King Edward VI School
Christmas Bulletin 17 December, 2015
he term has been an exceptionally busy half of term marked particularly by a full sporting calendar, the excellent drama productions of “Hiawatha” and “Twelve Angry Men” and the wonderful singing of the choir, ably supported by our instrumentalists, at the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey.
Higher Education Evening Tuesday 26 January 7.00pm in the Dobson Theatre This Information Evening is designed to help Lower Sixth parents understand current procedures for applications to universities. More than 98% of our students leave us to go to university and our Lower Sixth students have now begun the process of researching possible options for their futures.
We are very pleased with the progress of the refurbishment of our Design Technology workshop following the fire in mid-November; we hope to return to normal use by half term next term.
If you are a parent of a student in the Lower Sixth, please follow this link to access our information regarding preparation for university applications and our Higher Education programme. Lower Sixth students should follow this link to the booklet that goes with the Lower Sixth Higher Education programme.
Students in the Fifth Year will have plenty of work to do as they prepare for mid-sessional examinations in January. They will need a rest but some revision will also be necessary. We continue to appreciate your support with maintaining high standards of dress; we like students to remain smart at all times and one or two boys would merit a visit to the barber.
Internet Safety Seminar for Parents Thursday 28 January, 2016 at 7.00pm in the Music Recital Room
The new term begins on Tuesday 5 January and, until then, I wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Safety with new technology can be a worry for parents. Pupils receive sessions on Safe Social Networking, On-line Profiles, Cyber Bullying and Internet Safety as part of the School’s PSHE programme but we would also like to offer parents the opportunity to receive up to date information from experts in the field. Childnet International ( has worked with the government, online industry, adults and children and is a nationally respected organisation.
AJ Thould Head Master
THERE WILL BE LATE BUSES on Tuesday 5 January 2016
We are delighted to let you know that they will be delivering the talk to parents on the evening of the 28 January. The session will cover some simple, practical steps that you can take in order to minimise the risks to which your child is exposed and will also provide you with advice to share with them. The seminar is expected to last for about 1 hour with the opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Carol Service A big Thank You to all parents who sang so enthusiastically in the choir at this year’s Carol Service. It was really appreciated by music staff and pupils alike.
Refreshments will be available from 6.30pm in the School Dining Room. Please note new venue for this event.
Donations from the collection will be made to both Make A Wish and the New Forest Nightstop charity. 1
Open Instrumental Lesson Week
During the week of 1 – 5 February, parents are warmly invited to come to the School and attend their child’s instrumental lesson. This will be a good opportunity to see the lesson in action and discuss instrumental progress with the teacher.
The attention of pupils and their parents is drawn to the fact that the School day begins at 8.30am. By this time, all pupils are required to be inside the School buildings, attending to their lockers, and making their way to their Group Bases, where they must be by 8.40am.
Parents are asked to contact the instrumental teacher in advance if they would like to attend and to sign in at reception on arrival.
It is not sufficient to aim to arrive at the School grounds by 8.30am (or later), as there is not enough time to do all that has to be done and still be in group base at 8.40am.
It is recognised that from time to time, due to failings of public transport, some pupils may arrive late; but these occasions should be very rare, and when they occur with any regularity, alternative means of transport should be found, to ensure punctual arrival in School.
Annie Davison, our School Counsellor is qualified as a Mindfulness Teacher for Teens. Mindfulness is training in concentration and self-awareness which can help young people respond better to the demands of performing well at School and with interactions with their peer group and family. Students who have participated in this training have said it has helped them, not only with stress, anxiety and relationships but also with concentration and sleep problems.
Your fullest co-operation is sought to ensure that pupils begin each day promptly.
Multi Sports Activity Fund Raising Day The cricketers travelling to Sri Lanka next summer will be holding a multi-sports activity day on Friday 12 February, 2016 to raise funds for their trip.
In the spring term, Annie will be running a Mindfulness Course, which will be open to students of all age groups. To sign up for this course please email Annie on More information can be found here including dates and times.
The cost is £20 for the day and will be open to all students who are in years 3 - 8 at Stroud School or in the First and Second Year at KES. For more information and to book a place click here. Once completed the form should be returned to Mr Kent, Director of Sport.
Student pick up after school trips or sports fixtures
Should you have any enquiries please email
Parents are reminded that coaches have to be able to park in the coach bays in Hill Lane on returning from trips or away fixtures. Parents are asked to ensure that there is space for them to do so in order to avoid congestion.
Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting Tuesday 12 January 2016 1.00pm - 2.00pm in the Commemoration Room
Book here!
Fifth Year Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm
Fri 13 May
Lower Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm
Mon 16 May (am)
Fourth Year GCSE RS Examination
Fri 27 May
Upper Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm
Tues 14 June
Lower Sixth return to lessons
Friday 17 June
Fifth Year Book Collection
Tues 28 June
Leavers’ Dinner
Wed 29 June
Leavers’ Day
Charities Commission
It is important that the records we hold for your child are as up to date as possible in case of an emergency. Please check your contact details on the Parent Portal and notify us of any changes http://
Charitable activities have remained a key element of School life and this autumn term has been particularly busy for members of the Charities Commission.
If you have not already signed up to the Portal, please email for more information.
The First Year, in their colourful and imaginative fancy dress outfits, raised an incredible £1,505 for the local Toy Appeal, whilst the School put together 130 shoe boxes for the Link to Hope Christmas Appeal. Other main events have included the Summer Camp Disco, doughnut sales, dodgeball competitions, Children in Need and Christmas Stalls.
Consent for Off-site Activities From the start of next term we will be asking for electronic consent rather than asking you to fill in a B15 for trips and visits. The email will go to your registered email address and will come from our trip system EVOLVE. All you have to do is click YES or NO. We hope that this will be a much less time consuming system for you.
This term's non-uniform day raised £1,098. Sustainability Notices
If you would rather be sent a B15 then please inform Mrs Burrows in writing by the start of next term.
The Green Team will again be recycling Christmas cards this year. There will be a box in reception for your cards until 21 January.
Morrisby Psychometric Testing for all Fourth Year Pupils
Don’t forget we also recycle “domestic” batteries and printer cartridges (not Epsom or Brother)
Many of you will be aware that HMC Schools frequently offer Morrisby Testing to students in their pre-GCSE years. King Edward’s offer the test to all Fourth Year pupils. The test is intended to provide detailed profiles of your child’s aptitudes, learning styles and problem solving abilities and provide useful information for detailed careers guidance. The test is booked for the morning of Wednesday 13 January. A feedback interview will be provided later in the term.
The King Edward’s Sustainability Committee is looking for two new parental members. The time requirement is typically one lunch time meeting a term (typically a Monday or Friday). If you have an interest in all things green please email Mr Barker on
Please contact Mrs Mandley on for more information. 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mon 4 Jan Tues 5 Jan Wed 6 Jan Wed 13 Jan Tues 19 Jan Sat 23 Jan Thurs 28 Jan Wed 3 Feb Wed 10 Feb
INSET Day: School closed Term commences Fifth Year mid-Sessional examinations begin - conclude 12 Jan Fourth Year Morrisby Test (am) Fourth Year mid-Sessional Religious Studies examination (pm) Third Year PSHE Day Admissions Examination Fourth Year PSHE Day Fifth Year Parents’ Evening Spring Concert: Dobson Theatre
Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at http:// www.kes.hants.sch. uk/calendar
PSHE DAYS As part of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme all Third Year pupils will take part in a PSHE day on Tuesday 19 January. Sessions will cover Substances Harmful to Health, Career Matching, Mental Wellbeing, Managing New Technology, Politics and Taking Notes. All Fourth Year pupils will have a PSHE day on 28 January. Their sessions will cover Internet Safety and Sexting, Personal Finance, Self-esteem, Leadership and two sessions on Sexual Health and Relationships (Contraception and STIs). The sessions are designed to be interactive as well as informative and the intention is that the pupils become fully involved in the work that is undertaken during the day.
Curtain Call Charity Concert 14 January, 2016 7.30pm Dobson Theatre Tickets £3
A showcase of some of the best songs from musical theatre 4