King Edward VI School
Easter Bulletin 28th March, 2014
he second half of term concluded with an outstanding sell-out Spring Concert at Turner Sims Concert Hall, our Thanksgiving Service with the Reverend Alex Aldous (chaplain of Oakham School) and two studio drama productions with our Fifth and Sixth Form dramatists. We have also had a good term on the sports field as the rain has given way to the first hints of spring sunshine.
THERE WILL BE LATE BUSES ON THE FIRST DAY BACK AFTER THE EASTER HOLIDAY 23rd APRIL, 2014 Fifth Year Book Collection: Thursday 19th June at 8.40am Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Wednesday 25th June at 8.40am
All of this, as well as a combination of a variety of school trips and activities, language exchanges, visits from students from Charlotte Country Day School in North Carolina and our French exchange in Angers, historians in Berlin, various charity events, the KES PTA Quiz, mid-sessional IGCSE examinations has understandably left some very exhausted staff and students in need of a break but school activity continues over the holiday. Over April our students are involved in visits to Cordoba, Morocco, Istanbul, Mutterstadt, Prague, the annual ski trip to France and, with perhaps a little less glamour, Dartmoor to begin the Duke of Edinburgh expedition season.
All Fifth Year and Upper Sixth pupils are required to attend on their respective days
Leave of Absence Summer 2014 Wednesday 7th May - Fifth Year Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm Friday 9th May - Lower Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm Friday 23rd May - Upper Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm
We have two important farewells to make. Mr Putt is retiring after nearly thirty eight years, most recently as our Deputy Head (Registrar). He has been outstanding in this role and we wish him a well-deserved break from managing our pupil admissions. His successor, Mr Waymark, is currently the Assistant Head of Farnborough Hill School. Miss Peachment is leaving KES to try her hand at redeveloping a house in Cornwall – we wish her well after the excellent work she has done for our girls’ sport over two decades.
Thursday 12th June - Lower Sixth Return to lessons Life with a Teenager Evening for Parents 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th May, 2014 This is intended to be an evening where parents have the opportunity to attend two from a selection of six workshops surrounding issues commonly met by parents with teenagers.
I wish you a good break over Easter and hope to see a number of you at various events in the summer including various arts events in June and Sports Day with, we all hope, some sunshine!
Please click here for more information about the workshops on offer and how to indicate, if attending, which sessions you would be interested in joining.
AJ Thould Head
Tuesday 6th May is Monday’s timetable 1
First Year Parent/Pupil Tennis Tournament
Please click here to access information about the University Open Day visits available for members of the current Lower Sixth.
The 16th Annual Tennis Tournament will be held at School on Sunday 22nd June 9.30am until 12.30pm and is open to any family in the First Year.
Students need to see Miss Jordan in the Student Guidance Office to confirm their attendance for all University visits, as places booked without consultation may needlessly prevent others from attending.
The tournament will take the form of a knock-out competition with a plate competition for first-round losers. Refreshments will be available during the morning and lunch will be served at approximately 1.00pm.
Students will also need to register online with each university for individual lectures.
If you are interested in taking part in this fun event, please email Miss Campbell on by 16th May, with your child’s name, tutor group and indicating who will be partnering them.
We are currently recruiting for a Registrar’s PA and an Administrator/Receptionist If you are interested in either of these posts, please click here for further details.
We would remind parents considering moving their son or daughter to another school or college that a term’s notice, in writing to the Registrar, is required under the terms of the parent contract if fees in lieu of notice are to be avoided.
First Year Modern Language Choices This year, First Year pupils have been studying one modern language, however, from the second year they will have the opportunity to study a second. Information about languages on offer will be sent out after the Easter break along with a preference form.
Tout ce qui est français 2014! Normandy Second Year Visit 3rd to 6th July Information Evening 7.00pm on 14th May in the Dobson Theatre
Student Guidance The School is pleased to welcome Mr Steve Collins as interim Student Guidance Co-ordinator, covering for Mrs Mandley while she is on medical leave of absence.
He is a qualified Careers Adviser, with experience of the higher education sector and has been employed by the universities of London, Bath, Kingston and Middlesex.
GCSE and IGCSE examinations start on 8th May and AS examinations begin on 12th May which gives students a very short time before they begin and this highlights the need for careful preparation over the Easter break. As the examination season approaches it is worth noting that internal examinations take place for the First to Fourth Years during the period 12th – 18th June.
If your or son or daughter would like to book a careers interview with Mr Collins please ask him or her to call into the Student Guidance Office.
All pupils will be given guidance on revision and in the Lower School pupils will be given a Revision Guide to help them develop their own individual skills in study and revision.
Temporary Bus Passes Pupils wishing to obtain a temporary bus pass to enable them to travel on a different route must arrange this through the Main Office, giving at least 48 hours notice.
An organised approach towards revision can reap rewards and students will be advised that they should be trying to spend some time revising during the summer half term break, so it would be worth bearing this in mind when organising holidays around this period.
Temporary passes will only be available on buses where there is spare capacity. 2
KES PTA Lecture - Friday 9th May, 2014 “The Stormy Blast”
Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting Tuesday 6th May 1.00pm to 2.00pm in the Hospitality Suite All parents are welcome to attend
Peter Jones, a former member of staff at King Edward VI School will be presenting the next KES PTA Lecture on 9th May 2014. The subject of his talk will focus on five members of the KES community who died on the Western Front. His recently published book “The Stormy Blast” forms the title of what we are sure will be a fascinating and enlightening evening.
Fourth Year Career Induction In the Summer Term all Fourth Year Tutor Groups will be given the opportunity to visit the Guidance Centre, during Group Base, for a brief introduction to the careers resources available within the School.
Tickets: £8 per head to include refreshments on arrival. Students FREE – donations please.
Tickets can be bought in advance via KESpay or by cheque made payable to KES PTA and sent to KES clearly marked “KES PTA Lecture”.
Having had a couple of reported cases in recent weeks we would be grateful if you would check your child’s hair regularly for head lice. Click this useful NHS link for information and advice or please do not hesitate to contact one of the nursing team here at school on 023 80 799213.
All proceeds from the evening will be donated to the speaker’s chosen charity, “Goedgedacht Paths out of Poverty”. Venue: Dobson Theatre Time: 7.30pm for prompt 8.00pm start.
OBNO Shop (Outgrown But Not Outworn) The OBNO Shop (next to the School Shop) has a great deal of excellent quality second-hand uniform and sports equipment for sale including a good selection of cricket gear.
For more details please contact Lorraine Morgan at As ever, there are one or two students who could do with a haircut and please note that pupils will be expected to return in normal school uniform next term. When the weather is sufficiently warm we will inform the School of the introduction of summer dress.
Opening Hours: Wed 1.00-2.00pm For more information contact Sophie Liardet by email
This summer there is an exciting change to Activities Day. The new event has been renamed Endeavour and will last two days, the 3rd and 4th of July. Each year group will have a different focus: the First Years will be camping in the New Forest to develop their independence, the Second Years will be building their confidence through a range of activities, the Third Years will be participating in a Dragons Den style challenge to promote collaboration, the Fourth Year will make a contribution by working in the local community and the Lower Sixth will be preparing for their future with a range of opportunities, including assisting with some of the activities for the younger students. Alongside these activities the Battlefields, Normandy trip and the Geography field trip to Osmington Bay are continuing to run to offer excellent residential opportunities. More information on Endeavour can be found on the school website here. Parents are reminded that no breakfast or lunch will be available on either 3rd or 4th July even if the activities are on the school site. 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tues 22nd April Wed 30th April Thurs 1st May Fri 2nd May Mon 5th May Wed 7th May Thurs 8th May Fri 9th May Sat 10th May Mon 12th May Thurs15th May Tues 20th May Thurs 22nd May Fri 23rd May Thurs 29th May
INSET Day: School closed Please note: A more comprehensive House Ready Steady Cook House Chess calendar, which is updated and reviewed Second Year Camp: Dartmoor: returns 5th May regularly, BANK HOLIDAY is available on our Life with a Teenager Evening for Parents website at Fifth Year IGCSE and GCSE Examinations begin until Wed 18th June http:// Fourth Year GCSE Performance: Extracts from Confusions by Alan Ayckbourne calendar Junior House BSGA Rhythmic Gymnastics National Competition Fourth Year GCSE RS Examination Second Year History trip: Arundel Castle 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 Third Year Theatre Studies Showcase Second Year History trip: Arundel Castle 2/4, 2/5, 2/6 Third Year Music Concert First and Second Year Spanish trip to Catalonia departs: returns 27th May Break up for half term Second Year Camp: Dartmoor: returns 1st June
Higher Education Matters
Mindfulness Training
Seminars for students who will be facing extra vocational tests for university (Law, Medicine, etc.), commence Thursday 24th April. Lower Sixth students should check to see which meetings are appropriate for them to attend.
Annie Davison, our School Counsellor, has recently qualified as a Mindfulness Teacher for Teens. Mindfulness is training in concentration and selfawareness which can help young people respond better to the demands of performing well at school and with interactions with their peer group and family. Students who have participated in this training have said it has helped them, not only with stress, anxiety and relationships but also with concentration and sleep problems. In the Summer Term, Annie will be running a Mindfulness Course, which will be open to students of all age groups.
18th June is designated as UCAS Day for the School, and all members of the Lower Sixth MUST be present to receive training in the electronic application procedure. Upper and Lower Sixth students will receive their public examination results on Thursday 14th August and our usual “face to face� advice service (known as the Post Examination Clinic) is available on the Thursday and again on Friday 15th in order to help students make appropriate decisions based upon exam marks and grades. Details of times will be posted on the school web site and will, in addition, be sent to Upper Sixth students within the usual Post A Level Advice Booklet in July.
You can find more about it by clicking here to access details from the School website. The sessions will take place on a Thursday lunchtime for nine weeks and there will be a limited number of places available. More information about the specific course can be found at
Please be aware that due to this commitment, e-mail cannot be given priority. Students have been advised to attend the clinic at the published times if they would like to discuss their post qualification position.
If you, as parents, are interested in learning more about Mindfulness, then please contact Annie on SAVE THE DATE!
HPV Vaccination Programme
The Himalaya Expedition Team is hosting a Bollywood fundraising event on Saturday 18th October, 2014.
The last of the HPV vaccinations for Second Year girls for this school year will take place on the first day back after the Easter holidays starting at 9.45am.
The evening will include a delicious three course meal and dancing to an authentic live band. There will also be a Bollywood performance and a short workshop by the dancers. Look out for more information soon!
Girls need to check the medical room door for timings. 4