Bulletin 20 october 2017

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King Edward VI School

Half Term Bulletin 20 October, 2017


he new academic year got off to an excellent start with the opening of our new Theatre, Art and Concourse building. We are delighted with the quality of the facilities we now have and celebrated our record academic results with a new style prize giving evening with Dr Steve Bull, former Olympic and English cricket team psychologist, as the principal guest.

Prize Giving The new format Prize Giving took place on Friday 15 September. If you would like to take a look at photographs from the evening, please click here. SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Spring Term is:

Our sport has got off to a good start, in spite of rather mixed weather, with an excellent first half of the season for our senior girls’ hockey teams and some very competitive rugby. Our musicians have also been busy and enjoyed an amazing day with the London Mozart Players, alongside a number of our local junior schools.

4pm on Friday 1 December, 2017 It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline.

As expected this year we had a regulatory compliance inspection. This proved to be a very straightforward affair with no recommendations for improvement. The School is fully compliant in all regulatory areas and, when the editing is completed, a copy of the report will be circulated to all parents shortly after half term.

Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended. No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.

The holiday will be very busy with Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, an IT trip to San Francisco and a French trip to Paris, the Charlotte exchange in North Carolina and sports tours to Holland, Scotland, France and Belfast.

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged.

PLEASE NOTE Friday 1 December is an INSET Day

I wish you a very good break over half term and school begins again on Monday 6 November. A J Thould Head Once again this year we are inviting parents and friends of King Edward VI School to join forces with our School choir and orchestra for the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey on Monday 11 December at 7.30pm

King Edward VI School Carol Service


You are warmly invited to join us on Monday 11 December at 7.30pm at

If you sing and read a little music we would be pleased to welcome you into our SATB choir. There will be a few evening rehearsals for those who need to learn notes and then one massed rehearsal for pupils and adults. If you are a new parent to the School and would like further details please email Mrs Freemantle on hf@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Romsey Abbey Church Lane Romsey SO51 8EP

Rehearsal dates: 23 & 29 Nov - 7.30pm in the Music Department and a massed rehearsal on 7 December at 7.30pm in the Main Hall.

The service will be followed by mulled wine & mince pies 1

KES PTA invite you to their 45th AGM on Tuesday 14 November, 2017 at 7pm

TERM DATES 2017-19 Autumn Term 2017 Tuesday 5 September - Thursday 21 December (Half term: Monday 23 October to Thursday 2 November) Inset Days: Monday 4 September, Monday 9 October, Friday 3 November & Friday 1 December

The proceedings will start with a preview of Beauty and the Beast in the new Dobson Theatre Refreshments will be provided

Spring Term 2018 Tuesday 9 January - Thursday 29 March (Half term Monday 12 February to Friday 16 February) Inset Days: Monday 8 January & Monday 19 March

Wellington Sports Ground Open Afternoon Saturday 11 November - 2 - 4pm Although aimed at prospective students and their families, current members of the KES community are very welcome to come to have a look around Wellington and to support our rugby teams as they play Lord Wandsworth College and the hockey teams who are playing Canford School.

Summer Term 2018 Tuesday 24 April - Friday 13 July (Half term Monday 28 May to Friday 1 June) Inset Day: Monday 23 April

Refreshments will be available all afternoon.

Autumn Term 2018 Monday 3 September - Thursday 20 December (Half term Monday 22 October to Thursday 1 November) Inset Days: Friday 31 August, Monday 8 October, Friday 2 November & Friday 30 November

PERMISSION FOR ABSENCE It is expected that family holidays will be taken in the School holidays and ideally all appointments should be arranged outside School hours but there may be occasions when you need to request time out of School for your child.

Spring Term 2019 Tuesday 8 January - Friday 29 March (Half term Monday 18 February to Friday 22 February) Inset Days: Monday 7 January & Monday 18 March

If this is the case, your child’s tutor should be informed, in writing or via the Parent Portal in advance of any appointments. Requests for permission for absence for other occasions should be made to the Head of Year, giving plenty of advance notice.

Summer Term 2019 Wednesday 24 April - Friday 12 July (Half Term Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May) Inset Day: Tuesday 23 April


Sailing News

Our second hand uniform shop, OBNO (Outgrown But Not Outworn), will be open on Monday 30 October from 12 - 2pm in the Atrium.

There will be a number of general watersports courses running at SWAC this October half term please click here for more information.


We will also be running bespoke King Edward's Beginners/Advanced sailing courses during the Easter holidays 2018 - more details coming soon.

Under normal circumstances parents may expect a response to communication within 3 working days during term time. Parents are asked to understand that staff are very busy and are not always in a position to respond immediately, though obviously any urgent matters will be prioritised.

Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting A prayer meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 December between 1 & 2pm in the Commemoration Room. All parents welcome.

During School holidays, issues which require urgent attention should be directed to the Main Office or to enquiries@kes.hants.sch.uk.

King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED on both sites Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs 2



There has been an increase in the number of pupils attending the Medical Room in order to obtain an “Off Games” slip. Please note, that unless your child has an injury or illness, attended to by the School Nurses on the day, we will be encouraging pupils to change into their Games kit and participate as much as they feel able.

Trips taking place over half term: Fifth Year and Lower Sixth Form IT Trip to San Francisco: 21-28 October. Further information can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mr Mapstone. U15 Boys’ Hockey Tour to Holland: 22-26 October. Further information and itinerary can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mr Bassett.

If you as parents are already aware of an injury or illness that would prevent your child from participating in any Games lesson, please ensure that you provide your child with a note to give to their games teacher.

Charlotte Exchange: 26 October – 7 November. Itinerary can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mrs Burnett. 1st XI Girls’ Hockey Tour to Scotland: 28-31 October. Itinerary can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mr Crichton.

If a pupil sustains a significant injury, parents are asked to ensure that their son or daughter visits the medical room as soon as they return to School.

U14 Rugby Tour to France: 30 October – 2 November. Itinerary can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mr Powell. Upper School French trip to Paris: 30 October – 2 November. Further information can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mrs Jones.

If the pupil is incapacitated, suitable arrangements will then be put in place to help them.

U13 Netball Tour to Belfast: 31 Oct – 3 November. Further Information can be viewed here. The trip leader is Mrs Ferrand.

After half term, we are offering First Year pupils the opportunity to learn to ride their bikes safely.

Webpages containing detailed trip information and itineraries are password protected. Parents must ensure they are logged in prior to accessing these pages.

Our local Bikeability Instructor has been booked to come into school on two consecutive Sundays, 26 November and 3 December, to provide training up to Bikeability 2.

Information Evening Dates for your Diary

This course is aimed at students who can ride their bikes confidently but would like to learn how to cycle safely on quiet roads.

Ski 2018 – Tuesday 14 November at 7pm in the Hospitality Suite. Aachen Christmas Market – Monday 4 December at 7pm in the Hospitality Suite.

Mr Nichols has recently sent out a letter with more details on location, equipment and cost. To find out more about Bikeability please visit: https:// bikeability.org.uk/ where you will find additional information about Bikeability 2.

Mrs Paul will keep copies of pupils’ passports and EHICs for one academic year to be stored for future trips. Parents who do not wish for these details to be stored for this purpose must email trips@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Please contact Mr Nichols on rpn@kes.hants.sch.uk if you require further information. Procedure if your child is ill and unable to attend school

Classics Trip to Italy 2019

To enable us to be sure of the whereabouts and safety of our students it is important that you contact the Main Office (02380 704561) or by email absent@kes.hants.sch.uk as soon as possible, preferably by 8.30am, if your child is ill or is going to be late.

The Classics and Humanities departments are organising an exciting educational tour of Rome and the Bay of Naples for all year groups from 2 to 9 April 2019. We will spend two days in Rome, visiting the Forum, Palatine, Colosseum, Pantheon and other sites. We then travel to Sorrento visiting Pompeii, Vesuvius, Herculaneum, the Roman villa of Oplontis and Solfatara.

If the illness is on-going please contact the Main Office each day that your child is absent.

The cost is £875 and deposits of £200 can be paid via KESpay. For more information, please contact Mrs Meredith on jmm@kes.hants.sch.uk.

We would also be grateful if you would reinforce the need for your child to report to the Main Office if they arrive late to School. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mon 23 - Thurs 2 November

Half Term

Friday 3 November


Mon 13 November

Act of Remembrance

Wed 15 November

First Year Parents’ Evening

Friday 1 December


Tues 5 December

Fourth Year Parents’ Evening

Wed 6 December

Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications

Mon 11 December

Carol Service - Romsey Abbey - 7.30pm

Thurs 21 December

Term Ends

A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at http://www.kes.hants.sch.uk/calendar

YOUNG ENTERPRISE A team of students have worked together through the Young Enterprise programme to design and make their very own hockey stick brand. They are offering affordable, customisable high quality hockey sticks for outdoor and indoor hockey with a percentage of their profits going to charity. Please email info.radarhockey@gmail.com if you require further information.

Beauty and the Beast Tickets & Booking Details Tickets for 'Beauty and the Beast' are available here. Thursday 30 November & Friday 1 December 2017 Tickets: Adults £8 Children/KES Pupils £5

Saturday 2 December 2017 Gala Evening Tickets: Adults £9 Children/KES Pupils £6 The Gala Evening is a Black Tie event with a glass of prosecco on arrival. 4

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