based Advanced Level programme. For interested students this is a rewarding and stimulating Advanced Level choice.

HISTORY The Department will follow the OCR specification which will consist of the following: AS LEVEL Candidates will take two papers. The first paper will be a 1 hour 30 minute document exercise on a named topic. Candidates will study a topic from British, European or American History. The second paper will be a 1 hour 30 minute paper. Candidates will answer two essay questions on British or European or American history.

A2 LEVEL Candidates will take two units. The first will be an in-depth coursework study. Candidates will produce two 2000 word essays based on interpretations in passages and an individual investigation. This will be internally assessed. The second will be centred on a theme from British, European or American history. Candidates will be required to answer two essay questions in two hours.

There are at least four sets in each of the Sixth Form years; each of the sets studies British, European and American topics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Some sets will also have the opportunity to study some medieval and early modern history. The topics you study will depend upon the expertise of your teachers.

British History topics include the Norman Conquest, Rebellions under the Tudors, the causes of the English Civil War and the careers of Peel, Gladstone and Disraeli.

Foreign History topics include Warfare from 1792-1918, The Crusades, Italian Unification, the American Civil War and Civil Rights in the USA.

Outside the confines of the AS and A2 syllabus, the Department offers regular and structured preparation for Oxbridge entry. There is also a highly successful, pupil-directed, Senior History Society which meets every fortnight to hear presentations given by members of the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth.

From October 2011 it is hoped to introduce an annual Upper Sixth trip the USA or Eastern Europe, allowing pupils to see at first hand the important sites of either the American Civil Rights movement or the Holocaust.

MATHEMATICS There are four types of Mathematics courses on offer at the School: a one year Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level course a two year Advanced (A) level course, comprised of the first year AS and second year A2 stages a two year course comprising Advanced (A) level Mathematics plus Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level Further Mathematics a two year, two A level course in Mathematics and Further Mathematics. What will be learnt on these Mathematics courses? Mathematics at AS and A level is a subject worth studying in its own right. It is challenging but interesting. It builds on work you will have met at GCSE, but also involves some new ideas. It serves as a very useful support for many other qualifications as well as being a sought-after qualification for the workplace and courses in Higher Education. Students wishing to study science -based subjects at prestigious universities should strongly consider taking Further Mathematics. While studying Mathematics you will be expected to: • use mathematical skills and knowledge to solve problems • solve quite complicated problems by using mathematical arguments and logic. You will also

have to understand and demonstrate what is meant by ‘proof’ in mathematics • simplify real-life situations so that you can use mathematics to show what is happening and

what might happen in different circumstances • use the mathematics that you learn to solve problems that are given to you in a real-life context • use calculator technology (some students purchase graphics calculators through the School),

besides other resources, effectively, accurately and appropriately. Mathematics at AS and A level is divided into three branches: Core and Pure Mathematics (Units C1, C2, C3, C4, FP1, FP2, FP3) Pure Mathematics includes such topics as algebra, trigonometry and calculus. Although many of the ideas you will meet in pure mathematics are interesting in their own right, they also serve as an important foundation for other branches of mathematics, especially mechanics and statistics. Mechanics (Units M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) Mechanics involves learning how to model, mathematically, the motion of objects and how they respond to forces acting upon them, from cars moving in the street to ladders resting against walls to colliding snooker balls. Statistics (Units S1, S2, S3) When you study statistics you will learn how to analyse and summarise numerical data in order to arrive at a conclusion. You will extend the range of probability problems that you began at GCSE by using the new mathematical techniques studied in the pure mathematics units. Generally: If you take Mathematics alongside Arts subjects or Biology in the Sixth Form then you will be encouraged to study the Statistics, S, units alongside the pure mathematics units. If you take Mathematics alongside Physics then you will be encouraged to study the Mechanics, M, units alongside the pure mathematics units. Further Mathematics If you are considering a course involving AS or A2 Further Mathematics you must not only be very able in Mathematics, preferably having studied Additional Mathematics, or a similar course, but also have a great commitment and enjoyment of the subject.

MUSIC AS and A2 Music offers an enjoyable and logical extension of the elements of Music studied for GCSE; we follow the specification offered by OCR. The details of the course are shown below: AS LEVEL Unit 1


A solo recital (5 – 8 minutes) together with a choice of a further recital on a second instrument, playing in an ensemble or performing an own composition. This is played to a visiting examiner.

Unit 2


Exercises in melody and harmony and an original composition or arrangement. This is coursework.

Unit 3 Historical Study

This includes aural work, studying set works from 18th and 19th Century Orchestral repertoire and from 20th Century Jazz repertoire. This is assessed in a two-hour written examination.

A2 LEVEL Unit 4 Performing

A further recital (12 – 15 minutes) and the investigation of performances styles and techniques.

Unit 5 Composing

Further original composition work and exercises of music written in the styles of earlier composers, as set down by the Awarding Body.

Unit 6 Historical & Analytical Studies

In a 2 hour and 30 minute examination, candidates will answer aural and essay questions on various topics which are studied during the course.

It will be seen that the three elements from GCSE are maintained, and that the Performing and Composing elements are studied and assessed as coursework. Only the Historical Topics papers are assessed as a written examination. The course will be exciting and challenging, allowing candidates to work to their strengths. It should also be noted that A Level Music is recognised in Higher Education as one of the traditional academic subjects.

MUSIC TECHNOLOGY Music Technology offers the chance to study music production in the context of both MIDI sequencing and Studio Recording. Both AS and A2 are entirely externally assessed, through indepth coursework projects and examinations. The specification followed is that offered by Edexcel. AS LEVEL Unit 1

Coursework Portfolio 1


Candidates will use Cubase to generate a MIDI Sequence and Arrangement in the computer lab, and an 8-16 track audio recording in the digital Recording Studio.

Unit 2

Listening and Analysing


This unit is presented as a 2 hour examination. Each candidate will receive a CD containing 10 excerpts of popular music or jazz and are required to answer short, longer and essay questions on musical, technical and stylistic features of the music.

Unit 3

Coursework Portfolio 2


Students are required to produce a MIDI backing track of a popular or jazz song with audio overdubs. They are also required to produce a 16-24 track professional cover version of an alternate piece in the studio. There will also be a 3-minute composition to a brief set by the exam board.

Unit 4

Music Production examination


A 2 hour examination where each candidate is presented with a CD-Rom containing pre-recorded sound files. Students are required to generate a full mix of the files and analyse the data and answer short and longer questions.


Music Technology A level can be taken in conjunction with Music A level. What is learned in Music Technology can be used to great effect in the Music A level course, and vice versa.

PHILOSOPHY What is Philosophy? Our choice of A level subject should be determined by either the subject content or the skills that study of the subject conveys. We know that knowledge very rapidly grows out of date as the corpus of human understanding advances. Skills, however, remain of lasting value. It is the utility of Philosophy that marks it out from other academic disciplines. Here you will learn to master an argument, to defend a case and to think logically and rigorously without making assumptions. It is such transferable skills that will form the basis of both your dealings with others and your approach to all academic study. Philosophy gives you the opportunity to enter into dialogue, to challenge beliefs and to hold convictions that do not rest on false beliefs. Who should choose Philosophy? Philosophy can be sensibly mixed with any combination of subjects; about 50% of undergraduates study Philosophy with another subject as a joint honours degree. There is no area of human activity that is peculiar to Philosophy. Philosophy is concerned with asking questions at a deeper level than that asked by other disciplines. In this way it is possible to study the Philosophy of Science, the Philosophy of History and now even the Philosophy of Film. Job prospects? For many philosophy is studied because it has the potential to be the provider of key skills useful in the workplace and university. Those who have studied philosophy should have developed high levels of logical ability and verbal fluency; they should have the ability to analyse problems, identify solutions and to discuss and argue with clarity. All of this makes them particularly attractive to employers in law, journalism and information technology. The demands placed on philosophers to listen and think also makes them good at jobs in which they have to deal with people such as medicine, counselling, the forces and the police. AS LEVEL In 2008 AQA introduced a new Philosophy syllabus. The syllabus has the objectives of developing a range of transferable skills which can be applied far beyond the study of Philosophy, of integrating philosophical themes and texts so that philosophical problems can be studies alongside the writings of the most influential thinkers and provide candidates with a broad introduction to philosophy. Unit 1 - An Introduction to Philosophy 1 Written Paper: 1 hour 30 Minutes (90 marks) This will include an introduction to Philosophical reasoning plus one theme from the following: Why should I be Governed? / Why should I be Moral? / The idea of persons Written Paper: 1 Hour 30 Minutes (90 marks) Unit 2: An Introduction to Philosophy 2 One theme will be selected from the following: Knowledge of the External World / Tolerance / The Value of Art / God and The World / The Debate over Free Will and Determinism

A2 LEVEL A2 allows further specialisation and an in-depth study of one or more text and two themes. Unit 3: Themes in Philosophy Written Paper: 2 hours (100 marks) Two themes from the following will be studied: Philosophy of Mind / Political Philosophy / Epistemology and Metaphysics / Moral Philosophy / Philosophy of Religion Unit 4: Philosophical Problems Written Paper: 1 hour 30 Minutes (60 Marks) Here areas of the themes will be studied through a philosophical text selected from one of the following thinkers: Hume / Plato / Descartes / Nietzsche

PHOTOGRAPHY The Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and A Level Art courses encourage a broad approach, which allows candidates to develop a sound grounding in a number of areas while still exploring the subject in depth. Although it is not a pre-requisite for students to have taken Art at GCSE level, it is expected that candidates will have developed sufficient understanding and skill for their programme of study to be rewarding and enjoyable. AS candidates take units 1 and 2. In addition A Level candidates take units 3,4 and 5. AS LEVEL Coursework Portfolio: Candidates produce a portfolio of work from starting points, topics or themes determined by their centre. The focus is on including work that shows exploration, research, acquisition of techniques and skills Controlled Assignment: Candidates select one starting point from an early release question paper. Candidates are to be given a minimum of three weeks at least in which to plan and prepare. Candidates are then given five hours of controlled time to work on developing their ideas to realisation(s)/outcome(s).

A2 LEVEL Personal Investigation: Candidates submit one major project that has a personal significance. The investigation includes a related personal study that must be between 1000 and 3000 words. Controlled Assignment: Candidates select one starting point from an early release question paper. Candidates are to be given a minimum of three weeks at least in which to plan and prepare. Candidates are then given fifteen hours of controlled time to realize their ideas into a final outcome or outcomes. The course is intended to meet the needs of candidates who are interested in continuing with Art and Design beyond A level and those who, while having an interest and aptitude for the subject, are not intending to take the subject further.

PHYSICS Students at King Edward’s follow the Advancing Physics specification revised in 2008. As we have been following Advancing Physics for the past decade the change is fairly minor – the new course has fewer coursework elements and has changed the examination schemes whilst retaining the interest and individuality of the original course. All the Physics teachers at KES have had experience of teaching Advancing Physics and many of them have been involved in course development, examining or marking for the course. The Physics Department feels that the changes made improve the experience and education of the students. The structure of the course is as shown here: AS Units



1. QP - range of structural questions, including extended writing



2. QP -range of questions, including extended writing, one section based on pre-release material. 3. Completion of tasks: Quality of Measurement and Physics in Use.





1h 15m






A2 Units 4. QP – range of structured questions, including extended writing 5. QP – range of questions, including extended writing, one section based on pre-release material 6. Completion of a Practical Investigation and a Research Briefing.

You can see that each year has two question papers and one coursework component.

This is what the units cover: AS LEVEL Unit 1: Physics in Action. This looks at imaging techniques, some basic properties of materials, and electrical circuits linked to sensors. This gives a broad introduction to many areas of the subject. Unit 2: Understanding Processes. This unit considers the models of light, some properties of electrons and basic dynamics. This is a more conceptual unit and provides an excellent foundation for A2 work. Unit 3: This coursework element gives students the opportunity to build and test sensors and give a presentation to their colleagues about a material of their choosing.

A2 LEVEL Unit 4: Rise and Fall of the Clockwork Universe: This considers Newtonian Gravity, Thermodynamics, Cosmology, and the mathematical modelling of exponential decay and simple harmonic motion. Unit 5: Field and Particle Pictures: This unit looks at magnetic and electrical fields, radioactivity and models of the atom. Unit 6: This coursework element gives students the opportunity to engage in a two-week practical project and also prepare a research paper on the subject of their choosing to be given to their colleagues.

PSYCHOLOGY Course Content and Aims Psychology is the study of behaviour. It addresses question such as: What makes us remember? How do we learn? Following brain damage how well can a person perform? Is a baby a ‘blank slate’ upon which life experience writes? How can depression be treated? Why do people obey? What causes stress? What is anorexia? AS LEVEL OUTLINE Unit 1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Research Methods Cognitive psychology, including memory and eyewitness testimony - Developmental psychology, including early social development, attachment and the effects of day care - Research methods, in the context of the topic areas. Unit 2: Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences Biological psychology, including stress, factors affecting stress, coping with stress and managing stress - Social psychology, including majority and minority influence, obedience and independent behaviour - Individual differences, including definitions of abnormality, approaches and therapies. A2 LEVEL OUTLINE At A2, the specification offers a range of topic-based options which bring together explanations from different psychological approaches and engage students in issues and debates in Psychology. Unit 3: Topics in Psychology – three from: Biological rhythms and sleep, Perception, Relationships, Aggression, Eating behaviour, Gender, Intelligence and learning, Cognition and development. Unit 4: Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research Methods Biological approach, behaviourism, social learning theory, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic approaches - Comparison of approaches - Debates in psychology - Methods in psychology, inferential statistics, issues in research

Skills and Interests Required An interest in ‘people’ is essential to the study of Psychology. The subject allows students to gain an understanding of both the physiological and the psychological aspects of our make-up and investigates both the brain functions and the social stimuli involved in behaviour. Lessons are both experiential and discursive but have a sound theoretical base. Students are expected to be proficient in essay construction and willing to contribute to class discussion. Focus is placed upon analysis, evaluation, interpretation, ethical issues and critical appreciation of psychological methodologies. A strong performance at GCSE in English, Science and a humanity is highly recommended, as much of the work is essay based. Progression: Psychology provides opportunities for those looking to progress to degree level in a number of fields, and can be studied as Experimental Psychology at Oxford, and as part of the Social and Political Sciences tripos at Cambridge. As Psychology is a social science it has uses across many fields and is widely used in the workplace. It allows a development of core skills, building arguments, reading and understanding the work of others. All these skills are applicable in employment and at University across courses. Psychology is a particularly useful subject for those wishing to go into clinical work like health and social care services, medicine, research, teaching and human resources. It is essential for Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology and Counselling–related fields. Other specialist fields include Sports and Criminal Psychology.

SPANISH What does the course involve? The course content during the first term of the Lower Sixth Year in Spanish builds on the foundations laid at GCSE. Familiar topics form the basis of the first parts of the language course. While there is much familiar material here, a lot of new vocabulary is added. You should aim to begin the course with a firm knowledge of the major verb tenses and forms for both regular and irregular verbs, and you should revise these thoroughly if necessary before beginning the course. The tenses of which knowledge will be assumed are the present, imperfect, preterite, perfect and future. A working knowledge of the bulk of GCSE vocabulary will also be assumed. As the language course progresses, more advanced structures are introduced, and these require a sound knowledge of the more basic structures if they are to be effectively added to your linguistic armoury. All the more reason, therefore, for making sure of the basics. By the end of the first term, you should find yourself beginning to cope successfully with understanding and communicating in genuinely Advanced Spanish. By the end of the Lower Sixth Year, you will have covered sufficient topics and language to enable success at AS-level. By the end of the two-year course to A Level, our best students achieve near-native fluency in a wide variety of topics and situations. Work will be done mainly in Spanish. Your teacher will speak to you in Spanish for the great majority of the time and you will be expected to conduct yourself, even for the most routine issues, in Spanish.

How much work is involved outside lessons? In addition to your normal timetabled classes, you will have 25 minutes each week with the Spanish Assistant. This will be used for conversation. You will be expected to have prepared for these classes in advance by preparing a topic for development. You will be expected to undertake about six hours of private study per week in Spanish. A lot of the language work is based upon the reading of different sorts of texts and listening to recorded material. It is a waste of class time to spend it simply reading or listening. Your teachers will tell you which texts (or recordings) you need to prepare for which lessons, and it is absolutely essential that you gain a basic understanding of relevant materials before you get to the class in which they will be worked on. If you don't, you will simply be wasting your time in the lessons, will not make the progress which the lessons are designed to achieve, and will find it very difficult to catch up. So one of the vital things to do is to come properly prepared to each lesson. All you do will improve your ability to communicate in speech and in writing, develop your ability to construct a convincing argument and use evidence appropriately as you do so, and gain confidence in defending your arguments against those of others. All these skills are needed when performing successfully at an advanced level. The department offers students the opportunity to travel to Salamanca during February half-term. The week long trip involves staying with families (normally in pairs) and attending daily culture and language classes at a local language school (4 hours/day). Although this is not a compulsory trip, it is highly recommended as it helps greatly with fluency, comprehension skills, confidence and gives a real insight into Spanish life and culture. There is also a film club, which will show Spanish films in original version. This will be very useful, apart from interesting in its own right, if you’re thinking of studying A2 as the course contains a film section.

SPORTS SCIENCE AS LEVEL Unit 1: Opportunities for, and the effects of, leading a healthy and active lifestyle Topic list The physiological effects of adopting a healthy lifestyle, The short term effect of exercise/ performance and the long term effects of training, Analysis of movement across a range of sporting actions, Acquisition of skills and the impact of psychological factors on performance, opportunities for physical activity, benefits to the individual and society and the potential barriers faced by minority groups Assessment: 2 hour written paper 60% AS marks Unit 2: Analysis and evaluation of physical activity as performer and/or in an adopted role/s Topic list Execution of skills/techniques in two roles (performer, official/referee/umpire/judge or leader/coach) in a chosen physical activity, Analysis of own performance, Application of theoretical knowledge to achieve effective performance Assessment: Internal assessment with external moderation: 100 marks 40% AS marks Candidates are assessed on their ability to perform, analyse and evaluate the execution of core skills/techniques in isolation and a structured practice as either: a player/performer and in an adopted role or in two adopted roles. Section A requires candidates to be assessed on their ability in two from a choice of three roles. Section B will look at the theoretical factors that improve performance. Candidates are assessed on this element through the section B question in Unit 1. A2 LEVEL Unit 3: Optimising performance and evaluating contemporary issues within sport Topic list Energy sources and systems, Elite preparation and training, Specialised training and sports injuries, The use of psychological theories and techniques to optimise performance, Concepts and characteristics of World Games and their impact on the state and individual, Development and impact of sports technology on performers, equipment and facilities, The development of sport from rational recreation to its modern day format. Assessment: 2 hour written paper 30% A Level marks Unit 4: Optimising practical performance in a competitive situation Topic list Optimising performance in competitive or performance conditions in one role, Evaluation of own performance in identifying weaknesses, suggesting cause of own weakness and an appropriate corrective measure. Assessment: Internal assessment with external moderation: 120 marks. 20% of total A Level marks ability in two from a choice of three roles. Section B will look at the theoretical factors that improve performance. Candidates are assessed on this element through the section B

SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED How do I choose my subjects for the Sixth Form? You will be studying a much narrower range of subjects than in the past and spending more time on each of them, so it certainly makes sense to choose subjects you know you enjoy! Equally, your results in these subjects will be your passport to Higher Education, so they should also be subjects in which you can reasonably expect to achieve good results. A combination of subjects offering a degree of variety of study is often a good idea. If you have clear future intentions for university and beyond, check if you should take certain subjects at Advanced level. If you are not sure what you want to do beyond the Sixth Form, it’s best to choose a range of subjects that keeps your options open. Take advice as widely as possible and visit the Student Guidance department. What is meant by AS and A2? AS stands for Advanced Subsidiary and represents the first half of a full Advanced level course, consisting of two or three assessment units. It is an independent qualification in its own right and is worth half the UCAS points tariff of a full Advanced level. A2 is the name given to the second half of a full Advanced level course, also consisting of two or three units, including ‘synoptic’ assessment, i.e. testing skills and knowledge acquired over the full course. An Advanced level grade is awarded on the basis of combined performance in both AS and A2 units. What’s the difference between an A* and an A grade? The A* grade was introduced in summer 2010. It is awarded when you achieve both of the following in a subject: grade A overall (ie 80% of the maximum uniform marks for the whole qualification including AS and A2 units) and 90% of the maximum uniform mark on the combined A2 unit scores. Should I do 3 or 4 full Advanced levels? Further Mathematics, Mathematics, plus two other subjects was for many years the only readilyavailable four-subject combination. Now many other combinations are possible. It is important not to under-estimate the potential demands of any four-subject Upper Sixth course of study, and to take advice as widely as possible. Taking four full Advanced levels generally does not enhance your chances of obtaining a university place and may, in fact, result in your being made a more demanding offer. Which subjects are the best preparation for university later on? The School believes that all the subjects offered at Advanced level have good academic credentials and are suitable for study by Sixth Formers intending to enter Higher Education. Some HE courses have specific subject requirements, very many do not. Students who are concerned whether their Advanced level subjects are appropriate preparation for their intended course of study at university should consult the website of the university concerned. When do I have to decide which AS subjects I want to carry on to A2? Having chosen four AS subjects for your Lower Sixth year, you don’t have to decide which three you will carry on with in the Upper Sixth until the Spring term of the Lower Sixth year. It is then that you will be asked to confirm your choice of Route 1 [3 A2 subjects] or Route 2 [4 A2 subjects]. Requests to change your choice of subjects after that, for example in the light of AS results, will be considered but will be subject to considerations such as staffing, set numbers and timetabling implications.

SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED We do ask you when making your initial choices to indicate which of the four subjects is likely to be your AS only option, if you intend to follow Route 1. The reason for asking this question is that it enables us to create teaching sets in such a way as to maximise continuity of teaching from Lower to Upper Sixth. The Spring term of the Lower Sixth year is when you will be asked to confirm your intentions for the Upper Sixth.

Can I drop my fourth A2 subject in the Upper Sixth? You should consider the demands of a four A2 course carefully before embarking on it. If, however, the School agrees that it would be in your best interests to reduce the number of full Advanced level subjects, you will be allowed to drop the fourth subject. Making such a change in the Upper Sixth year itself may, however, involve changes of teaching set. Will I have the same teachers in both years in the Sixth Form? Continuity of teaching cannot be guaranteed, as we will need to make some rearrangements to teaching sets in the light of choices for A2, but we will do our best to provide continuity for as many sets and students as possible. Will subjects be examined in both the Lower and Upper Sixth? Yes. All subjects will be examined at AS level at the end of the Lower Sixth year, and A2 subjects will be examined in January and/or June in the Upper Sixth year. If subject units are not taken in January of the Upper Sixth year, there may be some form of internal assessment arranged by subject departments. There are no examinations in the January of the Lower Sixth year. Can I resit units? Yes – you may resit examination units, with the best result to count. Resits of AS units will be available in January and June of the Upper Sixth year. Advice should be sought from your teachers and your tutor on the merits and disadvantages of resitting units. What are Open Forum and Foundation Studies? In the Lower Sixth year every student will enter the Foundation Studies programme and attend a series of weekly sessions designed to equip students with key skills and to extend their education beyond the examined curriculum. For students opting for Route 1, Foundation Studies continues in the Upper Sixth year where it becomes a series of five short courses chosen from a wide ranging list. Full details of these will be made available in the Spring Term of the Lower Sixth year. In addition, all Sixth Form students will attend Open Forum, a series of weekly presentations by staff and guest speakers, intended to interest, inspire and broaden the experience of all students Any questions you might have which are not answered above should be addressed to RT Courtney Deputy Head Academic & Director of Studies 023 80704561

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