Bulletin Easter 2012

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King Edward VI School

Easter Bulletin 30th March, 2012


he second half of this term has been a particularly busy one with just six weeks in which to compress a huge range of activity including the successful netball tour to Jamaica, the Sixth Form language exchange to Salamanca, the home leg of the Le Havre language exchange, the Charlotte Country Day School Third Year exchange, Duke of Edinburgh trips and preparations for the South Africa expedition and Summer Camp in the summer. The Charities Commission has been especially active, culminating in the Click Glamour Fashion Show raising funds for Wellboring and the Environmental Justice Foundation. The highlight of the term was the Cultural Olympiad Gala Concert at the Anvil on 14th March. Thanks to the magnificent efforts of Mrs Freemantle, her team, our students and the staff and pupils of five of our local schools who joined with us, the concert was met with a standing ovation. The experience of performing in such a venue will form a lasting memory for every pupil involved. There have been a number of sporting highlights, notably that of the U16 netball squad who played in the British Schools' National Netball finals in March. The competition was between the top eighteen schools in the country. After some fantastic matches they finished third in their pool which placed them 5th/6th in the country: a wonderful achievement. Congratulations also go to the Senior Colts basketball team who played in the final of the U16 Division A Southampton and District Schools League. The coming holiday is the time of year when most of our larger trips and visits take place. A large number of students are involved in the ski trip in France, some UNIVERSITY OPEN DAYS Third Years will be on the French exchange to Le Havre whilst others will be going to Beam House for Lower Sixth students who are intending to go to University an activities trip and many in the Upper School and Open Days (click Open Days for details) should ensure that Sixth Form will be involved with Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. There is an Upper School trip to Paris, they have made the appropriate arrangements if using and Third and Fourth Year Spanish students will be School transport, discussed their intentions with their tutor visiting Andalucia. Details about our policies and and booked online with the university for any subject specific procedures for the management of co-curricular visits events that they might wish to attend. are available on our website under the Trips and Visits menu.

Students intending to visit colleges of the University of Oxford on 27th June must ensure that they have booked themselves into a college, as well as booking a place on the School coach.

Term begins on Tuesday 24th April and Half Term takes place between Monday 4th June and Friday 8th June. Term ends on Friday 13th July. A Level results will be posted on 16th August 16 and GCSE results on August 23rd.

Life with a Teenager Evening for Parents 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th May, 2012

I wish you a good break over the Spring Holiday.

This is intended to be an evening where parents have the opportunity to attend two from a selection of six workshops surrounding issues commonly met by parents with teenagers.

AJ Thould Head Master

Detention Information Currently parents receive notification of a detention by email on the day of the detention. From the start of the Summer Term we are changing our process so that parents will receive the email notification on the day before the detention.

Please click here for more information about the workshops on offer and how to indicate, if attending, which sessions you would be interested in joining.

Tuesday 8th May is Monday’s timetable 1

Higher Education Matters

Fifth Year Book Collection: Thursday 31st May at 8.40am Fifth Year pupils will depart at 10.45am

Seminars for students who will be facing extra vocational tests for university (Law, Medicine, etc.), commence Thursday 26th April. Lower Sixth students should check to see which meetings are appropriate for them to attend.

Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Thursday 28th June at 8.40am Upper Sixth pupils will depart at noon, although those who have school lunches may stay to take lunch at midday before departing

20th June is designated as UCAS Day for the School, and all members of the Lower Sixth MUST be present to receive training in the electronic application procedure. Upper and Lower Sixth students will receive their public examination results on Thursday 16th August and our usual “face to face” advice service (known as the Post Examination Clinic) is available on the Thursday and again on Friday 17th in order to help students make appropriate decisions based upon exam marks and grades. Details of times will be posted on the school web site and will, in addition, be sent to Upper Sixth students within the usual Post A Level Advice Booklet in July.

All Fifth Year and Upper Sixth pupils are required to attend and return their books on these days

Leave of Absence Summer Term 2012

Please be aware that due to this commitment, e-mail cannot be given priority. Students have been advised to attend the clinic at the published times if they would like to discuss their post qualification position.

FOURTH YEAR No lessons on Tuesday 15th May (Week B) Morning: Study Leave: Afternoon: GCSE Religious Studies FIFTH YEAR Leave of Absence begins on Wednesday 9th May at 4.00pm LOWER SIXTH Leave of Absence begins on Friday 11th May at 4.00pm Return to lessons on Monday 11th June. Return of AS text books period 3 on 11th June.

KETA TRANSPORT Temporary Bus Passes Pupils wishing to obtain a temporary bus pass to enable them to travel on a different route must arrange this through Mr Goldie, giving at least 48 hours’ notice. He can be emailed on kwg@kes.hants.sch.uk . Temporary passes will only be available on buses where there is spare capacity.

UPPER SIXTH Leave of Absence begins on Friday 1st June at 4.00pm

EXAMINATION GUIDANCE AS examinations begin on 14th May which gives the Lower Sixth less than a month before the examinations begin and this highlights the need for careful preparation over the Easter break. As the examination season looms it is worth noting that internal examinations take place for the First to Fourth Years during the period 14 -20th June. All pupils will be given guidance on revision and in the Lower School pupils will be given a Revision Guide to help them develop their own individual skills in study and revision. Copies of the guides can be found by clicking Revision Guides

Catalonia 2012 Information Evening - 1st May at 7.30pm in the Dobson Theatre Fourth Year Career Induction In the Summer Term all Fourth Year Tutor Groups will be given the opportunity to visit the Guidance Centre for a brief introduction to the careers resources available within the school. First Year Language Choices

An organised approach towards revision can reap rewards and students will be advised that they should be trying to spend some time revising during the summer half term break, so it would be worth bearing this in mind when organising holidays around this period.

This year, First Year pupils have been studying one language, however, from the second year they will have the opportunity to study a second. Information about languages on offer will be sent out after the Easter break along with a preference form. 2

Tout ce qui est français 2012! Le Havre Exchange Away leg: Friday 13th to Monday 16th April Normandy Second Year Visit 5th to 8th July Information Evening 7.30pm on 23rd May in the Dobson Theatre

Dads’ band – recruits still needed! A dads’ band has formed and has had a number of successful rehearsals in Winchester. There are currently four core members – but a keyboard player (with own keyboard) and a sax player are still needed in order to broaden their eclectic repertoire. hf@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information. Forthcoming Charity Commission Events

26th April

Stage and Screen Music Charity Concert in the Dobson Theatre

8th July

Cancer Research Race for Life Southampton Common

Click here for details

Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting Tuesday 22nd May 1pm to 2pm in M1 All parents are welcome to attend

Pastoral changes from the start of the Summer Term Mr Jones is on sabbatical for the Summer Term and so Mr Havers will be acting Director of Sixth Form for this period. Mr Havers will remain as Head of the Upper Sixth.

Watersports 2012 Two spaces have become available on this exciting trip to the south of France at the end of August. The trip is open to Second, Third & Fourth Year pupils. Please click here for more information and contact Dr Gamblin on sdg@kes.hants.sch.uk .

Mrs Evans has been appointed as acting Head of Lower Sixth for the term and she will remain as tutor for S21. First Year Parent/Pupil Tennis Tournament The 14th Annual Tennis Tournament will be held at School on Sunday 24th June - 9.30am until 12.30pm Click here for more details.

HOUSE EVENTS Chess Ready Steady Cook Competition Rounders (pool matches) Rounders (play offs) Debating Competition Dance Competition

30th April 3rd May 29th May 30th May 4th July 9th July

Exciting opportunity from the Spanish Department We have a number of contacts in Northern Spain for girls (14-16 years of age) interested in doing a private exchange this Summer. This would be a fantastic opportunity to practise the language and live with a Spanish family for a short while. Please contact Mrs Ladislao (eml@kes.hants.sch.uk) if you are interested. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tues 24th April Wed 25th April Thurs 26th April Sat 28th April Tues 1st May Wed 2nd May Fri 4th May Mon 7th May Tues 8th May Tues 15th May Thurs 17th May Fri 18th May Tues 22nd May Thurs 24th May Thurs 29th May Fri 1st June Wed 6th June Mon 10th June

Fifth Year Music Recital Evening Second Year girls: Third HPV Vaccination Fifth Year Theatre Studies Trip: Kafka’s Monkey: Winchester Charity Music Concert Cactus Club Trip: Kew Gardens Sport Science GCSE Moderation Fusion Music Concert Second Year Camp: Lovaton: returns 7th May BANK HOLIDAY Life with a Teenager Evening for Parents First Year Classics Trip to Butser: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 Second Year History Trip to Hampton Court: 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 Second Year History Trip to Hampton Court: 2/4, 2/5, 2/6 First Year Classics Trip to Butser: 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting First Year Theatre Trip to see Oliver: Mayflower Theatre Third Year Recital Evening First and Second Year Trip to Catalonia: returns 5th June Break up for half term Second Year Camp: Lovaton: returns 9th June Second half of summer term continues

Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at http:// www.kes.hants.sch.uk/ welcome/parents

As ever, there are one or two students who could do with a haircut and please note that pupils will be expected to return in normal school dress next term. When the weather is sufficiently warm we will inform the School of the introduction of summer dress. We would remind parents considering moving their son or daughter to another school or college that a term’s notice, in writing to the Registrar, is required under the terms of the parent contract if fees in lieu of notice are to be avoided.

Activities Day 6th July, 2012 Parents are reminded that no breakfast or lunch will be available on Activities Day even if the activity is on the school site.

Summer Term Olympic Events 25th April: Lunar Society presentation: Dr John Langley from Southampton University: The Detection of Drug Cheats in Sport 3rd May: 1936 Olympics Assembly: by history students 14th May: Design & Technology Department launches the Olympic Design competition for First to Fourth Year pupils 24th May: Junior Science Club holds its Olympic Challenge 31st May: KES Virtual Olympics Tournament: the best games developed in IT lessons this year 29th June: Sports Day 6th July: Olympic Celebration Day


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