Bulletin 29 june 2017

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King Edward VI School

June Bulletin 29 June, 2017


s I write the School is full of busy activity. We have enjoyed the myriad of events provided by the Arts Festival and we are grateful to all who made this such a special set of events this year with particular thanks to Mrs Freemantle and her team. We also congratulate Mr Herklots and his team on the successful and much anticipated production of the Science musical ‘Welcome to Gedanken’ held at the Theatre Royal in Winchester. The pace changes in the final weeks of term with Sports Day, the Swimming Gala and the Endeavour programme to look forward to with activities across all year groups, ranging from the First Year Camp, the Normandy trip for a large number of Second Year pupils and a variety of activities for the remaining Second, Third, Fourth and Sixth Form. Leavers’ Day sees mixed emotions; relief at seeing another generation of KES students emerge from their A level examinations exhausted but intact and still smiling (for the most part!) and a degree of sadness as we say goodbye to another impressive set of students as they leave School for GAP years, work and university. A J Thould Head SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements for the Autumn Term is: 4pm on Friday 30 June 2017

The price for a lunch from September is £4.30 It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline

Endeavour takes place on Thursday and Friday 6 and 7 July. The majority of pupils are offsite for either day-activity trips or residential visits. The full list of all the trips taking place during Endeavour are on the website here.

Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present

For the pupils staying in school during Endeavour, parents should be aware of the following: *

Pupils are not required to wear school uniform.


Lunches will not be served so pupils must bring in their own packed lunch. Parents have not been charged for lunches over Endeavour.


Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged KETA BUSES School finishes at 2.55pm on the last day of term and all KETA buses will depart at 3.05pm THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES EXAMINATION RESULTS GCE (A and AS) results will be published on Thursday 17 August, 2017

KETA buses and late buses run as per usual at the same times.

IGCSE/GCSE results will be published on Thursday 24 August, 2017

For any further questions regarding Endeavour or any of the trips, parents can email trips@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Please see the Examination section on the website for post results help and information 1


Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting including Communion


Tuesday 11 July 1pm - 2pm Commemoration Room All welcome

Monday 4 September Medical Information


It is very important that the nursing team are kept up to date with any medical changes or health needs relating to your son/daughter.

Tuesday 5 September

Please contact them as soon as any changes arise on schoolnurse@kes.hants.sch.uk or by phone on 023 80799213.

NEW PUPILS First Year Second & Third Year Fourth Year Lower Sixth


8.40am to 3.55pm 8.50am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm

Junior House is a House based competition where teams from each of the six Houses play against each other in the major sports of the term. It takes place on a limited number of Friday evenings and it is compulsory for all members of the Second and Third Years. The events finish by 5.15 pm, and in time for the late buses.

ALL OTHER PUPILS Second & Third Year Fourth Lower Sixth Upper Sixth

The Junior House competition is a highlight of our annual House championship. It is a wonderfully inclusive and popular event, bringing together all of our Second and Third Years as well as a significant number of staff and older students who stay after School to support the younger students and help run the competitions. In addition, it is an integral part of the School educational experience, as it provides opportunities for pupils to learn to play in a team and for them to realise the importance of the individual within the context of a group situation.

1.45pm to 3.55pm 1.45pm to 3.55pm 11.40am to 3.55pm 8.55am to 12.30pm

(First Year prefects will be needed from 8.40am and Lower School prefects and Prepositors will be needed during the afternoon) THERE ARE LATE BUSES

We hope that by publishing the dates this far in advance, any clashes with other activities can be avoided.

Fifth Year pupils will return on Wednesday 6 September

The dates are as follows: Term Autumn 2017

Wednesday 6 September

Spring 2018

Normal school times apply 2

Dates September 15, 22 & 29 February 23 March 2 & 9

Swimming Gala

School Developments

This year sees the Lower School Swimming Gala held again at Southampton University Jubilee Pool on 12 July Please note that spectator space is limited. Full details can be found here.

As we draw ever closer to the completion of the new Dobson Theatre you may be interested to have a look at the most recent photographs here. Uniform Event Stevenson's will be in the Sports Hall on 12 July between 3-6pm with a full range of school uniform for sale. OBNO will also have good quality second hand items for sale at the same event. Current students may attend for a fitting session with Stevenson’s from 4pm onwards.

PARENTS’ GUIDE The most up-to-date version of the Parents’ Guide is available on the School’s website under the Information/Parents’ Guide tab or by clicking here. There is a modified version for parents of Sixth Form students.

Permission for Absence

If you would like a printed copy of the Parents’ Guide please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Canty, the SMT Administrator at jmc@kes.hants.sch.uk and she will be happy to send you one.

It is expected that family holidays will be taken in School holidays and ideally all appointments should be arranged outside School hours but there may be occasions when you need to request time out of School for your child. If this is the case, your child’s tutor should be informed, in writing, in advance of any appointments. Requests for permission for absences for other occasions should be made to the Head of Year, giving plenty of advance notice.

MOUTHGUARDS School policy states that:

Plea from the Summer Camp Team If you have any outgrown wet suits gathering dust, the young carers on their summer camp break would really appreciate them so they can play in the sea and the Lymington Sea baths. The ideal size would be suitable for children aged 811. Short or long. Please contact Miss Enfield if you can help on rle@kes.hants.sch.uk.

King Edward VI School strongly recommend that all pupils participating in Rugby and Hockey should wear a mouthguard; preferably one fitted by a dental expert. This policy is in line with the advice of the Rugby Football Union and the English Hockey Association. In order to assist parents in providing the best possible care for their children we have invited OPRO, a dental organisation that specialises in mouthguards, to visit the school on Wednesday 12 July, 2017.


All information relating to the service they provide and the ordering of mouthguards can be found by following the link to Mouthguards.

Please could parents remind their sons/daughters to apply sunscreen before school. It is also important to reapply sunscreen throughout the day and specifically before sports fixtures where pupils are outside for long periods. Pupils should provide their own sunscreen for this. It is advisable that a sunscreen of at least Factor 15 or above is used.

Please note all arrangements are made directly between parents and OPRO and all queries should be directed to them.

Pupils are allowed to wear a predominantly white or navy sun hat/cap for P.E. and Games. For more advice regarding sun safety please refer to www.sunsmart.org.uk


Exchange News

If you would like to know what we were up to during the Arts Festival, please click here to access a gallery of photographs from the proceedings.

Charlotte Exchange Information Evening 20 Sept 2017 Hospitality Suite 7 - 8pm 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Click here for the most up to date calendar events

Tuesday 4 July

Visit of new Third Year pupils

Thursday 6 Friday 7 July

Endeavour - please click here for details

Monday 10 July

Visit of new First Year pupils

Tuesday 11 July

Fourth Year Looking Forward Day

Wednesday 12 July

Swimming Gala Looking Forward Evening for Fourth Year parents

Friday 14 July

Term ends at 2.55pm

A number of KES current and former parents are taking part in a charitable fundraising event where they will cycle through the Pyrenees from Biarritz to Argelès sur Mer raising money for the Cameron Bespolka Trust. If you would like to know more about the trust and the event, please click here. TRIPS & VISITS HUB Space Camp Friday 9 to Sunday 11 February, 2018

Normandy 2017 Departure is on Thursday 6 July at 5.45am. Pupils need to register with their teacher and hand in their passports before getting on the bus. Parents are reminded to provide enough food for the journey.

Following the very successful trip to the Euro Space Center in Belgium earlier this year, we are delighted to announce that we will be organising another Space Camp trip for Third Year pupils (current Second Year). Further details will be sent next week by email, but parents are welcome to email Mrs Mahdavi (mm@kes.hants.sch.uk) for more information.

Paris 2017 Final payments are due in September and there will be an Information Evening on the 25 September for pupils and parents. Further details will be sent out at the start of next term.

PARENTS’ EVENINGS 2017/2018 Year


Upper Sixth

Thursday 21 September 2017 Thursday 8 February 2018

Lower Sixth

Tuesday 3 October 2017 Thursday 14 June 2018


Wednesday 15 November 2017


Tuesday 5 December 2017


Wednesday 24 January 2018


Tuesday 27 February 2018


Tuesday 6 March 2018

Looking Forward Evening for Fourth Year Parents 12 July at 7pm in the Main Hall Following the Looking Forward Day for Fourth Year pupils, this evening session for parents will feature presentations and discussion on the decisions students will need to make about their Sixth Form academic choices, co-curricular involvement, and preparation for university entrance. The day for pupils is designed to enable them to make informed decisions about their academic careers, and this evening session aims to support you as parents as you help them do this. Mr Thould, Dr Waymark, Mr Culver, Mrs Millar & Dr Thomas will lead the discussions. 4

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