Bulletin Feb 2012

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King Edward VI School

February Bulletin 9th February, 2012


he first half of term concluded with an outstanding sell-out production of Alan Bennett‟s “The History Boys”. This, as well as a combination of various school trips and activities, mid-sessional examinations and A level modules has understandably left some very tired children and staff in need of a break. Congratulations go to the 13 students who have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge.

Anvil Concert Hall, Basingstoke at 7.30pm on 14th March, 2012

We have had a good term on the sports field in spite of the frustration of some weather based cancellations. A particular achievement is that of the U16 netball team who have won a place at the National Finals.

To celebrate the Cultural Olympiad KES musicians will be staging a sparkling Gala Concert at the Anvil. The concert will feature the Symphony Orchestra, Second Orchestra, Big Band and Choirs and we will be joined by our musician-in-residence, Matthew Barley, and guest choirs from Prince‟s Mead, Sherborne House, Springhill RC Primary, Stroud and Twyford schools. Tickets, priced £6, are on sale now from the Anvil Box Office at box.office@anvilarts.org.uk or by clicking here or Tel: 01256 844244.

Preparations are also well underway for our Olympic celebrations, beginning with the spring concert taking place at the cultural Olympic venue at the Anvil in Basingstoke – tickets are selling very fast! Our major project for the summer will be a significant extension of the music department facilities including a new recital and rehearsal space. Work begins over the Easter holiday and then continues from June. We hope to have the project finished in September.

Tickets are selling fast so to secure a good seat, BOOK NOW!

I wish you a good break over half term and hope to see a number of you at parents‟ evenings and other events in March.

KESSOC Lecture - Friday 11th May We are delighted to announce that we will be welcoming Geoff Holt MBE, „Inspirational Yachtsman‟ as our guest speaker.

AJ Thould Head Master

Tickets £5 to include a glass of wine University Open Days Click here for more information. The University Open Day programme for 2012 is now available and is accessible with related information on the website or by clicking here. If parents wish to join us, please make payments through KESpay and ask your son/daughter to let Miss Jordan know how many seats to reserve.

GCE Advanced Level Unit Results : January 2012 A Level Results from the January 2012 examination series will be available to Upper Sixth pupils in the Sixth Form Study Centre from 8.30am on Thursday 8th March. 1

SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Summer Term is: Wednesday 14th March It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present Parents of Fifth, Lower and Upper Sixth pupils should refer to a recent email regarding reduction in lunch charges due to leave of absence

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged

CHANGES TO PE & GAMES KIT From September 2012, boys will use navy shorts and girls will use navy skorts for PE.

Life with a Teenager Evening Tuesday 8th May

White shorts/skorts will no longer be required.

This evening is for parents to find useful ways to support their teenage children. Parents will be able to choose two sessions from a list of workshops to share ideas and discuss useful strategies with the workshop leaders.

It is recommended that boys have two pairs of navy shorts due to the muddy nature of rugby. First Aid Club Any pupil interested in joining the First Aid Club will need to collect a letter from the Medical Room from 20th Feb. This is a 10 week course due to start on 5th March. The cost of the course is £20. Places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.

Sessions will be 40 minutes long and there will be a refreshment break between sessions to allow discussion. More details in the next Bulletin. Southampton University & Wessex Sixth Form Philosophy Conference - 19th March

Leave of Absence - Summer Term 2012

This will be the third A2 Philosophy Conference that KES has organised, this time hosted at the University‟s Avenue Campus. Sixth Form Philosophers from all over the region are due to attend and hear presentations from leading authorities in key areas of Philosophy connected to their A2 studies.

FOURTH YEAR No lessons on Tuesday 15th May (Week B) Morning: Study Leave: Afternoon: GCSE Religious Studies FIFTH YEAR Leave of Absence begins on Wednesday 9th May at 4.00pm LOWER SIXTH Leave of Absence begins on Friday 11th May at 4.00pm Return to lessons on Monday 11th June Return of AS text books period 3 on 11th June

Fifth Year Book Collection: Thursday 31st May at 8.40am Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Thursday 28th June at 8.40am

UPPER SIXTH Leave of Absence begins on Friday 1st June at 4.00pm

All Fifth Year and Upper Sixth pupils are required to attend on these days 2

Upper Sixth Starting University in September 2012 - Finance Information

SKI 2013 The second payment of £250 should have been paid by Friday 10th February. If you have not yet made this payment please could you do so at your earliest convenience. Payments can be made via KESPay or by cheque payable to "King Edward VI School" and marked with Ski 2013. Any queries regarding payment should be made to the Accounts Office.

If your son/daughter is hoping to start a full-time course at university or college in 2012/13 he/she should apply online from today for student finance. Applications should be made as soon as possible to make sure the money is in place at the start of the university course.

KES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Executive Assistant to the Head

Students don’t have to have a confirmed place – they should use their first choice and change it online at a later date if necessary. The deadline for completed applications is 31st May 2012.

Mrs Kennard is retiring and the Head is seeking her replacement. Details can be found by clicking here.

Please be aware that the School does not have any input into this particular aspect of Higher Education. Any queries need to be dealt with directly by going to: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/EducationAndLearning/ UniversityAndHigherEducation/StudentFinance/index.htm

Tout ce qui est français 2012! Le Havre Exchange Home leg: Friday 23rd to Monday 26th March Away leg: Friday 13th to Monday 16th April Information Evening 7pm on 1st March in the Hospitality Suite

Morrisby Feedback Interviews

Feedback interviews following the recent Fourth Year Morrisby Test will take place between 19th and 30th March. Parents are welcome to attend these interviews and there are a limited number of early morning slots (0810 – 0850) available. If you are interested in being allocated an early morning interview please notify the Head of Careers, Mrs Mandley (cjm@kes.hants.sch.uk); these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Paris in the Spring Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th April Information Evening 7.30pm on 13th March in the Dobson Theatre Final payment is due by 26th February Angers Sixth Form Exchange The French group will arrive on Friday 2nd March and will depart Friday 9th March

Remaining interviews will take place during the normal School day and notification of individual times will be sent out in due course.

Normandy Second Year Visit 5th – 8th July Information Evening 7.30pm on 23rd May in the Dobson Theatre Final payment is due by 22nd March

GCE Advanced Level Unit Resits Form: June 2012

Service of Thanksgiving

Forms to request GCE unit resits are available from the Examinations Office, or they can be downloaded from the School website. Upper Sixth candidates should complete the forms as soon as possible after results day and ensure they are returned to Mr Courtney by 10am on Tuesday 13th March. This is a final deadline for all re-sit forms to ensure entry into the summer examinations.

On Wednesday 21st March we will be holding our annual Service of Thanksgiving in the School Hall. This is our formal opportunity to thank God for our life together and to reflect on all the many blessings we enjoy at King Edward’s, not least because of the vision and generosity of those who founded and endowed the School over many generations.

Southampton University A level MFL Conference

We are reminded of the example of those who have gone before, serving the nation and, indeed, the world, shaped by their learning and the example of Jesus. Within the service the School community, both corporately and as individuals, rededicates itself to a life of serving others, using the gifts and opportunities we have.

This year KES will be hosting this conference on 22nd March. We will be welcoming A level students from all over the South for university seminars in French, German and Spanish.

Staff and Parents Prayer Meeting Tuesday 20th March 1pm to 2pm Commemoration Room All parents are welcome to attend

We are delighted to welcome as our speaker Mr Chris Mould, Director of the Trussell Trust, a charity we support. The Trust works to empower local communities to combat poverty and exclusion both in the UK and Bulgaria. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 10th Feb 13th to 17th Feb Fri 17th Feb Tues 21st Feb Thurs 23rd Feb Tues 28th Feb

Friday 2nd March Mon 5th March Tues 6th March Thurs 8th March Wed 14th March Thurs 15th March

Sat 17th March Tues 20th March Wed 21st March Fri 23rd March Sat 24th March Wed 28th March Thurs 29th March Fri 30th March Sat 31st March

INSET Day Please note: Half Term A more comprehensive Third Year Charlotte Exchange party arrives: departs 28th Feb calendar, which is Higher Education Evening for Lower Sixth parents updated and reviewed Sixth Form Spanish Theatre trip regularly, Information Evening for First Years 2012 is available on our website at Sixth Form Sports Science trip: Bath University http:// Sixth Form trip: Houses of Parliament www.kes.hants.sch.uk/ Third Year Parents‟ Evening welcome/parents Classics Lecture: Rhiannon Ash from Oxford University Andalucia Information Evening South Africa Information Evening Historical Society Lecture: Dr Adrian Smith from Southampton University Second Year Parents‟ Evening Gala Concert: The Anvil, Basingstoke AS and A2 Theatre Studies Preview Evening Third and Fourth Year Classics trip: British Museum Portsmouth Higher Education Fair Sixth Form Economics/Business Studies Conference: Portsmouth Third Year Mutterstadt Exchange Information Evening Click Glamour Fashion Show Upper Sixth Particle Physics Masterclass: Southampton University Service of Thanksgiving Non Uniform Day Lower Sixth Geography Field Course to South Wales: returns 28th March Sixth Form Classics Texts Day: Reading University Second Year Science trip: Science Museum Third Year Theatre Studies Evening (Mr Jones‟ groups) Third & Fourth Year Spanish trip: Andalucia: returns 3rd April Ski trip departs: returns 7th April

Watersports 2012


A space has become available on this exciting trip to Lac Biscarosse, near Bordeaux at the end of August. The trip is open to Second, Third & Fourth Year pupils. If your son/daughter is interested in this action -packed trip, please click here for more information and contact Dr Gamblin on sdg@kes.hants.sch.uk

This is a special part of life in the Lower School. It consists of a series of sporting events for Second and Third Year pupils, that take place after school on a Friday afternoon throughout the year. It aims to foster a spirit of friendly competitiveness amongst the pupils, as each House takes on the other five in a variety of different sports.

German A Level Study Weekend Sixth Form German students will be visiting Lovaton for a languages study weekend from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th March. Students will take part in a revision weekend in readiness for their AS or A2 examinations in May and enjoy a fun weekend with their peers whilst improving their language skills!

In the Autumn Term, the boys play rugby and the girls play hockey. In the Spring, it is the boys' turn to play hockey, while the girls play netball. Summer Term brings Sports Day heats after school and a mixed rounders competition during lunchtimes. Most events have an A and a B Team to cater for different levels of experience and ability.

Classical Society Academic Weekend Friday 24th to Sunday 26th February Society members will be visiting Dartmoor, England‟s last great wilderness. Whilst based at Lovaton, we shall tour various sites around the Moor associated with the famous novel “The Hound of the Baskervilles”. We will leave School at 2pm on 24th and return at 5pm on 26th. For further information, please contact Mr Giles on ceg@kes.hants.sch.uk

All Lower School pupils are expected to participate in Junior House and the evenings are also well attended by older pupils, who come along to support. Parents are also welcome to attend these events and watch their children in action. Next dates will be: 24th Feb, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd March 4

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