King Edward VI School
End of Term Bulletin 13th July, 2012
his has been a particularly busy final stage of term. The compression effect of the Royal Jubilee has meant that six weeks have been squeezed into five. The weather has added to pressures but Sports Day survived by the skin of its teeth and was much enjoyed by all and the Olympic Celebration activities day was also damper than hoped but was nevertheless a great success.
In addition, there were trips to Normandy, the battlefields of the First World War, English literature at Lovaton, field work for geographers and biologists, sports opportunities and the swimming gala. We are also preparing for trips over the summer holiday to Prague, South Africa, Mexico and France as well as our regular visits to Lovaton with St Mark's Primary school and to Swanage for our summer camp for local young carers, and Duke of Edinburgh expeditions to complete the season. We have also spent much of the second half of term building on our relationships with Stroud School. We have spoken and listened to the staff, parents and pupils, visited the school on numerous occasions and enjoyed a wonderful production there of 'Oliver' as well as their sports day and biennial ball. We have made it clear that there will be no significant change over the next twelve months at the preparatory school and there will be no change to entry requirements at the senior school.
Staffing We have a number of staff leaving King Edward’s this term. My Executive Assistant, Mrs Kennard, is also retiring at the end of August. We also say farewell to Mr J Allen, Mr Bulmer, Mr Cherry, Mr Eades and Miss Mackintosh and we wish them well for the future. We will be welcoming 15 new members of staff at the start of next term. They are Mr Aellen (Head of Biology), Mrs Barnes-Wardlaw and Miss Hewitt (Biology); Mrs Sheridan (D&T); Mrs Gunton and Miss Stenning (English); Mrs Ball, Mr Hardwick and Mr Powell (Mathematics); Mr Brown and Mrs Hooton (Geography); Mr Filtness (History); Mr Peel (Hockey and Cricket); Mrs Searles (Head of Religious Studies) and Mr Dopart (Modern Languages).
We say goodbye to a number of long serving staff. We wish Dr Hoskins, Mr Kelly, Mrs Lovegrove, Mrs Mayes, Mrs King and Mr Price well as they retire with 119 years served at King Edward's between them. With best wishes for a rather warmer and drier summer holiday! AJ Thould, Head Master
Friday 21st September, 2012 at The Mayflower Theatre starting at 2.30pm
We welcome back Mrs Burrows, Mrs Burt and Mrs Sheppard following their adoption and maternity leave and wish Mr Kay well in his year away from school competing in the world’s most northern dog race. Click here for news of Mr Kay’s progress.
EXAMINATION RESULTS GCE (A and AS) results will be published on
The Chief Guest will be Debra Searle MBE
Thursday 16th August GCSE results will be published on
Thursday 23rd August
All parents are welcome - click here for invitation to parents and more information
Please see the Examination page on the website for post results help and information 1
PRE SEASON GIRLS’ HOCKEY COACHING & TRAINING Information and dates can be found by clicking either Pre Season Hockey Coaching for all girls (Second, Third or Fourth Year from September) or Senior Girls’ Pre Season Hockey Training (Fifth & Sixth Form from September)
SENIOR PUPILS We are most grateful to Aidan Stringfellow for his leadership as Head of School over the last year, ably supported by his deputies Jenny Swinn, Simon McCormick-Cox and Anna Clark. School duties are also carried out by our Prepositors and Heads of House together with the Lower School Prefects. They have all worked very effectively with a varied range of responsibilities and opportunities to develop their team work and leadership skills.
Next term’s school play will be the rumbustious and bawdy restoration comedy The Recruiting Officer by George Farquhar. The play will be performed by members of the Upper School and Sixth Form on December 5th, 6th and 7th in the Dobson Theatre. Tickets will be on sale in November.
The new Head of School is Nikhil Ohri, with Natalie Fairhurst, Nicholas Brown as deputies and Samuel Fox as Senior Prepositor.
(formerly Kestravaganza) Would you like the chance to win a little extra cash and help KESSOC?
First Aid Club
KesLotto is the Society’s monthly lottery and offers the chance to win cash prizes. Each month there is a prize draw and a percentage of the money raised is returned in winnings. The balance goes to Kessoc. If you would like to participate it costs £10 for 10 entries (1 ball per month for 10 monthly draws, £20 for 2 balls per month, etc.)
Following a very successful year, the First Aid Club will be running again in September. The course is designed to give the necessary first aid training to cope with situations the pupils may face in everyday life. During the course topics covered include common illnesses, bleeding and shock, burns and scalds, choking, communication and casualty care, coping in an emergency, recovery position and resuscitation.
For further details please email Jill at or click here to purchase on KesPay.
At the end of the ten week course (1hr each Monday after school), the students are assessed and if they are successful receive a nationally recognised First Aid qualification (British Red Cross).
Deadline for entry into the draw is 30th November 2012.
The course is open to second year pupils and above and will commence on Monday 17th September.
If your child is interested, please click here to access a letter from the website or alternatively, one can be collected from the Medical Room.
Monday 3rd September - INSET Day Tuesday 4th September NEW PUPILS First Year Second & Third Year Fourth Year Lower Sixth
8.40am to 3.55pm 8.50am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm 8.30am to 3.55pm
SIXTH FORM INFORMATION EVENING Wednesday 24th October This evening is an opportunity for external and existing Fifth Year pupils and parents to access information about examinations offered by the School and to start thinking seriously about their Sixth Form choices.
ALL OTHER PUPILS Second & Third Year 1.45pm to 3.55pm Fourth & Fifth Year 1.45pm to 3.55pm Lower Sixth 8.55am to 3.55pm Upper Sixth 9.00am to after 12.30pm (Prepositors and First Year/Lower School Prefects will be needed during the afternoon)
After short presentations by the Head Master and the Director of Sixth Form there will be opportunities to talk to staff and students about specific subjects and broader issues.
Wednesday 5th September Normal school times apply. 2
University Applications and Higher Education Please find below the links to recent communications regarding applications to universities. The Leavers’ booklet is an essential guide through the process of receiving results and making applications for 2013 entry. Please click here to access the booklet on our website. Parents of Lower Sixth students are brought up-to-date through a letter outlining the process so far and the relevant dates and deadlines for next term. Please click here to access from the website. Advice during the summer vacation will be available through the face-to face post examination clinics held in the Student Guidance Centre as outlined below: 16th Aug
9.30 - 12.30 & 14.00 - 15.30
Post examination guidance. Students currently holding university offers will be given priority. Staff: RMG, NDC, RJLW, CJM & KJ
17th Aug
9.30 - 12.30 & 14.00 - 15.30
All students welcome
20th Aug
9.30 - 12.30
Post A/S, PQA and Oxbridge Staff: RMG & NDC
Charities Commission
We would like to thank all parents for all their continued support with charity events over the past year. Don’t forget the Romania Shoe Box Appeal starts on 24th September with a deadline of 24th October
To access information and dates regarding the Senior Rugby training (current Fourth and Fifth Year pupils) please click here
Eating Disorders Talk for Parents 7pm on Thursday 11th October in the Dobson Theatre
Visit KESSOC at
This will be delivered by Micki Bennett and Jess Griffiths of I*EAT which is a non profit organisation that seeks to address issues around eating disorders. They believe in full recovery – getting to a place where food no longer controls a person’s life. I*EAT support sufferers and carers, provide training about eating disorders and work with schools about self esteem, body image, healthy eating and eating disorders. Sessions provide an insight into media influence and the dangers of extreme dieting. For more information please email Dr Dean on
The KESSOC website has been updated and we now invite parents to refer to the website for information on what the Society does and all forthcoming events. We are pleased to announce that it will now be possible to pay for KESSOC events via KesPay. For a copy of the KESSOC leaflet please click here For further details about KESSOC please visit the website or email
Heads of Year for 2012/13 Director of Sixth Form: Mr Jones Head of Upper Sixth: Mrs Evans Head of Lower Sixth: Mr Havers Director of Student Guidance: Ms Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Guidance: Mr Culver
Head of Upper School & Fifth Year: Mr Sheppard Head of Fourth Year: Mrs Burrows Assistant Head of Year: Miss Campbell
Sixth Form Scholarships and Studentships Please click Scholarships/Studentships for information and procedure for applying. The deadline for applications is the end of September 2012
Head of Lower School & Second Year: Mrs Sheppard Head of Third Year: Mr Gilbert Assistant Head of Third Year: Mrs Millar Head of First Year: Mrs Henderson 3
Monday 3 Sept Tuesday 4th Sept Thursday 20th Sept Friday 21st Sept Thursday 27th Sept Wednesday 24th Oct Thursday 25th Oct Friday 26th Oct Monday 5th Nov
INSET Day Autumn Term starts - Week A Upper Sixth Parents’ Evening Speech Day at Mayflower Theatre New Pupils’ & Parents’ Evening Sixth Form Information Evening INSET Day Half Term
For comprehensive and regularly updated calendar click here
As ever we are keen to ensure that all students look well turned out and, to this end, we value your support to ensure that your children have the appropriate hair length, shoes and uniform when they return in September.
Medical Matters: Since we introduced the Homely Remedies Policy in September 2011, we have had a fantastic response from parents returning the Homely Remedies Consent Form. However, there are still forms outstanding. From September 2012, without this form we will no longer be able to administer Homely Remedies (i.e. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen) without contacting parents on each occasion medication may be required. If you have not done so already, please return this form as soon as possible to the School Nurses. Click here to access the form or alternatively pupils can collect a form from the Medical Room.
First to Fourth Year reports will be posted and available on the Parent Portal on Wednesday 18th July. Pupil and student timetables will be made available for viewing via the Parent Portal as follows: Monday 20th August Upper Sixth Friday 24th August Lower Sixth rd Monday 3 September First to Fifth Year Parents or students who wish to amend their timetabled subjects should e-mail Mr Courtney in advance of the start of term. TERM DATES 2012 - 2014 Autumn Term 2012: Tuesday 4th September – Thursday 20th December (Half-term Friday 26th October – Monday 5th November inc.) INSET Days: Monday 3rd September, Thursday 25th October & Monday 19th November (prov)
Autumn Term 2013: Wednesday 4th September – Friday 20th December (Half-term Friday 25th October – Monday 4th November inc.) INSET Days: Tuesday 3rd September, Thursday 24th October & Monday 18th November (prov)
Spring Term 2013: Monday 7th January – Thursday 28th March (Half-term: Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February) INSET Days: Friday 15th February & Monday 11th March (prov)
Spring Term 2014: Monday 6th January – Friday 28th March (Half-term: Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February) INSET Days: Friday 14 February & Monday 17 March (prov)
Summer Term 2013: Monday 22nd April – Friday 12th July (Bank holiday – Monday 6th May) (Half-term: Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May)
Summer Term 2014: Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 11th July (Bank holiday – Monday 5 May) (Half-term: Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May) 4