Bulletin february 2018

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King Edward VI School

February Bulletin 9 February, 2018


lthough rather wet we have had relatively few disruptions of fixtures as a result of poor weather. Both hockey and netball have seen impressive numbers involved with a number of successes against a very good level of competition.

Summer Term Leave of absence Friday 4 May - Fifth Year Leave of Absence begins at 4:00pm Friday 25 May - Upper Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4:00pm

The first half of term concluded with an excellent Sixth Form play, “And Then There Were None” directed by Sixth Form student Ameena Hamid and a very successful Battle of the Bands concert raising nearly £2000 for Summer Camp. We have had dozens of school trips, activities and charity events as well as the Upper Sixth and Fifth Year mock examinations and many of our students are in need of the break that half term provides.

Fifth Year Book Collection: Friday 15 June at 10:30am


Work is proceeding well with the Dining Hall extension project. Work begins in earnest in April and we are aiming to have it completed in time for the start of the autumn term. Proposed designs for the new Dining Hall may be found here.

The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements for the Summer Term is:

Congratulations go to the 12 students who have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge along with the many others who have received good news from other very competitive universities. As ever, there are some disappointments but almost all students who have applied this year for university have a realistic target to aim for over the coming months. Many of our students and their parents welcomed the new Higher Education Fair we held at the end of January which is something we plan to replicate next year.

It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.

4pm Friday 9 March

No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present. Parents of Fifth Year and Upper Sixth pupils should refer to the email they have received informing them of the reduction in lunch charges due to leave of absence for examinations.

We are making plans to manage any traffic delays following the very recently announced resurfacing of Bassett Avenue. This is likely to cause some short term problems after half term for those coming to school on some of our bus routes. We will keep you informed when we have further information from Southampton City Council.

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will have their request acknowledged

PUPILS LEAVING THE SCHOOL For all pupils, other than those in the Upper Sixth, who intend to leave KES at the end of this academic year, a reminder to parents that written notice must be received in all cases by the Registrar or the Head before the end of the spring term.

I wish you and your children a good break over half term and hope to see a number of you at Parents’ Evenings and other events in February and March. AJ Thould Head Master

Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Wednesday 27 June at 8.40am

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Registrar on 02380 799216.


Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting Tuesday 13 March 2018 1.00pm - 2.00pm in the Commemoration Room LOWER SIXTH INFORMATION University Open Days - Please could students see KJ in the HE & Careers Centre to confirm their attendance on our university visits. Students will also need to register online with each university for individual lectures. There are currently places available on all our Open Day visits, but places do fill up quickly so please ‘book’ your space by paying on KESpay as soon as possible. Lower Sixth Parents’ Higher Education Evening on Tuesday 20 March at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre. This information evening is designed to help Lower Sixth parents understand current procedures for applications to universities, and in particular how we at KES prepare our students. We will be joined by an Admissions Tutor who will talk about the process from a university point of view. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions about our Higher Education Programme. We do hope you will be able to attend and we look forward to seeing you there.

Second Year Camp 2018 There are only a few places left for the Second Year Camp taking place from 4 -7 May. Parents who wish to book their child a place on this trip can do so by completing the survey here. Places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Further information about the Second Year Camps can be viewed here. King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED on both the School site & Wellington Sports Ground Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs

Non-School Uniform Day

23 February, 2018 This animal-themed non-school uniform day is to raise awareness and money to fight the impact of climate change and pollution on our animals and our planet.

JUNIOR HOUSE SPRING DATES 23 February, 2 and 9 March 4.10pm - 5.15pm 2

Click here to book your place.

SPORT NEWS Parents are reminded that all pupils are expected to be available for Saturday sports fixtures and are urged to take this into consideration when planning weekends. Sports fixtures are available on the website at least half a term in advance. Where this is not possible, an email from a parent to the relevant member of staff asking permission for a student to be excused must be received by the end of the Wednesday preceding the fixture. Instances that arise where this has not happened or a pupil does not attend a fixture, will be followed up by the Director of Sport or the Assistant Head (Co-Curriculum).

There will be a cricket sale on Thursday 22 March when a wide range of kit from https://www.cricket-hockey.com/ will be on sale in the Atrium at lunchtime and after school. This will enable kit to be purchased ahead of both the club and school cricket seasons. If students or parents wish to purchase specific items from the website, please email the supplier to bring to the sale. There are many talented sportsmen and women at KES and Mr Kent is very keen to keep an up to date record of students’ sporting achievements. Please email him on dk@kes.hants.sch.uk to let him know of any notable sporting performances by KES students outside the school.

Cricket and rounders fixtures are now available here to assist with the planning of weekend activities.

3 March, 2018  7.00pm for 7.30pm - 11.30pm Three course meal, music, dancing and the famous KES auction The South Africa team will be hosting the ball in support of the Goedgedacht Trust

Tickets £30 via KESpay 3

Black Tie


Sunday 11 Feb 12 to 16 Feb Tuesday 20 Feb Thursday 22 Feb Friday 23 Feb Monday 26 Feb Tuesday 27 Feb Tuesday 6 March Wed 14 March Monday 19 March Tuesday 20 March Friday 23 March Thursday 29 March Saturday 31 March Tuesday 3 April Friday 13 April Sunday 15 April Tuesday 17 April Monday 23 April Tuesday 24 April

Sixth Form trip to Salamanca Third & Fourth Year trip to Milan Third Year trip to Space Camp Upper School & Sixth Form Netball Tour to Jamaica Fifth Year trip to Poland Half term Internet Safety Talk for Parents Information Evening for Prospective First Year Non-Uniform Day Chamber Choir Concert Jazz Concert Third Year Parents’ Evening Second Year Parents’ Evening Senior Spring Concert INSET Day - School closed Lower Sixth Parents’ Higher Education Evening Summer Camp Triathlon KES PTA Quiz Term ends Third & Fourth Year Spanish trip to Andalucia Ski trip to France Fifth & Sixth Form Creative Arts trip to Vienna Third & Fourth Year Mutterstadt Exchange Sixth Form French trip to Montpellier U13 Cricket Pre-Season Training Camp to Menorca Upper School and Upper Sixth trip to London INSET Day - School closed Summer term begins

Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at https:// intranet.kes.hants.sch.uk/welcome/ MORRISBY TESTING Many of you will be aware that HMC Schools frequently offer Morrisby Testing to students in their pre-GCSE years. King Edward’s offers the test to all Fourth Year pupils. The test is intended to provide detailed profiles of your child’s aptitudes, learning styles and problem solving abilities and provide useful information for detailed careers guidance. The test is booked for the morning of Wednesday 28 March, 2018. A feedback interview, that parents are also welcome to attend, will be provided at the start of the summer term. Please contact Mrs Mandley on cjm@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information.

The Diversity Society will be hosting a KES Pride: Celebrating Everyone event on Friday 16 March, with awareness raising stalls and events throughout the day. Important changes to the routine immunisation programme Following an update published in the December bulletin regarding the TdIVP and Men ACWY booster for Third and Fourth Year pupils, there have now been significant changes made to the delivery of these vaccines. From January 2018, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust has been contracted to provide the above vaccines to all Third Year pupils therefore GP’s will no longer be required to invite pupils in this year group for their adolescent immunisations. GP’s should however still invite Fourth Year pupils. More information will be provided during a Third Year assembly on Thursday 22 February 2018 and pupils will be provided with letters and consent forms to bring home. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the School Nurses at schoolnurse@kes.hants.sch.uk KES Library – Spring 2018 Book Sale

Mindfulness Course for Parents

We are pleased to announce our forthcoming Library Book Sale offering a variety of withdrawn stock at bargain prices!

We are delighted to advise you that we have arranged for the School Counsellor, Annie Davison to run an 8week Mindfulness Course for KES Parents in the summer term. This course will start on Monday 30 April, 2018, 7pm - 8.30pm.

Wed 28 February 10.50am – 5.00pm Thurs 1 March 8.15am – 5.00pm Friday 2 March 8.15am – 5.00pm Books from 20p, Magazines from 10p

The practice of mindfulness has been found to promote health and wellbeing, improve mood and energy levels and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness does not conflict with any beliefs or traditions.

Please make sure you bring your money with you as we are unable to reserve items.

To apply for the course please contact Annie on ad@kes.hants.sch.uk

We look forward to seeing you. 4

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